PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, RAUCH & COCHRAN, No. 13, Smith Queen Street, Lancaster. TERMS OF' SUBSCRIPTION. 1 wpm erne year, 8 copies, (each name addressed,) 7.00 10 copies 44 VIM " le iel U copi eV es " 14 22.00 And $l.lO for each additional subscriber. VOX CLUBS, IX PACKAOI I I. 5 amok% (to one address, ) . 6.60 a0 64 is nyder " 12.00 16 copies " It 16.00 44 di 20.00 9° °e rg $l.OO for each additional subscriber. Nip Al l subscriptions must invariably be paid in advance. 43 is PRINTING} Of every description, neatly nod promptly exe cuted, at short notions, and on the fisost reasonable terms. Railroads. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL R. R. Trains leave the Central Depot as follows: EASTWARD. WESTWARD. Ctncin. Ex....12:17 A. in. Erie Mai 1..... 1:50 a. in Phila.Expresss:l2 " Phila. Exp... 2:40 11 Fast Ltne "7,412 " Matt 11:16 " Lane. Train.. 9:05 11 Past Line..... 2:35 p. to Day Express. 1:46 p. m.sColurnbia Ac. 2:15 " llarrisb's A0..5:54 " ILsarrisWg Ac. 5:54 ' 4 .Eanc. Train.. 720 " ,Cincin. Ex....10:43 " READING A NI) ON AND THURSDAY, PAH/INGER TRAINS ROAD, AS LEAVIL Lancaster SOO s. in 115 P 4 nl. Columbia a. in. 64 R ETU LsAvis. Reading ..... 7:00 a. m 4. ..... 6:15 p. m I 6 7:00 a. in l 6 ... 6. 6:15 p. m Trains leaving Lancaster and Columbia as above, make close connection at Reading with Trains North and Smith on Philadelphia and c ReadinUatiroad, and West ou Lebanon Valley Road. Train leaving Lancaster and Columbia at 8 A. M. connects closely at Reading with Train for New York. Tickets can be obtained at the Offices of the New Jersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty street, New Yorkiand Philadelphiaand Reading Railroad, lath and Callowhill streets, Phila. Through tickets to New York and Philadel phia DOM at all the Principal Stations, and Bag gage Checked Through. TraLne are run by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Time, which is 10 minutes Stater than Pennsylvania Railroad Time. GEO. F. GAGE, Supt. B. E. Esavaa, Gen. Frt. and Ticket Agent. nov 20-tf) - - - - - - REAMING RAI I.IIOA I). WINTER ARRANGENIENT, MONDAY, 1/1A;KM111.:1/ 14, IM3 Great Trunk Linefrom the North and North 'wag for Philtuielphia • Neal York, Read ing, Pottsville, Tamaqua, /and, Sha mokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easkm, Eph rata, Litiz, Lancaster, Coheinhia, 4e. Tralns leave Harrisburg for New York as fol lows: At &SO, 510, &to 4. in., 12.40 noon 2.06 and 10.6 e p. m , eonnecting with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad and arriving at New York gt 11.00 a. m.,12.20 noon, 8.,60, 7.00,14.06 p.m., and &16 a. in. respectively. sleeping Cara ac company the LOU a. in. and 10.60 p. in. trains withoat change. lowed Harrisburgfor Reading, Pottsville, _Timmons, Ifinere v7H e, Ashland, Shamokin, - - Pine Grove. Allentown and Philadelphia, at S.lO a. in., 2.06 and 4.10 p. in., stopping at Leba non =limit Way Stations; the 4.10 p. zo. train connections lbr Philadelphia and dolumbia o y. For Pottl ast a in URI Ha . yen and Maar% 'ilia Soh an /bisque hannititidltend, leaven v. l a. Reaming: Leave New York n. in., u.OO st noon, 6.10 and 00 p. m.. Plailad at &lb a, in. and Step.sleeping ears ny the 11.00 a. a., Lle and SAO p. an. New York.williontebicl a la- _.,.__ ._. Way Pailsenger in leaves ralladelphia al 710 a.• coameating with similar than on East Penns. returning from Reading at 4.33 p in., g at all stations; leave Potts m itv vill a at 1-gg, a a. in., and 0.45 p. in.; Shamokin at 5.11 a. in.; Aehland at 7.100 a. in., and RUN p. m.; Tamaqua at tee a. in.; and 2.90 p. tn., for Phila. delphia. Leave Pottsville, viaSedelleirtlli. - and Stunise. loans saltroad at I.loa. in. Mr Marrisburg, and 11.30 a. in. ibr Pine Grove mid TrilMODt. Reading Aotemerellatton Train s Leerece Reading at 700 a. a., returning leaves Phila delphia at kiep. in. Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves Pottstown at 6.45 a. Di.; returning, leaves Phila delphm 0,4.00 p. in. Colunnals Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.00 a.m. and 4.111 p. m. tor Ephrata, Lilts, Lan. caster, Columbia, _ac. Perkipmen Railroad Trains leave Perklomen Junction at 9.111 a in. and 5.88 p. m.; returning, leave likippaesit 1109. m. and HAI p m. eon. necting With enabler trains oa .Reading 'Rail. road. On Einithin L 0. Leave New York at kW p. in.. Philathil at 00 a. M. and 11.15 p. m., the am a . a),. tutu ing i tui r y to Reading; Potts ville Linn. m.. 1 il,s SAO a. m., 4.10 and 10.60 tp i irSoa Readtag LA &00and 7.15 a. in. For burg, at ULM, and 7.31 a. na. for New ork: a Y p. M. for thlbulelphia. Cominatatten, Indeage, Season, School and Excundon Tinkle* to and from all points, at edueed nites. Es~elieekell through; 10e pounds allowed eaell - fteesenpr. . 4. racoLui. ckmeriSSuperintakeent. ils.tani, PA., Dee. 14, 10011. pleelieltd kw N OKT II ERN CENTRAL RAIL WAY. Trains wAve York for Wrightrrille and Co. lumbia t arddir aad lislof. in., and 11:116 p. m. Leave yiertavilis for Yak , at WA) a. a., aal ili and it. . m. Leave yor for Baltimore, at 1:00 raid 7:16 a. e l lag i V nl iskatiat. a. m.,veLa Yoe for airi A At L 66, 6116 a I*l D. . Vailkaa , s LNAVE. BEISBVINIid UM. "IL At teas.*., ar• dir p. m. - *Nab siblem. At 11414016 Sala la, OW 1 and WM p. deep-tfd laotegraphs, deco GOr A t4l 4 .l, Parenficil Families, ilOher te•Daugker, . Mailer lo &n. .artnidatwoot4lZll,reri"ala att.% mime* plinth . mi th .2( :oT e ra t dimi saig 8 i v Con • Y One fislooilia"Ettly 116 meat at of litirge." . " an i • STEgettint 4,, Poe We Centro' liolo• paravawste. t l e nekkazdalliVir=l . 4o . AAR. est otylositao QMiiiMihirtAW 0, &Rig and Gob" nit 04444 . Ttie 733 Cott& EIMER, BRENEMAN & ao., Nclpms,474lo AND MAIL , DaAlOlOl4l4l COA4 .rias SIAM uArris. Testa-AIM& WAVIS ST. AND srA. 11 . Orrice-1M 2 &MIT 08A24011 LANCASTAIR PA. tBsellt4r COLUMBIA R. R. AFTER OV. 26, 1868, ILL BE RUN ON THIS OLLOWS: ARRIVE. Reading Reading .....10:20 a. ID. .... 6:40 p. m. 16 10:20 a. 114. ,* ..... 6:40 p. M. R X INC; : aztatvr. Lancaster..... 9: Pk a. in p. m Colzatrzlzta a. In 9 25 a. in. p. zn to Ale the rifht, Jet us strive on to finish the *pork 're are in; to in sip the maims *roma le; to VOL. 11. Claim Agency. JAMES BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 4.77 D MILITARY AND NAVAL CLAIM AGENT, No. ',RI East King-st., Lancaster, Ps. Being duly licensed as a Claim Agent, and having a large experience, prompt attention will be given to the following classes of claims: BOWNTY and PAY due discharged Soldiers and Sailors. BOWNT I' (additional) to Soldiers who'enlisted for not less than 2 or 3 years, or were honora bly discharged for wounds received. BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or Parents of Soldiers who died from wounds re ceived or disease contracted in said service. PENSIONS for invalid Soldiers and Sailors, or to their widows or children. PENSIONS for fathers and mothers, brothers or sisters of deceased soldiers, upon whom they were dependent. PENSIONS and GRATUITIES for Soldiers or their Widows from Pennsylvania, in the War of 1812. PAY due Teamsters, Artificers and Civil em ployees of the Government. PAY due for horses lost in the United States service. CITARGES.—Fees fair and moderate, and in no case will charges be made until the money is collected. Vac 2S-Iyr* Insurance. THE OLD PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ACCUMULATED CAPITAL, 82,000,000, Atter paying Losses to the amount of $1,120,000 CHARTER PERPETUAL All the 'Surplus Dividend amongst the Policy Holders every year. THE ONLY TRULY MUTUAL COMPANY IN THE CITY OR STATE. For further Information apply to JOHN J. COCHRAN, Agent, nofttt f ) P. 0., Lancaster, Pa • = 5 -4 C 00.2 0 •• . 0 L 11 . caol _,. .. • . -1 , Cm. , : i g UM -] . . ij I lA. 4ml 'r ' i : ...* P. $i f+ i =Et el ..,' ; =q g Wait 41 pi l 0! - i . . 1 0 k ims # 0 *4 • g . .t. s k) 0 b - 4 g 4, if . . . . pa ..-,• 14 0 ; Z M Is, w Nr° i AI P .,1 ° 1 4 t " la d 110 l Ei tia '' 5 0 * *l§ Q g o -. =.4 ff i i. 11 0 m 4 CP L.) ra i 1 li E--• 4 4 i i s tri IESI m 'lt! k 4 F• 4 084 11 i E 13 1 1 el ip v WORLD MUTUAL LIRE INS. Co. NEW YORK, O. 140 BROOLDWAT. J. IP. ' , HUI/ADEN', Oemeral Agent for.Penuia. NORTH QUERN @TRENT, (Above J. F. Long t Easho Drug Store.) Thla Comc es q r ,r i e moire SOLID and REAL Indueemea oblippr 1411. Jalegromo Omaymay Read or eall mat get & vuenigir• Active aollettora, e ta or female. In every towashlp la the ste. tawantedm• Sewing Machines. THE MOWS SEWING MACHINE, PCPS ETERYBODtt Ass•SeltdsrAilslas Neter, WU Or Melia. they are tuteurtosseed. The Termer we It for his rosily. The Dress Owl dosk Maker preterl U. The Illsometesse ivartelt, %Nieves its werli is ear. to give 18102061111*0. The Tsflatlet lang ego . deetile4l 11 te be the best ter kla tezetneee. TheMirdrai itr raftr V ddaertiabm,.. t, !mte• Mono 1 4 147, aVerifileif 'herd. the E. HOW MA , . • • Shoo Mathias iswarravi4d. Svervitithe possessor of orke_9 O l' ibis?, airtiyania al *a endow& TWM the tempo of ou All our ouSomellik , W e t il a er= ert he F i rwor eon bfr e r ina li t i 4 1101 ipipi Other ft*: iie is Wilke 104itiume • mos j i d a W a t mie; ;A Xii eatv , 100,1unitovia GEORGE BOOK-DINDBR AND MANX socx - xurtargtoxlma, igozwit Ins.r., Jr -BOONS, to o Primak . e, Iderebeinte, Comity Otillootolboomodle rder 1 tte BOOK BI2(DLAW, to all its blamable, PromPt• aded to. (moo I-aaa 'l' /Pr Fes us LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1869. fottrg. THE OLD FOLKS' ROOM. The old man sat by the chimney side, His face was wrinkled and Wan; And he leaned both hands on his atont oak cant", As if all his work was done. His coat was of good old fashioned grey, The pockets were flee@ and wide, Where his "specs" and his steel tobacco box Lie snugly side by side. The old man liked to stir the fire, So near him the tongs were kept ; Sometimes ho mused as he gazed at the coals, Sometimes he sat and slept. What saw he in the embers there? Ah 1 pictures of other years ; And now and then they wakened smiles, But as often started tears. His good wife sat on the other side; In a high-backed flag seat chair ; I see 'Death the pile of her muslin cap The sheen of her silvery hair. There's a happy look on her aged face, As she busily knits for him And Nellie takes up the stitches dropped, For Grandmother's eyes are dim. Their children came and read the news, To pass the time each day ; How It stirs the blood in the old man's heart To hear of the world away 'T Is a homely twene—l told you tai, But pleasant it is to view, At least I thought it so myself, And sketched it down for you. Be kind unto the old, my friend, They're worn with this world's strife, Though bravely once perchance they fought The stern, fierce battle of life. They taught our youthful feet to climb Upward's life's rugged steep ; Then let us gently lead them down To where the weary sleep. • Lost NY HUSBAND'M 19 XI)1 4 1D WIFE. My husband came tenderly to my side: "Are you going out this evening, love?" "Of course I am!" I looked down complseently at my dress of pink crape, dew-dropped over with crys tal, and the trails of pink azalans that caught up its folds here and there. A diamond bracelet encircled one round white arm, and a little cross blazed fitfully at my throat. I had never looked Issttesi and I felt a sort of girlish pride as my eye met the fairy reflection in the mirror. "Come, Gerald, make haste!—why, yon haven't begun to dress yeti . " Where were my wifely instincts that I did not see the haggard, drawn look in his features— , the fevered light in his eyes? "I can't go to night, Madeline—l am not well enough." "You are never 'well enough' to oblige me, Gerald. I am tired of being put off with such excuses." He made no answer but dropped his head in his hands on the table before him. “0, come, Gerald,” I urged, petulantly, "it is awkward fbr me to go alone always. He shook his head listlessly. "I thought perhaps you would be will ing to remain at home withme, Madeline. " "Kea are so selilab?” I said plaintively, "and lam all dressed. Claudia took half an hour for my hair. I dare say you'll be a great deal quieter without me, that is, if you are determined not to go. " No answer again. "Well, if you choose to be sullen, I can't help it," I said lightly, as I turned and went out of the roOta, adjusting in my silver boquet holder the tube roses and heliotropes seeming to distill incense at every motion. Was I heartless and cruel? Mid I ceas ed to love my husband? From the bot tom of my heart I believe that .I lo d Shita as truly awl tender as as ever,irife but I had 'been and petted few brief y am *,Wealthe -hitter Wands, so to speak, Vfecne entombed alive. , I wet to the W it Altiti luod my Og.ot Mule : 0 4 114 1 , uatml, The hone , tO &II away, sbod with petwhittlenzithwusicialcune,l % ; Wearied, tough% a Momentary . tett/fie in thee nnu. Mr:tea-toot; that.lllesid words avrek- Me, 'ro c t o wel*, from a dream. 66 ' luAd Iff Ico not well be mistaken 14 the nyne—it was scarcely common place etiough far that. They ivere 0441—two or three stout, SuAiness-like looking gen tletnen—in the hall without, pad i,GP,4 1 4 catch, ipm end then, a fuOtive word or I)ll ‘ llg ie o l ti tefkik lain it 34 1 /4 teilow 140— y rUbled, so, lieu and Orr kik say—Ldreklessi extravagance of his *ice 1 ,9 , All these vague fragments I heard; Aug then sorpsotie said: "And What is hegoing, l t o Vow ?" "Irkat conlie do - 1 1 ! - Poor Tow C ~/ am sorry; bilt he' should lltTe'aticulatted . bie. lawn* and eXPeteee bette/Q' "Or hts irtth should. Deuce take theme eromett—they are at the bottom of all a man's troubles ." .I roae horri dly upi,wlth my heart beat ingtumUltuously beneath the pintoes/efts aad went back to the lighted corridors. .Albany Moore was Wetlhglo claim my hand for the next reolowl. " Are you ill, Mrs. Clen? Row pale Ton look Ins 46 i—I am not very well., I wish waald-t halve -M eaMago Meore. ll - SS For I felt uow that hie* was the place for me; 'Hurried by some umeevuttgble Impulse, I sprang out the moment the carriage wheels touched the curbstone, and rushed up to my husband's room. The door was locked, but I could see a light shining faintly under . the threshold. I knocked wildly and persistently. "Gerald! Geraid! for Ileaven's sake let me int" Something fell on the marble hearth stone within, making a metallic clink, and my husband opened the door a little way. I had never seen him look so pale before, or so rigid or determined. "Who arc you?" he demanded wildly. " Why cannot you leave me in peace?" "It's I, Gerald—your Madeline—your own little wife." And I caught from his hand the pistol he was striving to conceal in his breast— its mate lay on the marble hearth, under the mantle—and flung it out of the win dow. " Gerald! you would have left me?". "I would have escaped!" he cried, still half delirious to all appearances. " Debt —disgrace—misery—her reproaches! I would have escaped them alll" His head fell, like that of a weary child, on mripiosider. I daew him gently to a sofa, and soothed him with a thousand murmured words, a thousand mute cares ses! For had it not all been my fault? And through all the long weeks of fear that followed, I nursed him with unwaver ing care and devotion. I had but one thought—one desire—to redeem myself in his estimation, to prove to him that I was something more and higher than the butterfly of fashion I had hitherto shown myself. Well, the March winds had howled themselves away into their mountain fast nesses, the brilliant April rain drops were dried on bough and spray—and now the apple blossoms were tootling their fragrant billows of pinky bloom in the deep, blue air of latter May. Where were we now? It was a picturesque little cottage just out of the city, tarnished very much like a magnificent baby house. Gerald sat in a cushioned easy chair on the piazza, just where he could glance through the open window at me, working a batch of biscuits with my sleeves rolled up above my el bows, and the " gold thread" hair neatly confined in a silken net. " Wpat an industrious fairy it is!" he said; smiling sadly. " Well, you see I like it! It's a great deal better than those sanataii on the piano!" "Who would have thought you would make so notable a housekeeper!" I laughed gleefully—l had all a child's delight in being praised. " Are you not going to Mika Delancey's croquet party?" he pursued. "No—what do I care for croquet par ties? I'm going to finish your shirts, and you'll read aloud to me!" " Madeline, I want you to answer me one question." "What is it?" I had safely deposited my pan of biscuits in the oven by this time, and was dusting the dour off my hands. " What have you done with your dia monds?' " I sold them long ago—they paid sever al heavy bills, besMul settling half a year's rent here!" " But Madeline, you were so proud of your diamonds'' , " I was once—now they would be the bitterest repench my eyes could meet. 0, Gerald, had I been less vain,)ind thought less and extravagant —l , I checked myself, said a robin,. singing in the peril/sod depth. of the apple bkos seine, above the piazza, took up the drop ped current of sound! " That's right, little red breast," said my husband, half jokingly, " talk her down. She has forgotten that our past is dead and gone, and that we have turned over a new page In the book of existence! Madeline do you know how I feel some tiroop when I sit and look at you!" 44 opl " Well, I feel like a widower who has married main." • My heart ga a little superstitious Jan*. "Like a widower wbo has= married spin, Gerald?" "yes, I can remember ray bet wife—a brilliant, thoughtless child, without as idea beyond tide patiliceAion of present whims—a spoiled playlblogi Well, that little Madinah** vanisWanty ist9 the put, el* has gone away, to atom to me no more, and in her stead I beheld my second wik a thonglithd, tender woman, whose watchful love mama& me likes& atmosphere, whose drametor grown mom "noble, and develops *elf into new depth and beauty every day." I was haosling by Ma side, now, whinny sleek upon his arm, and my eyes looking into his. t‘ And which de you glove beet, Gerald? the first or second wife?" "I think the trials and vicissitudes three which we have, passed are welcome indeed, lime _they bane brought me as their lomat nwita, , the priteless treasure of my second wife.' That was what. Gerald answered me; the sweeteet words that ever fell upon my ear. 46 TRE SOLDIER'S PRATER." "Our Father" which is in Washington, " General U. S. Grant;" in his name thy will be done, in the South an well as in the North; and give us out daily rations, and forgive us our short comipgs as we SOnv: our Quartermasters. FOrkirre is minion and rule over the !f" pper heads and Rebels," and habitation in the White Rouse, for }bur years, &e. Amen. U. S. 0. By Capt. John H. A. Roltr.e. d t we a n d his orphan, to do all "%hamar and cherish a false aid a Mains, peace vurselres and ;with all nation." 4. Z. t Atha lbrahanfo Chip,. THERE are 1,250,000 Free Masons in the United States. AT a late wedding in Boston the flowers used on the occasion cost $lO,OO. CHICAGO shipped seventy-eight bushels of wheat in 1838. The amount shipped in 1868 was upward of forty million bushels. ASIILAND, the house of Clay, is now the site of a university attended by over six hundred students from all parts of the Union. SAN FRANCISCO has strawberries and fresh salmon the year round. The latter was not over fifteen cents a pound all the last year, and is now sold at nine cents. NATritarrEr. G. WOOD, watchmaker and jeweller, in Hanover-et., Bal., was rob bed on Sunday morning of $7OOO worth of property. R. T. LEONARD, of St. Joseph Missouri, has walked one hundred miles in twenty seven consecutive hours—last mile being in eleven minutes. AT Pleasantville some oil-seekers, in sinking a well, struck a vein of coal eight feet in depth. The vein is but forty feet from the surfhce, and can be easily worked. ROBBERIES, rows, fights. and confidence men seems to be the order of the day in Corry. They also have a velocipede in the place. SPANGLER and Arnold, imprisoned at the Dry Tortugas for complicity in the assassination of President Lincoln, have received a full pardon. Gov. Glassy has issued the warrants for the execution of Geo. S. Twitchell, Jr., and Gerald Eaton. They are to be hung on Thursday, April Bth, at Philadelphia. IT is stated several boxes of guineas of the coinage of George the Third, have been recovered from the wreck of the Brit ish frigate Hussar, sunk in East river in 1784. Twit' jury in the case of James Grant, charged with the murder of Rives Pollard, at Richmond, Virginia, brought in a ver dict of not guilty, and the prisoner was discharged. AN unsuccessful effort was made in the Georgia Rouse of Representatives an Sat urday to adopt the 15th amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Mintz than two thousand one hundred disabled soldiers are housed, fed, clothed and in all respects tenderly cared for in the various National Asylums. GRANT'S military appointments are ad mirable. The soldiers who were persecu ted I:iy Andrew Johnson have received justice from their old comrade and com mander. OF three applicants for the Post Office at Dubuque, one claims it because his wife is a cousin of Grant; another says ho can "go him two nieces better;" and the third wants it because he is a Winer. A LYON Monument Association formed in St. Louis, for the purpose of erecting a monument to General Nathaniel Lyon, who was killed at the battle of Wilson's Greek, Mo., in August, 1881. A CHILD without a backbone is report ed to have recently died in Ohio, where upon the Boston Post remarks, that by his death "the State lost admirable ma terial for a member of Congress.” Or the 142 delegates to the coming Democratic State Convention, twenty three have been instructed for General Case, six for Packer, three for General McCandless, sixty-one are uninstructed, and forty yet remain to be chosen. The chances appear to be all in favor of Cass. A DOCTOR in illbsouri has been detect ed in poisoning his patients, which he has been accustomed to do in a cautious and stealthy manner. On exiuninatkak be was found to be insane, and yet he had been practising for mon ths In that condition. WILLIAW F., has recovered a verdict of $lO,OOO from the Illinois Chntral Railroad, for an injury received while acting as brakeman, being thrown o ff the top of the care by an awning project ing from a railroad buildbig. IN Chicago husbands are said to be so fearful of divorce that they add to their announcements of future movemeute the letters "W. P,” which mean "wife per- GE N. (IRANT'g uneqUivocal declaration in favor of universal suffrage will secure the adoption of that amendment We should Like to look at the Republican who Would go back on the amendment, TER New York World and the Lances terintellVencer,tell their readers that Grant la hopelessly Wield, and calls upon the democratic party to array its forges evilest the new Administration. Good! That's where we want them. JUDGE BREWSTER, Of Philadelphia, iD pronouncing a sentence last week, said that the public had come to regard nearly all murderers as either heroes or martyrs —heroes if they escaped punishment, mar tyrs if they received it. Tiu Indiana Legislature has been brok en up by a conspiracy of the opposition in each branch, who sent in their resignations on the 4th. The Governor has ordered special elections, to fill the vacancies, to be held on the 23d, and will consequently reconvene the Legislature. G. DAWSON COLEMAN, State Senator from Lebanon county, is spokes of as She Republican candidate for Governor in come quarters. The Philadelphia Sunday. Republic says of him : "He makee an ex celknt Senator, would make a eapital run, and if elected would prove an honest and Impartial Chief Magistrate." CASH RATES OF ADTERTIS/N6l Ten lints of Nonpareil constitute a Bquare. I ' • • TIME. I c" • Ir. a w I X aC 1 week 28.140 St 104 11110 $ 6 00 2 weeks... 110 1 80i 1 70 . 4*l 800 3 weeks... $ 120 800' 6 001 001 1 month... 1 711 200 3 SO; 700 18 GO 2 months.. 2 75' 400 6 011 10.00 20 00 3 moptbs..l 400: 6 CC 9 00. 15 00 30 001 6 months.. I 7 00, 11 00; 16 50 25 00 t 40 00 1 year..... 12 00' 20 00 30 00 40 00 cop Executors' Mottos. Administrators' liotlee Itsetigseeso Notice Audltorsi Notice SPECIAL NOTICES—Ten cents a line for the first insertion, and Seven cents a line for each subsequent insertion. REAL BATS advertisements, Ten cents a line for the first insertion, and Five - cents a lute for each additional insertion. No. 17. ad-ALL KINDS or JOB PRINTING executed with neatness and despatch. • THE Blair county Republicans have adopted the Crawford county system of making nominations. The vote stood, for the system 4341, against it 328. WESTMORELAND county rejoices in probably the oldest married couple in the State—Patrick Murphy and wife, aged respectively 110 and 80 years. AT a special election held for Council man in the Bth Ward of Harrisburg last week, Patrick Ryan, Republican, was elected by five majority. In October the ward gave one hundred and ten demo cratic majority. THE next statement of the public debt is expected to show a reduction of about 810,000,000. The heavy payments for interest have been completed, and the re ceipts of the pass month have exceeded the expenditures by the amount specified. WENDELL PHILLIPS in a recent lecture said he was far from despairing because Grant had not called to Ins Cabinet " the hneat minds of the country. ,, He said we ave had enough of the great men there, and thanked (od we had got rid of the whole of them. THERE is much truth in the following recent "chunk of wisdom , ' from Punch, who says: "If you are a wise man you will treat the world as the moon treats it. Show it only one side of yourself, seldom show yourself too much at a time, and let what you show be calm, cool and polish ed. But look at every side of the world." AT a recent meeting of the Forest County Republican Committee, J. G. Dale, James Green and A. 11. Steele were ap pointed Senatorial and Representative Conferees to meet similar Conferees from the other counties to elect delegates to the next State Convention, instructed to support John W. Geary for Governor. THE New York anninercial makes the startling statement that "not one-half the income tax of the country is paid!" and as an example and illustration, it says that it knows of one house in New York city, where twenty-one gentlemen board, and only one has ever made an income re turn, or paid an income tax, or ever been asked so to do. GEN. GRANT'S noble declaration in favor of honestly paying the national debt according to the letter and spirit of the contract, is worthy of the great soldier who saved the country from destruction. Repudiators of all grades are classed with the rebels and traitors who sought to de stroy the national life, and will receive no countenance from this administration. IT is safe now to predict that we shall hear no more of the Ku-Klux in the South. For more than a month past, these assas sins have been gradually withdrawing from. the theatre of their bloody deeds. Hence forth there will be no further Ku-Klux murders in the South, because those assas sins no longer have a friend at court. Tke work of blood has ended—Grant will give peace to all the country. THE various religious denominations of the United States, and especially the mem bers of the powe rful Methodist Episcopal Church, have great faith in General Gijiat aad in the prosperity of the Gospel under his admisistration. The General's father is a Methodist, his mother is a Methodist, his wife is a Methodist, and through these channels the General himself is well sea soned with wholesome religious convic tions. THE Scranton Register, the Democratic paper in a banner Democratic county, has suspended. We tender the proprietors, together with those of all Democratic journals, our sympathies. Democratic voters are not newspaper subscribers, or perhaps we may put it thus : Newspaper subscribers do not long remain Democratic voters. When a man becomes able to read and write and think a little, he generally leaves the Jack Cade party. Tnz Chicago Tribune assigns good rea-. sons for arguing that the price of wheat will be much lower during the coming year. It concludes its article by saying : ' The best thing that holders can do is to prepare to look their losses In the face as fully as may be, and decide to 'let go, peacefully chance of selling be denied in tot°. The supply is too abundant to admit of a scarcity, and sellers to the great world of consumers are too numerous to admit of thy holders being able to dictate in this matter of prices. Oun exchanges are circulating a story telling bow a big "spotted'? tiger eats lit , tie girls near New Orleans, leaving only their shoes and curls to console their friends. We don't doubt the fact that there is tiger, perhaps several of them, in New deans and vicinity, but their ravages are generally confined to fast young men, shirks and - thlr dbolish employers. Some times the tiger swallows a handsome store building at a single bite, with all its con tents, and then washes the dry-goods or hardware down with a good sized wine shop. The same species of tiger has been "spotted" in several other cities at dillbr ent times. AN eilbrt will be made at the next elec• tion for County Superintendent in Chester county (in May next.) to have the office filled by a &male. The candidate will be Miss Maria L. Sanford, of Unionville, who is a graduate of the Connecticut SW, Normal School, and a lady of eminent qualifications, energy and ability to 811 the position. The State Superintendent of Common Schools has decided that there is nothing in The law to prevent the eleo tion of a tb node for County Superinten dent. In the southern part of the county of Chester, where Miss Sanford has been reaidin.g and teaching, she is quite mu lar, and will be strongly urged and inp portiA by tchool dir.. , •tot., and men of in fluence. EF rATlrgit LBRANAIL . 11 50 14 00 17 00 2000 8860 0000 70 00 120 CMI • 42 80 : .... 2 2 .. 1 10
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers