about $6O in cash. The fact that his hands 'were tied behind his back shows that he could not have committed suicide. CHESTER COUNTY.—Gleanings from the Record. Ou Saturday night before last, a horse was taken from the stable of Wm. Thompson, near Westchester. and brought back before daylight the next morning, and with him a wagon s the prop erty of somebodyelse. The horse had been used roughly, and in the wagon was a quantity of blood and feathers, showing y plainly for what purpose it had been `used A meeting of persons in favor of o:iounecting the Kent county railroad with e Philadelphia, Wilmington and Bald ore railroad, at Elkton, was held in Elk , ti a few days since, and a committee was 1/pointed to solicit local subscriptions A few nights since a raid was made on the chicken house of J. W. Stackhouse, New Garden township, and 19 pair of hens and 3 turkeys stolen. Three bags of ciOrn were also taken at the same time. Some of the chickens were killed on the place—their heads having been left lying on the ground A. serious disease has broken out among the horses in the town ships of West Brandywine and West Cain. Mrs. Jane Long of West Brandy wine has lost two and at this writing a third is very low. Mr. John Stapleton of W. Caln has lost three and has three very ill. The disease is pronounced by the Veterinary Surgeons of the neighborhood to be deptheria. It commences with a swelling of the throat and the animal ap pears to choke to death A horse belong mg to James Brannan, West Whiteland, was gored to death by a young heifer, also owned by Mr. B. last week On Thurs day night last, the residence of Mr. Joshua Karnes, on Lancaster pike near Downing ton, was visited by burglars. The Journal says they were frightened off by the op portune arrival of Major Karnes in the twelve o'clock train, while they were •operating upon the shutters ; they got oil' before he came within pistol shot reach. ADAMS COUNTY.—The Gettysburg forge has been rebuilt by Messrs. Baker, istel and Tolbert Ex-Governor Mor ton, of Indiana, will deliver the address on the occasion of the dedication of the monument at Gettysburg, on the first of July next George Arnold's dwelling, one mile South of Abbotstown, was des troyed by fire on Saturday the 6th imst The Adams Express office at Gettys burg was broken open by burglars, on Monday night of last week, and nearly all the packages opened and examined,but for tunately they contained little of value to others than their owners. The burglary didn't pay Jesse Kohler, aged 24 years, was found dead hangity , by the neck, in the garret of his father's hotel at Hanover, being a case of suicide. SCHUYLKILL EgOUNTY.---SI. Patrick's day was celebrated with much sprit in various parts of the county Rev. .Tames G. Ashton, the St. Clair Methodist preach er, is about to leave fivanother locality Au attempt was recinitly made to burn the coal breakor belonging to the Thomas Coal Company, at Shenandoah Several collieries, in the vicinity of Ashland, re eumed work last week The revenue of the county, during IS6$, amounted to 8510,978,91, and $147,1111,95 remained in the treasury on January 1, 1419 One - day last week a dispute occurred at a cock fight at Girardville, resulting in the shoot ing of three men, one of whom, Peter Lubey, has since died. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNT Y. --A mad (loci has been committing mischief at Sun bay, by biting a number of other dogs recently The barn of Geo. McCarty of Lower Augusta, was destroyed by tire.... John Tinnes, was fatally crushed in a mine at Luke Fidler Colliery goat 4tum JOB FEINTING. Handbills, Cards, Bill Heads, Programmes, Posters, tic., &c., printed in the best style and at reasonable rates, at the FATHER ABRA HAM Job Printing Office. Orders by mail promptly attended to. ITEMS : Dr. Christian Hershey, formerly residing near Marietta, in this county, was shot and killed by a man named Mori, a Swiss, near the residence of the former, in the vicinity of Muscatine, lowa, on the 9th inst. The murderer was arrested. Mr. John Hershey and a neighbor named Wenger, attended a Mennonite meeting, near Itohrerstown, on Friday last. They both re sided in Salisbury township, and while on their return home in a carriage, at a crossing of the railroad were caught Ity a passing train, the carriage demolished, and Mr. Hershey in stantly killed. His companion, Mr. Wenger, was found sitting on the cow-catcher, after the train had been stopped. The "Washy Boys" have agreed to attend toe dedication of the Washington Monument at Harrisburg, in May next. 4, • B. Harnish and B. J. King,"of this city, have received a patent for an improvement on por table mills and gear. Daniel Wingenroth, has