PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, RAUCH & COCHRAN, :co. 13, South Queen Street, Lancaster. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION I wpm, one year, $ 1.50 5 copier, (eaoh mune addressed ) ) 7.00 10 copies 13.00 15 copier (4 18.00 '2O copies 22.00 And *l.lO for each additional subscriber. ' FOS CLUB 4, IN PACKAOES 5 copies, (to one actareee,) lo copies " 64 15 copies " :20 copies " 20.00 And id.oo for each additional subscriber. /fir All subscriptions must invariably be paid iu advance. JOB PIIINTIN CG Of every desortption, neatly and promptly axe cuted, at short notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Professional. ODICKEY •ATTO ' RNET AT LAW Osrtex: SOUTH QUEEN ST.,secoud house be low the " Fouatain Ina," Lancaster, Pa. JB. LIVINGSTON, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: No. 11 NORTH DUKE ST., west side, north of the Court Rouse, Lancaster, Pa. CHARLES DENUES, ArroasEY AT LAW. Ormic: N 0.3 SOUTII DUKE STREET, Lan caster, Pa. J OHN B. GOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Orr [cm N 0.56 EAST KING ST., Lancaster; Pa J• W. JOHNSON, • ATToRNEY AT LAW. Oroncel No ?A SOUTH QUEEN ST., Looms ter, Pa. DP. ROSENMILLEIt, JR.. • ATTORNP.Y AT LAW. °alma: With A. MUM SMITU, Esq., South Queen tit., Lancaster, Pa. Ac. ItEINOEIIL, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. aavi c a : N 0.3 SOUTH DUKE ST., Lancaster. RE A , jolf N P ATTORNEY AT LAW. Opiripic: With lion. 0,1.11/m7X, N 0.21 SOUTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster,_ Pa. MARTIN It ATTORNEY AT LAW. _ 01/1/ICE or the late Hon. THAT/DEUS STEVENS, No. 26 South Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. _ A mos 11. MYLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Omer: No. 8 soum QUEEN ST., Lancaster. - - JK. RUTTER, • • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Orrica: With General J. W. FISHER, NORTH DUKE sT., Lancaster, Pu. BF. BAER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. onticE: No. 19 NORTH DUI: E Street, Lancas ter, Pa. [dee Is-;yr Reading AtivertisemeHtS. TT MALTZBERGER, ATT( oltN; EY AT LAW No. 46 NOETII SI NTH ST., Ite.mling, Pa. JGEORGE SELTZER, . ATTORNEY AND COL; NSELLER No. GM COURT STREET, (oppov)to the Court lloutie,) Reading, ITOlt EA. 1 - 1 AT EA w. - N0. , 28 Nnirrn 4ivrn Heading, ra FRANCIS M. 11,k NIKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. No. 21 NORTH sIXT.II sT., Reading, Penna. Book and Job Printing. BAUCH & COCHRAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING OF ALL KINDS From the largest POSTER to the smallest CARD or CIRCULAR, exeented in the best style, and at reasonable prices. .earOrdcrs from a distance promptly attend ed to. OFFICE.-NO. 13, SOUTH QUEEN STREET, LAIWASTER, PENNA Furnishing Goods, (Cc. H EAD Q ARTERS FOR UNDERCLOTHING, STOCKINGS GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVE IitTTONS, and Gent's ware generally, at ERISMAN No. 41!; NORTH " 1 week .... $ 75 • 1 $210535056 00 • 11 50 2 weeks... 120 180 2 70- 480 HOO 14 00 3 weeks... 180 220 330 600 10 00 17 00 1 month... 175 260 361) 700 12 00 k 0 00 2 months..' 2 751 4lt 600 10 I1(1 90 00 1 63 00 3 motithe.. 4 001 6 1 111 0 1000' 56 00 ft' months.. ' 700 1 11 00 2900 40 00 70 00 1 year 19 00' 0 00: 00 40 00 60 00 120 00 Exeetitors'Notioe—A— ministrat ors' Notice Assignees' Notice Auditors , Notice • 1 60 SPECIAL NOTICES--Ten cents a line for the first insertion, and Seven cents a line for each subsequent insertion, REAL ESTATE adverliseineuts, Ten cents a line for the first insertion and Five cents n lute for each additional insertion. NO. S. WALL KINDS or JOR PRINTING executed with neatness and despatch. PROVIDENCE, Rhode 'lsland, presents a woman to an admiring world who has had five children in eleven months--triplets at first, and twins net. She ought to vote. Mns. STEIIIIEN A. DouGLAs (Mrs. Major Williams) lives' in Galena, chats with Grant, has two children by her last marriage, and—the Jenkins avers --is happy. ONE of thie most remarkable feats of church debt paying, is that of Dr. Scud der's Presbyterian Church in San Fran cisco. Ile raised ?.46,56 . 0 in a canvass of four days. THE late Thomas Armstrong, of Balti more, Md., in his last will gave about 1,000 each to twenty-seven religious and charitable societies, chiefly of the Method ist Church. VERMONT has no house that is not within half a, mile of a school, and not more than a hundred native born citizens over twenty-one years of age who cannot read and write. A NEW YORK church has exeonununi cated one of its lady members for too gav, demeanor, and her husband has begun tv suit for libel and slander, laying his dam ages at :i25,000. A WAsnnatTON: special reports that a great eflort will he made in the Senate next week to take the nominations of Alex ander Cummings and Marks out of com mittee, and secure action upon them at once. THEY appear tohave Lad a rather rough time of it on Christmas day out in St. Louis, where no less than ten persons were either slabbed, shot, or received broken skulls while engaged in celebrating the day. Tins jury in the ease of George Twitch cll, charged with the murder of Mrs. Hill, tried in Philadelphia, brotedit in a verdict of guilty on Friday night last, intuit to the astonishment of the avenged and his frietuls. A coNvENTtoN of tile oftieers of the Army of the Potomac is caned to meet in _New York, on the 22,4 of February, for the purpose of forming an association similar• to the Societies of the Armies of the Cumberland, Ohio, and Tennessee. MRS. DICKENS, widow of the late Au gustus N. Dickens, and sister-in-law to Charles Dickens, the well-known English novelist, was found dead in her bed on Christmas day, at her residence, in Chi cago—eaused, it is supposed, from taking , an overdose of morphine. A NEw YORK Contemporary preaches a homily against the prevalent fashion of celebrating wedding anniversaries, especi ally "tin weddings," and thinks, rightly enough, that the people who amuse them selves in this way might better devote their surplus time and money to relieving the wants of the poor. iIESP AT( 'll ES, have been received from. General Sheridan to the ith ult. He says the hostile Indians—about 100 warriors— have separated from thefriendly tribes, the latter concentrating around Fort Cobb for safety. General Sherman had given or-, ders to kill or capture Sautanta and Fail Bear, two of the most treacherous and dangerous chiefs upon the Plains, as no lasting peace can be made with them. THE grain trade of Chfcago has gpown from the first shipment of seventipvight bushels of wheat in ISlitl, to more than twenty millions of bushels in the year just closed. Added to this were 25,000,000 bushels of corn, 13,000,000 bushels of oats, and 3,000,0 M bushels of rye and barley. Nearly 2,1)00,000 head of hogs awl cattle were also received in Chicago last year, and one-half orthese were slaughtered In the city. emcaoo has a detective officer who, in order to obtain a reward of ik4500 offe red for the apprehension and conyjction of an incendiary, induced a simple-minded Ger man to plead guilty to the charge, with the promise of one-half the reward. The German was compelled to serve three years in the State prison, while the detec tive pocketed the whole I.5tM, besides con siderable property of the German entrusted to his care. COMPLAINT is frequently made in re gard to the liability of postage stamps to desert their trust and leave a letter in Um lurch. Much of the difficulty is due to wetting_ the stamps only on. the gummed side. This causes the expansion of one side more than the other, hence the stamp adheres imperfbctly, and when dry is Ha ble to peel oft Wet both sides and affix, and a very little gum will cause it to ad here with perfect security. Now that it is settled that there will be a March session of the Forty.first Con gress, the Republican candidates for the i'peakership are forming their combina tions. Blaine and Dawes ant the only two who appear to have anything Rice a chance, and Mr. Blaine" by all probabili ties, has the inside track. Mr. litlePher son will have no opponent for the Milk ship among his party, and It is probable the Democrats will vote for him aiao. Tida will be gratifying news to Mr. M.'s nu merous friends in this localitY. ONE of the most estraordinary cases of robbery and murder that we ever heard of occurnd in broad daylight in NeW Yirk the other day, and within a hundred yards of Broadway. An old gentleman of sixty was engaged in removing the snow front his pavement. Two • 'men approached. One of them took off his overcoat; gay, it to his companion to hold, seized the old gentleman, robbed him of his watch and wallet, and when grappled with iirkOtod his victim's bowels open. The letter died shortly afterwards. The murderer es caped. Not a single individual on the street witnessed the occurrence. IN FATHER ABRAHAM. $2 be 200 2 be