at Pottsville ...... The rite of confirmation was administered in Trinity Episcopal Church, Pottsville, on Sunday before last, V) about thirty persons. BERK'S COUNTY.—The publisher of the Reading Journal, the Republican organ of Berks county, have just treated themselves to one of Taylor's large power presses Samuel Wise aged about 50 years, was found dead in a barn belonging to David min, in Lower Heidelberg, on Sunday before last " Nacker” Heller of Read ing is dead German named John Loser, employed in Lauer's Brewery, on Wednesday of last week, fell into a vat of boiling water and was fatally scalded. He died on the following day A. widow mimed Ney, on the 21st ult., wandered away from her home at Schartelsville, and was found afterwards lathe neighborhood frozen to death John Mellert, aged 70, committed suicide at his residence in Reading, by shooting himself with a pis tol The election on Friday last result ed in the success of the Democratic candi date for Mayor, who was re-elected by 159 majority, being a Republican gain on his first election, of 200. The cops have also one majority in Select and three in Com mon Council There will be a grand Firemen's parade at Reading on the 22nd ins t. C UMBERL AND COUNT Y. —lntvesting revivals of religion are going on in the First Lutheran and First Methodist Epis copal Churches of Carlisle Abraham Lamberton, Esq., one of the most promi nent citizens of the county, died at his residence in Middlesex-twp., ou Friday week The house and barn belonging to William Means, of Middle Spring, was de stroyed by fire on Monday morning before last. The total loss is estimated at 16.000. The anniversary of the Good Templars' Lodge of Carlisle, Watt celebrated on the evening of the 24th ult., in Ilheem's Hall. The well known and popular Hotel at Carlisle Springs, five miles north of Car lisle, was totally destroyed by fire two weeks ago. Supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. The amount of insurance on the property is e 13,500, which fully covers the loss. ALLEGHENY COUNTY. A German whose name is supposed to be John Bain berger, was found dead iu a stable about four miles from Pittsburg. Cause of death, Asphyxia and everybody knows what that is On Friday morning week the Hiawatha House and several other build ings, at McKeesport, were totally destroy ed by fire. Loss 130.000 On Saturday the 6th inst., a man was found lying on Washington street, Pittsburg, who, from the effects of whiskey was apparently al most dead. He was taken to the watch house and restored, when he found that he had been robbed of his money and gold watch with chain. ofrsTFat COUNTY.—The County Court trter Sessions closed on Saturday.... The dwelling of John Warren, of West Bradford, was destroyed by fire on Tues day morning of last week A colOred man named Melville, who was run over on the 2:id ult., on the West Chester Rail road, died a few days after The large Woolen Factory at Valley Forge, was de stroyed by fire on Wednesday night of last week The dwelling of Dr. Warren of Marshalton, was destrred by fire on the 20th ult A hotel keeper of 14arsbalton, brought a temperance lecturer to town on the 24th ult., to lecture on temperance. That's true chivalry The grist mill of Isaac Yearsly. in West Brandywine, was considerably damaged by fire one day last week. LEBANON.-A young man named timberger, whilst working on the Pine Grove Railroad last week had both hiS legs and several ribs broken by an em bankment falling on him.... The house of Mr. James Moyer at C.rnwall, was entered and ten dollars stolen last Mon day, whilst the family were attending church.... Prices at Lebanon—Eggs 22e; butter 30c; lard 18c; wheat $1.85®2.00; rye $1.40; corn 80c; oats 55c. LAWRENCE COUNTY.—South New Cas tle is rapidly improving Many horses have been shipped from New Castle for the Eastern market New Masonic Lodge, No. 433, constituted at New Castle Julia Crouch will lecture on the Woman question at New Castle On Monday night Raney's flouring mill at New Castle was opened and robbed by burglars. YORK COUNTY.—The Ziegle Guards of York, are going t the inauguration A Court of Common Pleas is in session in York.... Mr. Wm. Kraber, a school teach er of York, fell dead in the street on Wed nesday last, while returning from school. Appoplexy. He was a highly respected citizen, about 50 years of age John Bollinger, aged about 60, was found dead in apublic road near Porten's Sideling, on the Hanover Railroad, on Wednesday of last week, with an empty whisky bottle by his side. Verdict. Died from whisky and exposure A man named Levi Anderson, was arrested near York ! on Saturday last, having in his possession a horse and huggritoten *our H. M. Spahr; of Dover township Hanover lainfested withpou-- try thieves Daniel Myers, of West Manchester, had his leg broken by getting his foot into a rut on the turnpike, while going home in the night York markets, 13utter, Ws" $ s'e. ; eggs, 200525 c.; lard, 14(0 20c. potatoes, 61(4161.25. CHESTER COUNTY.—Gleaning from the Record: Fox hunting is recognized as the order of the dlr in the upper part of the county 1401 Fury, aged 65 years, of Franklin township, w 2.5 run over by a train on the West Chester Railroad, on Thursday of last week. and killed. He was wilildng on the track when over tak al by the train, which he did no., see, as is supposed, on account of a thick fog Robins, blackbirds and blue birds, have been singing about West Ches ter during the late spell of fair weather.... Freight ears have been broken open at Phoenixville, on Saturday night and robbed of their contents The one bun dreth birthaday of Thomas Dutton, of Ashton township. Delaware county, was recently celebrated by a family re-union. A sumptuous entertainment was provid ed, and a geneology of the family was read, from which it appeared that 'Thos. Dutton, was born on the farm he now lives upon, and that he heard at his home the booming of cannon in Philadelphia on the 4th of July 1776, when Independence was proclaimed. Though feeble, and his sight much impaired, he voted for General Grant at the late Presidental election. He has survived three wives, and has bed eleven children, thirty-seven grand chil dren and thirty great grand children. ADAMS COUNTY.—Mies Crouch, "a pleasant talker' , says the Star, delivered an interesting Lecture on " Wisdom and Folly , ' on Tuesday evening of last week, in Gettysburg The Good Templars of Petersburg are in a• very flourishing con dition At Gettysburg butter sells for 30c; laid 18; eggs ... 0 .0; wheat from 81.50 to 82.00; corn 85c; rye $1.25; oats :sic. SINCE the reported death of MinaElwell, of Burlington, 'Wisconsin, 1)r. Kramer, of Milwaukie, has written to the effect that she still remains in a trance state. It is now thirty days, and there is no percepti ble trace of decomposition. Her right ear reddens for hours at a time, and on one occasion assumed and retained the whir an entire day. Her father, it is said, op poses all experiments with a view to re suscitation. A FFW days ago, a gentleman from Ithaca, New York, saw a ftrmer's boy standing by the roadside holding a horse which he duly recognized. Ile asked the boy who was the owner of the horse. The boy replied. It belongs to a crazy Dutch man over yonder in the woods looking for birds-nests. That crazy Dutchman was Prof. Louis Agassiz, of the Cambridge Association of Natural - History, and pro curator of specimens for the Museum. PRACTICAL Vs. TH HOR ET ft AL. ---!A college profe,ssor wan being rowed across a stream in a boat. Said he to the boat man: "Do you understand philosophy?" "No, never heard of it. ,, "Then one-quarter of your life is gone. Do gu understand geology?" 0.,1 "Then one-half of your' life is. gone. Do you understand astronomy?" "No." "Then three-quarters of your life is gone." But presently the wilt tipped over and spilled them both into the river. Says the boatman: "Can you swim?" "No." "Then the whole of your life is gone." gond Ittvo. ITEMS: John A. Eberly, .Tacob Lutz and Henry Becker, of East Cocalico township, this county, have received a patent for an improved horse-power. The Western hotel property, corner of West Orange and Water streets, this city, belonging to the estate of Adam Trout, was sold last week to Abraham Hirsh, for $13,325. Several lumps of butter were "confiscated" at market on Saturday—cause, light weight. Between the market master and the thieves, our country friends have considerable trouble in the butter line. The Columbia Water Company are making arrangements to erect a large and new reser voir next summer, and make other provisions for a larger supply of water. Two colored men, named Henry Coleman and Frank Woods, were arrested in Columbia on Friday of last week, for breaking into the dwelling of James McAnall the night before, and were committed to jail. They were from Philadelphia. "Pitch in" to the "Nigger," Mr. Intelligencer. Two men, not of a black skin, named Nicholas Katon and John Doran, were also arrested on suspicion of a similar offence, and were committed as vagrants, there not being as yet sufficient evidence to hold them to answer. They said they were from New York. Mr. Benj. Mishler, of Bitters notoriety, has purchased all of the old Swan hotel property, is Centre Square, except the part occupied by the Inland Insurance Company, and intends erecting a large hotel, fronting on South Queen street. It is to be kept on the Euro pean plan. Mr. Anderson, residing in Mulberry street, this city, was robbed of a small sum of money on Sunday night. It was taken from a bu reau drawer. A man named J. W. Wright, hired a horse and buggy from Zecher's livery in this city, a few days ago, and departed for parts unknown. A Mission Sunday School was opened on Sunday afternoon last, under the auspices of St. John's Lutheran Church, in the second story of Baumgardner's coal office, in North Prince street. About forty scholars are al ready enrolled. Henry Fisher, of Columbia, a britkesman on the Pennsylvania Railroad, was caught between the bumpers-of two oars at Lemon Place on Monday morning, and considerably bruised. The planing and sawing mill of Miller & He at Han Landing, on the Conestoga, is exciting much interest. It is a wonderful ex hibition of the triumph of mechanic arts, and a great credit to the enterprise of the proprie tors. They should meet with a large patron. age, and we are glad to know that their busi ness is large and increasing. The Columbia Fire Company will attend the ceremonies of the dedication of the Mexi can monument at Harrisburg, on the 26th of May. The " Union," of York, will also be present. Business of all kinds has been very dull in this city the past two weeks. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company have reePutly placed two magnificent sleeping oars on their road. They are splendid specimens of workmanship, and no expense has been spared on them. Albert C. Roberta, brother of Ron. A. E. Roberts, and a former citizen of Marietta, has been elected President of the Fourth National Rank of Philadelphia. Capt. 'Edward Edgerly, one of the polite and attentive leVter-carriers, of this city, has formed a partnership in the carriage making business, M. this city, with Jacob Shaub and Jacob 11. 2/Poeck. Their estaliliahnient is in Market street, formerly occupied by A. McGinnis & Son nearly in the rear of Michael's hotel. Bon, wish the new firm suc cess. The Conference of the United Brethren Church commenced its sessions in Mount Joy yesterday. Mrs. M. A. Bhler, Treasurer of the Fair in aid of the Soldiers' Monument Association, reports the funds in bar hands to amount to $3,586.35—a1l but $390 being invested in United Suttee Five-Twenty Bonds. A fight took place at a beer house, in Ches nut street, near the depot, in this city, on Thursday night of 4ast week. A saur-kraut supper had been partaken of and the fer mentation caused by the mixture of that article and lager, caused a row, which did some damage to glasses, windows, &c., and ended in a general fight. The keeper of the den,Mrs. Albert, was bound over to Court for keeping a disorderly house. The Manheim folks are agitating the pro. priety of limning a fire company, and wear ing a new Ire engine. A gentleman in Lancaster township, owns a cow which yielded last year $87.11 worth of butter, besides furnishing milk for a family of tire persons. She had her first calf less than a year ago. Ninety chickens belonging to the same gentleman, laid five hundred and forty-six dosen of Oa Tuesday nig h t five setts of carpen ter's tools and fifty pounds of white lead were stolen front the new house being erected by Mr. D. K. Wolf, near Wabank. Joint Shenk and sons, of West Hempflel4 township, raised last season 9,180 pounds of tobacco on four acres, for which they received $2,01:1.20. Da \ id S. Sensenig, residing near Beartown, this county, raised a steer which now weighs 3,500 pounds, and is not in a fat condition. It is five years old, and measures from head to tail over ten feet. The Empire Hook and Ladder Company, of this city, are having a hose ctrriage built for serrice, in Philadelphia. It is to cost $6OO, and will carry six hundred feet of hose. Eleven new Councils of American Me chanics have been organized in Lancaster county, in the last fifteen months. There are now sixteen of these organizations in this county. Jacob Wertz, aged about 40 years, commit ted suicide at his residence, in Blountville, this county, by hanging himself on Tuesday evening last. At the Quarterly Convention of Good Templars, held at Marietta on Friday last, a committee was appointed to enquire into the expediency of getting up a public demonstra tion in'this city on the 4th of July next. H. E. Muhlenburg, son of Dr. H. E. Muhlen burg, of this city, has resigned hie position at the Annapolis Naval School, and rettirned home. The Lancaster Fencibles will make their first dress parade on the 22d inst. To TOBACCO DEALERS: The follOirtat which will he found interesting to dealers smoking and fine cut chewing tobacco, has been received by J. B. Warhol, Assessor of lu ternal Revenue for this dietris: WASKTROTRI, Feb. 15, The additional time given by the act of De cember 22,1, 1868, during which dealers might sell smoking and line cut chewing tobacco without packing and stamping the same :18 required by Sections 62 and 7s, act of July 20, 1868, expires to-day, and hereafter all such tobacco before being sold or ofThred for sale, must be put up in the packal. et prescribed by law and stamped. Severe penaltb-s are im posed for any violation of the law in this re gard. Persons having possession of such to bacco incur no liability for keeping it un stamped so long as they do not sell it or offer it for sale. The stamping Is not to be done by Internal Revenue officers, or under their in spection, but by the owners of the tobacco. It becomes the duty of all revenue officers to cause the law in this respect to be complied with, and to report all violations of it for prosecu tion. E. A. ROLLINS. Commissionc:r. THE attention of our readers who may feel an interest in fertilizers, is invited the adver tisement of Allen S: Needles, Philadelphia, which will be found in to-day's paper. THE MARKETS. Lancaster Household Markets. LANCASTER, Feb. 17. Butter," lb 45 43 50 Lard, ft is 20 et 22 Eggs, VI doz. 22 40 23 Dressed Chic kens, 40 4111? 70 Beef, by quarter , for front, /0 1b..... 8 10 do. do. do. ninclquarters. 11 ky 13 Whole Hogs, per lb 14 15 Veal, by quarter, for front, ill le for hindquarters. 11 13 Potatoes, Tl bus 80 1.00 do. IQ half pk 130 15 Turnips, 314 half pk fi 8 Onions 20 Apples, '4l half pk 30 3.5 Beans, '4l quart 8 10 Corn in the ear '4l bas 451.00 Oats, IR bag of 3 Inn , 1 2e @1.60 The Produce Markets. PHILADET PHIA, Feb. 17.—There is no change in Cloverseed ; sales are reported at 49.7,4,0, and some from second hands at *10.25. Several small lots of Timothy sold at 42.75. Small sales of Flaxseed at 42.65 per bus. The Flour market cent inues very torpid, the inquiries being limited to the wants of the home trade ; small sales of superfine at 505fj5..25 per 15151.3 extras at *747.5a ; lowa and Wisconsin extra family at *7.25f7.50; Minnesota do. at $7.25@7.75; Penna. do. at i 15133.7.; ; Ohio at $9.506 9.75, and fancy lots at $10@12.5 0 . In Rye flour the demand is light, with small sales at $70,7.•2.5. Prices of - Cornmeal are nominal. The market is very poorly supplied with prime wheat, and this description commands full prices ; small sales of red at $1.75f21.90, and some amber at $1,90(0. Rye comes forward, and 1,000 bus. western sold at 41.5561.58. The offerings of Corn are small, but ample for the demand ; sales of 5,00 u bus. yellow at 874ts'9e., and white at 850. The demand for Oats continues fair, and fur ther sales of 3,000 bus. western were made at 75 OM. and Delaware at s:e. Whisky—the article is at a stand, as contra band and doctored articles are abundant and crowding the legitimate article out of the market. Philadelphia Cattle Market. MONDAY, Feb. 15 .— The Cattle market was rather dull this week, but prices were higher. About 1,600 bead sold at 108110. for extra Penn'a and Western steers ; 12e. fora few choice; 9611k1. for fair to goodand 6@Bc.qt B. gross for corn. mon, as to quality. The following are the particulars of the sales: 84 head, Owen Smith, Western... ..... . 8 0/12 82 " A. Christy & Bro., Western.... 8 1 .400t0 20 " Dengler & MoCleese, Chest. 00.7 1 4 et 8 1 4 105 " P. itcrillen, Lane'r c 0......... 8 et 9), SO " P. Math:l.'lly, Lano'r co Net 0 70 11 James 8. Kirk. Chester c 0.... 7 ep 30 " B. MeFilleu, Chester co 8 1 / 14 , 4 50 " James MeFillon, Western..... 8 9.4 115 11 Ullman & Bachman, Western. 9 11 130 " Martin Fuller &Co.. Western. 8 9 1 4 140 11 Mooney &Smith, Western.. ... 7 @ 9 1 4 45 11 Thee. Mooney & Bro. West l n. 6it 8N 85 " H. Chain, Western Penna.... 6 1 4e0 8 75 " Jolla Smith, Western 8/1W 53 1, L. Frank, Western 71 4 r j 68 " Frank M Schomberg, Weston/ 74 4 4O " Hope & Co., Lanc'r co. 8 9 17 " M. Dryfoos & Co., Western.... 7 8 15 " 11. Baldwin, Chester co 8 9 28 14 J. Clemson, I %ester cc. , 8 10 48 " Chandler&Alexander,Chester 9 1 12 50 " Wallace .t hi ll ier, Chester co. 7 9% 16 " L. Horn, Delaware co 6 7 52 " P. Duffy, Western 8 8 11 ' 4 30 " John MeArdle, Western 19 " C. Walker, Virginia 5 1 634 64 " Hilton £ Co., Vftinia 6 7 29 " J. Seldomridge, Larst l r c 0.... 8 914 Cows were unchanged ; WO head sold at 438 65 for springers, and 05480 per head for cow and calf. Sheep were in fair demand at full prices ; 6,(0) howl sold at 64glec. IA. gross as to condition. frogs were in demand at an advanv. of $1 1 p MO as.; 8..:03 head sold at $114111.50 II 100 lbs. net. New Advertisements. SMALL FRUITS, VINES, Ac. I offer an unusual One Moak of small FRUITS, strong well-rooted . ts, end I Hatter myself that I can fill ord • wiltlt entire satisfaction. My stock embra ~ • , . Early Kittatinny and Lawton BL "r•_____t : 5, Philadelphia, Clark, Black Cap, . r" --5, " , isp,:Ohlo Everbear ing and Thornlfts - REMUS. GOOSELIERRIKS a ERBIL'S AND CURRANTS of 1 Linneas and S, * Victoria 11,11U11 MAUS, one and two years old. • _, ME of approved varieties, one, two agA tame- ff , Mrs old. En close stamp for Moo OrIIMS 1. Mpg% Stgaswirg, Pa. TREES, FLOWER/NG SHRUBS, &c. Apple t realb, Pear, Charily and Quince Trees likc' Wise size, ohms atilt tkrflty in nth. Shad* and Ornowientallt roles, and an assootstent of Flow ering Shrubs for isie chomp, by C!EUS N. HERR, Strasburg, Pa. Enclose Stamp for Pries List. fely24l-taple CATH.tRWNIIt s IFITH, by her next nd January Term, lea HENRY DEO ER, hi). 159. VS. Summons in Divorce. DAVID L. SMITH. TrIIE DEPENDENT WILL TAKE NOTICIC that depositions will he taken on the part of the plaintiff, before me, a Commis sioner,appled by the Court, at my °Mee, No. 20 South n street, Lancaster city, on SAT URDAY, e nth day of March, 181*: between the hours of 10 delock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. of said day. M. M. EllTT L Conataiseloner, re1:9044 O ff ice of Roll. T. Stevens. New ..I(lrerti.qemeHts. fINE OF THE 1VONI)EIt OF THE AGE. U. s. wAsmNG mActincE MI el size washes the bulk of twelve sheets al a batch, l amply size Mix. TYb Mtl , •11111e, fine• to six. Shortest time, two to live minutes to a batch. Least wear on clothes, The sim plest, cheapest, most efficient, most easily oar crated and 1110SL (hirable Clothes Washer in the world. For particulars al,ool Matt. It lulas, call on feb2o4 fj TILE CHM BOOKS AND ST T 1 .EIZ AT THIS CORNER OR MIST ICING & PRINCE- , T'. English and Qom:ken Bibles, Testaments, School Books, • Miscellaneous ItoOlzs, Blank Booki, Diaries, Special attention given to SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKiI, and Teachers Helps of all kinds. Ob Jett.lrmo ea rge Charts. Tigs teas as BI oOKS. Wallin or five cents a piece l *, A , kAIsCI AU rieLE,4 ' Ws , Milliat MD • ' " ' . '41011111,13442. WINOLSILIZE AND RETAIL. 813114418 for 84 ;AL TXBTAMEN Ts for 10 cis f ____. __ n, 8. BARE. rti • C 47:11". eaare- hereby cautioned against nu . dtil l itiZr r r D a lt V.i u t 1 ` ;i11., " ?enO l s 1 ,11 $. without interest, as 1 will not pap r the ;having given it without valuable con sideration. - PETER H RAN KH AUSER WEST 'CARL TWP., 1411 C. Co., Feb. 3, ,6,1---3t* Books and Stationery. SELLING AT COST The undersigned wishing to Id: DUCE 11 In LARGE STOCK OF BOOKS and STATIONERY, WILL SELL AT COT, ON ACCOUNT OF ItEMOVAL .1. 11. SIIEAFFER, No. 32 North Queen street, Jan:34 f] Fruit Tree Lirff/oe•ator. FARMERS, LOOK TO YOUR FRUIT TREES THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE REST'S FRUIT TREE INVIGORATOR AND INSECT DESTROYER. It is the most useful combination of ingre dients ever known for Fruit, and the evidence we can produce from men of the highest stand ing in society , of the benefits to be derived from its use In Fruit Trees, Vines, Wheat, Corn, Flow ers, and all kinds of Vegetation, cannot be doubted by any honest man. When applied to trees, it p metrates every pore, destroying the worm in the limit of the tree, and by connect ing with the mineral substance of the earth, destroys the cause and prevents the creation of any destrnetive insects. It will prevent Curou lie from st inging the plum, and every person using it will have sound plums. It will kill the peach grub, and make peach trees hear healthy fruit. It will prevent dry-rot in grapes. It swells the tree causing the old bark to peel otl from the body, while a beautiful new green bark takes its place. It will kill potato bugs and prevents potato tot. It will prevent weave), mill-dew. or rust in wheat, and prevent the fly from touching it. It destroys the cat-worm in corn—in tact, it will kill any kind of insects that attack Fruit Trees, and cause all Fruit Trees to bear sound fruit. It is now extensively nsod in the Western states. and those who have used it would not he without, it, for a thousand times its cos). It has been used in the southern parts of Barite County,tbis state, on grain. trees, lco., and there has not been a single failure. Any person wishing to see its effect upon growtng grain and fruit,can be gratified byealling on UN or by writing, and we will refer them to per sons (with residence) who are mein .g it. IVe warrant it to do Just what we claim (or it. To be used as soon its the frost is out of the ground. Township and single Eights for sale for the County of