latker AinOlin. INDEPENDENT AND PROGRESSIVE LANCASTER CITY, t'A FRIDAY, MARCH 12,1869 Reonorry, Retrenchment, Faithful Colleetion of the Revenue and Payment of the Public Debt.—GnA T. FATHER ABRAHAM! EVERYBODY READS IT! Make tip your Clubs! TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION 1 copy, one year • copies, (each name addressed,) 10 copies. 16 copies, 20 copies, {I l 4 And $l.lO for each additional subscriber FOR CLUBS, IN PACKAOBS. 5 copies, (to one address,) 10 copies, 15 copies, 20 'epics, " And $l.OO for each additional subscriber, ti'All subscriptions must invariably be paid in advance. CANDIDATH4. Liir We are authorized to announce GEO. W. COMPTON, of Crernarvon township, as a candidate for REGISTER, subject to the rules of the Republican party. BRIGHT PROSPECTS. "Occasional," the Washington corres pondent of the Press, in glancing through the political horoscope, says, " These are the indications of the Present. They presage a future of unimaginable bless ings—a Future which dated its best beginning from the inauguration of Grant and Colfax." DON'T LIKE HIM The Copperheads don't like the style of Grant's Inaugural—they don't like his Cabinet, and they don't like Grant. Well, they never did like the way he whipped rebels, and, of course, they don't like the way he skins Copperheads. They will have less cause still to like him before he is done with them. SHERIDAN. One of the first acts of President Grant, was the restoration of Gen. Sheridan to the command of the department of Louisiana, from which he was removed by Andrew Johnson, because he would hold a tight reign over the rebels in his command. His return to Louisiana will thrill the whole South, and will do more to give peace to the valley of the Mississippi, and indeed throughout the whole South, than any ♦vent since Seymour's defeat. People down there know well that the gallant Phil Sheridan is in "dead earnest.'' HAVE PATIENCE. Parties writing to Congressmen bught not to expect replies; their rooms are con stantly filled with callers, and the mails are blirdeued with letters to them. Nearly all the correspondents are asking for in formation about offices, and until the Cabinet is complete, none of them can be answered. Our representative, Hon. 0. J. Dickey, is utterly unable to attend to his large correspondence, and his consti tuents will understand wky they do not receive answers to their letters is promptly as they may desire. PURE " DEMOCRACY." Henry Clay Dean, in a letter to Stilson Hutchins, says: "Democratic societies are organized in sev eral of the Eastern States, and also in the Middle and Western States. I understand that the members of these societies pledge themselves to vote for no man, for any office whatever, who is not in favor of the entire abolition of the present Revenue system, and who is not also in favor of repudiating the entire War Debt of the United States, except the pensions and bounties due the soldiers of the United States, and the support of the dis abled Confederate soldiers who served in the yanks of that army." There is Democracy for you, pure and simple, How do you like it? ,Y ka / t 1j :y Secretary of State—Mann B. WASH BURNS, of Illinois. Secretary of Nary—ADOLPH E. BOWIE, of Pennsylvania. Secretary of Treasury—A. T. STEWART, •i New York. Secrektry of interior—J. D. Cox, of Ohio. Postmaster General—J. A. J. Camas- L, of Maryland. Attorney Generat—Gxo. E. flown, of Massachusetts. No nomination made for Secretary of War, Gen. Schofield holding over. —Since the appointment of Mr. Stewart, an old law was found on the statute book declaring persons engaged or interested in foreign importation ineligible for such an appointment, and after thorough con sideration es to the propriety of a joint resolution exempting Mr. Stewart from the operations of said law, and to relieve the President and e Congreea from all em barrassment, he promptly tendered his resignation, which was accepted. Hi s successor has not yet been named. FOUR of the Cabinet members are older than Grant, who is but 47. Mr. Wash borne is 55, Mr. Bone 60, .Mr. Stewart 65, Mr. Roar, 52, Mr. Creswell 42, Mr. Cox 42, and General Schofield 26. MORE VICTORIES. An election was held at MclidUrinsiries, Tennessee, on Monday last, for Corpora tion officers, and the Republican ticket was elected by a large majority. J. W. Mitch ell, was elected Mayor. Desmoines, lowa, on Monday elected a Republican Mayor over the present l)emo cratic lifiumbent by MO. At au election for Municipal Officers in Auburh, Maine, on Tuesday last, the Republicans carried every ward but one. NEW HAMPSHIRE The State election in New Hampshire, on Tuesday last, resulted in the success of the Republicans, as follows: A REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR. A REPUBLICAN LEGISLATURE, by a large majority A FULL EXPUBLICAN DICLBOATION TO CONOREM. LARGE REPVIILTCAN GAINS OVER LAST YEAR. $ 1.50 7.00 13.00 18.00 2200 The good cause "marches on" does John Brown's soul! THE CABINET. $ 6.50 . 12.411) . 16.50 20.00 There is but one objection made by even enemies or evil-wishers to the Cabinet of constitutional advisers chosen by the Pre sident—that it is a body of comparatively untried men for their present duties. Let us remember, in answer to this, that it was untried men who fought out the war, and that it was General Grant who selected them. More than this, it was untried men from the people who led in the civil struggles. The trained old statesmen with the prestige and weight of years upon them—the skillful scientific soldiers whom West Point delighted to honor—all• went down, with here and there an exception, as iu the case of our own lamented STE vErts, and the Lincolns and Stanton., and Grants and Sheridans and Shermans arose. We stand on the threshold of a new po litical dispensation, and begin the admin istration of a new national policy—the management of the Government of the people by the people—and it is meet, and fit, and right that we start with new leaders. THE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. There is uo reason to doubt that before the close of another week, Pennsylvania will have ratified the Constitutional Amendment granting the right of suffrage to every male citizen of the United States, without regard tv race or color. A unan imous Republican vote, in our Senate and House of Representatives, will indeed be a glorious record for the great party of civilization and progress, and remove the last shadow of doubt as to the speedy adoption of the Amendment, by the re quired number of the States of the Union. The unqualified endorsement of this meas ure by President Grant, in his brief, but very significant and pointed inaugural address, means that this most wise and just Republican measure will be, and must be adopted, with as little delay as possi ble. Until this is done, there can be no final settlement for the great question at issue during the late war. It is too late for any one to talk about defeating this glorious and final measure of reconstruc tion. That twenty-six States arc about to record their solemn judgment in favor of it, may now be regarded as a certainty. That the new administration, in entire harmony with the overwhelming Repub lican majority in both Houses of Congress, will require the States of Virginia, Missis sippiaud Texas, also to ratify the Amend ment, as a condition precedent to their admission and restoration to the Union, and thus secure one State more than the required number, may be regarded as a fixed fact. Therefore let the Republican Senators and Representatives of Pennsyl vania, act promptly and boldly in this matter. Let every Republican vote be recorded in the affirmatill, and let the conservative-copperhead-democracy make the most they can out of it. —Since the above was written, the Sen ate (on Wednesday evening) passed the joint resolution on second reading, by a strict party vote—every Republican man fully recording his vote for, and every Democrat against the amendment. Tali election of Messrs. Blaine and Mc- Pherson, to the Speakership and Clerkship of the House, is an emphatie testimony to the value of journalism as a training school for public duties in this country. No profession now so surely develops ad ministrative ability, and insures so thor ough an acquaintance with the wants, wishes, and temper of the people, or cul tivates with such precision the talent of handling the masses of voters and controll ing the stormy currents of public feeling. The life of Schuyler Colfax teaches the same lesson. It is more than significant that the two men next in the line of suc cession for the highest honor in the gift of the nation should both have reached it by the same road. li'lndications are that (apt. Michael Walters, of Reading, will be appointed Assessor of Revenue for the county of Barks. The Republican people of the county are unquestionably for him, and if their will is respected, as we doubt not it will be, be will be mimes/Ifni. He is not only peculiarly well qualified for the position, but also one of the brave* who loft a lag on the battle Geld. A. J.-BLS FAIEWZLL-131111411NSTITVir SON. on retiring from the oft. 44 President, which he has disgraCed for nearly fissw years, Mr. A. Johnson issued* fereikell address, which, condensed, Is as fii)bows• To THE PEOPLE OVTIIE UNITEIg i rTE' The robe of office by eon tior limitation, this day falls front in shou ers. I have no ambition to gratify or pa ends to subserve. I only desire to see I constitution recognized and obeyed. I have been most ferociously assailed cause I have adhered to my policy, wh was obnoxious to politicians. This might have been expected, duri a period of turmoil and difflculty upon I closing scenes of the rebellion. Had I violated the constitution, I sup pose I would have been all right with these politicians. But, I didn't, as I was sworn to defend the constitution. A mysterious Providence made me President, agrmably to the provisions of the constitution. Thus I became com mander-in-chief of over a million soldiers. Instead of using my power for a bad pur pose, as I might have done, I disbanded the army. I might have inaugurated war against France, and distinguished myself, but I was too modest to do it, and I didn't. I wouldn't do anything merely for the purpose of securing popularity, and the Presidency for another term, as I might have done. and so I declined to use power that wasn't constitutional. I didn't do anything detrimental of the people's rights under the constitution. I have faithfully executed the office of President, so as to preserve, protect and defend the constitution. My policy was intended to conciliate the people, but they wouldn't adopt it, and nobody was conciliated. The bitter war was waged on the part of the Government to vindicate the consti tution, and I endeavored to bring about a speedy peace. The war was a stupendous mistake, which was acknowledged at its close by an amendment to the oonstitution. Let us cling closer to the constitution as our only safeguard. History teaches us that we have every thing to fear front a departure from the letter and spirit of the constitution. That's what used up the Romans. It has been clearly demonstrated by re cent occurrences that encroachments upon the constitution cannot be prevented by the President alone, and unless the peo ple interpose there is no power under the constitution to prevent a constitutional majority of two-thirds of the Congress to carry out their purposes, whether it be constitutional or unconstitutional. An appeal to the nation is attended with too much delay to meet an emergency, and there is danger that this Congressional power will disregard the constitution. The veto power which the President en joys uuder the constitution has repeatedly been rendered nugatory by a partizan majority of two-thirds of each branch of Congress. The constitution contemplates that when a bill is vetoed, it will be reconsidered by Congress. But whenever I vetoed hills, Congress defiantly passed them over the veto without reconsideration. Much as I venerate the constitution, it must be ad mitted that such a condition of affairs has developed a constitutional .defect. The veto power is generally exercised upon constitutional grounds and therefore, the question should be referred to Che Supreme Court for its decision, and should become law only if declared constitutional. I would not change the law, however, in re gard to questions not Of a constitutional character; without such a constitutional amendment referring constitutional ques tions to the Supreme Court, the constitu tion may be entirely subverted and over, thrown by the constitutional majority of two-thirds. Let us turn for a moment to the history of the majority in Congress which has acted in such utter disregard of the con stitution. They have boldly broken their oaths of obedience to the constitution. When the rebellion was suppressed, the famished people who came out of the war socond hest, gave up the contest. gangress has wrested from the Presi dent (me) his constitutional power of supreme command of the army and navy, and they have attemptedto place me under the power of a bold, de fi ant and treacher ous cabinet o ffi cer (Stanton.) They have robbed me of the power to pardon thous ands of persons under the revisions of the constitution. They even tried to get me out of of by impeachment. They have also oppressed the people of the South by military power. The people of ten States have been sub sugated by enactments notoriously uncon titutional. They have refused to pass laws for peo ple unless they would yield the right of representation a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only. They have subjicted us to a jurisdiction foreign to the constitution. The catalogue of their crimes, long as it is, is not yet complete. The constitution vests the judicial power in one Supreme Court, whose juris diction " shall extend to all eases arising under this constitution." 4 1 / 4 -eitisen has been denied the constitutional rights of liberty of conscience, and the protection of civil and constitutional government. It will-also he mearded as owe of the marvels of the times, that ths party en deavored to impeach me simply because I have stood by and defended the 410111Stite tion. For propriety isake I pardoned Jeff. Davie, in order to prevent more thiluresto bring him to trial. Congress seemed determined to make a defense of the constitution a crime. The war destroyed slavery. But, it should be borne in mind that it neither impaired nor destroyed the constitution. All rights granted to the States, or re served to the people, remain intact. There fore, the proposed amendment to the con stitution is clearly unconstitutional. Should this Measure piss,• MI twill, con flict directly with the original design of the constitution. This proves the necessity of strict ad herence to the constitution. We need to encourage in every legitimate way a studyof the constitution, for which the war was waged. The gerienttion just beginning to use the ballot-box, should bare glair attention► 11 5 called to these etessitferatidl W t,' g against viola ~i of the ' conslit . . With a sense , ,4i ,ecelintability to . ..L. have dischar: fay ditty, and hate no fug to regret. The wees which lieve :- limed the rejection of constitutimial . . are deplorable. It is a matter of pride and gratftleat4an, ki have never desired gain, lave defrauded nobody. I n bribed. No responsibil bloodshed rests upon me. have been those of peace. a the first principles of the od, unfurling the banner of nscribe upon it in unellit- IS, " the Constitution and and inseperable.” AN,nagw doluctuti, March 4,1 K W. OUR HARRISBURG LETTER. H Msrch 9, leiB9 Dear Father Abraham: The Legislature re assembled last evening, and the members have resumed their legislative duties. Bills on the Private Calendar were the order In both Houses to-day, about four hundred of which were acted on, and upwards of two hundred passed finally. 4;TATUE TO THADDEUS STEVENS In the House, Mr. Wilson, of Allegheny county, presented the following petition from the Itepresen:atives in Congress from Penn sylvania : Whereas, The National Lincoln Monument Association of Washington, D. C., have re solved to place in said monument a colloseal bronze statute of the late Thaddeus Stevens, one of Pennsylvanian's most distinguished citizens. Therefore, The undersigned respectfully, but earnestly petition the honorable, the legislature of our State,to appropriate tg said monument a sum sufficient to defray the cost of said statue. (Signed,) J. K. Moorhead, Wm. Koontz, J. M. Broomall, H. L. Cake, Chas. O'Neil, Leonard Myers, G. F. Miller, 0. J. Dickey, Thos. Williams, S. Newton Pettis, John Covode, C. N. Taylor Deng J. Morrell, Wm. D. Kelley, 8. W. Wilson, Representatives in the Congress of the United States, from Pennsylvania. No action was had on the preposition, but, of course, it Is expected your House delega tion will endeavor to meet the object designed by urging appropriate legislation. TUE CONSTITrTIONAL AMENDMENT Governor Geary, last evening, transmitted to the Legislature an attested copy of the re solution proposing an amendment to the Con stitution legalizing negro suffrage. At a joint Republican caucus held this evening, it was decided to hold a special session to-morrow for its consideration, and press it to a vote at once. ft will certainly pass. ABOLITION OW THE BEATE PENALTY. The following important bill has been in troduced "That no crime, hereafter com mitted, shall be punished with deilth in the State of Yennsylvatta ; • that every person, convicted of the crime of murder in the first degree, emanated after the passage of this act, his alders, abettors, and counsellors shall be sentenced to undergo an imprisonment, by separate or solitary confinement, at labor, for and during the period of his natural life." Referred to the proper committee. LOCAL LEGISLATION But little of local interest has transpired this week up to present wilting. The act re quiring county Commissioners to give bonds withilureaes, for the:faithful performance of their duties, has been made to apply only to Lancaster county, and came up for action on to-day's Senate Calendar. Senator Fisher objected to its passage, so it goes over for one week. The act relative to the president,' managers and company of the Lancaster, Elizabethtown and Middletown turnpike road company passed the Senate. Mr. Sunimy introduced hi/the Houses sup. plement to the act incorporating the borough of Marietta, authorizing the vacation of parts of a certain street for school purposes. Passed. An act relating to the storage of gunpowder within certain limits in the county of /AVOW ter, also passed the House. An act to author ize the Governor to appoint an inspector of kerosene and burniug oils in and for the county of Lancaster, has passed both Senate and House. Senator Fibber has introduced the follow ing : A supplement to the act for the relief of wives deserted by their husbands, in tie county of Lancaster, and other counties. Also, a supplement to the act to permit dis abled sadism tojpeddle procuring licenses. without charge. • Copt, Johns P. WM has been appointed an additional Notary Public for Lancaster city. Hoar. Cant Sentraz the new Senator from Missouri, was serenaded on Monday , night last, at Washington, hy his German friends, to Which harespotided as follows: My German Mends : I thank you br this hearty limeption, fair your Joy In the election of m,yself and Mr. Finckte burg, tn . the O ongrees of the Valais! States. I do not regard this denienitm tion asspersonal honor tb myself but in honor Of the cause I represent . Whoever has read history kiloWs that the Germans, wherever they have dwelt, by their con duct, intelligence, and patriotism, have won the admiration of the community, and so it Is in this great and tree country of America, now thegreatest nation of the world. The revolt of our election Is not alone due to the exertions of Mr. Finckleburg and niyeelf, but to the print fur which w finest.. ter .d to the sountry - bis strengthWboe* whoever carried a musket during the late rebellion, whoever paid his moneyhto the Treasury for the support of the cause, has gained a victory in the result. Even our country men in thruway, who so willingly and chantilly boutributed their means, have gained a victory, and ne doubt look Upon the result with joy , Fillowountrymen, we roust show ourselves to the American people in our best character, and by so m doing persuade the to emulate us; and we roust adopt the great and sterling qualities of the Americans. THE Erie Dispatch of March Ist, says: "Snow has WI every evenineiseveral consecutive days—tin sleig • here. about( kvaidenolid. t , Again: " snow woe Oillst 4h vs het sobrinckes.deep, on , the level, between Jackson Summit and WeAsshW, on Saturday." WS NEW CABINET. Omaha PA* *DPWai lke :The met of=Gi rant draftielly slamounoedi by teleitillimainr lad XL' tr Mr. irdikbunke, Who suedeeds Mr.-60w sr& as Secretary of State, has' been it 'o gress for eighteen years. He his reprdidlited Le Galena District. and ins an early and warm friend of his distingitisbed constituent. He has been noted in Dm Hones for his zeal to promote economy In the public service, holding of late years a leading position upon the Committee of Ap propriations, of which he has been chairman since the death of Thaddeus Stevens. Mr. Washburne has been, from his unvarying opposition to all schemes of extravagance and waste, denominated the " Watch dog of the Treasury." He will use his bestinfluenoe to make the administration economical in all its branches. ALEXANDER T. STEWART. Mr. Stewart. Secretary of the Treasury, is ,one of the most extensive merchants of New York. Forty-two years of business experi ence in the United States, during which Mr. Stewart has, by tact, industry and good judg ment, increased his means from the small be ginnings of an emigrant to the possession of an enormous fortune, proves that he is a man of more than ordinary shrewdness and ca pacity. His knowledge of finance, and the movements and interests of trade, can scarce ly be excelled by any one. He is no theorist —his education and experience have made him eminently practical. ADOLPH E. DORIE. Mr. Boric, Secretary of the Navy, was born in Philadelphia in 1809. He received a liberal education, and graduated at the University of Pennsylvania. He afterwards embarked in business, and is still a member of the firm oT importers McKean, Boric & Co. Mrs Boric was a strong Union man throughout the war of the rebellion, and he gave liberally of his means to support the cause of hie country. He was one of the founders of the Union League, and is at present a Vice President and one of the most active members of that patriotic institution. He has never been prominent in politics, and and never held office, but has been ono of the most useful of that class of citizens who sustain the country in her hours of need, and whose intelligence and integrity are guaran. tees of the continuance of republican insti tutions. The nomination of Mr. Boric will give general satisfaction in his native city and State. JACOB D. Cox General Cox, Secretary of the Interior, was the late Governor of the State of Ohio. He entered the army at she begintling of the war, and by bravery and skill as a soldier, mounted from rank to rank until he attained the double stars of a Major-General. He is a man of high character and fine attainments, and will discharge his duties with fidelity to the people. JOHN A. J. CRESS WELL. Mr. Cresswell, of Maryland, Postmaster General, was, during his term in the. United States Senate, an uncompromising friend of the Union. He was a member of the Con vention of Southern loyalists, held in Phila delphia, and author of the address adopted by that body, which, as a masterly effort, and in gracefulness of style, strength of logic, and glowing patriotism, has rarely been excelled by any composition ever ad dressed to the people of the United States. Senator Cresswell was elected to the United States Senate before the treachery of Gov ernor Swann serried the hitherto loyal State of Maryland over to the domination of the traitors, who hai returned from tits Rebel army. The disloyal _party in ]Maryland could net suffer a true friend of his country to remain fp so important a station as the United States Senate, and Philip P. Thonfas was elected to succeed Mr. Cromwell. The notorious disloyalty of the latter prevented his admission, and Mr. Vickers was mama quently chosen to fill the position. Mr. Cresswell has been a constant and nnweary lag friend of the Southern loyalists, and he understands the waits of that section of .thAl country peculbsrly EMI RICKWOOD lIOAR. The new Attorney General, Judge Hoar, is the eon of biartuel Hoar, who, years 'ago, was Commissioner sent from Massadhreetts to South Carolina, and was imprisoned itt the latter State; a matter which at the time cre ated great excitement. Eben Rickweod Hoar was born in Concord, Massachusetts, in 1826. lie graduated at Harvard (Also in 1846, studied law, and was in due time adasitted to the bar, st Worcester in that State. Pie was one year a member of the General Court, or Legislature of Massachu setts, and was elected to Congress for the first time last year, sad took his seat March 4, to bold it for a few hours. Gnw. BCROFIIeth yet remains In the Cabi net sa Secretary of War. His bravery dur ing the war, sod his competency in the Sec. rAaryship, aro well known. T:1 i;.:1:11:CtS ii•A;cA.VAN, The. State Guard says that Mr. Joseph L. Buffington and wife, residing on Third street — MOW Chestnut, hive lost three children within one week, through scarlet fever, and a fourth child, at last accounts, was on the brink of death. The &lit, Lilly, died on her birthday, Thurs day the 18th, aged ten years, and was buried on Saturday. The second, ida, died on Tuesday,aged tux yerua asulfenr months. Just as the funeral cortege was about mov ing to the cemetery, yesterday, the third victim, George, died, aged eleven years and six months, and will be - buried to-day. The fourth victim of this fatal malady was Dist night lying in a critical condition and momentarily expect al to follow theothera • ViraouwaSl illtnottVoll---Bkaskisig Bow: The tour nagrosseßonnds, Bailey, "Ms, and Wilson, eenvicted of having de liberately and brutally murdered the ciptain and mate of the schooner Brave, in the Ches apeake lay, with the design of getting pone*. pion of the venial, were hung on Friday fore noon in thejatiyin'd at Mucess Anne, Iti t y. lan& Park_ ptbasereoefersed Bailey lt Rona* sod Wdlls dieikiststandy; in *few stem& ; Wilson neck did not break. Be 4= i s horn i sot the rope off lAA .ot die Shroud of RounrZkr then a( hit own rem and drawing himsat up, l et 6n the scaffold again. The ja il or asoen ed, tightened the noose again, and pushed the wretched man of a almond time, jerking She rope violently as he fell. The victim continued to 464 for Ave minutcs, some ottba caosti.jr " Thetis ritht,pm ithsfit to sullbrj" emotion 'awl felt jr-ilve Writes. To wards the last, caw or Me theimmat 'pasta tors wera.prosant WASHINGTON NEWS AND GOSSIP. LIAM FROM VARIOUS SOURCES.] President Grant has directed the follow ing military orders : Brevet Major Gen eral A. Terry assigned to the Department of the South. Major General Groom G. Meade is assigned to the Military Divis ion of the Atlantic, headquarters at Phil adelphia. Lieut. General P. 11. Sheridan is assigned to command the Department of Louisiana. Major Geueritl W. S. Han cock is assigned to Dacotah. Major Gen eral E. R. S. Canby is assigned to the First Military District. Brevet Major General A. C. Gillem is assigned to his regiment. Brevet Major General J. J. Reynolds is assigned to the Fifth Military District. Brevet Major General W. H. Emory is assigned to the Department of Washington. The Inauguration Ball proved a failure, and so many participants lost their over coats, hats, &c., and so few saw General Grant, or had any comfort or pleasure at all, that it is looked back upon with dis favor, and will probably be the means of ending the ball ceremonies in future in augurations. There seems to have been a general jail delivery before Andrew Johnson left office. Not only were the most of those implicated in Abraham Lincoln's assassi nation pardoned, but all the confiscation cases were dismissed from the docket. It is to be hoped the new Attorney General will look into these things. The House has granted llon. C. N. Tay lor sixty days to take testimony in his case of contest for a seat in the House with Mr. Reading, of the Fifth District. Mr. Reading opposed any time being granted, but his own party would not sustain him, and the House refused the call of yeas and nays. In the case of lion. Leonard Myers, a large amount of testimony was presented to the House by Hon. Chas. O'Neill, and ordered to be printed. It establishes Mr. Myers' election by over five hundred ma jority. He will probably get his seat be tbre April first. The House sent the Co vode and Foster ease to the Election Com mittee, to report immediately who should have the seat, upon the papers referred to Congress by Governor Geary, which prove, by sworn testimony, that Mr. Covode is elected by at least six hundred majority. In addition to the Cabinet officers, the following confirmations have been made by the Senate: Commissioner of Internal Revenue—Co lumbus Delano. Lieutenant General Sherman, to be Gen eral. Major General Sheridan, to be Lieuten ant General. Brigadier General Schofield, to be Major General, in place of Sheridan. General Augur, to be Brigadier Gener al, in place of Schofield. It has transpired that Mr. Stewart was notified of President Grant's intention to nominate him as Secretary of the Treas ury upon the 3d of March. Mr. Creswell did not know of his selection until he heard it upon the street half-an-hour after it had gone to the Senate. Mr. Washburn has for some time been arranging his private affairs so as to enable him to go abroad, and will not remain longer in the State Department than to enable him to get the bearings of our foreign relations. In the meantime, Mr. Hunter will perform most of the labors of the Departlnent. One of President Grant's first acts was to issue an order restoring to attive ser vice Brigadier and Brevet Major-General Benjamin W. Brice, Paymaster-General, who was retired recently by President Johnson), and declaring that he will be considered as having been untinuously on duty from February 22, 1809, the date of such retirement. General Brice, it is stated, was retired because of his ref using to accede to a request of President John son to appoint a person to position who was indorsed by the President. No attempt is made by the various Sen atom and members to conceal the fact that they are disappointed in the selec tions of the Cabinet, buten are disposed to give the appointees a fair trial. Mr. Creswell is the recipient of the most flat tering testimonials of approbation of his selection from all sides. Before Mr. Johnson left the White House, he signed, and had Mr. Seward countersign, the commission of Mr. Marks as Colleotor of the port of Philadelphia. This commission is now in the hands of Mr. Sergeant, specially iu charge of the Bureau of Customs; who will deliver it to Mr. Marks as soon as his bonds are filed and properly approved. It is not in the power of President Grant to withhold it if Mr. Marks produces the proper bonds, and he can now only be removed by the Senate's confirmation of a succes sor while the Tenure of Office bill remains unrepealed or unmodified. The last military order issued by Gen eral Grant as General of the Army is dated March 3, and relates to an econom disposition of condemned Government property. The day before Mr. Johnson went out of office ' he pardoned the two Depuys, of New York, convicted et frauds in whisky. One of the first acts of President Grant was to telegraph the Marshal lot to de liver the papers, and they have been started, kiplc ' It is expmtia 'that Oen. Schofield will shortly retire from the War nt, and that his place will be fill by John A. Rawlins, hitherto Chief of Staff to Gen eral Grant. No better man can be found for that office or for any other. Able, original, true and brave, there are few Americans of higher moral and intellec tual worth than he. One of the most interesting sights in the Senate Chamber is galbtnt old Pgaos brownlow, the new Senator from Tennes see. His attenuated' fiume, punt and almost ghastly, and his Ilmbs trembling like an aspen in a stirring breeze. Ho looks as if he tottered upon' therem! of the grave. His eyes gleam out with a brightness almost unnatural, and reveal the strong and nnconqueruble will that in habits his feeble body. In this respect he bears a striking resemblance to the late* grand' old commoner, Thaddeus Stevens. The President has directed the with holding of commission.* fbr the present from -I.Titted %dee 'Thetrtet Attorney Q~ sill and Collector Meeks, of Philadel phia, both confirmed in the expiringhours of the last Senate,undAt is now asserted Aug. it is necessary for the. President to issue a oomeissieo, although it may have been signed by Andrew Johnson, and that he has the right to reline to so issue, and he will aooordingly • nossisate others to