also received one for In improved Manure Drag. Patents have also been issued to J. K. Good, of Pequea township, for Brick Kiln, and to J. Lutz,J. A. Eberly and H. ;Bekcer, of East Cocaico, for Threshing Machine. It is stated that at the funeral of a Mrs. I3reaizer, at Reamstown, this county, recent ly, five of her sisters were present, the young est of whom was over eighty years of age. Adam Doerstler, miller, a well-known citi zen of Manor township, this county, Wei at his residence on Friday last. W. U. Hess, Assistant U. S. Assessor, seiz ed seventeen barrels of contraband whis ky on Tuesday of last week, which he found con cealed in a house in Rapho township, belong ing to Martin °rube. C. R. Kryder, of Litiz, had four fingers of his right hand cut off by a circular saw on Thursday last. _ The School Directors of Lancaster have de cided to remove the boys High School from the building heretofore occupied by it and the girls High School, principally on the ground that it is immoral to educate the sexes in the same building ! What an immense diakirery, and what a high idea of propriety and moral ity have the members of the school board who voted for this libel on the fair fame of the girls and boys who attend our High School ! " Some civet, good apothecary . !" On Sunday evening last, as a party of ladies and gentlemen were returning from a visit to a friend's house, in buggies,one of the vehicles containing two ladies and a gentleman, was upset, near the reservoir, in this city, and 1111811 Eliza Neff was considerably, but not seriously injured. A shed containing hay, belonging to Mr. B. B. Heise, in Columbia, was entirely de stroyed by fire, early on Saturday evening last. Adjoining property was in great danger. Lou about 5300. Jaoob Y. Illsg, a stranger, was arrested in this city on Wednesday, on suspicion that he did not come honestly by a horse and buggy, which he had in his possession. He said he borrowed them at the Schmucker house, in Reading. He was oommitted to prison by Alderman Wiley, for a further hearing on flatard.sy. The Hill rowdies are at their work again, since their acquittal by the court week before last. They attacked Mr. John Hart, on Mon day evening last, because he declined to sub scribe money to help pay the costs. We sup pose people will have to protect themselves. The Methodist Conference recently in ses sion at Philadelphia, have made the follow ing appointments for this county : Lancas ter, Duke et., C. F. Turner ; St. Paul's, E. T. Kenny ; Bainbridge, W. L. McDowell ; Marietta, J. It. F. Grey ; Mount Joy, S. A. Heilner ; Columbia, S. H. C. Smith ; Mount Nebo, Joseph Gregg ; Safe Harbor, J. E. Kessler ; Enterprise, If. B. Manger ; Strasburg, W. S. Pugh. The new organ is now being erected in the Moravian church, in this city. It was built at Reading, and cost $l7OO. John Denuff and J. G. Frituhey, of this city, graduated at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy last week. AMERICAN MEc tissues' ANNIVERSARY ££811: On last Saturday evening the 23rd Anniversary of Conestoga Council, No. 8, 0. U. A. M., was celebrated at Eagle Hall, in this city. The Council and a number of invited guests from Philadelphia, Harrisburg and other localities, met at the new Hall, Inquirer building, and after a brief session, at 9 o'clock, proceeded, with music, to the place bountifully provided with good things for the inner mechanic. All the arrangements were perfect, and reflect much credit upon the committee—Messrs. J. K. Snyder, William T. Wylie, M. M. Glider, John A. Trissler and E. E. Snyder. The supper being duly disposed of, the Council was called to order by the Chairman, J. K. Snyder, who read letters from James M. Galely, V. C., of the National Council, John Kreider, S. C. Treasurer and others, who had been invited to participate. Mr. Snyder announced regular toasts next in order. The first toast—The National Coun cil—was responded to by E. H. Rauch. He referred to some highly important work now under consideration by the National Council, the only power clothed with authority to alter, change or amend Constitution and forms gov erning the Order ; that efforts are being made to accomplish more fully the designs of the Order and carry out its fundamental princi ples yet more successfully. The Order was ho might say, only in its infancy, yet, during the last few years its prosperity was unparal leled in the history of beneficial institutions of its kind. The war, prejudice and hate of its principles, combined in checking, for a while, the growth of the organization, but that a bright future is immediately before us. He referred to the motto of the Order—Honesty, Industry and Sobriety, and felt very happy that the