PUBLI S H El) EVERY FRI DA V, RAUCH & COCHRAN, Northeast Angle Centre Square, Lancaster. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION 1 copy, one year, 5 copies, (melt name addressed,) 10 copies II copies 44 20 copies And 4 , 1.10 for each additional subscriber FOR exam, IN PACKAGES. 5 copies, (to one address,) t 6.50 ',O copies " 12.00 I:, copies " “ 16.50 20 copies " ii •'0 00 Anti +l.OO for each 101 ti it ional sulp:wriber. Xri) - -All subscriptions must invariably be paid in advance. .T 013 11, I IST I 'INT Of every description, neatly and promptly exe cuted, at short notice, and on the most reasonable term tr. PPOPSNIOIIa OJ. DICKE Y. . .ITTORNEY AT LAW. nerICE: S , 01:111 Ql' EEN sT.,secontlhousebe low the "Fountain Inn," Lancaster, Pa. J . B. 'WIN( . TSTON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE: NO. /1 NORTH OUR . E ST., west side, north of the Court House, Lancaster, i'a. CUARLEs DENVES, ATToimn - AT ()mem N 0.3 SDETII DUKE :._;TICEET, Lan caster, Pa. JOHN 13. GOOD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFIce: N 0.56 EAST KING sT., Lancaster, Pa MEMII=II Urricit: No 25 sOl."111 QUEEN ST., Laocits ter, Pa. DP. HOSENMILLEII, . ATToRN AT LAW. lIFFICE: With A. HERR S3lllll, ESq., south Queen st., Lancaster, Pa. A C. BEINOMIL, Arx• ATTORNEY AT i,"0.1 Oevics: N 0.3 sOUTII DUKE ST., Lancaster S 1 011 N P. ILEA ArronsEir AT J.W.A )PFICE: With lion, ()..I.lncicay, N 0.21 sou Tit E EN sT., Lancaster, Pa. NI A RTIN 1 . 1 . r, ATTORNEY AT LAW ()crier. of the late lion. THADDEUS STEVE? S, \o. 26 south Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. AIOSNEVI IN A . TI. -, ATToRNEA" AT LAW. k )FFICE: No. 8 sot"rit EE ST., Lancaster. J . K. It uar E ATTORNEY AT L.W. OFFICE: With General .1. W. Freaxa, NORTH DUKE ST., Lancaster, Pa. Reading Advertisements. TT MALTZBEIII; Ell, ATTORNEY AT LAW N 0.46 NORTH SIXTH ST., Reading, Pa. T GEORGE SELTZER. Ito • ATTORNEY AND COUNsELLER AT LAW. No. 601 COURT STREET, (opposite the Court House,) Reading, Pa. HCT ORAE A. "1 - 1 77 r 1) ( 1 )iNEY AT LAW. N 0.28 NORTH SIXTH ST., Reading, Pu. FRANCIS M. BANK :4, ATToItNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY VITIILIC. N 0.27 NORTH. SIXTH. ST., Reading, Velma. .fitsurance. TIIE OLD PENN mt"ruAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIII-111E1,1'111A ACC ATED CAPITAL, i... , 2,000,000, \ tier paying Losses to the amount of 41,120,000 CHARTER PERPETUAL 11l the Surplus hicideml amongst the Policy Holders every year. VIM ()SLY Till LY MUTUAL COMPANY IN TIIE CITY ((it sTATE. For further information apply to .10IIN J. C 4 All It A N, Agent, P. 0., Lancaster, Pa. n02041] Jewelry. Z & , LICKSON, DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, S I I, E kNI) SILVER-PLATED WARE, , PECTACIES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET LANCAsTEIt, PA R-a-imp.kiitNG ATTENDEu TO. u$ ncy2.o-1y) Foritishioy Goods, ttc. HEADQUARTERS Fl/11. UNDERCLiaIIIN“, sT4WKING, GLoVEs, Coil,,kits, CUFFS, ..41.EEVIE: BUTfONs, tria Gent's ware generally, at EItISMIN*S, NOWCII QUEEN ST,, Lancaster An tvver ous grosser shtoek goods—suitable for Krislnlogs, Nei-Yohrs un onnery Presents— so we Hots-!richer, Schnup-nicker, Collars, Hem. fennel K'n ep, g'slitickto Hemmer-fronts, Pocket !licher, Perfumery, Holantlibl, Cigar Casa, un onnery fancy articles ons E. .1. ERISMAN'S, 41 , 4 North Queen Street, Lancaster.(Om sign film gross shtreatich Ilem.) [ Boots and Shoes. MISUALL & NON'S BOOT AND ,SHOE STORE. CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. ANOTHER FRESH IVEIJs ACALL. The only place for good and substantial work is at MARSHALL'S, Where can be seen the ,largest and best assort ment of Men's and Boys' BOOTS AND SHOES over brought to this city. Ladies', Misses' and Children's plain and fancy Shoes, Baintends and But toned Gaiters. ift4-. Also, RUBBERS OF EVERY KIND, which we invite you to call and examine; feeling con fident that we can warrant all to WEAR WELL. no 20.1y] Confectimaery. joHN T. \VEIN'S CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON, NO. 39.4 NORTH QUEENSTREET, LANCASTER, PA. Olstrwt of bond, an fully 'sort tuent fun coin teiney un French Tsucker-sack; Ntss; Friell tit, i.trossy un kloauy kuelut, Ste. Part les un families supplied ut kortzy notice , un fairy terms. (uo 20-Im $ 1.530 7.00 13.00 IR.OO 22.00 Vol,. 11. "(401) SAVE OUR PRESIDENT." fly FRANCIS HE HAM JANVIEIL All hail ! Unfurl the stripes and stars ! Tke banner of the free ! Ten times ten thousand patriots greet The shrine of Liberty ! Come, with one heart, one hope. one aim, Au undivided band, To elevate, with solemn rites, The ruler of our land ! Not to invest a potentate With robes of majesty : Not to confer a kingly crown, Nor bend a subject knee ; We bow beneath no sceptre)! sway, I They no royal nod ; Columbia's sons, erect and free, Kneel only to their God ! Our ruler boasts no kingly rank ; No ancient, princely lino ; No legal right to sovereignty, Ancestral and divine ; A patriot, at his country's call, Responding to her voice ; One of the people—he becomes A sovereign by our choice ! And now, before the mighty pile '\Ve've reared to Liberty, Ile swears to cherish and defend The charter of the free ! God of our country ! seal his oath With thy supreme assent, God save the Union of the States ! God sore ow* PreAdent pisceitantouo. Written for FATHER ABRAHAM. PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE. About forty years agomy mother needed a new carpet forthe parlor. According to time-honored custom, she invited her lady friends of the village to a carpet rag sew ing. Ohl coats, pants, jackets, vests, pet ticoats, et cetera, had been carefully saved for a year or more to meet such au enter gency. On the day belbre the sewing, mother mat le ample preparations, by baking and cooking, to treat herlady friends with an abundance of good things. At the ap pointed hour they came, and a glorious time they had durin:f the afternoon. The huge quantity and great variety of old clothes was soon converted into cut and sewed carpet rags, ready for the weaver, and in a few weeks more the family re joiced over a beautiful new carpet, with rich stripes of red, green and yellow, giv in!, our parlor a splendid appearance. The furniture consisted of the said new carpet, a dining tattle, settee. half a dozen chairs, a house clock with a seven feet high case, a ten-plate wood stove dated 17Sl, fbur or five eight by ton inch pictures--likenesses of Washingb in, Jefferson, Adams and Ilamilton—a bureau, and a four feet Ion! , wood-chest behind the stow. The spin niter-wheel, when not in use, was also recognized as au article properly belonging to the parlor. Forty years ago our sisters were taught by their mothers to perform regular house hold duties. They were required to bake bread, make beds, knit stockings, spin wool, flax and hemp, wash dishes, milk cows, gather eggs, churn butter, feed pigs, peel potatoes, plant corn, cook sour-kraut, make hay, hoe corn, scrub and sweep rooms, shake carpets, wash clothes, boil soap, go to market and rock the baby. Young ladies now-a-days learn to dress in the most extravagant and ridiculous style, read novels, study fashions, attend balls, spend the old man's earnings, enjoy the luxury of seeing mother do the work of the household, and faint at the sight of awash tub, a scrubbing brush, a piece of country soav or a crying baby. orty years ago, boys at the a;gc of four teen or fifteen were bound out among; strangers to learn trades, and serve terms of years as apprentices--generally until they attained the age of twenty-one vials, when the young man received, according; to contract, either an extra suit of clothes, a set of tools, or in lieu thereof, from thirty to forty dollars in cash as a •• freedom gift. " During apprenticeship he was required to rise very early in the morning, and work front eleven to thirteen hours a day. Sum , apprentices had their daily tasks befbre them, and received regular pay fin. doing "over work," which en:doled them to earn from fifty cents to one thdlar a week, and lay up money which in .some cases enabled them to stl) into business at t %veiny-out% Boys frequently reserved the right during apprenticeship to spend a few weeks in the country, every year, to work at haymaking and in the harvest fields. and earn for themselves from sixty-two and a-half to eighty-seven and a-half cents a day. Young men of to-day are treated much more tenderly, if not with more \Visdoin. Instead of directit: their al tenthat to use ful trades or occupations, they generally go for situations in 'Hotels, Itestatirants and ()likes. Ilundrols 0101 thousands commence the study of Law, Medicine or Theology without the least re!rard to their naturallitnesstitrsuch professions. Trades, requiting actual labia., and calculated to develop manhood and lead to honor and usetitiness, are carefully a y(44(101141 shun ned, as occupations only t ) b followed h some inferiors. .As a n Itor 11 consequynce our so_coHNl rcspectable yoang men of to day spend much of duir time in driving fast le wses, dritildng fifteen and twenty livo cent brandies and whiskies, and smoking cigars costing., not twenty-tiNT (TiltS her hundred as in oltlyn times, but from live to hat and twenty-tirecentseach. It is a lamentable trutil that tlemsands and tens of thousands of our young molt of the present time are entering 111:1111u)od as drunkards and gamblers, and finish them selves as stwlt at twenty-live and thirty! S h malice towards none, with char firmness in the right, as Cod g, to see the right, let us stripe on to finish, the we are in; to bind up the nations wow; gottrg. P iltT H _____ R 1 -, r ,-_,. .1 r - -. .- - -----_h 117 i a __, , LANCASTER, PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2,0, 1865. 'Fills startling truthmust very soon engage he serious attention of all g4)041 and right minded people. to the end that the fearful tide 4)f dissipation may 1w reversed and the sat'ety of the rising general )littssured. Forty years ago, spirituous liquor was considered an article of refreshment, and those only were licensed to retail it who were amply provided with house room and accommodations tbr strangers ;11141 t ra yel lers. In other words, btverns Only, afford ing accommodations, such ;Is meals, lod.o•- in;rs, horse feed and stabling, could receive license to sell strong drinks. To Permit tippling and loafing about bar-rooms, forty years ago, was an indictable olfense, and punished as such to the Intl extent of the law. No yours! , man under twenty-one years of age would think of steppinr up to a bar and calling tbr a drink, lir if he did, ill most cases he was promptly ejectel fro II the premises. To-day we find our towns and villages full of mere drinking shops and drunkard making ilistitutions. The hotel-keepers who furiUsli the necessary aeconntiodat ions Il)r strangers and travellers, and who. to carry on a legitimate, necessary and re spect;tble public bnsiness, find that they can no longer depend upon the profits of the bar to assure success in business, and to sustain themselves they must increase their profits on meals, lodging and other hotel accommodations. The drinking branch of the hotel busine;:s is rapidly passing into the hands of mere drinking, saloon keepers. These are provided with condOrtable arm-chairs, private rooms for card-players, and other contrivances cal culated to attract and entrap the young, who, night after night, waste their time and means, and hasten with all possible speed to their inevitable doom. Strong drink is no longer I(tokeduponas an article of refreshment, and to be sold only as such to strangers and travellers, but it is now within the molt of all, from youth to old age, only to demoralize and destroy. The fearful increase of intemperance isnot the work of the hotels, but principally of the thousands of imported drinking shops in our cities and villages throughout the laud. The use of eoculus, indigus, strychnine and other deadly poisons, in making lager beer and intensifying whiskey, in addition to the natural tendency of alcohol, is now carrying inore people to the grave than war and all other unnatural causes com bined ever did during the same period of time. Forty years a!;o, Mr. Brown, the tether Ora family up country, concluded to wake his latter haw and youngsters especially happy by laying in a stock Of substantial New Year's gifts. He didn't behove in spending money tbr candies and toys, ex cept about three to six cents for a tin rat tile, a jumping .losey or a squealing pig for the baby. Ile took an inventory of the wants of the tinnily, and started fin. toti'n early in the morning - distance of six in--where Ite rOtild btty to better advantage. he thought, than at the village store kept by Smith. llelymght his rool is, and his bill was substantially a follows: 8 yds. Calico (dress for Wife) 10e.. thread. trimming. &e 4 yds. Casimer (suit for Billy) 45, 3 " do. do. Peter) 40( 5 " Calico, (.lress tier Sally) 10. :1 " do. do. Kitty) !lc 2 " do. do. Balky) ..... 6 " Red Flannel, at 25c 4 " Check fin• aprons, at 12 , .;e Sundries—thread, needles, tape, &e 1 piece Muslin, 33 yds., at Se .... SEM Itere we have the black and white to prove that a wife, two boys, two girls and a baby were newly clothed, and thirty-two yards of muslin bought tar general family use, all for $lO.OO. And it must be re membered, too, that the goods bought, were lit tbr anybody to wear, and quite up to the then standard of fashion, and muchad mired by the holy friends and nei!thbors who came in on the evening of that day to congratulate the Brown filially upon their splendid new rigs. They were tumid namsly of the opinbm that Smith, the Nil la."l. storekeeper, was no better than lit ought to be, as he charged a nlevvy for calico not a bit better than that bought by Mr. Brown flux ten cents. Wt. all know, from highly inter.sting txpf•rience, what ten dollars will pay for to-day. The amount isbarely sutlieientto buy a plain b(amet; it takes all of ten th)l tars to buy a pair of good pantaloons. Teti dollars is about what it takes to enahle a thst young man to go on a single "hust." It will buy a plain dress fin• a holy; it will Inty two bottles of Jersey Cider, mixed wit It some drugs to resemble Champagne wins•; it Will buy tlu•ee or four bottles of whishoy which cost a shilling a quart forty years ago; it will Imy two hundred or perhaps tlu•ee hundred cigars, equal in real value to the c(atunou kiml which were bought for twenty-live cents per hundred forty years ago. lteapin2. cycle was the usual way of gztthering ourgrain crops forty years af , o. A gips" realier could cut about a third of On acre in one day. About that time !vrain cradles were introduced. enahling a III:111 to cut about ttVtt at res in anti OWillg to the scarcity of labor ers the cradle was preferred, although reaping was the most economical, ;is there was much less wasted by reaping than by IN;ww cradling wheat or rye, 141 . grass, is lwhind the age. The inowin, machine inovts round the field, cutting a‘Yay and gatliering the crop, from ten t,) twenty acres a day. And hilswers to thresh gr;iin—about ten bushels per day, tbr which they received sixty cents, three meals and three "jiggers" of whis key. flog- many bushels are now run through It machine I am unable:to state. An industrious and sober day laborer working on a farm forty years ago, could care for him who shall have borne /he baffle, and Ji9r his lyidon , and his orphan, to do all which may etch/eye and cherish a just and a lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."—.4. L. make, save and lay up money on forty cents a day. This may now smut hard for some people to believe, yet it is true. The laborer, having, a tinnily. entered into a contract with a farmer tolive in his tenant house and work for him all the year round fur forty tents a day, and immrditw. 1 xcept at haymaking and harvest, when he was to receive seventy-five cents n day. the terms of tine contract ho paid from tifteen'to twenty dollars rent for his dwel ling, garden, stable, and one acre I gri min 1. lb. was also entitled to one load of hay, and pasture for a cow during, the summer season. The laborer kept a (.ow, a lot of chickens and several pigs. I lis at raised all the potatoes he needed, and from thirty to fifty bushels of corn. His poultry fur nished an abundance of e" . ! , s, mut his cow enough of butter—even at I 3 Or 1. e,aits pound and the ogu:s at (*rift and ten cents a dozen.— tohnyall the , roceri..s heneeded for his finally. His wife—an economical, plain. tidy and industrious housekeeper earned enough with the spinnite , wheel and needle loch ithe herself:lnd yt amgsters, and at the end of the year this huttilile la borer' out of his forty cents a day, actually saved from thirty to fifty dollars, which he put 011 interest, and :It thO Vila or the second year of such industry and economy he had a hundred dollars, and in the course of six or seven to ten years he had mitney enough to pay an instalment on a farm which he bought, and which was entirely lriid off ill six, eight or ten years lon, , er. There : u rn plenty of independent and intel li!rent farmers in Pennsylvania to-day, who, with wives :Is help-mates, commenced life by earning flirty cents a day in the matmer stated. We all know what forty cents a day will do now. It is the least amottnt with which a hard-working mechanic will tholishly enter a lager beer saloon to pay for the luxury of getting himself over loaded for the night, with a feverish thirst for more in the morning, and a sever( head-ache I)(':,ides. [TI) DE CONTINUED.] THE LOVE SECRET. 111" KATE st"niERLAND Eow.tico is to be in London next week,'" said Mrs. Ravensworth ; "and I trust, Edith, that you will meet lii with the frankness he is entitled to re- Edith Hamilton, who stood behind th chair or her aunt, did not make any an r. Mrs. Ha vensworth continued---" Ed ward's father was your father's own bro ther. A man of nobler spirit never moved on English soil ; and 1 hear that Edward is the worthy son of a worthy sire." "If he were as pure and perfect as an angel, aunt," replied Edith, "it would be all the same to me. I have never seen him, and cannot. therefore, meet hint as one who has a right to claim my hatol." " Your father gave you away when you wero a child, Edith ; and Edward comes now to claim you 1)y virtue of this be trothal." $ 80 " While I love the memory of my latlter, and honor him as.a child should honor a parent," said Edith, with much serious ncss, "I do not admit his right to give me awav in marriage while E was y e t a c hild. And, moreover, I do tia)t, think the man who would seek to consummate suel► a marria , e contract ,:worthy of any maiden's love. Only the heart tliat yields a free consent is worth having, and the man who would take any other is utterly unworthy of any woman's regard. By this rule I judge Edward to be unworthy, no matter what his tltther may have been." 1.20 BEI EIMI $10.03 " Then you mean," said Mrs. Ravens worth, "delilwraMy t violate the solemn contract made by your lather with the la ther of Edward'?" " I cannot receive. Edward as anythin,!2: but a stranger," replied Edith. "It will not mend tl'e ern)r of my titther for we to commit a still greater ime." " commit a still greater one ?'' in quired MN. ItaVellSWOrtil. best r‘iy the very foundation of a true inarriugc—free(b an of choice and consent. There would he no freedom of choi ce ()11 Isis Ir•trt. and no lu•ivilege of eonseut o n mine. Happiness could not follow sau•h a union, and to enter into it would be doing ;t great wrong. No, aunt, 1 cannot re ceive Edward in any other way than as a st ran ..4er--ihr Stich he Ther,• is a clause in your (Miter's will that you unto• have for.4ottvn, said her aunt. That which makes me pelinyles:i if' I do aut. marry Edward " 1.. t“, '. \u---1 hav' not forrotti.ii it, " volt moan to bray(' that con se- quolivt. ?" In a choice of evils we always take the least. — Edith's voice trembled. L. li:lNVllMvorth did not reply for some moments. IN'hile she sat silent, the half closed door near which Edith stothl, and toy ttrdswhich her aunt's bark was turned, softly opened. and a handsoine vi/tall, Is t(ceell whom and Edith glances or intelli ,renee instantly passed, presented the star tled maiden with a beautiful white rose, and then noiselessly rot ired. It was nearly a bethre Mi's. Ha vcitswitrth resumed tha light employment she Was engaged, and as she did she said-- - Many a foolish young girl gets her Iliad turned NVitil th , :w gay gallants at our f,isllionable %vat:Ting-places, and imagines that she has won a heart when the. object or her vain reganl never felt thy Hind) of a truly unselfish and noble impulse." The crimson deepened on Edith's cheeks and brow, and as she lifted her eyes, she saw herself in a lane mirror opposite, with her aunt's calm eyes steadily fixed D E_ 1 7; ----.3 _ - A-:, .._ 1 7 '14 1 liniM ~a . upon her. TO turn her fice partly acv::}', s() that it could no lotiovr he rellec th hi 1 . 11/111 the 111lITO1', IVaS the \VI/I'k Or an instant. In a few nnatients she, f:aid-- '• Let ynting t'oolisli girls I;et their heads turned if they Mit I trust I am in no danger: , I ant not so suro of that. Those who think thvinselves most si•vtire, :ire gener ally in the greatest (lati!ver. %Vito is the yinith Nvith Vail last I don't remember to irtve seen him here liehire."' •• Ilis name is Evelyn slight trtanor in Edith's voice Irow canoe you to know hint `• I met hint here lost season." " You tlitl ?'' " nnt'ant. I dancol with hint last nh_2:lo. Was thyrt• any harm in dust?" The niohltat's voio• haul Toronto! its firm- •• I didn't say the was," returned Ilaven•wiirth, tylin again relapsed into si lence. 'o t long:tiler, she will—" I think NVO W ill return to I I Ilan nit Tlwirsilay." Nn soon Edith spoke in a disap pointed Voice. " 1)o you find it so very pleasant here said the aunt, a little ironically. " I have not complained of its 1s iun dull, aunt," replied Edith. " But if you wish to return on Thursday, 1 will he ready to accompany you." Soon after this, Edith Hamilton left ber aunt's room, and went, to one of the draW ing-n)(alls of the hotel at which they were staying, where she sat down near a recess window that overlooked a beautiful prome nade. She had been here only a few min utes, when she was joined by a handsome youth, to whom Edith said-- "Ilow could you venture to the door of my aunt's parlor ? I'n► half afraid she detected your presence, for she said, im mediately afterwards, that we would re turn to London on the day after to-nior row.'' "So soon ? I'll be there next Iveek, and it will be strange if, with your consent, we don't meet often.•' " Edward If:linden is expected in a few days," replied Edith, her voice slightly taltering. ller companion looktal at her searchin,r ly fire a few moments, and then said-- You have never 11111 him ?" " NVVVr. " " Bllt \viten you do meet him, the ro pugnanee you lIJ)%V feel may intitautly ish." A shadow imssed over Edith's toy. and she answered in a voice that showed the remark—the tone of which conveyed more than the words themselves—to have been felt as a question of her etmstaney. Can one whose heart is all unknown to ;no, One who must think of nie with a foeling of dislike because of howls and pledges, prove a nearer or a dearer friend than"— Edith did not finish the sentence. But that Wati not 11(551(51. The !r1:111C(' of re buking tenderness east upon her compan expressed 011 that her lips had failed to utter. But you do not know Inc, Edith, the young limo. " My heart says dilrerently,” was Ed ith's lowly spoken reply. Evelyn pressed the maiden's hand, and looked into her thee with an earliest, lov ing expression. llavensworth, to whose care Edith had been consigned, on the death of her father, had never been pleased with the unwise contract made by the parents of her niece and Edward llanulen. The lat ter had been 14 ten years in Paris and Italy. traveling and pursuing his studies. These being completed, in obedience to the will of at deceased parent, he was about returning to London to meet his future wife. No correspondence had taken place between the parties to this unnatural con tract ; and from the time of' Edward's let ter, when he :41111(11111(141 to MN. Havens worth his proposed visit, it was plain that his tivlin!rs were as little interested in his future partner as were hers in him. During the two or three days that Mrs. Ila vensw( th and her niece rem nained ut the watering-place, Edith and young Evelyn nut ; hut, :is fire as possible, at times when they supposed the particular attention of the 011111 would not be drawn towards them in such at manner as to pene trate their love secret. When, at leterth, they parted, it teas with an understanding that they were to meet in Loudon. On returning to the city, the thotudits (It. Edith reverted more directly to the fact of Edward Ilainden•s approaehing visit, and, ill spite of all her eilill'iS ht reuutiu untlistUthetl in her feelings, the near ap proach of this Airs. lavensivorth fregnently allutletl 14) the suhject, and earnestly pressed upon FAIR!' the consideration other duty to her pa rent, :ts as the vonselpienees that must follow her disregard of the contraet which hail liven made. But the tunre Silt' 011 this subject, the 111111 V tirnt was Edith in eXill'eSSillg her deb rntiuntion 1101 in (10 yioltnce 1.0 her ti.elings in a inatterso vital to !wt. happiness. The day at length come upon m Idyll Ed ward was to aiTiVt . . Edith all 'Wang!, in the With a Ili , tlWhed tir. ft was plain to the closely oli se rvi n .t eyes of her aunt, that she had not pas-: , •Al a night of refreshing sleep. '• I trust, my dear niece,' she said, after they had retired front the !weal:fast table, where but little food had heel' taken, that you will not exhibit to wards Edward, I )11 tucetiug hint, any of the proeiniveived and tutiust antiliathy you entertain. Let your feelings, at least, remain uncommitted fin• or against hint.” ".Aunt Helen, it is useless to talk to me in this way," Edith replied, with more than her usual warmth. The simple CASH RATES OF ADVERTISING Torrn lines 01 Nonpareil con , tilut, a Square ME wuck $ 75:1 1., $ $ 50 $ 00 $ll 50 2 ‘‘.01 , k , . , .. i • I err 270 450 SOO 14 00 :1 lye, 15 , 2' 11:1.. I, (0 10 00 17 00 1 1000111— 1 7.1 2to 1H 700 12 Du 20 00 2 Itign.llN.. 275 I 0 , 1 r. Si) 10 00 20 00 :13 110 intuit it t, nil 1110 Li (10 1,0 00 55 00 inmil !1 , . 700 I 1 MI 1 00 40 00 70 00 1 12 1, 40 1 , 11 :,0 UU , 40 00 10 00 120 00 nttm . . ' olivi A-- .1:21:•1\4111(0 N(dice SP Elf NOTIC Es—Ten ectitA,at line for the first insertion, and Seven cents a line for each subseitllVllt 11 E.ll, ESTATE advertisement s. Ton cents a line for the first insertion, and Five cents a line for each what lona! Insertion. No. I. ,i, T. BINDS OF JOB Pli I NTiNG executed with neatness uud de,,patch. of an “bli, , ratiou to, Livo puts a gulf loptwepn us. heart turns from him as fro an eilemy. I will tuevf him with po liteness ; hut it must lip cold awl lhrmal. asl: of na niorp. Is to ask what I can not ;dye. I only wish that hi pOSSI'SSed. till' •S I WOW(' hay.' ••.1.. he IWO by ilk !ICI, wit my 11%111." Seeing . that nil she tire(l but tuning the frelin L rs ()I' Edith oppose thonscives more strontily to the yowl! , wan, :\ri.s. itavens- Nv(.1.111 ceased to .peal( tillint the subject, awl the Penner was loft to brow )I with a 110(14 (6111111(41 liCa 1 . 1 over the approach inr with one who bad come to claim a hand that she resolutely letcrinin ell not to yield. .\trout twelve o'clock. Havens wort II carnet) Edith's room antlanniaineed the arrival of Eillvard Jlanulen. 'l'he maiden's face bream , . pale and her lilts quivered. If I (1)111(1 bul 1 simnalan interview," she " llut titat is More 1 can ask.— Thcrc was a " ltu v ‘N - Pak pal are F,llitli". rpplivd Ilia. aunt, in a tont. 4)1 . repropt: I will join you in tlw drawing-room in half ;in hour. — said Edith. speaking move calmly. Mrs. Ilavensmtrth retired and loft Ed ith main to her own thoughts. She sat for nearly the whole of the time she had menthawd. Then rising hurriedly, she Hunk a few ehan!res in her attire ; after which she deseended to the drawittg-room with a step that was titr from being lirm. So noiselessly did she enter the apart ment where Ilamden awaited her, that neither her Inuit nor the young man per evived h er p resence fin• stane linanents ; and she hail time to examine his appear ance, and to read the lineaments of his half-averted face. While she stood thus observing hint, her countenance suddenly flushed. :Ind she bent forward with a look of surprise and eagerness. At this mo ment the young man became aware that she had entered, and rising up quickly, advanced to meet her. Evelyn !" exclaimed Edith, striking her hands togetlwr. the moment he turned towards her. •• Edith ! my own Edith !" returned the paing man, as he grasped her hand, and ventured It warm kiss on her beautiful lips. Not Evelyn, hit Hamden. Our parents 1s troll us while we were yet too young to give or withhold consent. Both, Its NVI` grew older. felt this pletk.k• as a heart-siekening constraint. But we met as stran!rers, and I saw that you were all my soul could desire. I souit your re gard and won it. No oblit , ation hut I,ve now hinds us." The young man then tnrned to MN Itavensworth, and stran! , ers Instead or lookin:r surprised, Mrs. Ila- VVIISWIwth smiled calmly, and answered— " No—it would be sin,!rular if you were. Love-tokens don't generally pass, nor fa miliar meetings take place between strait- EBII •• Love-tokens, Aunt Helen ?" fell from the lips of Edith, as she turned partly away float Hamden, and looked at her relative. •• Yes. dear." returned _Mrs. Ravens. worth. White roses, for insffunee. You saw your own blushing thee in ttie mirror, did you not ?"- The mirror ! Then you saw Edward. present the rose ?•' - And did you know in ?" inquired the younv — One who knew your father as well as 11 did, could not fail to know the son. I penetrated your love secret as soon aS it \vas known to yourselvcs. — “Atint Helen !” exclaimed Edith, hid ing her thee (01 the 11l `ek of lter kind rela tive, — ln /IV I heett alTei !" — Happily, 1 trw•t, lop\ - o.•• returned Itaven.tvowtli, tenderly. Jost happily ! My heart swells IN ith !I;tailess almost to bursting," came mur muring from the lips of the joyful untillen. A i..kt tinAilt.y. yet historical incident °oeuvre)! on Wednesday a week, at the Treasury Dept., in IVashineton. Anotheer or the War Ihpartment called for the pur pose of obtaining a special dep.)sit which had been left in a box ill the Treasurer's vaults. The suppo , :ed box w as f oun d, learin , Adjutant (;ei n 'Townsend's mark and sal, and a Iml:smith sent fur. After a 'Teat (h.:11 or trouble the box was opened, and the special deposit was found to consist of an old scarf and water-pr4,of cloak, with a letter from ;in (dicer of Kit son's cavalry division, certifying that they were the articles vornipi! the female costume of .1e11: _Davis when 'captured. For over three years they have oecupied a sail. meta: r among 'Treasurer Spinner's I.rold coupons and greenbacks. Sot - rut:EN leaders, we are told, proross vittiro satistitetion with tho election or Grant. 'fills is unquestionably wiso, but the query prompts itself; Will not these mor. he equally satisfied with any course resolved on hy the A liter ica n people with &termination tend decision ? THERE are twelve New fork city clor gymen OV(.l* ien thollSaild a year for their cl..rical services, and a hundred ministers in the sanie city who ill) not receive over one-tenth that fllllollnt Ca(*ll. ONE of General Grant's first acts upon arriving; at his headquarters in Washing ton was to order the destruction of several bushels of letters which have been sent to him in relation to officers, &c., which had been opened and briefed by his staff., No record of them was kept. IN LATHER ABRAHAM. YOU St(, OM! WO aro not ....4t2 , . 250 1 50
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers