Xocd 1TE348 : W. L. Gill has pnrchatio.l one of he new houses now being finished by Gen Steinman, in South Prince street, this city, 7 . 1)r f 56,500, and Gen Steinman has purchased from Mr. Gill the vacant lot, on the opposite side of the same street, from Mr. Gill for "?'2,500. New houses are to be erected thereon. It. H. Brubaker and John Keller have pur hased the lot on the corner of Chestnut and Shipper streets, for`s3,:loo. They intend to rect several dwellings thereon next summer. A number of gentlemen of this city have , nrchased a telescope for Franklin and Mar -hall College. The Columbia bridge is now crossed on foot, !.11t. 1:4 not open for general travel. The terry 'koat is prevented from running by the ice. A lire broke out in the, Heading railroad I,pot on Thursday evening last, but was ex ing,nished without much damage having wen done. At the Lancaster County Teachers' Insti4 • ute held last month ti i.y words were submit •ed to be spelled. Only fifteen were ,pelled neorreetly. The same words were submitted It the Dauphin county Institute last week, lid twenty-three were mis-spelled. Laneas- •r county ahead " as far as Leant fr.nu." Mrs. Mary Ellis has lu•cn appointed I'. M. t Bainbridge, vice Frederic!: re •igned. Is this mini her "heading of" atlairf New routes have 111 , 91 :vivertised in his county, us follows : L:tticaster to Nett's i'le ; Lancaster to Chestnut Levi h via New Conestoga Centro, am! 7 , lolutt Joy to Sannicl ?lonm.y, tLr iii , am‘ man, 1% Im ailed fn , in 'wmty 11,,Npital t-t xvot•li, roturtiva dalvs alist•nct I.) said 1c had boll oft a vi , it t.) 'lo.ster rutty, and haciti,t I!.• 1 {....Tital 11".•:st cotwlit.l)..l 11.:1t 1.:.n. :to-T..l' rututty .coorinodations ;lug be,t. is very and ind 44.11 f!il, hut is atfack,,i it)) i„... qines dangerous. Carter, who 11.1,11}, , ,E. tti tli army :llring tho w;tr, anti ,t 1 itt thirty , fight Irattles aittl rifts -1 was tilled near Gap station, Ayhilt! acting as ,rtkesiiittut nit the act Saturday night. Ic was from 31;tri , tta, \ch hi; tathpr ro- MO The Reaaing railroaa is aogressing finely, says the Coatesville rui , ,n. Messrs. Wiley & Co., of this city, ace the entraetors, and have soh-let to other parties. Much of the grading is done, except dressing .•.p. Some of the 'snli-oinit ract ors have throon ip their work, Litt it will lie Fished to coin- Jetion. Benj. ,T. Shaurn, of this city, has been ap iointed a storekeeper for this District. A ;:oed appointment. The fair of the A merieaa tire company, held .n this city, last week, was a great success. The " Shiftier" carried off the lamps, by a urge majority. Mr. Abraham Hiestand, formerly inspector whisky for this District, has been appoint ed internal revenue guager. Oysters aro thirty-tire cents a busliid in ?ortsmouth, Va., In Lancaster it costs that _nuclt money for a pint. There is monopoly .n this article as well as in flour, coal, &c. The Pennsylvania ltailroad will issue ex.- !•ursion tickets over its road on the 23d, 24th and 25th inst., good until ,fannary 2—both .lays included. Thirteen acres of land, belonging to T. fl. ilarrowes, near Witmer's bridge, was sold, a few days ago, at public sale, to Jacob Betts .'••r !... - ;300 per acre. James it. Fry purchased from Mrs. S. It. • , I.ayinaker, at private sale, her two story brick 'welling, in South I Mke street, this city, for Jacob )lartin purchased from David Shultz two story brick house, in Prince, south of .'hesunt st., this city, for Jeff. McKim, of elleFter county, purchased . rom \V. H. Spangler, of Salisbury township, iris farm of 62 acres, for $10,.9.10, John Hart, our elocutionist, will give an entertainment in Fulton flail to-morrow (Sa .:nrday) evening. He will he assisted by Pro fessor W. it. Hall, I), W. Bissell, F. Stein iiauser, Miss Kate Keller, and the City Cor net Band. This is a tine combination of talent and Mr. Hart ought to be favored with a :•rowded house. He deserves it. Let us see whether home talent will be encouraged in preference to foreign 80,,!,5. MAD DoGs about. irme was killed in this city on Tuesday, after having bitten other bi peds. The Mayor has issued a proclamation roquiring dogs to be muzzled for thirty days. Let it be enforced. Hon. John Cessna, the able I'I:HSOYAI ::nd distinguished Republican Congressman elect from the Bedford District, was in this -ity on Tuesday and Wednesday, and honored FATHER ABRAHAM'S sanctum by several visits. lie came on business of FrAnklin and Marshall College. CA BRAG HE A DPI : A conimittee appoint -41 to get up and manage a Christmas Fair .Ind Festival in the town of It-, held a meeting, and among other business, the differ nt articles to be contributed were named, in cluding celery and cabbage, when one of the witty gentlemen, casting a side glance at a lady member of the committee, remarked : "I suppose there will be some very perfect .abbage heads on hand at the Pair." Yes," answered the lady, " 1 suppose you - ,rlll be there !" "Of course I will," was the reply. "But," said the lady, "'fear your pn2s ,, nrr ii la: a I ry you l' , Aniqiiiititt to that (I'/e table.' Cut:l:cl' ItEntuATDIN: The United Broth :en will dedicate their new house of worship, known as the "flight - Me Church,"—two and a half miles from Safe Harbor—on the road . .eading to Washington, on the 27th inst., (first Sabbath after Christmas.) Itev. Dr. Gloss brenner, senior Bishop of the Church, will ~t ticiate on the occasion, assisted by other able ministers. Bishop G. ranks among the ablest ministers living. Come and hear him. All .‘ccommodated "without money and without •rice." Hours of service : Itl a. in.; 2 p. in. ,end 7 p. tet. W. S. 11. Kr.vs, Pastor. MOUNT Joy AFFAIRS—Fruit the Hee° Lt to rumored that certain parties aro trying, secretly, to get the control of both banks in This place for the purpose of consolidating ;hem. Strong efforts are again being made to move the post-Wilco further up town. '.'ts present . location is a good and convenient one, and much the greater amount of mail matter is east of it, as well as the passenger station and freight depot. When will our citizens be come harmonious and try to build up the town instead of tearing it to pieces MARIETTA AFFAIRS—Front the Muriel tian : The farm belonging to the estate of Christian Grob, adjoining this borough, con- I mining 67 acres, was sold on Saturday last, to Samuel Hoffman, fur $25l per acre. On Saturday evening last, a couple of stroll log vagabond thieves, pretending to be man and wife, poor and in want, were given sup per, and allowed lodging, etc., at Mr. Samuel Garber's, near this borough. During the night they decamped, carrying off about $4O worth of wearing apparel belonging to the family of Mr. G. "THREE ELITNDRED YKARS AGO; OR, Tilt: MARTYR OF BRENTWOOD," is the title of very neatly printed and bound work of 152 pages, by W. H. G. Kingston, es ti., and pub lished by the Lutheran Board of Publication, 42 North 9th street, Philadelphia. It is an excellent work, and should be in every family. It can be purchased at any of the Lancaster Book stores. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Two hundred thousand dollars' Nvorth of pork is pickled daily during the season in Cincinnati. The British Minister recently sent a cable dispatch from Washington to his Government, at a cost of . 4 1,000. A N Alabama editor, in putting a grocery k-pt by a woman, says: " Her tomatoes are as red as her own cheeks; her indigo as blue as her own eyes; and her pepper as lint as her own temper." Ants. FANNY KEMBLE recently aston ished a Massachusetts railroad conductor by purchasing four tickets for her party of three, because she wanted to occupy two seats tor the sake of comfort. AT the Lowell Institute lectures in Bos om. the door of the ball is closed precisely al the beginning of the entertainment, and is not opened until the close. Late com ers do not thus disturb those on time. Thy. New York/kir/went says: In a few weeks Andrew Johnson will resume the garb of simple citizenship." Nobody cares what • - garb" he assumes, if he'll only keep the r in it.- - bi t%ur,l Pest. SENATOR Wilson has introduced a reso lution 14 the reconstruction of the Su preme Court, which it needs badly. But we fear there are too many eons( rr , itirc lawyers in Congress to permit anything to cone of it. - A 1"1 . Elt 'Ong delays, eallsPhl by the re pTated challenges for cause, a . inry has )11'011 iI»paIMPINI in the Mil murder ease, in Philadelphia, and George Twitchyll is n- r,v on trial for his life. Ills wife will be ri44 I separately. Tut: Valby 74 . /idic,4 says: It may he said that the hills and rid:res in all parts of the valley are alive with wild turkeys this season. and the number killed so far is unprecedented in the tnenn)ry the olde,it hunters. — Pr is to be regretted that the Postal T4-I,4 4 r r aph is liable to be run into jobbery. :tad therefore fail, as it ought. What a blessin. , it would be if Congress could pro vide for the drownin! , in the Potomac river 4)l' every member of the lobby. - Hob Walker included. '• yolt call Olt! a Johnson man ? y m--you--you villain—say that again vou" - •• \Well• anyhow, you're , a copperhead. — " That I don't mind—call in what you will --thief, traitor, copperhead or sneak, hut I won't .land being called a Johnson 111:111 1 - want you to know.— MARRIED. KAI: I' FMAN —ESHLEMAN. Dec. 20th, at C. Shenk's hoter, by the 'Rev. J. J. Stripe, Jacob 11. icauticnan to Amanda K. Eshleman, both of Manor township. DETell LER —WALLP.R. Dee. 20th, by the Rev. Dr. Greenwald, John F. Deichler to Kate Waller, both of Lancaster. E111:1:1, \ - -ItomwERGER. Dec. 20th, at Mr. Eberly's, by Itev. W. V. Gotwald, Beni. F. Eberly to Lizzie A. Bomberger, both of Eden, Lancaster county. I :mint:lt—HEßß. I)ee. 17th, at Hoeing & Schlott's hotel, by Hey. J. J. Strine, Elias It. Rohrer, of fittilicitn, to Lizzie C. Herr, of \Vest Ilemplield. 7.CitwcomER—HENRY. Dec. 15th, by Al derman I. I:. Franey, Joseph Newcomer, of York county, to Mary Henry, of Lancaster co. I)IFP. 2. 1., 0N L. At Mechanicsburg, Md., John ILllone SHENK. Dee. 11th, in West Hempfield township, folin Shenk, aged 52 years, 11 months and 13 days. THE MARKETS. Lancaster Household Markets. LANCASTER, Dee. 23. Butter, q 1 It 45 6 50 !Aril, "11 IS 186'.20 Eggs lit doz. 4O Beef, by quarter, for front, /1 lb 8.6 10 do. (10. do. hindquarters 11 @ 13 Small Pork, per quarter, for front 12 @ 14 do do. do. hindquarters 13 @ 14 Walnuts, per „ pk 10 013 Whole 1% hogs, per lb 12@125; Turkeys, each 125 6 300 Geese, do. 100 6 150 Ducks, (dressed,) each 60 cid 60 Chickens, (live,) ft pair, 70 6 Da do. (greased.) each 85 6 60 Potatoes, ist bus 100 @ 110 do. V half pk 14 tp 15 Turnips, ili half pk 6@ 8 Apples, iit half pk 25 6 35 Corn in the ear 18 bus 100 @ i ads, /1. hag of 3 bus 145 @ 175 Rabbits, each Dnions, por 1 4 pk Beans, per qt Apple Butter, per pt Reading Markets ( From the Daily Eagle.) Butter, 7 ,0 lb Lard, V It Eggs, V doz Live chickens, V pair.... (Thickens, dressed - per lb urk ies, each Potatoes, V inN Beef, in cut , ( do. per quarter Pork, " Sansage. per 11) Coal, per ton The Produce Markets. Pnit.,..naLrn: A, Dec. 22.—There la a good de mand for new Cloversced, and further sales of 150 bus. were made, part at V 411.25, and part on secret terms. Prices of Timothy are nominal; a lot of Flaxseed sold at 42.60 per bus. There is no change in Quercitron bark, and No. I is offered at 4,4•1 per ton. There is no change in the Flour market. The trade is excessively dull, the inquiry being con fined to small lots for the supply of the home trade, at 0.25@5.75 per bbl. for superfine. $66 6.75 for extras, 47.5068.12 for lowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota extra family, 0.75@9.50 for Pa. do. do.; $9.50@10.5u for Ohio do. do., and *114.13 for fancy, Rye Flour is steady at $7.75fr. In Cornmeal there Is nothin doing. There is very little inquiry for Wheat, and we continue yesterday's quotations, viz: al .9442,05 Per bus. for Red, and $2.1063 , 2.13 for Amber. Rye is steady, with further sales of Western at +1.60. Corn is coining forward, and ht very dull; sales of 2,000 bus. new yellow at 9J@0&,., according to dryness. Oats are held firmly, and further slam of Western were made at 78c. Whisky is steady, with small sales at WM@ 1.05 for tax paid. The Stock Markets. • MILITARY AND NAVAL CLAIM AGENT, NICW YORK, Dec. 22-1.) a. m.—uota opened at ' No. 7)6 East King-st., Lancaster, Pa. 135%. Being duly licensed as a Claim Agent, and Nstv YORK, Dec. 16.—Canton, 49; Wells Fargo j having a large experience, prompt attention Express, 241 i; American do., 38!,;; Adams, 48 1 4; will be given to the following classes of claims: United States, 45'; Merchants' Union do , 38 1 4; BOUNTY and PAY due discharged Soldiers and quicksilver, 2.1; Pacific Mail, 12C; Western Sailors. Union Telegraph 335,;; N. Y. Central , 1521'; Erie, BOUNTY (additional) to Soldiers who enlisted 38: Erie pref., 59; Ilud. Rivcr,l34 . 4 ; Rending, 98".“ for not less than 2or s years, or were honors- Miss. and St. Panl,6B; Do. pref., 85%; Ft. 11 aynet discharged for wounds received. 1111,6; Ohio and M , 30 , 1; Michigan Cent, , 127: dm BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or southern, Illinois ceutrai,l42l4 ; cieveland Parents of Soldiers who died from wounds re ntal Pittsburg, 81 , i; Cle ve l a nd an d Toledo, velvet{ or disease contracted in said service. 97 , i; Bock Island, 112‘.;; Northwestern Coin- PENSIONS for invalid Soldiers and Sailors, or mlBBoln, , (c1o1up; d ) 01. I p % rerd 2 os a l (r : e g 6 . ' , s ) 18 1 8 86 2, re u g s . l ) : . ,; 10 5 8. 05 PE o N S h l e OiNr w S f id or o w fa s t h o e r r h an l d r m en o thers, brothers or (coupons) Mk' lie ~;; 5-20 s (reg.) 186 L -;1-VS HIStOrS of deceased soldiers, upon whom they (coupons) INft, do. 1865, (reg.) 106; do. were depende»t. (coup. ) 107 ;d o. 1865, new, 109 '„; 10-40 s (reg ) 162%• PENSIONS anti GRATUITIES for Soldiers or do. (coupons) 105 1 4; Gold, 135 1 4. their Widows from Pennsylvania, in the Wur N rw Vona, Dee. 22.—G01d closed at 135. of 1812. PAY due Teamsters, Artificers and Civil em- Ptitt.Anstrms, Dec. 25.—Philad'a and Erie, ployees of the Government. 24 1 .4; Beading, 49ti; Pennsylvania R. R. 53%; U. 1881,S. tis 10,41144,,; :41.4 of 1862,1103,„Vim110:1;0d140.; PAY due horses lost in the United Slates 1864; 100„43106N: do. do. 1865, 107?A107%; do. of se rv ic e. CHARGES.—Fees fair and moderate, and in July, 180, 1094 1 4 1 / 1 10v; do. do. Ma, do. do. of PAN, 110 t.;4.4110 , .; 10-4 N, 105140105%; no Ca,Bo will charges be made untl i l d t ec he z. m iy o lc, ey is collected. Gold, IT, 1,. Philadelphia ('attle Market. MoNnxy, Dee. 21.—The Cat t le ma rket was mod erately active t his week, and prlevs wv re higher; about IMO head arrived and sold at 7 1 44•4103 4 e. for extra Penn'a and Western steers; 12@)15e. for choice show cattle: /Wile. for fair to good do., and stig7!,ic. per lb., gross. for common, as to quality. The following are the particulars of the sales: 93 head, Owen Smith ,AV estern ......... 7 6615 Ito " A.ChristV,t Bro. Western.... S 669 " Dengler MeCleese, Chester. 7 1 . A) " ‘Vestern S 66 9 1 4, 75 " Hathaway, Western 7 66 t" , i. 60 " J. S. Kirk, Chester co 7 4 81 :; 100 ,‘ Jas. Meloillen, iVestern s 4:1 40 " S. MeFillen Chester co ti 49 0 116 " Ullman & Bachman, Western. 7 412 143 " Marlin Fuller &Co., Western. 7 "re 9 152 " Mooney &Smith, Western..... 841 " T. Mooney & Bro., Virginia... 5 1 466 Ste 60 " 11. Chain Western Pa 1 66 6 150 " John Smith & Bro., Ohio 7 @IW 5I " 1.. Frank, Western 6!tiqi 7 ) " Frank & Schonberg, Western alike 9 1 30 " Dope & Co., Chester co 6!, 1'94 60 " M. Drvfoos & Co., Virginia.... 5 46 55 " F.lcolln & Co. t Virginia 6 ti? 7 57 " Blum & Co., irginia 5 (id " 1). Brunson, Chester county.. 51466 7'6 53 " Chamller& Alexander,Chester 7 @ 9 61 " A.Kitnble Chester co 7 46 9 19 " L. norm Delaware 6,41 , 7 45 " John MeArdle, Western 66 8 19 " Jesse Miller, Chester co .. 7 66 9 27 " 11. Baldwin, Chester co 7 8 Hogs were in demand. 5 000 head sold at lite different yards at $ll/02.50 IR 100 lbs. net. Cows were without change ; 150 head sold nt 4306690 for cow and calf, and 056i)75 VI head for Sill mgers. Sheep were also in fair demand • 8,000 111'1111 sold at 44616 e. gross, tie to email! ion. :Veit. _lel re rt ;sem eat's IIENNSI - 1. ANISII 1>EITs11! ScIIWEFFLEBBENNER c.l - IP,II(iN LETTER' Neatly Iwl li..Led ill form, and now ready. (singlo eO)iy) \cillt lihero I tA•rms to Newstiettler:. %gouts wantea uyerywhere I 2, tt ClOl'lrr I'HouLAM.kTioN Whereas, Om Honorable HENRY ti LONG, President, and Honorable ALEXANDER L. II AY Es, and 301 IN .1. TAITHART, Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the County of Lancaster, and Assistant Jus tices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter sessions of the Peace, in and for the County of Lancaster, have issued their Precept to me directed, re quiring me, among other things, to make pub lic Proclamation throughout my bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, and ageneral Jail Delivery, also a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court House, in the Caly of Lancaster, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, on the THIRD MONDAY IN JANUARY, (the 18th,) 1869. In pursuance of which precept PUBLIC NOTICH Is HEREBY GIVEN, to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Lancaster, in the said county, and all the Justices of the Peace, the Coronerand Constables, of the said city and county of Lancaster, t hat they be then and there in their own proper persons with their rolls, records and exam mat ions, and inquisitions, and their other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain, in their behalf to be done; and also all those who will prose cute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be in the Jail of said county of Lancaster arc to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be Just. Dated at Lemetieter, the ad clay of December, tlee . /3-3tlawd&3lw] JACOB F. FREY, Sheriff. At MOURNED COURTS FOR LAN CASTER COUNTY FOR 1869. It is ordered by the Courts, that Adjourned Courts for 1869, for the trial and decision of eases in the Common Pleas, Orphan* , Court and Quarter Sessions, be hold as follows : FOR ARGUMENT. One week commencing Monday, March 15111 'June 14th. Sept. 20th. Dee. 20th. To continue one week from said (lays respect• ively, and as much longer us the business may require. All cases on the list forargument In the Common Pleas, will be taken up on the first days of the said terms, and be proceeded with until disposed of, unless continued by consent or for cause shown. The cases on the argument list for the Or phans' Court, will tie taken up immediately upon the eases in the Common Pleas having been gone through with. The oases in the Quarter Sessions will becont menced after the cases In the Orphans' Court shall have been heard or continued. It is fur ther ordered that the absence of counsel at the time appointed for hearing the cases mentioned In the preceding order, shall be no cause for suspending proceedings therein, unless by con sent, or legal ground for a continuance be shown. ADJOURNED JURY TRIALS. One week commencing Monday, February Ist. 44 tt " February 15th. tt It " February 22d. it it ' May 24th. tt " May 31st. if IS " A ugust 80th. ,t October 18th. " •• October 25th. it f t tt " NovemberDth And at such ether periods as may he appoint ed by the said Courts, or at regular terms The foregoing to be published in all the news papers in the city and county of Lancaster, by one Insertion each, at the expense of the county. Bills to be presented at Commissioner's (Mice. Court ordered defaulting jurors to be tined 115. itdawl W. L. BEAR, Prothonotary. NEW STORE. • rm 10 @ 12 18 6 20 Dee. 22. . 415 L 5 42 sigt 45 60 4V 100 sT oPENED! ..175 @ 250 .. 75 @ 100 .. 18 @ 25 .. 9@ 14 .. 18 40 2o .. 22 @25 $ s.r.o 0 No. lop, ON IIIE EA , vl' SIDE OF NORTH QU EEN STREET, (Between Chestnut and Walnut,) OPPOSITE THE KEYSTONE 110 TEL, A. LARGE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. 11 e take pleasure in informing the citizens of Lancaster and the county that we have Just re ceived and opened the finest anti best selected stock of Men's, Women's, Misses', Boys' and thibtren's Boots and shoes ever bought in this city, which we are determined to sell enZAPKII. THAN TH..: CHEAPEST, TO OAIN CUSTOM. We don't offer you the cheapest shoes in the market, but BETT,:It SHOES FOK LESS MONEY than you can purchase elsewhere. Farmers and all other persons needing heavy Boots, will dud it greatly to their advantage by buying from us, as we have had our coarseboots made to order expressly for retail trade, and we will warrant them to giVe good satisfaction. Storekeepers would do well to examine our stock, as we keep a large stalk of all kinds of Boots anti Shoes, and will sell as low as they can buy them in the city. Don't forget the place. lt F.l N HOLD & STU 88, No. 104 1 .4 North (Nem Street, Opposite Keystone Hotel Lancaster, Pa. JAMES BLACK, dee 23-6 t ATTOH Y AND lEEE UCH ( otfl I: AN, Publishers, La !least er, 1':1 AT LAW, Periodicals. T ILE DAILY EVENING EXPRESS Fr itNNIIES I: LADLUS iT THELAT EsT NEW U MAll 11.1(,NETIC TELEffiLkPll .Ind all Inlpirtant I.uf•al and General In telligenee, Tr,113t,:: 46.011 A YU. Ali; FOlt 3 AI()NI'W. rill WEEKLY EXPRESS, s VITEDA Y PA PER OF THE FIRST CLASS, Contains all t he news of the week up Co Friday night, and gives more fresh reading than can be had elsewhere for the same amount of money. 'PERMS: 4.2.0) PER YEAR, IN AM' ANC E. Address 4 GEIST, Publishers, Liiiiettster, Pa dec IR-61111 Sett' i q ihtch THE HOWE sEIVING mAcifiNi I 1)1t Flil II O L I I) A Y s v- n I lollilay (Aft to a Rlstel., NN ifc nr rrien(l , IL c are un=urpasseil. lw ;toil Cloak \la kvr prefers it The 5 . :111.4M5, , Want , it, ill'eantie itti work is sure to give s:itisfiietion. I'lw bug tit - witted it to be the be-4 for Lip bte•iite,s. The Carriage Trimmer cannot do without it; and the Shoe Filler tind, , that, after all, the iit)W E is the niathhe tor hint. SOolll . l* Qr later, ivcrpl,rulp will have t II( 11/IV t\I'IIINE. \ - Cry WarralltPd very one may tio the possessor of one or these unrivalled machines, as wo endeavor to make the terius of sale suit 1111 our customers. 11 e earnestly in vite all, whether they purpose purchasing or not, to call and get specimens of the work executed by us on the lltlll E MA ( HINE, and compare it with the work done by of her machlni.s. We are willing ton bide by the reamit. C. FATI, Agent, d 3 North Queen ,street. de6: 1 If] Groceries. G c RoEiti Es, FRUITS, AND CON FECrIONS, 17' olt 'l' 11 F. 11 OLIDAIS. Liky En, sEEDLEss AND VALENCI A RAISINS NEW CURRANTS, NEV CITRON, T( RK ISH N (;REEN APPLES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHEs, HOMINY, s BAKER CORN, GREEN PEAS, 'I'LIT PEAs, CHOICE Clt AN BErun ES, CHOICE GREEN TEA, CIIOICE BLACK TEA. RIO, Lett:11;111A AND JAVA COFFEES, SUGARS AND SYRUPS. ,1 VARIETY . OF CONFECTIONS. (;L_LSS _I ND QUEENSIVARE. LAMP GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. All the above of the best quality and cheaper than the cheapest. At D. S. & J. S. lIITRSIOs, nor 28-lyr] No. 18 East King street, Lane. fII N II I'll if re. 1 1 11 E CONNECTICI - T MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN Or: , anizol in 1846--Charter Perpetual TOE WIEST MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., Numbering Over 60,000 :11embers ASSETS-$23,00H►,000 Acquired by prudent and economical manage ment of twenty-two years, without the aid of a Single dollar of original capital. Its dividends have averaged over 50 per cent. annually. The income from annual interest alone is more than sufficient to pay all its losses. A. It. I: Al• EMAN, Oen. Agent, No. 11it amph's now (lee 184f1 East Orange st., Lancaster, 11a. r r nE OLI) PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA ACcl`3ll - LATE') CAPITAL, After paying Losses to the amount of +1,120,000 CILARTER PERPETU AI All the .S'arplas Diridencl amongst the r u liey Holders erery year. THE ONLY TRULY MUTUAL, COMPANY IN THE CITY OR :-.TATE. For further Information apply to 101 IN c 11l COt.tN, Agent, I'. 0., Lancaster, not!041) Brllshes. JACOB HOTHAHMEL PREMIUM BRUSH MAN UT FACTT RER 1)E.1 LEN IN coMBS FANCY _IIITICLEs, NO. 9!; NORTH QUEEN STREET, I.A.NCASTER, PA. MEI Coal. FILLER.BRENEMAN & WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN coAL, OF THE BEST QUALITY YARD—CDR. WATER. ST. AND PA. R. R. Orates—NU. 2 EAST ORANGE ST., L %NtASTER, PA. [dee 1.8-ly Public Sales. pUBLIC SALE. On FRIDAY, JANUARY Ist, I+lB9, Will sold at public sale, in the village of Bru nersville, Warwick township, Lancaster co., at the public house of A. It. Leib, 49 RODS OF O ROUND, fronting on the road leading to !Adz, adjoining lands of John 11. Risser and !Mac Roth. The improvements consist of a new Two-Story Frame DWELI.ING 11l 'USE, 22 by 2S feet, with a 1 1 4 story Kitchen attached, 14 by 24 feet, Bake House and Oven, a well of never failing water with pump therein, Frame Stable, and !fog stable. The buildings are all new, substantially made and built in modern style. For further particulars Mill on the under signed. Salo to commence at 1 o'clock p. tn., when terms will tat made known by tleclB-2t*T vin 11. snuni. JOB PRINTING OF ALL KINDS neatly and promptly executed at FATHER ADRAH•M office. Era .l~~r~~c~li~r/. c it s A \l - .• ofl rn. suitable plt 11 01, I I) Y . (:r Il' a PLENDID \II.NI I,l' IVA:F(IIES .Ks r - , [ FINE SILVER PLATED WARE, FINE F,l \ 'l' It'l.E•-• all early and ~ e lect(rout a full at 1.. ('or. N 01't11 1 1,11(•011 =lrrM nll , l `I if 1o• •• .01:1 no% 17 it 7.111 M JACK.soN \ 1.1:1:- A S, C I€l E ••, .I/; IVELPY, ' - 4ILVER \NI) : , 11.\ LH-1'1,11'1%1) Ny • 1' El T X 1) F kNCy ti 011,, No. 1) N1)11111 QUEEN sT.REE'I 1..\\('.1-'1'F:l:, I'.\ no2o-Iy] _Books and StationcPu. GIFTS FOR THE HOLID.AYS! BIBLEs, PH AYER BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS, NEW A\\CAl.• LAM COMPANIoNs WORK BOXE•4 FANCY IiOODs TOY BOOK! -4 1:A M Persons in want of Presents, and who are un able to determine what to select, Will please call and examine my large variety, adapted for Young and Old, and suitable for every person. I. M. IVE:-THAEFFER,ti No. 44, corner of North queen and ()range ,its ded4 -st•] n oLIDAy 800 K,; FOIZ CIItiNTHAS 111B1.1: , -EN(D.D...D AND (.1.:1::11 V IS AN Elt IVo Uh lio) \ 1.:•; %V HITING PI )Irr voi,D)s 'I \ root: MECO ell I.IFI IFITERO ;,4c4 SANTA C1..11 - :; I'.l ORA MA, Yul"Nt.; TRADEIt , -; (:.IMI REBUS WILIT IS IT ; m PETER CODDLE-3104 Laughable Thing on Earth, OLIVER TWIT, SIX NATIONS, &c., ,!ic Call early at the Lancaster County Bible De pository, Corner Fulton Row and Vest litng street, while the stock is fulLand select the best. decll4t) Musical Listrume»ts, Sy% J. 13. KEVINSKI DEALER IN SHEET MUSIC, PLINOS, 011(;A\ MELODEONS, In. , trroto ids 1.7( sole Agent for sTEINWAY SONS) WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS. Also, Agent for PRINCE & CO. , s ORGANS and MELODEONs 44 - Mnslc sent by Mail Free of Postage. No. 3 NORTH PRANCE sTREET, Lancaster, IiOOK AMOli DOW Roca aw im J. B. KEVINSKI SEIM MUSIC SUTURE KLOFFEERA, ORTELLA, MELODEONS, 1111 Ride sorts music Instarumentat Der hevinski is agent for de bereemty Stein wehr Pianos—Kloticera heast met se of deltsh. Der platz is No. 3 NORD PRINCE STREET, LANCASTER. N. IL For a first raty goofy tlelg, odder an Aocordeon, odder a Tawasrrieh-Peit, odder en !deli owners musical Inslarument, klea odder gross, shtopt yusht ni 01114 tievinskPs, No. 3 Nord Prince Sidrose, Lancaster. [no2o-ly ' , PE( TAI EREI Lailca,tcr, i'a (Leap Book !tore, .\\II FAN( Y 1;0()1)", ''ll' }:1) )I'I:~ Booli , DtNIEL S. 111 i lli~Qn4v. pI:NNYLVANIA (T.NThm, If. rrn Pre , lenv , till' Cent MI I) pot n. follows: WESTWARD. Erie 1:50 n. "E;:p... 2:40 " flail 11:15 " Fa4t Line..... 2:35 p. m Columbia Ap • 2:15 '• IfarylslP4; Al'. 5:54 " Lane. Train.. 7:20 '• '• EASTWARD. Ex....12:17 .t. in Philti,Expre•-•.5:12 Flil Lint• 7:02 ‘• Lane. Train.. O:CS '• Day EXprPs!4. I:is p.lll .I<•.. DINg; .; (,*()1.IMIIII.1 IL It 4)N .IND AFTER Fitt . V, NOV TH AIN , WILL BE lIUN ON THIS = LEAVE. ARRIVE. Lancaster......NO) a. In. N teitili s.; .....10:20 a. m. p. „aad p. m. 'olnlnbia a. in. I ....10:20 m. r. in. 5:10 p. m. HETURNIN( I GAVE. ARRIVE. 7:00 a. In. Lanca4l4 x.....9:15 a. 19 C:l5 p. 111. " • p.lll 7:00 a. in. 4:6lumbig .....9:25 In 6:15 p. 9:25 a. m p. 111 Itc illim, Trains leaving Lancaster and Columbia as above. inako close connect ion at. Reading with Train s h and south: on Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. and West on Lebanon Valley Rood. Train lea Vi g Lancaster and Columbia ut 8 A. M. connects; closely 1.1 Ileadin-4 - with Train for Nev, - York. Tickets ean booln ;lined at the 0111e , -; of the Now Jersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty st reel ,New York; and Philadelphittund Reading Railroad, 1311 i and Ca ilow hill streets, Phila. Through tickets to New York and Philadel phia sold at all the Principal :Stations, and Bag gage Checked Through. Trains are run by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Time, which is 10 'ninnies faster than Pennsylvania Railroad Time. l:rar. F. GAGE, Supt E. J. liEnvEn. Gen. Frt. mid nov 20-t f I IZEA DING RA11,10).11) NV INTER A RR ANG EMENT muNDAy, I)F:cf.:lir:Eß it, U-36,1 (;)', , tlTro , nl. the I. MI _YOrth 7C, St "Ur Phillfriphia, riVk. Read- TO.1,1(1(1110, Sh(l.- 11104 i,l. Lf IM 110,1, ..111111tMrif, .E 114017. Laneo,,t(r, Cololiadu, Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as fol lows: At 3.50, 5.51, 8.10 a. ur., 12.40 noon 2.05 and p. m , connecting with similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad and arriving at New York at 11.00 a. m , 12.20 noon, 3.50, 7.00,10.05 p.m., and 6.15 a. in. respectively. Sleeping Cars ac company the 3.50 a. in. and 10.50 p. in. trains without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minersville, Ashland, Shamokin, Pine Grove. Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8.10 a. m., 2.05 and 4.10 p. m., stopping at Leba non and principal Way :stations; the 4.10 p. m. train 'milting connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville Schuylkill Ha ven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.30 p. m. Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 a. in.,12.00 noon, 5.10 and 8.00 p. tn., Philadelphia at 8.15 a. m. and 3.30 p. m ; sleeping cars accompany the 9.00 tt. 711. 5.10 and 8.00 p. m. trains from New York, without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., connecting with similartrain on East Penna. Railroad, returning from Reading at 6.35 p. tn., stopping at all stations; leave Potts ville at 7.30, 8 43 a. m , and 2.48 p. in.; Shamokin at 5.25 a. m.; Ashland at 7.00 a. m., and 12.30 p. m.; Tamaqua at 8.30 a. In.; and 2.20 p. m., for Phila delphia. Leave Pottsville, via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad at 7.10 a. in. tor Harrisburg, and 11.30 a m. for l'iue Grove and Tremont. Reading A econnnodation Train : I,eaves It calling at 7:30 a. m., returning leaves Phila delphia at 4:45 p. Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves Pottstown at 6.45 a m ; returning, leaves Phila delphia at 4.09 p Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.00 a. mr. and 6.15 p. in. for 14.phrata, Lit lz, Lan caster, Columbia, &e. Perkionien Railroad Trains. leave Perklomen .l auction at 9.15 a. in. and 5 p. nt.; returning, k•ave skip rack at 8.19 a m.llllll 12 41 p. m., con fleeting with shadier trains on Reining; Rail road. Sundays: Leave New York at 8,00 p. m., Philadelphia at 800 a. in. and 3.15 p. nt., the 8.00 a. m. train running only to Reading; Potts ville 8.00 a. m.; Harrisburg 5.50 a. in., 4.10 and tu 5 ) p. m., and Reading at 1.05, 3.00 and 7.15 a. tn. For Harrisburg, at 12.50, and 7.31 a. m. for New ork; and at 4.2.5 p. m. for Philadelphia. PComni Malkin, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from all points, at educed rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed ouch rusienger Goneral ^ttperintenileut READING, PA., Dec. 14, 1868. fdectB-ltd&W xroltT H ERN CENTRAL RAIL wAy. Trains leave York for Wrightsville and Co lumbia, at 6:20 and II:10 a. in., and ::3o p. m. Leave 11' rightxville for York, at 8:0) a. in.. and 1:00 and 6:50 p. m. Leave York for Baltimore, at 554) and 7:15 a.. in., 1:55 p. m.; and 12 midnight. Leave lurk iur liarrisburg, at 1:3941425 and a. in., and 2:311 and 10:15 p. m. Ti) INs LEAVE IIA11.111,5111." GOING NORTH. 3:2.5 U. 111., said 1:20 and 4;20 p. = mut s:ttti a. tn., unit 12:80 anti 10:15 p. thel 1-I.ld Dentistry. LA NCASTER L Tune Envross Ex I' ItICSS: w. Wm. M. Whiteside, the enterprising Dentist, has purchased front the a large stock of teeth and all the fixtures, the in struments formerly belonging to me, and also those used by my hither, Dr. Parry, in his prac tice. hi the purchase, the doctor hits provided himself with some of the most valuable and ex pensive instrument?' used in dental practice, and has beyond doubt one of the best aml lar gest collections of teeth and instruments in the State. Persons visiting the commodious offices of Dr. Whiteside, cannot fail to be fully aCCOM moduted. The Doctor loses no opportunity of furnishing himself with every late scientific improvement m his line of business. it. w. M. IV 1I I T ESL DI DENTIST. ()FI-1( I. Ni%) lIE-II)E\CI:, EAST I. ING ST It 1:E T, Next door to thy Court House., over Fahttes t °vies Dry Doods Store, I. .k n T E 11 , ENNA Tath Extroctol without luau by the use cif ( xide) of j 'as. n0.20-tf Boots mat Shoes. -" NI A lISIIA LI, & sON,s 800 .I,li SHOE STORK CENTRE SQVARE, LANCASTER, PA. ANOTHER lB ARRIVAL—OIvErs A CALL. The only l,lace• fur good and substantial work S at MARSHALL'S Where can he seen the largest and best assort meat of Men , .. and Boys, BOOTS AND SHOES ever brought to this city. Ladies', Misses' and Children's plain and fancy Shoos, BalmOrnis and Buttoned Gaiters. sa- Also, RUBBF;RSOF 'NEM KIND, wbfoh we invite you to call and examine; feeling con• tident that we can warrant all to WEAR IV-ELL nn 20•ly] v2§ . .. Ittith MIME=