last principle had been so faithfully and consistently adhered to in the prepara tions for the present festival. The second toast—The State Council of Pennsylvania—was responded to by Ex-State Councillor, John Serner, of Harrisburg. Ho gave a short exposition of the objects and prin ciples of the Order, and referred to some of its leading characteristics in a clear and forcible manner. By special request lie concluded with a song—the " Deitsher Gentleman," the effect of which operated as a ;most effective settler of every man's bountiful supper. It was the treat of the evening. The Subordinate Councils of the Order—was responded to by Ex-C. Stewart A. Wylie, who referred to the rapid increase of the Order everywhere ; the gradual disappearance of prejudice and hate. 'With the return of peace came the growth and prosperity which the Order now enjoys. The Order knows no sect, and tolerates no political partisanship within its Councils. When danger threatened the country, there went strong men with willing hearts from our ranks to defend our national ity. With charity, humanity and true benev olence, we are the peers of any other Order in the laud. Our Native Land, her Laws and Liberties— was responded to by Major A. C. Reincehl, in an appropriate and happy manner, quoting the well-known lines from Sir Walter Scott : Breathes there the man, with soul so dead, Who newer to hlmAelf hath said, This is my own, my native land "' He concluded by referring to the glorious part which the American Mechanics took in defense l pf the Laws and Liberties of the Land. The Laboring Man—responded to by Ex-C., M. S. Bower, of Harrisburg, and Old Fredonia, No. 22, by William Dixie, of Philadelphia, by singing the Star Spangled Banner, with very good effect. A number of toasts not on the programme were also responded to, including one by Ex-State Councillor, E. E. Snyder, one of the first and ablest men of which the Order can boast. Conestoga Council, No. 8, the first branch of the Order instituted beyond the litnits of Philadelphia, twenty-three years ago, was formed by eight charter members. Of these, two only are now members of the Order—Geo. W. Reichenbach, yet a member of No. 8, and residing at York, and E. H. Rauch, of this city, and now a member of Reading Council, No. 46. Of these two survivors the latter only enjoyed the pleasure and satisfaction of participating in the festival. EPHRATA. RECONSTRUCTED. - The Re publicans, for the first time in eight years,last Friday, made a clean sweep In Ephrata, for township officers. Our gallant friend, Major W. H. Spars, laid out that noted old Cop, John W. Gross, cold. Good for Ephrata. ezeOUlt NEW OFFICE To substantiate the merit so universally accorded to Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines, and at the same time tejusti fy our claims to the favor of the citizens of Lancaster County, we will present to their attention a few stronefacts : First—Wo assert (undeniably) that THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL awarded at the Paris Exposition for Sowing Machines for family purposes, was awarded to the WHEELER & WILSON after a fair trial be fore competent judges, (appointed by the Em peror Napoleon,) whose duty it was to deal impartially in the performance of their com mission : COMMISSION iIIIPBRIAILB CnAur-DE-MAus, 6th July lB6 ' . S Mr. R. Hunting, leg Regent Street, London. DRAB. SiR I—Replying to your inquiry, I beg leave to state, that the ONLY GOLD KEMAL for the manufacture and perfection of Sewing Machines, was awarded to Messrs. Williston & Witsos, of New York. Yours Respectfully, HENRY F. Q. D , ALIGNY, Reviser of the International Jury and Reporter o/ the same. DEPARTMENT Or STATE, 0 Washington, May, 1888. To Wheeler & of New York. ST BE :—The Department has received one Gold Medal, awarded to your firm for Sewing Ma chines, at the Paris Universal Exposition, of 1867. WM. H. SEWARD, Secretory of Riau. Scoond—We assert to the positive sale of the LARGEST NUMBEE OF SEWING MACHINES for Family Use of any Manufacturing Company in the country (all combined). THE WHEELER & WILSON IS NEC I.UsITY.. LY A FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, and as snob, it has, in defiance of all competition, whether it be manly and honorable, or ungen. tlemanly and ignorantly discourteous, made its way, held ita own; and established the well• merited reputation so universally extended to the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, Nor Is it necessary in introducing the W heeler & Wil• son to the citizens of Lancaster, that we should speak in any way disparagingly of others. We claim to have A FIRST CLASS SEWING MA• CHINE, complete, (with no single extra at• tachments to buy after purchasing,) the beet lu use for family work. In taking into consideration the unequalled popularity of this wonderful machine and its immense sale, it should be remembered that we have derived no benefit whatever from the sale of manufacturing =Waive. Withdraw the heavy machines from the Miles of the different Companies, atiß where do they stand 1 Far be hind the Wheeler & Wilson Co., who make the Family Sewing Machine a speciality. The Company's manufacturing premises at Bridge_ port., Conn., occupy a space of 5 acres, enclosing an entire quadrangle, with a front on the N. Y. &N. IL Railroad side of a quarter eta mile less 15 feet, filled with costly machinery. Capital Employed, over ir2,000,000. Men Employed, Machines, 1 )aily Product, See Number in Use, 400,000. in excess of any other, 120,000 to 200,000. In other words,this Manufactory has added to the industrial world the effective force of 1,700,- 000 seamstresses, and is swelling that immense number by adding 2,000 per day. It has even conquered British prejudice. Charles Dickens himself has made it the sub ject of a timely turned article in "Once a Week," and the London Times, in an exhaustive two column and a half editorial, covering the whole subject of Sewing Machines, awards the highest merits of praise to the WHEELER Si. WILSON, as the one best calculated for household work. IL is on this mission of labor-saving in all parts of the world, London, St. Petersburg, Madrid. Constantinople, Calcutta, Cape Town, &c. Its agents are everywhere throughout the habitable globe, wherever flibrkis are sown in to human apparel. We respectfully claim attention, and cordial ly invite the citizens of Lancaster county to vis it oar Office, inspect the Machine, examine the samples of the work performed, and compare them with others. We willingly abide the re sult. OUR NEW OFFICE IS, NO. G 4 NORTH QUEEN ST., HOWELL'S BUILDING, LAN. CAST E It, P . tf CANDIDATES. rig" We are authorized to announce JOHN M. JACOBY, of Clay township, as a candi date for SHERIFF, subject to the rules of the Republican party. rir We are authorized to announce ISAAC MISHLER, of Lancaster city, (late of East Cocalico township,) as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, subject to the rules of the Republican party. We are authorized to annouce GEO. W. COMPTON, of Caernarvon township, as a candidate for REGISTER, subject to the rules of the Republican party. MARRIED. E:vi:LE—MEssNER. On the 20th inst., by the Erv. W. T. Gerhard, Michael Engle, of Elizabeth township, to Annie Messner, of Clay township. BERNER —bc HIITTE. On the 18th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Hoppe, at Springville, Otto Berner, of Lancaster city, to Emma &butte, of Springville. I NAUMAN-SHIRES. On the 23,1 inst., by ! the same, Louis Nauman to Anna Shires, both of Mount Joy. WILLIAMS—WILLIAMS. On the 21st inst., ! by Rev. J. N. Metzger, Joseph M. Williams 1 to Sarah Williams, both of this city. I BOOTES—MARSHALL. On the 18th inst., by the Rev. James V. Pierce, Arthur Bootes I to Elizabeth Marshall, both of WeLsh Moun tains, Lancaster county, Pa. MART/Iv—EICHLER. On the 10th inst., by Itt. Rev. D. Bigler, Henry C. Martin to Mary J. Eichler, both of this city. SI. AYMAKER-LINDECAMP. On the 16th inst., in Penningtonville, by 11ev. Samuel Pancoast, Samuel N. Slaymaker to Anna Eliza Liudecamp, both of Gap, Lancaster co. BOWMAN—STONER. On the 18th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Abraham Bowman to Rebecca Stoner, both of Gordouville, Leacock township. DIED. LEISY. On the let inst., of Consumption, Samuel Leisy, of Ephrata township, aged 32 years, 2 months and 2 days. Mr. Leisy was a member of Company A. 79th Regiment, P. V., and served during the entire service of the Regiment, and was with the command on its " march to the sea." He received a severe wound at the battle of Chattanooga, from which he suffered for a long time. SENER. On the 18th hist - . ' in Philadelphia, Sarah L., wife of William Z. Senor, of Eph rata, and daughter of Dr. Washington L. Atlee, of Philadelphia. DOERSTLEII.. On the 10th inst., at his resi dence in Manor township, Adam Doerstler, (miller,) aged 67 years, 8 months and 21 days. HEitusr. In the city of Canton, Ohio, of consumption, Parmelia Herbst, wife of John Herbst, formerly of Hinkletown, Lancaster county, Pa., aged 32 years. ENGLE. On the 19th inst., at Dansville, New York, Mrs. Lizzie Engle, of Marietta. HAMDRIGHT. On the 13th inst., at Man chester' Md., Carrie Sue, infant daughter of Samuel M. and Mollie E. Hambright, aged 8 weeks. WrLitar.m. On the 15th inst., Jacob 'Wil helm, in the 88th year of his age. TO THR ; WORKING ; CLANS 4 I am now ; prepared t o furnish