ITEMS " Oar good and amiable friend Rockatteld " the Ezpress, had the good luck on Thursday evening last to draw the hand some prize of a gold watch, at the Bazaar of the Ladies of St. James' Episcopal church, of this city. Good for "Rocky !" But where did ho get the dollar to buy the chance? A reporter with a spare dollar—whew ! The remains of Rev. H. F. Horn, who died in this city last summer, have been removed to Mt. Vernon Cemetery, Philadelphia. The stable of Wm. S. Shirk, in the 7th Ward, this city, with some mason's tools and a small quantity of hay and straw, was burn ed one night last week. A writer in the Express signing himself " Ixn. DEM." says he voted with " American citizens of African descent " before 1838, and never felt the worse for it. Certainly not. John Obrieter and Andrew Leibly, of this city, have secured a patent for an improved Sash holder. It is a complete atiair, and will no doubt be extensively used. Simon it. Minich, of Landisville, has been granted a patent for an improved Horse Power and Hoisting machine, which is said to be a valuable iinprovement. Jacob Stauffer, esq., of this city, is very successful as a solicitor of Patents, lie does a largo business in that line, and is reliable and experienced. John llonston has been appointed postmas ter at the Gap, this county, in place of S. Kerns ' resigned. Heading ott, eh? The Columbia Bridge is so tar completol as it is supposed will admit. of light vehicles crossing, in case navigation closes. Ii is ex pected that it can be used ter cars by Februa ry Ist. The new Hose Carriage fur the "Empire," of this city, is nearly or quite completed. Lt is a very handsome atfair, atilt will soon be brought home from Philadelphia, where'''. \VaS I‘lllll. Ma nheim is to have a Foundry. The ~ ,C ll 'bid says that 31iissrs. I). Erb and E. 13. ltrtt ner• have purchased a lot on the Railroad, and intend to erect, the necessary buildings this winter. :Alanheim is going ahead. Henry Hess, who struck Gregg (colored) with a stone, causing death, was co emitted to prison, by Alderman Wiley, After a hear ing. Ile was afterwards talon before Judge Long, on a writ of habeas eorpus. and dis charged on hail. Hess is about lei years of agi.--(l.regg was about 11) A tore interesting Sunday School Conven tion was Kehl at Mount Job• last week. The attendance and interest, far exceeded the ex pectations of those win) inaugurated r. Gabriel Shaffner presided, and inti•ri,t lug aei dress :mil discussions marked the proceed ings. The session continued for nearly two .lays. The people of Mount Joy ho,pitably entertained those who at tended. At nu siting or the Agricultural and llor. ticmtittaral Society of Lancaster City and Cemoy, sin '3londay, Levi S. IZeist, Warwiek township, react an article on the best means tilling the soil. Mr 11. M. Engle, of Marietta, read an essay on Grape culture, with some illustrations on rearing grape ViIIVS. These papers will he published in the Lancus to' I'urtnrt•, a monthly periodical to be pub lished in this city, under the auspices of the society. Mr. Abraham \Volf,of Washington borough, who was thrown from his wagon at Columbia a few days ago, has died from the injuries received. A. Teachers' Institute, to lie comprised of I,aiwolster and Dauphin comity t+achcrs, will lie belt at Elizalyttlitowii, commencing- oil Wednesday, December 30th. The Lancaster Locomotive Works are to be put in full blast immediately. The establish ment lets been leased by Mr. Tyng, formerly of Ilaldwin's extensive works at Phihnielphia. The Mayor of this city gives notice that he killenn'ore the ordinance requiring pavements and glitters to be cleaned of snow. Let hint look after the City Fathers "—they are generally violators of laws of their own enact talent, es pecially if they belong to the Select branch. Winford Buckins and 'Washington Potts werc arrested .11 TM:Sit:l.y for disturbing the Evangelical church, in Water street, this city, on several occasions. They Were hotubl ever to appear at Court. iil)llltElts : DE. J acob Musser's residence, in East Lampeter township, was robbed on Tuesday tib7lit of last wick, by :t burglar, who, after enjoying himself over some dainties in the way of eatables, helped himself to some silver spoons, an overcoat and some womens' apparel, and decamped. The same scamp also robb .d the residence of Joseph Cooper, near by, of silver ware. Attempts were made to enter the store of 3Lessrs. Moore & Rank, at Soudersburg, and the residences of Abraham Mowry, in the village, and Abijah Geiger, residing near it, On Wednesday night of last week, but the scoundrels were heard, and left in a hurry. The frequency of these attempts is alarming. Let every fatuity be prepared for them. Mr. R. S. Shirk, of Millersville, arrived here a few nights ago from the west, and started to walk to his lmme in Millersville. In the western part of the city, in the classic precincts of "sour-kraut hill," where the gorillas live, he met a party of five men. Four of them started on, towards Millersville, the fifth remaining behind and accompanying Mr. Shirk, walked some distance, and talked about the recent burglaries, &c. After get ting well out of town, Mr. S. thought he " smelt a mice," and turned back towards the city. Meeting a friend, carrying a shovel, who resides at Millersville, lie started back and met his former acquaintances all together, near the toll-gate, and was accosted by one of them with the remark : "I see you have some one with you now to shovel you out !" What were these fellows after? A burglar entered the house Of Mrs. James B. Lane, this city, on Wednesday night of last week, and after getting into the second story, alarmed the inmates, who called for the Watchman, when the scoundrel made his escape. Au attempt was made by two men on Wed nesday night of last week, to enter the dwell ing of Mrs. Christiana Lightner, on the Co lumbia pike, near this city. Oue of her daugh ters fired a pistol at the rascals from a second story window, but unfortunately missed them. The fellows left, pursued by a colored man, in Mrs. L.'s employ, with a gun. He failed to reach them also, and after following until he lost sight of them, gave up the chase. The burglars tired several shots at him. EXEMPTION OP MORTGAGES FROM TAX ATION: The law passed by our State Legis lature at its last session, exempting certain obligations contracted in the purchase or pay ment of real ,state, went into practical opera tion on the lm of December. It was a ques tion with the Legislature whether the lawful rate of interest should be raised, or some of the burdens on money invested in mortgages and judgments removed, and it was to meet the difficulty that the act was passed. It is as follows: SECTION 1. All mortgages, judgments, re cognizances and Moneys owing upon articles of agreement for the sale of real estate made and executed after the passage of this act, shall be exempt from.all taxation except for State purposes; and that from and after the first day of December next, no taxes of any description shall be assessed or collected ex- cept for State purposes, on or from mortgages, judgments, recognizances or moneys owing upon articles of agreement no. the sale of real estate, whether made or executed before or after the passage of this act: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be construed to apply to wort gages, judgments or articles of agreement given by corporations: .Providing, That this act shall only to thee:giallo of Berks, Schuylkill, Luzern, Clearfield, Allegheny, York, Delaware If9atipalery t _ ____QblWer, Lau caster, Efuntingdon, Patton , filialflord i Blair, Lebanon, Clinton, Garbo Patton,. isehigls, , 31ifflin, We ,Oldoreliao4l._ WertaliinPlon Juni ata, SometeW'lnalaha, Greene, El , s iforest, A r) Franklin 4 , 'Perry, Cumberland, auph i is, Lawrefrcfl, Lycoming, Union, Sn er, Erie, Crawford, Ducks, Arlileau, layette, Phila. delphia and *.Ntlrcer. COLUMBIA—FM/111 the •S`/>y: The M. E. Sabbath School will give an entertainment on Christmas evening The new market-house is progressing rapidly A professional bur glar was arrested on Wednesday evening of last week, and committed as a vagrant. The only evidence against him is that he was seen in Mr. flletz's yard, where he had no business, and the finding of some burglars tools about his person The Chestnut Hill Iron Compa ny have concluded to put up another furnace Abraham Shultz, of Washington , whilst crossing the Railroad at the corner of Front I and Locust streets, fell from his wagon, on Thursday of last week and received a fracture of the scull, from the effects of which he died , next, morning. MARIETTA—From the Mariethun : A cow belonging to Samuel Hippie, jr., was run over by a train and killed at Hopkins' corner A son of John Moriarty, aged 12 years, acci dentally shot himself a few days since. One finger was blown oil' and the hand severely injured The Vigilant Fire Company have obtained a charter from the Court, and have restdved to procure asecond-Inind fire engine. Acc [DENT AT Lrriz : A brakeman named Kelchner, Reading and Columbia Railroad, tell from a train Saturday last, at Litiz, and received a compound fracture of the arm. He resides at Reading. THE MARKETs. Lancaster Household Markets. LANCASTER, lice. 9. Butter, it lb 48 O'D 50 Lard, "tt lb 18 @ 21) Eggs 't: doz 15 oe 40 !tee f, ' hy quarter, for front, 5;1 lb 9 0/1 10 110. do. 110. hindquarters li qv 12 -mill Pork per quarter, for front 12 0t 11 do fork, do. hindquarters 13 (//: f It unions. per 1 .; pl: 2./ Ot,/ 30 Walnuts, per pl. 13 kt/ Whole N 1 hogs, per 11) 12 Cli/12. ‘ ; Turkeys, each Ula 0))1:00 tieese, do. 100 (a) LA) I hiekens, (live,l V pair, . do. ( /Irs esed,) ear) Sausages, Iyl lo Beef, L/ lb Potatoes, 'i ,l bus do. y half pk.... Turnips, !i i , hot' pl c Appie:4, il half plc Apple Butter, 1 1 pl do. 'el crock. '1011.5' ill comb, y pi in the ear, has oats, bag ot Heading Markets (From I he patty vagie.) Butler, 'i.l It Lard, 't) it.. Eggs, (kw Livu Chickens, livc per per lb Potal ovs, The Produce Markets. PHILADLPHIA. Dee. 9 —The Flour market, continues inactiVc, the demand being confined to small lots oft he higher grades to supply the home trade: small sales of northwest extra funnily at $7.50.ff5.:25 per bbl., the hat ter flg,nre for choice Minnesota. $11430).f.0 for fair l'enn'a and choice I Mb° do. do.. iva 1013 for fancy, for ext ms, and for superfine. There is but little Rye Flour here. and but little wanted; small sales at i. 7.750.00. In Cornmeal nothing doing. The demand for NVlieztt is limited at the de cline noteJ esterflay, and there is very little doing; sale,' of I,nita hits. good western red at 21wr bus. •ottio of fair finality at i 41.90, and amber at •i•1!.1,1‘,//2.12. Rye is higher, awl 1;2 bus. Penna. soil at Corn is dull and lower, but the offerings of 01,1 are light, and or new there is I,ss coining forward sales of :HI ,obus. at 91(107e. for new yellow, $l.OO for very dry, $1.15 for old do., and 1:1.11 for western mixed. t tuts are in steady request ; imo(iohoulats. sold at G941)74e. for wv,t era . and tiootase. for light Pa. luo - has. New or 1; Barley said at $2. 10 . In IVliishy the demand is lillliteli ; 81111/11 sales 01 tax-raid at 41.e:Ra Loa. 159 bhls. sold at the former figure. The Stock Marketo. NEW Yong, Dec 9.—Canton, 48 1 4; Wells Fargo Express, 1:1, 1 4 ; American do , 44; Adams, 48 , . ,; United Stales, 4:0,, Merchants , Union do, 151.;; q uicksdlver, '2 1 (,"; Pacific Mail, 115 1 ., - ,; Western UlllOlll elegrapll,3o(i; N. Y. Central, 1;15 , ,,; Erie, 57'4; Ilinlson River, - Reading, 101 , „; Miss. and St. Paul, 11511;; 110. pret , 85; P brt Wayne, 111: Ohio and Ai , MX; Michigan Cent., 119' do. Southern, 87; Illinois Central, 114; 1 le veland and Pittsburg, SE4.i; Cleveland and Toledo, 101 1 „;;; Itock Isluud 107 1 ,ii; Northwestern Com mon, 77%; do. pre/'d, 81; 6's 1881 (reg.) 109:44; 1881, (coupons) 11.41;; 5-20 s (rug.,) 186; 100 1 4; (1-1(0s (coupons) 186;1, 110%; 5-As (reg.) 1881, 106%; 5-20 s (coupons) 1564, do. 18111, 11.17 1 ;; do. 186.), new, 11014; 10-10 s (rug ) 105%; do. (coupon) 105' Gold, Pll I LADET,PIII A, Dec. 9 ---Philad'a and Erie, 21 , .;; Heading, 49' , „@49 1 ,4; ; 51@54',;; S. Us 1881, 114';C/115: Et-2us of 1862, 110 7 ,Q111 do. 1+454, 107'.,@107! . :: do. do. 1R65, 1071.1V)108; do. of July, 186;,, 110 .A 2211 0 ,4; do. do. 1867, 110 3 4010 5 e; do. tlo. of 1868, 110 , ..0110'.; 10408, 105 %41:05.41 Gold, 1351. i. Philadelphia tattle Market. MONDAY, Dee. 7.—The Cattle market was mod erately active this week, but prices were unset tled and rather lower ,•2,100 head sold at 8 1 ,43 90. for extra, 7@)Be. for fair to good do., and 501 6 , /e. per lb., gross. for common, as to quality. The following are the particulars of the sales: 74 head, Owen Smith, W' ',40 e5tern......... 7 0 8 1 4 90 " A. Christy & Bro. Virginia.... 7 9!, 7 60 " P.B' P. MeFillen, Western 7 @ Stl;. 95 " P. Hathaway, Western 7 108 " J. S. Kirk, Chester co 72 81 32 " B. McFillen, Chester co 7 43 9 50 " JUN. MeFillen,Chestereo 7 ti'i B', 60 " E. S. Mennen, Chester co 7 44 9 153 " Ullman & Bachman, Western. 7 f - 1) 9 171 " Martin Fuller & Co., Western. 7 4. , 9 14.1 " Mooney &Smith, Western..... 76 9 65 " I'. Mooney & Bro., Virginia... 6 IV 7% 73 " S. &C. Chain Western Pa..... 5 44. 7 100 " John Smith h Bro., Western.. 6 ® Bi 60 " J. &L. Frank, Virginia U 4j) 7% 100 " Frank Br. Schomberg, Western 7 @ 8% 160 " Hope & Co., Chester co 6 fp 8% 60 " M. Dryfoos - & Co., Virginia.... 6 8 57 " Elcolin & Co., Virginia 6 7 39 " Ilium & Co., Western 6 8 82 " It. Baldwin, Chester co 6% 8% 20 " D. Branson, Chester county.. 6 44) 7% 42 " James Hull. Western 5 (3) 6% 41 "W. Duffy, Western.. 5i 6 63 " Chandler& Alexander,Chester 6% 8% 14 " A.Kimble,Chestereo 614 41 " C. Walker, Virginia 5 6' 44 " Jesse Miller, Chester eo 7 93 •' It. Mayer, Western 61 2 29 " S. Frank, Westean 7 (.0 7% Hogs were firmer ,• 6,000 head sold at the differ ent yards at $11@11.50 VI 100 lbs. net. Sheep were in fair demand ; 6,000 head arriv ed and sold at 4@tie. qp lb., gross, as to condition. Cows were unchanged ; 150 head sold at sls@ 65 for springers, and #JO4BO IR head for cow uud calf.. MARRIED. GRABELL—RurP. Dec. Bth, at Horting's hotel, by Rey. W. T. Gerhard, Henry R. Gra bill to Salimb, W. Rupp, both of West Earl township. MARTIN—WENGER. Dec. 3d, by Rev. Jacob Reinhold, Isaac H. Martin to Annie S. Wenger, both of East Earl township. SANDOE—BUCHTER. On the same day, by the same, John Sandoo to Mary Ann Buchter, both of Warwick township. MORRY—FREY. Dee. 6th, by Rev. J. J. Strino, Jacob I). Morry to Mary F. Frey, both of Manor township. LANDIS-BEiImER. Nov. 29th, at Horting tit Schlott's hotel, by Rev. J. J. Strine, Chris tian D. Landis, of Manheitn, to Emma C. Behmer, of East Lampeter. $ ECKMAN-BROWN. Dec. 241, by the same, at his residence, Thomas P. Eckman, of Cole_ rain, to Lizzie M. Brown, of Little Britain. BUTT-STONER. Dec. 3d, by the same, at Cooper's hotel, Peter N. Butt, of West Done gal, to Mollie K. Stoner, of Conoy. • DIED. • I3Esr. Dec. dth, in this city, John, son of Samuel Best, in the 2241 year of his age. PUNT'!.. Dec. sth, in this city, Elizabeth, wife of George Poutz, in the 55th year of her age. KILLNEFFER. Dec. Bth, in this city, Mrs. Magdalena Killheffer, in the 88th year of her age. New Advertisements. H OLIDAY BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS 111.11LE-ENGLISII AND GERMA N l'lt AY Elt BOOK s W()Iil 111)XE, WHITING DESKS GIIEQUEHED GAME OF LIFE, E RO S(.l SANTA CLAUS PANORAMA, )l' (; TRADER'S GAME, REitus (:.‘NtE, WHAT IS IT? GAME, PETER (4 um) E—Mosi, Laughable Thing on Earth, ()LIVER TNVI,T, X N ATI()NS, Call early at the Lancaster t aunty Bible De pository, Corner Fulton How and Rest King street, while the stock is full, and select the best. (11.01-It] G . REA T NI) I" CE MExTs :10 (I GO II is '2O 1., OS 20 110 'lO 14 (fi 15 s(h) s :24) .1) fa) Let those who want a first-class LA I YYts M AI.IN E and a first-class WEEKLY PAPER, send at once for a sample copy of TIIE LADY'S FItIEND AND THE "..ITUEI)AY EVENING POsT, GJ 35 (" f 10 10i(/) 10 (0 17) nil see the unequalled inducements offered. sample Copies of both are sent gratis. Price for each $2.50 a year or forbot h. Address IIEN111" PETE Hst & CR, No. Ilia %Valuta street, Phila delphia, Pa. [deo 11 2t 111 It ISTMAS 1) 11 ESENT. ) 4, :•ENIJ FIFTEEN CENT, FOR A FINE :•••TEEI. EM:IIAVIN( o'o IF/ BM II; GIiA.NT AND COLFAX Agents Wanted thlress 71 @ ]OO dec 11-It•] C II It ISTMAS We oll'vr as suitable for HOLIDAY GIFTS, SI'LEN DI I) ASSORTNIENT OF ATCII ES, SOLID SILVER IV. 1 11E', FINE SILVER PLATED WARE, FINE FANCY ARTICLES. Call early and select from a full stock at Cor. North Queen street am! Centre Square, nov 27•bt ZAIIM & JACKSON, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, \ND SILVER-PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA inf .- REPAIRING ATTENDED TO. - “ na2o-Iy] Muskat Instruments, Av. J. B. KFJVINSKI, SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORGANS , MELODEONS, 1?/(/ Musical Instruments Generally. Solo Agent for STEINWAY & SONS' WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS. Also, Agent for PRINCE CO.'S ORGANS and MELODEONS. Sir Music sent by Mall Free of Postage. N 0.3 NORTH PRINCE STREET Lancaster, Pa GOOK A3IOIIL DOM J. B. KEVINSKI SEIM MUSIC SHTORE. KLOFVEBRA, OBTICLLA, MELODZONB, nn aile aorta music Inshtrumentat Her Kevinski is agent for de bereemty Stein wehr Pianos—Kloffuera beast mer se of deltsh. Cheap Book More, Per platz is No. 44, corner of North Queen and Orange sta No. 3 NORD PRINCE STREET, LANCASTER. deco-st•] N. B. For a first raty gooty Get g, odder an Accordeon, odder a Tewberriell-Peit odder en- Melt onners musical Insittrument, Idea odder gross, shtept yusht ni ons lievinski , s, No. 3 Nord Prince shtrose, Lancaster. (no2tl-ly MARSHALL & SON'S - - • Book awl Job Priathig. Bowl' ilArh SHOE S TORE, RAUCH & COCHRAN CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. ANoTitElt FRESH ARRIVAL—GivzUs A CALL. BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS. The only place for good and substantial work is at PLAIN AND Where can be seen the largest and best assort ment of Men's and Boys' BOOTS AND SHOES -ever brought to this eit v. Ladies', Misses' and Children's plain and fancy Shoes, Balmorals and Buttoned (titers. ,p-Also, RUBBERS OF EVERY KIND, which we invite you to call and examine; feeling con ! ildent that we can warrant all to OFFICE.—N. E. ANGLE CENTRE SQUARE ; WEAR WELL. LANCASTER, PENNA. no `A'4737iMI From the largest POSTER to the smallest CA H I) or Ciltt:CLA it, executed in the best style, and at reasonable prices. 6 - Orders from a distance promptly attend ed to. AND FANCY l:OODS rmrc FOLIoS TuY BOOlis F:O7•COPES POCKET ISOOKs I. ill A DIXIEL S. ILIEI. T() INcinitEits! CUNNUIt 260'oath svcond Street, Philadelphia, Pa efe wel ry. CLOCKS SPECT Mil ,E MEI & E. J. ZAILIPS, Lancaster, Pa DEALERS IN SILVER ph:.ll.Elt IN Rooft cm im FANCY PRINTING OF ALL KINDS Sewing _Machines. BEWARE OF DEPOSITION! It is a remarkable fact, and one that is favor aide to the already well established reputation of the HMV E SEWING MACHINE, that the more valuable the article the more apt it is to be counterfeited. It has often been remarked in favor of the Christian Roligion, that if there were no true Christians in the world there would be no bypnerytes, and if there were nogenui1101)1011V3 , tn circulation I here would be no inducements for eounterfeif nig. The same rule applies in yew iu litachin es. The large and increasing trade of the Howe sewing :Ilachine in this city and county, has been the great incentive that induced the Agent of a rival machine to introduce into this pity a bogus sewing Mnehine whose only claim to notoriety is in its mono. the A. e sew tug Machine. We deem it a ditty to our friends and the ipublic generally, to give them It word of warn ng in lime to avoid imposition front unprinci pled agents who will no doubt attempt to palm off upon the unsuspecting, this bogus Howe Machine for the original ELIAS lb 111' g, SEWING lIIACHINE, as by carefully observing they will be able to see the difference between the I wo machines. The trade murk of the original or genuine I 1 . 0‘% e sewing Machine is a medallion hem! of Elias 1 towe, jr., the original inventor, which is embedded in the base plate eleven,- genuine I Hum , sewing Machine, and it has also a very valuable lutiirovement in the upper tensloit which is regulated by an ingeniously construct ed AA heel, which the bogus machine dare not use. My genuine, original Ilowe owing Machine is sold in this city only at No. 25., North Queen street, were persons to want of the best in Ihe nlllkit aro respectfully invited to call awl ex- amine the machines and the work done on than, before purchasing - elsewhere. C. FATE, .‘gent for Lancaster county, l'a nm• 20&ttee 1-11] f.: 1 001: ()us Fou IMPosiTi()N! N__X COUNTERFEITS I'M DE WEG! E, an gooL bekonnt y fact, ilWer au grossy recononendat lon tar de bercemty HOWE N HA .III.A',II KEN A, das counterfeiters etult besitts (lima for t.I• 111,(11 (tin IllaChlt 1111 chra cr nay:- ma Iwo silica la. 3ler lieu shun till brarasawya das WHAM'S kea wohre krishla het in der welt, dotal huts; a w ken heiebler 110 Siell prowtera for y krishta nh tstt passa, un want's kett goofs geld het in tier welt, drain ketla titer ttw k ea tlruyyel tntt COllll - geld. l 'it so is es exa elly mit de bervenity 110 W;; N EA-MASH t: EN A. Der orris: oss demand for de genuine Howe Non-Ma sheena, in !taint slitadt,un w !um:minty. liul an g tot yehance gev forangcwis.eragent fun an onnery nutsbeen, gemaeld by chin A. it. Howe, sr ob tsu iiassa uis public ills do Loch be reend tut gout bekannt HOWE N EA MACHINE. Bier sinsunser &elm!, dem all-gemeina un tins mid leer shuldieb, an deit Dein. war uung gevea, so das ally lilt sick bee ta kenna geaya so imposition by agents fun de counter lett Howe Masheena. Do genuliwy Sin de wit erfunlllt sin warra, un now manufact lived sin, beim E \ 110 W E, onnery sin bogus, odder counterfeit. An yearly genuine HOWE N EA-MAMIE EN hut an 4 • t radii mark," nu sell is an Medallion likeness film ELIAS BOW Ja. ins ha wpt plate nei g'shafft. Es Is IIW an gewisses regulation ra wt —an orrig valuable improvement —lin owera debt fun der masheen ' tin sel duna de manufacturers fun der counterfelt mashgcn gor net usa well se net dierfa. De genuine tin rcaly 110 W NEA-MASIIEENA wierra y usptnn otuu plat Z in der shtadt Lan caster lerkaw ft —on num mer "5'G Nord Queen street. Ally lei( de an perfeetyThea-machine wolla—elins fun de beslil y in der United Stales, odder in der welt—an original Howe Mitsbeen— sin eigelawda aw tsu ruht, nu se exiambia for sick selwer. Au yeudes branch yusht awrufa for tsu sea we goot an perfect unser nea-masheen do ferwet sham.. C. FATE, Agent for Lancaster Count nov :104.7i.tdec 1I j DON'T BE FRIGHTENED: A card appeared in one of our elt y papers the oth er day, front a certain Sewing Machine Agent, warning the public against "Imposition," insin uating that somebody was trying to impose up on the people by offering forsale the A. B. !lowe Sewing Machine. That card says the A. B. Bowe sewing, Machine is a "bogus" Howe Machine. Now, we are no particular advocate for that machine, nevertheless it is a good machine, ossessing sonic merit, and not inferior to the p Sim oi l pure Elias Bowe, Jr., machine, about Bowe which so much blowing is made. A. It. owe is a brother of Elias I lowe, f , and a tar better me chanic. Ile is at the head of a Company in Bridgeport, Ct., where his machines are mans tact ore,/ and sold. We suppose he has as good a right to make and sell machines as Elias Howe. If not, why didn't Elias stop him. He does not pretend to make Elias Bowe machines, but sim ply his own. lie does not claim to "counterfeit" machines. The agent of the Ningcr Machine in this city has one of these machines in his oftlce, where the public are invited to call and see it along side of the Elias Howe machine. Ho has not, we believe, offered it to any one, nor has he ever tried to make anybody believe that it was the Elias Howe, ir., machine. We strongly suspect that I hogeinleman is really afraid sonic body will find out that there are other as good Sewing Machines in this market as he himself is selling. lie must feel very much like the Ephesians when they cried out "great is Diana." The world is large, and there is room enough for everybody in it, so we suppose there is room enough for us to stay in Lancaster the balance of our lives if we choose to do so. But we shall not stay here by tellin the people that some body else is dishonest, &c. Let everybody keep their own consciences clean, and let others live, is our motto. B W. EARDBLEE, Agent of the Singer Sewing Machine Lancaster, Lancaster, a Books Ul Stationery. GIFTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! BIBLES, PRAYER BOOK 4, lIYMN BOOKS, NEW ANNUALs, LADIES , COMPANIONS, WORK BOXES, FANCY GOODS, TOV BOOKS, GAMES, &c., &c., Persons in want of Presents, and who are un able to determine what to select, will please mil anti examine my large variety, adapted for Young and Old, and suitable for every person. J. M. WESTHAEFFEWS Boots and Shoes. MARSHALL'S, Hats, (laps, Furs, Re. 1868. 1868. SIIULTZ & BROTHER, If A TT E 1 ', No. 20 Nom! QUEEN STREET, L Elt, PENN.% I.ateat siyla Fall and Winter .\TS and t I's in all qualities and colors. LADIES' FANCY FURS, We are now opening the largest and most complete assortment of Ladies' and Children's FA NCY ever offered in this market, at very low prices. ROBES! ROBES!! ROBES!!! MUNI() lined and unlined; Irtnikon Pay, \volt; Prairie \Volt; Fox, Coon, ,Sze. BLANKETS AND LAP ln-Gs Of all qualities, to which ire particularly tWitilt the attention of all persona in want of tinkles in that line. GLOVES, GAUNTLETS and MITTS OTTER, I;i: VEI:, N, 1 '11? 1, '.I %I, I attles' Fine Fur Trimmed Gloves, Gattiltlcts, Mitts iiildAlootls. Pl' WA RM EPS and EA R MITP4 _\Nl) RETAII tio•?.0 t I U SM TIE .i 1 • 31.1NUFAI AND \ LEIt. IN HATS AND CAPS. All kind,: of HAT,: made to order on short notice and at low price -r. 11'.; sill I; VT, Lancaster, l'a. no2o-lin] Dry Goods. F ,., ~ I l 1:•-, lIAGEIt S:RoT LI Efts have jest recciccal aua elegant assortment or FANcy FUR' 1 , ()12, AND M1'04', ,, • Mink, sable, siberiun Squirrel, Fitch, Ermine, Water Mink, &e IZEZI Muff:4, Eugenias, ireulars, skating Muffs and Boas, swans' Down and Squirrel Ties, &c S H A IN' L S , in great variety at, HAGER ,t BEGTHEIts ()pen and Filled Centre Itroehe, Rlstort Long Shawls, Laney Woolen Long Shawls, Children's SlntwL+. MOURNIN“ SHAWLS. BLACK THIBET LoN6 AND SQUARE SHAWLS, tt Low( Prirvs. FALL AND WINTER READ MADE (' LO T (I. FOR MEN AND BUSH. I lAGER & ISRUTI I Elt.s offer for sale the largest stock, at lowest !prices, all of their own manu facture, Fine Dress Suits, Business Snits, Buys' Snits, IVercoats. From the FINEST ESQUIMAI7X HEAVER to good ordinary gra( le. OCO VERA TIN( Black and Colors all grades. COATlNt;s—lthick, Brown, Dahlia. SILK 311 X (DATING S—Foreign and Do mestic. CASSIMEREs—New Styles. Boys , WEAR—In great variety. LANCASTER CDI NTY SATTINETS—In all colors, and warranted strong. Just received and for sale, at lowest prices, at HAGER & moll" Ens. nov 2.74t*) Clothing. JUST OPENED BEAU MONDE HALL! PORTICO ROW, 543 PENN SQUARE, 543 READING, PENNA., =1 BEAVERS, CLOTHS, CAS SIMERES, VESTINGS, &c., &c., IMM WINTER WEAR ALSO, BOY'S CLOTHING, ECM GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS ! 1.10:1 G. CULLMAN, Cutter BITCH . & BRO., no2MCJ =MEMO MERCHANT TAILOR, Having leased Erben's old and well-known stand, NO. 42 NORTH QUEEN-ST., Offers to the public an entire new and superior stock of GOODS of every description, which will be made up in the very best and most fash ionable style. GP.INTLEMEN , S FURNISHING GOODS Of every description, for sale cheaper than they can be had anywhere else in the city. [nov a)-tf Book Blau' iaig. GEORGE AV [ANT, 13 00K-BIND ER AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. BLANK BOOKS, For Banks, Merchants, County Offices, &e., made to order. BOOK BINDING, In all its branches, prompt• i ly attended to. [dee 4-3 m IS('( PLI: H, RID, &C., &C I l'lt`,l PROPRIETORS 1? a it roads. pEN NsYLVAN IA CENTRAL R. R Trains leave the Ceutral Depot as follows: . EASTWARD. r WESTWARD. UineliL Ex —.1207 a. in. Reit: Mai 1..... 1:60 A. RI Phila.Kx press 5:12 " Phila. Exp... 2:40 " Fast Line 7112 " Mail 11:15 " Lane. Train.. WM " Fast Line..... 2:115 p.m Day li - xpress. 1:15 p. in. Columbia Ac. l:15 liarrish'li: A u..r,:51 ilarrish'g Ac. 5:54 ‘• Lane. rtaint. 7:1 , 5/ ‘• " BEA DING AND( ON :IND AFTER • TII lisDA V, NOV. Di, PASsENG ER TRAINS WALL BE RUN ON Tins ROAD, AS FOLLOWS LEA.VIC. LallcllSter tboo a. In 3 - 25 p. I 'olu inbin .....m:00 a. in .....3:20 p. 111 TL I ICAV Iteadnig 7:00 a. m ~... 6:15 p. iu 7:0(1 a. In 6:15 p. in Trains leaving Lancaster and Columbia tie above, make close connect ion at Reading with Trains North and South; on Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. and West on Lebanon Valley Road. Tram leaving Lancaster and Columbia ut S A. NI. connects closely ut heading with Train for New York. Tickets can be obtained. at the 01Dees of the New .Jersey Central Railroad, fool of liberty street, New York;and Philadelphiaand Reading Railroad, 13th mid Callo w hill streets, Phila. Through tickets to New York and Philadel phia solil al all the Principal Stationa, and Bag gage CM eked Through. Trains arc run by Philailelphia and Reading Railroad Time which is 10 minutes faster than Pennsylvaniaßailroad Time. GEO. F. GAGE, Supt E. E. BEEPER, Gen. Frt. and Ticket Agent. 110 1. t pllfl-11431.1'111.1 _1N1) _REA DIN(.; NILI:o ‘1). 1% Ivry!: kNi;E:NIENT of N OVEMISER \ Tit %INS Intlt* NTo I'IIII,IDLI.I'III.I, passing Itcading, at 7:30, 10:3i and 11:1) a. In., aII 1:25 and (;:31 p. tn. UP Tit l'0"1"I'S \ILL!. 01. 16:35 it. nt , anti and I;:00 p _ . 'FE.% Ns w \ NON II 1.1:1,11SPA•1:1 W este rti Expr,si from New Y ork, at 1:05 a, 1n , and 1:.".0 p. in. and 11 :19 p ni. Harrisburg Accommodation Train at 7:15 a. in. and Mail Trains at 10:1,5 IL m y and 6:05 p. in. On sunday ' the down trains pass Pleading at 9:40 a. in. and 4:25 p. lu , nn.l up-trains at 10:70 a. and 5:57 p. w. l'he 4:25 p. in down. and 10:50 a. in., up trains run only between Philadelphia and Reading. I'p trains leave Philadelphia for Reading, I far risburg and Pottsville at 7:30 and 8:15 a. in., 12:49 TlOOll, and 3:35 p. 111., and 5:15 p. in. for Reading only The 8:15 a. in. train connects with trains for Tamaqua,. Williamsport, Elmira, Buffalo, Ning,ttra and amia. The 8:15 a. In., and 3:30 p. m. up trains from Philadelphia, arid 10:35 a. in. and 4:20 p. m. down trains, stop only at principal stations below Reading. Reading, Accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at 7:3s a. in., returning front Philadel phia at 5:15 p. M. The Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Pottstown at 0:15 a. in. Returning leaves Flab adelphia at 4:30 p. m. The Western Express trains connect at Har risburg with Express trains on tile Pennsylva nia Railroad for Raltimore, Pittsburg and all points West, and the 10:45 Mail train connects at Harrisburg for Pittsburg, Lancaster, Chant bersburg, Sunbury, scratdon, Pittston, Wilkes burro, illiamsport, Lock Haven, Elmira, and the Canadas. Passmiger trains leave 'pper I tepot for Eph rata, Li ti z, Columbia :Ina Lancaster at 7: au a. in and 6:15 p. m. Through First-Class coupon Tickets and End grants , tic kits at reduced Pares, to all the prim cipal points in the North. West and the ( 'anadas M1 . T.1 TION TICK ETs, . _ . f.:1; Coupons. and 25 percent. dbieount • be t ween points desired. . . OBOE I.ootl for C,u 4I MileS.l)(stwoell all poi Ita. it -for families and lor.iors,4 firms. SE .1 SI IN TICKETS, (:0,1 for t he holder only, for 3, G. 9 tllet month... between all points, ut reduced Furee. ••eteion Tie;iets one-third less than the above. /lir - Passengers will take the Express I flans west at the U PP E rE, all d all other trains at the 1,1 1W ER OR OLD DEPOT. 1. , 0 pounds ltaggage allowed each passenger. Pas gingers are requested to purchase their tickets before entering the cars, its higher fares are charged if paid hi the cars. Excursion Tickets, good for one tlay - , by 7:30 a. in. Accommodation Train to Philadelphia, and ret urn, at 4.:.61 each U.. 1. NICOLL-. deel 1-t Pl J BMl=== Trains leave York for Wrightsville and Co lumbia, at 6:20 and 11:40 a. In., and 3:30 p. Leave Wrightsville for York, at 8:0J a. m., and 1:00 and 6:50 11. 111. Leave York for Baltimore, at 5:10 and 7:15 a. in., 1:05 p. rn.• ' and 12 midnight. Leave York for Itarrisburg, at 1:30, 0:25 and a. m., and 2:31) and 10:15 ).m. T AINs LEAVE HA URISBU111:. • 00INO WORTH. At 3:25 a. m., and 1:20 and 4:20 p. 111 001\O SOUTH. \t 3:45 and 5:25 a. m., and 12:30 and 10:45 p. m decll4fd I)en tistry. LANCASTER June 25th, 1568. D i EDITORS EXPRESS: Dr. Wm. d. Whiteside, the enterprising Dentist, has purchased from me a large stock of teeth and all the fixtures, the in struments formerly belonging to me, and also those used by my father, Dr. Parry„ in his prac tice. In the purchase, the doctor has provided himself with sonic of the most valuable and ex pensive instruments used in dental practice, and has beyond doubt one of the best and lar gest collections of teeth and instruments in the State. Persons visiting the commodious offices of Dr. Whiteside, cannot fail to be fully Daccom modated. The Doctor loses no opportunity of furnishing himself with every late scientific improvement In his line of business. W M. NV II ITESIDE, V V . DENTIST. wFicE .kNI) nEsIDEXCE, EA&T KING STREET, Next door to the Court House, over Fahnes tock,s Dry Goods store, I.ANC.‘STER, PENNA Teeth l'lcteueted without ludo by the (Nitrous Oxide) Gas. no2o-tf Banking. =I BAIR & SIIENK, BANKERS, NORTHEAST ANGLE OF' CENTRE SQUARE. LANCASTER, PENN.% no2o-ly] Confectionery. JOHN T. \VEIN'S CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON, NO. 39% NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Olsfort of homl, an fully Psortment fun corn mony, feLney un French Trucker-sash; lerichta, gromay un kleanyknoha &c. Parties un Families suppl ten uf kortay notice un fairy terms. [no 20-lm ARRIV.E. UCLL ling .....10:2u U. m " 5:4u p. ni ROO R. m ..... 5:40 p..m MBE Amu yr. Laiicastcr.....'J!ls.a. m p. in columbiti, m ..... a. n 1 p. m MESE ME 11=13 13131331113