Abrailain. INDEPENDENT AND PROGRESSIVE LANCASTER CITY, PA FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1300 FATHER ABRAHAM! EVERYBODY READS IT! Make II]) your Clubs ! FEBns OF sI BS( MPTION 1 copy, one year 6 coplee, (each name addreseed.) 10 copies. •• 15 copies, 20 copies, .‘ And 41.10 for each add it halal i.nliscriber POlt 41:1711•?, 1:S I'AUKAGE,, 5 copies, (to one addres, , , 10 copies, '• 15 copies, " •• 2(1 copies, ‘• And $l.OO tor each additi..llai subscriber, !All subscriptiinn must invariably be paid in advance. ADDITIONAL INDUCEMENTS! Clubbing with Periodicals: For 03.75 we will send FATHER ABRA HAM and (iodey's Ludy's Book, (the subscrip tion price of which is S 3) for one year. For 82.75 we will send FATHER ABRA HAM and Peterson's Ladies' National Maga zine, (the subscription price of which is $2.50) for one year. For 02.30 we will send FATHER ABRRA HAM mid .tett‘e's Home Magazine, (the sub scription price of which is $2) for (MO year. For 82.63 we will send FATHER ABRA EAM aud. Once 0 }lunch, (the subscription price of which is $2) for one year. For 82.15 we will FOnd. FATHER ABRA HAM and Children's u•, (the subscription price of which is $1.50) for ouo year. For 02.75 we will send FATHER ABRA HAM and the Lady's Friend, (the subscrip tion price of which is $2.50) for one year. For 82.75 we will send FATHER ABRA HAM anti the Saturday Evening Past, (the subscription price of which is $2.30) for one 57122 For 01.50 we will send FATHER ABRA HAM for one year and a pamphlet copy of Pit Schteeglebrenner's Campaign letters, just pub lished. For 04.30 we will send FATHER ABRA HAM and either Harper's Magazine, or liar per's Wsek/y, or Harper's Bazaar, (the sub scription price of each of which is $4) for one year. Send your orders, accompanied with the cash, to IZAT":11 4- 14 I'ublt:3l..er FATTIER A Bit ABA M, 1./111e11,4..r, Pll REMOVAL. The rapi,l incrcas, )f circulation and business of FATIVIZ ABRAHAM has com pelled us to procure a letter and more cx- tensive publication otlieo. and we have just moved into a tine room two (loon , north of the Daily Expr(ss (inky, south Queen street, below Centre Squaro. wherJ we have ample skate to receive and ac commodate unr friends, receive their sub- seriptions and orders for all kiiid of job printing in best :tylt: and at the. lowest prices. and, '•spread ourselves — generall FEES OF COUNTY OFFICERS. We notice that a resolution has pissed both branches of the Philadelphia City Councils, requesting the L i egislature to enact sonic law looking towards the regu lation of the ties of the county officers of that city. When the Legislature begins that business, it is hoped that it will not confine itself to Philadelphia alone, There are other localities that sadly need attend ing to. It is said that illegal fees are oftener taken than le!ral ones. This whole business needs looking after, and nobody will object to it but dishonest office-holders. THE LAST ACT 01' A TRAITOR! Andrew Johnson has tilled his cup of in famy. lie has issued his proclamation granting unconditional pardon to Jett Davis, Robert E. Lee, John C. -Bryant ridge, and other rebels, who did all they could to break up the best Government on earth. This proclama don frees Davis from the indictment for treason now hang ing over him, and restores the whole crew of rebels to citizenship. Not a single traitor is excepted. Thanks ti a loyal Congress this proclamation does not affect the disqualification to hold office. Andy has done his worst, and two short months will rid the American people of a double distilled rebel, worse even than Jed; Davis himself, who, we doubt not, in his inmost soul dispises the poor tool who, in an evil hour, was elevated to his present position. What a pleasant reflection this act must he to the Senatorial scoundrels who helped him out of the Impeachment last spring! Or We are indebted to a friend for a copy of " The I'hristitfil 'ynOsUre,'' pub lished at Chicago, 111., and devoted to the cause of anti-masonry, which:we suppose, is to be revived. Our good friend, who was kind enough to forward the paper, suggests, however, some caution on our part, should we feel disposed to refer to the publication, as he is aware of the fact, he says, that we have quite a number of subscribers whoare members of the craft. As one of the editors of FATHER Amin- JIAM 18 himself one of the doomed frater nity, we can only say—and we do it on Cr The readers of FATTIER AnnAnAm the square—that the Cynosure is a very will be well posted, from week to week, as neat and ably conducted paper, and this to the workings of the Legislative ma being the case we have forwarded FATHER ! chinery at - Harrisburg during the coming ABRAHAM in exchange. 