ED EVERY FRIDAY, [ 1101 faith Queen Street, Lancaster. vPio* or, frußsoupTioar • - We ke name ackirened,) In• it • $ 1.50 7.00 13.00 18.00 22.00 10 for each additional subt4criber. FOB CLUBS, T PACKAGES to one address,) 14 41. f 6.50 12.00 16.50 14 /4 20.00 00 for each additional subscriber. Subscriptions must iably be pliid ce. 013 PItINTIINIG escription, neatly ami promptly I, .Nl. at short notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Rairrowls. SYLVANIA ('ENTHAL heave the Central likpot as follows: ,STWARD. WEST WARD. 1x....12:17 a. m. Frio Mail._ 1:50 a. 111 1rC1314 5:12 " Ph lift. Exp... 2:40 " 7:02 " Malt 11:15 " &tn.. 9135 " I , a4t Line..... sp. in ►tees. 1:45 p.m. Columbia Ac. 2:45 " 'g Ae-5:54 " flarrisb'g Ac. 5:54 " Lane. Train.. 7:20 " Chi( in . Ex....10:43 " DING AND COLUMBIA li. R ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, NOV. '?et.. ISf 'SIGNORE TRAINS WILL DE RUN ON THIS ROAD, AS FOLLOWs: LEAVE. Itariew4er 8.00 a. m SC 3.25 p. m 'Columbia .....8:00 a. m 61 R I..TU LEAVE. Reading 7:00 a. m ..... 6:15 p. 7:00 a. m 41 ..... 0:15 p. : .9:25 it. in. I 925 a. in. .....x3:30 p.m. kTrains leaving Lancaster and Columbia as above, inake close connection at Retuling with Trains North and South: on Philadelphia and s_. Beading Railroad. and West on Lebanon Valley *Cad. Train leaving Lancaster and Columbia ;.. ...1 31 ..i ior ld lie c w on o ee ri t i s closely at Reading with ' - Tickets can be obtained at the 011 ices of the Jersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty street,NewYorktandYbiladehibiß and Rending ' Railroad, 13th and Callowhill streets,Phila. Through tickets to New York an Philadel nhta sold at all the Principal Stalk., IR, and Bat , gage Checked Through. Trains are run by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Time, which is 10 timuitl'S faster tb:o; Pennsylvania Railroad Time. (,EO. F. (;AGE., t! , •upt. E E. grErca, Gen. Frt. aml Tieket Agent. nov t.Kldf ] READINti ILUIAIOA I). WINTER ARIL E N Mf INLAY, DECEMBER 14, VfMe. G, to.: ri 0 nk Lint from t 1« .V , ,J-!it ~ t ral Nort h ir(,,t fit' Philadelphia. Nt iv _York, fltad ,,i,:, l'ott.o-ille, Tione.T, ,, . ..I.4dond, Shtt ,,t,,kir,. Li banon, .tili itt, , ,rii. Et 4.0,1, L'ivit rata, Litiz, Lancaytce. ("in/ n. ( ie. IllraillS leave Harrisburg for New York as Pil lows: At 3.50, 5.5), 8.10 a. in., 1'2.40 noon ; 2.0; and Phu p. in , connecting with situ liar trains on the Penn.. , ylvailia Railroad 11111 i arriving at. New York at 11.00 a. in 02.'20 n eon , 3.5.1, 7.00, 10.(.5 p. in., and 6.10 a. in. respectively. Sleeping Curs ac company the 3.50 u. in. and 1e..5J p. in. trains. without Change. Leave Hanisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua. Minersville, Ashland, Shamokin, pink rove, Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8.10 a. m., 2.06 and 4.10 p. m., stopping at Leba ' n • and pis tedpal Way Stations; the 4.10 p. in. t , making connections for Philadelphia and • • -,,, e (431 . Por Pottfinrill_ ,e Schuylkilllia • --- 91011 t• ;- _ . • - . lila silinTlylkill and Saville haw^ • 1 . • • N e wrUb at 8.80 p. tn. R ', ' •F,,, veork at 9.00 a. in.,12.00 ~ mg% .. . .• • . Aim.; Philadelphia at 8.16 a. .. 6 , - 1 1 4 • ••• itam 4 lng .lire accompany the tos. a tiitytitlitatire.s" ' ' N ew 14=ns with sbnilartrain on East a. p.14,, ra11.1118PW. ,41411111dn'g rrakilye at turn ail lies et n: l ee tl f" on rhm s:: Reade v l e phi P n o ilig tte aatt elm ar, LA 8 se a. m., and 2.45 p. in.; Shamokin at 8.110 a. in.; Ashland at 7.00 a. m., and 12.30 p. u 1: ; Tamaqua at 8.80 a. in.; and 2.20 p. in., for Phila delphia. Leave Pottsville, via Schuylkill and Susque hanna, Railroad at 7.10 ti: in. for Harrisburg, and 11.30 a. m. for Pine Grove and Tremont. Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at 7:30 a. In., returning leaves Phila delphia at 4:45 p. tn. Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves Pottstown at 0.45 a in ; returning, leaves Phila.- the lizat,4.otbp. fn. bia -Railroad Traits leave Rundiug at 7.4010. M. and (115 p. in. for Ephrata, Chic, f.au. easter, Columbia, &c. Perkiomen Railroad Trains leave Pyrk 'omen J unction at 9.15 a. m. and 5.:.10 p. in.: returning, leave Sklppack at 8.10 a. in. and 12.45 p. in., con necting with similar trains on Reading Rail rOati. On Sundays: Leave New York at S O.) p. in., Philadelphia at 8.14. ni. and 3.15 p. in, the 8.00 a. m. train rune only to Reading; Potts ville, 8.00 a. m.; Harr st urg 5.00 tt. Tn., 4.10 and 10.30 and .l .;h and Reading at 1.05, 3.00 anti 7.15 a. tn. Pot sburg, at 12.60, anti 7.31 a. tn. for New York; dat 4.46 p. in. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from all points, at educed rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pountis allowed each Passenger, cieneral !!uperintenclent. lix.a.wp.Cl, PA., Dec. 14, 1E458. Neel/3-11(U w MEEM=MiI Trains leave York for Wrightsville and Co lumbia, at 6:20 and 11:40 a. in., and 3:30 p. m. Leave Wrightsville faYor,t, at Faii a. m., and 1:00 and 6:50 p. m. Leave York for Ball re. at 1 :00 and a. ra., 1:05 p.,ra.; and 12 midnight. Leave - Dirk for liarrioburg, at 1:39, n.I 11:4 a. in., and 2:32 and 1005 p. m. TRAINS LEAVE GOING NORTII. At 3:25. a. m., and 1:20 and 4:20 p. m =1 At, 3:45 and 6:25 a. m., and 1.2::io 1v : 45 p m deendfd Photographs. A`;•. GOLDEN G IFT,4 Parent: t,r) Flft!“'r. b,tt.(,),tte; , o.:NTLEMEN To I. koiF,s When the light has left the house, iliculoria rich as these compound their interest. UHL'S SUPERB PHOTO. Miniature or Opal Pictures, admitted to la.• t bebest ba:ttte city and no superior in the stAtio Constantly increasing demand and great elpo rionce in this style of miniature give us greater facilities and better results than any e,:tabib3h went outside of large cities. STEREOGit AVMS OF HOME VIEWS tor the Centre Table. Also, prismatic instruments. Large Colored Work by Some of the best 4r tists in Philadelphia and elvewhere in the high, est style of the art. India Ink, l'astllle, Crayon and colors, at GILL'S CITY GALLERY, jail 1-Iyrj No. l 0 East King-st. Hotels. TT HOTEL, L) • OPPOLTZ PICIENA. R. R. lisrevr, lIARRISBURU, PA - 0 - W. & CO., mhl9•ly) Froprietore ILITARY AND NAVAL CLAIM AGENT, No. t' East King-st., Lancaster, Pa. Being duly licensed as a Claim Agent, and having a large experience, prompt attention will he given to the following classes of claims: BOUNTY and PAY d tic discharged Soldiers and Sailors. lm}Nr Y (additional) to Soldiers who enlisted for not less than 2 or 3 years, or were honora bly discharged for wounds received. BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or Parents of Soldiers who died from wounds re ceived or disease contracted in said service. PENSIONS for invalid Soldiers and Sailors, or to their widows or children. ARRIVE. PENSIONS for fathers and mothers, brothers or 1 9 :2 9 a. 1. " . sisters of deceased soldiers, upon whom they were dependent. 10:20 , 4 „ PENSIONS and GRATUITIES for Soldiers or their Widows front Pennsylvania, iu the War of 1812. PAY due Teamsters, Artificers and Civil em ployees of the Government. PAY due for horses lost lu the United States service. CRAM ES.—Fees fair and moderate, and in no case will charges be made until the money is collected. [dee 2.5.1yr* R( 01111,, EMI A racy g. Laiicat( r.....9:15 a. m p. in cohimi,t-t CEIMIZZeI etc tau r Go ,Son 1, let us strlye on to finish Me work we are in; to bind up the nations wounds; to to see VOL. 11 (7(tian Agency. J.IME~ BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Insurance. THE OLD PENN MUTUAL LIFE IN, , :I'RANCE COMPANY ~ 11' PHILADELPHIA tt_t•UJtULATED CAPITAL, $2,000,000, Ifter paying Lose to the amount of $1,1:10,000 iiARTER PERPETUAL .1:: 1)“. .tirpiteq bit-Wend amongst the Policy IThl(lers every year. Tit ~N LY TRULY MUTUAL COMPANY IN TH E CITY OR STATE. or f.irtlier information avpiy to J. COC HRAN, Agent, I'. 