all classes with constant employment at their homes, the whole of the time, or for the spare moments. Business new,light and prod table. Fifty cents to $5 per evening, is easily earned by persons of either sex, and the boys and girls earn nearly as much as men Great inducements are offered those who will devote their whole time to the business; and, that every person who sees this notice, may send me their address and test the business for them selves, I make the following unparalelled oiler TO all who are not well satisfied with the busi ness I will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing to me. Full particulars directions, de., Sent free. Samples sent by mail for 10 ets. Ad dress E. C. ALLEN, Augusta, Me. (mhl.l-3nt 1011;151.1,1314g4 Lancaster Household Markets. LANCASTErt, March 24. Butter,' a 481 50 Lard, 111 i 20 22 Eggs, vt dcl2.. 25 28 Dressed Chickens, 60 70 Veal, by the quarter, .f 4 a 10 12 Beef, do do lb 10 13 Pork, do do lb ... 15 12 Potatoes, bus 80 1.00 do.half pk 12 15 do. or planting, V bus 45 50 Onions, 711 half peek 25 Tu drnipso I V quart p, k.. tal V half Apples, s half pk.. Dried Apples V qt., do Plea 9a qt. Cornmeal qt Beans, att q Oats, V bag of 5 bus Philadelphia Produce Market. Pit ILADItr n I A, March 24.—Cloverseed is in good demand, with sales at $9.76010.26. Timothy ranges from au to 53.01%, the latter rate from second hands. Flaxseed Is taken by the (mashers at 32.750 2.70. The Flour market has improved, there being more inquiry both for shipment and horn. eon. snmption; the sales foot up 1,500 bble. including superfine at .45.1.5*5.50; extras at 1110.5.110; lowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota extra family at KO 1007; Penna. and Ohio do. at 0.01 1 4/0.20. and filmy brands at $7.00011 according to quality. Rye flour may be quoted at 17.20CF-73. Nothing doing in Cornmeal. The stook of - prinao Wheat is light, and for this description there is a fair inquiry, but in ferior aorta are neglected; sales of red at 11.60 011.05;1000 bus. amber at 161.7001.8 e, and 100 bus. No. 1 spring at 01.40411.54. Rye sells at 0.634§1.50 per bus. for Western. Corn is in firm request at former rates; salet of 3,000 bus. yellow at 87f/380., and 1,000 bushels Western mixed at 880.• Oata are steady, with Pales of Western at 734 75e„ and Penna. at 60488 e. SOU, bus. Barley sold on private term.q. Wholry is nominal at 9 0 496 e. nor gallon, tax pald. Philadelphia Cattle Market. MONDAY, March 22.—The offerings of Beef Cattle to-day were not large, only reaching 1600 head, but they were in excess of the demand. There was considerable firmness on the part of holders of choice lots, which were in good sup ply, but operations were somewhat restricted. We quote choice at 104100 1 ic.; prime at 9@:)., 1 4; and common to good at 6@Btic. /41 it gross. The following are the particulars of the sales ; 50 head, A.Ckristy & Bro., Lan. c 0.... 9 TO & 25 " Deogler MeCieese, Chester. 8 0 132 44 P. Mennen, Lancaster co 8 fly,' 85 " P. Hathaway, Lanc'r co 8 110 78 " James 8. Kirk, Chester c 0.... 8 10 51 44 B. F. MoFillen , Chester c 0.... 9 10 110 44 James Meleillen L Lanc'r c 0.... 8 94N 50 " E. S. Mennen, Lanc'r co 9 44 9y 148 ~ Martin Fuller & Co., Penna... 9il 44 tli44 110 Mooney & Smith, Lan' c 0.... 7 104 65 " T. Mooney, Bro., 1.4u3c , r c 0.... 6 9ti 83 44 H. Okada, Lauer co 9t4 86 4, J. &L. Frank, Western 8 g 44 0/4 160 " Frank Schamberg, Western.. FLAW 9 4 4 101 " Hope & Co., Lauer co. B '4o 20 " M. Dryfoos & Co., Penna 64(4 7; :: 50 " Elkin a Co., Fenno 7 4 - 1- 8 - 27 " J. Clemson, Lanc'r co., 9 .sioy 15 " Branson_,_ Chester co 48 44 Hirable Wallace, Chester co ; ? e , 23 " John IlloArdle, Western 7 1 ,44 40 " J .15eldomridge, Western...... 9%4310V, Cows and Calves met a steady inquiry, and 14.0 head Changed han4is at 940675, and springers I a OREM. n Sheep there was considerable movement at very full figures; sales of 10,000 head at 7!:;@ 9i c > s., grass. Hogs were in fair request, with sales of 3,000 head at $15.80018.30 ifl 100 Ss., net. The market closed with a downward tendency. Netv Advertisements. TO TAILORS! We are introducing a system of Drafting Gar ments, possessing superior merits over those now in use, the principles of which are derived from those practiced by the most scientific Cutters of Paris, London, and other Cities of Europe and America, and is the most perfect system ever offered to the trade, being a plain and certain mode of drafting. Gentlemen wish ing to learn, and others to improve in the art, will be called upon shortly, by leaving their names with the Editors of this paper, or ad dressing W. 8. COCHRAN, Care of Sartniento McGrath, Chestnut street below Eighth, Philadelphia, or John Hobson, Agent for PhilaWa, No. 911 Mellon-st. Sir A deduction made to classes of 3 to 5 at a time. Price per copy, with instructions, Fifteen Dollars; without instructions, Ten. Cash to accompany the order for the System. [mh26-3t MECIIANICS' BANK, NO. 36 NORTH QUEEN .TIII;ET, (INQUIRER BUILDING,) Deals in UNITED STATES DOND 4 , STOCKS, GOLD, Drafts given on all the principal Cities Collections made prompt') .TORN M. ST!".HMAN, GEOROR BRUBAKER, JOSLLPH CLARK-ON. SAMUEL St.oKonz, Bankers. as STEILMAN, CLARKSON :N.. Cu m1126-6m. N=EME= Whereas, the Honorable HENRY U LONG, President, and Honorable ALEXANDER L. HAYES, and JOHN J. LIBHART, Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the County of Lancaster, and Assistant Jus tices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the County of Lancaster, have issued their Precept to me directed, re quiring me, among other things, to make pub lic Proclamation throughout my bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, and a general Jail Delivery, also a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery will commence in the Court House, in the City of Lancaster, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, on the THIRD MONDAY IN APRIL, (the 19th,) 1889. In pursuance of which precept PUBLIC NOTICI Ia HEREBY oivia, to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Lancaster, in the said county, and all the Justices of the Peaoe, the Coroner and Constables, of the said city and county of Lancaster, that they be then and there in their own proper persons with their rolls, records and examinations, and inquisitions, and their other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain, in their behalf to be done; and also all those who will prose oute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be in the jail of said county of Lancaster are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster, the .2341 day of March, l& 9. mar24-3tlawd&litirj JACOB F. FREY, Sheriff. FARM FOR SALE, IN CULPEPPER COUNTY, VA., two miles southwest of the Court House, on the Orange and Alexandria It. IC, and sixty-five miles from Washington, D. C. of 2240 ACRES, naturally dry soil, and no better in V irginia; beautiful location, and re markably healthy. Price, r 27 per acre if ap applied for soon. For full particulars, apply by letter to JAMES BAXTER, Mamaroneck, Westchester co.. N. Y., or to the editor of this paper. [mhl9-51 Coal, Lumber. tte. EIMER, BRENEMAN & CO WHOLESALE AND RETA I L DEALERS IN COAL, OF THE BEST QUALITY'. Yeec—COß. WATER ST. AND PA. R. R. Orrice—NO. 2 EAST ORANGE sr., LANCASTER PA. Vico 18-ly B. B. MARTIN, HUMBERT THOMAS, JOHN R. KARON 5,000,000 FEET OF DRY LUMBER. MARTIN, THOMAS & CO., COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA., Manufacturers At LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY, PA., AND WHOLESALE LUMBER WHITE. PINE, HEMLOCK, POPLAR, WALNUT, ASH, FLOORING, SIDING W BOARD 4, PICKETS LATH, BOXBOARDS, Inhl2-Iyl WE lIA.VE NO TRAVELING AGENTS Farmers and Dealers who send their ortlora direct to us, can avail them eelvos of Ms And save the Commission. Early ordery will be advantageous to Layers. ALLEN & NEEDL Es, 10 1.40 40 411 SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, AND Tllll AMMONIATED FERTILIZER PERUVIAN GUANO. We sell curly No. I—received direct (roux the FISH GUANO. A splendid Mauro peckod in bnrr'l4 We also oder for bale PUB% LAND PLANT SR L HYDRAULIC CURRAN' and a full aseortment ar Oude awl CANDLER. A DISCOVNT TO DEALERS ALLEN & NEEDLES, 42 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE, PHILAD'A CO.R M. STELNMAN & CO., febUS4Pail Solo Agent* 8,4 La,goaater SILVER, AND COUPONS Interest paid on DepOsiti DEALERS• FerHii:.erc. LOW EST PRIERS Manufacturers of I P It 0 V E 1) Government EIIiTABLISHED TN Is4B. Books and Stationery. CI.EILING AT COiT tml,ritgried v tilling to Cs' Tf.D, LARGE 6TOCK OF BOOKS and STATIONERY, Iv :41. Alai. , A *T, Auct>uNT OF ItEMOVAL J. N. :...411-..,ArrER, V>. 4.: North Queen jan29 tt I THE CM:API:Sr BOOKS AN!) STATIONERY AT THE CORNER OV WE'T KIND .t PRINCE-STS. English and 6erman Bibles, Testaments, School Books, Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, Diaries. Special attention given to SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS, and Teachers Helps of all kinds. Ob ject Lessons on Large Charts. The latest MUSIC BOOKS. aiP SHEET MUSIC for flue cents a piece STATIONERY AND FANCY ARTICLES of all kinds. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BIBLES for 35 etA. TESTAMENTS for 10 Os feb3o-tf D. S. BARE. Fruit Tree Invigorator. VARMERS, LOOK TO YOUR 12 FRUIT TREES f TILE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE -I 4- BEST'S FRUIT TREE INVIGORATiqi. AND INsECT DESTROYER it is the most useful combination of ingre dients ever known for Fruit, and the evidence we can produce from men of the highest stand ing in society of the benefits to be derived from its use in Fruit Trees, Vines, Wheat, Corn, Flow ers, and all kinds of Vegetation, cannot be doubted by any honest man. When applied to trees, it penetrates every pore, destroying the worm in the heart of the tree, and by connect ing with the mineral substance of the earth, destroys the cause and prevents the creation of any destructive insects. It will prevent Curcu lie from slinging the plum, and every person using it will have sound plums. It will kill the peach grub, and make peach trees bear healthy fruit. It will prevent dry-rot in grapes. It swells the tree, causing the old bark to peel oft from the body, while a beautiful new green bark takes its place. It will kill potato bugs and prevents potn to rot. It will prevent weavek, mill-dew, or rust in wheat, and prevent the fly from touching it. It destroys the cut-worm in corn—in tact, it will kill any kind of insects that attack Fruit Trees and cause all Fruit Trees to bear sound fruit. It is now extensively need in the Western States. and those who have used it would not be without it, for a thousand times its cost. It has been used in the southern parts of lterks County,this State, on grain, trees, Soc., and there has not been a single failure. Any person wishing to see its effect upon growing grain and fruit, ca n be gratified by calling on tt6, or by writing, and we will refer them to per sons (with residence) who are using it. We warrant it to do Just what we claim for it. To be used as soon as the frost is out of the ground. Township and Single Eights for sale for the County of Lancaster. The public are notified to purchase no Right of .1. Atliaß74, allaS Geo. W. JACKBON, of Balti more, as we will prosecute all who buy from him to sell or use. Circulars will be sent to any one, with name of those who have used it, by applying to Jan:J-2na j *limit Fruits, Plies, &v. SMALL FRUITS, VINES, &c. I offer ati unusual line stock of small FRUITS, strong well-rooted plants, and I flatter myself that I can fill orders with entire satisfaction. My stock embraces Wilson's Early Kittatinny and Lawton BLACKBERRIEs, Philadelphia., Clark, Itlack Cap, Purple Cane,Ohio Everbear tag and Thornless RASPBERRIES. GCK/SEDERRIES, STRAWBERRIES AND CURRANTS of leading varieties. Linneas and Victoria RHUBARB, ASPARAGUS, ono and two years old. GRAPE VINES of approved varieties, one, two and three years old. En close stamp for Price List. CYRUS N. HERR, Strasburg, Pa. TRE ES, FLOWERING SIIRUI3S, &c. Apple, Peaeh, Pea r, Merry and Quince Trees gitilof large size, clean and thrifty in growth. Shade and Ornamental Trees, and an assootment of Plow - ering shrubs for sale cheap, by l CYRUS N. HERB, Strasburg, Pa. • • Enclo,;4: Sutuip for Price List leb2o-tapl. Periodicals. THE DAILY EVENING EXPRESS, FURNIAIIES RHADERS REGULARLY WITH THE LAT EST NEWS I 31" NAIL AND MAGNETR TELEGRAPH, And all Important Local and General In telligence. Timsta; OM A YEA R; $1.23 FOR 3 MONTHS THE WEEKLY EXPRESS, A SATURDAY PAPER OF TRH FIRST CLASS, Contains all the news of the week up to Friday night, and gives more fresh reading than can be had elsewhere for the same amount of money. Tunas: WOO PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Address PE lISOL ,t GEIST, Pub'tellers, !Ammeter, Pa dee 18-6 m) Miscellaneous. SEED OATS PRINCE ErnvAnn 191. E itLAcii OATS. MINNESOTA BLACK OATS. ILLIN9IS WHITE OATS. lOWA WHITE OATS of very tine Quality. For a:I4N at the Seed Stor.l. C. it. ROGERS, No. 133 Market-et., ni1119.4t) T HE LA NIPASTEIt Support and Lock: Ilas neither Springs, Weights, Ropes or Pulley's. Can be put into any window. HOLDS TEX SASH AT ANY 1.1111013T11, AND IS SKIS-LOCKING; is very simple, cheap and durable. Rights for sale on liberal terms. For further particulars, call on or addrosa SASH LOCK, at the Lancaster, Pa., Post Office. tuhlt-lm I)r•rrgS and ChentiralS. 1,)1t. WEA Eir: DRUG sToRP, ! The subevriber having purchased anti taken p_olBoo6loll of the Drug store of Dr. santuel Keneagy, Noe,theast Corner of Centro Square, Strasburg, Pa., respectfully solicits the patron age of the people of Strasburg and 'vicinity, iota !erg , . and carefully selected stook of DErOs, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STEEFS, VARNISHES, FANCY AgiTI.CLES, WALL PAPER, &C. Besides every other article visually kept by , Druggists* and all of the best quality, whleh will he sold at tlia,Lowave PnicllB. J. t 3. WBAYKE, Strasburg, Pa. telJ64 .4 I THOS. J. WENT Having purchased of Charles'E. Wentz Henry a Wentz . their Merest in the fi re WENTZ BROISIERS, now offers the hunt stock of Oftl' GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, NOTIONS, GLASS AND QCEENSWAR, At the Lowest Possible Prises, in order to red hie stock. (laving a large stook of DOMES GOODS, on hand, purchased before , the late vance, _he offers them at the Old Prisms.dayi coos, Shootings, Skirtings, Tickle.* Cheeks, and all Housekeeping Goods. Sold at Inducing Low Prices. He calls special attention to the Glass ithd Queensware Department. THOS. J. WONT! Successor to Wentz Broth Sign of the Dee Hive, No. 5 East King s Lancaster, Pa. (febslO. GLASSWARE, TAncu.-iter, Pu FRENCH, CHINA AND ENGLISH GRANITE WARE, Now opening at HAGER & BROTHERS. BEST QUALITY BOSTON & PITTSBURG GLASSWARE, purchased direct from the Hanufacturere. Engraved, Cut and Pressed Table Tumbl Goblets, Champagne and Wine Glasses I , Stands, Saucers, t'ream Pitchers, Sugars, , C Stands, 4 , c., in great variety of styles. Gold Band and Plain French China, 20 CRATES, • WHITE ENGLISH GRANITE WARR. New Styles—Plain and Embossed, of our awn importation, and will be sold at very LOW PRICES. HAGER & BROTHERS. LINENS & COTTONS. lIAGER & BROTHERS have now Is store a full assortment of RAMSLEY LINEN MEETINGS AVG PIL LOW CASINGS, DAMASK, SNOW DRQP. AND DICE PATTERNS TABLE LINEN& AND NAPKINS, HEAVY LOOM TABLE LINENS, DAMASK AND HUCK TOWELS AND TOWELINGS, from finest to lowest qualities. RICH ARDsON'S siturriNur AND FRGNTINLi LINENS, A full Stock of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, INCLUDING Marseilles Quilts, noney-Comb Quilts, Blankets. Table and Piano Covers, Curtain Muslins, 6111: 500 PIECES BEST CALICOES at 12%e. New York Mills, Wamsutta, Fruit of Loom, Lonsdale, Hill Forestdalo, Hoe and other makes of BLEACHED AND UNI3LEACHED MCSLINS which we are selling by the PIECE OR YARD, —AT— WALL PAPERS ! HAGER & BROTHER, Are now receiving their SPRING STOCK, whit* will be found complete in all departments of Plain and Decorative PAPER HANGINGS, In Plain Tints, Walnut, Oak, Marble, Fres Stamped Gold, Satins and 111..nks, for Parlors, Libraries Dining Rooms and ()ha ere. Chokm New Fresco Designs for STORES AND PUBLIC HALL,. PATENT METAL for securing paper against Damp Walls. Air Call and examine. }LAGER & BROTIWRS. EVANS & CO. Reading, Pa N2TGLLSII BRUSSELS, caosgray's TAPES TRY BRUSSELS, LOWELL AND HART FORD THREE-PLY, INGRAIN AND VE NETIAN, WOOL DUTCH, HEMP AND RAG CARPETS. VELVET RUGS AND MAT 4, WOOL•BOBDERED C(COA AND Juin: DOOR MATS. FLOOR OIL CLOTIIs, NEW DESIGNS—ALL WIDTHS. COCOA AND CHINA. MATTINcs, WINDOW sHADRi AND Hoi.I.ANDS, In Full Aportinent. HAGER & BROTHER 6. feblit4fl JACOB BARN'S'', M. 9. ITARNISo t J. MN r.. PCLLBIL HARNISH & CO'S No. 27 WEST KING-ST. , L INUASI'Eit, PA., Cleths, Cass'mere's, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweedy, Lindseys, Flannels, Tickings, Cheeks, P1a,149, Alpaoeas, Dress Greeds, Ginghams, (..allooel§, Muslin, and Drills, White Goods, Notions, & No. 1 Feathers, MEN AND BOYS , WEA::, Made up at astonishing Low Prices. Sir Call and examine our btock before pin chasing elsewhere. [fobllPin- fy • Bats, Caps, Furs. .oe. 1868. 1868. SHULTZ & BROTHER, if ATTER., No. 20 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PENN A. Latest style Fall and Winter HAT.; and Apt} in all qualities and colors. LADIES' FAN*I" FURS, We aro now opening the largt•st and oomplete assortment of Ladies' and Child FANCY rums ever offered in this mark° very low prices. IMBES! ROBES.'! ROBES''!► Buffalo Robes, lined and unlined; Hudson Bay Wolf, Prairie Wolf, Fox, Coon, &e. BLANKETS AND I,AP BUGS Of all qualities, to which we would partionlarly invite the attention of all persons in want of articles in that line. rGLOVES, GAUNTLET" an,l Alms. OTTER, BEAVER, NUTRIA, iNAL, .11UCK-iitN, FLEISHER, Kin, &a, clbe Ladies' Fine Fur Trimmed Id , IVP:4, canntieta Anttm an,l 1100.6. PULSE WARM R.S :in EA R MITTEL witoLEA .1. LE: Ni)lt ETAIf.. no4AI-tf CAVIAR'S I? SMITH, by her next tripod Jon aary Term, MI. HENRY BECK ER, - No. 160. vs. j Allotments in Di Verelh DAVID L. SMITH. DEFENI)ENT WILL T n W ip A. NOTICE that dep svositions ill be take the part of the plaintiff, before me, a Co stoner, appointed by the Court, at my °Riot !Lb. 20 Souh Queen street, Lancaster city, on MAW MIDAY,he 27th day of March, NMI, betw the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and I o'clock 1 1 :1111L of said day. M. uurr, liolna/ .34ia. T. ii‘eviedk. Dry Goods. SPRING; 1869 WHOLESALE PRICE. 11000 LBS. PRIME OHIO FEATHERS CARPETS ! CHEAP STORE, Dealers In Foreign and Uomestie, DRY GOOD A, GLASS AND QUI..:ENsWARF:, . I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers