Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, November 06, 1868, Image 3
EN! $lO 4 - 0 WI : $ AI al :Tillizif ki Di II yo;,,t pi. f,,r hp's gasping, Ap,t .!:0•11 (alter clasping, (;river wit it tho ti..tiful rasping, IL; •oired on l'oesdav iast. Oh! •Tisibnrdfor Cops to bide him, They who long so fondly eyed him, !Low forturo ;bey Niihirl beside Ent, !...dn,:.elds crowing days are past Oh! bls cyrtil, is cut and blootly, .A n ,l are tiruiseil and muddy, And his breast with blood is ruddy. And his gills arc very blue. 0111 W and busted gizzard, fail :0 „1 w i ng e(mipictely scissored, reed at ono drielsivu blizzard, I from A to Izzard— C). cock-a-doodle-doo! Fa »I Soh welliebreli Her. Scan ryi,ErowN, N umber der 4t, 1868 fifer heus gedu! Der Winkeleisa hut aw for der Grant gevote, un noch drei ornery. Se hen yusht dri-tsay majority dolt—gain -ivva for uns. Bully for tins. Do Bevvy lust dick, under Grant,un der Colfax grot - ,9a ; un now, mind, MI geh nci for de Posht Offis, for ich bin yetz shun nine Nvocha in der party. Denksht es is noatwendich das ioh selwer tsum Grant geb derfore, odder denksht de Bevvy set geh ? Jolt bin g'sund. Ich geb gor viz melt urn selly watch, for wann- ich de Poslit Ortis krick, bin ich all right. Se sawya Ilcr Seimoyer weer hewer der beam Der alt Dinkop is kronk, tin der Joe Muokailiggle is dont g'suffa. Now micd. de Poslit Otlis Prr SCUWEFFIXIMENNEE. - —Past e Pres(lit (ts)(1 Future." The first part of this original produc tion appears on our first page. It will he continued from week to week, by giving about two columns at a time, until com pleted. A R(praciitatire of the 3fackerd title Democracy. The Democratic Press on the Result. The Philadelphia Age of Wednesday ME We had hoped that the masses of Am erican freemen, who love their country, and, whatever may be the presented ad verse verdict, will not permit our free institutions to be sacrificed by wicked and designing partizans, would have risen in their might, and would have swept from existence the reckless crew now driving the old ship 'of State upon the breakers. But although disappointed in this expectation, we do not despair of the Republic. The New York Democrat of Wednes day (Brick Pomeroy) says: No, not beaten, Democrats We have only not won I We have moved upon the enemy's works," but have failed to carry them. World of Wednesday The New York says : Always desperate and difficult, for 'three weeks, ever since the October elections went against us, theirs (the De mocracy) has been a consciously hopeless fight. Will They Learn? We trust the result of the election on Tuesday last will teach the Southern disorganizers wisdom, and to submit to what is inevitable. Let us have peace; let us have liberty; let us have free discussion ; let us have tolerance. Let us have no more murders ; no more in vasion of the people's rights ; no more disorders. Graq and the new Congress are instructed by the people of the United States to demand only justice and order ; but they will insist on these. THE TANitiinst—This evening the Boys in Blue and Tanner's Club of this city propose celebrating our great victory of Tuesday last by a grand torchlight procession. A number of tire works have been purchased for the occasion, and a general illumination is in prospect. We expect to see a huge in, out. We here take occasion, on behalf of the Re publicans of this city, to return thanks to this fine body of men, for the interest and zeal they manifested in aiding the good cause, both by their presence in the ranks, thus adding spirit to the cam paign, and by their votes and work on Tuesday last. To their President, H. W. Hager, Esq., is due, the credit of first conceiving the idea of organizing the club, and of so successfully managing its affairs since its organization. We trust this gallant band of Republicans will re ceive a cordial reception on their route this evening. THE CITY OF READING.—The result of the election in the city of Reading was glorious-169 majority for Grant, be ing a gain of 192. The total number of votes polled in the city was 6261. The Republicans of Reading want a change in the time of holdifig their muni cipal election,--from February to the second Tuesday in October. A full vote in Reading assures a Republican victory nine times out of ten. "ill not our Leg islature next winter pay some attention to the wants and interests of the Repub licans of strong Democratic counties— Berks, York, Lehigh, Northampton, Cumberland, Schuylkill and others ? A NEW 130017.—Jacob E. Barr, our Lancaster enterprising Book-seller and publisher, has just issued from the press a very handsome book, entitled THE CITY OF ton, from the pen of Rev. E. 11. Nevin, of this city. The name of the author is sufficient recommendation of the work, and indicates the character of its contents. It is an able defence of practical Christianity, against the ten dency of the age to nigh Churchism, and symbolical theology. Mr. :Nevin is a progressive man. 'We hope it will meet with a ready sale. Messrs. Pearsol & Geist deserve great credit for the typo graphy of the book. LANCASTER ClTY.—Nobly did the Re publicans of our city, on Tuesday last, sustain the proud position they took at the State election. The Cops blowed and blustered that they would increase their majority, but they „didn't. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE--three less than in October—was Seymour's major ity. Well done—now let the city be re deemed from Copperhead rule. Let the blood-thirsty saner kraut-gorillas and their backers understand that their day of rule awl ruin is over in this city. ELECTION BETS.—The Republicans of old Berks, and all others who occasion ally visit Reading, and who were so for tunate as to win greenbacks on the late election, would do well to call at Buch & Bro's, Portico Row, No. 543 Penn St., and order a first rate suit of clothes for the coming winter. The clothing house of Buch & Bro. is the best in Reading, and second to none in the State. THE FOURTH WARD I—Poor old Miss Nancy, and the smiling and plausible sleek and tricky Dr., of the fourth ward, this city ! How much less than the little end of nothing they must feel. " Take him up to Hiester" was the battle cry of Nancy BrintOn, frut all wouldn't do, for ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-TWO was the result. The Dr. was comparatively quiet—he only watched that Nancy wasn't bought!! TILE VINDICATOR, ft live temperance paper, published weekly at W illiams burg, Blair county, Pa., by Dr. James P. Thompson, will enter upon its second volume, on the 6th of January next. It is the only regular temperance weekly published in Pennsylvania. Price $2.00 a year In advance, with liberal induce ments to raise clubs. OLD WARWICK is ahead, not only as the Presidential election banner town ship but in growing corn. Mr. Emanuel H. Shirk, of Rothsvillo, raised an ear of corn containing Sixteen hundred and twenty-two grains. Who can beat it? +--~---- THE AMERICAN, corner of Fourth and Penn, is the leading Hotel of Readinc', and its Proprietors are staunch Republi cans. Let our Mends, who occasionally visit Reading, remember this. LANCASTER HOUSEKEESEES . MARKET. November 5,38 GS. S Butter, 4' lb 400'45 Eggs, (Scarce), 30(1132 Lard, V fl Chickens, live, per Turkeys, each. Ducks, per pair Sausage,' tb Beef, by the quarter, (front). 11012 . do " (hind) 13044 Pork, by the quarter 13(a15 Veal, 4 ' 10012 Potatoes, per half peek 14045 do per bushel 1 000.1.10 Turnips, ,‘ 4, READING HOCSIIKREPICRIV MA NUTEMber 5, 168. 5 420'48 ... 40 24 600 1.00 7581.00 Butter, ;p Th Eggs, per doz Lard,. Chickens, per pair.. Potatoes, per bushel focal littms. BOYS IN BLUE :—This effective organ ization of returned soldiers have added no little to the fine effect of the torch light processions in Lancaster, during the late campaign. Their steady march and fine military bearing showed that they hack "seen the elepharik" during the war. They deserve the encottragement of our citizens in their efforts to complete their organization and equipment. Capt. Rockafellow evidently understands his business. The Markets 10001.61) 15(ft1.00 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JUST OPENED! 5 4 3 PENN SQA RE CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, BOYS' CLOTHING FURNISIII.NGGOODSLo.. lIEMI _ -CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS "A Complete Pictorial History of. the FOR THE NEWEST STYLES OF Times." COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, "The best,cheapest, and most sueceefiful SUS rDERS, E Family Paper in the Union.' MEI=M SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED Altires V the herr. The 3Tonia, NEW9PAPICII Of our conntry—eom- SUMMER UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, plete iu all thr de p.,a tomtits of an American Family"... —AT Pa per—li ARPEICS WEEKLY has earned for WWII right to Its title, "A .1(1(0 AL CIVILIZATION."— Ne-c York .E.c,,t,ng P.4t. Oor future historians hill enrich themselves out of HARPER'S %VELMA' long after writers, and printers, and publisheis are turned to (Inst.—New York Evangelist. The hest of its elas, In A merica.--/7 , ,stqn Traveller. lIAI7PEa'S W LY may be unreservedly de clared the best neNvspapor ht America.—The hide- pendent, Neu, York. The articles upon public gnestlons which appear in ilaiirEna Wasam.v from week to week, form a . remarkable series ut briot political essays. They ; D ON'T READ, Tins: are distinguished by mear and pointed statement, by good common sense, by independence and breadth of view. They are the expression of ma- , Hire conviction, high 1° Meiple, and strong feeling, I Proved Itself without a rival in the late test trial and take th it place among the best newspaper in this city with the Howe Machine. will hug of the time—North Aiserican Review, &alum We therefore present it to the consideration of an Mao.% intelligent public as INCOM PA RABLY the BEST SEWING MACH/NE IN THE WORLD. TERMS: HARPER'S 'WEEKLY, one year .54.00 , It is light running—almost noiseless...lM adapted An Extra Copy of.elther the Maoitztrig,Wrattir, to a wider range of work than any other or BAZAR will be supplied gratis for every Club of FIVE Sunriciunana at etch, In one remit tance ; or Six Cuipies for 520.000. Subscriptions to HaarEa'S MAIIAZINE, WEEKLY, .I While it is, at the Same time, very simple indeed. and BAZAR one;jaddress for wee year, '310.0 , 4; ,, A child can, with all ease, Icarus to use it in a short or, two of darper's • Periodicals, to one address fin time. cue year, 57.00. We can assure the public that they will look to Back numbers can be supplied at any time. their The annual Volumes of Haftena's WRICICLT, in t OWN INTEREST, neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of' If in want of a 'expense, for I,xl 00 each. A Complete Seti cousurlitl a _ ing Eleven Voleruesi sent on receipt of 't h anhe -- • SE,WING- MACHINE, rate of .5...2t1 per v 04., fir.ltglienst expC7 - 014110.0.4 ' 'TO SEX, TEST AND TRY THE SINGER, chaser. Volume XII. ready January Ist, 1869. before deciding to take it or any other Machine. The postage on Han PION WEEIS,LY is 20 cents a Parties often come to town in searcher a Machine, year, which must be paid at the subscriber's post- and then hate , to the advice of Interested parties, office. or those who have but a limited knowledge of the ***Subscriptions sent from British North Amer- Machines in question. ican Provinces must be accompanied with 20 cents aniamosAt, to prepay United Staten postage. Ad- BETTER SEE THEM FOR YOURSELVES', dress HARPER BROTHERS, FRIENDS, liov7'oB-11w New York. l And then you will not be deceived. W. W. BEARDSLEE, Agent, No. 3 EAST ORANGE STREET, (Two Doors from North Queen,) LANCASTER, PA, "Unquestionably the best sustained Work of the kind in the World." MEE NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE Critical lidiiel oy the Press. ' The most popular Mouthly in the world.—rem Fort ()Wryer. We must refer In terms of eulogy to the high tone and varied excellences of HAIILER • B MAGAZINE— a journal with a monthly circulation of about fie,- ono copies—in whose pages are to be found some of the choicest light and general reading of the day. \Ve speak of this work as an evidence of the cul ture of the American People ; and the popularity it has acquired Is merited. Each number contains fully 144 pages of reading matter, appropriately illustrated with good wood-cuts ; and it combines in itself the racy monthly and the more philosophi cal quarterly, blended with the best features of the daily Journal. I t has great power In the dissemina tion of a love of pure literature.—TuukuNan's Guide to AM , ricint Literature, London. We can account for its success only by the Simple fact that it meets precisely the popular taste, tor nisi:Ong a variety or pleasing and Instructive read ing for all.—Ziun's Herald, Boiton. HA RP ER'S MAGAZINE, one year An extra copy of either the MAGAIZNE, WEEKLY, or BAZAR will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at $4.00 each, in one remittance ; or Six Copies for $20.00. Subscriptions to ILtiman's MAGAZINE. IVEater.v, and Diana, to one address for one year, $10.00; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, $7.00. Back Numbers can be supplied-at any time. A Complete Set, now comprising Thirty-seven Volumes, In neat cloth binding, a ill be sent by ex press, freight at expense of purchaser, for $2.25 per volume. Single volumes, by mad, postpaid, 63.00. Cloth cases, tbr binding. 1..4 cents, by mail, postpaid. The postage OD B.AItPER . t3 31A0AZINE 18 24 cents a_year, which must be paid at the subscriber's p9st office. ****Subscriptions sent from British North Amer ican Provinces must be accompanied with 24 cents ADDITIONAL, to prepay United States postage. Ad dress HARPER s BROTHERS, novV6B-Itw New York. A A C. FLINN'S HOUSE FURNISHING STORE, No. 11 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Refriger ators, Tin and Copper Ware, Wooden Ware, Britlania Ware, Bird Cages. St , p Ladders, Brooms and Brushes, Knives and Forks, Tea and Table Spoons. Conee Mills, ae., Coal Oil Charide'ers for Halls. Lyceums, ste., Coal Oil Lamps. Brackets, &c., Pumps, Hydraulic Rams, Water Pipes &c. A very fine assortment of ROUSE FURNISH ING GOODS, of all kinds, at A. C. FLINN'S, lions° Furnishing Store, No. 11 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. GRANT COLFAX 18610 50t DO Beautiful Ott Portraits in richly Gilt Oval Frames Of the Standard Bearers of the Republican party are now olTered to the friends ot• our cause. The Agent will call personally for orders. Prices low, and sure to suit purchasers. B. SIMMONS. LANCASTER FILE A. ND EDGE TOOL WORKS, LANCASTER, PA. Arnim factory of Files, Hasps and Edge Tools. SHULTZ & BRO., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, STRAW HATS, LADIES' SHADE HATS, SHAKER HOODS, &0., Wholesale and Reto, Ire. 20 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. FA_TIT.ER BEAU - MONDE HALL!! PORTICO HOW RE ADIN I= BEAVERS, VESTING'S, r•or WINTER WEAR ALSO, AND GE NTLEMENS' LEVI COLEMAN, Cntwr BUCH & BRO SLTBSCRIPTLONS.--180 SUBSCRIPTIONS-1809 Timms 2 BRAHAM. TMARSHALL & SON'S . _ BOOT AND SHOE STORE, CENTRE sQ L'A RE, LANCASTER, PA We have staff ed the Campaign by laying in a fresh stock of 543-.o_ BE Girt: us a call. We offer inducements never be ore offend. Our work is of the beat quality. Don' bryet the place, N. E. Colt. CENTRE SQUARE. BRENEMAN & CO., COA L , Of the beat quality. YARD—COB. WATER ST. :C. PENNA. It. B H. BAUMGARDNER, DEALER IN '4COAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, PROPRIETORS. winTE AND FANCY KID GLOVES GENT'S F URNISIIIN C 1 STORE, 41,S NORTH . QUEEN STRF.ET ANCASTER, PA. TILE VERY HIGHEST PRIZE, THE IMPERIAL CROSS OF TILE LEGION OF HONOR, Was Awarded to the Representative of the GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINES At the Universal Exhibition, Paris, Isar, Thus attesting their great superiority over a other Sewing Machines. For sale by SIGNS, BANNERS, &c. r ‘ j . JOSEPH BRIM ER, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, AND MANUFACTURER OF GLASS TABLETS. CAMPAIGN BANNERS Painted in the latest style and at short notice. Room—Over Baker's Drug Store, CENTRE SQUARE, Lancaster, Pa. $4.00 DAVID RAID BAIR & SHENK, NORTHEAST ANGLE ON CENTRE SQUARE HATS AND CAPS. A FULL STOCK ON HAND, And manufactured to order, any sty and quality. T. H. TORL:, S. W. CORNER CENTRE SQUA .. AND WEST F SMITH, N4NE7FACTURER AND DEALER HATS .AND CAPS. All kinds of HATS made to order on short notice and at low prices. MUSICAL .INSTRUMENTS. FA PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, And Musical Instruments Generally. SHEET MUSIC. A largo stock on hand, and constantly receiving all the latest publications as boon as issued. Must,: sent by Alaillene of Postage. Sole agent for Steinway ,S; Sou's WORLD-RENOWNED PIANOS. Also, agent for Prince & Co.'s ORGANS AND MELODEONS, Ile. 3, NOR= PRINCE Street, Lancaster, Pa BOOTS AND SHOES. (Ll.l/P.IIGN OF 1868. NOW N THE TIME FOR VICTORY! BOOTS AND .HOES. 21 Lolllem' Goiter++. 25 + . 11,4 Gutters. '25 Caner; l 1111,1ren's Gkiterm. l'a.o Si I:I/VS' Sillleß. CaS , 'N MI : 11 . S Shoes. 25 Cases Neli . t. and 1.1...y9'•800te COAL. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL =I Ossica—No. 2 EAST ORANGE ST., LANCASTER, PA NORTH PRINCE STREET, MUD. THR PRNIVSYLVANIA RAILROAD LANCASTER, PA FURNISHING GOODS. STOCKINGS, EMBROIDERED SHIRT FRONTS, E. J. ERISMAN'S SEWING MACHINES. SINGER'S SE WIN G MACHINE SEWING- MACHINE, GEO. SPURRIER, No. 10 NORTH QUEEN St., Lancitste PAINTING. BANKING. BANKERS, LANCASTER, PENNA HATS AND CAPS. KING STREET LANC ASTEU, PE ANA 11% WEST KING Street, Lancaster, Pa B. KEVINSKI, DEALER IN BOOKS & STATIONER Y. B ARR'S BOOK STORE We invite the attention of School Dim :tors and Teachers to our large 'stock of School Buoksi and extensive arrangements with the largo Publishing HunNes of Philadelphia, :New York and Boston. We pay special attention to the interesta of Mut:t ots and Teachers, and are prepared to supply townships at even better rates than tver licture. Directors who contemplate changing Books, will find It greatly to their advantage to call upon us, Ha our arrangements with publishers enable us to fur nish Books for Introduction at the Very lowest pub lisher's rates. Our stork of School Stationery is Ithil) very large and well selected, and our facilities fur furnishing ()lobes, Charts and Maim sou mot by surpassed. Al! the now stvlea of American, French and kingliah Note and Letter Papers, with Envelopea to match. All Paper and Envelopes purchased from us will he stamped with the initiator the purchaser, tree of charge, if desired: .J. E. BARR, au2l-tf & Nvj No. 29 E. King ht.. Lancaster. F BOOKS & STATIONERY. F SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BooL:s, FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, A LAR(;EL ASSORTMENT OF I J 0001) STATIONERY, BLANK BOONS OF ALL SIZEi, BOOSEY'S CBEAP ST.INDARD Catalogues of the above furnished on application kt,RTz AN!) moNA A G„,tN.s cELEISTIA TE O D GLD ANTHONY'S STEREOSCOPES, AMERICAN AND FOREI4N VIEWS Insal &duct itms to Mtrolmutg. OrdersGrespectrully solicits d andGprompt ly tilled at Cheap Cash Hook Store, Q S \o. 32 Nuith Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 10 JOHN BAER'S SONS, N. In NORTH QUEEN STI:EICT, THE VOLKSWRE,UND AND BEGBACIITBR A Gemini Republican Newspaper GERMAN AND ENOLISII. ALMANACS, TESTAMENTS, HYMN 13001(3, &co SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, NEV AND CHEAP BOOK STORE, WEST KING' STREET, LANCASTER BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, SCHOOL BOOK'S', MISCESEANEOCIS BOOKS, And a general variety of well selected Stationery, Maps and Fancy Articles in the line of trade. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS Of all kinds. Special attention given. Being Librarian of the Lancaster County Bible Society, 1 will furnish Sunday Schools with Bibles and Testaments at cost. Bibles for 50 cents; Testa ments fur 10 cents. A variety of new Sewing Machines for sale cheaper than anywhere ciao. D. S. BARE. BOOK d JOB I'JIIVTII\ Q. RAUCH Sc, COCHRAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS. PLAIN AND FANCY' PRINTING ALL KINDS, From the largest POSTER to the smallest CARD o• CIRCULAR exocuted in the best style and at reasonable prices. Si - Orders !rout a distance promptly attended to. OFFICE—N. E. ANGLE CENTRE SQUARE. LANCASTER, PENNA. T B. McCASKEY, U • SUILGEON DENTIST OVIiR TUN FIRST NATIONAL ZANY, W . M. WHITESIDE, Q. W. SHENK Office and residence, East King Street, next door to the Court House, over Fakm:stock's Dry Goods Store, Lancaster, Pa. Teeth Extracted without pain, by the use of (Nitrous Oxide) Gas. THE OLD PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ACCIIAMLATED CAPITAL After Paying Losses to the Amount of e 1,120,000 ALL TUB @DUPLS.'S DIVIDED AMONGST TUB POLICY lIOLDEIIB EVBILY YEAR. THE ONLY TRUL I' MUTUAL COMPANY IN THE CITY OR STATE. For further luforsuation apply to JOHN J. COCIIRA.N, Agent, P. 0. Lancaster, Pa. AUCHENBACH & BROTHER, N 0.520 PENN STREET, READING, PA., ' 31ANUFACTCUNItti OW REOALIAS, JEWELS AND OTHER LODGE PROPERTIES, For Masons' Blue Lodges, Chapters and Councils ,• Odd Fellows' Lodges and Encampments; Good Templars, Temple of Honor and Sons of Temper ance; American 'Mechanics, American Protestants, Red Men Httrugari Good Fellows, Knights of Pythias,Brotherhood of the Union, and for all fe male lodges and associations, tittcd out at the short est notic. Also, Swords, Belts, Hats, Caps, and Regalia Trimmings of all kinds constantly on hand. Orders respectfully solicited, and goods forwarded to all parts of the country. AUCRENBACH & BROTHER, No 690 PILISN Street, Reading, Pa. i itt` SCIWOL DIRECTORki TEACUEUS ' , Am:Yrs MEI Scill)1.A11-; KE NuTiup ALL NEW BOQlihi RECE/VLD AS FAST AR ISS UED FROM TUE rrtEs'is A COMPLETE STOCK OF J. H. SHEAFFEWS, LANCASTER, PA., EMINEEII Ill= JUSTICES' BLANKS ESE STATIONER, r (Corner of, Fulton BuUding,) ff:1321 DENTISTRY. OFFICE-EAST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA PlirAll Work Warranted. 1611 DENTIST, INSURANCE. OF PHILADELPHIA CHARTER PERPETUAL LODGE REGALIA. paNxsyLvAm I.l'raiur Tear the Co Yd BT W PlLiia. EX pEelikt. 4:17 a.rn. I.lu, 0.3.1 .• Lane. Tr/l/ Day I•:.etar:w... 1::11 pin g dc.. 6:15 " . .1u:47 T) R EA.DING nmi Alt] .N 1 A y 201.1), VAAL lt E A "1"f RUN OM TRH NOttk and North-W, vt for Philo dolphitl, New York, Road tog, Pottvvillo, Akild:1111,1, Lebanon, Al- Euvton,Lphi.ta, Linz, Ltucovter, Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York, as fol lows: at 2.50, 5.'25 and Sau A. M., 12.-1 U noon, and 2.05 and 17.33 P. 3f., oomtectiag with similar trains on the l'e•nnylva il ia Railroad, and arriving at New York at 6.0 a, 10.00 and 1140 A. 1111., and 3.50, 7.40 and Mau P. M. &ileel•lin; 1',1.141 ancoinnanying the 2.00 A. M. and 10.35 P. Al. train without change. Leave Hart Isburg tor itt ading, Pottsvillo, :Tama qua, Mittersville, Ashland, Piuu Grove, Allentown and Pinlinklidila, at B.le A. M., and 2.05 and 4.10 P. M., stunning at Lebanon and Principal Way Stations; the 4.10 P. Al. making connections for. Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Flacon, and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, l , ave Harrisburg at 5.55 P. It. Rettir»ing : leave New York at 9.00 A. M., 12.01 noun, and s.tta and. SAW P. 11. Sleeping cars accompany the 0.00 A. 21, and 3.0 U and S.OO P. M. trains, without tit:mg.-. ty Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at.T.BO A.. 1•, returning flout It tiding at 6.30 P. At, stop pitg at all StaLi.,ll , .; I'uanciiio at, 0,45 A. M. and 2.45 P. SI.; Ashland 5.00 A. Si. and 12.10 noon, and 2.00 P. M.; Tamaqua :it esla A. 21., and 1.00 aud 0.45 I'. 51. Leave Pottt-v ill( fur Harrisburg, via Schuy lkill and Susquehanna Rail ltuad at 7.10 A. M. and 12.00 noon. I;,aaili A ceoliiin4 ‘ilat Tra!n : Lenv,s Reading at 7.30 A. - 31., rt. t !dug ti - unr Phdad•lidlia at 6.1 i N.Y. l'ottkoWn AerommooLitioll Trutt Lento Pate town at 6.4 A. 31. , retorting learcb Plitladclyhta ut 4.311 P. M. Colutubia Rail Road Trains leave Reading at 7.00 A. 31. and 8.13 P. _ll. fel' Ephrata, Litia, Lancaster, Columbia, Pcrkionten Rail Bond Trains leave Perkiotnen Junction at i.t.t it A. 51., and P. M. Returning: shii,p.,,( at h. ti A. M., 3114/ 1.15 P. Al., con_ nectin% Wish Hiu,t,ar tiailllOn Reading Rail Rota Ott :Sundays: Leave New York at 8.00 P. M., Philadelphia 8.00 A. 31. and 3.15 I'. M., the 8.00 A. M Trail, running only to Reading ; Pottsville 8.01) A. M.; liiirrisiatig 5.25 A. 31. and 4.10 and 0.35 P. M., and Rending at 1.10, 2.35 :I lid 7.13 A. M. for Harrisburg, and 7.110 A. M. and.ll.-111 P.M. for Now York and 4.25 P. M. tor Ploholelphia, Commutation, Slit age, Season, school and fh- Cliniiol/ Tiektts, 10 and I rola all poinli, at reduced PENS, Baggage ellpf.kcd through 1(10 winds allowed each Paaric G. A. NJOOLLS, Gen. Supt fi 41 , 1" , 14. I' '2,, lioB. I_tEADING AND COLLF.MBIA It. R W. , AND AFTER WEDNESI) I. V, iI.:PTEMBER 284 1888, PA , O3I:NOP 11N:i \VIM, BF RIJN •x THIS ROA I), FW.LOWS : Len v 0 81/0 A. M. .3:00 P. M. 10;20 A. M 6:30 P. 11 Arrive at lt,laing Leave Ilea.''trig at Arrive at Laticagt,r at " Colu ff===ME! N.N. 2 and 3 make close connection at Wading with Trains Norh and .Solith. on Philodel phia and Reading Railroad, :Ind West on Lebanon Valley Road. No. 2 also makes close connection with Train for I'New York. Tickets can be obtained at the Offices of the Xew Jerset, Central Railroad. root of Liberty Street. N.'W York, and Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, Oh and CuVowhill Si r..cts, Philadelphia. Through tickets to New York and Philad Iphia sold at all the Principal Stations, and Baggage Checked Through. Trains are run by Philadelphia & 'Leading Rail Road Time, which is 10 minutes faster than Faun sylvania It. It. Time. GEO. F. GAGE, Supt. E. E. ICHEVUIt, GaN. Frt, and Ticket Agent. FLAGS, FIREWORKS, &o. 1776. PLAG-S . : ‘°l iTiiiikkFLA.Gfill FOR JULY FOURTH PRllot L.N T1..4.L CAMPAletlf We hare now on hand and have made %Tramp.- menta with mauutactureitw furnish, at shorlideS notice and chcatalit Of all qualltloe —FOR— FOURTH OF JCLY ('ELF,BRAnoNs, EXHIBI TIONS, PRO CESSIONS, Sc. All onions in pornon or mail will roce/To prompt attention by D. S. & J. S. BURSK, No. 19 EAST KING ST A BRA SC II EETZ, PLAIN AND FANCY DRY GOMM eOR. NOUTU Qt,T.E.N.& ORANGE STIIHRTS, JOSEPH ROYER, Wholcsale and Retail Confectioner, Denier In Fruits, Nuts, Toys, Ice Cream, Calms, wholo sale awl retail. No. 33 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. $2,000,000 ZAIIII & JACKSON, WATCHES, CLOCKS. .TEWELTtT, AND SILVER-PLATED w.. 4 SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS No. 16 NORTH QUEEN STREET, S Repairing attended to RHOADS Sc 13110., WHOLERA LW •ND ItIiIIMIVIALII7IB Ix WATCHES, CLOCKS, "TESPIILRY SILVER WARE, No. 22 WEST KING STREET. (Nast Door Below Cooper's Rotas,) LANCASTER, PA. RAILROADS. CENTRAL R. R ‘,1311 i),,pot us cottowe{ %VA 11.1). Erie 9:00 a.in Expresti. 4:47 Jfull 11:1S " Fiat Lbw 9:•10 p.a. Columbia A 0... 9:2i t IlaTriaburgAc.. 5:53 " Laileaste.Cl'ralrl 741 Ex..10:201 " 110 AD. A IC:GE:111;NT 1L LsU MEI P L A •G ii SILK, PUNTING, MUSLIN, e6c =I FIREWORKS Wholonale and Retail Grocers , LANCASTER Dl: Y GOODS, &c. NEW STORE =1 CLOTILING 61 INOTIO.VS, LANOASTBR, P• SUITS RADE 70 ORDER CONFECTIONERY. JEWELRY, tf:e. 11, EALERS IN SILVER LANCASTER, PA ...TA) A. M :..6:15 P. M _2:20 A. M _0:25 8.30 P. M 1868.