PriisCll. BREEF FUN SCRWEFFLEBRENNER. ScHLIFFLorows, Mertz der 15ta, 1569 1415T1 R FODDER A RR A IL% M : Om SomsWog nummidog we kilt draw war oil shtoll ous inislita, Bonn is widder atuohl der Kee-duckter awkumma un lawft su longsom in der shtoll nei, hnekt hich in der Kee-truag tin frisked eb ich missy bin. " So a wennich" bob kit g'sawt. "Du kricksht nn ordlich otter misht howfit dort drous," secht er. " hob ich g'sawt," awer es nemmt aw ord. for ich hob im sin selly Int guns foil krumbeem blonsa int free-yohr, un dort konn mer der misht aw wterra." Yah, for au 2uter crop krumbeera nemmts misht," secht er. Donn hen mer ow a g'shwetzt fun weaya ()Herten socha, un mer sin widder amour uf politics kum un wcaya dentin Senily leit, Posht- Office un ich wens net was olles. Tsuletsht hut er g'sawt er het an proposition for mulch, under wake we er's explained lint, Demokrata secht er, sin oil my freind, un hen nix dergenya waun ich de Posht- Office grick, for 01l de bisness wu se mit der Office hen is anyhow net feel, well se net de kloss kit sin wu breetit shreiva, odder tseitunga lcasa, un do paar wu der tteadinger Adler odder de Kutztowner Cieisht der Tseit nemma, kenna se aw ttreeya warm ich Posht Alessi i ter bin yusht so goot dos fun enuich ebber sunsht. A.wer, seclit cr, suppose now du grieksht de Office, we wfers waun do se dort ins Kitzelderfers lussa deatsht, un dunn wterslit selwer gor net geboddert mit, for du hetsht nix tsu du dos yusht der Kitzel derfer deppitty appointa. Er hut mer Rohrer g'shwt er wter wilions de office tsu teuda for nix, yusht so dos es de leit ons wiertshouse bringa cleat, un uf seller wake al Maws% uf holta. 1f den wake, seelit er. wise ones was de otheeei bringt clearer pruffit for mich. Er hut mer aw tsu fer ahtea gevva dos der Kitzelderfer in der a4tadt war doh for a paar dog, un hut helicon Slitate Lawyer tsean dawler ge butta waun cr es so tlx'd dos er de office polta kennt, un dunn hut der lawyer cam avc geroata es proweera mit nicer tsu fixa uf den wake. Was er dem Shtate lawyer ges-va hut for den guta roat, kent er net sawya, secht er, awer any how net wen oticher dos tint dawler. Ich bob awer meim kee duekter g'sawt doe so long ich noch net inn oust Lin, un uflishel notice hob nun Grant selwer dos ich wrerklieh der Peter Schwefficbrenner Ilsquira Posht Master fun Schliffietown bin, so long wet ich nix fershpreeha, for ich het im sin tsu acts yusht grawd we der 4 rant selwer, for, du wcasht, sog ich, cr hut kem mensh nix fershprocha his of der very dog we er ins oust uci gon ga is. In sellam deal bin ich an mono exactly we der Grant; ich sog nix; ich .i.rslipreelt nix; ich du.nix un moch for nix, uf forna nous. tin suppose aw ich wiers agreed de office dort ons Kitz elderfees 'wol, es is nocli ebber tsu con sulta derweaya, un sell is de Bevvy, un , se, bin icti sure, dents net sidanda. Awer fun emu hob ich nix g'sawt tstun Kee duckter, un ter aw net. [cli hob eau( yusht g'sawt kit wet noch wordy eh ich Gsrshprech, un aw for mich selwer drivvcr kunsiddera, un noel dem dos viler 'loc h a well geblaudert hen is er uf un oh, un ieli Lin widder one AAAI mishta, hob dertsu g'slitickt bis hit frertich war. Now, awer mus ich der a wennich fun ennui sunsht shreiva. ])e letsht woch hut@ amohl an excitement gevva one lichwefilebrenner's, in Schiffietown, un ich feel ordlich elevate derweaya. I'n now, was denksht dos es is? We long deats dick nemma fors tsu gessa? Wann du odder di fraw now doh wierd, donn Beat ich eich's weisa. Awer, was is es? Well, now, rota amohl. Ferleicht denksht ich hob an 'icier gaol kawft. Awer s'is nix, fun der ort, un aw kea Little ku, kea kolb, kea butter foss un kea hund uu kea kotz. Was dorm? Ei an ivver cue snick er un fetter Nth. Er shloaft olleweil, awer for about a shtund den morya hut er gegrisha dos er mich g'mawnt hut on a shornshtea feayer, odder seller dick law yer fun Reading. Wanu er leawa bleibt, on atuohl olt genunk is, dean slick IA can aw in de shoot un geb eam a laming so dos er si living macha konu mit fendu kroya, odder lawyera, odder in der Semly hticka, odder ennich ebbas du dos an loudy shtimm nemmt. De olt Sensawetzerissy awer sogt dos des dingly so gegrisha hut wells shin ertza iii kilt g'hot hut. Se is any how draw um hut 'cm anion so a wennich kotza-kraut tie Outten, mit bebbertninte druppa un kashter oil un nocli so onnere kreiterly shtuft nei, un sell hut se clone dear diugly gevva mit ma to leffaly, un donn hut se 'cm so an shltit z. r ins maul twi g'shteekt on in wentli-lwr ,lc tinfinitututta huts u•:; kreisli,t tutu i ti 4 ,• shlotit shtill we a !nicely. De Solaklupperiss rin (:'slaw ire Lawbuti: sei Craw sin t;esincr k mania fors klea buwelly Iso swam!, un Was donksht now dos de Lawbucksy g'snwt hut ? "Hi," malt!. se, " "lick (loch now :mold, IN - as des Idea (tingly (loch now so rhea g'sund un fet is -es guckt (loch now yosht exactly we der Pit, :lb bonneh sei nous, dots now net?" Val!" weld de Solaklupperissv, "sell is der l'it seller, ous un oils." benuerkunga, du konsht denka, hen mieh about uf getuued tat gekitzelt. Ater hen !loch net decide !if an nawma -we liter den kleana Schweffle brenner lwasa, for sell kommt or.llich feel of de lievNy arc. it'll suspect awer dos se so an hob wy notion hut fors A REY lsll woji so so lON feel funs Fod der Abraham ilenkt, for Atmev on Abra ham is ea nawma, yusht a wennich oh ge ktertzt. 1 - 11 Wallit'S SO gedawft waerd, Bonn, mind. es kosht rich an neier frock, for sell sawya so is de rule warm nor kinner de leit nosh heist. Prr SCHWEFFLEIIHENNEIt. WIDDER DERHEAM-DER SAME OLT ANDY. Doh bin ich widder im Greenville shteddle, Im olta Slit ate fun Tennessee; My nochbera 011, se duhn beim bettle Mich dreeta vusht wen shtick rinds-fee! Ich feel koryose—es kummt tier fore e hetta Illicit now oil ferlussa-- De very kierls, denna ich de yolir Ols kleader g'inacht hob--reek un hussa! Ich war (loch Div chucks President-- Der feddersht movn im gonsa lend, tin (loch, an yeader,dier mich kent. Gebt net. amohl a nochber's hoed! Doh huts aw plenty rebels leit De setta (loch now by titer shtea; Awer kens fun eana beet de tseit Se wella tide!' sheints nimmy sea. Es is mer bong ich kons net kumma, For widder so an unit tsu kreeya— droha ger mich nous tsu drumma, FOr weil ich dent nix du dos leeya. tin denk yuslit draw, de weeny neayer. Sc locha mich yetz aw yusht ous— An yeader shwartzer shornshtea feayer Singt songs fum GuANT im weisa House! S'is ebbas letz—nemond dut mich ears— Es macht michfolsh wann ich draw denk; M 2- Policy -fun sellam mix tnea heam— leli feel dos het ich now de krenk! Is es done now miglich? Ous em omt! Konn nix mea kreeya—nix mea huffy-- ; Ea party hut mich shun ferdomt, In dr'onner bin ich olsfort g'sinflit! Doch pa ding is a consolation, ITri sell is yusht grawd des:— Nix men tsu du mit Constitution, ITII independent fum Kung-gress. ,I My harship is, ich hob kea freind; (/11 down ;o'llnel—so mean un base-- :Vernon(' lifutit filfeh 2) elf min 011 shelta mich an hurter easel Ebbas left now proweera, For noeh my olty dawya shpenda; Korrockter koun ich net ferleera— We wiers ich iicat donn grog-shop tenda? Ich flerricht yusht es is tsu shpoat— Ich feel dos ester kit ous geshpeelt, Ich besser henk mich—mach mich doat— shlecht hob ich doch ne net glfeelt! Net for shpite, dos ich Illicit doh fershtick For ous tueirn ealend rouse tsu kumrna, Mit fees turn budda—hols im shtrick, ob tsu gea,•der deifel hearts brumma! No-sir-ce, henk nileb net, awer hob ina sin, Now recht net gea—(s'is doch so handy) For whisky, brandy, schnapps un gin— Teh bin voh noch DER SAME OLT ANDY! THE DOCTOR AND THE QUACK. Doctor A'anstletten, a celebrated Dutch physician, who had long been established in IA pluton, in passing through Grosvenor Square, had his attention drawn to a quack, who, Mk a suberh coach and four, and seVeral magnificently dressed servants, was drawing an immense crowd and ma king enormous sales of his high drugs. Ile ascertained the place of his residence and sent him an invitation to come and see him at his house the next morning. The next morning the quack came. "Sir," said the doctor to him, "I heard von announce publicly yesterday that you had excellent remedies for all sorts of dis ,' eases. . You excite my curiosity. And now in noticing you attentively, I think I recognize you, yet I cannot recollect where e have before met each other. "Sir," replied the quack, "I call satisfy you easily on that point. I served several years with my lady Waller, when you came so faithfully. I was her former footman. But I left her service three years ago for the employment in which you now see me." 1 un still more curious," said the doe- tor. Bow is it possible with the knowledge you have acquired in three years, you can sustain such a brilliant equipage that you appear to have, while in the practice of my profession during forty years, with the greatest application and with a degree of celebrity, I eau hardly support my little liousehold ?" "Sir I cannot give you a direct reply, I but permit me to sock you a few ques tams." Very well," said the doctor. I " You live in one of the most frequented I , ,streets of this city. How many persons, think you, pass your residence during the day ?" That would be difficult to decide,'' said the doctor "but at a conjecture will say ten thousand." I accept your reckoning as just; and, now, how ninny, think you, of these ten j thousand are persons of good sense ? Mind, I do not say of intelligence, for all persons, or nearly all, have a certain de gree of intelligence." "It would perplex me to distinguish between intelligence," said the doctor, "and good sense, but if among the ten thousand, there were a hundred of sense, it would be a high estimate." "Ali, well," said the quack. "You have replied yourself to the question in regard to my work. The hundred of goad. sense have your practice, while the nine thousand nine hundred have mine." .4her wood be no jarrin elemence, no di . mensions, for our ranks wood alluz be 'ix..crooted from one source. Ther wood be NASBY. , no unpleasant relashon. Ez the Dinioc , risy wood hey the appointin uv the offi- Mr. Nashy and New York—An Item in the veers the sod officers wood, of they contin- Newspapers decides him against going to : yoo the practis now in vogue in Noo York, that City, whieh decision a little arith- . be taken from the same class cz the convix metle reverse. under em, so that ther wood be no jeal [From the Toledo Blade.) lnlay or hart burnins. how sweetly time POST OFFIS, CONFEDIOT X ROADS, 1 'loud glide on! liz I contemplate the (Wick is in the State of Kentucky. ~ t?leasin Pieter. Ido not reject the move- February 20, ISoil. ) tpent at all. My haven nv rest may, after I notis in the public prints (wich con- ' 41/' be a berth in a Noo York prizes. fooshen seeze) an item to the etfeek that' Let it conic. V. the leadin Dimoerisy. (with is the men uv PF.Tum.mum NAstly, P. M., wealth, wich hevin stole theirselves rich I. (With is Postmaster.) are anxious to keep ther wealth and bet 4 ..7 - - - -- --- --- --- -- -- - -- --- - -- I bloated aristocrats) hey determined to noAr''-" Our PM Ookto. longer perfect the theeves, bond-robbers, 1 garroters, burglars, and sich, who arei "elected. makin that city lively for that class, and 4 that when rich arc taken they must takes --A Tombstone, in Maine, erected to memory of a wife, bears the inscrip titer chances the same ez though they the lion: "Tears cannot restore her; there lived in other cities. How much it torts em to get the courts for em I don't know, Iflre I wee')." but that our friends are to hey a hard time -;ft--Miss Lizzie Boynton, of Crawfords uv it hereafter, is certin. One uv em, ; _Wet Indiana, having lectured on the sub brite and shinin lite, who wuz accused uv ;j°Ft, "After Suffrage, What?" received w a burglary, complicated with a murder or er the other day, in the shape of an two, wuz not only arrestid and tried, ;NIG° pair of trowsers, a pick axe and a dull wuz convictd, and sentenced to Sing-Siligl r. for forty years, and another for twenty. 1--A lady seeing a man in the gutter, At first site this settled the question uv !ssOi she was afraid ho was dead. Pat, my goin to Noo York adversely. I th0t4.40 had been near enough to smell his to myself, if these inlhtooatid men persist ; brZath, exclaimed: "Faith, and I wish I in their determenashen to hang and itn- bad half his disease." m/ when :ed 30 see a (es. It 1 Sole Agent for ~ .ame ti,_j_ _Ai EL* „AY & SO ' 4 : 0400. -- . i __ ___ . ~..,; ui tale magaa..... ~ say n s A - Agglet ter erkratic majority in the city, by law, is that "Young men are responsible for tlli I PRINCE & CO.'S A.NB and .LOMONS, very easily assertained. There are suthin dress and deportment of young women." , ai-Music sent ))y Mall Free of pnetage. like twenty criminalcourts in the city, and,: Joe thinks he don't want to be responsible No. 3 NORTH FRANC)... STRVE7 t I spoze, ef the Judges push things, each] for any young woman's dresses just at Lancaster, la. court kin average one convickshen a day.,, present. • • • • We hey a real majority in the it tit; . _____ 1. "1 • • ' lady"nowclays, nee young a is 80,000. We hey given ez high ez 70,000, I one you usually see in the front parlor, but 40,000 uv these wuz repenters. Now, I arrayed in "stunning" apparel, while her ef the courts hang and imprizen twenty , poor mother is performing the Grecian Send per day, and hold sessions RiX days in the 1 .nd over the washtub. What a beautiful week, it will take five years or thereabouts picture it would make. to wipe out our majority entirely, and ' throw the city into the hands uv our nag ! —"I don't want mother to marry teral enemies. I again," said a little boy one day at break- Probably it wood be done sooner, for the 1 , that. ``Why not?" was asked with some minit they begin hangin in earnest, per- ' surprise. "Because," said he, "Dye lost tikelerlv ef they commence on our leedin ! one father; and I don't want the trouble men, the smaller fry will take fright and : of getting acquainted with another." scatter. It is safe to say that by the next j —A young lady who went out with a Presidenshal eleckshun the majority in the I rather timid beau sleighing one evening, city will be so redoost ez to make the State ! complacently remarked to him that she shoor for the Radikels. seldom went a sleighing but she got chaps I had made up my mind to abandon the on the lips. The young man took the idea uv location in Noo York, but an afer- 1 hint and chapped. thought changed my purpose. I steel go; —A New Orleans jury declared a man to Noo York. An ordinary State Prison , had come to his death by "an unknown Will hold fifteen hundred convix. ;The ! cart." About on a par with this is the three or four prizens the State hez is 10 Philadelphia verdict respecting a man full, and not one in a thousand is sent to ! who had been crushed to delliki a a mill, em who ought to be, Ez a matter uv when the jury remarked: " me can course new prizens will have to be built, ! be attached to the machinery." and to accommodate our majority twenty I —A French marquis was riding out new ones will be required. .Now the Court : one day when he passed an old priest House in Noo York hez already made the trotting alone. contentedly on a quiet don forchoons uv twelve eontraekters, with I key. "Ha, rtal" exclaimed the marquis, hey all retired independently rich, and ex- "how goes t h e ass, gee d fitth„r?,, "On perenced calculators hay tiggered that horseback, my son, on horseback," replied twenty more will make their pile out uv,it ! the good priest. before it is finisht. A States Prizen kin be made to cost ez much ez the Court , --Town man: . "Ilow jolly it must be, House, for uv course they will be finisht ! living down here, 'tithe country!" Country with all the modern improvements for #ie 1 gentleman: "Oh, I don't know. It's convix, incloodin gas and hot and oeld ~ rather a torpid sort of life; time passes water. The unfortnit men ought to Ive slowly." _Town man : "Time passes in the same style ez before their inca - I 1 I slowly? ou should get somebody to be shen. It wood crooel to deprive n draw on you at three months. Alderman or member uv the tom on ! —"Aw!" exclaimed an English cock- Council, or member uv the Board uv . 9 - ! ney to a Western traveller in England, cashun, uv the black walnut furuitoo ey I "epeaking-aw of the law of primogeni hey ben accustomed to. 1 tore, 'ave you hentail ~ i tt America?" Under our present management, at st , "Ilentail!" said the American, looking at 32 men kin be made independent out, uv , his interrogator with curiosity; no, sir. each prizen. 20 times 82 is 340) We have the cocktail in America, and a with is the precise number uv flo- very popular drink it is." cmtic leaders who kin be made conlitort- , —A certain preacher was holding forth ' able out uv this misforchoon to the perty, to a somewhat wearied congregation, There is no great loss without sonic Natalie! when . n 0 "lifted up his eyes" to - the galls gain. While we are redoosin our nuflori- "" rv, and beheld a youngster pelting the Ity by imprisonin our voters, a porshen uv , people below with beans. The minister ! us will make our canine shoor by buildin was about to administer a sharp and the prizens to hold em. Who knows but. stringent repremand for this flagrant act ef I git my grosery started in time, I. kin , of impiety and disrespect, but the youth, git into the ring which builds one uv their anticipating him bawled out at the top of instooshens! And ef one uv em shoed be his voice—"you mind your preaching and finisht before the control uv eta passes out I'll keep them awake.'' Phe scene that uv our hands, veto knows but I mite per-, ensued may safely be left to. the imagine chance be warden tn . one uv ein? Oh. : Lion. wat happiness that wood be! There, in the conjeenal sosiety uv Democrats. I cood happily pass my days. With the prison- 1 ers I eood hold sweet converse. We wood , fite our politikle battles o'er agin—we i wood talk uv our campaigns and compare 1 notes ez to wat he bed reepectieely done ! for Dimocrisy. The repoters wood tell how many times they voted at Ott* glee- 4 shun, and how many at that—they woad narrate the partikelers uv their excursion 1 to Connecticut, Noo Jersey, and Philadel- I phis, and so the time would pass cheerily. I can't imagine a more happy posishen for a man uv my tastes than sieb a .1)08i shell in States' Prison in Noo York. We shock' hey there a society all uv oue kind, I frth I 10 —A clever gentleman, and something of a wag withal], fell a victim to the wiles of "John Barleycorn," recently, and be came sea-sick," if the Ilibernianism may be allowed, so that he had to anchor in a fence-corner and "heave." Holding on to a rail, he poured forth a promiscuous cascade "tremenjus to behold." A sym pathizing friend, while passing, feelingly Inquired, "llaUoal what's the matter? are you sick?" The victim turned npon him a look in which was concentrated a per fect avalanche of reproachful contempt, ' and blurted out, between the intervals of his copious upheavels, "Confound vou, serpo-o-se I-'iu p-u-puking tier fun'%" Dentistry. LANCART ER, -lune 25th, lf% EmTons Exraess: Dr. Wm..:81. Whiteside, the enterprising Dentist, has purchased from me it large stock of teeth and all the fixtures, the in struments formerly belonging to me, and also those used by my father, Dr. Parry, in his praq,. nevi. In the purchase, the doctor has provide% himself with some of the most valuable and ex pensive instruments used in dental practide,, and has beyond doubt (me of the best and lax - - gest collections isf to und instruments int:it; Persons v•isit lug the cornmeal lOUS OMC of Dr. Whiteside., cannot fall to be fully' ace° - modated. The DoetOr loses no oppor tunity farnish with himself every late seienti improvement hi his line of business. W. M. wurrE•iici D EIQ TIST 01 E AND I E?..1 DENC KI1cl; TIIEET, Next, door to the Court Ilouse, over Fallues tuck'it Dry hoods NCASTEE, PENNA Teeth Extou•tc4l +without Juan by the use of (Nitrous Oxide) Gas. n0..1)-t f Jereetry. Z AMA & JACKSON, DEALERS IN IVA TCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVEIt AND NILVER-PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA airREPAIRING ATTENDS!) To,-wil no2o•ly] WATCHES! WATCHES! CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS. The undersigned keepg constantly on hand a large and full assortmeMibt the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHES, of different weight and Ilnish, to suit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps also on hand a good assortment of CLOCKS. ()all and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, 1 solicit a continu ance of the same. HENRY F. ANDREWS, Jan 14m• ] Strasburg, Lancaster 00., Pa. Musical Instruments, .fir... J. B. KEVINSKI, DEALER lei SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, And Musical Instruments Generally. GOOK AMOR', D 011! ROOK aw im J. B. KEVINSKI SEIM MUSIC SHTOIR.E. KLOIPPEERA, ORTELLA, MELODZONS, all tale aorta musk: Inobtrumental Der Kevinski is agent for de bereemty Stela wehr Pianos—Klorfeera heart mer se of deitab Der platz is No. 3 NORD PRINCE STREET, LANCASTER. N. B. For a flrlt rat.y gooty Geig, odder an Accordeon, odder a Tsweerrich•Peil; odder m ulch qnners musical Inslitrument, ilea oddff gross, shtept yusht ni one KevinskPs, No:"3 Nord Prince Shtrose, Lancaster. [n09.114y Groceries. • GROCERIES, FRUITS, AND CONFECTIONS, FOR THE HOLIDAYS. LAYER, SEEDLESS AM) VALENCIA. RAISIN NEW CURRANTS, NEW CITRON, TURKISH PRUNES, GREEN APPLES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACIIEs, HOMINY, SHAKER. CORN, GREEN PEAS, SPLIT PEAS, CHOICE CRANBERRIES, CHOICE GREEN TEA,_ CHOICE BLACK TEA. 100, LAGU YHA AND JAVA COFFEES, SUGARS AND SYRUPS. A VARIETY OF CONFECTIONS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE. LAMP GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. All the above of the best quality and cheaper than the cheapest. At D. S. & J. B. IiURSK'4, nov 20-Iyr] No. 15 East King street, Mho. Tarnishes, &c. AUG. ENINOEHL. JAC. RKINUKHL, P JEI .cx. & J. REI:NOIEHL, • MANUFACTURERS AND DIALERS COPAL, wmTv., covrm, SLAGS AND JAPAN VA I? Zvi iißB, LINsEED TURPENTINE, £O., NO. 109 NORTH. QUEEN STREET, (In the Keystone Building,) LANCASTER, PA. Also, Mahogany Boards = Veneers old Mouldings of different sizes and pat terns. All kinds of Turning, such us Bed Posts, Table Legs. Spokes, hlubs , Feltoes, &c. , &e., &e. Also, .1 XI. ES, FPRIN6B , &e. [Jan 8-47 Book and Job Printing. - - RAI Cll & COCHRAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING OF ALL KINDS. From the largest POSTER to the smallest OAILD or CIRCULAR, executed in the beet style, AM at reasonable prices. sirOrdere from a distance promptly attend ed to. OFFICIO.—NO. 18, SOUTII QUEEN STARIN, LA.SOASTSB, PAMPA. J. DICKEY. ArtORN ET AT LAW.' OFFICE: SOUTH QUEEN sT.,seconil house be low the "Fountain Inn," Lancaster, Pn. JB. LIVINGSToN, • ATToUN EY AT LAW. °spier: No. 11 NORTH DUI( E west side, north of the Court house, Lancaster, Pa. CHARLES DENUES ATTORk EY .ti` LAW. OFFICE: N 0.3 SOUTH DUKE STREET, Lan caster, Pa. JOHN B. GOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: N 0.503 EAST KING ST., Lancaster, Pa MM= JW. JOHNSON, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: No "25 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Looms ter, Pa. Et. P. ROSENMILLEH„iIt.. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: With A. if SMITIT, Esq., South Queen St., opposite the office of .Father Abra ham," Lancaster, Pa. A C. REINCEII ATTORNEY AT LAW. OEFirs: N 0.3 SOUTH DUKE ST., Lancaster JOHN P. REA, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE: With Hon. O.J. McKie; N 0.21 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster, Pa. MARTIN RI TT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE of the late Hon. THADDEUS STEVENS, No. 28 South Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. ABIOS 11. MYLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Orrics: No. 8 SOUTH QU EEN ST., Lanctokfq• J. K. RUTTER , ATTORNEY AT LAW 0/TICE: With General J. W. Ftemtn, NORTH DUKE ST., Lancaster, Pa. BF. BAER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Omer: No. 19 NORTH DUKE Street, Laticas ter, Pa. [due IS.tyr _Wadi ng Advert iseme DI No. 4r NORTH SEXTII ST., /leading, Pa JGEORGE SELTZER, • ATTORNEY AND C0UN:.0.:1.1.,ER AT LAW. No. 604 COURT STREET, (opposite the Court lionse,) Reading, Pa. FRANCIS M. BANKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARI PUBLIC. N 0.27 NORTH .‘3IxTH ST., Reading Penna. WATCHES ! M ARSHALL & SON'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, CENTRE SQUIRE, LANCASTER, PA. ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL—GtvaUs A CA LL. The only place for good and Fubstantial work s nt Where can he semi the largest and hest assort meta of fifetios and Boys, BOOTS A NT) SHOES ever brought to this city. Ladles', Misses' and Children's plain and fancy Shock, Bahnoralk and Buttoned Gaiters. Sir Also, RUBBERS OF EVERY KIND, which we invite you to call and examine; feeling eon thlent that we can warrantall to WE,',AR WELL. ~._ ....... . --"i rifitalia• JACOB 4OTILARMEL, PREMIUM BRUSH 'MANUFACTURER. DEALER IN COMIM .AND FANCY . ARTICLES, NO. 9!,; NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. dec 18 3111 no 20-1 y) rnishlitg Goods, dc. HEADQUARTERS Non UNDERCLOTHING, STOCKINGS, GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, and Gent's ware generally, at ERISMAN'S, No. 4I NORTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster. An ivver ous froseer shtock goods—euttablo for Kriellitozs, et-Yohre un onuery Presente— d() we ficlinup-Dicher, Collars,' Hem termet Krnep,g'slitickte Hemmer-fronts, Pocket filcher, Perfumery, -Rohr-CI:111, Cigar Casa, un onnery fancy articles one E. J. EBISMAN'S, 41)4 North Queon Street, Lancaster. (Om sign turn gross Shtreatich hem.) [noilo-ly JUST OPENED BEAU MONDE HALL ! 543 PENN SQUARE, 543 CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ALSO, BOY'S CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS! no2o-tt I DAVID DAIS B AIR & SHENK, BANKERS, NONTIMAFT ANGLE OF CENTRE SQUARE, n0904y) prof essm,ia7— MALTZ BEW?Eit, ATTORNEY AT LAW Boots and Shoes. MARSHALL'S, Clothing. PORTICO ROW, READING, PENNA., A LARGO LOT 07 BEAVERS, VESTINGS, &c. ; &c., FOR MINTER WEAR AND LEVI G. COLEMAN, Cutter BUCH & BRO., PROPRIETC;Wi Banking. LANCASTER, PENN A 2=iii R. W. SKINK