cnuoplranits,ch BREEF FUN SCHWEFFLEBRENIVER. SCIILIFFLEToWN, Feb. 14, 1859. MISTER. FODDER ABRAHAM: Es is now damn ivver feer moonat das ich my letshter jigger g'numma hob dort ons Kitzelder fers, un wann ich draw deck we si alty customers oily do! , dort in seim house rumm pucka, un we soddiche fun eana wu's noch gea kenna earn geld fersowfa *n we selly wu so about ous g*slipeelt sin, &s watcha for dreet A, nn wann se a chance kreeya for a wennich, we se ols de hurtle gr l abba un so noch-krexa un de lippa taomma shmrecka wan so about on hal vier tumbler foil der hols drunna is, dorm bwl ich aw das es anyhow noel) ordlich tong gent eb der Kitzelderflo. mich widder 4 , riekt for an customer. De ilia is, ich Nin awfongs aw g'sea doh int shteddle ols Ems fun de feddershty leit; my shuhla sin RAW about all betzahlt except math tinf un Slivatsich dahler uf a note der brown Raul wu ich kawft bob of 'em Shink seiner fendu doh fergonga, nn so. an \dearly shtore un aw noch a wennich for a paar shtiffle wu ich ttf borricks grickt hob beim Sobalupper. Awer ich on de Bevvy hen doh de lctsht woch amohl an calculation g'macht un according tsu was mer ouch uf bond hen tsum ferkawfa 'trent morrickt eckshpect ich eb long entirely shulda frei un dorm konn ich mit wohn't saw fa das ich reconsht ruet bin. Nwer sid(ler dos es ordlich gout fer shtonna is dos ich he Posht Office Brick, sin de demokrata (loch Bons ferdeihenkert ritlich derweaya. De fact is, se wissa net was tsu du for mich drous holta, un forgesliter hob ich yusht so by chance atnohl ous-g'funna was for an plan se g'hot lien for mich widder tsurick tsu kreeya, en weil se cs net hen kumma kenna will ich ders shreiva we's war. For about tswea wocha, according tsu der shtory we cans fun meina freind nicrs fertzealt hut, war so an crowd beinunner pun Kitzelderfers, un hen fun ollerlea glithwetzt, un aw fun weaya meer under rosht Office, un dorm hen se ous g'macht das seller Kee Duckter wu sich doh int ritteddle uf halt ulleweil set sich amohl on, mich macha un proweera eb er nix du kept for mich geaya de Republican party fsu krceya. Earn plawn brauch ich now net mention, for sell weist skit fun sul wer wann ich shreib we der den)okratish Kee Duckter ous g'macht hut we er bei mer war om letshta Duunershdog owat. wer grawd noch em nacht essa, un wo de Bevvy noch orn g'ahterr wcsha war, un we ich draw war sell Anglish shtickly Rasa in der FODDER A DRAMA 31's Tseitung fuu weaya we de Lenkeshdnrer 'Tugs' earn geld =elm mit bricka baowa, dorm klupts smohl on der deer, nit de Bevvy sogt, " walk in," un dorm, will ich de kreuk kreeya wan's net der very Kee Duckter war. " Good-au-owat" Becht er, we er tau der deer rei is, un " good-an-owal" hob ich g'sawt, " nem der a Shi.ool, un ituck dish. " " Des is amohl shea wed der" er. "Yah" hob kit g'sawt is des is orrick shea for de tseit fun) volir." Donn hen mer untold so fun ollorlea ge s4audert, un tsulersht hut er awg'fOuga fun weaya politics. Secht er: "Gen, Pit du warsht itt Ilarrisborrick doh de dawya." ' Yah, ich war" hob ich g'sawt. " T.Tra we husht done ous g'macht dort? Geil se hen der evva (loch nix gevva," aecht er. " Well, nay," bob ich g'sawt, so hen net." '' Du bisht aw lions for do Posht Office, we mer Wert," secht er. "Yah,"sog ich "ich bin, un ich glawb eiw das ich se grick, for so feel dos ich %TAB sin de Republicans all in my favor." Donn "'Well, all dais ich tau iutwya hob, ich will der's peril winsha, un for der noch helfa dertau will ich der miaohl an gooter roat gevva. Du weasht now selwer das se orrick ahlecht acta dort in Ilarrisborrick, un nicer demokrata hen im sin draw tau gea nu all earn shlechty Sadao. tau publisha im Readinger Adler uu in der Kutztowner Geislit der Zeit, un in all unsery demokratishe Tseitunga. un gell dut de left iverall genya de Republi can party drays, un uf sellerweg, leckta sneer aw der (lovernear nogsht shpoat yolir. Now weil du olsfort an ;niter dem okrat warslit, roat ich der aw das du uet feel sogalit olleweil, un awer tins yuslit tsu ferslitea gebsht das du widder ruin tumuisht uf raiser side, un donn signu en2r all di bobbecr, un wars du ataold grin bisht in] (ant donn Icennsid (In we'd un fin shiand voter duslit evva widder uf unser side rota, un uf seller wen bisht widder alder slitterricksht party." We er sell g'sawt hut, clerk ich, doh po , is uf—doh is widder amohl ebbas im MEE gong, un ik•li 11 , 11( avc genotic(.(l (las (1( Ikvvy gewatOit but was g'sawt wasrd yusht we an katz watcht tit' de mice. Se but ins l. aw so a wennich au wunk gtvva -;‘) feel this we g'!;;;UN't , ( kilt I:ce Duektur yusht ()hes sawya was (.1. tsu sawya lint - Mt will shun tsu yam tenda. Well donn hob id' g'sawt, " . yoh, es is wohr, a dehl fun denim Scmly kit hen a wennich shlecht g`act, un awer ich konn (loch net gouts ursach gentink firma fire de Republican party tsu krlussa." "Awer" seeht cr. "se hen (10(.11 sivva na-tswonsich fun denna peshter un foold ers nei gedu un sellerweg ivver tswansieh dausend dahler g'shpend, hen se now net?" '' Well net exactly , ' bob ich g'sawt Ei du bisht doch heam kumma un husbt selwer derfu g'shwctzt derweaya, ,, secht cr. "IVell yah, es is a wennich ebbas on der sach" hab ich g'sawt, "un awer ich deat dock now gleicha tsu wissa was di plawn is, we ich's du art for de Posht Office kreeyn, un aw widder tsurick gea in de olt party. Leag niers amohl ous." " Well" Becht er " des will ich du. Doh hob ich so a klea shreivas das du an dem okrat bisht weil de Republicans in der Semly so feel Belt g'shtola ben mit denna pesliters un foolders, un of seller weg kannslit nal di demokratishefreind satisfya das du all right bisht." "tin was wid done du mit sellarn shreivas Irann ich amohl my nawma dertsu g'signed hob." "Oh" seeht cr, "nix for dee tseit, ex cept es yusht so unnich de demokrata rum weisa for se all tsu satisfy - a." We or sell g'sawt hut is amohl de Bevvy nei g'mixd. Secht se: " Doh bob ich awer now aw ebbas dertsu tsu sawya. Vann du denksht this eier demokrata de neagsht leckshun gwinna kenna, dorrrich de peshter tin foolder seierei, donn sind er welt mistaken, far ieh teas aw was se duna dart in liar !risbarriek, tin now," secht se "will kb der amohl ousfeerlicli sawya we's is. Es hut olstiirt shwartzy shofe in der welt, un aw shlechty kit in der Republican party, for es is an party fun mensha. Es is aw wohr das a dell fun de shlechty geman aged hen sich in de Semly ni tsu soddiche was sich eayena nn on der nails ruin ti , era lussa bet denim, Tugs dart in Lenkeshter. Es lint aw soddiche de sheints wissa we mer incliner geld maclit das rrcht is am bricka un krleicht aw 'loch of onnery unehrliche weaya. Awer de Republican party is aw dirndl genunk, un independent genunk sodiche ordlich widder ous de miter nous tsu vota, un sell is orellich mea das de demokrata clung, for we wars dort in Barricks county de yohr mit denna brieka. Weller? We is es fun weaya, sellam dem ur okratisha dresherer dart in Lenkeshter? We is es mit selly"' demokratisha Shred dart in liarricks county wu's government Otis so feel dauseuda fun dallier g'sliwind led hut mit seine wiskey dot un sich noeh derhand ous der shkrape g'shoft hut dorrich slitate evidence shwcara? Un we is es mit eier demokrata dort in der Scilly wu mit denna Republikanishe schwartzy shofe gevote hen for selly sivva-na-tswan sic!' extra peshterm un fbalders? 1.7 n di dog un des leawas hen de deinokratishc Tseitung's Drucker noch nee net earn 1 , cayene elect) ufgewissa un exposed. No sir-rece "secht de Bevvy,” "earn eayene rascality wierd olsfart, tsu gedeckt un barn, shlechty sacha ferkayent. Awor we war's mit denna sivva-na-tswansich? Ich konn der's sawya. Nochdem das de dem okratishe un 'Alepublikanishe bummers tsomma g'shtickt hen tin decide lien in favor for de dreshery tau rawa—uf seller weg, dorm hen de true blue Republicans, soddiche we seller Biliingfelt fun Adams ! town, im Senawt, cant gonsy rascality ivver an howfa g'slimissa un hems net erlawbt, un wann sees aw net gedu hetta, donn het der (iovernear Geery any how si weto druf gedu, for rer is aw caner uf den mer rich ferinssa, kann. Dem Pit, doh, hen se yoh aw fcrshprocha What an peshter un foolder ous cam tsu macha, un cans fun eana awer hut eam tau fershtea germ das se sell bill for de sivva na-tswansieh gepasst kreeya kenna donn mist er de heift fun seim lohn gevva for tan ferdeala tswisha cam un selly demo krata wu mil cans nei gonga sin for do rawerei. Sell hut awer meim Pit de awya uf gemacht un ter is ob un !team, un de ivveriehe sex un tswansich sin aw beam un ken cent hen se grickt. t n nemond hen mere tau ferdouka das yusht de Re publikanishe drucker, tin de Republikan !she Senators, soddiche we seller Billing felt, un seller FODDER AURAIIAM, un selly Express Tseitung dart in Lenkeshter, un de Republican drucker iverall de inde pendent tin genunk wabra de wohrat tsu sawya. Un mind was ich der sog—wann de Republicans widder an diekct settla donn kreeya de kterls in der Semly un do bricka batter un all soddiche earn walking papers, m lots whits de matter" Hecht de Bevvv " tin wann draw denk das de Republican party ehrlich un independent genuuk sin cars eayeite kterls de kep tsurecht setza, donn bin kit shtoltzer das amohl mit der party, tin der Pit kennat er anyhow immer un eawich nimmy tsurick kreeya in eier dem okratishes lumps Den Kee Duckter be tslit River settna sell'! We; de lievvy ftertich war wit eaia speech hut er sich aw gor nimmy long uf ggialta, nu ken wart men tan sawya what, except yusht •• Well, tell glawb kb urns hewn," tin "Geed twin." Ich lab awer noch meaner fat de negsht week. PIT Sun WEVFLIORENNKR. HON. JOHN SCOTT, United States Senator from Pennsylvmda elect. ffirletted. A SPARKING SPELL TOO LONG DRAWN OUT. A rich joke regarding a brace of ardent lovers of this city has just been ‘vhispered to us. Under promise we have agreed to conceal the names, but are at liberty to reveal the facts of the ease. Last July, at the close of oue of those hot days, these two lovyers might have been seen seated upon the roof of one of our beautiful cottages, which is fiat, and covered with gravel :u►d pitch, after the u►auuer of our city bridge. Yes, there they sat. "Through the few hours, the happy moments few, So warm with Team, so rich with love they dew, And rested there as in u dream at home." The sun during the day was very warm, and thus they met to spend the fleeting hours of twilight, enjoying the pleasant breeze that floated up from the garden beneath. As the evening grew cooler, they " hitched" up nearer together, and gently " sqoze" each other, and all pass el Mr quietly and lovingly until the bell tolled at midnight. "None but the loving and beloved Should be awake at this sweet hour." The tollinf , of thy• bull reminded them that "Tired nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep," was requisite for lovers as well as others. Still, seated near each other, t 110 plighted VOWS were again anti a gaiit iange d , and sealed with kisses, lik "Linked sweetness long drawn out." At length, after many vain efforts to sever their pleasant pleasures, the trans ported pair found drat they were bound to each other by more sticking bonds than love's vows. The hot sun had melted the pitch, and after sitting so long, and the night air having cooled the resinous matter, they - found they were both "stuck fast." The young gentleman first at tempted to disengage himself, hut found, like "Aunt Jeminm's plaster, The more you try to pull it etf, It only sticks the faster." The young lady then attempted to get up, which she did, minus the skirt of her dress and all her underclothes as far as the puna 4 , r, we believe that's what they call it. In this plight site attempted to relieve her disconsolate partner, but it was of no use-- he could not come. After some parley, he came to the conclusion that he could manage it by slipping oil his pants. Accordingly he asked his companion if she would lend him another pair until he could go home. She thought her pa's would do if they were not too long. With this information he slipped off his boots, and loosening his sus penders, drew himself out of his iauts as easily as possible, and the disconsolate couple took themselves down stairs in a very blushing manner, and looked very much like our first parents when they dis covered their need of tig leaves. The lady procured, as quick as possible, a pair of her father's pants, which were run into pretty quickly, and the Adonis decamped with them rolled up about six inches. —.Ex- Mune. THE following, from one of our exchan ges, we transfer to our columns: It is applicable to the loafers who infest this city as well as any other place. "Our city has always been infested with a plen tiful crop of these rank weeds of humani ty called, by way of distinction from more decent people, loafers. They occupy . prominent places along the leading throughfaxes and make the very air foul by their presence. The most miserable, hopeless scray of humanity is an idle ' man—a man whose chief aim of life is to " loaf"—to waste in listless lounging, and mental and physical inaction the years of this short life. There are scores of such beings in every town and city—miserable loafers, whose sole occupation is to avoid employment of anv kind—whose lives can scarcely be called lives—who die one after another and leave behind them—what? A vacancy to be mourned? No, for they are in themselves vacancies, not men. To these atoms society owes nothing. The. history of the world's progress ignores their names and their existence; and being dead, the grave contains no more inert, worthless earth than it V before. They become chronic nuisance as regards their worth or value. and from clay to day, in the haunts of busy men, they pass for uncurrent funds-- at so much of a dis count that they cannot even busy them selves. Such are loafers—miserable, worthless beings, who die only when they ; get too lazy and indolent to use their respiratory organs. —A Kentuckian being asked how much corn he raised, answered, "About ten barrels of whisky, besides what we waste for bread." i Patrick," a lady to a slip cat green Erin who was officiating hi the kitchen, " where is Bridget'.'" " Indeed, ma'am she's fast asleep, lookin' at the bread kakin*." ""THE CONING MAN" ON HIS WAY HONE. ~\ N \ \ Our I:411e /oho. - of what trsele is the sun ? A tanner. --A pious perfume--The odor of sane BM The L: it i,f the understanding— instep —How to punish a hungry man—drive a steak into him. ---A Idly must make a hit if she dislikes to be a miss. —Why do so many people in China tra el on foot ? Because there is only one, Cochin China. -- Babies are the coupons attached to the bonds Of matrimony. The interest is due at random. --The next style of bonnet is to be a head and two inches of ribbon, fastened with a hair-pin. —A handsome dress pattern never ar rests a woman's attention. She will al ways go buy it. ---A lady is said to have asked a photo !,raldier, the other day, if he could photo- Lfraph a picture front rt‘eollection. - -Two ti lows in Dubois count . r . , rnd., recently swapped wivcs, other three bushels of corn " t hoot. " —lf brevity is the s.lttl or wit, what an immense amount of fon and frolic there must be in the tail of a fislihnable coat. __Th e edit , lr 4 . , 1' a Vermont paper says lie 111(1:1 fir ,sent on C'hri , •tinqs mornin..a, "which was not a p n iao, hot it could yell." _you tievd not clasp your hands so fer vently in prayer that you can't get them open wloll the contritan ion box comes round. husi, a nd, on being told, the other ev. ning, that his will, had lost her temper, replied that he was glad of it, for it was a very bad One. —A philosopher says that if anything will make a woman swear, it is hunting her night cap on a cold night after the light has been put out. -- Ike's last trick was to throw Mrs. PartiwYton's old gaiter in the alley, and call the old lady down from the third floor to see an alley-gaiter. ---At a ni.gro ball, in lieu of " Not trans ferable" on the tickets, a notice was posted over tit,. door, " No gentleman admitted unless he conics hisself." -- A young lady who saw a steam fire engine in Boston recently, for the first time, innwently inquiried why they boiled the water before they threw it on. --- Creditors ani like corns ; they are al ways reminding one where the shoe pinch es. The only way to get rid of them is to cut them- and that won't prevent them comiwr again. —The following is aunt I3etsey's de scription et* her milk man : " Ile is the meatiest man in the. world," she exclaim ed. "He skims his milk on the top, then turns it over and skims it on the bottom." —" My dear," inquired a young wife of her husband, on his return from business, " have you men the beautiful set of wal nut furniture which the Smiths have bought?" "Hem, no, my love, but I have seeu the bill, and it quite satisfies me." Professional. OJ. DICKE Y. • ATTORNEY AT LAW. oviricg: SOUTH QuEEN ST., second house be low the "Fountain Inn," Lancaster, Pa. JB. LIVINGSTON, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. orpletc: No.ll NORTH DUKE sT., west side, north of the Court House, Lancaster, Pa. CHABLE.'s DENUES, .trrouNEY AT LAW. Orr!Ca: N 0.3 sOUTII DUKE STREET, Lan easter, Pa. JOHN B. GOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OF rum: N0..56 EAST KING ST., Lancaster, Pa JW. JOHNSON', • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Orr!cr.: !co •25 SOUTH. QUEEN ST., Lanc , ts tor, Po. D. P. ROSEN MI LLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. °swim With A. Man SMITE, Esq., South Queen St., opposite the office of • }ath er Abra ham," Lancaster, ra. A C. REINOEHL . , A. ATTORNEY AT LAW. (Isms: No. 3 SOUTH DUKE ST., Lancaster. JOHN I'. REA. ATTORNEY AT LAW. O►rlcs: With lion. O.J. Dummy, N 0.21 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster, Pa. MARTIN RUTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oi►mas of the late Hon. THADDIUS STEVENS, No. 28 South Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. A mos 11. MYLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Or►ics: No. 8 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster. T K. RUTTER, cr • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Orptca: With General J. W. newts, NORTH DUKE ST., Lancaster, Pa. F. BAER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. ()price: No. 19 NORTH DUKE Street, Lances ter, re.. [dee 18.1 yr Reading Advert 'seine nts. Tir MALTZBERGER, ATTORNEY AT LAW !EMI No. 46 NORTH SIXTH ST., Reading, Pa JGEORGE SELTZER, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLER, AT LAW. No. 804 COURT STREET, (oppootte the Court house,) Reading, Pa. FRANCIS M. BANKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. N 0.27 NORTH SIXTH ST., Reading, Penna. Boots and Shoes. MARSHALL & SON'S BOOT AND SHOE S7'ORE, CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, P. ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL—Civic Us A CALL. The only place for good and substantial work s at MARSHALL'S, Where can be seen the largest and htat assort ment of Men's and Boys' BOOTS AND SHOES ever brought to this city. Ladies', Misses' and Children's plain and fancy Shoes, Balmomls and Buttoned Gaiters. sir Also, RUBBERS OF EVERY KIND, which we invite you to call anti examine; feeling con fl ient that we can warrant all to WEAR, WELL uo 2O•lyJ Brushes. JUO 13 ItOTHIARMEL, PREMIUM BRUSH MANUFACTURER DEALIM. IN COMBS ~iIYD FANCY A RTICLES, NO. 9 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. dee 18 3m Furnishing Goods, tee. HEADQUARTERS FOR UNDERCLOTHING, STOCKINGS, GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, and Gent's ware generally, at ERISMAN'S, No. IL NORTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster. An ivver ous grosser shtock goods—suitable tor lirtslidogs, Nei-Yohrs un ounery Presents— SO we Ifols-Hicher, Schnup-Dicher, Collars, Item iermel K'nep, g'shtickto Hemmer-fronts, Pocket Dither, Porfumery„liobr-tEhl, Cigar Casa, un winery fancy articles one E. J. EUISMA.VS, !1 5(, Worth Queen Street, Lancaster. (Oin sign funi gross Shtroutlch 11cm.) [no2o-ly C loth! ng. JUST OPENED BEAU .MONDE HALL! PORTICO ROW, 543 PENN SQUARE, 543 READING, PENNA., ♦ LAROS LOT Olt BEAVERS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &c., &c., WINTER WEAR. ALSO, BOY'S CLOTHING, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS! LEVI G. COLEMAN, Cutter no::0-tf] GEORGE B. COLEMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Having leased Rrben's old and well-known stand, 140. 42 NORTH QUEEN-ST., Offers to the public an entire new and superiur stock of GOODS of every description, wiatft will be made up iu the Very bast and most fash ionable style. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Of every description, for salecheaper than they can be had anywhere Ase in the city. Inoy 21M EEO BUCU & BRO., PROrRiRTOSS Deirtit4try. LANce: , ri.a. June ?..ith, En runs EX P RERS: Dr. Win. M. Whiteside, the enterprising Dentist, hasurchased from me ii large stock of teeth and all the fixtures, the in struments formerly belonging to me, and also those used by my father, Dr. Parry, in his prac tice. In the purchase, the doctor has provided himself with some of the most valuable and ex pensive instruments used in dental practice, and has beyond doubt one of the best and lar gest collections of teeth and instruments in the State. Persons visiting the commodious offices of Dr. Whiteside, cannot fail to be fully acoom inodated. The Doctor loses no opportunity of furnishing himself with every late scientific improvement in his line of business. 11. It. PARRY. W S M. WHITE:IDE, DENTIST. OFFICE AND I:P:sink:sot:, EAST KING STREET, Next door to the Court 'louse, over iftl3llCS toers Dry Goods Store, LANCASTER, PENNA Teeth iktracted without pain by the ?me Qt (Nitrous Oxide) GMs. nollo4f Jewelry. ZAIIM ,t JACKSON, DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, S I I, V E R AN I) SILVER-PLATED WAR E, SPECTACLES ANIV FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA /fa-REPAIRING ATTENDED TO. -r.* no•20-1y] WATCHES! CLOCKS, CLOCKS, CLOCKS, The undersigned keeps constantly ou hand a large and full assortment of the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCHEs, of different weight and finish, to suit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps also on band a good assortment of Cf.elCf4, Call anti examine the goods before purchasing. elsewhere. _ . Thankful for past favors, I solicit a contins tines of the same. HENRY F. ANDREWS, Jan 1-6m.1 stmsburg, Lancaster co., Musical Instruments, tfge: J . B. KEVIXSKI, PP:ALF:II IN SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, And Musical Instruments Gott:ratio Sole Agent for STEINWAY a, SONS' WORLD RENOWN ED PI AN( Also, Agent for PRINCE it CO',S ORGANS and MELODEONS Ara-31111tie sent by Mall Free of Postage. No. 3 NORTH PRINCE STREET, Lancaster, Pa. AMOIIL IgNI! GOOK Itooft nw irn J. E. K EVINSKI SEIM MUSIC SIITORE. KLOYFEERA, ORYELLA, 111E.LopEoNs, tin nllu eorta music Inshtrumen tat Der Kevinskt ts agent for de bereeinty Stein wehr Pianos—Kloffeera beast 'tiler se of deltsh her platz is No. 3 NORD PRINCE STREET, LANCASTER. N. B. For a first raty gooty Geig, odder an Aceordeon, odder a Tawterrich-Peit, odder en nitth onners musical Inslitrument, klea odder gross, shtept yusht ni ons lievinski , s, No. 8 Nord Prince Shtrose, Lancaster. [no2ody Groceries. G ROCERIES, FRUITS, AND CONFECTIONS, FOR TILE HOLIDAYS, LAYER, SEEDLESS AND VALENCIA RAISINS NEW CURRANTS, NEW CITRON, TURKISH PRUNES, GREEN APPLES, DRIED APPLES , DRIED PEACHES, HOMER); SHAKER CORN, GREEN PEAS SPLIT PEAS, CHOICE CRANBERRIES, CHOICE GREEN TEA, CHOICE BLACK TEA. RIO, LAGUYRA AND JAVA COFFEES, SUGARS AND SYRUPS. A VARIETY OF CONFECTIONS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE. LAMP GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. All the above of the best quality and cheaper than the cheapest. At D. S. As .1. 8. BURSKIS, nov 18-Iyrl No. 18 East King street, Lane. - Varnishes, &c. AUG. REINOEHL. JAC. REINOEHL, JR A• & J. REINOEHL, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS COPAL, WHITE, COFFIN, BLACK AND JAPAN VARNISHES, LINSEED OIL, TURPENTINE, &c. NO. 109 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (In the Keystone Building,) LANCASTER, PA. Also, Mahogany Boards Veneers and Mouldings of dill rent s i zes and pat terns. All kinds of Turning, such as Bed Posts, Table Legs, Spokes, nubs, Fellocs, &c. , &c., &c. Also, AXLES, sPRINGS, kc. (Jan &lyr Book and Job Printing. RAUCH & COCIInAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING OF ALL KINDS. From the largest POSTER to the smallest CARD or CIRCULAR, elevated in the best style, and at reasonable prices. OirOrders from a distance promptly attend ed to. OFFICE.—NO. IS, SOUTH QUEEN STREET, LAsre 22222 , wATcims! vATt . H ES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers