sent the editor of the True Democrat a cask of ale ou Christmas, whereat the youngsters were greatly elated, and gave Lauer more than the worth of it in ad vertsing. Sharp Lauer Jacob Small, an active business man of York, died re cently, aged 34 The Presbyterian Sunday Anniversary on Sunday last was a great success. $5OO was con tributed during the last year A Teachers' Institute was in session in York last week The clergymen of the various denominations in York unite in observing tlw World's week of prayer, holding 111,1111 gs alternately hi the differ ent ehur:•hes Markets in York: Flour s9(fr 12.51 1 : Wheat $201:2.1(1; Itye $1.40; Corn 77; Butter 311(a 40; Eggs 3AOI 35 Beef, ruts 12;',/ 25, front wrtgons sl7' 15; Pork .ifs, , r 12; Lard 140120. fdocal I,etvo. ITEms : Dr. A. H. Brisbane has purchased the two-story brick dwelling of Mrs. Shertz, in East Ring, above Lime, for $4,800. The Mont Joy people are becoming excited about the location of the Postoffice in that borough. " High up, low down or middle ways," is the question Most people, else where, are excited about who's to be P. M. The Expregs save that all the members of our City police resolved on Christmas Day that they would hereafter abstain from the use of intoxicating liquor. A good resolution. Did they decide whether " lager" would in toxicate? The Sisters' Home, at Ephrata, took tire on Wednesday last. It. was extinguished before much damage was done. It was caused by a stove pipe where it went through the floor to an upper room. The lianasoine gothic chapel erected by St. Jatnes' Episcopal parish, of this city, on the corner of Locust street and stony alley, was dedicated on Monday last by Bishop Morris, who is acting for Bishop Stevens during his indisposition. A valuablo horse, and harness were stolen from the stable of Mr. Washington Walker, of Little Britain township, on New Year's night. The horse was recovered on Saturday, near Stedvillo, Chester county, straying in the road, but the thief was not found. Two attempts had been made in the same neigh borhood to steal buggies, but were unsuccess ful. Columbia is going to haves Hook and Lad der Getty:ley. Otheers have already been elected, and arrangements made to raise the necessary tends. The following Lancaster county men have been put into "Snuggeries" at Harrisburg, one for each member of the Legislature : In the Senate, Denjamin Haldeman, of Colum bia, Doorkeeper ; Capt. A. Godshalk, of Itsamstown, Assistant Doorkeeper, and Percy Youngman, City, Page. In the House, Capt. A. Setley, of New Rolland, A. Musketnuss, City, Ja.cob St rein, ColtiMbia l anti Wm. Dealt, rity, in the Folding DepartMent. neejaiiiin Misbler has sold to Jay Cadwell. that pe rt of his Centre Squareproperty, in this city, oc‘mpied by .1. It. Watkins' liquor store, for $9,160. Wu. 0. J. Dickey sold a two story brick dwelling, in Vine street, this city, to Jacob rimer, for $ „AS). Francis T. Hart and D. S. Keneagy, of Strasburg, have obtained a patent for an itn provement in breaking the Surge on harness and vehicles. lt is said to be a very useful improvement. Henry M.!Cit:lough, of Marietta, has also receivell a patent for improved collar for pipes in hot- blast furnaces, which, it is said, will be highly ..cononairal. A son of henrylti. Musser, lumber merchant, near Marietta, i.ged 'twelve years, was almost instantly killed on Mat Thursday, by a pile of lumber falling en- him, oat of which he was trying to chase a rabbit. Thomas Grieves sold his two-story dwelling house, in East orange street, which formerly belonged to Wan. Carpenter, Esq., to Hon. Benjamin Champneys, for $9,000. The Presbyterian titinday School, at Stras burg, has contributed 872.70 to the cause of Missions, since May last. Highly creditable. Mr. Elias th man, of West Lampeter township, died on Thursday last. His age was about sixty, weighed considerably over three limnind pounds, and measured only five feet two inches. Bishop :Morris, of Oregon and Washington territory, administered the rite of Confirma tion in St. James' and St. John's Episcopal churches, in this city, on Sunday last. Nathaniel Doman . , recently arrested for several robberies in this and Lebanon coun ties, escaped from jail in Lebanon, on Friday last. The sheriff of that county has offered a, reward of $lOO for his apprehension. Conrad Moser, who received fatal injuries by his horse running off and throwing him from his vehicle, on the-26th ult., died last Friday, at• his resilience, in this city. The lie.lBoll for shooting partridges closed on the 2oi Li of December ; a fact of which our sportsmen will please take notice. The present law imposes a tine of $23 for each partridge shot out of season. The York Republican boaxts that William Hoke, of Manchester township, killed two hogs recently, t hu weight respectively of which were 626 and 727 wunds. They were only sevonteen months old. -it asks with an air of triurnpb—"Can Lancaster county beat them?" W here's Adamstown? The World's week of Prayer is being ob served in this city, by nearly all of the Pro testant clergymen and their congregations. Prayer meetings have been held every after noon in 'the several churebee, alternately, the clergymen who join in the movement acting together. The meetings have been largely attended, and will close with a Union Com munion in St. John's Lutheran church, on Saturday afternoon. A hill passed the State Senate on Tuesday last, authorising the Governor to appoint two additional Notaries Public in this county— one in this city endows la Warwick township. The Lancaster anti New Holland Turnpike Company have declared a dividend of $1 a share ; the Lancaster and per share ;_ Lancaster and Ephrata, $1 per share—all for the last six months. James B. Kennedy, of Bart township, has been appointed Mercantile Appraiser for 10169. A correspondent of the Exprea, in O'Brian.- von township, this county, writes that there is an elm tree in his neighborhood which m«nuures t wordy fei.t in circumference at the trunk, and ogle, pf its branches measures il twelve feet ' k hes in circumference. He Also write s . John A. eta or Amt a turac., .0 Labuiabui to market., which weigh so, .tressed, tieskvinpiaen pounds, and received 12:i for it. At treilit4lbig turkey. ', 4 1 . • --- liai _ THE lix .....i ~, ,t 4. vinare : The Penn sylvania 1-' ll % , '' e spanning the Sus quehanna al; a ,' tlt was opened to gen eral % towel 0 , ‘ aornin. last. Gate keepers a " 4 ~ taken their places, and a .. , a 1. * established. The follow's** ." e he Of toll : Foot pas. senger, d ormsll4.; ' wheeled, 5 horse carriage used fur rearponaidf triad°, 111.50 ; 4 wheeled 5 horse writs^ . 01.25; 4 wheeled 4 horse 44 vi k r car riage, $1; ~it drawn' by' three horses, 75 cents earlier, wn $ 2 horses, 62 cents ; carriage drown . 37 cents; car riages of p 1 ~ iem 4 horses, $1; d raw n by , ~./4„. ; drawn by 1 horse, be ollvj two ,w carriages for trade or agiFtWilpinisk 4 4 37 Dente; 1 horse, 23 (rata ; Tar 01011050 at i sleigh drawn by 4 boniest 74 ' , emits ; drawn hp 2 *wales, 40 cents ; by one hers., 31 cents i home with rider, 25 cents ; without rider, le onitts ; for every head of horned cattle, 3 cents; flit every head of sheep or swine, 2 cents. military dev taahmenta of this Stara, and those who attend tamale are exempted from the payment et tolls, BURGLARY, ROBBERY AND VANDALISM IN MIDDLETOWN : A series of very daring burglaries and robberies were perpetrated in Middletown, Dauphin county, during Tues day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights of last week. The town has a popula tion of six or seven thousand, but is entirely without any police regulations, and hence the citizens are at 4.he mercy of any gang of ras cals who may visit the town. On Tuesday night the tailoring establishment of Mr. Etnbig, on Union street, was entered, and two Snits of clothing valued at one hundred dollars carried off. The same night they broke into the office of Etter, Suplee & Carmany, lumber tnerchants; but finding no booty, they disar ranged the papers and books, and made an ineftectual effort to force open the safe. The next night they entered a school room, a printing office and the Assistant United States Assessor's office, all of which are in the same building. In the school they scattered the books, &c., and upset and broke the school furniture. In the printing office—the Middle town Journal—they upset thiugs generally, knocking forms into pi and scattering the type over the floor. In the Assessor's office they examined the papers, but it is not known whether they carried anything away. On Thursday night an attempt was made to cuter a dwelling on Ann street, but without success. On Friday night the carpenter shop of Jacob Keefer, on Union street, was broken open and a number of tools carried off. With these they attempted to effect an entrance into the notion store of Lewis Hcmperly, on Main street, but were disturbed in their operations. They then proceeded to Harrison Orth'e tin ware store, on the saws street, where they committed various acts of vandalism in smashing and breaking up the tinware. The grocery and clothing store of Messrs. Back stresser & Brother, corner of Main and Centre Square, was next visited, and silverware to the amount of about $4OO carried off. This concluded their series of depredations. The good people of Middletown are much excited over the matter, and measures will be taken to prevent a recurrence of the outrages, and efforts made to arrest the perpetrators of the above. THE AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICUL TURAL SOCIETY, held its animal meeting in the Orphans' Court Room, in this city, on Monday last. Notwithstanding the Inclem ency of the weather, the attendance was quite large. Several new members were elected, articles of interest wore read, and some die emotion of subjects of interest to farmers and others interested. The election of officers was held, with the following result: Presi dent, IL M. Engle ; Vice Presidents, L. S. heist, H. K. Stoner, J. Hartman Hershey, J. 11. Garber ; Recording Secretary, Alexan der Harris; Treasurer, Dr. P. W. Hiestand ; Corresponding Secretary, A. D. Hostetter; Chemist, Dr. J. H. Musser ; Botanist, Jacob Stauffer ; Entomologist, S. S. Itathvon ; Li brarian, J. IL Erb. Levi S. Hoist Esq, was elected to represent the Society in the Board of Managers of the East Pennsylvania Experimental Farm, in Chester county, 1!==lall ‘!NABBY " IN LANCASTER : Mr. Locke, better known as " Petroleum V. Nasby, , P. M., wick is Poettnaster," at " Confederit X Roads," will deliver his celebrated lectnre, entitled " Cussed be Canaan," on Friday evening of next week, January 13th. He has been delivering this lecture in some of the principal cities, during the last two months, to large and delighted audiences. The pro ceeds of the lecture will be for the benefit of St. John's Lutheran Church, under whose auspices the services of Mr. Locke have been secured. GRAND ARMY Ot•` THE REPUBLIC: The following gentlemen have been elected officers of the above organization, for the ensuing term : Post Commander, J. K. Rutter ; Seni or Vice Commander, J. K. Barr; Junior Vice Commander, J. W. Yocum ; Adjutant, Edgar C. Reed ; Quartermaster, J. C. Muhlenberg ; Sergeant Major, Jesse Nye ; Quartermaster Sergeant, J. N. Kilgore ; Post Chaplain, J. E. Barr; Delegates to the State Convention to meet at West Chester in January, E. C. Reed, C. D. Rupley, J. K. Barr, W. W. Hop kins and E. H. Thomas. WE call attention to the advertisement of A. & J. Iteinoehl, manufacturers and dealers in Paints, Varnishes, &c. in this paper. Their business is well established, and they will be found perfectly reliable in all their dealings. • iiv•AltlNl AND Iio:WIC is a weekly illustrated Agricultural and Fireside Journal of sixteen handsome pages, devoted to the interests of Farmers. Gardeners, Fruit Growers and Flo rists, edited by Mr. Donald G. Mitchell, assisted by a large corps of practical Agriculturists. rhe Fireside Department, edited by Harriet Beecher stowe. assisted by_ Mrs. Mary E. Dodge, with Grace Greenwood, Madame Le Vert and other able contributors. Terms for 3860—Single copies St, invariably in advance; 3 copies Ste; 6 copies •15. Any one sending us 05 for a club of lb copies (all at one time) will receive a copy tree A specimen copy of the first number sent free. Address Pettengill, Bates & Co., Pub lishers, 37 Park ltow, New York. MARRIED. BIDIDIESDERFEU—LANDis. Jan. Zitli, at Ynudt's hotel; by the Rev. W. T. Gerhard, Samuel M. Bimmesderfer t, Lizzie M. Lan dis, both of East Hemptield township. WARVEL—KRPLINORR. Dec. 29th, by Rev. J. J. Striue, at his residence, Adam H. Warfel, of Manor, to .Mary Keplinger, of Mountville. BittCKA.HT—HZIMIIICY. Dec. :list, at C. Shenk's hotel, by the same, C. W. itrimkart, of West Heniptleld, to Kate Hershey, of Its pho. WRIGHT—KAUFFMAN. Jait. 31, at S. Falwe l l hotel, by the same, Abraham M. Wright to Barbara A. Kanffman, both of Manor. RENDER—MILER. Jan. sth, ia this city, by Bev. J. G. Fritchey, Jacob H. Bender to Anna M. Miller, both of Manor. DIED. I'ANCOAST. Jan. 4th, in this city, Eliza, Pannonia:, in the 71st year of her age. Sttrusg. Dec. 31st, in tide city, Mary Snyder, aged 74 years and 29 days. ZAHK. Dec. 31st, in this city, Emily Bigler, infant daughter of A. M. and Itfaria L. Zahn), aged 8 months. Ecust.4.l'. Jan. let, in this city, Elisabeth. daughter of Jacob and Margaret Eckman, aged 3 years , _ 6 months and $ days. HAVS. Dec. 29th, in this city. John Haus, aged 62 years, 8 months and 7 days. THE HAPAKETS. lAaa►ster Household Markets. LANCASTER, Jou. I. Butter Vlo, 44 i 80 Lard, Egge,t h Id 18 / doe. ti Beef, by quarter, for front, ifl lb 110 10 do. do. do. hindquarters 11 14 Small Pork, per quarter, for front 12 14 do do. do. hindquarters Whole H per lb 3i, 12 19 do. ii reared,) each 40 80 Potatoes, bus 00 110 do. half l er 1 14 15 Turni es, half p pa is, half 8 Appl 26 Coos hi e ear it bur 100 35 Oath, "bag of ; hum 100 fi 190 =I ileadiais Ilharkeis (Prow the 11th Eagle.) January & Sa/terP P. 46 . 5o Lard, SI p. 24 ee.. .. ~..., lg 44 ISO lvlrsblerene • ll . • • Ir.. C %Item, per lb. IS IS relates% bee IS Seely Vla • ' IS ISO Perk de. , w per suareer I 14 l Mamie. per lb e se Coal, peries... ' • 3.; The Produce Markets. 'PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 6.—The Flour market con tinues greatly depressed, and prices vre droop ing as the inquiry is confined exclusively to a small lot for the supply of the home trade sales of superfine at 0445 50 per bbl • extra, at $ l 6O 650 600 bbls. lowa and Wisconsin extra faintly *7.50@7.75;5tt Minnesota do. do. at $7. 5 04 . 0 4 ; do. do, at $8.50@9.50; Ohio and Indiana do. do. at $96 , 10, and fancy lots at +ll6 , i 3, its to quality. Rye Flour is scarce and commands +7 75@9. In Cornmeal nothing doing. The Wheat market is very dull at yesterday's figures; sales of 2,000 bus. reit at 41.85(t2.03; 100 bus. No. 1 Spring, at +l.BO. The receipts of Corn, by water. boa ceased, and by railroad they are trifling. The demand is good, and prices are higher; sales of 1.000 bus. new yellow at 910.41.00. 1,000 bus. new mixed Western at 96c. The current demand for Oats continues lim ited, and only 2,000 bus. western sold at 73@76e , and 1,000 bus. light Pa. at 050. No change in Barley or Malt. There is a good demand for Cloverseed, with sales at +8@8.50. Prices of Timothy and Flaxseed remain as last quoted. Whiskey is very quiet; small sales at $1.02@ 1.06, tax paid. Philadelphia ('attle Market. MONDAY, Jan. 4.—The Cattle market was ac tive this week, and prices were rather firmer; about 1,400 head arrived and sold at inAllc. for extra Penn'a and Western steers; stWe. for fair to good do., and s@7c. per lb., gross, for com mon, as to quality. The following are the particulars of the sales: 35 head A. Christy & Bro., Chester co.. Syfe,ll 25 " Dengler & MeClesse, Chester. 7fp 8 1 4 50 " P. McFillen, Lancaster c 0..... 8 WO 75 " P. Hathaway, Lancaster co— 8 1 4121 py 72 " J. S. Kirk, Chester co Bth , 1 '25 " 11. MeFil/en, Chester co 8 9 9 4 75 " Jas. MeFillen, Western 8 0 .4 '2O " E. S. Mennen, Chester eo 8 9 64 " Ullman & Bachman, Chester.. 8 19 155 " Martin Fuller & Co., Western. 7 130 " Mooney & Smith, Western..... 6 l i at 70 " I'. Mooney & Bro., Virginia... 5 9 54" 11. Chain Penna 6 11,4 75 " John Smith, Ohio 8 1 A 10 61 " .7. H. Frank, Western 6 9' 90 " Frank & Schomberg, Western 6 00 " -- Hope & Co., Chester co 8 ill 30 " M. 113ryf006 2 Virginia. .......... .......... 7 I' . 4 trgth.. 80 " Eleon & Co., Virginia 21 " I). Branson, Chester county.. 6 7 10 7t " Chandler& Alexander,Chester 5 10 27 " Kemble & Wallace, Chesterco 7 10 21 " J. Kulp, Penns S SS " S. Steinberg, Virginia 7 9 34 " Jesse Miller, Chester co . 8 10 Hogs were in fah:demand at, the la te advance ; 4,000 head sold at the different yards at WU 11.5018 100 lbs. net. Sheep were in demand at an advance; 6,000 head sold at 5(47c. sfl lb., gross, as to condition. Cows were unchanged ; 150 head sold at $5O. 85 for cow and call, and $404400 %8 head for swingers. New Advertisements. NrASBV!! MR. D. R. LOCKE, Iwtter known as PETIto- LEUM V. NASBY, Postmaster at Confederate X Roads, will lecture in the COURT HO 1" E ON FRIDAY EV'N(, JAN. 15. " CUSSED BE CANAAN." WM= Proceeds tor the benefit of Lutheran Church. Doors open at 7. Lecture to commence ut 7% o'clock. TICK El's, 50 CI: STs—To be bad at the Hook and Jewelry Stores, and at the Lancaster Post (Moe. (Jan 6-It C 0 A L! /; .1 U 31 G ARDXER'S COAL YARD Tt''l tA L, OSA; , }6.00, Delivered FAA; . I .ND sTov E COAL, $8.5u07.00 Delivered NICE NO. 0, OR PEA COAT., and $3.7,"x, jan Mt] AL7C. ILEINOEHL. JAI;. I:EINOEHL, & J. ItEINOMIL. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS WTOTE,.COFFIN, BLACK AND JAPAN V A 71 NISLIES, LINSEED OIL, TURPENTINE, &c., c. NO. 109 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (In the tiey6tone Building,) LANCAM'I'KR. Also, Mahogany Boards, Veneers and Mouldings of sizes and pat terns. All kinds of Turning, such as Bed Posts. Table Legs, Spokes, hubs, Fellot.%, &c., &e., Also, AXLES, SPRINGS, dc. COURT PROCLAMATION Whereas, the Honorable H ICNRY 0 LONG, President, and Honorable ALEXANDER L. HAYES, and JOHN J. LERHART, Associate Judges of the Court of Cominon Pleas in and for the County of Lancaster, and Assistant Jus tices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the County of Lancaster, have issued their Preelipt to me directed, re quiring me, among other things, to make pub lic Proclamation throughout my bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, and ageneral Jail Delivery, also a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court House, in the City of Lancaster, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nut, on the THIRD MONDAY IN JANUARY, (the 15th,) 1809. in purtnuntee of which precept PUaLIC NOTION is ttlltaßY olvgS, to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Lancaster, in the said county, and all the Justices of ILO Peace the Coroner and Constables, of the said city anti county of Lancaster, that they be then and there in their own proper persons with their rolls, records and examinations, and inquisitions, and their otherramembrauees, to do those things M which to their °acs appertain, In their behalf to be done; and also all those who will prose cute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be in the jail of said county of Lancaster are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be put. Dated at Lancaster, the Stti day of December, MSS. dee2B4tlBwd&B6wl JACOB F. FREY, Sheriff. Books am! Stationery, HOLIDAY BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS BIBLES-ENGLISH AND GERMA N PKAYKK BOOKS WORK BOXES, WEITING DESKS PORT FOLIOS. • TOY BOOKS. STEREOSCOPES. POCKET BOOKS GANEF. CHEQUERED GAME OP LIFE, !MSS° SCOPE, SANTA CLAUS PANORAMA, YOUNG TRADER'S GAME, REBUS HAHN, WHAT IS IT 1 OAHE, PIC Ea TXP CODDLE—Mast laughable Thing on rth, OLIVER TWIST, SIX NATIONS, &c., &C. ball early at the Lancaster County Bible De. pository, _Comer Patton Row and Wm* King Strait, While Hie stook is DIU, and select tits best. desll4ll DANIRL S. BARR. TkoLsts: %;,.00A YEA R; *1.25 FOR 3 314 )NTIIS dee 18.6 n] A VARIETY OF CONFECTIONS, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. LAMP GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION (jun se-i AND FANCY GOODS Neatly published In pamphlet form, mid now ready. Paion—lS CENTS (single copy) with liberal terms to Newsdealer.. Agent. wanted everywhere. RAUCH COCHRAN* Publisisit 6 I Lancaster, l'eriodirals. • THE DAILY EVENING EXPRESS FURNISHES ITS READERS 12 ;ULA HIT w , TH THE LATENT NEWS BY M IL MID NIAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. And all Important Local and General In telligence. THE WEEKLY ExPRE,,,;, A SATURDAY P. PER 01."I'HE FIRST CLASS, Contains all the news of the week up to Friday night, mei gives more fresh reading than can be had elseit here for the same amount of money. T l :ltust ti 2.00 PER YEA IN . DV ANCE. Address PIPIARSOL;II , :IST, Publishers, La st er, Pa G roce ries. GR'c 'ERIEs, AND CONFECTIONs, FOR TIIE IT OLIDA Vs. LAußoicw.,Ess AN]) (•1 A RAISINS NRIAT CU*TB, NEW C TUR itUNR4 GRIM 144E8, DRI RD APPLIII, m AR PRACHEs, 81 t t CORN. EEN PEAs, spLIT PEAS, CHOICE CRANBEHRIEs, CHOKE GREEN TEA, CHOICE BLACK TEA. RIO, LAGUTRA AND JAVA COFFEES, SUGARS AND SYRUPS. All the above of the best quality and cheap!' than the cheapest. At D. S.& J. S. KRSK'S, hov 2 0 -lyr) No. 18 Ens U King street lane Coal. EIMER, BRENEMAN & CU, WHOLEsALE ANI) Ii ETA I L DEALERS IN FOAL, (►l'' THE BEST QUALITY YARD—colt. w KR ST. AND P %. R. R. Orricx—NO. 2 EAST ORANI.;E: LANCASTER, PA. [tlee Claim ..-Igeney. JAMES I3LACK, ATTORNEY AT LA NV, ALAI) MILITARY AND NAVA I. CLAIM AGENT, No. sti East King-st., Lancaster, Being duly licensed ns a Claim Agent, and having a largo experience, prompt attention will bo given to the following classes of claims: BOUNTY and PAY (Inc diFeharged Soldiers and Sailors. BOUNTY (additional) to Soldiers who enlisted for not less than 2 or 3 years, or were honora bly discharged for wounds received. BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or Parents of Soldiers who died from wounds re- • . _ . calved or disease contracted In said service. PENSIONS for invalid Soldiers and Sailors, or to their widows or children. PENSIONS for fathers and mothers, brothers or sisters of deceased soldiers, upon whom they were dependent. PENSIAAS and GRATUITIES for soldiers or 'their Wlddws from Penns},dvania in the War of 1812. PAN" due Teamsters, riltleers lot.l elo. ployeeB of the Governmont. PA \ due for ilOrS(46 lomi to thi• ("oiled :-lulcs Kerr ice. CliAßGEzs.—Fees fair and moderate. and In no case will charges Is' made mall the money is collected. [dee I.llyr* Photogswphs. GOLDEN ( F l'an lots Fothes• to hafigho 3tothrr 1, Soul GENTLEMEN To 1..\ DIE,‘ the lightims left the house, memorials such a , these compound their MI PROTO Miniature or ()pal Pictures, athuilletl it) be the best In the ritennei no superior in the State Constantly increasing tleinaral and great expe rience In this style of miniature give us ;treaty) facilities anti better results than an:, establish went outside uf large cities. STET? EO4; U.% Pit WIMP: VI for lb( Centre Table. Also, prismatic lost rumenis. Large Colored Work by some of the heat Ar tists in Philadelphia ant elsewhere, in the high, est styleof the art. India Ink, Pastille, Cotyon and colors, at BILL'S 014 TY GALLERY, No.lfi Elvit jan Myr] j Dentistry. LANCASTNA, lmsc 3slb, lN6E. Eorrons Exraisse: Dr. Win. M. Whiteside, the enterprising Mutts!, has purchased from me a large stock of teeth and all the fixtures, the in struments formerly belonging to me, and also those used by my father, Dr. Parry, in his prac tice. In the purchase, the doctor hag provided himself with some of the most valuable and ex pensive Instruments used in dental practice, and has beyond doubt one of the best and lar gest collections of teeth and instruments in the State; Persons visiting the commodious °tikes of Dr. Whiteside, cannot fail to bet fully accom modated. The Doctor loses no opportunity of furnishing himself with every Late scientific improvement in his line of business. IIXT wiirrEslDE, vv DENTIST. OFFICE: 1N1) nKsiDENs E, EAST KING STREET, Next, door to the Court Douse, OVVI' Fahne fbek's Dry I;(xvi. Store, i..t Nt'ASTEU, .7t N Milt Exacted without !obi by liar ICir Nllll.llls Oxide) uoDD-tf PENNSYL v.tNI srf ITSIt! THE SCHWEFILEHRENN ER CA 7411 A TT ERS dee MU' ZAIIM .JACKSON, litl'l'C'llF:l,C LOC KS, •I E I:11Y, I: • rat 1.E• 4 \.n lAN(' Nn. r, /1:111 QUEEN sTREET Bo It El' 1I1:!\1, .1.1I'EN1)1:1) To): 4,4 no.!0-1y] IV .1 Tte II Es! The undersigned keeps constantly on hand a large and full assortment of the /,1•:NI .1,24E11it; AN 11 ATCII of different weight and finish, to suit all. which are sold upon the most reasonalde terms, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps also On hand a good assortment of l'l,O4UKs. Call and examine t he goods before purchasing' elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, 1 nolteit a eontinu 11111(.41 of the saine. 11 EN It Y F. .t NI)4E:WS, inn 14;ni.] strasburg, Laneaster en , THE OLD PENN 3117:11 -AL LIFE INtiI7LINCE COMPANY Ace I."3Ii'LAI•ED CAPITAL,.,.‘2,IOI. JO), tfter paying Losses to the amount of sl,lll,fssi ill the ~..urplus Dividend amongst the Policy Holders ereey year, VIE ONLY TRULY MUTUAL Comp vsy THE CITY OR sTATE. For further information apply to flag - IRAN, Agent, P. U., Lancaster, Pa. wr2o-t t'l 11 gaga C.... 2 iVa 411 W., 1:204 I= ca•o2 boiewall banal rm.= .111 I=za E-1 igzza NW .11111111 MMIC 4 ' lnlllo l , ammemlM• .•“••••••• ,••••••••• •mainx•r • WolILI) LIVE IN' I. l'. FRU i;eneral Agent for Pc nn , o NORTH qu EEN sT It EF:l', ( 'sbove J. F. Loflg & Drug Store.) This Company iiih•rs more 01.11) and I E.ll. inducements than any Whoa . IA re Insurancr Company in the country. vend or call and get a l'ircular. .‘ciive solicitors, malr or trinale. wanted curry township in thr r taut, Nan 1.43 in• usteal I sestruments, tee. lrii. KEVINsKI SHEET MUSIC, Pi A NOS, OM; AN " MELODEONS, NVORLD RENOWNED PIANOS. Also Agent for PRINCE h Ct).'; Ofti:ANS and MELODEoN- 4 *it - Music sent by Mail Free of Postage. N 0.3 NORTII PRINCE STREET, Liiimoiter. hi. J. B. KI VtlitiKl sEIM Mt'sFC H.LOIMICERA, OnYELLA, MELODHoNP, 1111 allk• norta music Inalttritmenta! Der lievlnski is Agent for de bereeintv Stein wehr 11111110i4—KloiTV,erat, boast mei* se of tleitsh. Der plots Is No. 3 NOR[) PitINCE STREET, lsTElt. N. B. born first nity gooty Geig, (side'. an Accordeon, odder a 'rfiwwrrieb-relt, (wider en ntoli onners musical Inghtionnient, Ides odder gross, slitopL yustat nt ons lievitiski , s, No. g 'Nord Prince Slams., Lancaster. [nary'-ly M8EZ3133 THE HOWE sEIVING M.1(I n Holiday Gift to Lt, Sister, lA' ite or I I tend, they are unsurpassed. The Former wants P for his 1." ahlihr Drers and Cloak Maker it The Seametreme wants it, bront-e k sure to give satiAllet lon. The Tailor has long to t 114 I)? t it for lib' buKinosm. The Carriage Trimmer cannot no a Mont H; and the Shoe litter tinds that, after :all, It, ROW r: is the machine for him. Sooner or later, wierybody 131..“, the HOWE MACII leery Macbine Ls warrainto) Evety one may Im pom.iesior of one or these unrivalled machines, a. WO endeavor to make the terror of sale sett alt our eustenterm. We earnestly invite all, whether 1b..) , purpose purchasing or not, to call und get speetinelel oC the work executed by us on the 11411 V I.; awl compare it with the work done by other machines. N'e are willing to abide by the reeult. Ma /4411) evel ry. 1)}: A I.lh:l{S IN sILV %ND , 11:1 Fit-19.1:1'El) %WARE, LANCASTER', PA Av .‘ T( it ES 1 cLocK,%;. cLo( '1,0( In sur«nee. ut I'IIII.ADELPIII I._ HARTER PEItrETt: AI NEW i()//K. 4). Ino B OADW A DEALER IN .11ti.4ee! In.,truittriats Sole .Ige-nt fur 1 N 't Y & sll N s GOOK AXIOM, DOH Roca um itil Sewing Machines. LOLL H4)LIDA DKALICII IN COMBS .4 ND /ANC Y .1 R 11'/( '4llO, No. 8.%; . 1N4111711 QUIMN STHICET, C. PATE, Agent, LA ICCASTIM, r.t. 9t,; North yawn street. dee le pEN ti\yl. V.lN IA CENTRAL R. S. Trains leave the Central Depot as follows:. N;ASTWARD. WREITWARD. Cinehi. Ex a. In. Erie Mail.— 1:50 a. VI. Phila. Ex,press 5:12 Phila. Exp... 2:40 " East Line 7:02 " Mail 11:15 " Line. Train.. 9:05 " 'Fast Line...:. 2:55 p.IaL Day Expres, 1:45 p.m. Columbia Ac. '2:443 " Harrish*:!, Ae..5:51 " liarrisl)l4 Ac. 5:54 " Tamo. Train.. 7:29 " hula. Hay-10:43 " 111.: N(; AND cOLUAII3I AIL It UN AND AFTER TI I [HSI/A Y, NOV. 26, IS6B, PA FA( FR TRAINS WILL BIF RUN ON . ItO I), AS FOLLOWS: LEAVE. Lill ,. nAer.... .S:00 a. m p. m. oln mbin .....8:00 a. in. .....3:20 p.m. H ETU LEAVE. 71430 a. In. 6:15 p. m 7:0) a. in. 6:15 p. DI. IMIMIIM • altactot Lancastor.....ll:ls p.n. (u ambit% -0:25 a. la . Wt. o • p. m. I'ruiileaving I.ancael et' and Columbia as ;i1 love. nmakr close connect ion at Reading with Trains North and South; on Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. and W est on Lebanon Vanity Road. Train leaving Lancaster and Columba' sit 8 A. M. connects closely at Reading with Train for New York. Tickets can heobtained at the Offices of the New Jersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty et reel , New Yoe k ;and Ph iladelphiaand Reading Railroad, 13th and Cello% hill streets, Phila. Through tickets to New York and Plidadet phis sold al all the Principal Stations, and Bag gage Checked Through. Trains are run by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Tinie which Is i 0 minutes faster thaw Pennsylvaniaßailroad Tina,. GEO. F. GAGE, Supt. E. E. Kinivita, Gen. Frt. and Ticket Agent. nov 20-t - • READING RAILROAD. _Vett' hug WINTER ARRANGEMENT, MONDAY, DECEMBER 14,1868. ,Ta I l' rt i nk iaef ill,» the .North and NONA west for Philadelphia, New York, Biwa ' ay, Pottscille. 'Tamaqua, Ashland, NU ,,101,4;1, Lebanon, Num, Eflston. t(P. Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, ctc. Trains leave llarrisburg for ow 1 ork as fa-, lows: At 5.5), 4.10 a. in., 12.40 noon 2.0 a anal 10.50 p. m , conneet hug wit h similar trains on Op Pennsylvania hallroad and arriving at NW 1 ork 11,0 , 1 a ' 12.20 noon, 3.50,7.00,10.0 p. nay and 6.15 a. in. respectively. Sleeping Care Ws company the 3.50 a. in. and 10,50 p. ut. train, wi t Malt ,bane. Leave llarrusburg for Reading, POttaVidia, 'Pa mail na, 11 I lie rsv 1 Ile, Ashland, filaamolds, l'i no Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia, aA, S.lO a. m , 2.05 and 4.1 p. m., stopping at 7.eila -11011 nudpri m lipal Way `tuitions ; the 4.10 p. train mak illg eon in el ions for Philadelphia t Columbia only. km' Pottsville, sehuylkill van and Auburn, via Schuylkill and SusqUe hanna Itailroad. leave Ilarrisburg at. 3.30 9. m. bat turning: I.eax e New York at 9.LN a in ,121/ noon, 5.10 and 8.18) p, 711., Philadelphia at 8.15 a. m. and 3 3a p. to ; sleeping ears accompany the a. at. 5.10 and 8.00 p. In. trains ft om New York, without change Way Passetiger Train leaves Ph dude] phis ar, 7 30 a inconneeting with similar train on E Penna. ;railroad, rot urn lag from Reading 631 p. m. ' slopping at all stations; leave Pals i Ile at 7.30, S 45 a. m ,1111 , i 2 44 sliamokim at 5.25 a. Ashland at 7 00a. 111., and 12.30 9. ra.; Tannic; na at a3O H. ill.; and 220 p. In., for 11111a delph Leave pottsville, via Schuylkill and Austria.- hanna It ail road at 7. Ii a. in. tor liartiaburg, and 11.30 a in for Pine Grove and Tremont. PE MI MI MI R. 4. Catl El Reading Accommodation Train : Leaser it(moling ut 7:3.1 a. tn., returning leave 4 Phila delphia tit 4:15 p in. ntbdown xenon:mud:olon Train: Luaus Pot ndown m ; returning, leaves delph la al. 4 00 p 4 olumbia Railroad Trains leave [tending al 7.00 m. and 01.15 p. tu. for Ephrata, I.lllz, easter. Columbia, at% F5:8: 1 4E - l'orkinmen Itaitrvuul Trains leave Perkiomen Junction ut 9.15 a in lima 53u p. 111 raurnins s -kippiii.6 at s.lO a in. and lt 15 p rn iieet In g hitlt similar trains on Heading 1141- • A (HI Sundays: Lei NI•W York at 8.0 0 p. Philadelphia at lOW 14. m. and 315 p in. , Wit tie a in train rmming wily to Heading; p o t z,.. vWe Sam a; Harrisburg 5.50 m Al and Pi 5 p. 111., II nil Heading at 1.05, 3.ojfillii 7.15 a. m. Ferr Ilarrisburg, at 1 2.5 u, and 731 a. in. for N. ,1 . 1 s; and at p. in I taladelphia. cminnutarion, Mileage, Season, School Odd I:M.111.'4011 Tickets, to awl from all polntsod, educed rates. ..;.-: -uf= OM 11tip gage etivekc.lllirotigh 100 pouuds each I Itssengur G. A. NICOLLS., ...tittrul Superintendent. 1:v. An NG, , Dee. 14, NEC 114-ltddhli 7s , R A T . 11 ERN'ENTRA RAH, . . Trains lttave YorA fol• rightp,ville and 01- linbia, aL 6:•40 utul 11; W a m.. wtd :s:3O p . m Leave Wrightsville for York, at 8:0 a Tn., and I :0 11 1111(1 6::10 p in. Leave 1 or. for Paltitnore, at 5:00 and 7:166. in., I r,b p. m.• ' and 12 midnight. Leave York for I larriAburx, at 1:39, 0:25 and 1116 a. 111.. and and 10:15 IT. in. LEAVE LI ARRIBISUOW OOISU SOILTU. .1 a. In , 1:20 and 4:20 r. t 11111) 5:26 a. ILI ,1111.1 1:::30 and 1015 p. nee"! I-t T - SON'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, CENTRE 8417A11E, LANCASTER, PA, ANOTHER FRESH A It RI VAL—Own ITs ACAtii. The only place for good and substantial wasilr is at Where can be seen the lurvst and best sammi n t of WWI and Itopo BOOTS AND SII0,1 7 ; ever brought to this etty. Ladies', Misses' aell Children's plain and Jitney Shoes, Balmoral. and Buttoned Gaiters. /lir Alan,ltElikioF EVERY KIWI), wail* We invite you to call and examine; txyling ilkient that we can warrant all to no 30-111 EW SHOE STORE JUST OPENED! \u. lot', ON IRE F.A.'T SIDE OF NOM t,CE}.X Tlt E ET, (Between t'llestnitt and Walnut,) orPOSIIT}: THE KEYSTONE BoTEL, A LARGE STOCK OP BOOTS AND MO* take Wesson. in informing the ell license( Lancaster and the county that we have just SW ceived and opened the finest and best select stock of lien's, Women's, Misses', Boys* an& Children's Roots and Slaw , . ever bought in Mt city, which we are determined to sell (it IMPS. THAN Tfrl 011,11N1 CDSTONI. We odder you the cheapest shoes in lib market, hut nurreat 8110t:t4 Pus WM* 1110,11111 f you cull purehas,• elsewhere. Farmers and all other pt.rsona needing Hoots, will find it greatly to theiradvan I,lly tog Cal - nil Us, us we bus [lad OU CcOticue made to order expressly for retain Intde, we will warrant t hem to givegood watisfaetinn. storekeepers would do well to estiminelleir stet*, es we keep a large ',twit of all kinds It Hoots and shoes, and will sell as low asthey eta bilY them in the eit v. Don't forget the phis*. ItInNHOLD & oTUBB, No. 104 1 4 North Queen Street, Opposite Keystone Rote Lancaster, se„ (lei• 1654. t jACOB UOTHARMEL, PliP3l I UM BRUSH MANUFACTURER. _Railroads. Annivia :Reading a. 1214 41 • 5:4.1 p. py 44 lur2i) a. pa. 4. 5;40 IN. NIL It '•,, llii, Cl= Boots mid Shoes. M A Slt A L S, WEAR WELL Brushes.