0., Lancaster, Pa. 1 ( _IP t f 1 CI 5. z a., co ',. • Gc ~ - C. 2 ~. ~ 8 g 4 f❑ 4 -) g•- ~., 1' - .e : , = 4 q i 4 #O, ' l'' C 00.2 1 4 •--1 .. 4, :-', t 0 MR = r 4 'el z " •,. 2 4 1 1..4 c.) :.., •T', t o l 0 :-.. t " 4 47 6., P., 11.- =J 2 ~, •$ c , e O t , :•J " I ' l. ' 4 _ Z. = 4 § • 9 '',.. C 2 4, XAI § 1 *-. 40 , 0..4 ir., (..) my . .4 *[. tO -: '6 . X '4 gl -* 8 4 6 =Cal i w 7. CC ~., 'I 4 I •-i & s t CI =i . a 0 LI. XF4 g i l Ma 3m 11" . " I".I L i a ki GC al 411 _.l E" i ki cfl Em frl o tti e iel 44 II 3 6.41 n '4l Ct 1 4 , t r Ct ;4 g ; E.m 4 o .4 te.SE c...z 4 Ir. I),D 42 CI G' Fallall l'q an F•I ^g V 4 1, - .01 .. e s . ,„ ... .... o 0 ••-, P-I C., = 0 CD V cp 4. , v t 054 WORLD MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. NEW YORK, NU. 160 BROADWAY J. r. r AUFF, lienernl Agent for Penn'a NORTH QUEEN QTR ET. (Above J. F. Long & Son's Drug Store.) This Company offers more SOLID and REAL inducements than any other Life Insurance Company in the country. Send or call and get a Circular. Active solicitors, male or female. wardA4 in every township in the State. pan I•Cm• Sowing ..Ifaehines. T HE HOWE SEWING MACHINE, i , UR E V E 1 V BOD Y AL, A iiolfuay Gift too, Sister, Wife or Friend, they are uneurpass)ed. TLe Yuma: r wants It for Lis Family 1 he Press and Cloak Maker prefers it 'I he Scronstress wants it, bceanse its work le sure to give satisfaction. The Tailor has long I,go cleehloit it to be the beat for his business. The Carriage Trimmer cannot do without it; and the Shoe litter 'Linda that, after all, the HOWE is the machine for him. Sooner or later; everybody will Dave the HOWE hIACUINE. Every Machine is warranted. Every one may be the possessor of one of these nnrivalled machines, as we endeavor to make the terms of sale suit, all our customers. We earnestly invite all, whether they purpose purchasing or not, to call and get spechnentrof the work executed by ne on the HOWE MA CHIN E, and compare it with the work clone by other machinet. We are willing to abide by the result. C, FATE, Agent, 23 North ueen Street (lee 184( Book BI nd lug. GEORGE WIANT, BOOS -BINDER AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. BLANK BOOKS, Nor Banish Iterebante,oounty °Mee, ie., mode to order. IyBOOK BINDING, in all Ito Wombats, prompt attended to. • VW. 441 m Wilt' A row of little faces by the bed, A row of little hands upon the spread, A row of little roguish eyes all closed, A row of little naked feet exposed. A gentle mother leads them in their praise, Teaching their feet to tread in heavenly ways, And takes this lull in childhood's tiny tile. The little errors of the day to chide. No lovelier sight this side of heaven is seen, And angels hover o'er the group serene ; Instead of odor in a censer swung, There floats the fragrance of an infant's tongue Then tumbling headlong into waiting beds, Beneath the sheets they hide their timid heads Till slumber steals away their idle fears, And like a peeping bud each face appears. All dressed like angels in their gowns of white, They're wafted to the skies in dreams of night, And heaven will sparkle in their eyes at morn; And stolen glances all their ways adorn. A MOTHER'S MANAGEMENT. The dismal December night was closing, with starless gloom, over the spires and chimney tops of the city-- the binding mist of snowflakes was wreathing its white pall over all, and the wind, murmuring sadly through the streets, seined to have au almost lannan wail in his moan. It's an ugly kind of a night," mutter ed Mr. Terryn to himself. as he buckled his fur closer rowel his neck, •• and a wind tit to cut nue in tW ,, . Hallo! what's this?" thing that loOked like a bundle. crouching at the foot of flight of steps, in the shad ow of a ruinous old brick archway ; but, as he checked hituself abruptly, the bundle erected itself into something human in shape and looked at him through wild. human CV , F. '' Whoare you?" he demanded, on the impulse of a inokmut. • "Only me. sir---Tittle Tess." " Please give MP a penny, sir !" tried the child, suddenly subsiding into the reg ular professional whine of her trade " Only a penny.'' "Where do you iive?'' "I don't live nowht re. ,ir round in the alleys ' ".011. you do, eh? and who ts►i:es care of you'e " Old Titll I►aley u.Re.d to, but he's took up.". "Took up?" "Sent to the Island, sir?' - " Are you a boy or a girl ?,- (For the creatures's tingled leeks and ramd garb gave no clue to its sex.) " Pm a girl, sir." " You ought to be ashamed of yourself, begging in the streets," said Mr. Terryn, severely. " Why don't you work?" As he approached his own door a bright child's face peeped out between the cur tains, and as Mr. Terryn entered the cheery sitting room, he could not but think with a remorseful pang of the shiv ering bundle of rags under the brick arch way beyond. " It's none of my husiness, ,, he thought. "I dare say the police will pick the poor little elf up, and take her where she'll be better off." But Mr. Terryn's conscience was less adamantine than he had given it credit for being. It pricked him sorely as he sat toasting his slippered feet before the bright embers--it whispered to him as he listened to the lullaby wherewith his wife was lull ing the babe to sleep upon her breast. Had little Tess ever known a mother's care, or heard a mother's cradle song? And she could scarcely have been six years old, either. Where are you going, my dear?" guts oned his wife, as he rose up suddenly. "Out into the street. There was a—a child there—a little girl, crouching on some steps - -" " A child? homeless? And on such a night as this? Oh, Herbert, you should have brought her here!" Five minutes afterwards Mr. Terryn was out in the driving whirlwinds of snow bending over the small stray who was huddled. up, just where he had left her. "liere—child—where are you?" But there was no answer. Little Tees was benumbed and stupified by the cold. He lifted her up, a poor little skeleton wrapped in a thin coating of rags, and feeling strangely light in his arms, and carried her home. Mrs. Terryn met him at the door. Oh, Herbert, what a poor little starved wretch! I ler hands arc like bird's claws!" Charley looked on in breathless interest at the process of feeding, warping and re storing some vitality to the torpid object. When little Tess opened her eyes, it was to the glow of a warm fire and the mellow sparkle of gaslhts. "Am I dead?" cried the child, "and is this Heaven?" . "Poor little creature!" said Mrs. Ter ryn, bursting into tears. " Tesora" her name proved to be—a sweet Italian synonym for the word " trea sure," and a treasure she was, in gentle Mrs. Terryn's eyes, especially after her little babe was dead and buried. “How Tesoragrows?” said Mr. Terryn suddenly, on one day as the beautiful girl came in, rosy and smiling, from a walk. " Why she is as tall as a grown womarill , "She is a grown woman," said Mrs. Terryn, with a smile. ",How old is she?" “Sixteen, day before yesterday "Is it possible” said Mr. Terryn, houghtfully. "how time slips away! qty for (yes us LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1869. fottrg. THE LITTLE ONES. piotellantotto. lie had very nearly - , tunil.)led over somc j rlll- \ • • • • -A I Tesora siVeen! Why, then. Charley must be tAenty!" "It is true, my dear," said his wife. •• We are getting to be old people, now!" •• I wonder what will become of Tesora," said Mr. Terryn, musingly. " !zhe would make a capital governess, her education Las been ,o thorough, or----" Father,'' said Charles Terryn, reso lutely, as he walked up in front of his I father and stoodlvith folded arms, "I can tell you what will become of Tisora! is to be my wife! "Nonsense!" ejaculated Mr. Terryn. "Charley," she said, when the indig ' naut father had jerked himself out of the room, "don't waste your breath in argu ing with your father. Argument nev e r conquered yet, in such a case as this." '' But what am 1 to do?" "!lave you spoken to Tess yet?" " No." " Wait then manage it!" So Mrs. Terry]] gave little dinner parties and select soirees, and '• brought out'' Tesora, according to the regular pro gramme. She made a sensation. Mrs. Terryn had known that she would. Tesora was a belle—a queen of fashion. Suitors congregated round her. " Wel!, re••,. , said Mr. Terryn, one night—he was getting wonderously proud of his adopted daughter's success iu the world of sotictv--" arc you going out to night?" Yes, papa. — •' Whom with?" Colonel ltandoipl~." "I thought Charley had taken a boo. at the opera for you!" "I promised Colonel Randolph tir::t," said Tesora, languidly playing, with her " And how about to-morrow night. I suppose Charley could get his tickets transferred." " I am so sorry, sir, lint I am engaged fur to-morrow night:' Mr. Terryn rose and walked restlessly up and down the room. Ile was a man much guided by the opinion of his fellow men. Tesora must be a treasure, else why this competition among the young mil lionaires Ibr her society! "Look here, Tess—Charley will he so disappointed!" " I can't help it. Let Inc see"— and she glanced at the tablets—" Friday is the only uveniti! I have disengaged,.. -1 skulk "Fiddlestick!'' muttered the old gentle man, uneasily. "It seems to rae you're getting, to be a great belle, IVliss!" "Stu I, papa!" said Tess laughing. " but you see I ant your own little girl still." And she gave him a little coaxing kiss. " My own littlegirl—yes—but what will you become when Colonel Randolph or Dayton L'Estrange, or seine other of these scamps takes you away from tre !" Tesoro, blushed until the rose- el, h. r cheek was like carnation. "They will not, papa." "Won't they? I'm not altogether so sure of that." But the next afternoon he came Lome from his oftke with a puzzled face. They have come, Tess?" "What have come?" The offers of marriage— two of by Jupiter—Colonel Randolph and Mr. ',up inierl What do you say, Tess?" " I--I must think of it, papa." Very gentlemanly, I must say—hot!! well off, substantial fellows, and profl•ss to be desperately in love with thy girl. }lot Tess—" " iVell, sir?" "You won't leave dear? 'Think how desolate the old house ‘viil be without you!" Tesora was silent—her head dropped. "Father," said Mrs. Terryn. gently. " let the girl decide for herself. We have no right to stand between her and a home and a husband of her own." " But she might have a Lome and a hus band of her own here!" burst in 'Mr. Terryn. "That is-- I mean—Charley "I have refused Charley to-day!" said Tesora, calmly. Refused Charley! And why`?" " Because I have reason to believe that his suit was pressed without the approval of his father. Oh, sir, could you think that after all your kindness, I could steal your son's dutyaway from you! I would rather die!" "Spoken like yourself, Tess," said Mrs. Terryn going to her and kissing her. "Tess, do you love him!" eagerly q ue, s _ tioned the father. That has nothing to do with the ques tion, sir," she answered, reservedly. "But I want to know," he insisted. I do love him, sir, then." " And you have refused him einy b.'- cause I didn't approve?" Yes, sir.'' "But I do approve, Tess! It would make mu the happiest old father in the world, if I coma call you both, children, in real truth." Charles Terryn rose from his scat alai came eagerly forward. " Tesora—dearest—you hear him! t Met? more I ask you to be my wife!" And Tesora hid her face on his shoul der, weeping—but Tesora was very happy nevertheless! " But, my love," said Mrs. Tcrryn, softly,' , what has wrought such at:lunge in your sentiments?" "I—l dont't know,'' said the old gen tleman, evasively. "I say, Tess, what shall I tell the Colodiel and Mr. Dupl nier?" "Tell them, sir," spoke up Charley, " that she has a previous engagement!'' And so the mother's management pre vailed, and little Tess's first home was her last. uov eare /or him 'rho shall have borne the battle, and Jor his widow and his orphan, to do all vhich may achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace among ourselves and with, all nations."-4-1. -let matters r' =t. I will ather. abrithant'o Chips. '1"n1 present Secretary of War. General Rawlins, began Li.. .ar.,*r a , liaro)al ; burner. A DNAPPOPsrfED ottioe Pt-elo-r ;I:forms us that there are only 1.4.")1 days rm..re of Grant's administration.— GEN. JOHN A. LooAN hzok mitted into the Methodist Episcopal Church, in Carhondaio, on probation. THE minister who boasted of prcaoh im; without note!, don't wish to be under stood as refl_Tring to greenbacke. course not. THE handsome stall of one re,:—ion of dollars was lately offered for the New York Tiino newspaper establishment. :n -eluding its valuable real estate. ROBERT MARTIN Dor“ L .E!4.t., son of the late Stephen A. Douglas, Las been appointed by President rant one of his private Secretaries. MAJ. A. H. CA LHOUN, a brave soldier and eloquent Republican speaker, has been appointed by President Grant Pension Agent at Philadelphia. ...intiaNsAs Las passed the siiqrage amendment, making the eleventh State. Georgia and Delaware Live eaeli re4 - Tt , :d it. There were 2,„477,:iti-t hogs , i.aughtered in the West this sea6on, a docrease as to numbers, when compared iitt year, but an increase in the weight of the hogs. 110 N. JOIIN A LLION, of l'enmy ivania, has been appointed Register of the Treas ury, and Hon. R. \V. Clark Las 1.41 n pointed Third Auditor. .1011 N CON/opt:has made good Lis claim to a scat in Congress by producing the proolwhich establishem his c;ectiou. lie will 1.4..! admitted. as la: he :I) the SomE one of a ,tatisti,al t:lrn i t in:nd has estimated that the corn made into whisky in a single revenue district in Ken tucky would fittten 200,000 hogs. lIIEL A N II has 171 persons to the lnii "Zut:h density of popuat ‘vo„:(.1 give l'ennylvania forty nollions ants. 'o,;?itiN fR u'r will vote on the !'th p:;ox. It is to be hoped sincerely that she w - . 11 have wisdivin enough to select a Legisla ture which will act for Frceaoin, t,yfati fying the constitutional amenditien:. Miss VAN ',Kw, Who rendered thy `-tittc some serviee as a Union spy to (;en. rant, i n o w potinni(• army, is to re;yive the ap j Postinisiro:s at it.;( Virginia. THERE ap :a New York and i.rook.yn, .110; houses of prostitution, 107 :issigna lion house.::; pretty-waiter-g;rl saloons, 2,107 prostitutes, and 25r) waiter Ttiif. following sentiment Is i;t:rihatcd to Napoleon Bonaparte : ••A handsome woman pleases the eye, but a good woman pleases the heart. The one is a jewel— the other a treasure." THE first strawberries were shown on Saturday in the windows of some of the fruiterer in Philadelphia. They arc dis played in diminutive splint baskets. The fruit is as acid as it is dear, selling at the rate of sixty , ruts for alie,a tiAttlvn rirr. . 4 '. TEN Ny...‘si:r, paper reports :he cap ture of an inormon-- frog, which is three feet 1 ,, r,r itulies in height when in a sitting position, %reigns ¶J pounds, leaps ten feet in the. c;ear, and has eyes two and a half inehet. ill diameter, r I . cr , ttle organ of "Ao( . lk ty niends in l'hiladelphia, that President “rant has applied to that body fo r lists of llaltlCHof pt. rsotw suitable for Indian AgclitQ, of nun who will truly repmscht a paternal :.nd 14.nefl,cnt 60- veruanent. LETTEns from Washington fltatc that there is• a quiet but earnest diseussiun among the colored people concerning the appointment of some representative of their race as Minister of the United •! , tat.ts to lfayti. Mr. John M. Langston is nier: tioned as one whose claims and r]ualitlea tions have becu canvassed. NoTwyrusTANDINo Gen, Long t ...tr t , t 2 t was one of the earliest to endorse the lc construction measures, that his political disabilities have been removed, and that the President reposes the utmost confi dence in him, considerable opposition to his confirmation has developed itself since he was sent to the Senate as surveyor of the port of New Orleans. THE Democratic papers have soddenly fallen violently in love with the Chicago platfimm, and are greatly exercised lest the Republican party shall make something of an advance by the ratification of the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution. Thus this old fogy party Is always taking possession of and defending the camp grounds which we have left behind. PUILADELPHIA and Pittsburg are the two largest cities in the State. the roi iowlng is a list of the remaining cities, with their estimated population, based on the vote of last October, and allowlng six and a half persons to each voter : Bead ing, 39,517 ; Scranton, If 9,601 ; Harris burg, 25,135 ; Laueaswr, ; Wil liamsport, 19,7 1 . 1 2 ; Allentown, IC,t4+s Erie, 11,:274. A MAGNIFICENT diamond I T a t eivt, w a s recently found on the floor el the Prin cesses, Gallery in the British House of Lords, which on examination proved to be of paste, and worth about two guineas. Of course the fair owner never put in a claim for her lost property; but there is considerable curiosity to know who is the Princess that wears such jewelry. CASH RATES OF ADVERTISING Pcn !intim of Norval con ME! 1 week . 2 weeks. 3 weeks. 1 month.. months. 3 months.. 6 months.. 1 year Executors' Notice...... Administrators' Notice Assignees' - 13M tore , Notice SPECIAL NOTICES—Tea cents a line for the first insertion, unil Seven cents a lino for oaf% subsequent insertion. REAL ESTATE wlvcrLisetnents, Ten eon*, u line for the first insertion and Five vents a lam for each additional insertion. No. 19. -ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTOV(4 paccoted with neatness and despatch. Tin Democratic papers usualty' bat*. their hopes in carrying an election 'on the "sober second thought" of the people. Nastry thinks "that 'Bots•rsecond.thaitght' won't do to e,epend onto. The gitsooine Dimo , .. rat zno sots r thought, nor no second one. Tho sc,ber man who thinks wicc aliuz,hett a most unaccountabie tabit of vot.ng with the A! ,- ,ishoists. , The Memphis Little clock Ark., despatches state that the Governor sent a message to the Legislature on Mon day, notifying it that has had removed martial law from Crittenden county, the last one in the State where it WEIS Crlibreed. 'Tuesday toornirg about 9 o'clock. two ccaches and sleeping ears were thrown from the track on the Toiedo, Peoria, and Warstiw Ptitilroati, two lanes west of Wash ington, ino,s. There were aboard a large number of passengers, including ex-Gov ernor Seyrnoar of New York, thirty-five or forty of whom were more or ies9 .iiejln td, though :Ail few suriousiy. Tne: Dover httir4tica:i exi•rtsses the opinion that the peach trees have not been injured to any extent, n the vicinity of Dover, by the retelit told weather. The Clayton 11 a:ti expresses a similar opin ion in regard to Clayton and vicinity. The p,it Is :Lis° promi nent Irtilt-growers that the buds have net it(t,re,l county, Idd., and as yet there . 4 iL h promise of frt't for the season. woventk lit (pc:, to call an brintt c:c7IN ep.;:en of..egatirtH from the Irlo: rt "I.CI LI , VnIPUt SOtie -11 in tt.e' 'r -t.at1 , 4., the object being f1111:1 bureau .!1 New York. wltt, !4cwietics in all the Statetr, for,trd cf furnishing aid and in forrr.,Woi, 1n Irishmen :n regard to the .abor, and to render any otht r w...."!starae ricet , sary to st care bene ft;,. tU irlsh uri igrante. tiontst confeFs , tc,tl :r4 wood for the .so L.!. A New 'York journal, alluding to the t..-tory of the corruption praettced. in :Lc Ni w Tc - o , rk Fays • "We may rtiaii:•3 Lave said a word too youth when re. c•to.4 we (.Larged i'enh , ylvania 1 1 .1• , tr.oFt c.c. , rrupt ' , Lite In the perhap.i., Iv( nay have Lean 11 iI; ;1.04, in what wc about out' r.t.',gttuc Ftl.l, there .H :10 tR .Ibt that when A ihwr.y . cictitroykil by I.re from Httri•,.st I , rt` ntny a. we I liow , :m ftt ,00k fir•r. TUE :.uttior.tier , of t'a Navy N.:ad at !.I„iadelthla have received °lli, tt4 to at uncr tiL 410.1 lio-palefilflTAC of if if . , ,y;lig .:sta.r.el Cro Rey oul about a f ve hotto' r. I/ Thor(' are ~r..rne thirty of b:s boats now at ue and the tame orttered will be ready -to it aye y next \cock. ,itit..tters are grow -.Lig interest t.g that erection. returned so xingtot,, .1... y, and the telegraph annour...i tti.it "he will ;tannediately re new O. I.racite of taw, but will carernuy eschew poiitics..' When the ucvil was sick, the devil a monk would he. It isthe old story, and we expect to see the distin guished 'Rebel runn,ng for the next good' office be hi.s any chance of getting. tiriotiGn T. Downing, Frederick Doitt. lass, William J. Wilson, (Jolla Oruso,44'. lilarbadoes, A. T. Augusta, L. .14- (;. and' J. F. Cook, colored, La v - e issued proposals for the pub tication of a ti . st-class weekly journal in 11 1 e city in the interest of the eoiored people of America, not ati separate c•iass, but as a part of the whole biopic ; having a . oiuwon interest in the public WC ifare, viditled to equal rights, owlng (1 1 - Lial aiteglance, subject to ecitirol. burdens. anti cqual opporttini tiV.S. RENA ft ABLE RESULT OF cr rix years ago, the Emperor T!aodorus, of A hyss inat, as tie called him self, addressed an autograph letter to queen V ietoria. Aa a matter of course, it was opt ned and read byy the then Foreign Fe rotary, Earl tiosseJ. Not thinking it worthy of tieing vidierl in 'Victoria's hands, nor even worthy of having its re ceipt aeknowledgod, t was placed out of sight ln one of the pigeon-hoes of the lot ( ig,n (fittice. Not receiving any reply, Tiwodortis consiikrud himself insulted, and laid twirl of certain German and Brit ish missionarit-s and travellers, whose Vali or cariosity had married them into Abys sinia. Treating these prisoners in a very cruel manner, and nut paying any atten tion to reiterated requests to liberate them, Tfleoiloros received intimation that his country would tic invaded by a large British tbrce. Trusting largely in the inaccessibility of his domains, Theoderlin ridiculed the idea of invasion—the eib*t being as he thought, only to recover a Wee insignitieaut Europeans. The honor Of England, however, was at stake, and war with Abyssinia was assented to by the British government and Parliament whUle Lord Derby was Prime Minister. The w sult was the .e,:every of the prisoners and thi dt feat amid death of Theodorils. exaltation prevailed throughout Fang, arid. But, the time having arrived when the cost had to tie ascertained and paid, it now appears that this little war has already cost .C., 4 ,(A),000 (say $43,00%- 000) and wiii almost certainly run up to 19,000,W0. It carries with it the deadly purchased moral : when official persona oes receive letters, it is always best to answer them before. they are putaway.pet of sight in the pigeon -holes of eny uldie department. Lord Russells negl caused _England an expenditure of ,- Uoo,ooo.—Phil. Preto. Di' FATHER ABRAHAM: .I.ltutc twl ' I 6; , g (L c • co 'a 75 (..) 4... ae A 75 ?I 1 404210 1 ...N.tj 1 801 270 si:l IX) .3 30 75, 2 00 ? 390 7pl 400.&? 00 4 001 C 001 900'. 7 00L 21 00 ? IC 50 1 32 00, 20 001 30 00 $ 3 50,$ 8 00 450 800, e 00 30 00 7 00 12 00 10 00 20 00 15 00 30 00 25 00 40 00 40 00, tO 00 441C1( E. Cr.f. I=l $ 11 $0 14 to 11,00 oo 33'60 66 00 70 00 121) 00 ..111 60 5( • 2 60 10
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers