Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, January 29, 1869, Image 3
have heard of for write time. Dalrymple Warren tge i elik e tiArt,eurigßd had has not yet been heard of. b een ea seaw.ter basun ~ Mai paid • tax on property belonging to his wife, the YORK COUNTY.—Discoveries of a very t hese hiving been assessed in his name. superior quality of iron ore have been ' theme diselki'llnies knennt to Wilson, Who de made on the farm of Wm: Albright, near tided the diset, the Impudent being divided llanover, and also adjoining the C etary. on the gaelltion. The jury felted him not The Hellam township Teachers' Institute guilty, and directed that each pay half the costs. met last week There are a great many George Jackson another " nigger"—the young rowdies iu York, the Democrat stock ie trade. ei the " Democracy"—was says: They are a common affliction I charged with stealing a small sum of money They are to have a public reading room in I from the milk wagon of Joshua Sourbeer, at York, under the auspices of the Good Columbia. Verdict, guilty ; sentenced to six Templars On Friday night last, a man menthe 4111 hi County Pd."' let of not guilty was taken, by con named Charles Cratney, *ll dead at it ball sent of heath parties, in the case of James it. in a lager beer saloon. He leaves a wife i Douglass for rejecting il legal vote. and several small children A man bas A not. pros. was entered in the case of , been arrested and put to prison in York, Thomas Porter, indicted for forgery. for stealing blackberries last fall IVA Christian Shenk, "mike host ' of the Sorrel Manchester Farmer's Club, held a meet-' Horse, this city, was acquitted of resisting an ing last we6k. The discussions were quite officer in the disc,harge• of his duty. Con stable McCutcheon had an execution against intereatiny,.....The farmers of York county ' a horse and Jingo' of Christian 'llortzdeld, are pushing their grain into market who stopped at Shenk'e hotel, and attempted Markets in York—white *heat, $26..12.41);_ i to take possession of %tient Shenk rebisted, ved, $1.60(cn1.70; corn, 75e; oats, sser- offering to give security. This MeCtacheon ' !.. '2 r flour, (retail) $8,306.51 .00; lattter, 30(a, . refused, and . Shenk would not allow him 35c • eggs, 20(rOilde; . bitte_c /111Pomkwason 117 ' to take the horse andbuggy away. In the , meantime, Bortz e paid the amount of .the to 15. pork, 801 , 0; IVtgOesi , Peg , bus 4 ' judgment to the aMorman. MeCntcheon F 4 1 (ii 1.25. , swore that Shenk laid violent bands on him. _........:-.—...-..-.---_ This wait denied by other witnesses. THE PEOPLE. 11110VIEU. , John Davis was convicted of stealing a coat i from Henry Rice, and a Oland trent a " nig- Our Member • " woman, in Ooltimbia on Welleesda if Re a n ted_ 1 ger , , y -- - — reveniage and sentenced to six months in the our Senators Sustahted. brown stone castle. A public meetiteclfifilialits t bf East Hemp- Michael Askill.was indicted for attempting field township was heid at Salami, on.i3etzte.. •to commit a felony. lie was rOO sleeping apartment df Dr. 31ettgar, 114 in in South the % day, January 23d, to take into consideration/ Duke street, this city, at midnight, oil the the recent eitramdinary actien eiour Re Pte- 22d of November. He fled on discovery, and sentatives at Harrisburg, The meeting was secrefed himself in a water closet in an ad , well attended, and was organized by the ap- joiningaroperty, where he was arrested. .The evidence did not bear out the indiatment, pointment of the following ofireeirs t President, . ad, es we understand it, he was acquitted on D. LEIIPOLD, Vice'Presidents, Jdhn Weld- a te c hnicality. man, W. D. Relltell' Beeretaries, A. it. John McGouisk lived in one of the houses Strickler, A. P. Breneman. of the Safe Harbor Iron Company. He was warned out, and moved into another belong- After appropriate remarks by the President ing to the company, and put some corn into and Messrs. lireider and Beitaer, the follow- another, and on the company's agent attempt ing preamble and !Isolations were unanimous- ing to remove it, after McGonisk refused to ly adopted : ' do so, be drew a gun upon him, making some threats. McGoulek bad been in the war, and Whereas, We have heard with profound had his lower jaw shot off, still his conduct regret and deep mortification, that the mem- was so bad that the jury found him guilty of hers of' the House of Representativis from assault and battery and forcible entry and Lancaster county, have voted to incraWke detainer, and he was sentenced to pay costs, clerical force at Harrisburg beyond alLperile- • and give $3OO bail to keep the peace. dent, and rejected a proper offer to economize Another case of "Desertion." Sarah M. the expenses of Government, when thaileolde ' Smith against her husband, John H. Smith. are groaning beneath the weight oftapattinn, After hearing the evidence, the Court ordered caused in part by the perfidy and co ~.p.U.Oti them to go together and live like sensible of our Representatives : people. It is, therefore, Resolved, by the pdapiref This closing the cases before the Court, the this town and vicinity, that we denotepektise Grand Jury report was presented and read. act as unjustifiable, uncalled for, and ip.trtr t The jury say that they acted on sixty bills, omsttion to the expressed will of the a ~ most of 'them of a comparatively light charac as indicated in the electron of Guaira ' . ter, ignoring twenty-three. They approved Resolved, That we hereby deeksre t e one application for a bridge. [We hope they said members have violated the sonildhlidli 6f also recommended that it should be given out their constituents here aseemblectite pledged by public vendue, and not by private ar faith of the Republican party mite e'rangement, for somebody to get a "job." ! and tilled us with doubt as to it cdutinm f "Thereby hangs a tale !"] They were of retrenchment in every departatent of - opinion that if Aldermen and Justices of the , ment. the ac- Peace would act properly, very many of these Resolved, That we heartily endorse cases would never come before the Grand tion of Senators Billingfelt and Fisher and Jury. [The Court, in reply to this, said that commend their noble stand in defence% Ahe I magistrates were sometimes excusable for people against profligacy. " Let ult.-Imm sending trifling cases to Court, as they can peace." ' ' ... not always, at the hearing before them, tell whether there is sufficient ground for action at law.), [We would ask whether tt does not make some difference in the amoant of costs they receive, too?] The Jury visited the county buil dings—speak favorably of the manner in which the officers of the Prison and Alms House and Hospital discharge their duties—compliment Court, District At torney and constables, &c. --..... Tux NEW OFFICERS : The new County Commissioner, Prison Inspectors and Direct ors of the Poor took their seats on Monday. Below we give the proceedings of theme boards : Uonimissionera : Jacob C. Kready, the new County Commissioner elected to take the place of Samuel Slokom, whose term has ex pired, took his seat to-day. C. H. Niesley was chosen President of the Board. The fol lowing officers were elected : Clerk, Jahn H. Shirk ; likalicitor, Jesse Landis, esq. ; Janitor, Joseph C. Snyder. The following are the members of the Board : C. H. Niesley, John Strekm, jr., and J. C. Kready. Prison: Michael H. Shirk and Henry Pownall, the new Inspectors of the Lancaster County ,l'risom, took their seats to-day, in phboe of Gee. Long and A.. it. 'Witmer, whose term has expired. Jeremiah . Rohrer was elected President, I. H. Sheaffer, Secretary, and Christian Lefever, Treasurer of the Board. The following were elected officers of the prison : Keeper, Levi Sensenig ; Under keepers, Jacob Smith and Lewis Murr ; Phys)cian, Dr. W. Compton ; Clerk, George Eby ; Watchman, Harrison Miller ; Solicitor, A. H. Mylin; Shoemsiker,George Kreider. The Board of Inspectors at present consists of Jeremiah Rohrer, I. H. Sheaffer, Christian Lefever, J. A. Sweigart, M. H. Shirk and Henry Pownall. Poor House : The Board of Directors of the Lancaster County Alms House and Hospital was organised today by the re-election of John K. Breed as President, and Christian Gast, Treasurer. George Fry, sleeted in Waco of Samuel Wolf, whose term expired, and Conrad Gast, re-elected, took their places. The following officers were elected : Steward, Samuel Spielman ; Clerk, and Superintendent of Hospital, J. 0. Steinheiser; Solicitor, E C. Reed, elm. ; Physicians, Drs. J. A; Ehler Wm. Blackwood, J. Z. Gerhart, A. J. Herr. The board at present consists of J. K. Reed, T. Scott. Woods, Conrad Gast, Daniel Herr, Peens', Stephen Grissinger, George Prey. font ftmt. ITEMS: The Millersville Noripal School had 770 students in 11468 • estimaVil *ma Of school property, 8127,504; State apDnaggia lions, $4681.98. ' ..„... eltsoperA Watson A. McGlaughlin, of Gr , this county, has obtained a patent 0 proved machine machine for dressing mill ston 'Clad Samuel B. Shenk, of Manor township, lor an improvement in corn cultivators. Stauffer was the attorney. Lancaster is cursed with chicken libillaelS, as well as other kinds of thieves. Ifeabbitiiil coops have been robbed recently. Tbitrftikti ..,. creatures. Jauo Rodney took a fancy to a piece of muslin, in the store of " Cheap Jessie," in. North Queen street, this city, one evening last week, and appropriated it. She was held to bail. This is not her first otti3nse, and " Rockey" says she is &filleted with " klepto mania"—an uncontrollable desire to take things, and "gives bet Jessie." The new U. B. Church, in Manheim, will be dedicated on Sunday, February 7th. Bishop Glossbrenner will preach. .Tos. Clinton and Henry Rogers were ap pointed additional tip-staves by the Court, last week. Mr. Clinton was formerly Clerk of the Orphans' Court. The Normal Literary Society, at Millers ville, will celebrate their twelfth anniversary this evening. The name of the man Whose body iras found in Mill Creek on Saturday week, was William Blum, not Edward Derr, as stated last week. He had recently been employed us a bar-tender at the Washington House, at Lebanon. Michael Withers' dwelling house, on South Queen et., sold to H. W. Harberger, for $6,000 A fire, which threatened to be very de structive, occurred on Saturday evening last, at the stable of Mr. Knapp, on the alley running from Duke to Lime, be tween East King and Orange streets, about half a square east of the Owns House. The active efforts of the firemen confined the fire to the stable of Mr. Knapp, although it was surrounded by stables and other buildings filled with combustible matter. Two line horses and a cow perished in the flames. It is supposed to have been the work of an in cendiary. The market thieves were about again on Saturday morning. A buffalo robe was stolen from a carriage in the yapd of the lamb hotel, and a basket of Initter on North Queen street. But two spans of the Columbia bridge re main to be arched, and It is cireildently ex pected that if the weather be favorable, the bridge will be made passable for ears and vehicles within three smelts. There is quite a *lung 9AL tits subject of religion in several of tbecoagrerions this city. No one doubts bat that this matter Lancaster is sadly it% need of a repninktion, The First : AM/nal Xaskiraf litatielta elected the following directors for 1969 : ohn Hollinger, B. Pe MIAMI* Alorabene likollins, S. P. Eagle, B. Spangler, A. H. Musselman, Henry Hieetaind, John Masser Snit Pak* Haldeman. Abraham Collins was elected President ; B. F. HiestaS4 Vice President, and B. Spangler, Sects The The former President declitked re -elec n. Hon. 0. J. Dickey has been in attendance at Court, in this city, this week, popiped in the trial of several cases in which ha was concerned. THE Couhr.mrOnnLinved /rem iaat 11:14'a paper—John Harter and Charles Focht were charged with assault and battery onTV** Henry, and it was in evidetion that Att. Hoglegautz and Henry_ Appley, yrion had pleaded guilty to a similar o• an /inns% on Tuesday, assisted in this assault. The jury rendered an t'imeerntnedittkin *inert"' by declaring defendanttanotgulity, and divia ing the costs between them and the prose cutor. Andrew Johnson (not the tailor and alder man) pleaded guilty to stealing from Joseph Tyson, of Columbia, and got six months at " Castle Bensenig." Charlotte Williams, a "fair" iitiegbter of the species commonly known as "niger," swore that she wee ." &Apar of Gnaw mer e because he threatened to out her bisket.thwat from ear to ear. The ease Was distnlssed with county for costs. Joseph Wilson, Judge of the election at Washington borough, was indicted for reject• ing a legal vote as the November eleotien: ESN MAIL LsTTiwns : Proposals are asked fth , carrying the malls in this county, from July 3, 1812), to June 90, 1872, on the following new routes--bids to be Sent to the contemn' office of the Post-ofiles Department before 3 o'clock p. m. of March 31st next : From Lancaster tq Neffsville, daily. From Lancaster by Now Danville, Cone stogo, Marticville,Coletnanville, Mt. Nebo, Rawlinsville, Be thesda and Liberty Square to Chesnut Level, three times a week. Prom Union Station by Miller's -store, (new Office) Terre Hill and High's store (n. o.) to Chnrcbtows, twice a week. From Minkietown to flainudewa (a. 0.) and Prysville (n. o.) to Reamstown, three times a week. From Ashville Letanbn county, by Car iper's (a. 0.) Colebrook , KellyseConzer (n. 6.) and Centres Me'( e.) ea BUonia Joy, ewe a week. From Palmyra, Lebanon county by CaiV bellstown, Bachmansville (n. o.) and Aft. Harrison (n. o.) to Elizabethtown, Once a week. of Mr. caleithßeH i f l ie4o " o Hum bug." We have holfeetation In mend ing this article, having ordered o for the benefit of PATHIta ABRAHAM'S wise he' " tes ARTHUR'S Bows MAGAZINE, for February.— Contents: The Grahams and Armstrongs. I By T. S. Arthur. Becalmed. Kitty Lloyd'si SELLINC AT COST Trial. I7ncler the snow. A Broken Dream. I. T Breaking the Will. Nothing New. Margaret. Companionship. The Education of Daughters. -Ik3ys' and Girls' Treasury. The Home Ci • . Toilet and Work-Table. Evenings w ' -.7 ka , . ~ ..?_ Poets. Health Department. Flit making Soups Salads and Side D - 2 , --.--: ~.• ; Publications. Editors' Department ' - qt many choice Engravings and ill a year. Single numbers for sale . - : ' era and News Dealers. We furnish and FATHER ABRAHAM for $2.50. , --- -....... qyaiet.l. ; : 1.. i Tna LADY'S FRIEND, for Febru beauti A 0 " . ful steel engraving, " Yes or No a story by M iss Douglas , leads oeb number of this charming maga n , . Then . - lows the usual large and elegant Fultion Plate; and a graphic engravin of "DeteMra Batter by summin up the Points of the Cake," This latter is a n illustration of Mrs. Wqm . !d's new story, " HOLAIIID ' DP which is becomf the admirers of ' powerful story. ter of this numbs: Guest," a 121ws Spofford ; " Wa. and the contint colt's sparkling Two." There it called " !leant ift number of engr ions, dresses, la 4 by Deacon &,Pat atlelphia, at 42.80 large steel cngrr (and one gratis,) The Saturday Aaving,) +4 CO. BRAHAM for 104. SNYDER-Bu city, by Rev. J. of Lancaster, to burg. ißenjamin. by Rev. J. J. Btrine, Benjamin 1,u . , an of Mr.t Hemptield, to Harriet Ketliner, of Millers ville. w. ALBSXOUT—SAuDER. On the 19th inst., by the sane, Daniel Albright to Eliza Ann Sander, both of Maytown, East Donegal twp. WELCITANS—WisBEE. On the 19th inst., by Rev. Joseph MeCool, Geo. R. Welehans, M. D., to Lizzie E. Weber, daughter of Henry Weber, of Pottsville. D I E D. GANOWEL fhe 11th inst., at 11;6. resi dence of W. F. Neel, Andrew Gangwer, formerly of Allentown, Lehigh connty, Pa. TAMBO. On the 20th inst., in this city, Mrs. Elizabeth Tambo, better known as Mrs. E. Foose, aged 83 years and 26 days. MCPHERSON. On the 6th inst., at his resi dence in Drnmore-twp., Hngh H. McPherson, in the 45th year of his age. GORMLEY. On the 19th inst., in this city, Anna Maria Gormley, daughter of Johu Hatz, dec'd, aged 61 years, 3 months and 8 days. SOeDERS. On the 18th inst., at Reading, Mrs. Lucinda Souders, widow of Jacob Souders, dec'd, in the 79th year of her age. THE MARKETS. Lancaster Household Markets. LAXCARTER, Jan. 28. .41utter *1 th 40 41,. 45 Lard, lt, 17 0 18 Eggs,a dor 28 / 30 Beef, by quarter, tor front, ifl lb 8 9 do. do. do. hindquarters. 11 12 do. do. extra.... 1:1 Whole Dogs, per lb 14 Dressed Chlehens, 40 0 85 Live Chickens 70 1.00 Potatoes, V bus 90 'l.lq do. $ l l half pk IS PT Turnips, 1 14 half pk 6 i 11 Apples, V half pk 25 30 11 alnuts, ift half peck 10 13 Cornmeal 5 Beans, itt quart 10 (0 12 Buckwheat Meal, $1 10e Its 5.00 .Corn in the ear lil bus 1 00 AI. lo Oats, If hair of 8 bus 1 50 (J)1.75 “ 4 • I " extra heavy.... 2.0) Reading Markets (From the Daily Eagle.) January 27. 49 40 Butter IS 11, Lard, t t Eggs, doz.— Beefsteaks Items Potatoes, btu( lie Produce Markets. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 27.—The Flour market is more active but prices are unsettled, with a decidedly downward tendency ; 500 Mils. choice Ohio family, and 500 bbla. tripplo X st. Louis do. sold for shipment on secret terms. The sales for home consumption foot up 900 bbls., including superfine, at *6015:25; extras at 064) 6.25 ; northwestern extra family at *707.75 ; Pa. and Ohio do. do. at *8.8214010.50 for low grade and choice ; 4111013 for fancy brands, according to quality. Rye dour commands 47.5007.74 per bbl. Nothing doing in Cornmeal. The demand for Wheat is limited and con fined to prime lots for the supply of the wants of the local millers; sales of red at 01.7001.90 ; amber at *1.9002.00; and white at $2.1002.35. Rye is held at *1.600162. Corn is quiet at former rates; sales of new yellow at 8110900., and new white at 89082 c. • Oats are without change; sales of 2,500 bus. western at 72074 c. No change to notice in Harley or Malt. Cloverseed is in good demand, and 500 bus. prime sold at *9.25. Timothy held at 401.75, and Flaxseed at *2.600 2.65. Whisky is ororod at 980.411AN0 per gallon, tax paid. Phlladelphhi Cattle Market. MOYDAY, Jan. 26.—The arr ivals and sales of Beef Cattle at the Avenge. rove Yard reached about 1.700 head tkut week„ . The market wee active, but ;prices her without any Material change. Sales at 9 1 4.100. for extra Penn'a and western steers, We-ties Islietegood do., and 3W70. 91 S. gross. for co o qoanty. The followimgissitiat afttiosales: 74 head, Owen Smith astern. ... .64 94 59 " A. Christy*. Wasters.... 8 9 80 " Dangle } & ease, Chest. e 0,5 74 100 " P. Iferillim, Western.. .... .. 8 i 0 " P. Hhawny, Weste 94 25 " B. Molat l ideas. Wettes rn t 8 7) 9 30 " James R. Hnk, Chester co— 8 /04 90 " 8 9 40 " B. 8. ldoPillen, WeeWn 9 9'/ 119 " Ullman &Bachman, Western. 7 9' 130 " Martin /fuller& C o _Wettest. 7 133 " Nooney& Smith, Western 7 0 100 " T_, Mooney Ablitto., Western... 144 45 " H. Chain, Peup_it 6 7 191 " J. 13mitit - di Brit., Western 7 0 60 " L. /rank,_ Weetern, ..„ I% 8 '73 " Prank &13elethellerg,'Westerafini 8 80 " Hor4 it t 3 C0., Windex"— ........ 94 47 " M. os & CO., Western.... 7 19 " 8.110 dwin; Owens c o ' 20 " J. Clemson, Chatter o 28 " D. Inassam Chester oo ' 15 " Jametilk.U. Western 7 7 3 26 " Chandier&Aletmetder,Chester 8' 10 30 " Rime's & Wellage, Chester gto " John HeArdTe, Weetern 6 IA Q q khatidly,_W a land..... 8 e 54 47 ninon & co_,. v la 6 7 80 " Blum &410., , 991 , . 6 7 Cows wore without eltsjogn ; heag It" at, $40058 toLptingorti, and 960. M. Vll for bow Ohio" wets , higher; 6,000 hoed eitild at il@So. V grosepan to.ading*. • Hogs were firmly held; 3,000 head sold at the dl.t7Went valet 62405 nate 'WHO het. New Advertisements. POSITIVELY NO HUMBUG. The Pateut Right Ihr the Stpte of Penneylonta for the celebitite4 IJNIT ED STATER WASIEENG MAAJUILC THE BEST EVER OFFERED, IS NOW FOR BALE. • Those chow ish to make one of the_inost pro fitable I nvestments they can yield, wi l l lind one of the best opportunities for doing se by eau. tug on C. r•. WALKER, THE INVENTOR AND SOLE PROPRIETOR, AT THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, jan2S4f] LANCASTER, PA. New Advertisements. The undersigned wishing to LAW;F, STOCK OF 'OOKS STATIONERY , 4: AdeSELL AT COST, OX*COtNT OF REMOVAL m of ingre lie evidence Meat stand :rived from Corn, Plow cannot be ; applied to i by the by connect ' the earth, c rent lon of ituteltte. It will prevent Curen -1 e fib . the 4„"r si4rfir peach grub, and ma g i r taties bear healthy fruit. It will prey in grapes. it swells the tree. cau [Sark to peel off from the body, while a beautiful new green bark takes its plaCe..„ltytkital potato bugs and prevents pots kin= sititillipassvent weave', mill-dew, or rust in wheat, and prevent the fly from touching it. It destroys the cut-worm in corn—ig tact. i 6 Wlllkillany kin d otluecets that I attack Trutt Trees aml cause alllruit Trees to bear sound fruit, it now est trissively ntedln the Western Stateadtud these vh,4o-19 wait would not be withatit lf;foea't sa d its cost. It has been used in the southern parts of Berks County, this State, on grain. trees, 5.c , and there v has not been a single failure. Any person wishing to see its effect upon growing grain and fruit,can be gratified by calling on us, or by writing, and we will refer them to per- ' sons (with residence) who are using' it. We warrant It to do Just what we claim for it. To be used as soon as the frost is out of the ground. Township and single Rights for sale for the County of Lancaster. The public are notified to purchase no Right of J. AHEARN, MIAS 0. W. JAC/041,N, Of Witt more, as we will prosecute all who buy from him to sell or use. Circulars will he sent to any One, with names of those who have used it, by applying to EVA.Ns CO. Beading, janW-2m.] 1 i rut . ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD Or INSPECTORS OE THE LAN- C t TEE COUNTY PRISON, for the year A. L. 1889 : To the Honorable, the Judges of the (burl of Quar ter sessions q( Lanoctater County: The undersigned, Inspectors of the Lancaster County Prison, In pursuance of law, submit to the Court the following ;Report of the Prison for the year ending November 30, 18611: • On the 80th of Noveber, 199; there were in confinement fis prisoners; during the year there were received 1,114; making an aggre gate of the inmates of the Prison in 111:18...1199 Of these the following were discharged during the year, viz : By expiration of sentence and by Inspec tors 9'4 By Magistrates, Court, Ilab)s Corpus, Ae.192 —llOO Remaining in Prison November 30, 1048 93 Of those (98) 313 are convicts ' 12 awaiting trial, and 4.3 VA vrunte. Of the 1,144 received.dirring the year, 62 were convicted—beluga decrease of 12 as compared with last year. The retie of convictions as compared with that year was 02 in 1.114 commitments to 74 lu 587 the year before. The number committed to Prison during the year, excepting those convicted, was Lillie ; 639 more t ban the previous year. of which 808 were for vagrancy, drum ken ness_ , anti disorderly con duct resulting from drunkenness. This is 515 more than the previous year. In addition to the 14032, there were sentenced during tlkaa_me period 62., and remaining in Prison on the 30th or November, 1867, 85—making the abertie total in Prison during tbo year. Of the prisoners discharged, 1 was seut to the Eastern Penitent.t fury 5 to tee House of Refuge 1 to the County Hospital, 3 pardoned by the Governor, and 1 died. Of the 62 sent e , eed prisoners, 32 were convict od of larceey, 5 of assault and battery, 5 of fornication and bastardy, 2 of forgery, 7 of surety of the polio., 4 of costs 1 of burglary, 1 of bigamy, I of disterbing a religious meeting, 2 of desertion of famiiy, 1 of entering warehouse with intent to commit a felony, and 1 of feloni ous assault. Of the 62 con convicts, 4 were seu tette ed for one year, and 2 for 3 years and upwards ; 53 were white and 10 were colored ; 55 were males and 7 females. But 82 of the eon victs were born fu Lancaster city end county, 11 in Germany, 4 in Ireland, lin trance , sad lin Ohio. 36 of the convicts were under the age of thirty years ; 12 aro old offenders, and 50 are reoeiving punish ment for the first offence ; and of the - 54 males, but 21 had trades prior to their conviction. The 62 convicts were oeoupied as follows ; 9 weaving carpets, 3 weaving bagging basket making, 8 cigar malting, 6 shoemaking, anti 5 making garments, Lo.,&e. 10 of the 62 could not read, and 10 covil not write; 28 of the 62 had never heow-40eotried, 1 is u widow, nnother a widower; 48 wore of intemperate - habits—a grater proportion than in the preceding year. The whole number of primoners since the opening of the Prison, September 12, 1851, to Not-ember 110th, 1866. was 10,674—white males 8,087; wnite females, 1,4 n); colored males, 866; and colored females, 211. Thehealth of the paisonersPuring the year has been remarkably good. The whele number of easel; treated was 117, of which 100 were cared, JO relieved, and 1 died of otmgestion of the lungs. The finamdul affairs and nuinufaetnrltig ope rations of the Prison doling the fiscal yeer, closing November 56,1888, aro exhibited in de tail by the following statements, whlcheciatidn all the information relating to these subjects Statement of orders issued, showing that the orders issued by the 1m spenders on the Totasurer of the Lancaster County ?risen for the Ilona year eating November 30, le% actiotinted to $34,801. 76 Front Wilioh dednot extraordinary expenses, to wit : Alts rel and repair 20 @ 22 24 75 WOO $32,209 48 To which ie to be added the indebted- nape of the Prison, and the . nootla and m 04071013 on 'bind at the begin ning of the flsostlyenr Nanuebotered glibilad bar SO, 1867 31,1334 64 Raw Materials an WON, Nov ember 30, 1367 1,944 99 • -- 3,t12 at ' 439 03 In order to asoertalu itite actual cost 9911, of the Prtetat tn. tba County, it be. e x am comes 'a ry to deduct the fel - loartng ' neesived and assets of the man I department : Cash r Weeper tbr goods sold, Lc., in paid to the Treasurer , oftle Pri5M1.....4.... ..... 9,12,367 48 llanufacturroditcniband November Mb , 9,717 01 Dew suitor' 11111 band Nov. Seated, ........ ...,... Due Prison for ' gbods mold 2,41 u 50 Nov. 91,168 723 89 ' - 19,424 ild Aetna suet of Pristine during the year, 918,014 53 The increase, of the extraordinary expenses is owing to thwittetlhat dnring the past year a number df cella halm been clad or plated with boiler iron, 9411Nee es, to be secured in the lame manner • , roplaeing the inside cell doom which' Of 'Wood, sliding on rollers, withirOmbar Am binges, he. The dues Ind piped th 3,111113 Out the Prlson, having bc -4011 eome litseleill. • Mil e replaced with new ones, with* added tO e unuanal expense of thin year. Tile whole number of days prisoners were boarded the Mlt year Imes MAIOS 164.696 M 30 eta allay, sial Ma 9 540 46 cis. a day, amounting in to 11 1( 21. 010 • 13 1 t avV: r ge of $490.01% per month. Tile nu er t e previous year wall W• 9280 days , Costing 93, . .'ie, and averaging $792.19 1 4( per men*, bet g ' an ' increase the past over the preceding year of e 187.99 per month average. . The cost of maintenance of vagrants this year nEnrct: Ills MI street, =ME ) YOUR THE AGE, Tao Yetv Advertisements. amounts to aked7.oll, saahoet $11,1161.40/natyear, being an increase of ffi1,706.1.5. The aggregate number of days prisoners have been boarded and confined was 4,360 more in UM than in The manufacturing operations during the year produced as follows: 6,481 yards of carpet for sale, 3,0214 yards carpet for math 6195, yards of bagging, 1,431 i pairs of bootr ar er i ii k shoes made and mended, 366,150 segars made, 942 baskets wade, 120 dozen grain bags made, 321? fish nets and seines made, aid 26,400 skewers. There were manufactured `core on hand to the amount of $3,717.04, consisting among other articles of $ 1 ,852 yards of carpet for sale, 381 bait. kets of various vises, 75 11-12 dozen grain bags, 312 fish and fly nets, and 50,040 segars. The profits of the labor of the prisoners for the past year was. $3,813 32, as shown by the statement of gain and loss, which is 68,350.8 8 more than in 1087, *3,051.34 more than in 1866, 61,133.06 more than in 1616, and 4185.86 less than the aggregate profits of the three years pre ceding 186 e. The actual court of the PTlson the precediugsyasx was $15,157.96, being only $3,56,- 57 less MIR the past year, notwithstanding, the large amount expended for repairs and main tenance of the greatly Increased number of vagrants committed during the year ending Noventbet 30'h, 1808. Tabular statements sustaining the foregoing conclusions are hereto appended and made part of this Report. We regret to report the death of two of the officers of the Prison during the year: Dr. John F. Hither, Physician to the Prison and Henry M. Musser, a member of the Board of Inspec tors. Dr. Huber was a faithful and energetic offiger, bringing to the discharge of his duties the varied experience gained in the practice of his profession not only ut home but in the army during the rebellion. Mr. Musser by his urbanity of manner and the constant, intemit felt in everrthing which pro moted the welfare of the Prison, was wollg uali fled for the position made vacant by his un timely death. All of which is respectfully subionitted. A. It, WITMER; President, GEORGE LONG, TI A N EP VE .TARED SWEIGART, ISAAC N. SHAEFFER, .TEREIVII ROHRER, Soegy, Inspectors. Les . 0 ST Ett (; OU T V rill MON Jan. 4, IMP. Boots and Shoes. MARSHALL (V, SOY .S BOOT A. 2 1 71) SHOE STORE. CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER', P. ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL—GivEUs A Cam.. The only place for good and substantial work is at MARS H.II, 1. • , Where can be seen the largest and be 4t a9sort -3)1(111 of Men's and Boys' HO(OTS ANT) SHOES ever brought to this city. Ladles', Misses' and .Children's plain and funcy Shoes, Balmorals and Buttoned Gaiters. Xtri^ Also, RUBBERS OF EVERY KIND, which we Invite con to call and examine; feeling von 'admit that we can warrant all to WEAR WELL. no :311-Iy] NTE W SHOE STORE JUST OPEN E 1)! No. 104 , ; ON THE EAsT SIDE OF NORTH QUEEN STREET, (Between Chestnut and Walnut,) OPPOSITE THE KEYSTONE HOTEL, A LARGE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOE". \tie take pleasure In informing the citizens of Lancaster and the county that we have just re ceived and opened the finest and best selected stock of Men's, Women's, Mmes', Boys' and Children's Boots and Shoes ever bought in this city, which we are determined to sell en MAPt: THAN THE CA EAV EST, TO OAIN IaISTOM. We don't offer you the cheapest shoes in the market, but BETTER 13110E8 FON. Lass MONEY than you can purchase elsewhere. Farmers and all other persons needing heavy Boots, will find it greatly to theiradvantage by buying from us, as WO have had our coarse boot s made to order expressly for retail trade, and we will warrant them to give good salisfection. Storekeepers would do wail to mumble our stock, as we keep a large stock of all ktnds of Boots and Shoes, and will sell as low as they can buy them in the city. Don't forget the place. REINHOLD & STU 88, No. edi , l North Queen Street, Opposite Keystone Hotel, Lancaster, Pa. (lee 24-41. Brushes. JACOB U0TIIAI:M. L, PREMIUM 8R1.7511 MANUFACTURER COMBS AND FANCY NO. 9 • +{ NORTH t/1 - ITaiN ~Tlti LT, LANCASTER, PA. MB lII,ER, BRENEMAN & CO., WHOLESALE. ANT) RETAIL DEALERS IN (i)AL, OF THE BEST QUALITY. YAIU WA,TER. BT. AND PA. ft. Opylcz—NO. 2 EAST ()RANG E 'T., I. A NCASTE R PA. [dcc IS-ly COAL! BA UMGABDNEIVii; COAL YARD NUT COAL, 10.50 ; +13.00, Delivere4 ECG AND STOVE COAL, K5O; Om Delivered NICE NO. 6, OR PEA COAL, At $3.50 and $3.i•5 Jan 13-21 ] Books and Stationery. HOLIDAY BOOIiS 1,0W4 /8 FOE CIIRISTMAS 11111LISA-ENDLIBII AND GERMAII.I VBAYMB BOOKS WORK BOXES. WitITING IMMO PORT FOLIOS CHEQUERED oAlifE Or LIFE, IIITE;.0 SCOPE, SANTA CLAUS PANORAMA, YOING TR.LDRR•i GAME, REBUS G AIM, WHAT IS IT I GAME, PETER CODDLE—Most Laughable Thing on Earth, OLIVES. TWIST, SIX NATIONS, &0., &o. Call early at the Lancaster County_ Bible De pository, Collier Fulton How and West King street, 'while the stook is full, arill selcot the best. deo l 1-4.1] DANINL S. BADE. Jau34l w DHALEII IN AR Coal. AND FANCY 600138 TOY BOOKS. sTEßEoscorrs POCKKT LOOKS GAME Pe riviethxdis THE DAILY EVENING EXPRESS, •J TIIE LA o(4' ANTI ' And all Important L Ilieteras In telligence. FURNISHES 71A— GROC At mom , CON FECTIONS, FOR THE HOLIDAYS. LATER, SEEDLESS AND VALENCIA wane NEW CURRANTS, NEW CITRON TR; nr - r. APPLE muti# PitILNES, GS, DRIED APPLES DRIED PEACHES, HOMINY, siIAKER CORN, GRP:RN PEAS SPLIT 11 CMJICE CRANBERRIES, TEA, CHOICE BLACK TEA. lAGUVRA AND JAVA COFFEES, SUGARS AND STROPS. A VARIETY OF CONFECTIONS, GLASS AND Q rEENSWARE. LAMP GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. All the above of the best quality and cheaper than the cheapest. At D. S. & J. S. NURSE ,'S nov2ll4yri No. IS East Ring stroet, Lade Claim Agency. JAMES BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND MILITARY AND NAVAL CLAIM AGENT, No. sr) East Kintg-st.. Lancaster, Pa. Being duly Itemised as a Claim Agent, and having a large esperienee, prompt attention will be given to the following classes of claims:. BOUNTY and PAY due discharged Sehnert's:did sailors. BOUNTY (additional) to Soldiers who enlisted for not less than 2 or 3 years, Or were honONS; bly discharged for wounds received. BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or Parents of Soldiers who died from wounterii ceived or disease contracted in said eery . PENSIONS for invalid Soldiers and Sailors, Or to their widows or children. PENSIONS for fathers and mothers, brothorti or sisters of deceased soldiers, upon whom Uey . were dependent. PENSIONS and GRATUITIES for Soldielp_94 their Widows from Pennsylvania, in the as of 1512. PAY due Teamsters, Artificers and Civil em ployees of the Government. PAY due for horses lost in the United Mates service. CHARGE:4,O'Oes fair and moderate, and tin no ease will charges be node until the immey is oolieeted. [doe WO. Photographs, dr,:c. GOLDEN GIFTS Parents to Fomilits, iflttht-; to Davightti OENTLEMEN TO LADIEA' When the light has left the house, memoitleas such ur these compound their interest. surr.lat PHOTO Idiniature or Opal Picturei, admitted to be the hest iskthe city, and no /superior la the 82 Constantly increasing demand and great e 'lens's/ in this style of miniature givens g. r facilities and better results than any establish ment outside of large eitiep. sTKßEOult.tpils OF HOME VIEWS tor Q. Centre Tablo. Also, prismatic instruments. Large Colored Work by aorae of the beet Ar- Liatotn Philadelphia and eitewherelnthehl , est style of (heart. India Ink, Pastille, and colors, at GILL'S CITY GALLERY, Jan I-Iyr] No. 20 t King-at. Dentistrrj. I..s.scAsysa t June 26th, EDITORS EXPRESS: Dr. Win. M. Whiteside i enterprising Dentist, has purchased from large stock of teeth and all the fixtures, the kis struments formerly belonging to me, and taps those used by my father, Dr. Parry, in his thee. In the purchase, the doctor has provillk himself with some of the most valuable and SR. pensive instruments used In dental p and has beyond doubt one of the best i= gest collections of teeth and instrument' State. Persons visiting the commodious of Dr. Whiteside, cannot fail to be ,r t t modated. The Doctor loses no 6 uni furnishing himself with every oaks improvement hi his line of business. - 1117' M. WIIITESIDE, VV • DENTIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, EAST . KING STREET Next door to the Court House, over Fauns tock,e Dry'Goods Store, LANCASTER, PZIIENA Teeth Extruded without pain by the use bf (Nitrous Oxide) Ow. n0904t I Varnishes, tee. AUG. It HINOMUL. JAC. MUNGEHL, 8 )11 ri A &J. BEINOE4M, mANITFACTUitERS AND DEALEE COFFIN, BLACK AND JAPAN VARNI,SHES, LINSEED OIL, TURPENTINE, Le., kat. NO. 109 NORTH QUEEN STREW, (In the Keystone Building,) LANCASTER, PA. Also, Mahogany Boards, Veneers s Mouldings of different sizes and patr terns. All kinds of Turning, such as Bed Posts, Table Eegs, Spokes, Hubs, Felloes, &c., &e. Aleo, AXLES, SPEINGS, So, 8 It NGULARLY BY MAIL Mother to &a.. H, B. P.ARRY. Ulm 114 yr