,) MISCELLANEOUS. , ' Messrs. John H. Barnes and 'Walter Kieffer, ; DIED. I of this city, intend publishing a Directory of , THE DEAD OF THE YEAR.-The tic- this city and county. They are enterprising . Es: a Etsr. Jan. Bth, in the villiage of Ila 1 --ftrOlogical record of the year comprises and "go ahead" gentlemen and will publish I tercourse, Henry M. Eckert, aged 32 years, the naives of Charles Kean, Sir David a work of great importance to our people, and 3 months, and 12 days. I ) e.Jan.llth in this Mary Brewster, Lord BroughaM, James Rosths- should be liberally encouraged. The work ' ---k LL° ' K ' ' • city,- child, Berryer, Samuel Lover, Coquerel will be furnished to subscribers only, at $ 1 j A Pollock, relict of the late David Pollock, in the 66tli year of her age. the sculptor Marochetti, Rossini anti per copy, and will be ready for delivery about BAUMAR. Jan. Bth, in this city, Magda the first of Jul Dean Millman in Europe ; and in this A fourth attempt to fire a small stable on country the following : Bishop Hopkins , lena Bauman, wife of Ileajamin Bauman, in the 57th year of her age. 1 Church street, this city, belonging to Mr. Lentz, Elliott., the Mount brothers, the I Abrm. S. Bard, was made on Monday last. a ILDERSLEVS. Jan. 3,1, in Batalutore, sculptor Ball Hughes, Seim. Smith, Charles Pity the villian could not be caught. Md., William Reynolds, son of Gleage and Jane R. Gildersleve, aged 18 G. Ilalpine, Professor Adler, Julia Dean John S. Smith has been appointed Post- Guanan. spin. Stli, in this . . , s ; : ~hn Ger- Hayne, James Buchanan and Thaddeus master at Kinzers, this county, in place of her, aged 67 years, 3 months :' t's •a. A. S. Rutter resigned. Stevens. Admiral Bell, ofour navy, died Noi,As. Jan 50, iu this .• . . dget, Jacob K. Landis, of Rolirerstown, this while abroad. and Adah Isaacs Menken wife of James Nolan, in the Mk s of her county, who was declared a habitual drunk- died ill l'aris. age. and in 1849, and his property placed in the ‘,. ...„ ..„. ..,„. 4; ,,, , .... x te t, Jan - --- --00-•-•01.------- ' hands ot' a committee, has been reinstated by „.;; I l u ' el . ' . "''" '"" '" "' "*"`7 Tut: annual reception of flOVernor the Court into the possession of his farm and " Oeary took place on Thursday eve., 7thTEM PLEToN . Jan. 1111, irithiseity,Tiridget town property. Templeton, aged 63 years. . --)- The two story brick dwelling belonging to Inst., at the Executive Mansion, o n the ' the estate of Benj. Reinhold, deo'd, in North river bank, and was the most brilliant Prince, near Chestnut, this city, was sold ou THE HAREM. one he has yet given. It was attended by I Monday evening last to A. C. Barr, for $3,500. all the heads of departments, members of John D. Harrar, has sohd his store house 'uneasier Household Markets. the Legislature, in the city, and by nu- mid dwelling, smithshop, Itc., at Smyrna, LANCASTER, Jan. 13. merous other invited guests, int:Wail Sadsbury twp., to Jacob It. Townsend, for niittei ..,, it, 40 ass 34 500. ii , (hum representatives front the military am - ' Lard, so lt, A train of ears passed over the Columbia Eaga, as dea 32 035 learned professions. In accordance with 45 @US the usual custom of the Governor, BO id- and Port Deposit railroad to the junction, and Dressed Chickens, to Bowlandsvilles on the Philadelphia Live Chickens 70 aa 1.00 Whole Hogs, per 11) IS Ql3 l / 2 toxwating beverages were presented. and Baits railroad, on the Bth inst. The new Reef, by quarter, for front, VI lb 9 . • de...---_____ -- road is represented to be very complete in its I do. do. do. hindqltarters.... 11 ' 13 A LADY ill Boston recently saw a man construction. We hope it may soon be ex- Potatoes, '-o bus 1. 1.10 tended to Columbia. do. ip half pk 14 15 working a horse with a large and bleeding 6 8 wound on his back. She ordered her The Columbiana held a large town meeting Torn, l l 3B is half Pk s half pk 25 36 on Tuesday evening last, on the water cues- Onions IV 26 cOtteliman to follow the team and learn Lion. They complain of a scarcity of the arti- walnuts vt half peck,.... 10 413 the driver's name. A complaint was cle, and Col. Shoch, the President of the Cornmeal 5 12 truide to the Municipal Court, the. lady Water Company, stated to the meeting that Beans, quart 1.0041.10 took the witness stand and gave her tes- larger mains would be laid in the Spring, and ‘ O u a l tT, l i i t li n ag e of :Itu b s us 1.5041 m timony, and the offender was tined thirty a greater supply of water will be obtained. - .... - -- The following. gentlemen were elected oat dollars. Served him right. cers of the Reading and Columbia Railroad, Reading Markets • on Monday : President-Charles E. Smith ; I (From the Daily Eagle.) Directors-IL P. McKean, A. E. Boric, R. B. j January 13. Zorn, genic Cabeeu, J. B. Lippincott, John Ashurst, I Butter , r; 5 sa ( tie 4 John Tucker, W. G. Case, George Bogle, T. I 1 :n r " , • • Eggs, doz , 35 Baumgardner, Frederick Latter, G. A. N icolls, 18 ! Live chickens, att lb ITEMS : A branch Teachers' Institute was I Samuel Small ; Secretary and Treasurer- ; Chickens, dressed at lb in held in Elizabethtown, on Thursday and Fri- , .1. 11. White. i The Produce Markets. day, of week before last. Superintendent A meeting of piseatorialists n ill be held iu II •'inr./instrni A, Jan. 18.-There is no spirit in Evans presided, and the proceediugs excited I this city, on the first Monday of February, to the Flour market, and no demand except from tenaiderable interest. Several teachers from ; take measures for the introduction and props- I the borne consumers for the supply Dauphin county participated. gation of black bass and other ash iu the Con-so bbls were taken at ;immediate wants; asont . 3 ,i, _ , _ 0 A meeting of the Commissioners of the estoga and its tributaries. I*s 2505 75 for superfine , :64,0 5 for extras: V. 2505 town, Wisconsin and :Minnesota --Delaware River and Laneist e r Railroad was The following Bank Directors were elected • ex t ra family; 4;8 7i.to :,0 for Penna. iind Ohio held in this city yesterday. This road is to on Monday last : Lancaster County Notional I do., and 411013 for inne3• brands according to run from Phoenixville to this city, and excites /tank : Chr'n 11. Herr, Emanuel Swope, Benj. ; the quality. areat interest in the North Eastern Itection of B. Herr, John Mecartney, Abraham Howry, j Rye flour command H 47 604 - 0.7 this county. I leury B. Resh, Adam Lefever, Jacob Bach- Nothing „ doing in cornmeal. file lAlleat market presents no new feature, A Sunday School Convention is to be held man, Levi (3. Getz, George G. Brush, David ' th e demand being confined to prime lots which iu Fairville, East Earl township, this county, . Landis, (Miller,) Abraham Iluekwalter, Benj. aro scarce; sales of red t. t a1.5..5.r1.95, „ lid tiiiii „,,. on the 28th and 2'911 inst. The citizens will Long, Jr.at 42.05@)2.10. entertain all who many attend, and extend a First Yational Bank ot Lancaster: John Rye is sten9 ) y, with ,-ales of N;a , st,•rit tel cordial invitation to those who will give their C yger, Thos. Scott Woods, Clement 11.1; rubb, Pt i l so ll l l 4 l t . i i s tj Vii tl er :Z. a rme r • sales a new ~, l ) presence and counsel. A. Herr Smith, Henry Baumgardner, Daviu at 88092 c , and white at s5QB7e. The Bth of January passed off without any ti. Swartz Peter S. Beast. Abm. S. Bard, Oats are firmer: sales of 5,NrO lot , . Y,T.terll • Al( \ • celebration of the day in Lancaster by the dolor 11 . jai oom. and Penna. at 724 , 75 e. ” Democracy." That. is not "as it used to Foymee.i' Yellow(' Beni, : The following Nosales yere rsported it Ilarlvs was been." Celebrating battles now, how- gentlemen were elected Directors on Monday J',ltt)b.. Barley Malt solilt ••.2...;.. 1 Whisk) Is held at , per ga lon, tax , over, and " the Union-It must be preserved," last : Jacob Ilansmam, Thomas E. Franklin, luta. has come to mean Stone River, Gettysburg John Beck, Daniel Reitahn, Henry Mussel- ...•.. --- and Appomattox-and they are mot " Demo- man, Geo. M. Kline, Lewis Haines, Chas. A. Philadelphia Cattle Market. ,:ratic." Reinitsh, Jacob S. Shirk, N. Ellmaker, A. K. A son of William Lawrence, residing iu Witmer C. It. Baer, Chas. F. Hager. MONDAY, Jan. is-The Cattle market was Be. ' live this week, but prices were unchanged; Manor street, this city, died on Wednesday ' The fo ' llowing gentlemen were elected oil- I about 1,800 head arrived and sell at 9 , 4411 c. for evening of last week, from the effects of poison. cers of the Columbia and Port Deposit Rail- extra PennSi and Western steers; 1149 c. for fair The poison had been set for mice, and the boy, ; road company, on Monday last : President- ' to good do., and 5f!,7 1 e. per lb., gross, for corn who was but 8 years of age, eat some of it. IJ. Edgar Thompson ; Directors-C. S.Kauff- '' _ The ice moved oft' the Susquehanna on man, Josiah Bacon, J. I). Cameron,P. UMW' ! 110 hea.it, Owen Smith, We5tern......... ft Q illi Wednesday and Thursday of last week with- . ler, Maris Hoopes, Thomas A. Sct s H. J. 113 4 . A.Christy& Bro., Western.... 7,44. V 11V, ant causing any damage. Lambert, Wistar Morris, Edmund Smith, W. , 28 "Al 5 Dengler & 111cCleese, Chester. tP.6... Edward Grube, of Manheim township, was J. Howard, Jacob Tome, Joseph B. Myers. ' 100 " P. Meleilien, Western 5 4111 compelled to pay Julius Levy, $22.90, by , The following gentlemen were on Monday ~ 100 " P. Hathaway s J. S. Kirk, Ch'es We ter con 0' A 9 7 to Alderman Wiley, last week, for not carrying el ec t, d Directors of the Columbia National 25 " B. Mennen, Western 844 9 out his contract with Levy, in a purchase of Bank : John Cooper, George W. Mehaffey, 100 " Jas. Mcloillen, Western 8 0 014 tobacco. Levy bought from Grube at $16.90 I). W. Witmer, H. Copenheffer, Geo. Bogle, I 50 " E. S. Mesa nen, Western Bsa al?, per cwt.; the latter did not deliver, but sold 133 • Illman & Richman +Western 7 ea to/ Samuel Musselman,Jatnes L. Kerr, Henry iih '• ' • ,'1 to another party at $20.50. lie had to pay Suydam and .Jacob C. Stoner. " Marlin Fuller & Co., Western. 7ae 9k , ” lee " Mooney &Smith, Western..... 8 4t, 11 , ; the difference. — • t4O " T. Dloonev & Jiro., Western... 5144 9 - - --soss- Wm. E. Ranck, residing near the Sorrel : 00 " 11. Chalti;%V. Penna (1 1 54 8 Horse tavern, in East Earl twp. hung him- • GniNnt so Alms : The demand upon pub- ' too " John Smith, Western.. ... ..... 'o s sp„ (as self on Wednesday evening last. ' Mr. 11auck, ; ]fishers for gratuitous advertising, or "puff- , .70 ' 5_ s Frank, Virginia "Co i l kitti. (in•lnbel'L, VI 'giant 1 l a was a highly respectable citizen, and formerly I in g," has become au intolerable bore. Them , ' l 7 " „ lie & Co ' . 'Vesterii.. ' 7 0 9 kept a store in that neighborhood. Reason is a large class of people who regard a news- 30 n M. bryrooa, Virginia........... ti 0 a for the act unknown. ; paper office as a Mtge grindstone to sharpen ; 46 " Blum, Western 0 , 6',,57i,, Mr. John Garber, a soldier in the war of .at is axes. The Altoona Tril'ttne pitches into . 21 " 11. Clemson, Chester co i 6 9 1812, and of the rebellion, died in this city on I this thing, and we clip the following from its 57 " Chandler& alexander,Cheaters 410 Wednesday of last week. He was aged 67. ' columns, to which we invite the attention of 32 :: Kemble ara & D Lal w ia a c r e e , Chester co 6144 9 1 Our members board in Harrisburg as ft - patriotic gentlemen who desire to serve the sa i 11 John Mi!Ardle, Western ft!cat s!..i• lows : Senator Billingfelt at the United States people of Lancaster county, and "the rest of , ad ,) John Y. Lai to Chester c 0..... 5 0410 hotel; Senator Fisher and Mr. Hopkins at the • mankind,'' as well as those who wish to is " Jesse Miller, Chester co 8 Q 91y Jones House; Messrs. Peters, Gatchell and advertise their business "free gratis for I Hogs were In demand at an advance. ; 3700 . head sold at the different yards at 415815.25 Ili Sammy, at the State Capital hotel. The nothing :" lOll net. er members of the third house-the bores-live . " A correspondent who sent lIS a few days , C ows we unchanged • , 150 head sold at 4454 all around town. . , ago a communication of nine foolscap pages, : eo for springers, and 450Q80 ati head for cow and Franklin Marshall College, commenced the : advocating the claim ot' a certain candidate I calf. Winter session on Thursday last. I for office, takes exception to our notice U t ast 1 Sheep were firmer; 8,000 head sold at 5' AVAe. Henry Hoffman, of this city, a brakeman ! all such communications will be inserted at I It lb., gross. en a freight train, had one of his legs broken, j advertising rates. He asks, rather indig. and the cap of the knee of the other split, at j nantly, if public spirit does not prompt us to . Coal. the Little Conestoga bridge on Friday evening . publish such matter without charge? Well .__ last. • j not much. If printers, paper makers and ink EHLER, BRENEMAN & CO., Thirty shares of the stock of the Manheitn makers, will agree to take their pay in the National Bank was sold a few days ago, at i article of public spirit!, we'll think about it." WHOLESALE AND RETAIL *l3O per share. Not a day passes that printers are not asked I DEALERS IN A daughter of Isaac Hubley, had the first , to do something for nothing-to give labor, dnger of her right hand cut off by one of the I paper, ink and wear and tear of matrial - to I COA L, OF THE BES7' Q/7 4 L/71". looms of No. 3 Cotton Mill, on Saturday last. some man, or association, or political aspirant Yaini-OOR. WATER ST. AND PA. R. R. An attempt was made to enter the house df I without remuneration. It is time this thing I Orincv-NO. 2 EAST ORANGE sr, Isaac Buch, in Warwick twp., a few nights I would "play out." A merchant asks ou to LANCASTER PA. [dee 18-ly ago, I advertise his wares at half price and then I -- John Witmer of Millersville, formerly a growls if you do not agree to send him yourC 0A L ! school teacher, died suddenly of apoplexy, paper and puff him every week gratis. If you last week. go to that same man to buy, he is sure to The first No. of the Lancaster Farmer, made 1 charge you the highest price, because, as he BAIIMG A /i 1) NI; 1:* S its appearance last week. It is published says, he has to take his pay in trade, while if under the auspices of the Agricultural and yon were, in imitation of him, to ask him to COAL YARD- Horticultural Society of this county, contains throw in a pair of boots or a hat he would sixteen pages of reading matter, and is edited think you an idiot, and very properly too, for NUT COAL, 45.50; 46.00, Delivered. by a committee, consisting of J. B Garber, be who would think of asking such a man to EGO AND STOV E COAL, yste;s7.oo Delivered. H. M. Bugle, Levi S. Beipt, Dr. W. L. Diffen- do a liberal deed can be but little better than darter, Dr. J. H. Musser and S. B. Rathvon. an idiot. The best thing printers can do is to NICE NO. 6, OR PEA COAL. It will be published monthly, at 51 per annum. let such men grind their own axes, and as far The American Mechanics' Building and as FATHER ABRAHAM is concerned, they At $3.50 and $3.75. Loan Association of this city is meeting with will. Jan 8-211 great success. John B. Livingston, Req., is --..«...------.. . . . the President • J. Haller Snyder , Se cre ta ryt LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS.-Save Time and Samuel Hees, Treasurer, an the Board Books anti Stationery. and Mon e y . of Directors is composed of some of our most ~ A/ you have anything to sell, enterprising business men. The names above HOLIDAY BOOKS If you have lost anything are a sufficient indication that the interests of you lay If you have found anyt an y t hi n g, the Association is in the very best hands AND FANCY GOODS Rudolph Kehler, of Millersville. had his It' you have a house to rent, - If you want **se ui at left hand badly injured a few days ago, by If yen want bo arding, , FOR CHRISTMAS r ahouse ims=it candid In the cylindei of a threshing If you want anything, m e. It is hoped that amputation will Tell Five Thousand People at once, by ad- BIBLES-ENGLISH AND DEDMAN• not be necessary. • vertising in FATHER ABRAHAM. • The Moeavian Church of this city has re- PRAM BOOKS. °thistly undergone a thorough repair and en-WORK largement, and is now one of the neatest MANHEIM AFFAIRS : Henry C. Gibble, ' BOXER. churches leave ever 1 . , It was Isdeth. had his arm badly burned while in the act of • WRITING DESKS. cited on last, ' ~ . • ~.- . cos being at.. putting oil in a lamp The Protestant Epic PORT FOLIOS. tended very large , • . morning, copal Sunday Bobo Ais now held at the hail bf afte d evening. .: . ~ ,i,.... • • men of the Junior American Mechanics A. H. TOY ROOKS. m, on from _ -, resent. :p Belot sold his tavern stand to Mr. Lindentuth pastors or - 7 ' meted In of Pottsville, for /kW Butter sells for 38c; the e in_lBl_4' 00 ' , ' ''•. lard 15; egp The aleu , . . ... Col. potatoes U.OO - , *•••* C. a. ogoo, Coln 4 ' y de -134 88; chickens B®loc per pound; ----1.1,04.----.--•••• GAMES. STEREOSCOPES. CIiEQUERED GAME OF LIFE, POCKET 1100 h S. strayed early on ' , 4,,, * -,; ' h t__,s l "%. "TEE AMERICAN Mnewnc," a monthly Rini" S4X)" ' TM -. ' ' jest a -4,,," • ' l m ana_, heretofore published by Messrs Spiess sa c{ SANTA CLAUS PANORAMA, .- . . :f t .. 6.• • Hs' i , 444 r ., 4 ." - 'nteu Smith, at Harrisburg, bee just made its ap- YOUNG T I LIDER ' S GAME ' to ha' ' • very • , ~, 'oroughlY pearanoe as a weekly, and very hantsomely REBUS GAME, 1 a u bb i tampuing, e . i .4 .., .of some improved. It is the principal Oron se th e WHAT IS IT I GAME, mans dollars* .. ~,, . ' ' ' y $2,500 Order of United American Mechanics, and PETER CODDLE-Most Langimbie Thing on was on the - • - • . • firemen sent to subscribers at $2.00 a year. Earth. w " .. sitlesisa lleged worked WoZ, but a . OLIVER TWIST, to have NARRIED. Call early at the Lancaster County Bible De pository, Corner inlton Row and Went King street, while the stook is fUll,and select the best. deell4tl DANIEL S. BABE. ---- - aloe . of the • iorlE r y, an accoasplic_e of Dorwart, Zheiere Mated last week had swaged from AL aloiebanon,) was convieistiast week a Lebo b * s o A being o i o . n , e m e e rs i e d sentenced p a ten years in the penitenttary. We announce with pleasure the reappoint ment of Capt. Jacob D. Gompf as a Notary Public for this city. Martin Zimmerman of Earl twp., has re ceived a patent for an improved spiggot ; and Levi Haverstick, of Manor twp., one for an im proved, horse bay fork. Jacob litantibr, Esq., was the Attorney. The =it sent from this cityto Philadel phia, on Tuesday evening last, by the 6 p. m. train, was stolen st the Philadelphia depo. The mail was a large one, but most of the letters were recovered and delivered. We have not heard the particulars. C ONTRR-BAWYER. Jan. 10th, in this cit y, by Rev. J. N. Metzger., John B. Gonter of Manor twp., to Mary Ann Sawyer, of Con estogs Centre. WitAvzn—Ean. Jan. 7th, by the Rev. A. H. Kremer, Henry N. Weaver, of Strasburg two., to Sallie B. Erb, of Peones, this county. LZVIINIGHT-NIINNAMACHER. Jan. 10tb, at 0. Shenk's Hotel, by the Rev. J. J. Urine, David B. Levenight to Lizsle Nunnsmacher, of Millersville, this 'outlay. BACIIIIAN—MILLER. Jan. 6th, in this city, at the residence of the bride's snot, E. Whist, by Rev. George Robinson, Martin M. Bachman, of Marietta, Ohio, to Margie R. Miller, of this city. TAGOART-3CI7IIIIAT. On the same day, at the parsonage, by the Rev. A. H. Kromer, Geo. L. Taggart to Mary Murray, bothof this city. DEITSII! THZ .SCIIWEFFLEBRENNER CAMPAIGN LETTERS! • Neatly published in pamphlet form, and now ready. Pases-23 CENTS (single eopy) with liberal terms to Newedealen. Agents wanted swesywbers. *AMU & COCMN ie Po des 1141 Period (cal s. TIE DAILY EVENINt; EXPREss Ii IiNISIIE.4 IT , IMADENS PI:GUL tat!. 1 W,TII THELATEsT NEWS BY MAIT ME 'EAGNETIC Anil all Important Local and (lciivra! lu tcllig };,00:A TEAR; 71.9 J F 01: 3 MIIX TI l'IlE WEEKLY EXPRESs, SATt It DAY PAPE IiST CL, ASS, Contain 4 nil the news of 1 he week up to Friday night, and gives more fresh reading than can he had elsewhere for the saute amount of money. t:rtms: $2.00 PER 1' 1: AR, IN ADVANC E. A ildre9ii PEAARS 4 A, A. Pablishen+, Lancaster, pa dee !Mimi G !Weer leS. ROCERIES, FRUITS, VI AND CONFECTIONS, FOR THE HOLIDAYS, LAYER, SEEDLESS An. VAL I:NCI A A 181 N NFwcuititer, NEW CITRO ' TU R RCM ONES, R E EN ALYTLER E DM ED APPLIKti, J)RIXD rpm' r;:,;, itomary Ram( tht CORN, GREEN PEAS, srirxr PEAS, rnoicE (it AN liElt InES, CHOICE EEN TEA, CHOICE BLACK TEA. Rio, EMMY RA AND JAVA COFFEE , ;, SUGARS AND SYRILTPS. A VARIETY OF CONFECTMNS. AND QUEENS "W. IRE. LAMP GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. All the above of thu best quality and chi ape! than the cheapest. At I). & .1. 111.711.61i 0 5, :.`O-Iyr . ) No. IS East King street, Lune (i(11111 .Igelle y. 1;1..\(:K ITTORN 1.1 .11' LASS Am, 1IILI1AI:1 AND NAVAL 1.1..11:11 \o.: t 1 Lanca,4er. l'a lleing duly licensed an a Claim Agent, and having a large experience, prompt attention will be given to the following classes of claim:: 801 NTY . and due disehartred Soldiers and Sailors. ISOI'NT). (additional} to Sold rs who enlisted for not lets than 2 or 3 years, or were honom- hiv dkeharged for wounds received. ISOCNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or Parents of soldiers who died from wounds re ceived or disease contracted in said service. P sloNs fin• invalid Soldiers unit Sailors, or to their widows or children. PENSIONS for fathers and 'mothers, brothers or sisters of deceased soldiers, upon whom they were dependent. PENSIONS and GRATurri Es for soldiers or their Widows from Pennsylvania, in the War of itin. PAY due Teamsters, Artitkers and Civil em ployees of the tiovernnomt. PAY due for horses lost in the United -Intel service. 'HAM:I:S.—Fees fair awl moderate, and in no ease will charges lie made nit il the Ili 011ey is collected. [doe .25-Iyr* Photographs. ,Pe. 001.1±EN I 1"N P(1,•, , " , o re,,til r I 4 , 1 * NT1.1.:.11.N T4l 1.%1)11;', It hru Ihe light ha kit th hou-e, 11114.1norial.1 SllOl 11S tile , e COM 1/011111i their interest. GILL'S ~t'l'littlt P11(110 Miniature or ()pal Pictures, admitted to be the best in the city and no superior in the ~Leto. Constantly increasing demand and great expe rience in this style oh miniature give us greater facilities and better results than any establish ment outside of large cities. STEI1EO1:I: %PHs Or rME VIEW.- , forth Coat re 'rabic. A lac), prismatic runwitl s. Large Colored Work by some of the hest. Ar tists hi Philadelphia and (.1 Je where, in the high, est style of the art. India 1111 i, I'd:dine, Crayon and colors, at CITY (.ALLERY, No 'JO East hing-st jan Myr) Den t ishw. LANCAKTER, J ane 251.1), 1140 R. El)Vion4 Ezravas: Dr. Win. M. Whiteside, the enterprising Dentist, has purchased from me a large stock of teeth and all the fixtures, the in struments formerly belonging to me, and also those used by my father, Dr. 1 arry, in his prac tice. In the purchase, the doctor has provided himself with some of the most valuable and ex pensive instruments used in dental practice, and has beyond doubt one of the best and lar gest collections of teeth and instruments in the State. Persons visiting the commodious offices of Dr. Whiteside, cannot fail to be fully accom modated. The Doctor loses no opportunity of furnishing himself with every late scientific improvement in his line of business. 11. B. PARRY. WIXT M. WITITEszuw, v • DENTIST. OFFICE .INII EAST KING STREET, Next door to the Court llouse, over laldiet, took's Dry Goods Store, LAXcASTER, PENNA Tath Extr«rtta without pain by the e.4tc 41/ (Nitrous aride) OOF. lio9lo.tr Varnishes, d=e. REINOEHL. JAC. HEINTOEIII., JIL A. A J. REINOEHL, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS COPAL, WHITE, CDFFIN, BLACK AND JAPAN VARNISHES, LIN!!EED OIL, TURPENTINE, /Lc, &c. NO. 109 NORTII QUEEN STREET, (In the Keystone Building,) LANCASTER, PA. Also, Mahogany , Boards, Veneers and Mouldings of different sizes and pat tern& All kinds of Turning, such OA Bed Posts, Table Lege, Spokes, Hubs, Felloes, &c., &e., &c. Also, AXLEa, SPRINGS, •e. (Jon 84yr ZAIDI .:.JACKSON, TCHE s, CLOG KS„I WELRY, !•1`1:( TACLES .kND FANCY GOOD'., No. Li NoRTII QUEEN STREET tirltEr.lll:lNl; TTENI)EI) n0.20-Iyl WA Tcll F. (10('Ks, LOCKS, 0.1,0( The undersigned keeps constantly on hand a large and Mil assortment of the ENUINE AMERICAN W ATCH ES, of dillerent weight and finish, to suit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps also on hand a good assortment of Fall and exam in:: the gookl , before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a oontion ance of the same. HENRY F. ANDREWS, jan 1.41m*) Strasburg, Lancaster eo., Pa. TILE OLD PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANI ACcI: m t:LATF.D CA PITA L. 82,000,000, \ ft er paying Losses to the amount of 41,120,000 I_II.ARTER PERPETUAL. All the• Surplus Dividend amongst Use Policy Holders every year. TIII: ()NIA' TitrLY MUTUAL COMPANY IN THE CITY OR STATE. For furllier information amply to .1( lIIN COrilfiAN, Agent, 1102114 f P. 0., Latteuciter, Pa. t-i-i I=6M C..= 411.. 0:1= r==l =OM aii o.zzi i=r-.4 1101 ffl • 4•••••••4 • 4. I" Air(11iI.1) NI FRI EA CF I', general Agent for Penn , a. 'NORTH QUEEN STREET, (Above .1. F. Long & Son'H Drug Store.) This Col i)pany offers more I , 01.11) an t It E inducements than any other Lite Insurance Company in the country. seml or call and get a Circular. %cave solicitors, mule or female. wanted in every township In the State. [jun 1-)tut Jfitsical htstrilinents. ter. J T B. KEVINSKI SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, 01:tiANs MELODEONS, tail LisfrlthlfiltS Grill re lb, WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS. Also, Agent for PRINCE & CO.'S ORGANS and MELODEONS Ai - Music sent by Mall lien of Postage. No. 3 NORTH PRINCE STREET Lancaster, Pa. J. B. KEVINSK[ BEIM MUSIC SUTURE KLONFICIMA, ORTILLA t MSLODEONII, un 0111, sort& mute Inahtzumental Der Kevineki to agent for tie bereemty Stein wehr Pianos—Klotreera henst mer se urdeltsb . _ Der plats is `0.3 NORD PRINCE, STREET, LANCASTER. N. B. For a first raty Booty Geig, odder an Aecordeon, odder a Tswoerrtoh.Peli odder en- Web miners musical Inahtroment, [lea odder gross, shtept yusbt nt ons Kevinskil, No. 3 Nord Prime Shtroee, Lancaster. [no2Nly THE HOWE SEWING MACITEN E A s a Holiday Gift to a Slister, Wife or friend, they are unsurpassed. The Farmer wants ft for bii Family The Drees and Cloak Maker prefers tt The Seamstress wants it, Lemmie its work 1 sure to give satisfaction. The Tailor has long ago decided It to be the best. for his bueiness. The Carriage Trimmer cannot do without it; and the Shoe Fitter finds that, aftor all, the 110 W E is the machine for him. Sooner or later, everybody will have the HOWE MACHINE. Every Sfaebine is warranted. Every one may be the possessor crone of these unrivalled machines, as we endeavor to make the terms of solo suit all our customers. We earnestly invitee% whher they intrpose purchasing or not, to callgot specimens of the work executed by n eonthe BOWE MA CHINE, and compare It with the was by th ult. erm/hobbies. Mean will toabide by the res C. PATS, Agent, TPkt Sank Queen Meat. dos ISA Jewelry. DEALERS IN SILVER NI) INF:II-PLATED WAITE, LANCAsTE It, PA wATI nEs! Insurance. OF PHILAVELPIII A 1 1 1 - 11:Al. I.IF ETV YORK, \ u. 160 11ROADW DEALER Ix Sole Agent for sTI:INWAY t SONs' GOOK AMOHL DOII ! itooft owe im Sewing .Machistes. FOB THE II O L I D A VS! pENNSYLVA NIA CENTRAL R. R Trains have the Central Depot R 9 fOnOWS: EASTWARD. WESTWARD. C1DCiD.Ex....12:17 a. tri. , Erie Man..— I:tt a. m Plilla.Emirems 5:19 " intik". Exp.;. 2:40 " Fast Line 7:02 " .Mall 11:I5 " Lane. Train.. 9:05 " :rust Lane.— 4:25 p.m Day Express. IA p,m..Colambia Ac. 2:45 " Ifarrisb'g AEL6.O4 " Rant t Ac. 4:64 " j.p.a Ida.. 7:19 " e* E Tix....10:43 " 1/E :11)1N N 1 ) COLUMBIA ON AND AFTER TIII - ItsDAY, NOV. 26.'1-4;8, I'.I• , sENC EnTitaiws MIA BE RUN ON TIIIS ItCI.ID;4B ring,,OWS, Laneagter *AO a. 4.,1114001 3:26p.1001,4,44, solumbia Si* a. 3.20 p.m. ' " WATCH 1:••! IIETIIIINING: • . LHAVX. Aipouvr . . Ite•ad in g• 76104. m. La:ea:it up..., IL 6 , ..... 6:1511.m." • p • :•• Ilk. " ..... 75:10 a. m. Columb46l . ••• !ifiL r t. " ..... 6:15 p. m. " • • • • a.m .. .....81bp. m. Trains leaving Lancaster and Columbia as above, make close connection at Reading with Trains North and Flout)); on Philadelphia and Reading Railroad and West on Lebanon Valley Road. Train leaving Lancaster and Columbia at 8 A. M. connects closely at Reading with Train for New York. Tickets can be obtained at the Ofdees of the New Jersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty street, New Torktand Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, 13th and Callow hill streets, Phila. Through tickets to New York and Philadel phia sold at all the Principal Stations, and Rag gage Cheeked Through. Trains are run by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Time, which is 10 minutes faster than Pennsylvania Railroad Tinto. GEO. F. GAGE, Bald K E. KaavEllt, Crn. Frt. and Ticket Agent. nov 411411 READING RAILROAD WINTER A RR ANGEMENT, MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1%8 rral Trunk Li nefrom the North and North west for Philadelphi«, _New York, Read /say, Pottsrille, Ta»Rolua, Ash/and, Ma- Lciymon, All( ntown, Easton, Eph rata, Litiz, Lonfm , ter, Columbia, ttr. Trains leave llarrisburg for 'pow York RA fol km% s: At 3..50,5.54 B.lu a. m., 12.40 noon 2.a., and p. m ,conne , ting with similar trains on the Pennsylvania lin 11 road and arriving ut. New ork at I i.OO a m ~ .0nn0ii,3.5,1, 7.a , 10 , 5 and 6.15 a. m. reql a V lively. sleeping Cura se coillPailY the 3. 5 0 a. in. a!!1 .o.au p. m. train. %Onion' eharece Ell LV:IVe liarrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, ‘-hlanta, Shamokin. Pine Grove. Allentuttit alai Philadelphia, at 8.10 n. ut , 2.05 and 4.1 , p. m., stopping at Wm non :midprincipal Way :-tations; the 4.10 p. m. train making e' invticins for Phihulalphia and Columbia only. lor Pottsville , chuylkill Ha ven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad, leave Ilarristmrg at, 3.30 p. in. Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 m ,12.00 noon, 5.10 and S.OO p. m., Pludadelphia at 8.15 a. in. and 3.3 a p. nt ; sleeping* tars accompany the 11.00 a. in., 5.10 and 8.80 p. 111. trains from New York, without change Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia, at 730 a 111 connecting with similar train on Emit Penna. Railroad, returning from Heading at 6.35 p. in., stopping at all stations; leave Potts ville at 7.30, 8 45 a. m , and 2 45 p. tn.; Shamokin at 5.25 a. m.; Ashland at. 7.00 a. m., and 12.80 p. M.; Tamaqua at 30 a. m.; and 2.20 p. m , for Phila delphia. Leave Pottsville, yla Schuylkill and Sumac. hanna Railroad at 7.10 a. m. for Harrisburg, and 11.30 a. In for Pine Grove and Tremont. !leading Acf.ommodat lon Train : Leaves Reading at 7:30 a. m., returning leaves Phila delphia at 4:45 p. m. Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leave , . Poi tstown at 6 45 a 1//.5 returning, leaves Phila delphia at 4.00 p to. Columbia Trains leave Reading at. 7410 a. In. and (1.15 p. in. for Ephrata, Lit iz, Las ca-ter. l'olutalda l Vic. l'erkionlen 11,111E0;1d Trains leave l'erklomen .I,metton at 9.15,1 ;a. and 3 30 p. in : returning, :-kippuels at 1.10 a In. and 12 45 p. nt. fleet WI; with 817111 1 / 1 1' trams on Heading Ralf road. :••• ". EMI ni Sunda NOVI/ York at 9 . 0 c p. m., tddladelphia al 800 a. in. 4111 i 315 p. th) a In train calming only to I:eadlag; l'Otts vtlln N. &o a. nt ; la )() rrisburg 5 a. in., 4le and p. , and ItYading at WI, 3.0 n and7.ls a. m. For Ilarrif.burg, ut 1'2.50, and 7.31 a. in. for Niw 1 ark; and at 4 p. tn. for l'lii4a4lelpitia. commutation, Mileitgo, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to and limn all points, at educed rates. 'luggage checked I.llrottgli; 100 pounda allowed _ . Ot r E (1) REA DI NO, PA WC. 14, 1116.1 xTw orit En N CENTRAL RAIL -1.1 w.ty. Trains leave York for Wrightsville aud Co lumbia, at 6:20 and 11:40 a. m , and :1:30p m. Leave Wrightsville for York, at 8:0, a. m., and 1:00 and 6::0 p. in. Leave York for Baltimore, at 5:00 and 7as a. in., I:QS in.; and 12 midnight. I.oave York for Harrisburg. at 1:39,0.15 and OM: a. in., and 2:39 am! 10:15 p. TItAIN' LEAVE 11.4 I.IOINO NORTH. t :::25 R. m., :0141 1:20 and 4:20 p. in omNa sorTa. %t. 3:0 and 6:26 a. lit., and 12:30 and 10:45 p. dccll.tfd ATAIVqIALL & S O\'M BOOT AND 8110 E STORE, CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL—CiviI:7s • CALL. The only place tor good and subalantlal work Is at /I ft SHA I. S , Where can be seen the largest and best assort. went of Men's and Boys' BOOTS AN I) SHOES ever brought. to this city. Ladles', Misses' and Children's plain and fancy Shoe., Iktlinorals And Buttoned Qattara. air Also, RUBBERS OF EVERY KIND, widish we invite you to call and examine; leanest ern • fldent that we can warrant all to 1)0 20 1y ] • N EW SHOE STOItE. • JUST OPENED! NO. 104.4 ON TUE NAST SIDS OF NOW), QUEEN sTBEET, (Between Chestnut and Walnut,) OPPOSITE THE KEYSTONE HOTEL, A LARUE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SNOTS. We take pleasure in informing the citizens of Lancaster and the county that we hovel*" so-' eeived and opened the finest and hest seloalad stock of Men's, Women's, Misses',Bog: i ln d Children's Boots and Shoes ever bought IP city, which we are determined to sell o as THAN do n' t r: HICAPIOIT, TO WON ciurron. We offer you the cheapest shoot in the market, but =Dean saoas rote Lass isoliaa Mao you can purchase elsewhere. Farmers and all other persons flooding /Wavy Boots, will find it greatly to theirativant= buying from us, as we have had oureoaras made to order expressly for retail trodee., and we will warrant them to give good Nails Storekeepers would do well to atomise oar stock, as we keep a large stook of aU kinds of Boots and Shoes, and will sell as low astheyeas buy theta in the city. Don't forget the Valk. RIANHOLD & 6T17118, No. 104 1 .4 North Queen Stt, Opposite K'eystone rtel, InsamAor, Fa. dee :u•ec J.ICOR BOTHAHMEL, • PR EmttTm BRUSH MANUFACTURER. COMBS AXD FAY(' Y AB77CLBS., NO. es Nowni QUEEN NTitillT, LANCASTI.B, TA. iies le Railroads. h;..1. NICOLLA, (.4eileral -uperintendent (denlBltdtw Boots mid Shoes. E Ali. WELL ih DRALXIt IN 13:12133 10:20 a. in . s:4 , p.m 1 1 1:2tYa. w 5:1101). a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers