PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, RAUCH & COCHRAN, Northeast Angle °nitre Square, Lancaster. . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 copy, one year, $ 1.50 5 copies, (each name addressed,) 7.00 10 copies " 14 13.00 15 copies " if 18.00 20 copies .. 44 22.00 And $l.lO for each additional subscriber. FOR CLOW, IN PACRAORS 5 copies, (to one address,) 10 copies " ~ 15 copies " " a) copies " If 20.00 And .1.00 for each additional subscriber. —All subscriptions must invariably be paid in advance. JOl3 PIZINTINGr. Of every description, neatly and promptly exe elated, at short notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Professional. J. DICKEY,• ATT(IINEY AT LAW. Opines: SQUTIT QUEEN ST., second house be low the " Fountain Inn," Lancaster, Pa. B. LIVINGSTON, CI • ATTORNEY AT LAW. ()Trim No. 11 NORTH DUKE ST., west side, north of the Court House, Lancaster, Pa. riIIARLES DENIES, ATTORNEY AT L.tW. OFFrcE: N 0.3 SOUTH DUKE STREET, Lan caster, In. J OHN 13. GOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. O r OFFIca: N 0.56 EAST KING ST., Lancaster, Pa W JOHNSON J. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ()FFIcE: No :vs sot"rif QuEEx sT., Lancas ter, Pa. TA I'. ROSENMII.I.EII. .In.. lJ Alrl'oltNEl" Al'. I. W. 4 4FFIcr: With A. llEtta. SMITH, Esq., SOUIAI 21Wett ! , t., Lancaster, Pa. A. . BELNOEITL, l ATToitNEY LAW. qmer:: So. 3 !• , nt — rii DUNK ST., Lancaster. J (111\ 11 . 1 A , t) ATTORNEY AT 1. %W. I)rtricE: Wit It l ton. 0..1. DicßEy, No. '2l ...01 - I'll N I.lineasicr, Ea. I 'l. !ITT N 111. - TT , A TTOR NEY \ T r. )I , IPICE Of the late Hon. TnAonErs sTEVENF7, N0..24; !-ootl.l Queen Lancaster, l'a. A Mull. s MYI . AvroitNEr AT 1.. vw. oEri, E: No. 6 st it• Tit BEN Lancaster K. 1" ir E ArroIINEY AT LAW. t)FricE: With General J. W. Ftsnxn, h E sT., Lancaster, l'a. ilettlitit I/ arircrt ivetttettty. I~IMALTZBEIM EH. • ATTORNEY AT LAIN No. 44 sowrit SIXTH ST. , Reading, Pa GEORGE SELTZER. ti • \ Tl'oltNEY 1N I) toI•N•z•ELLEIL AT LAW. X. 601 I 01 - 12 T SI'ItEET, (opposite the Court liouse,) Reading, l'at. TToi:ACE A. 171.7NDT. I_l .VII"r0 NEY AT LAW N o .2q Noirrn slvrit Heading, Pat MIS M. 13.1 K, yrrouxEr .11' L N AW VNI) ITA 12 I'l ItLI~ . No. 27 Nowrii sT., Heading, Velma. I ilsrtivr lire. THE ()T.I) PENN Al t"11'.11, I, IPA' INS NCE COMPA NY ail' I'lllL.\l~i•:T .l'lfl.\ ..k I'ITA i'.'2.0011,000, 1 flu' . paying 1.o, to the amount of $1,120,000 I=l3 I'l lbr sarylas umoprist the Policy Holders erery year, , NLY TRULY MUTUAL Cl/MPANY IN TIIE crry MI STATE. For further information apply to tifilN .1. AN, Agent, I'. 0., Lancaster, Pa. 1020 1] Jeirelry. z A II JAcKsoN, I)l.:.‘T.Elt , WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER ND sl 1:12-1'1..111.: I) 'V .122 E, , pEcTAcLus AND FANCY GoODS, X. ti NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA RirREPAIRING ATTENDED TO. -- (0, n0.20-Iy] Ft( ish ny Goods, &e. TT EAI) Q A p lt TEit S uNDERcLoTIIING, STOCKINGS, GLOVES, coLLAits, CUFFS, SLEEVE 8171'11/Ns, and Cent's ware generally, at ERISMAN'S, No. 419 NOUTII QUEEN ST., Lancaster An ivver one grosser shtock goods—suitable for Krislntogs, Nci-Yohrs un onuery Presents— so we Ilols-Richer, Selinup-Richer, Collars, Hem ;ermel K'nep, g'shtickte liemmer-fronts, Pocket !licher, Perfumery, llohr-cEhl, Cigar Casa, un (Amery fancy articles oils E. J. ERISMAN'S, 414 North Queen Street, Lancaster. (Om bign fum gross Sian:m.lkb Item.) [ Boots and Shoes. NIUNIIALL & SON'S 11003' AND SHOE STORE, CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA INOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL—GivaUs A CALL The only place for good and antostantkd work is at Al ARSIIA T, L , where can be seen the largest and best assort ment of Men's and Boys, BOOTS AND SHOES ever brought to this city. Ladies', Misses' and Children's plain and fancy Shoes, Bahnorals and Buttoned Gaiters. Also, RUBBERS OF EVERY KIND, which we invite 37011 to call and examine; feeling con fident that we can warrant ail to WEA It WELL no `2O-1A Coatteetionery. joIIN T. WEIN'S CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON, NO. 39% NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Olsfort of hoed, an fully Isortmcnt fun corn feiney un French Tsucker-each; Niss; Frichta, grossy un kicany kucha, Parties an Families suppiied uf kortay notice an fairy terms. [no 20-Im $ 6.50 12.00 . 16.50 Va. IL I 0 TRIUMPHE 2 A Thanksgiving Song for 1868. By BREVET LIEUT. COL. J. H. MEREDITH Ring out, glad joy bells, O'er land and o'er sea; Right is triumphant, Tho Nation is free. Thunder, 0 cannon! Not vain our trust; ThQ faithful have conquered, As conquer they must. Beat the drums gaily, And shout Loyal Band! The Chief of our Army Is Chief of our land! Smite the glad cymbals! I Ihi metto shall lie, "Stand fast and stand sure, Educhie."' Wave on the free winos, Ohl Flag, so long riven, (in its sacred folds shine, Sweet stirs from yon heaven! Flash, lightnings electric! 1'4.11 the nations abroad, This people is led by The hand of the Lord. Beam, Sun of Ant ulit, \V here gleaio have conic, And slow wains are bearing The !Harvest gold home. Moon of Mutters, And tenderly shed The radiance where slumber Our glorious dead. ust, sword in your scabbord, For won is the tight; Grant and Colfax aro chosen; So t tokl speeds the right. :Ring, ye glad joy bells! Let enmity cease; 0 brothers grasp hands in Thanksgiving and Peace! 4,ttioctliattrotto. Written for FATHER ABRAHAM. PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. one of the principal public institutions. thirty ;old forty years ago, was that very patriotic and self-sacailieing body known as the Pennsylvania militia. Occasion ally, rumors of possible war with foreign nations disturbed our fitthers and mothers. When the North-I , :a:torn boundary ques tion was before Congress and the Presi dent. the public mind was directed to Ohl Pennsylvania and her glorious militia. All who doubted the war spirit of the peo ple had their doubts entirely removed, at least once every year—on battallion day-- when the masses wire re-drilled and re instructed in the then existing s . t stem of tactics, discipline and subordination. The annual hattallion drills took place in the month ()I' June, irr Lancaster, Manheini, Itcanistown, liohrerstown, Kutz town, Ilinkletown; Heidelberg and Head- Unless a town was anilmg those de si,nated by the militia law as a place for battallion drill once every year, it was not considered on the map. 'Every able-bodied man between the age of eighteen and tbrty live was required to perform military duty, without any interference on the part of substitute brokers. "Step into the ranks and pertbrin your duty — were the words, or lrc subject to the enormous penalty of one dollar tine. The ordnance department, however, was somewhat dethctive. Each private was considered quite up to the regulations when he appeared on dress parade, or on drill, with such arms as his own limey suggested—from a double bar reled shot gun down to a broom-stick or corn-stalk. In case of ram or indications of rain, an umbrella was also M order. Line officers carried side arms of every imaginable kind, and uniforms covered with buttons all over. Field officers, mounted, and in uniform, were looked upon with great respect. Early in the morning, on battallion day, not only the militia men themselves, but their wives, fathers, sons and daughters abstained from abut and proceeded to town, to witness the battallion. Huckster tables well tilled with ginger cakes, small beer, oranges, pea-nuts, lemonade, candies and knick knacks, were stationed all along the line. The eventful hour to "fall hi" arrived; the drums and fitis were heard in every direction; commands were given, and the generalA, colonels, majors and captains commanding and ordering the battallion into line, presented a magnificent and de cidedly warlike scene. Every private placed himself into some sort of position, according to his own ideas, either in one, two, or three ranks. Going through the drill was substantially as follows: "Shoulder arms; right about face; left about face; stand straight there and dress up; present arms; there now, you John Shmidt, hold your stick up higher; now once more, shoulder arms and stand up with your backs agin the worm fence, and form a straght line; now all stand still for roll call, and then the battallion will be gin." About eighteen or twenty years ago the Pennsylvania Legislature abolished this time-honored militia system, and gave us in lieu thereof a regularly unithrmed mili tary, known as the volunteers. This sys tem, being well sustained—almost every town and village having one or more vol unteer companies—was deemed equal to almost any emergency. But, in 18(11, when President Lincoln called out seventy live thousand men, and hundreds of thou sands more afterwards, to defend our lib- ,1 erties, Union and nationality, a very large 1, let us strire on to finish the 'pork we are in; to bind up the nations wounds; to to see t Wi rectrg. I'MIT HI ~~ i LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1868. number—probably a majority of these volunteer companies--immediately dis ; banded, and were not to be heard from any more. They proved themselves soldiers in peace and citizens in war. And the fact that some of our most successful mill- tary officers during the war did not know how to face a company when they coin , menced, proves, clearly and conclusively, that the best and most intelligent citizens in time of peace, are most reliable as sol diers when called upon, not to show off and display buttons and frathers, but to meet a bold and powerful enemy in the open field of battle. As a general rule, shone who were loudest in clainorinr for the vol unteer system, and in the highth of their glory when marcliing and drillitp , as vol unteer military Is lore the war, were least inclined to tight the kitties of the country during; the war and they could only be brought into the ranks by the drafting process. the stinvintst of ht , Volv thcsc volunteer, home soldiers were entirely ex tinct, a hattallion was ath - ertised to comp olr in a small viiia2-,e in the eastern part of the State. Capt. a friendl of mine.. was then at work raising :t company for t h e service, and it occurr«l to hint that if he woul,(1 (then(' the " he might socure a numbcr of these volunteers as members of his company. Several public speakers, :111(1111N - spit; at, ( 'apt. C'.'s request, attended the •• After tlu; •• soldiers" had drilled. marched:lnd mull- termarched for some time, at, the request of Capt. they were brought up to the Trout Of the hotel, in line, and addressed Iry die gentlemen referred to. Each one made a most powerful and eloquent ap peal to those very line-lltokin,! , ' soldiers, and invited them to put down their nanws. But, they couldn't "see it." Finally' took the stand, with a determination to produce good results - to induce some of the soldiers to put down their names on Capt. ('.'s muster roll. I commenced by reminding them of the fact tluit they were --not merely in time of peace, Liu also in war; that upon mteh material as that before me the country must de pend litr its preservation and di`fi'llSe," :Mil 1. reminded 1110111 also of the presence of many ladies--their own sweet-hearts, who WiTe ready and anxious to bestow their sweetest smiles and richest blessings upon them if they would simply prove themselves to be soldiers in reality in times that "trial men's souls !" For the pur pose of coming to the pl,int, I proposed to give tlie command, shoulder arms," whereupon each one who desired to !.ro should obey the order and come to a shoul der, and that :ill who could not go sly 111(1 simply disregard the order. After fully explaining the proposition, ; onl e x v , r tin g by this proceeding to raise plenty of mon, I shouted, with all the power of my lungs, Shoulder arms!" But, there they stood all :don: , the line—not a single one re sponded! Capt. ('. rani up and whispered in my ear: "explain it in dutch," which I did, in the lure, classic Pennsylvania Dia( then tri sitlte — sin adder arms" plan only more. when one solitary indi vidual (lune to a shoulder! 'filen , he stood, all :done in his glory! Satisfied that he was worth all the rest, and that his good example would yet he followed by others, I proposed three cheers for " that man,” and they were given with a hearty will. 'l'he ' hattallhai king dismissed, I waited on the lwave fellow who had signi fied his determination to go to war, and introduced him to Capt. C., who proposed to receive his name at once in his roll book. Imagine our feelings when lie ex claimed: " Ei, tsum (tunnel., we ish don des—doh ish Alms lets—der weg we ich es fershtonna bah but mer de flint g'shoul dund for ntt, tsu geb, Ihr sell war anyhow my inehning,." (Oh, thunder! how is this—there is a misunderstanding some how—the way I understood it was to shoulder arms if one don't go—at all events this was my meaning.) Of course we all gave up the idea of get ting lighting men out of that crowd. Capt. C. did secure two recruits on that day, but none from the Panks of the " Natal lion" of soldiers. Whether they came out of the war alive I . do not know. Ido know, however, that Capt. C.'s company, as well as his Regiment (lid some very good fighting in the army of the Potomac. They were citizens in peace and real sol diers in war. Within the period of fifty years similar and most extraordinary changes in the manner of conducting the government have also taken place. The system of cor ruption in our legislative halls is growing to such magnitude, and so rapidly, as to demand a radical reform before very long. It will and must be demanded by the peo ple, and if their demand is not complied ic,i with by q set of men, they will have their remedy by, means of the ballot, and delegate new and better men to execute their will in the legislative halls. In re this subject, I can safely assure the reader that tier the evils referred to, both political parties, or rather their elm sen leaders, are alike responsible. llaving some means of knowing how the Legisla tive machine has been run for years, I propose to draw a comparison upon a sin gle point between the present system and that of forty years :Igo. Then the mem bers of the Muse of Representatives re ceived $3 per day, and as they were not then ticketed through on railroads as for but were obliged to travel for days, and in some cases over a week, either on horseback or in stages to reach the state Capitol, they wore allowed, by law, 1:; cents per mile each way, making an average Of about 5..g350 salary . and mile age, amounting to s3'i,ooo for the one hun dred members of the House. The officers were then. one clerk, one assistant clerk, three transcribing clerks, one sergeant-at arms and two assistants, one door keeper ity for peg us care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace among ourselves and 'Pith all nations."—d. L. and two assistants. The salaries of thcso officers were front 87)00 down to e , 250 for a session, tunounting in all to about 44,000, or possibly butt certainly not ex ceeding the latter sum. In addition to these officers, there were also employed in the House, four pages at l per diem each, and two men as pasters and thlders of doc uments, at $1.50, each, per diem. The total expense of the House, including the per diem and mileage of members, officers, stationery, contingent expenses and all, may then have reached sz.;0.000. 'l7o-day, this single hranch of our State government is mini ;It all ( normous expense to the people of the State- not less than two hundred thousand, and probably as hi oh as two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. or live times as much as in former times referred to. To show that this in crease is not caused by the premium on o.old, or because whisky costs from tell to lifteea e, nts a d-ink. I need only ution fo.t that instead of emplovin- - from two to four 111(.11, at a dollar :mil a-hall' (lay, to thld papers and put it ui 'II wrap pers, from forty to fifty :WI-bodied men are n o w cmpluycd 1 sdlAry tl :'hoot eiL4itt dollars per day each. :1111 , am! ilr= iu fiir the session. leu to thy , . or four hundred, Inn f r o,, / thirtto?'re tofttiot tn,tr smut doft,t rs ! The :icttd work do ne i: v these forty or fifty men, at eight dollars :1 day each, is to fold, and put in wrapper:4, about thirty-live hundr e d copi( s of the `• Leoislative Record, - :Ind to pot wrappers around the st vet. Executive doeunu.nts, such as the Governor's Mes sage, lirports of the Auditor General, Surveyor General. state T a r es ur. r, and Superintendent iti' sH,:„os. sus line thou sand of each. makino - the number of copies of all kinds, during :ill entire session of one hundred days, say four hundred thou sand, and add to this. sav ono hundred thousand newspapers. (which is considi r ahlt try the actual numher,i and wt have in all live hundred thousand papers to fold and put, ht wmppors during our hundred days, with a force of forty to lifty. men. at an expt us • of thirty to forty thou sand dollars! By dividing this labor equil ly among the forty 111011 employ' - 1, I 1 it - liyve there were about fifty during thin last session,) we find that each man's task is to fbld and put in - wrappers just one 11:1- dr d and twenty-live V:tlicrs ~very (lay a job t‘ hieti the lutist ittsitrhilicont "devil of the most obscure printing ()flirt. in Penn sylvania c:lti do in less than half ao hour. 'Plitt e0 ,,,t, therefor e , for foldin‘ , each copy of the •• Record." :Hid puttinz, it in the wrapper. is between six and seven coins! This; does not inchi(h. the cost of wrapping paper and paste, which, Ihr ale I know, also, costs I.W( 111: 1.1 Orly ;IS much :Is it is worth! Therefe,re, (I,.ar ;tiler, when you reoelYe. it tot one of your Leoislatke friends, a copy of the Lt : //st“firt 111 ,. 0/ . 1 1 , VCry e•irt'rld. not to Ch' , ErOY the yellow Ivrappor, for the m e re lalt.r of putting it on c o s t the state or Pennsylvania hetween six and :-even rents: the paper, say two cent::: the paste (at cm-- r spon , linl4 co , t)(my . cent; tit, printitez; three coins and the postage t cents 11101 V, ui;ikiti about fifty cents in all! It 0u.2.1it to lit a very valuable document- -partieu larly the pastin.", thldittg and wrapping of it in a yellow wrapper. Savo the wrapper by all means, for there is money in it! This is only one item of 1410411 c xtrava !ralice. lin ghl relia. to other facts and tit..sures equally enormous. My only (1111eCt is 10 show that our political system is also undergoing very rapid and astonish ing 'changes, but in the wrong direction. The time has come for the people to he coOne posted its to the doings of their representatiVl S, to the end that measures of radital reform may he demanded and carried out. The great 11] I party hats just ohtained It new lease to occupy our EXetaniyc Dfausious and Legislative flans. The patriotic Republican people, having saved the nation, and made treason odious, will now . dent:out radical reform in public all'airs, and the man or set of men representing the Republican party, who disregard and ignore this demand, will have but a few days or political life to live. (To I*: cONTINI•ED.) THE STATE. Ct mitEttr.A.Nn Cor.vry.—Prof. Mines, of Pickinson college, delivered a lecture at Carlisle, last Friday evenin!r. Subject: The physical properties of the atunw phere.” !rrand sociable Was announc ed to come oil last eveniiw, by the Good Templars of Carlisle. Essays, speeches, music and the delicacies of tile season.... ]lon. William Line, one of the oldest and most esteemed citizens of the county. died at Carlisle on Friday last, in the year of his age The •• Dental _Asso ciation of the C'tnnlierland Valley " was or last week, composed of Den tists of Cumberland and Franklin coun ti..s. Dr. Suescrott, of Cliambershurg, is the President. liF:R!(s Coe vr v.- - The Washington Fire Company of Iteadin:r will attend the inauguration of President Grant, on the -Ith of March next. They will fully equipped Measles are nu , in! , among the youngsters of Hambur , r The Ifaialairg mills, which had suspowled a short time for repairs, are now 1111111ing full Hole Heli,ious reVival in the Ilamhurg M. E. Church llurglars are were active in the city or Reading, and tho E,c6 calls on the detectives to catch 'cm ti,unebody stole two live turl:t.vs frun . Ir. John Pchr, in Iteadhpr. and a reward of 11l fs otli.Ted by Mr. F., not for his turlzes but for the thief A barn, belonging to Mr. Samuel Merkle, of Richmond township, was destroyed by lire, on Sunday night. Loss considerable, as it was well stocked with grain, hay, &c. CouNTY.--tieorge Dietz 1) 4 ))if 4 ~~_ ~_ ~~ k had three ribs broken by a fall of coal in a mine at Strongsville, on Monday On Saturday, the 14th inst., Mr. J. C. White, of Swatara, in company with police officer Clouser, of Tremont. Wert' on their way to the office of the Swatara Coal Company, with :i14,000 to pay the men, when they wore surprised by a band of ruffians and several pistol shots were fired on both sides. Clouser succeeded in shooting one of the ruffians through the arm and shoul der, when the party lkd, ]caving the wounded man a prisoner in the !lands of the nfficer, who convoyed him to the County Jail at Pottsville The new nisonie )tall at Mahanov City is to be dedicated ill a few weeks On Thurs day of last Iveek Thomas Duffy anal Thos. Donahue, from Mahanov, were arrested and 10,l d in the ('aunty ellar“ . ed with the murder or Alexander W. !tea. ( Ni; OWNTY., Jalnes Elliot, v;orkiu, at (.;tils . 51W mill, near Jersey Shore, had his hand sawed oil a few days comin.2.: in contact with the :An attempt was made to s .1 tire lo 11. 11. M:inn's carpenter. hop, in IVilliartispnri, a row (lays a.r () cliy IS l'apitilV improving hy the erection heatitinti neNv mansions and matittr,tet ttrint4 establishments k. val uable horse, belonging to Bev. 1:t•1: - Ber ryman. was drolvned in Lovalsoek creek, a few nights luck, whilst that gentleman. was en -sink in :t still:T. The bridge was ittn1cr.,.: ,, i111..; repairs, and in attempting to lord the stream the horse got into deep water. lvas resetted will' some difficult V. \VAY N E 'Or N TY.-- A immed Arc ( ()I' Pleasant, \vas killed by fall in, from his wa , .. , am whilst returning from the mill A CI milty district Ismvention ()I' Good rfeniplars Ivill be held at Hones dale, on tbe 22(1 and 2:3(1 of I)ecember, to compos.4l of two dclee , ates front each )1' NT Y.—Engillv N. 43, used :Is a pusher nil the llralleli railroad, ex ploded lwr hailer, Dear Ilie Porta , e Iron Works. out , day last Iveek, hist:lllth, - hill in , r the (1r2,1n0 , r, IlnLcrt l'alterson, and the lircinao. Philip G. l)avis. .Nlr. l'at lorson„ althoit ,. ll nod pmverild 1 , 1:111. in .i,,hi ng I wo InAnilood pounds, Nvas ;1 41;staiwo of .ix hundred yards. llnth victims resided at Gayspnrt, ;Ind. lcave Ile x'rt~~tauox Cot . x . tv.- -Three citi zeas Nlarch, d. E. Ketterinaii and A. .1 iiderson---Ivere tried and acquit - rm. l'orgery. The the involved w..,s cents. The proseellt ion Was cVidcOllV instituted l'or the ,gratilication id' personal spleen. mei he was very I.roperly required to ;pay the r •, Prof. W. 11. Itav, the color..d preacher, delivered an able lect tire. uI II old ine - don, on Wednesday evening of last NVcck, on Aktrell 4)t. (h„,i .‘,..itud the widd.- 1)At.1 , 111N CouNTY.—.I romblin't nolsO NN !wad at Ilarrislnirg., last sunday evening., Which NVastl . t caused hy the run ning, of a street ear, a locomotive. a steam tiro engine, nor Lind-cart, or wheelbar row. but, prohaltly - , as malty believe, an earth quake [look and I,adder company 'will visit Washing ton on the •Ith next A citi zen of' llarrisbtirg amwared lwfore the nutyor, lust Nliniday, and entered a clan plaint against his will., charging her with }wing iii the habit of beconiiii , intoxicat ed. "Ii canto home the other day, hroke windows. tore up clothes, threatened to poison the flintily, antl•played the part of a she-devil generally. She was arrested anil committed to prison. LEit,ixoN CorNTY.—Tlie litpublicau court} - prize l'lag eras won Lt - Jackson being the Aryerstown yoUlle* Mall ll:tinted t ivrberich, em ploiyed by Alr..lohn ('openhaven, in Un ion toNvtiship, was killed last week by jumping from :t hay-ntoutal and intoit hay fork, penetrated his body about eight inches. Ile died its a few hours Capt. Daniel L. Meyer, of Aunville, owner of a calm! boat, was accidentally drowned in the canal last week, near Har risbure Prices of produce at Leban on—ELrgs, ; butter, 44 ; lard, 18 ; po tatoes :7, 4 1.20 per bushel. LEunat Cot.wrv.—A. new house bo o tighe.4 . to Mr. tieorge Davis, at Clan sauqua, was undermined by water. on Tuesday of last week, and totally wreck ed Samuel Shearer was found dead in the barn of Mrs. ('all, in tpper San con, on Sunday a week last. Cause—in temperaure A man named Brensin ger, of Catasattqua, is missing --not seen OR several weeks, when he received his wages, went on a spree, and supposed to have fhllen into the river Eggs at Allentown, at 36; butter, -15; lard, 20 and potatoos $l.OO per bushel. Your. CouNTY.—The Union Fire com pany of York are now holding a grand festival zit the Odd Fellows' Hall, to con tinue until to-morrow (Saturday) even- The body of a male infant was found in a cesspool in the rear of Reaver's Hotel, York, on last Friday tnornino Large droves of cattle, from West Vir ginia, are passing through the county to the Easi-rn markets A. school boy named llear, of I lanover, had his leg bro ken whilst wrestling with a companion in the public school yard Al horse and cart belonging to James Cook & Co., in charge of John Douns, backed down into a lime kiln at Wrightsville, one day last week. The horse was so badly injured that it was necessary to kill him.... Prices of produce at York--Potatoes, $1.20 per bushel ; eggs, 35 ; butter, 30 a 40 ; chick ens, per pair, 40 cts. to $l. Two young men of Millersburg killed four deer and a bear in Sugar Valley. •k kt , ; A` __ 9 it. 1 § ,t.t t-1 -, , --------t I `` - 1 . _ _ A No. '2. CASH RATES OF ADVERTISING IN FATHER ABRAHAM. Ten lines of Nonpareil constitute a Squall 0 7i) T I )11% 1 week .... $ 75 $1405210 $ 3 50 $ 6.00,$ 11 60 2 weeks... 120 1 tzu 270 4 50, 800 14 00 3 weeks... 150 220 :i 30 600 10 00 17 00 1 month... 175 260 390 7 00. 12 00' 20 00 2 months.. 275 400 600 10 00,2 A 001 83 50 3 months— 400 600 000 15 001 30 00 65 00 ino»tls.. 700 11 00 16 50 125 00: 40 00i 70 00 1 year 12 00 20 00 30 00 40 00 GO 00! 120 00 Executors' Notice Administrators' Notice Assignees' Not ice Auditors' Notice SPECIAL NOTICES—Ten cents a line for the first insertion, and Seven cents a Rae for each subsequent insertion. REAL ESTATE advertisements, Ten cents a line for the first insertion and Five cents a line for each additional insertion. irsP-ALL KINDS op JOB PRINTING executed with neatness and despatch. tatittr Abrahaao Chipo. SLEIGHING in Erie last week. liAnnisnmui passenger railway don't pay. PLENTY of will turkeys ill liudford cowl t V. LABA 31 A ;rives Grant abinit 4:200 ma jority. NEAR LA" two feet of snow fell at Que bec last week. JOHN O'DONNELL was found dead near Johnstown. Ca use—whisky. frrl"-r•f VE thousand flictory! , irls are employed in La wrvnt.e., Tun hundred - Pennsylvanians are al , nut settliin: in Carolina co., Milryland. THEnew Itolline . al, 13ethlehein, will II:IVO sixty-tan heat in! ItiriM(VS. THEttE is to he a poultry show at Hor ticultural llall, Philadelphia, nest month. WE can always tell what sort of a wo man a man marri(.ll hy Ow way he treats the printer. I.Asi"fhunqlay the rcar wall of the new church in cottrs ,r(Tticni in , bh,\V III) \VII. • AFR EEDM AN ill Illtidwin county, Geor gia, has made over twelve hundred dollars from his crap this year. ('o. declined 75 cents per ton, in New York city, on Saturday last, and no dis position to buy at that price. DEER are sad to he very plenty in the vicinity Of NeW Market, on the Orange and Alexandria railroad, Va. TtrIZEE riatglis \Verc hung by a mob, called Vigilance committee, at Bear River City, - Nebraska, last NVOCk. MAJOR Fry. ft >latterly State senator from Lehivit county, died last ‘veck, in the city of Allentown. TwEi.vE inches of snow fill in the vi cinity of ( tcYclis') Furnace, Franklin county, Pa., OH Friday lust. PROF. I E. SMITH, Of the Lewislour , Vniverity, has acccpted the po;:ition of litcrarvcditor tilt! Scw York. Exo,,,i,fte. TitEnt.: row. during TO, two or Ow .tot t tlip moon. One ilia 1 )t• is:l;dt' In.rc, 27th, A (IN( INN.vrt woman eomplaiti.ll to the court that 11( r toter hail whipped her on an avera, , e cony tiuu a Nvock rtpr the, past year. TltE total valuation ir the thirty-ndd. slate (ittarries in and :tromp' slatinton, Lelthrli county. is chantmillion , : ( If dollars. A -ox of Danitl By(•)•-;. of Huston town ship, Blair county. was ti•NV days ago by 1)(•in , 2: cawriit anti run into a thresh ing niacliine. Ilox. E. B. IVasliburtio, of Illinois. the illtilt'r (If Ihe National House or Rviire s(litittives," trill, Ivith the ill.xt C'ongri•ss, hoght his ninth ti.rin. 110 X. .IN1). JI. FITZPATEI( ha:, been appointed Judge et' the D . e.,triet (Smut of Pittsbur . 2 - , to stweeed.littlgolVilliains. now On the Sunventr Beach. THE Slate of Pennsylvania is :timid to build a Hospital for the Insane, upon a lot of ground in the Susquehanna f riyer, in tile vicinity of Danville, Montour.county. July O'Donnell, whilst under the in fluence of strong drink, fell from the plat form in front of the Johnstown railroad depot, last week, and was instantly killed. Mits. ANN - MCLEAN, of Springfield, Mass., fell from a window on Wednesday night of last week. durin!!: an attack of somnambulism, and was instantly killed. .1(1:.z. PATTI IL JouNsox has sued the Indianapolis and At. I.ouis railroad com pany 1 >ri...25,0 1 H)danta,42:4 , 5, fin• alk7ed care lessness, resultin!r in the death of her hus band. N orphans' house Was established a year ago at !baler. by the (;ertnan win ed Church 4' the western part of this State. It now shelters about tbrty fatherless children. FRANKLIN cottlay puts in 1,504 tvar claims, Fulton 127, Perry BedlOrd 47, and Cumberlaml 132. ..I.4lams will be about I,i lilt). The estimates will he between :;,. 4 1.)00,0110 aural )0,000. IN Louisiana, on the official count, the vote of New Orleans, and such parishes as were overridden by defiant lawlessness, has been most ri!iteously thrown out. This is but what was to he expected. THE influence of the La Crosse Dthto (Tot is made manifest by the fact, that not a democrat was elected to any otlice within a hundred miles of its publication office. How are you, ••l3rick"—pretty boy ! A WEALTHY lady in lluffido lost her pocket-book, containing a large sum of money, and rewarded a ragged little boy who followed her several blocks and re stored it to her, by tossing him an apple. Mits. Ti - c tern, of Georgia, who has written a life of Brick Pomeroy, makes this sin!mlar statement: '• Ilis cars arc largle f and indicate the Demo c rati c ele ment of character." That's a Jackass! .It - DGE Luniew, of Philadelphia, 011 Saturday sentencM one of Sheriff Lyle's Deputy SheriiTh at the October election, to three years in the Eastern Penitentiary fin• burglary. That's the kind of material out of which Copperhead officials make their deputies. CHARLEY KARG, and two other gentle men, of York, Pa., recently captured over one hundred quail in one day's shooting, at Mt. Jackson, on the Orange and Alex andria railroad, in Virginia. Grouse, quail and other game is represented to be very plenty in that region. ■ ..$2 CA .. 2 50 .. 260 1. 1 50