Lancaster. The public are notified to purchase no Right of .I. ARILAKK, alias GEo. W. JACKIO4.N, of 'WM more, as we will prosecute all who buy from him to sell or use. Circulars will be sent to any one, with name of those who have want it, by applying to jaWZ-'?.ln*) Fert if fixers. WE 'HAVE NO TRAVELING AGENTS. Farmers and Dealers who send their orders direct to us, can avail themselves of the LOWEST PRICES And save the Commission. Early orders will be advantageous to buyers. ALLEN & NEEDLES, Manufacturers of IMPROVE SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME AND TIIE AMMONIATED FERTILIZER,. PERUVIAN GUANO. Wu sell only No. I—received direct. from the Government. Pl5ll GUANO. A splendid Manure packed ie We also oiler for sale Pnita LAND PI. ',STAR, HYDRAULIC Craws and a full assortment of OILS and CANDLES. A DISCOUNT TO DEALERS. ALLEN & NEEDLES, 42 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE, PHILAD , A. ESTABLISHED IN .(EO. K STEIN MAN & CO., feblll4m) Sole Agent., at Lancaster. Drugs and Chenileals. DR.` WEAVER'S DRIIG STORE The subscriber having purchased and taken possession of the Drug store of Dr. Samuel Keneagy, Northeast Corner of Centre Square, Strasburg, Pa., respectfully solicits the patron age of the people of strasburg and vicinity, to a large and carefully selected stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, VARNISIfEs, FANCY ARTICLES, WALL PAPER, ito Besides every other article usually kept by nruitt„ and all of the best quality, which win sold at the LOWLY? PRICY'S. J. G. WEAVER A febb4tol Strasburg, Pa. To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Quar ter Sessions of Lancaster County: The undersigned, Inspectors of the Lancaster County Prison, in pi rs lance of law, submit to the Court the follov in Report of the Prison for the year ending November 30, I 608: On the 30th of November, 1307, there were in confinement 83 prisoners; during the year there were received 1,114; making an aggre gate of the inmates of the Prison 11118V...1103 Of these the following were discharged during the year, viz: By expiration of sentence and by Inspec-. %VA L1.11:1+, Exc•!)lmge Remaining in Prison November 30, 1868 93 Of these (93) 31 are convicts, 12 awaiting trial, and 43 vagrants. Of the 1,114 received during the year, 112 were convicted—beings. decrease of 12 as compared with last year. The ratio of convictions as compared with that year was 62 In 1.114 commitments, to 74 in 587 the yearbefore. The number committed to Prison during the year, excepting those convicted, was l,0&; 539 more than the previous year. of which 898 were for vagrancy, drunkenness, and disorderly con duct resulting ft om drunkenness. This is 515 more than the previous year. In addition to the 1,052, there were sentenced during the same period 62, and remaining In Prison on the 30th of November, 1967, 85—making the above total In Prison during the year. Of the prisoners discharged, t was sent to the Eastern Peniten tiary, to the house of Kefuge,l to the County Hospital. 8 pardoned by the Governor, and 1 died. Of the 62 sentenced prisoners, 32 were couvicted of larceny. 5 of assault and battery, 5 of fornication and bastardy, 2 of forgery, 7 of surety of . ho peace, 4 of costs, I of burglary, I of biganix, 1 of ilidurbing a religious. meeting, 2 of ( - tenet' ion of family, 1 of entering warehouse with intent to counnit a felony, and 1 of feloni ous assault. Of the 62 convicts,4 were sentenced for one year, and 2 for 3 wears and upwards; 53 were Mate and 10 were colored ; 5.1 were males and 7 females. But 32 of the convicts were born in Lancaster city anti county, 11 in Germany, 4 in Ireland, 1 in France, and 1 in Ohio. 36 of the convicts were under the age of thirty years; 12 are old offenders, and 50 are receiving punish ment for the first offence; and of the 51 males, but 24 had trades prior to their conviction. The 62 convicts were occupied as follows ; 9 weaving carpets, 3 weaving bagging, 5 basket making, 6 cigar making 6 shoemahing, and 5 making garments, Lb., eke. 10 of the 61 could not read, and 16 could not write; 28 of the 62 had never been married, I is a widow, alto. her a widower; 46 were of intemperate habits—a gr• ater proportion than in the preceding year. The whole number of prisoners since the opening of the Prison, September 12, 1851, to No , ember 80th, 1868, was 10,674—white males 8,097; wnite females, 1,420; colored males, 866; and colored females, 291. The health of the prisonera:during the rear has hewn remarkably good. The whole number of case: treated was 117, of which 100 were cured, 16 relieved, and I died of congestion of the lungs. The financial affairs and manufact ming ope rations of the Prison during the fiscal year, closing November 30, 1868, are exhibited in de tail by the following statements, which contain all the information relating to these subjects : Statement of orders issued, showing. that the orders issued- by the In spectors on the Treasurer of the Lancaster County Prison for the fiscal year endng November 3k;, 1868, amounted to 934,361 76 From which deduct extraordinary Lancaster, l'a EVANS £ CO,. Reading, Pa Prison Inspectors' Reimrt. LrF II ANNUAL. REPORT OF THE 1.0 BO 1Itt) OF INSPFCTORS OF TII L IN. C ‘ST ER COUNTY PRISON, for the year A. D. 1s68: tors IP4 By Magtst rAtes, Court, Ilttb's Corpus, &e. 182 expenses, to wit : Alterations and repairs 41 48 To which is to he added the indebted -2 409 noes of the Prison, and the goods and materials on hand at the begin ning of the fiscal year : Manufactured goods on hand NOTCIII - 30, 1807 $1,91 62 Raw materials on hand, Nov ember 30, 1897 1,244 99 1,19'.109 In order to ascertain the actual coat of the Prison to the County, It be comes necessary to deduct the fol lowing cash received and assets of the manufacturing department : Cask received by the Keeper for goods sold, &c.. and paid to the Treasurer of the Prison $12,567 08 Nianufaetur'd goods en band November 30, 1968 ' 9,717 04 Raw materials on hand Nov. AIRS 2., , 15 55 Due Prison for goods laolit Nov. 30,1518 tae Actual cost of Prison (thrillg the year, euol 1 53 The increase of the extraordinary expenses is owing to the fact that during the past year a number of cells have been clad or plated with boiler iron, and more are to be secured in the same manner; besides, replacing the inside cell doors which are of wood, sliding on rollers, with iron-bur doors on hinges Act. The-flues and pipes throughout the Prison, having be come useless, were replaced with new ones, which added to the unusual expense of this year. The whole number of days prisoners were boarded the past year, was 35,906 ; 34.103 at SO etc a day, and 1409 at. 15 cu. a day, amounting in all to $10,53035, an average of WON per month. The number the previous year was SIAM days, costing $8,667.20 and averaging $7•21.12% per month, being an increase the past over the preceding year of s:s7.lei per month average. The oost of maintenance of vagrants this year amoun.s to .5,07.55, against $2,331.40 last year, being an increase of $2,306.15. The aggregate number of days prisoners have been hoarded unit et:tufted was 4,360 more in 141351 than in 1867. The manufacturing operations during the year produced as follows: 6,481 yards of carpet for sale, ;OM% yards carpet for customers, 6,195 yards of btigging, 1,446 - pairs of boots and shoes made and mended, 395,150 segars made, 943 baskets made, 12u dozen grain bags made, 3t fish nets and seines made, and 79,400 skewers. There were manufactured - goons on hand to the amount of $8,717.04, consisting among other articles of $1,852 yards of carpet tor sale, 381 bas kets of various wises, 76 11.19 dozen grain bags, 111 fish and fly nets, and 50,030 segars. The profits of the labor of the prisoners for the past year was x.9,813&2,2 as shown by the statement of gain and loss, which Is 93,358.38 more than in 1897, $0,061.34 more then in 1886, $1,13108 more than in 1885, and $95.80 less than the aggregate profits of the three _years pre ceding 1888. The actual cost of the Prison the preceding year was 415,157.90, being only 57 less than the past year, notwithstanding, the large amount expended for repairs and main tenance of the greatly increased number of vagrants Committed during the year ending November 110•b,1808. Tabular abatements sustaining the foregoing conclusions are hereto appended and made part of this Report. • We regret to report the death of two of the ofiloers of the Prison during the year : Dr. John F. Huber, Physician Lo the Prison and bury M. Musser, a member of the Ittlhrd of Inspec tors. Dr. Huber was a faithful and energetic officer, bringing to the discharge of his duties the varied experience gained in the practice of his profession not only at home but in the army during the rebellion. Slr. Musser by his urbanity of manner and the constant interest felt in even - thing which pro moted the welfare of the Prison, was well quali fied for the position made vacant by his un timely death. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. R. WITMER, President, GEORGE LONG, CHRISTIAN LEFEVER, JARED SWEIGART, ISAAC H. SHAEFFER, J ER ROHRER, See'y, Inspectors. LA SCANT - an COVXTT ra/*Oll, Jan. 4, i*i. JenSe- • - - - Pe riodirals. - . . THE DAILY EVENING EXPIIFAS, RNISIIIIS UN 'READERS REGULARLY wpm THE LATEST NEWS ; lIY MAIL AND MAGNETIC TELFARAI'II, And all Important Local and Ciller:11 Txtato: $5.60.1 YEAR; $1.2.5 I'OI; S MtINTIM. TAI; WEEKLY EXPRESS, A SATURDAY PAPER OF TILE I'IRST CLASS, Contains all the news of the week up to I*rt(l43' night, and gtYeR more fresh readingthau eau be had elsewhere for the same amount of money. Teems: WC° PRA YEAR, IN A DVANcR. Address pransol. GRIST, Vsb/laberos deo Wan] Lancaster, F e. THOS. J. WENTZ Having urchased of Charles E. Wentz Henry C. Wentz. their Interest in the firm WENTZ 131:OTHERS, now offers the ininica stock of DRY GOODS, CARPETS, WIL CLOVIS, NOTIONS, GLASS Alsip QIIEENSIVAN.} .I ,`• At the Lowest Possible Prices, in ordszeto_redn his stock. Having a large eta* or wmEsi e tt (;(.1)1) -, on hand, purehatwolibenowejljoi late 4 vanes. he otfors them at the Old Prides. Oh eoes, Muslins Sheetings Skirtings, Tiekinipt, checks, and all houseke eping Goods. sold at Inducing Low I Am. P lie calls special attention to the Glass and Qucenaware Department. THOS. J. WENTZ, Suceessoz to Wentz Broth sign of the Bee Hive, No. I East King street, Lancaster, Pa. [tebs.llll-ly -1100 spßmar, 1800. . GLASSWARE. ~GRA2tIT.E WA HAGER * REST QUALITY BOSTON & PITTSBURG GLASSWARE, purchased direct from the Manufacturers. Engraved, vitt and Pressed Table Tumbler*, Goblets, Champagne and Wine Glasses Fruit stands Situeers,t ream Pitchers, sugars, Stands, to., in great variety of styles. A bold Band and Plain French China, cit ATE• 4. WHITE ENGLIMII GRANITE WARE. New Styles—Plain and Einhossed, of our maw imp.rtation, and will be sold at very LOW LINENS & COTTONS. HAGER it BROTHERS hare now in store a full assortment of RAMSLEY LINEN SZIRLTINGS AND Mr. LOW CASINOS, DAMASK, SNOW DROP; AND DICE PATTERNS TAME LINPRIM AND NATIONS, lIJCAVY LOOM TARLII LINENS, DAMASK AND HUCK TOWYJA AND TOWELINOS, from finest to lowest qualities. RICUARD.SON , S SHIRTING AND PHONTIN4 LINENS, A full stook of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, usci.rn. NO Marseilles Quilts, honey-Comb Quilts, Mae kelle i Table and Plano t * over+, Curtain Mus/ins, 8 0 0. 500 PIM.' Es HES I' c ALB :0 E.* 4 at WA,. New York Mills, Wamsutta Williams Fruit of lAmm, Lonsdale, hill Forest (lope, and other makes of BLEACHED AND UNISLEACHED MUSLIM", watch we are selling by the PIELE OR YARD, —AT— WHOLESALE PRICE. 1,000 LH'. PRIME 01110 FEATHERB 2,1r+2 28 WALL PAPERS! HAGER & BROTHERS A re now receiving their S PH I NG STOI 7K, wbiak will be found complete in all departments OT Plain and Decorative PAPER HANGINGS, lu Hain Tints, Walnut, Oak, Marble, Freeope, stamped Gold, satins and flanks, for HAW Parlors, Libraries, Dining Rooms and Chaml3- ers. Choice New Fresco Designs for STORES AND PUBLIC HALLS. PATENT META:. for securing paper against iSnap Walls. ihr Call and examine. HA(IER & BROTHERS. 3,•t49 61 CARPETS ! Ema. Fir intussEts, enossr.ErN TAPES' 9 . 111" L'IWELL AND 11Aler , rout) INIMAJN AND YE NICTIAN, WOOL DUTCH, IIE3IP `SO LAO CARPETs. VELVET HUGS .IND MATS, • Wilool-11oRDEREI) COCOA AN J UTE DO& 1.1,424 ss; FLU) It OIL CLOVIS. NEW DESIGNS—ALL WIDTH* ('CH AND CHINA MATTING:, WINDOW SHADE: AND HOLLAND:4, In Irnll Assortment febl2-111 lIAGEIt & BitOTHEF/61. J II ANKIBII, Y. H. NARYINFI, JOHN L. NI LE.Ns. HARNISH & CO'S CL(EAP STORE, NI I. W F.:IT Ki LANcAsTEit, PA., I bealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, GLASS AND QUEENNWARE, 1 • (10111 s, < asslluerea, Sattlaetts, Jeans, 1' Jimiseys, Flannels, Tickings, Checks, I'la Alpaccas, Dress t.aods, tiingbams, cal kluslins and brills, White Goods, Notioußat No. 1 Feather% MEN AND BOYS , WEAU. Aftedo up at astonishing Low Prices. Sir Call and examine our stock before pal. Ousing elsewhere. [febl2,o9-4/ Rats, Caps, Furs, &c. 1868. SII U LTZ & BROTHER, No. '2O NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCAATER, PENNA. latest. style Pall and Winter HATS and CAPS in all qualities and colors. LADIES' FANCY FURS, W are now opening the largest and complete aagortment of Ladies' and Child l3 4 rAm3Y FURS ever offered in this market s t very low prices. ROBES' ROBES!! ROBES /P llutialo Robes, lined and unlined; Hudson IV, Wolf, Prairie Wolf, Voz, Coon, &o. BLANKETS AND LAP RUGS Of all qualities, to which we would partio invite the attention of all persons in waatist lirtiO/C4 in that line. GIA)VE, GAUNTLETS and MITTS. OTT E K, lir AVER, NUTRIA, SEAL, KID, &ALA& Ladles , 111310 Fur Trimmed Gloves, Gauntlets, Milts and Hoods. PULSE WARMERS and EAR MIT 3. WIIO LINA LE AKO RETAIL ttcat-tf I= BAIR SIIENK, BANKERS, NOUTIIHAUT ANULS UN CISNTBS SQUA/ig, LANCASTER, PENNA. nOEI4I Goods. ILA( ER 4; 13110TliEltS. w CUE It ATT k: S, ISVC EAKIN, FLEISHER, Ikiukh.q. I= 1868.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers