latter gbra • /'INDEPENDENT PII#OGRESSIVE. LANCASTER CITY, YA. FRIDAY, MARCH 19,1869. - ileotiomy, Retrenchment, Faithful Collection of the Revenue and Payment of the Public Debt.—GRANT. CAND4DATM tar We are authorised to announce ISAAC MISFILER, of Lancaster city, (late of Rest Cocalico township,) as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, subject to the rules of the Republican party. Cam" We are authorized to announce GEO. W. COMPTON, of C:ernarvon township, as a candidate for REGISTER, subject to the rules of the Republican party. FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. The new United States Senate stands : Republicans 57 Copperheads 11 Virginia, Mississippi and Texas to elect when reconstructed. Republicans. 139 Copperheads Alabama, Georgia and Connecticut to elect; also, Mississippi, Virginia and Tex as when reconstructed. It is believed that not less than ten or twelve Cops. will be ousted, of which two will be from Pennsylvania. There may be one or two Republicans from Tennes see rejected. The House, when full, will consist of 243 members, and the Senate of 74 members. • STRONG WORDS. The man who never "had an idea in his head , ' has taught that large class of long- winded stump speakers and verbose jour nalists who found fault with his reticence the value of silence. There is not a man In all that army of fault-finders who could convey a more severe condemnation of Andrew Johnson's policy than is condensed in these words: “All laws will be faithfully executed, whether they meet my approval or uot. Laws are to govern all alike; those op posed to as well as those who avor them. I know of no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so ellbctive as their stringent execution.” The man who utters sentences like these can reasonably afford to keep pretty silent six days out of sevn. THUGGERY ON THE MAKE. Some time last summer, one of the lead , hugs of this County—now an office ' bz some means managed to in , ; Railroad Company to issue a of free passes over their road, to in a certain political intseat. In "',f using them, according to repro ., ions made by Mr. Thug, by the in- uals in whose names they were is fitied, at least eight of them passed into the hands of a copperhead Councilman of this city, and by him sold to butchers and drovers, for sums amounting to one hun dred dollars each and upwards. This was decidedly sharp practice on the Rail road Company. Row many more than these eight passes were sold, we are not prepared to state. We are ready, if called upon, to state names of the parties re ferred to, and may .do so hereafter, even without being so requested. That will depend on their future honesty and good behavior. For the present, we have only to say, by way of comment, that any man who would sell a free Railroad pass, yfeuAtnt hesitate to do almost any thing for money. We have a few other Thug financial operations to " ventilate" one of these days. THE CABINET. President Grant on Thursday completed his Cabinet by the nomination of Hon. George S. Boutwell, of Massachusetts, as Secretary of the Treasury, Hon. Hamilton Fish, of New York, as Secretary of State, in the place of Hon. E. B. Washburne, who resigns to accept the position of Min ister to France, and of General John A. Rawlings, of Illinois, as Secretary of War, in place of General Schofield, who held the place temporarily. As completed the Cabinet consists of the following gentle men: Eon. HAMILTON FOIE, New York, Seo retary of &ate. L, lion. GEORGE S. BOUTWZLL, Massa chusetts, Secretary of the Treasury. lion. J. A. J. Cassurst.z., Maryland, Postmaster General. Gen. Joan A. BAWLING., Illinois, Secretary of War. Hon. ADOLPHE.!FM, Pennsylvania, Secretary of the Na (Mn. J. D. Cox, 0 io, Secretary of the Interior. Judge E. R. HOAR, Massachusetts, At torney General. This is a strong, homogeneous and working Cabinet. Strong not only in 'Hill, but in its decided political cast. Each member of it has earned reputation at home and credit throughout the nation for excellence of character and the whining of more or less distinction in their several -walks of life. Thcroughly Republican in all its parts, it will have the entire con& we of that party throughout the coma wiry, • , and as a necessary consequence will work in harmony with the President and with Congress in carrying out, the great work of the party of progress, economy and justice. MINORITY COUNTIES SNUBBED! We learn that at a caucus of the Penn sylvania Senators and Represe ntatives at Washington, it was unanimously agreed that each member should confine himself to his own district, so fir as matters local to that district were concerned, and where there were no Republicans, that those dis tricts should be administered upon by the Senates; that where there were appoint merits at large, or covering more than one district, that they should meet in caucus and unite upon a recommendation. The proposition that the Senators should con trol the minority districts, is ,simply out rageous. It completely ignores the active men in those districts, and especially the Republican candidates for Congress, who nobly led the forlorn hope, at great per sonal sacrifice of comfort and means, against the overwhelming cohorts of the copperheads. If this scheme is carried out, we predict that next full will show such a defeat of the Republicans in this State as was never heard of. Why are Republicans elect entitled. to any more consideration in their districts, than the unselfish Republicans who ran as candi dates in hopeless districts like those of Berks, York, Northampton, Lehigh, Lu zerne, &c.? We hope Gen. Grant, and the other appointing powers at Washing ton, will put their feet down square against this infamous proposition. WATCH THEM. It is said at Harrisburg that the super numary officers of the House—the twenty seven—expect to get pay fbrthelr doing nothing by the aid of tlia, Dernocratic members. Nothing more natural. That party generally puts its arm's full length into any public treasury they can get hold of. Witness the recent peculations in the matter of market-stall and water rents in this city. Then go back twelve or fifteen years, when that party held high carnival over the public works of this State, when the public money was stolen by thousands and millions of dollars. But this will not excuse Republicans who vote with Demo crats to consummate the outrage of pay ing twenty-seven officers, whom a month ago the House voted there was no earthly use for. The intention is to force tbeii,i3i through in the appropriation bill, . This the Senate can prevent, and we will see whether they will be driven from their position. W . M7M7 9 F=TM7g Our readers will find, in another column, a long communication from Mr. E. Me- Mellan, on the subject of "the Bridge Contracts," with which the public is al ready familiar. We cheerfttlly publish this production, lbng as it is, because we are always willing and ready to give those publicly noosowl of wrong aping n Itar and full hearing. Mr. McMellan, in the first place as sumes that the articles which recently ap peared in FATHER ABRAIIAM, and also in the Express, were aimed at himself, and were vile and slanderous in their charac ter. He is entirely mistaken—certainly so fhr as FATHER ABRAHAM is concerned. We never thought of attacking Mr. McMel lan, nor did we even refer to him except only for the purpose of showing up the outrageous manner in which the Board of Commissioners, or a majority of them, have been squandering or using the peo ple's money. We did charge, and repeat now, that for the last year or two, Mr. McMellan has been the elect of the Com missioners, to build the bridges at the prices, and under the contracts entered into, and arrangements made between him self and the Commissioners; that the latter refused to give contracts to the lowest bidders, as they should have done, and that, under this monopolizing system— making Mr. McMellan the only bidder, contractor and bridge builder, and persis tently refusing any other bids—many thou sands of dollars were wrongfully taken out of the County Treasury. For this the Commissioners only, to whom the af fairs of the county have been committed by the people, are responsible. The pub lic have therefore nothing to do with Mr. McMellan, but only with the Commission ers. And how doss Mr. McMellan answer these charges against the Commissioners? Simply by reciting a misunderstanding between himself and Mr. Jesse Lutz— trying to make it appear that on a certain occasion, the latter appeared disposed to be somewhat quarrelsome. The sworn statement of Hagy, says Mr. McM., is "Ss harmless in its details as he could wish." Then why answer it at all? But, as we never had anything to do with Mr. McMellan, we need 'nbt enter into any imaginary question in regard to himself. He is a private citizen, and in no way responsible for the acts of the. Com missioners, who, we repeat, and defy con tradiction on their own part, have, in the most shameful manner, squandered large sums of money belonging to the people of Lancaster county, under the sham con tracts referred to. It is simply one of the items of public business peculiar to Thuggery in this county, and Mr. Mattel kin is only used by them, in this instance, to "pull their chestnuts out of the fire." girThe Hanover Spectator ii out in a new dress. It is a. good paper, looks well and is in a prosperous condition. "Long may it wave." UETTINII FIVIOCIatIii. The Copperheads are in a bad way. They don't like the Constitutional amend ment. Giving the patient, long suffering and much abused colored citizens the right to vote, and the enjoyment of " , Lib erty and the pursuit of llappin , ‘ what they call an outrage. They are vet t particular about the right of the thou: - of thieves and pickpockets and out of the Fve Points, Mackarelville and ford street to vote, because these ri the democratic majorities. But the h a black man voting, is an outrage. why? Simply because they, or at h majority of them, will most probabl; the Republican ticket—for the party I set them free and raised their to ell ship and usefulness. Aside front the fundamental principle involved—the ; .. Speaker, this bill might Men. They can get what ciple of " Equality before the Law," we they want under the free railroad law. I favor the amendment because it will add don't think there is any intention pf building fully twenty thousand to the average Re- this road. • PO. BILLINGFELT. Mr. Speaker, this bill publican majority in Pennsylvania; be- l' i p ti m l 2 v iz ide . x s o for a road under a charter obtained cause it will rescue Maryland and Ken- . Mn c NELL. Fifteen years ago. tucky from the misrule of the Ku Klux- I MR. Brzurrossra. It does not make any ors and Copperheads; because it willmake r was tors Delaware Republican and do away with t i s t n i c fren ni ce t law at i;z atfmo.e and i r ti ? e or a n a p r a p u o y a jai in the old act did not undertake to whipping posts and similar democra c Lt a t a h t ro h u a g t r ma T fa h r is ta n e ew aam bill e i n s ae as m k e e a d t n a o a i d v relics of barbarity. In a word, the Co p- completion ea of the road and adding new corp.). perheads don't want colored people to vote tater& lam laboring under some disadvan tagweeekln r a efzi ()a toll: i t n )i s i t l 6 a m lt e h n ongli tie l s k w n e e r w e because they are sure to vote Republican, and we do want them to vote for precisely at work trying to influence Senators against the same, among other very good reasons, the passage of this bill. I could not for a mo rnetit believe that any Senators would be in and that's just "what's the matter." aintneed. When there aro parties in this tf ir rere te thes who are willing to employ their means The Lancaster Intelligence). is particu- I I th t e hl!! h d o e u saloals e n n t e o m f s i i 3 t i y i r enough resources, ii larly ferocious about. this amendment. It Le falls back on the Calhoun doctrine of State gislature of Pennsylvania to encourage them. s i a r r em g e u te r r ec th en at tl n y ot w m e many years ago -- rpa l ni n t r a y a Sovereignty over National Sovereignty, and says: . kinlwn as the Pennsylvania railroad company, "If the Constitution of the United States whom we thought had contemplated or was should de ratified by the Legislatures of three- trying to infringe upon the rights of others. fourths of the States, it would still fail to be It seems now that they ant in favor of aliow binding upon the people of any -State, unless ing lany company to have the privilege of a majority of them voluntarily accepted it." buhaing railroads and developing the re- Our neighbor may rest assured that to a a ve me t s h o e f m th e e an C s om to m d o o n so weallhal v rov e r en t h b e e r y e three-fourths of the States will ratify sheet five years as a member of this Legisla aturpptaindeg s t o o a far i;3e l ta m: e y r say ra t a h a a a t il l i Lav f e av n a e r ve a r f the amendment. Whether it will be binding will be a question, if the 'Passage of any bill. I have never been raised, that will very soon be settled by v to ote suv ar m a eT )ill r o s f o m n i t u li e is as tioo a r, be ra g a iN a t v h a e r m bi) Uncle Samuel Grant, and in a manner, nevir-did, and never intend, to exchange my too, entirely satisfactory. votenpon any bill. I have thought that every bill ought to stand upon its own merits, and The Infect' enter also says: that there was wisdom enough in this body to "The issue is now fully made up. The pee- vote accordingly. pie will vote for or against the repeal of the What do I find there now? Not Senators amendment. A Legislature will be elected I of this body attending to this bill but out which will undo the infamous work." eiders coming in here, not only in violation of tile rules body, but in violation of all If the amendment, a ft er being ratified, decency, tr y ingto button-hole members, try is not binding, where is' the issue? And ing to influence them, and damning them to what is the incoming Legislature going to their very faces whenever they undertake to report dai a w b t i l l ic i iviri4tanniontffiergitattizee interests a en a - f repeal? The joint resolution just ratified by the Pennsylvania Legislature is no act, theuges; paid hirelings to come here and h o I m n o . o n w s or statute, but a rote—the vote of under 71n) tempt fo n r a nt obeying the em n um h f Pennsylvania, which, when once polled, of a Legithialve committee, of which tbe Men us it has been, and duly recordedlis it has T i e r ' fr r i , l i o n l y ir..___ l4 g again Lowry ] was to -day :41 sell out or will be, cannot be repeated, or made the Ben ye of Pennsylvania L _as they have done void, void, unless it is shown that it has been once ► '. to this MI" railroad Wawa , that or 'AU,whilet be Ma not yet purged polled in a fraudulent or unlawful manner. - t contempt. I see the same It wilbe counted just one time, and no - here ar - more more' and no leg* . - - of All cope toter .sa V lla ter nr ' the ' Amount The vote of Pennsylvania—this moat glorious and purely REPUBLICAN VOTE, is polled, and theresult recorded at Head Quarters, and that is the end of it. That the people will simply endorse it at the next election, by twenty-five thousand majority, by electing the Republican can didates for Governor and Supreme indge, there can be no doubt whatever. GRANT'S INAUGURAL. The New York Tribune analyzes the foregoing inaugural by reducing it to thirteen plain propositions: I. I shall advise Congress—but not war upon it. • 11. My business is to execute the laws. A bad law will always remedy itself when the people begin to suffer from it. 111. We have had war,—now we must have peace. We have our common coun try, and any sentiment of sectional hatred or revenge is unpatriotic. IV. Our debt is the honorable conse quence of the war. It is the price we pay for Union. Not to pay is a crime only second to treason. V. We must pay our debts without equivocation. When we borrowed in our hour of distress, the dollars we received were gold to us. We must pay gold un less the contract expressly stipulates to the contrary. VI. American credit should be the best in the world. Let us atop telking about Repudiation and collect the revenues, and we can make it the best in the world. VII. I am in favor of building railroads to the Pacific. But we must not' issue bonds for that purpose—until we resume specie payments. We must no longor promise to pay a gold dollar until we re ceive a gold dollar. That was a war "- cessity it must be stopped now. VIII. America can never be groat un til her name is synonymous with Firma. cial 'Honor. Our flag means • Liberty; ft must also mean Faith. IX. We must resume specie ',Omuta speedily; perhaps not now, but as soon al; we can. X. We should do unto aim Imtions as we would have other nations 40 unto America. If countries like England make "Alabama" precedents, they only compel us to follow them. XI. As for the Indian, conscience speaks to us. We must seal' XII. As for the Negro,—equal rights in all the States. XIII. And may God bless us all. A SUGGESTION. The Thug organ, of twi"Soldiers Mon ument, 91 suggests an election for P. M. of this City,- to relieve our M. C. Well, that looks very fir—suppose the Inquirer goes a little further and asks the Conunia sioners to give out the bridges in the sane: way, or at least give - more than one man. a chance. What say you—but we forget that FATHER ABRAHAM 18 a 44001HAMIPt ible little sheet!" :31 , 10 14941:4/03.140 4311 i :SA C:3:1'11 Our readers will peruse, with pleasure, the following remarks of our Senator, Mr. BILLINGFELT. He handles, without gloves, the infamous crew who infest the Halls of our Legislature to prey upon the leople i and filch money from their pock et** fitur the State Treasury. Mr. 131L 'armly congratulated by parties at the conclusion >r his bold and indepen- Lancaster county is high wing such a• man to re- Legislatta 'ircnNixvmaz BAILitoAD order was Senate bill No. to au act entitled An act Cornwall and Pliamixville approved the 21st day of 4 to pass, ame my con , filing to raise the means to to , roadA and lam met here, not by Senators opposing it, but by outsiders, who are trying to impose themselves upon this body and detist the passage of all meritorious bills not suited to their interests. I lad no idea of saying a word in favor of the 0 of this bill ; I did not think it wonkl be necessary to do so ; but when I find thefuity of the Senators assailed, I think in itd uty to rise np and protest against it. Wit these few remarks, I will leave it to the judgibent of this Senate either to pass it or vote it down, as they may think proper. On the question. Will the Senate agree to the first section ? The you and nays were required by Mr. Billingfelt and Mr. Fisher, and were as fol lows, vis : YSAB—Messrs. Billingfelt, Brown (Mercer) Oolotnan Fisher, Graham, Lowry, Olmsted, White and Worthington, Speaker--fl. N.ors—Mesers. Beck, Brown (Northamp. ton,) Burnett, Connell, Davis, Duncan, Br rett, 'Heaszey, Linderman, 141'Candless Intire, Miller, Osterhout, Randall, B earight, Stinatm and Turner-17. Bo the question was determined in the negative, and the bill fell. The "pesters and folders" at Harris burg, might be able to get their pay by fol lowing the example of Mr. Colder, who by order of the City Council, hired some car riages to be used in the demonstration in honor of Andrew Johnson, during his swing around the circle in 1866. It seems that the ordering of the carriages was un authorised by law, and Mr. Colder could not get his pay from the City Treasury. He holds the members to their individual responsibility, and has brought suit against theis4 Now, if the aforesaid "pastors and folders" would take Mr. Colder's plan, and 1 4 come down" on the members who employed them without authority of law, ttier s siight get what is due them. It is worib.a trial anyhow. sckmailumumat IN PROWL We are permitted to extract the follow ing from a letter received by an esteemed friend in this county, from a gentienian of distinction in Prussia, who some years ago, ams a leading officer of the Mora vian Church at Litiz: ' " T a same nail that brought your very ag is letter also placed into my hands "Pit '': laweffiebrenner's” letters, by which I see • ou can still enjoy wit and humor. I t r . you very cordially for these let ters. , key have recalled to me years gone .y, and I see individuals of those days , • ,in spirit before me, whose 44pc ylvania Deitch" so often amused me. am still able to read this dialect, and laugh heartily when doing so. I frequ laugh read passages to the young etude is visiting me, and try them, - 4.likeycan understand this peculiar "Der I think the author very sue , having entered into the spirit of tip •is I formerly knew." A 1110 H-TONED Kentucky gentleman. teem his daughter chained to a log to pre soot her marrying against his wishes. GET YOUR PAY ! ' IN k.l EDITORS EXPRESS : The fanning aniarte statements by a Mr. Jesse Late and Mn Jacob Bogey, appeared on the 19th of Fury last in Father di brahast, published in Ibilkoity, and it was not until a day of two ago** my attention was called to them. I shoukt have passed them by as I did various othet Mute ments which have lately, been published 01 the same vile and slanderous character, billt that they seem to have been made at t lime under the solemn obligations of an *na tion, and by men too who might be con ellte4 very respectable at a distance. "January 13th 1869, Jesse Lutz being duty affirmed by Samuel Shoob, one of the A.udit ors, did declare and say that the Bridge at Lutz's mill, built by E. McMellen, for the Commissioners, could be built for $l,OOO, and less, say from $BOO to $9OO. No roof on it; between 50 and 60 feet long, 12 feet wide out side. Wagons cannot pass each other on it, too high in the centre, the ascent and descent being too great. Looks like a camel—a mete road Bridge. The sides three or four feet high, boarded up. The Supervisor last Spring put stones around the foundation. The creek is about 15 feet wide where the bridge is built. The bridge might not have stood if the Super visor had not done so. I have built railroad bridges ; am a ldhcksmith by trade. The township did the filling up behind the abut ments. The Carpenters were there about four days—three or four carpenters-there. Three or four masons there for four or five days. There were old stones there for the stone work ; some were brought two hundred yards from John Sweigart's. When Fritz and I made the calculation, thought it would take three or four thousand feet of lumber; the lumber was got in Columbia, the railroad was from twenty to fifty steps from the bridge. 1 don't think there was $2OO worth of iron in it. Bridge is whitewashed. Mr. McMellen got Mr. Freymaurer to whitewash it for a dollar or two. "Jacob Hagey, being duly affirmed, says the bridge at Lutz's Mill could be built for $lOOO ; the work is good enough. The day the Com missioners were at Lutz's Mill I offered to build it for $lOOO. I was at Reinhold's Sta tion when the Commissioners and the man who built the bridge came there ; I asked Jno. Gensemer, one of the Supervisors, whether there would be a bridge built, and he said yes ; I said I thought when the bridge was given out the lowest bidder would get it ; Gensemer said that it would not be given out, that . the Commissioners had their man with them who would build it. I said nothing to the Commissioners about it ; but they were present." The above are said to be the sworn state ments of Lutz and Hagey. For the purpose of giving the people of Lancaster county some idea of the testimony of Mr. Lutz, which they are asked to believe, without hearing any thing cm the other side, I herewith beg leave to give a correct statement of the whole affitir, and let the people be the judges. When I first commenced the work on the foundation of the Bridge, both my men and myself were ordered by Mr. Lutz to leave the ground unless I put up the bridge at a point tosuit him, and at a differ ent point from that selected by the County Commissioners. Of course, I could not comply with the request of the gentleman, and on my positive refusal to do so. he became exceed ingly violent and threatened the workmen and myself with summary vengeance. Asids insulting language and insolent behavior was too much to bear, and in order to allow the i men to go on with the work, I was corn lied, as a matter of necessity, to order him torily to leave the ground and that, I ! stt sm i ni not go, I should use sufficient force to plish that end. He then le ft , came to caster and brought suit against me. Z t the nature of the suit was, I cannot new re member ; at all events, he discontinniod suit and gratifletnimself by mire the- I may be allowed to state moth( Mr. Lutz Si " rith " - the ' ,nit, stone, J. used neat o hint, which, at Mr. Lutz's_ ice, would within a fraction of $ 9O O . No doubt the con tract for furnishing that article would have silenced all opposition on his part, as he would have realized as much for his stone as he say. the bridge could be built for. The bridge is about sixty feet long, twelve feet wide inside; is an uncovered tuoh suspen sion bridge, has a comber or convexity of about two feet, that. is higher in the muter than at either end, and is built on the plan that all such bridges are erected, with a view to strength and durability. The mason work was dontity good by good masons of the neigh borhood, of good large sized sand stone,. averaging from two to live feet in length. In splitting and preparing this stone I had sev eral men engaged from eight to ten days before the maims commenced work. I had six car penters, each of whom worked nine days, from four to five masons for ten and eleven deys, besides tenders and laboring men. The amount of lumber used was over 10 00e het, for which I can produce the bills. Now lam prepared to prove the truth of my statement by gentlemen of the neighborhood in which the work was done; gentlemen too of the highest standing, and of the most unexcep tionable character; gentlemen who did not desire to obtain the contract for furnishing the stone at 84.50 per perch, or dictate the pro priety of erecting the structure at a particular point to suit their own convenience, to the great detriment of the public. Mr. Lutz says he is a blacksmith, and for aught I know he may be a very good one, but, from his own sworn statement I am convinced that he is not the man who would be chosen either to locate, plan or build a bridge unless the party em ploying him were fit subjects for the State Lunatic Asylum. He must be either inex cusably ignorant in the knowledge of figures, or he must think that the _gulled of Lancaster county are the most easily 'gulled people in the world, when he says that there are only about three thousand feet of lumber used in the con struction of that bridge. Bo much for Mr. Lutz. The statement of Mr. Ropy is as harmless in its details as I could possibly wish. He states that he offered to erect this modern Rialto for $lOOO. ` Tht is certainly magnani mous on his part ; patriotic In the ititrente ; but of course he would dolt ass labor qt lyre, just for the fun of the thing, to enjoy the rep. utatlon of having built a bridge over a creek In Lancaster county. IC Mr. Haim has single idea of immortalising himself in this way I hope and trust he may soon have an opportunity of gratifying his attiblefen. Equally erroneous and unjust were the at tacks made upon me by the editors or certain papers of this city when they say the founda tions of the bridge at the Printer's Paper Mill were made up of small Muss and air slacked lime, and that I used two of the old arches, badly cracked, the falling of which is only a qnvstiou of a few years, mikes it a miserable in rust ure, &e., &0. The litne used wail always freshly burned and of as good quality as could be obtained anywhere in the neighborhood, and as to the two arches spoken of I had nothing to do with them as they were part of the turnpike road and not in cluded in my contract. But, as this part of the Subjeot wW soon come up for legal hevesti gation, I will pass it for the present, regretting however that gentlemen so much interested in the welfare of the people, as these same gentlemen seem to be, did not - for a moment take time to examine the terms of thecontract and try to know more about it before they hurled their wholesale denunciations on my devoted head. In conoltudon permit me to MY that there is nu other consideration which could possibly induce me to appear in the ooluwns of the press than that of protecting my chernelar from the vile assaults to which I have lately been subjected by such men ea Lute & Cu. ; and to expose the motive which wised these gentlemen to swear so disenterestedly. B. 10711Lama7r. OUR HARRISBURO LETTER. HARRISBURG, Sfarsh'4,4lßet: .Dear Father Abraham:—As•intimated in my last, a session of the Senate was held on Wednesday evening to consider the resolution ratifying the suffrage amendment. Mr. Bur nett, (Democrat) lead off in a speech of some length, but it was a mere rehash of the old and stale arguments of his party, and full of "nigger," "nigger," "nigger." He was fol lowed by his brother demts;rats, Messrs. Sea right, Davis, McCandless and Wallace, pretty much in the same strain. The Republicans had decided in caucus, in order to pass the resolution to third reading that evening, to call the previous question at 11 o'clock and to refrain from taking part in the discussion mt til the resolution came up on final passage the next day. So the opposition had the entire evening to themselves—except what little time was taken up by Senator Lowry, of Erie, who, by taunts and imprecations they finally induced to "get off" one of his characteristic speeches. The peinocrats were much chra glued at discovering alma the Republicans would not gratify them by replying. The chamber was packed with spectators who seemed to appreciate the joke highly; and one of the speakers finding himself unable to secure the attention of the Senators, addressed himself to the lobby. The whole discussion was tame and spiritless. Next morning on the final passage of the resolution, addresses were made by Senators Mclntyre, (democrat) and White, Fisher, Errett and Stinson, (Re publicans,) Which completely wiped out the thread-bare arguments of the opposition. The resolution carried by a vote of 18 ayes to 15 nays. An understanding was had in the House on Friday that the resolution would be taken up on to-morrow evening, and sessions beheld each following evening, to be devoted to its consideration, until finally disposed of. THE TEMPERANCE QUESTION Rev. Penuel Coombe and James Black, of your city, a committee appointed by the Tem perance Convention lately in session herb, have prepared a bill looking to the total aboli tion of the license system in localities where, by popular vote, the people decide in favor of its abolishment. It provides that on the ap plication of one-third of the qualified voters of any election district in the State, the court thereof shall order an election to be held, at which election, if a majority of the qualified voters so decide, all applications for license shall be refused by the court. These gentle men had a hearing before the House Commit tee last week, and their proposition met with their approval. The late stage of the session precludes, I think, the possibility of its passage. TILE BOILER SWINDLER Another snake reared its head in the House a few days ago, in the shape of a bill requir ing a certain indicator to be placed on all steam boilers in the State, and requiring the appointment of boiler inspectors to see)hat the law is enforced. The Horning Patriot de nounces it as a "gigautie swindle," and char ges "that a bill of like import was before the Legislatt#e last winter and the *um of two hundred thousand dollars was offered to pass it through both houses and have it signed by the Governor." Whether dishonest agencies are at work now or not to secure its passage, the bill is evidently gotten up as a for somebody, and the fact that it has not.been placed on the flies of the members of itself looks very suspicious. The bill was consid ered in Committee of the Whole. A vote of the House has not yet been reached, though it looks as if it would pass. THE CATTLE BILL .AGAIN Last night an effort was made in the House to suspend the rules to call up the " Cattle Bill." Two-thirds being necessary, it failed. It is whispered that the thing is "set up," and the friends of the 'measure are sanguine of ultimate success. It ould be well far the people to closely write the course of their representatives on the I, since it is rumored that there is " ere lacrialt-' nos Commit of late will be pre to report the Ai)• propria the using of next week. Until itWisposed o it is not probable a day of final adjournme will be fixed upon. THE STATE AGEICULTIIIIAL CONvIENTION Convenes in the hall of the House of Repre sentatives, this city, to-morrow. A large attendance is looked for, and the proceedings will doubtless be very interesting. The dele gates from your county are Messrs. Jacob G. Peters, Henry M. Engle and Levi W. Groff. LOCAL LEGISLATION, &C A bill has passed the Senate authorizing the Directors of any School District in Lancaster county, at their discretion, to devote ten per cent. of their State appropriation towards purchasing and fitting up a library for the benefit of schools and teachers. Gen. Fisher introduced it some days ago as a general bill, but there being some objection to it by Sen ators, on his motion it was made applicable only to your county. With the aid of the Democrats, Senator Fisher succeeded in defeating the bill requir ing your County Commissioners to give secu rity for faithful performance of their duties; which came up for action in two-day's Private Calendar. Senator Billingfelt was very earn est in its advocacy, but by personal ap peals his colleague secured a majority against • In the House to-day the act authorizing the Commissioners to remit fines in certain oases —to which allusion has been made in several papers of your city—was objected off the Cal endar, and must therefore go over for one week. The City Charter Bill passed one reading, and ere this appears in print will doubtless have become a law. Mr. Sammy has passed through the lower branch, an act requiring railroad companies to keep in repair all fences, and to construct cattle guards at the crotwinp along the line of their roads in Lancaster county, lie has also introduced an act authorizing and empower ing the trustees of the Zion's Church Building in Manheim, to sell the same. Also, an act to incorporate the New Holland Exchange and Discount Deposit Company, of Lancaster aot. A very important bill has been introduced by Mr. illepkinis, providing that in all OWN except murder in the 2tidegree, mamlanghter or child-rape, the perms convicted shall is sentenced to the county prison; that the courts shall- be required on appthertinn onto Prison Inspectors, to transfer elk iniqh plowmen" Atom the Eastern Penitentiary to the county prison for the unexpired term; thatnil intim* or idotic persons con fi ned in the county prison, ou proof of such condition, shall be transferral' to the county hospital or litate Asylum, at the discretion of the Inspectors. Mr. Porter read a bill authorizing the resi dents of Lancaster and York counties, to es tablish fish baskets In the Susquehanna river. In the Senate, Mr. Fisher presented peti tions from Lancaster and York mustier, en ing the repeal of tie fish law of last winter.- Mr. liiiiingfelt, has introduced the follow ing : An act auth'orizing Jeremiah Wiest and S. S. Wier trustees of certain school property in West Cocalico township, to convey the same to the school directors of that township. Also meet to prevent the spread of the oat tie disease. Also, a petition from Bart town ship, for a law allowing the question of Beans ins people public ho of that iertrilit uses to be submitted to a vote of the dt An act to incorporate the Lancaster City Cornet band assoohttion, passed the Senate. Quite a number of Lancaster county pond, clans have been here yesterday and today. Among them, Jacob G. Groiclof, Sheriff PM John 'Baker, •Thooli B. Shun:tan, Levi W. Gkoff Ellwood - veriest, Andrew Armstrong and D. G. Steamy. What's up? Z. A BACHELOR, who Wall subsequently hung for matricide, 01100:1 propounded the following odious conundrum: Why is a cross wife like an owl? Because she does all her hooting at night.