trict Attorney, and the Court dismissed and ordered the prosecutrix to pay the costs. A cross action between Mary Liser and Michael Pfautz was heard—each havine threatened the other with bodily injury. Mary was sentenced to pay Costs, and give security for good behavior for six months, and Michael was sentenced to pay costs. John Fisher plead guilty to stealing ten handkerchiefs from Barbara llocker, and a pair of pantaloons from George llvinlvin, and sentenced to six months in Castle Sett senieh. Tri:snAy MonNING: In the ease surety of the peace, in which Dr. John Houston, of Marietta, charged Albert Houston with mak ing threads against hint. the Court stated that. there taus not sufficient provocation for bind ing of Pl' the defendant, hut ordered 111;11 to pay the costs. Edward Jacob:4, a former employee of G. M. t-l.teinman IS: ('o., was indicted f o r d e _ faultily , his employers. His lmsiness was to attend to the weighing of old iron brom , lll there for sale. It was charged that he re turned more pounds than was actually de livered, and received a shire of the profits o f the —speculation: . The Jury found the accused not guilty, on a "technicality," we believe it is called, though the Jury thoirlit "did it a and made him pay the costs of prosecution. John Wolf was indicted for the larceny of a small sum of money front the store of .Tanies Auxer, of (1:k Shade, Little Britain township. After the prosecutor had testi lied, the ease was alnunloned 1;v the Com monwealth, and the Jury rendered a verdict of not guilty. Chri,tian Sharp wa:-; charged with threat enin,, to .hoot Reuben flinger. Thi had not been good tl•iend:3—Killinger struck at Sharp—Sharp threatened to shoot, &e. The Court dhunissed the case, but punished Sharp hy making hint pay the costs. Tt AFTERNOI)N: Sallll Ar111 , ':: OW an i-land on the Susquehanna, near Wash ington. lie was indicted tot the larceny of logs and stones, belonging to Seigle, Shultz & co. Both parties fish fin• shad in the Spring, Sciple Co. operating a short dis tance below Armes. The latter party ac cused A VIM'S with taking logs and stones from the battery used by them. The jury found a verdict of not guilty. Two Surety of the Peace cases, in which au old darkey, named Perry Martin, from tel New Holland, was prosecutor, and Dile hael high and Catharine High were de fendants, were dismissed by the Court, costs to Le paid by the county. MouNtNu: John McElroy was indicted for striking John Slotts over the head with a chair, at a '' free fight" in Marietta, iu June last. Slotts was severely hurt, the blow producing a fracture of the skull, from which he did not recover for four weeks. The defendant was fimnd and tined fifty dollars and costs. John Heichelroth pleaded guilty to the char.: , of stealing seventeen dollars from Win. Hillman, of Mount Joy, in September last. Sentenced to nine months in Comity Prison. 111 nry Lease, on the morning of the 11th of April last, received front Aaron Dissing er's clerk, at Elizabethtown, $1,007.118 fin• the purpose of depositing it in the Lancaster County National Bank, Mr Mr. Dissinger. On the Monday following, Lease called at Dissingter's store and made conflicting state ments as to his disposition of the money. Shortly afterwards Mr. D. received word from Mr. Joseph Clarkson, that his hank book and three checks had been found in Ann street, this city. The defence tried to prove good behavior, and that on the day mentioned he had indulged too freely in strychnine. WEDNEsDAY AFTERNOON: Case Or I ellry S. Leak. charged with larceny, given to the Jul.‘ Emanuel Bachman, John Liehhorn and William Green, the last named colored, Wert in bonds to keep the peace. 'WEDNESDAY EVENING: Henry S. Lease acquitted o 1 the eharg . e of larceny. 1a 4b *Buzzard and Abraham Buzzard, hlcnl guilty to stealing :I small sum of mo ney 114111 Wm. Frey berger. Jacob was sent to jail Mr thirty days, and Abraham for ten hours. Win. Marshal was tried and acquit ted same charge. Ann Jeffries, a domestic, formerly in the employ of Dr. T. Baker, Of this city, was tried for stealing clothes, table cloths, L.V., from the Dr.'s family. Tut - nsDAY MouNixt; Jury returned Verdict of not guilty in the case of Anna Jeffries, charged with larceny. 'Mrs. Barbara Boerger was charged with taking a kettle of butter, the proyerty of Mrs. Susan Kautz. The Grand Jury found true hills against the copperlicad rioters at the Republican Mass Meeting in September. S.l LES OF REAL ESTATE.—Juo. Brady, atu tionevr, on the 2(1 inst., sold the farm of Dr. Jacob Rohrer, in Manheim twp., about Huai , and a half miles filon Lancaster, em bracing 102 acres, for $2lO per acre.. Gen. „lames L. Reynolds, of this city, purchaser. farm of 134 acres belonging to Mr. Bear, and situated on the Harrisburg . turn pike, three miles from Lancaster, was sold at public sale : 111 acres were purchased by Mr. Levi Getz, for $221 per acre; the re maining 23 acres brought $165 per acre. Mr. A. D. Reese has sold the "Exchange Hotel " in Mount ,Toy, now occupied by him self, to .1. .1. and G. W. Kersey, for $14,000. They \vitt take possessitin on the first of Jnnuary. The property of Thomas E. Franklin, Esq., in East King street, near the Court House, was sold last week to James Black, Esq., fur $30,000. Mr. 11., we believe, intends to convert it into business rooms. The same gentleman has purchased the properly recently occupied by Hervey Light ner, Esq., in North Duke street, for a private resience. The price, we understand, was $1.4.000, for house and furniture. Tile Voorhees property, in North Queen street, was bid up to $16,000, on Saturday evening last, and withdrawn. The fat in belonging to the estate of Isaac Herr, containing 137 scres, in Druniore twp., sold to David R. Kreider, for $63 per acre. A lot of two acres, in Providence township, belonging to the sante estate, sold to John Plink, jr., for $456. There is a house and stable on the lot. Samuel Ernst has sold his mill property, with 141 acres of land, in Bart township, to 3111charl Docrsh, of York county, for $5,000. Rachel E. Fawkes has sold a house and Lit consisting of 111 acres, near Smyrna, in Saulsbury township, to George Sterret, for $1;000. The Bowers farm, in Bart township, con sisting of 117 acres, has been sold to D. G. Steacy and Geo. Whitson, for $53 per acre. Puler MeConomy has sold his flue man sion house in which he resides, in West Orange street, to Isaac Stirk, of Philadel phia, for $9,300. The real estate of George King, deceased, was last evening sold by George Martin, Auctioneer. The dwelling house and gro cery store in East King street, was purchas ed by Jesse Landis, Esq., at $5,000 ; the double two-story brick house in East Orange street, by Hugh Dougherty, lbr $1,175 -; the double one-story stone brick house in East Orange st., high Dougherty, for $1.520 ; two lots to M. F. Steigerwalt. one for *390 and the other for ;•;42.5 ; and two lots to Wm. Gmnpf, one for i.:4:150 and the other Ihr $370. Stieriir Frey, on (hot-tilt inst., soli', a tract 01 43 acres, Ivith intprnvonicnts, in 1::11'1 township, belonging to heirs 01' John Eby, for $3.270. duel Bair was tho purchaser. The titrin td . KlNv:trti ~ ititated in Letteoek towthdlip, enthrtivint2; Sot airs and 111 Itt.relte-, way Stild to .I:terth Kreider. of (lordom illy, for t,:!•'2:1.5 per Here. Ttiv, Tv.Aentins' INsTurttos : This body convened in the Court-room. this city, on Monday morning, 9111 inst., and was C:111041 to order by the County Suptutintendent. David Evans, who ex-ollicio presided over its deliberations. lb. stated that there are some 41f teachers employed. in the public schools of this county, ;oil about t. 17,001) scholars in attendance at these schools, and that $168,000 are annually expended in their cducatit tn. t'onunitit cs On Resolutions, Fi nance and Permanent Certificates were ap pointed. The sessions were (1,.01t.1 . d to cli>- rus~-ions, essays, cltilts by the mem bers, anal addresses by Prof . 's. Wickersham, Bro.tks, Sanders. Dr. Kelleflgy, and others. Our limit el space prevents us giving report or the interesting and instrtuaive probeedings. Suffice irto say that the In stitute was a complete success, there being 480 names on the roll or membership. On Saturday morning. 14th inst., the Connnit tee on Resolutions submitted their report, whieli was accepted, after twhieh Institute adjourned. SEVERAI, BURGLARIES and robberies have recently taken place in Harrisburg. On - ')londav morning the residence of 1)1 . . W. Ihi r, Auctioneer, on SN'lmd street, ne:u. 11 - alnut, was entered, awl administering chlorotldm, the thieves went through the Doctor's Nvatches and money to the amount of :thole $.1,000. The chloroform affected Dr. Barr to such a degree that it was with great dilliculty he could be awakened by the servant after the discovery or the robbery. These scoundrels will he about Lancaster, no doubt, shortly. Let our citizens be pre pared for them. —Since the above was written, the resi dence of Amos S. IlendeNoll Esq., of this city, was on Tuesday night last, entered by a burglar, who was disturbed at his work by the cries of Mrs. George Nauman, Mr. ll.'s daughter, and "skedaddled" without carrying oil the collected plunder. DivinExos: The following Banks and Turnpike _Road Companies have declared their dividends for the last six months: Lancatcter Comity National 13ank, 7 per ccnt. Fartuvrs' National Bank of Lancaster, 71 per cent. First National Bank of Straslnug, . J per cent. Iktanheim National Bunk. 7i per cent. eta nheim and Lancaster Turnpike Com pany, one dollar and flay cents per share. Bridgeport and Ilorseshoe Turnpike Com pany, twenty cents on each share. Lancaster awl Litiz Turnpike Company, one dollar and fifty cents per share. " ini.:Asiz,vrioN is the only thing which the Democratic party wants. Wherever its organization is close and perfect, then it re sists all assaults and constantly increases in numbers.—Lulea4Pr latehligencer. That's cool—after the result in Lancaster city, the two late electiims. What a com pliment to our distinguished carpet-bagger copperhead from Florida—the redoubtable George, who "run the machine" here! He was going to play the very old nick in the Second Ward, for he boasted after he moved into it, that it was only necessary for it to be " worked up" to secure a copperhead majority there, and he was going to d 0 it— he was! Great man is carpet-bagger George. ACCIDENTS: Mr, Christian Musser, Jr., was thrown from his buggy On Thursday evening last, near New Holland, this county, by his horse taking fright and running away. One of his legs was broken below the knee, and the buggy broken to pieces. John Shoemaker fa into the Canal, at Marietta, on Sunday evening last, and was drowned before assistance could reach him. ON . the night of the Presidential election, as the engineer on a train reached the ban easter depot, he inquired of a Democrat how the election had gone. "I'll tell you," re plied the Democrat, if you will tell me why General Grant is like your engine. "Because he pushes things and pulls things," replied the engineer. No," slys the Democrat, "it's because he smokes and says nothing." A NEw RAtt.uoAn TO MANuEIm: The Lebanon and Pinegrove Railroad is pro gressing rapidly. It is expected to be com plete in the Spring. The distance is 22 miles front Pinegrove to Lebanon—and it is also proposed to run it to Manheim, this county, a distance of twenty miles, where it will connect with the Reading and Columbia Railroad. IMPORTANT TO SiGAR DEALEns: The Com missioner of Internal Revenue has instructed J. 13. Warfel, Esq., Assessor of this District, that "all segars sold by the manufacturer thereof, on and after November 23d, must be stamped in the manner required by the new law," though they may have been stamped under the law in existence prior to July 20th last. " We will state that we have no club rates, and otter no premiums of pictures, pinchbeck watches, sewing machines or hand organ (with monkey thrown in), to getters up of big or little "clubs."—Lancaster Examiner. A-hem! A-hem! You don't, don't you? You had better• get rid of your monkey, or he'll spoil! fOTEI, CHANGE: Messrs. Parvin Lk; Weiler have just bought the good will and fixtures, and taken possession of the American llouse, corner of Fourth and Penn streets, Reading. The American is unquestionably the Lek lintel in that city, and one of the best in the State. Messrs. Parvin and Weiler, the new Proprietors, will not fail to sustain the good reputation of the House. illorlions: There was quite a brilliant dis play of Meteors on Saturday morning last, commencing at about 2 o'clock, and contin uing until daylight. The phenomenon was general throughout the country, reaching to the Western coast, and also being visible in England. HousEKEErs ought to know that one of the best, most extensive and cheapest Gro cery stores in all Pennsylvania, is D. S. & J. S. Burske's, No. 19 East King st, Lan caster. For particulars see advertisement. FLAG PRESENTATION: The Flag otri"red by Maj. Wiley, as a prize to the district showing the largest Republican gain for Hartranft over Geary, was piesented on Wednesday evening of last wc, , k, to the gallant Republicans of Mount Joy. The presentation was made by Maj. Reinoehl, who delivered an eloquent speech. and Dr. J. L. %brier received it with some well-timed remarks. 'the the , is a beautiful one, made of silk, and is in good hands. THE ( • 01,1 - META IVe are pleased to learn that this .-triteture is rapidly ap proaching completion. 'File Wrightsville sir's that tin. Wntkirwn am now c winged in 11111011 g 111) the 1:14 Sp:111, on the York county ,hare. It is confidently expected that the hritbze will be ready for use by the lir4 day of January. This is good news, Ivhercor we arc A Di:sEnvi:n ('O)IPLIM ENT: David County Superintendent of Common Schools, was presented (u 1 Friday evening last, by the members of the institute, with a beauti ful set 01 silver-ware, consisting of six pieces. Mr. I'. Mc Caskey made the presentation speech, after the exercises of the Institute on that evening. "THE ExA:str NER, read for six months in any family of ordinary intelligence, will make itself a future necessity in that family."—Er- Omiller. • 11 , 1ter ]haws' Fomeboily else say that. You know "conceit is better than physic." STOREKEEPERS APPOINTED: Harrison nip ple, Henry 'Afartin, John Fitzgerald, David Itoath, John Herr, Samuel 'Stmm:teller and Shealfer Metzger have been appointed by the Internal Hevenne Department, Storekeepers for this Congressional District. THE FAL', CRors look exceedingly wcll in this vicinity. Accounts from all parts of the country speak encouragingly of the pros- Peel. THE M A.Hli ETs. Lancaster Household Market S. nutter, Lard, jt Eggs, 11 doz.. hickens, (live,) pair,.... do. (4ressed.) pair, Potatoes, bus do. ill half pk... Apples, half pk..... Cabbage, head Onions, half p1c..... Apple Butter, it do. 1,1 crock Turnips, y.l bus Reading Household Markets (From the Daily Eagle.) Butter irt It, Lard, y doz Live chickens, ret pair, Potatoes, bus The Domestic Produce Markets. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 19.—There is very little ('loverseed coming forward, and it rang es front $0.50 to 417.25 for common and prime quality. Timothy is nominal and cannot be quoted over $2.6002.65. Flaxseed is less active; all sales at C. 5502.60. There is nothing doing in Quercitron Bark ; we quote No. I at $12.50 per toll. There is less doing in Flour, but the stock of the better grade is reduced to a low figure, and holders are firm in their views; sales of 400 lib's. northwest extra family at 97.7505.25 per bid.; 200 bbls. Penna. and Ohio do. do. at 40).500 10.75, part Lancaster and Cumberland county ; fancy lots at 4111013.25, and extras at et5.25t30.75. No change in Rye flour; 1,000 bbls. sold at $7.5005, the latter figure for choice it. Louis. PriCCE3 of ( 'ornmeal are steady; 300 bbls. Caloric sold at $5.50, anu 500 bbls. Brandywine at $5.90. The offerings of priule Wheat are small, and other kinds are not wanted ; sales of 1,000 bus. red at 92.05@2.14; 500 bus. amber at 9`3.15, and 500 bus. No. I spring at $1.70. Rye is steady ut 41.48. Corn is unsettled ana higher; sales of 500 bus. old yellow at 0.20; 1,500 bus. new at +41098c., and 2,000 bus. western mixed at V .150L18. Oats are unchanged ; 3,000 bus. western sold at 1371472 c. 1700 bus. Barley sold on secret terms, and 1,000 bus. Malt at $2.25. Whisky is unchanged ; sales at $1.0e61.10 tax The Stock Markets. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 19.-I'ldlad 9 a and Eric, 25; Beading, 4:4-y 4 , @%; Pa. 53 1 .4451; U.S. n's 1881,114,00/1L1%; 5-We of 1882, 110fi11164 ; do. 1861, 107 1 . /A107%; do. do. 1865, 107%@107%; do. of July 186 a, 109 1 . 7 2 @l10%; do. do. 1867, 1100)111N; do. do. of 1868, 110%0110!.‘; 104)44)103 1 4, ; Gold, 134%@-%. Naw Youg,Nov. 19.—Chicago and Rock Island, 105%; Reading, 97%; Canton Com'y, 46 , 2; Erie, 55'/; Cleveland and Toledo, 99; Cleveland and Pittsburg, gilz ; Pittsburg and Fort Wayne, 107 ; Michigan Cent'l, 114 1 A; Michigan Southern, 53 1 .4 ; New York Central, 191%; Illinois Central, 141%; Cumberland —; Hudson River, 123; U. S. f..2o's of 1812 ; do. 1864, 107%@%; do. 18615, 109% @tlo%; new issue 1805, —; do. 1807, 110 1 /Alzi; 10-40 , 5, —; Gold, 134%. NEW YORK, Nov. 19.—Gold closed at 134%. ➢TARRIED. STAUFFBR—HOUSTON. Nov. 10th, by Itev. Elisha A. Hoffman, Henry Stauffer, of Church town, to Miss Margie Houston, of Marietta. TUOUT—MINNICIL Nov. 12th, by Rev. A. H. Kremer, Benjamin S. Trout to Fannie Minuich, both of East Hempfield, this county. FRANTZ—HERR. On the Sallie by the same, Samuel M. Frantz to Kate H. Herr, both of East Lampeter, this county. SIIARPLEY—NEVIN. On the same, at. St. Paul's German Reformed Church, in this city, by. Rev. Edwin H. Nevin, E. Cooper Sharp ley, Esq., of Philadelphia, to Florence Ros elli Nevin, daughter of the officiating clergy- Man. WEITISIYER—PRICE. On the same, by the same, Jacob Weitmyer to Julia L. Price, both of this city. BEN - NETT—MYERS. On the same, James Bennett, of Canton, °his, to Lizzie Myers, of the same place and formerly of East Donegal, this county. RUMPLE—BRENEMAN. Nov. 10th, by Rev. J. M. Wheeler, of Philadelphia, Geo. H. Rumple, of Columbia. to Minnie Brene man, of Bainbridge. KELLER—VONDERSMITH. Nov. 11th, in Trinity Lutheran Church, by Rev. Dr. Green wald, Geo. B. Keller to Margie Vondersmith, both of this city. M'OUTCHEN—FREY. Nov. 17th, at Gense mer's Hot'l, by Rev. W. T. Gerhard, Win. McCutchen, of Rapho, to Miss Amanda Frey, of Ephrata twp., this county. SHEETS—WITHERS. Nov. 18th, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. H. Spayd, John J. Sherts, of Paradise, to Miss Kate Withers, of Willow Street. MENGEL—KLINE. Nov. 17th, by Rev. A. H. Kremer, Charles W. Mengel, of Dryers town, Lebanon county, to Maggie P. Kline, of this city. DIED. HARTMAN. Nov. 10th, in this city, Anne E., wife of John 1. Hartman, in the ti:lth year of her age. WITMER. Nov. 12th, in Mountville, Anna, wife of D. W. Witmer, aged V year», 10 months and 12 days. SHENK. Nov. 13th, at Oregon, Elizabeth, wife of Henry H. Shenk, and daughter of Elias Baker, of Warwick, aged about twenty one years. Jocons. On the same day, at Philadelphia, Samuel F. Jacobs, late or this 'county, aged 39 years. KOHR. Nov. 17th, in Manheim twp., Jacob Kohr, sr., in the 86th year of his age. DEMUTH. Nov. 18th, in this city, Andrew E. Demuth, aged 33 years and 11 months. PR OS PE CP S! 66 FATHER AIIR.tHAM" CONTINUED AND ENLAMED Letters of ~ Pit Schweftlebrenner." rru l: or FATTIER .V ntnnnal ~ I'EN'I'RE LANCA , TEIt, I:nconragwl Lt a large number or our lie- InlLli~ au in various parts "r try, Wl' have connlnelt•el to continue lilt! 1/111)11- Calitlil tir FATHER A mt.\ HA:NI as a, lwrltia -111'lli instiltttion . It has lit, n considerably and otherwise improved ; it will con tinm• 11, he an illustrah.(l newspaper ; the• very popular rota amusing productions of "PIT 1UIIWT:FI . I.E1IITENNI:Il" also COll - and we ti•e•l San ill assuring the puhlic that his forthcoming series of letters will he quite as interesting as those of the• past. The price ot• subscription will not be inereased— ONE DOI, LA It AN I) FIFTY . ("I'S. A YEAR, IN ADV,IN(7 I.:, for a single sub scriher. We deem it unnecessary to say anything as to the political character of Fa Ev. A nu,k- ItA m. The enthusiasm with which it was received everywhere during the memorable campaign just closed, and its great popolarit y among the intelligent I ZepubMean masses, is sufficient guarantee of its future orthodoxy and usefulness. As we will not prepare our selves with hack nundwrs, but only print as many as may be needed to supply regular sub scribers from time, to time, in order to secure a perfect tile, from the first number of the now and enlarged series, persons should for ward their• subscriptions at once. The terms of subseript ion are as follows : I copy, one, year, S 1.30 copies, (each name addressed,) 7.00 10 col 1:1 copics, And l.ltt for paeli additional subscriber, with an extra copy to getter up of club, and also ono for every additional twenty. . 49 (ii; 50 .18@20 '3) 40 75 6 , ) 100 1f g 121 100 fi 115 19 (ii) 2) . 43 50 C 1 10 1 ref, s, iii packages, without addressing each 11111111', our rates are as follows : 5 copies, (to one ad(lress,) 10 oipies, 15 copies, 20 copies, 20 Q 25 1'25 Q 150 Awl Sl.OO for each additional snhseriber, with extra eopy to getter up of a club of t w( nt 3 PIT SCRWEFFLERRENNER'S LETTERS. We will Mali to all subscribers who pay us the full subscription price for one year, $1.50, a pamphlet copy of the letters of " Pit Sch weillebrenner," written for FATHER ABRA HAM, during the campaign. This pamphlet will be published about the Ist of December. PORTRAIT OF HONORABLE THADDEUS STEVENS. 48 0 50 ro ce 100 7.) @ 100 In lieu of the extra copies of FATHER. A BRAHAM, offered above as premium, we will furnish, to the getter up of a club of FIFTY subscribers, at club rates, . 4 ..trtatn's celebrated steel-engraved partrait of Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, published by Jacob E. Barr, of Lancaster, the price of which is FIVE Di.a.LA us. For fifteen subscribers, in a pack age, to one address, at $1.50 each, we will furnish the engraving. :,terPayment awst be untie in adraliCC all Address New Advertisements. pENNsYLVANIA, s In the name anti by the authority of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, JOHN W. GEA Governor of said Commonwealth. A PROCLAMATION WitkatEAs, By returns made by the Judges of Special Elections, held in the Ninth and Twen tieth Congressional Districts of this Common wealth, on TUESDAY, the 13th day of OCTO BER last past, being the second Tuesday there of, and the time appointed for holding the gen eral elections in said Commonwealth, under the authority of an Act of the General Assembly, approved the second day of July, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, en titled "an Act relating to the elect ions of this Commonwealth," it appears that Oliver J. Dickey was duly elected in the Ninth District, composed of the County of Lancaster, and S. Newton Pettus in the Twentieth District, com posed of the Counties of Crawford, Venting°, Mercer and Clarion, to serve as Representatives of this State, in the House of Representatives of the Fortieth Congress of the United Slates, to supply the vacancies occasioned by the deal h of the Hon. Thaddeus Stevens and Hon. Darwin A. Finney. And whereas, in and by the Forty-Second Sec tion of the above recited Act of the General Assembly, it is made the duty of the Governor, on the receipt of the returns of Special Elections by the Secretary of the Commonwealth, to de clare, by proclamation, the names of the per sons elected. Now therefore, 1, John W. Geary, Governor as aforesaid, have Issued this my proclamation, hereby publishing and declaring that the said Oliver J. Dickey and S. Newton Pettus, were duly elected and chosen in the Districts before mentioned as Representatives of the people of this State in the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States, in room of lion. Thaddeus Stevens and Hon. Darwin A. Finney, deceased, who had been elected mem bers of the Fortieth Congress. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this thirteenth day of November, in theyear of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and of the commonwealth the ninety-third. JOHN NV. GEAR Y. By thu Governor: F. JonnAs, Secretary of the Commonwealth no2o-3t] GROCERIES. Fittyrs, AND CONFECTIONS FOR THE 1101,IDAYS JAY EIt,sEEDLEsS AND VALENCIA RAISINS NEW CURRANTS, NEW CITRON, T(lthl III'RUNYs, (:R1•:1:N A1'1'1.1•:.., DRIED APPLES, UII11•:1) PEAcIIE, ID NV, SHAH I•.1I CORN. GREEN PEA', srixr PEAS, CIIoICE (RAN BERRI Es, CHOICE GREEN - TEA, CIIoICE BLACK TEA LAGUYIIA AND JAVA CDFFEIis, SiII:ARS AN!) SYRUPS A VARIETY OF CONFECTIONS, GLASS AND QUEEVSWdRE LAMP OooDs u F EVERY DESCRIPTION All the above of the best quality and cheaper than the cheapest. At 11. S. & .1. S. 111:11Sli , S, nov 20-Iyr] No. 18 East King street, Lanc ]3.00 7,5.00 22.00 ',' 6 :'1) 12.80 16. ill 20.00 RAUCH 8.; ('OCHRAN, Editors and Publishers, Lancaster, Pa Groceries. _Hats, ('apm, I' mw, (t'•e•. 1868. 1868. SHLTLTZ & BROTHER, II k T N., 21) NORTIL Ql" EEN STREET, I. \ .\ PENN \ stylo I:all :tn.] %% inter II IT , and ( ;tll qualit colors L.\ rs' r.\ NLY an. 110 \V oiwoing the largo , l most completo;o—orlatont of I.:olio , ' oil I hil.lron's \ I 'I I I I: , I'Vt.l• in this nmyket, at very tiny 11()BES!! noilE,•:!!! 111111a1( , lined amtl Bay, %I oh . , Prairie ‘1(11 . , I ' )N, BLANNET AND LAP UP(;S tYall(Ill:till11( . 11 part iettlarly in ite 1 ht. at I vation of all perrnui in NV:111( ZlUti(•il ., is that lino. (iI,()VEs, I;.II'NTI.I.:P. and MIVI's ()I n n, MIME sl 11, I.;olie,' rule jut Trimme.l dove, , , )litt , unit Pl' LS E WARM ENS mot EA II MITTS NVihil.E--.\1.1.: AND 1:1:T.111 no2l t 1 J NI I T 11 31.1N1:V.“ UM: AND DEALEI: IN tr.vrs AND CAI).4 .\ll kinds of It TS to order on short notice and at low price,. 1.:7 , T i]r, Lancaster, l'a. 110-04 ltlj Book owl Job PPiuthoy. ItAUCII S (1)(1111_1N BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS PLA IN AND FANCY PRINTING M.' ALL KINDS From the largest IN )-'l' F. It to the smallest Ft 1) or HA' t: ,Alt, executed in the best style, and at reasonable prices. ith-t Inters from a distance promptly attend ed to. —N. E. ANGLE 4. ENTRE - , (,) . 1".‘1:1•:, LANcAsTEr.., PENNA. ()11 - 1( I liusicat instruments, ST. J B. KEVIyAKI, IN SHEET MUSH', PIANOS, ORGANS MELODEONS, L .111 , sieo1 lost ru wilts n(,•utlly. Sole Agent for STEINWAY SONS' AVORLD RENOWNED PIANOS Also, Agent for NcE c0. ,. :s .I\s and :11E1.01/EONs 44• Music sent by Mail Free of Postage. N 0.3 NORTH PRINCE sTREET, Lancaster, Pa. GOOK A MOlll, DOH ltooft aw tin J. B. KEVINSKI SEIM MUSIC SIITOIt E. IiLOFFEERA, )RYELLA, MELODEONS, 11 II alto sorta music lashtruments! , _ Der lievinski is agent for de bereemtv Stein wehr Pianos—liloffeera beast mer se Utdeitsh. ierplatz is N 0.3 NDRD PRINCE slit Err, LANCASTER. N. B. For a first raty goofy thdg, odder an Accordeon, odder a Tsw,errich-Peit il odder en nich owners musical Inshtrum ent,ldea odder gross, shtcpt yusht ons licyinski's, No. 3 Nord Prince Shtrose, Lancaster. [no2O-ly Dentistry. =IIIMI=9E=2 EDITORA ExenEss: Dr. Win. M. NVldteside, the enterprising Dentist, has purchased from me a large stock of teeth and all the fixtures, the in struments formerly belonging to me, and also those used by my father, Dr. Parry, in his prac tice. in the purchase, the doctor has provided himself with some of the most valuable and ex pensive instrutuents used in dental practice, and has beyond doubt wie of the best and lar gest collections of teeth and instruments in the state. Persons visiting the commodious offices of Dr. Whiteside, cannot fail to be fully accom modated. The Doctor loses no opportunity of furnishing himself with every late scientific improvement In his line of business. WniTEsiDE, w. DENTIST. oFFICE AND ItE!,IDENCI.:, EAST KIN(: S. 'l7 E E Next door to the Court Itouse, over I:alines toek's Dry “oods store, LANCASTER, PENN.I Tiellt ]sxt,'i u •lei! without 'pail by ''l (flows (I,riele) no2o- f ] 1100k8 (Ca ul Sta /0 ery. (I BOOKS AN!) STATIONERY. (I SCHOOL and DIISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, sTATioNERy, FAMILY AN I) POCKET DI ISLEst ABLANK . 11001iS. A LIBERAL REDUVTIONs TO Pmerehants,,chool Directors $• Teachers. J. 11. SHEAFFER. CHEAP CASH BOOK STORE, N 0.32 NORTH QUEEN sTnEET, -LANCASTER, PA. (ino-isE vAinETYT Eicher, Blanks, Fedulera, Dimla, litula-glesser, Pencils an FOMEI.IA SOCK-ItEEVECA J. 11. SIIEAFFEIPS Wohlfehler Lash Ruch :•-htore N 0.32 Noril Queen :-11trose, Lancaster, 1 1 a. ntr.,'Myj lt k I II y. =I! BATE & SIIENK, BANKERS, NORTHEAST ANGLE ON CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PENNA nO2O-Iy] 111 ( h11),&e.,&c H. H. PAIIHN =3 le«M'oads. pENNsYLVANIA Trains leave the Central Depot as follows: EASTWARD. WESTWARD. Phila. Express 4:17 a.m. Erie 2;011 a. In Fast Line " Phila. Exp... 2:47 Lane. Train.... U:O5 " Mail .41:15 Day Express.. 2:11 p.m. Fast Line..... 2:20 p.m Harrisb'g Ac.. 6:15 toiumbiu Ac. 2,25 4 , 1. DIED). " IlarrlslOg Ac. 5:53 Lane. Train.. 7:2a •, 111.:.\10m; AND (1)LUM111.1 ))\ .IND AFTER I' I)N ESDA V, .`q;PT. 1&:. I'As..ENGISkIIL WILL BE MPS ON THIS I:OA D, AS FOLLOWS: Leave Lancaster and Columbia, uL__ 8:0 u. In. kriive al IZending, tcETuit.NlNc. I, , nv( Vending at 1.11 . ive at Lancastl or at Columbia ... Lancaster mut s:3op. m Trains Noq .2 and 3 inake elemc connection at Reading with TraiiN North and South, on Phil adelphia and Reading Railroad, and West on Lebanon Valley Road. No. 2 al=o makes close connection with Train for New York. Ticket,+ can he obtained at the °Wens of the New Jer, Central Railroad, foot of Liberty HI rent, New York;and Philinklphiaand Reagling Railroad, 131li tout Callow hill intrects Phila. Th' •. , 11 ticket , to No' - iirMlgh tielo i u NOW York. and Philadel phia sold all the Principal Stations, and Bag gage ( heeke4l Throligh. Trains are run by Philadelphia and Wailing Railroad Time, which M lO minutes faster than Pennsylvania Railroad Time. 4:E1). i:upt E. E. Gen. t 1 t. and Ticket Agent. 110 V '2O-tl] Cloth h.q. J UST () ENED BEAU MONDE HALL! PI MTiH 4) U 4 4W5 543 PEN N sQI - All E. 543 IZEADIN(, PENNA., I= BEAVE S, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &c., EMI 11'1\'1'1•:1: EAU =I BOY'S CLOTHING, IMEI GENTLEMEN FURNISHING GOODS! LEVI iiLEMAN, tatter no_O 11] EUIU P. ('(11.1:\I.1\ IILTrII.I.\ - 1' TAILOR, Having leased Erben's old and well-known stand, NO. 12 NOItTH QU EEN-ST., Offers to the public entire new and superior stock of GOODS of every description, which will he made up in the very best and most fash ionable style. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Of every description, for sale cheaper than they can be bad anywhere else in the city. Inov Sewing Muchines. B EWARE OF IMPOSITIoN! It is a remarkable fact, and one that is favor able to the already well established reputation of the HMV I.; SEW !NG 31 ACRINE, that the more valuable the article the more apt it is to be counterfeited. It has often been remarked in favor of the Christian Religion, that if there were no true Christians in the u•oiI(1 there would be no hypoc ry es, and if there were no genuine money in circulation, I here would be no indwements for counterleiting. The same rule applies in sewing Machin es. The large and inereasing trade of the Howe Sewing Machine hi this city and county, bag been t he great incentive t hat induced the Agent of a rival machine to hi trodnce into this city a bogus Sewing Machine whose only claim to notoriety is in its Immo, the A. It. Howe Sew ing Machine. NVe deem it a duty to our friends and the public generally, to give than a word of warn ing in time to avoid imposition from unprinci pled :igen! s who will no iloubl attempt to paint off u 11011 the unsuspecting, this bogus Howe Machine for the original r: 1.1 As 110 W F., s NV MA( 'III N as by carefully observing they will be able to see the difference between the two machines. The trade mark of the original or genuine Howe sewing Machine M a medallion head of Klias llowe, jr. the original Inventor, which is m ebedded in the base plate of every genuine llowo !• , ewing Machine, and it has also a very valuable improvement in the upper tension which is regulated by an ingeniously construct ed wheel, which the bogus machine dare not uso. The genuine Original Howe hewing Machine is sold in this city only at No. 25 , , North Queen street, were persons in want of the best in the market arc respectfully invited to cull and ex• amine the machines and the work done on theta, before purchasing elsewhere. VAT I.:, Agent for Lancaster county, Pa. not• 20.tdee 4-111 1 00K OVs FOR IMPOSITION!— ‘3 l l COUNTERFEITS UM DE w Eu! Es is au Boot belconnt y fact, aver an grossy recommendation for de bereendy HOWE NEA , MASH E EN.I, das counterfeiters chra besitts duna for Sc nocli tsn macha un ehra gofer naw ma I su shteala. Mor hen shun uft heave sawye dus wann's keg ' wohre krishte het in der welt, donn Lets am ken beielder de :deli proweera for guty krisbta ob tsu passe, on wanes kea Boots geld het In der welt, down hette iner Inv ken druvvel mit coon ' terfeit geld. Un so is es exact ly wit de bereetnty ' 1101 V L N EA-MASHE Der orrig gross demand for de genuine Howe Ilea-Masheena, in there sht adt ,un in d cm county, hut au gootychanee gevva for an gewisseragent fun an onnery mashcen, gemacht by elun A. B. Howe, se oh tsu passa ut's public als (le both repine nn goot bokannt HOWE NEA MACHINE. Mer sins unser &chid, dens all-gemeina pub lie, un tills sciwer shuldtch, an deitliche war , nung gevvu, so das ally telt sick heeta kenna geaya so Imposition by agents fun de counter feit Bowe Masheena. De genuiney sin de wu cantina sin warts, un now manufactured sin, beim E I.IIS HOW E, Jn. Oily onnery sin bogus, odder counterfeit. An yearly genuine HOWE NEA-MASHEEN hut an " trade mark, ,, un sell is an Medallion likeness mum ELIAS HOWE, Ja. ins hawpt plate net g , shatft. Es Is aw an gewisses regulation ratwt—an orrig valuable improvement —im owera debt fun der masheen, un sel duna de manufacturers 1 . 1111 der counterfeit masheen goi net usa well se net dierfa. De genuine un realy HOW E NE.A,M ASH E ENA , wterra yusht on cam plat z lu der shtadt Lan caster terkawft—on nummer '2W, Nord Queen street. Ally kit de an perfecty nos-machine wolla—elms fun de brshty in der United States, odder in der welt—an original Howe Masheen— ahn aw tsu ruin, un se examina for sich seiwer. An yeades branch yusht awrufa for tau sea we goot un perfect unser nea-masheen de aorwet attain. C. FATE, Agent for Lancaster County. nov 20-27Adee 11) ::.N) ) m 1.0:_l) a. m 5:30p. m P.... 7:00 a, m ii:151). ..... 9:20 a. in ..... 9:25 BI CII & 8110 PROPRIV.TOII9 D