1 session—commencing on Tuesday next. THE OLD YEAR AND THE NEW. The year 18118, which has just closed, has been one of the most eventful in the history of our country. Political issues of immense importance have been settled, as we believe, finally, by means of the never-failing ballots of the most intelligent and powerful people on the globe. The triumphant election of Grant to the Presi dency. means the final triumph of that sound Republican principle: " Equality before the Law." It means that every' man, without regard to race, color or creed • shall be protected ILIA defended, if neces sary, by the strong arm of a re-united nation, ill the unmolested enjoyment of — Life. Liberty and the pursuit of Happi ness." It means that every man in this country shall hencefOrth enjoy the right to himself and his labor; to the happiness afforded him around his own family cir cle; to the right of following the dictates of his own conscience as to his duty to God; it means a higher and more perfect system of education, improvement, intel ligence and civilization; it menus a speedy development of the immense resources of this wonderful country, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the Gulf of Mexi co, as fat northward as Yankee explorers and ad \TM urers iho use to go. In a word, the great political triumph of 1868 means that true Republican Government in America is no longer an experiment, but grand and glorious reality. $ 1.50 7.00 13.00 14.00 2'2 00 G. 50 12.(N) 1 • (.0 J As citizens of Pennsylvania, and more particularly of Lancaster county, the year 181;8 will long be remembered on account of the passing away from Earth to Eter nity, of two of our most prominent public men. The one who has tilled the highest office in the gift of the people of these States, and as the immediate predecessor , of Abraham Lincoln, retired from the high office only after becoming one of the direct instruments which enabled the ene mies of Freedom and Republican Govern ment to perfect their organization of ar mies, anti the gathering of means to carry on the most blood• and barbarous war of modern times--- such a war as the enemies of Freedom only are capable of waging. i t The other was the groat American Com- moner —the true statesman. the philan thropist, the Republican Representative, and the well tried and life-long champion of Liberty and Equality for all the people. As if by a special dispensation of Provi deuce, he was permitted to live just long enough to know that the American mil lions were marching on, in perfect order, to a final and peaceful viet•wy, and that the work of putting our national :Mars in harmonious working oriler, where he tell off, could safely In.‘ taken up and car ried on to speedy completion by Hulse dele gated by the people to succt.cd him. What the new veal will do for us re mains to he se •n. It is sufficient for us to know that it is all beibre us, and that we have many very high and important du ties to perform. Among these are to ac cept and squarely meet new public issues as they arise; endeavor to dignify labor and make honesty, simplicity and econo my more generally popular and respecta ble; discountenance, in every possible way, the madness and follies of fashion, extravagance and dissipation, and in all things aim to promote the cause of Hu manity, and that mast perfect system of society towards which Goa himself has so distinctly pointed the way. Let us all resolve to do what we can fit• the right. as we understand it, and we shall well deserve what we wish one and all-- Ilappy New-Year POOR PEOPLE,' We recently rehired to the constant harping of some of the Democratic pa pers—among. which. the Reading , Daily Loyle is most promincut—nbout the ever lasting • • poor people." Said paper insists upon classifying •• the Workingmen and Plowholders — as the poor 14 ' the country, I we Contend that. as a general rule, the plowhohh.rs and workingmen are the most independent class of people living, and that, generally, the poor men are those who make themselves and their families poor—not by •• workiml," and "plowing," but by itllents, extravagance, intemper ance, and the prevailing follies of fashion. With this simple statement as to the dif ferences of opinion between FATItEtt AtutAtt.km and the Efiyh, on the subject of "poor people. — we leave for each intel ligent reader to determine ivhich is cor rect. But, we must not quit this subject with out laying before our readers a choice ex tract front the Eagle's last editorial on this subject. After considerable pitching into the wickedness of the people of the north in lighting for and under the old flag, and severely scolding the bondholders who furnished the money to carry on thq war, the article referred to says: "The poor people are the democracy of our country, while Mr masses of the idlers, drunk ards, thieves, and gamblers are 'loll' to the back bone." This assertion is made in the face of the late election returns from Five Points, llackerelville, Water street, Bedford st., and similar intensely democratic districts, and, therefore, needs no refutation. THE U. S. SENATORSHIP. Thus far we have carefully avoided any expression of preference for this or that candidate for the Senatorship. We have, however, expressed a strong desire to se cure a sound. radical and true representa tive man—one whose record is made, and whose mune is prominently identified with the rise and progress, and the various trials and triumphs of the Republican party in Pennsylvania. We have also avoided expressing any single personal preference, because we do not claim the control of a single member of either branch of the Legislature, and could not hope, therefore, to back up our choice by a sin gle vote. Yet it is some satisfaction to know that our ideas as to the kind of a man we should have to represent our great State id the Senate, are also the views of every intelligent and honest Republican. According' to present indications the right man will be chosen—Gen. James K. Moorhead, at present one of the Repre sentatives in Congress, from glorious old Allegheny. Whilst we have (;row, Mc- Pherson, Curtin, Marshall, and others, of whom every Pennsylvania Republican might well feel equally proud, it is ques tionable whether either of these would give more general satisfitetion, or repre sent the great interests of the Keystone State more ably than Gen. Moorhead. In a word, he is one of the men of Pennsyl vania who is not only worthy, but also fit for the high and honorable position. LEGISLATIVE REFORM. IVe have a number of letters in regard to Legislative reform—of which several wt•ere intended for publication, but exclud ed because they are not free from serious objection. We will only add, to what we have al ready said, that the people of the State— particularly the Republicans—want radi cal reform; that, for the purpose of prov ing, beyond the shadow of doubt, that about : , :30,000 can be saved in a single de partment, we propose to do the same work by contract which has cost the State over 420,000 in 1807, and nearly, or quite, ::"f-10,- 000 during the session of IR6 S'. tOr and give ample security that the work will be well and promptly executed. The mat ter is, or will be. entirely in the hands of our state Representatives. If they think tit to accept our oll'er, a very large sum of money will be saved. If they can get it done for a kss amount than $5.000, then oriel, the hr tier foe the ,‘;tuff , If they will do neither, but continue the system of stupendous extravagance, then we shall have the consolation to know that we are in no way responsible. In justice to the Republican party it should be remembered that the system of extravagance in question was inaugurated by the Di tie House, during the St's- Sion Or RAO, It now remains for the Re publican members of the Legislature to say whether they will or will not continue this most notorious system of democratic extravagance TII A DDE US STEVENS. From the eulogy pronounced by the H0n..1. K. Moorehead, on Mi. Stevens, in Congress, we extract the following para graph, which cannot but be read with in terest, especially by those who remember the speech alluded to: " In 1850, being a visitor in this city, I ob tained, through the courtesy of a friend, ad mittance to the floor of the House. Mr. Ste vens was upon the floor at the time speaking on the evils of slavery. The leading mem bers from the slaveholding States were gath ered in front of his desk. As he portrayed the degradation and crime of slavery in such a manlier as he only could portray them,scowls settled upon their brows, contempt curled their lips, and oaths could be distinctly heard hissing between their teeth. This was in the days when southern gentlemen enforced their arguments with an appeal to the duel, and southern ruffians resorted to the bowie-knife and bludgeon. I felt alarmed for him, but he proceeded unembarrassed by interruptions and apparently unconscious of the mutterings of the storm. As, reaching his climax, he spoke of Virginia, the proud mother of Presi dents, becoming a breeder of slaves for the southern market, the anger of her Represen tatives could scarcely be restrained; yet he was cool as if addressing a jury in his county court house. This conveniently illustrates the last remark I wish to make, namely, that Thaddeus Stevens was pre.eminently a brave roan, who would do and dare everything in the vindication of what he believed to be the truth, But, Mr. Speaker, he is gone; peace be to his ashes. Vermont has the honor of his birth, Pennsylvania the more enduring honor of having adopted him as her son; for were not her valleys his home, her temples of justice his shrine, her legislative halls his flrst political prize, her people his constituents, her interests his study, her progress his de light, her honor his Oozy, and is not her soil his grave? Let us imitate his virtues and cherish his memory." a 1 VYNT "The York Riptiblimn, after refer ring to our proposition to do the pasting and folding for the House of Representa tives, at Harrisburg., during the coming session, says: " Tho next Legislature must give them (Rauch & Cochran) the contract, for with this offer before the people, the present ex travagant rates will not be tolerated." Our York friend claims more than we do ourselves, for we do not pretend to say or intimate that they "must" give us the contract, for they may give it to some other party, or, stop this enormous treas ury leak in some other equally effective way. We only say to the public that we are for Legislative reform; that about forty thousand dollars were paid, during last session, for work which we arc able and ready to do for $5,000. But, we fully agree with the Republican that " with this offer before the people, the present extrava gant rates will not be tolerated." Reminiscence. KNAVERY IN TRADE. The New York World has turned its attention to the swindles practiced by the grocery dealers in that city, exposing the "tricks" of the retailers in a most heart less manner. Besides showing up the fact of the adulterations, the name and num ber of every firm thus far detected are given in full, with the articles purchased and the amount short. In the article of tea alone, the adulter ants are tea leaves, leaves of the beach, elm, horse chestnut, starch, rice, husks, excrement of silk worms, and sand. For coloring the tea are used rose pink, Dutch pink, vegetable red, and yellow dies ; chronic yellow, Venetian red, Prussian blue, sulphate of lime, verdigris, carbon ate of copper, chromate, and bi-chromate of potash, carbonate of magnesia, black lead, soapstone, logwood, indigo, and sul phate of iron. Think of this, ye tea drinkers ! Think of Prussian blue and verdigris'. In coffee they use chicory, roasted beans, acorns, mangel-wurzel, roasted wheat, roasted peas, sweet pota toes, parsnips, inferior or damaged cof fees. saw-dust, mahogany ,saw-dust, old sea biscuits, oak bark, tan bark, and brick dust. For color—burnt sugar, mad dcr root, roasted horse liver and burnt blood have been used. Spices are adulterated with wheat, as well as ground oil cake, arrow root, mus tard husks, etc. To give bulk and weight to flour, hydrated sulphate of lime, pow dered flints, plaster of Paris, chalk, while alum is used to give a proper taste to adulterated flour. For sugar, they use plaster of Paris, tapioca, wheat, flour and sand. Vinegar is doctored with sulphu ric and other acids, water and Cayenne pepper. For lard, alum, potash, caustic, lime and mutton suet. In bread, sulphate of copper is used, while confectionery seems to be the conglomeration of all the vile and poisonous substances ever origin ated. Who can read such an exhibit of poisons entering into the articles of daily consumption without a feeling of horror? If the practice can be alyited in any de gree, the newspaper which has been the exposition will surely be entitled to the thanks of a grateful community. MARYLAND JUSTICE. The Baltimore -I oic rica n has a letter from Cumberland, Md., giving a special account of a terrible assassination com mitted there, at a fair, held by colored people, in the Methodist church, on Christmas night. Four men named Sykes Sills, John McGricr, Michael - Ryan and Thomas Sammons, the same lawless scoundrels who attacked a Republican procession some time ago, rushed into the church in the evening when the fair was going on, causing terrible fright and con- sternation. They cried aloud Ow a colored man named Jones Cook. Not finding him, Sills and Isle( irier caught a colored man named HAws, beat him, pushed hint a.rainst the stove, anti tlwn stabbed him through the ltfmrt. when he instantly fell dead. MeGrier, Sills and Ryan were arrested. Through political influence or prejudice, two of these monsters were let off, the new State's Attorney alleging that there was not sufficient evidence of guilt to hold them, (Well as accessories, orpurtirge It is feared the entire party will lie allowed go scot free. The citizens are greatly excited and outraged. The mur dered negro tvas an industrious, respecta ble, inoffensive man. The consternation among the colored presons, women and men, attending the thir, is represented as indescribable. Maryland wants recon struction badly. MISCELLANEOUS. TEllitiut.E AFFAIR AT CiNcix!cATl.-- I 3etween two and three o'clock on Wed nesday morning, cries of a woman ex claiming ‘• Oh God!" •• Oh God!" follow ed by the report of a gull, were heard to proceed from a house on Central Avenue. On entering the premises the police dis covered a man lying dead on the door with one side of his head completely blown oil: Lying across his breast was a woman also dead. Beside the murdered man lay a gun with which the deed was done. The body of the woman bore no marks of vio lence, and the supposition is that the man connuitted suicide or was murdered by some ono who escaped through the back part of the house. The woman, his sec ond wife, it is thought, died from fright of the horrible deed. TnE INDIAN . WA H.—Gen. Sherman's instructions are, to strike all hostile In dians, and cluster those that are friendly, about Fort Cobb, under Gen. Hazen. By the state of war now existing, and com menced by the Indians, the treaty made at Medicine Lodge Creek is not considered Binding, and no Indians are permitted to hunt on grounds outside the reservation where they were entitled to roam by the treaty. Their rights in this respect are declared forfeited. Information has been received of the death of Roman Nose, a Nut Indian, who refused to come in at Medicine Lodge Creek. He was a princi pal chief of the Dog Soldiers. lie was killed by the troops under General Carr, near the head-waters of the Republican, some six weeks ago. A I„m4t. RINK.—The new Chestnut street rink in Philadelphia will accommo date fifteen hundred skaters, besides seat ing four thousand spectators in a gallery, with promenade room for two thousand. It will be entirely floored over in the spring, and be used as a music, ball or lecture hall. It will then accommodate ten thousand people. Mutts° ROBBERY.—On the 20th ult., in the afternoon, as Mr. Shumway, agent of the American & Merchant's Union Ex press Co., in the town of Chicopee, Mass., was proceeding with his bag to meet the train, he was met by two men, who threw red pepper in his eyes, seized the bag and escaped. The amount of money stolen was about $4OO. DEATH TO THE " RINOS."—The New York He r« Id correspondent says : General Grant says he is much of a radical that he will tear up the whisky railroad, a.nd insular rings , ' by the roots if ho has to till every important civil office in the country with army and navy regular offi cers, whom he knows he can rely on for an honest and faithful discharge of their duties. STATE NEWS. BERNS COUNTY. —The Methodists of Birdsboro are going to build a new Church next Summer At the mill of Messrs. E. 8 G. Brookes, Birdsboro, 3,000 kegs of nails are made every week Several Irishmen, employed on the Colebrookdale railroad, got into an altercation, on Sun day before last, near Bovestown, which resulted in the stabbing of Owen McGov ern. Cause—long range whisky.... Twelve turkeys were "put through , ' on Christmas day at the Orphans' Home, near Wonels dorf A little girl named Fry, residing in Locust alley, was badly burned by her clothes taking lire from the stove, last Sunday morning A new anthracite furnace is to be erected by Messrs. E. & G. Brookes, at Birdsboro Hon. John C. Kunkel, of Harrisburg, presented the Orphans' Home of Womelsdorl, with a check for one thousand dollars, as a Christ mas gift The engine house at Eckert's ore mine, at Penn's Mount, was destroyed by lire last Tuesday morning A. man named Regenfuse, in Reading, has in his possession a hen fourteen years old—with in two years of "sweet sixteen.'' Sam uel Reafsnyder was run over by cars on the East Pennsylvania Railroad at Mertz town, last Sunday evening, and killed Bundle of clothing tbund in Reading, under mysterious circumstances. CARBON COI7NTr.-A tire broke out, on the morning of the '23d, at th?. corner of Susquehanna and Race streets, destroy ing the Boot and Shoe establishment of Mr. F. C. Kline, and the Printing estab lishment of the Mauch Chunk (Irattte. Fortunately the stock of printing material, paper, &c., is covered by insurance. COLUMBIA COUNTY.-Out of 170 teach ers employed in the county, 130 werepre sent at the recent convention held in Illoomsburg The re-dedication of St. Mathews' Evangelical Lutheran Church of Bloomsburg will take place on Sunday next, the 3d lust The Bloomsburg Re publicit is a live institution, and prosper ing. CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—ReV. Goorge Norcross, of Galesburg, 111., has accepted the Pastorship of the Second Presbyterian Church of Carlisle The produce pi:lr ket of Carlisle, as published in the lh are as follow: —Family flour, $10.50; su perfine, do., &'(i 75; white wheat, red wheat, SE 25(a 1 65; rye, 1 30; corn 75c; oats, (new,) Me; cloverseed, 7 00; timothy seed, $2 25. Butter, 40c; Eggs, 35c; Lard, Itie; Tallow, 10c; Soap, Sc. DAUPHIN COUNTY. ---Nasby will lecture in Harrisburg, on the night of the sth inst., and Gough on Monday evening the 11th inst The several' Odd Fellows' Lodges of Harrisburg appointed commit toes to attend the funeral of the late Win. Curtis, Grand Secretary, which takes place in Philadelphia to-day. LEBANON COUNTY.—BIind Tom was performing at Lebanon last week The Citric,. mentions a steam slaughtering establishment at Lebanon. Slaughtering by steam isn't new The County In stitute of Teachers will convene at the Court I louse on the 19th lust k bout fort• trains passenger and freight—pass over the Lebanon Valley Railroad daily. LEBANON COUNTY.--Gleanings from the Couri( r: A new Bank contumplatcd in North Lebanon shams in the Leb anon Building Association sell at I.i pre mium per share of Rev. (:co. A. Mark, Sr., of the United Brethren's Church, at Annville, died last week Sullivan, an Irishman, was found dead near Shaelferstown—whisky the cause Mohegan Lodge, No. 2S S, 1. 0. of 0. F at Lebanon, will celebrate its :list anni versary on the 7th inst Au individual was going to "lick" another, in one of the Lebanon Hotels, thr stealing his overcoat, but afterwards discovered that he had it on all the time. Sullt - YLKILL COUNTY.—TiIe Mid# tfOlf/1/«1 will appear this week in an en larged form—from thirty-six to forty col umns. It is one of the most valuable and interesting papers on our exchange list.... The dwelling of Wm. Dilcom,in Llewellyn, was consumed by tire on Wednesday night of last week William Meash was se verely stabbed, on Tuesday of last week, by rt German, named Stanismith, in a drinking house about a mile above Taman qua, being the result of a quarrel caused by whisky On Monday morning of last week, the wife of Richard Blake, re siding at the foot of Mahanoy Plane, whilst walking across a railroad bridge over Mill creek, the sleepers being icy, she slipped and fell through to the ground, a distance of about twenty feet, crushing her skull and causing death soon after. She leaves tour children Mountain Spring Lodge, I. O. of G. T. was recently instituted at Schuylkill Haven A new Lodge of K. of P. was instituted on the lith ult., at Millersville. YORK COUNTY.-0o Christmas eve somebody not having the fear of the 111;111 with the poker before him, broke into Spangler's saloon, in York, and stole a demijohn of whisky and a keg of beer An interesting meeting of the North Co dorus Teachers' Institute was held on tli;! 19th ult., in Henry's School House Prices in York as published in the ittpub /iraa: White wheat, S:.l 000 3 10; red do.. S 1 000 1 70; Flour, finnily, S1:I 00: do.. extra, S 11; no., superfine, $9. THE lIILL MunnEu.--In the trial of Twitchell, in Philadelphia, tin• the mur der of Mrs. Hill, on Wednesday, a wit ness was produced by the defence, who testified that a quarter of an hour before the murder was known, he was passing the house of Mrs. 11111 and saw two men leave thw house by the front door. There was uo light in the entry; one of the men appeared to be disguised and walked away rapidly after leaving the house. This witness is a German, and an Insurance agent, named Chas. Altget. This new feature has taken all by surprise, and ap pears to have been held back by the de fence for the last stages of the trial. The trial was still progressing when we went to press. A SENSITIVE Doc:.—The latest story about a dog, with a soul, is located in Gloucester, Mass. An old family favor ite, infirm and useless, yet cherished for memory's sake, was observed by a heart less wretch, who remarked: " That dog ought to be killed, he is not good for any thing." The animal looked mournfully up into the speaker's face, then taking a wistful gaze around the store, and at those present, deliberately walked out of the door, down to the railway, where he plunged into the water and was drowned. A I c: all IA •11 es .3 . • Ip. ` 4 1.1 'l;'. .. , 1 i , 1,1 4 1 Go 11..1 (i) 1 3 43 k iii, 2 A g• 1 1 , a E. Et 0 .. '•• z , ) 3 r. f...ftg,: — . 1 -ni.il.; 'll lll i 196 2 .. .. —l., 11 2 3" c , 4' f,: 61 7 81 9 10 o l• 14 10'11 'l2l_ riet - 117 18;19120 2.1. i 2 . 2 23 13 .1 1.&' 20 1 21 ' 1 21 : 21124 17 'el PI 24 25 26127 28 29130 25 26'2728 29'30'31 14 ' 3l —l —l —LI— —l—l . • (.... 1 21 31 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 m I I ' 4 11 199,12,11 12 13 8: 910 11 121:04 to, 54 , , 21122 23 ,Lq 1 , 6 4 7 , 42 1 7 , 1 , 5,16 . 17,1819'20,21 ,i 1441281—H1r— —1 :: 1 1 1.3 .3 i1 N / 25 1 20127 1 28 is „ ..,, 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. ....., 1 2 3 4 1 $5,1/4 1 9 6 1 1 0 . . 1 1 . 8 1 1 16 2 13 5 i 7 8 910 11 Vo) 4) 21 ,=' 23;21 1 25 26 2 9 7 19 2 20 2 . 1,21 23 1 " 7119 I" $1 2829391311..1.1.. 20127128 29 30 . 4 25 I PI Mf••11.•,•• 1 , 2 , 3 .:: .. ~, 1 21 0 ,1 4 51 6 7 8i 9,10 3 4 5 61 7 8 9 0 ,o, 11 12 13 14 15 16117 10'11 121314 15 16 e l „P 4- 18 19 20 21,22 23'24 17118 19129'21 22 23 ,i - . 4 d4 rm 2 . 5. 12 6. 2 . 7 .1 28 .. 12 . 9 .1 3 . 0 . 1 :: 3 24 11 25 , 26 1 27 28 29 00 I . •• 1 ••'•• •• • ••1•. , 1 ... 1, 2 3 4 8, 13' 0 4 2 9 , 1( : ) 1 4 5 0 7, 8 71 8, 910 11 12,13 4 ., 16117 111 19 12 20 3 21 . 1 1 ,,' 1 A _2112 : 2 . 12j ( 1 1 ;2 1 4 7 2 1 5 9 2 1 9 9 '12 2 7 9 • ,,4 X 7.3 24 26 26 27 28 29 301311..1..1—L1_ !!9 . 1::1:: ..I.: • . ..,... 1 2 3 4. 5 ..... ..1 1 2 3 4 pil 6, 7 8 01011 10 5 6 71 8, 9 1 • 0 11 h.' 1 14 1314 15 16 1718,19 12,13 1416'16117,18 i po— w i 20 21,22 Z3,24'25'26 19 2021,2223;24'23 r" ._ !2728 29 301.. . 1 ..12 , ; 1 2728'29301311. ' •.. 4 "I I —1. 1 !..1 :1— 4 —l-I—l—l—l.. ... I • Xoral ITEMS: For some time complaints have been made of tha loss of letters in the mail, directed to the Chester Valley Bank at Coates ville. The Lancaster Intelligences says that one of Uncle Sam's I'. 0. detectives is on the scent, therefore a clerk in the Bank is non We may get the particulars: if we do, we will print theni. A correspondent of the Express has been ventilating the Doxtater Indian claim. From his exposition one should think the people of Manor, Conestoga, &e., need not have any apprehensions of trouble. A gentleman of Columbia, whose name is not :published, has established a free night school in that place, at which upwards of seventy men and boys attend. lie pays all expenses, This is practical philanthropy. Some fellow calling himself Whiteman, has been "doing" some of the musical instru ment dealers in Philadelphia. lie represented himself as a committee man to purchase an organ for a church in Lancaster. Before the articles were shipped, the fraud was discov ered, the organ saved, but the " bird had flown." Mr. Henry N. Landis and wife ma& a narrow escape from death on Wednesday of last week. They were returning home from market, in a carriage, and when about cross ing the Railroad at Landis' warehouse, about three miles east of the city, saw the mail train west approaching. Mr. Landis got out of the carriage to lead his horse over the track, leaving his wife in the vehicle. The train struck the carriage, throwing Mrs. L. out, but no damage was done, except ;he breaking of the carriage. The Armory of Capt. Rockafellow's " I.',n cibles" was open for visitors on Christmas afternoon. It was handsomely decorated tt ith evergreens, &c. The story published soma tiro: ago that cob I). Warfel, of Intercourse, had had Lis car shot off, accidentally, turns out to be fa2s. , . A horse, carriage and harness, were sti%len front the premises of Mr. Jacob Esbenshade, in Paradise township, on Thursday night of last week. They were found on Christmas morning, in a lane about two miles from t'.,s city, near the Willow Street turnpike. lion. 0. J. Dickey was at home Christmas. lle is on the committee 1, investigate the New York election frau:l-. which is in session in that city, and retur::ed there on Monday last. Messrs. Levy & Kauffman leive huh: large brick Tobacco wa reit( luse a t Mount v on the Railroad. An attempt was made to break into ; store and dwelling of Mr. Ilenry Markley, in West Walnut street, this city, on Saturday morning last, before day. Mr. M. heard th-n:, and alarmed the scoundrels. Mr. Robert Boston, of this city, was elec delegate to represent the colored people of city and county in the National Conventi which is to assemble at Washington on the 13th inst. It will doubtless be the largest am' most influential body of representative col( men ever assembled in this country. Roland Diller has sold his tan yard :- ty in New Holland, to Henry Shirk, :" $3,940. Mrs. Eliza Barr has sold a dwelling in Strasburg, to Elam Mooney, for $1,125. David Shultz has purchased from Whitby, the three story brick dwelling and the one story frame house, in North Pri:.ee street, formerly the property of Henry L , '7g enecker, for $5,300. The Village Record says that James Gil, qr. of Bradford township, Chester county, ( vet. sixty years of age, wrote his name against the wall, in that office, the other day, with a fifty-six pound weight hanging on his 1:;t:t, finger. Wm. P. Rite was scut to prison on Moml . iy last, in this city, on complaint of J. Kinsey Taylor, for obtaining money under false T , n; tenses. Dr. Henry Carpenter has purchased the brick dwelling house, in South Queen str late the property of Mrs. Mary Mathiot, S-1,900. The Linffien Society held a stated rue,, - ..14 . 4 on Saturday afternoon last. The am •;a1 election for officers was held. Prof. J. P. Wickersham was elected President; H. C. Bruckhart and C. A. Heinitsh, Vico Pr dents; Jacob Stauffer, Secretary; H. A. Rockatield, Assistant Secretary; C. H. N:111- man, Corresponding Secretary; S. S, Bath von, Treasurer, and J. It. Kevinski, Librari an. The several standing committees were appointed. The society is in a flourishing condition, and have gathered together quite a large collection of curiosities in the vegetable and animal kingdoms. A correspondent of the Expeess gives a very interesting description of the extensive Tan ning establishment of Mr. Amos Hollinger, about 24 miles south of Lancaster, on the Willow 'Street turnpike. Mr. Hollinger is a very active and enterprising man, and en'.;,:, the confidence of the community. David Hartman & Co., have purchased the ground, known as the "Chestnut Street Tract," near the Locomotive Works. The design, we are told, is to sell it off in lots, to persons wishing to build, on such terms as to enable mechanics and other persons of sffiall means, to build.houses for themselves. The hatter carriers of this city made the is appearance on Monday morning last, in the uniform prescribed by the P. 0. Departme:ls. It is very becoming. No more faithful men are in the service of the Government, th-tn the letter carriers of Lancaster. Capt. J. Q. Mercer sold his brick dwelling, in Church, near Duke street, to W. W. Ilea,7a slee, for $3,000. The Moravian church, of this city, w1,1,:n has been enlarged and otherwise improved, will be re-dedicated on Sunday, January 10th. It is now one of the neatest churches in the city. The Lancaster and Ephrata turnpike com pany declared a dividend of one do::ar per share for the last six months. The Ephrata Council of American Mechan ics have elected their officers for the ensuirg term : Councillor, Simon N. Klauser; Viro Councillor, Jacob Keehn; Jr. Ex. C., S. 0. Norton; Sen'r Ex. C., W. W. Wickel; 1..- cording Secretary, Wm. K. Seltzer; A. 1:. Secretary, Elam A. Hertz; Inductor, Geo. L. Sensenig; Examiner, Martin S. Frey; I. Protector, Jacob S. Spangler; 0. Protector, Harry D. Spangler; Financial Secretary, W H. Spent; Trustee, J. A. Stober.