44 tathcv Abraham." CIRCULATION OYER 10,000 R. RAUCH, THOS. D. cocITRAN, t Exwrons l'euLtsaEas, LANCASTER, PA ----- FRIDAY. NCII EMBER 6, 186. "I shall leave no polity/ of my 01014 to en }'ne•ew (ruralist the will of the people."—GnszcT PROSPECTUS! "FATHER ABRAHAM" CONTINUED AND ENLARGED! totters of "Pit Schweffiebronner." Orrics or " FATHER IC OATH LA LT ANGLE Cr CI.NTRE SQII•RE, LANCAgTER, PA. Ercouraged by a large l'Ximbel. of our Republican friFnis in various parts of the country, we have concluded to continue the publication of FATTIER ABRAHAM as a permanent institution. It has been considerably enlarged and otherwise im proved; it will continue to be an illus trated newspaper; the very popular and amusing productions of "PIT SenwEr- FLEnnmsrsEn" will also continue, and we feel safe in assuri ,g the public that his forthcoming series of letters will be quite as interesting as those of the past. The price of subscription will not be in crea-qed—ONLY ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CTS. A YEAR IN ADVANCE, for a single subscriber. We deem it unnecessary to say any thing as to the political character of AritEn ABRATIA3I. The enthusiasm with which it was received everywhere during the memorable campaign just closed, and its great popularity among the intelligent Republican masses, is suf ficient guarantee of hs future orthodoxy and usefulness. As we will not prepare ourselvn.s with back numbers, but only print as many as may be needed to sup ply regular subscribers from time to time, In order to secure a perfect file, from the first number of the new and enlarged series, persons should forward their sub scriptions at once. The terms of subscription are. as fol lows : 1 copy; one year, 1.30 5 copies, (each name addressed,) 7.00 10 copies, 4/ 13.00 15 copies, t. 13.00 20 copies, 44 41, 22.00 And ttl.lo for each additional sub scriber, with an extra copy to getter up of club, and, also, one for every addi tional twenty. For clubs, in packages, without address ing each name, our rates are as follows : t, copies. (to o:le address,) S 6.50 10 copies, " 12.00 15 copies, " • 1C.50 .;•.0 C 4 11103. " 20.00 And $l.O for r•ak.l - 1 aridif lot ni PUllsTriber with extra copy to getter up of a club of twenty. SCIIIVIFFFI EWE NEWS LETI E-S We will mail to all subscribers who pay va the full subscription price for one year, $1.50, a pamphlet copy of the let ters of " Pit - Schweffiebrenner," written for FATHER ABRAHAM during the cam paign. This pamphlet will be published about the Ist of December. Poill BAIT OF HON. THADDEUS STEVENS. In lieu rf lie extra copies of FATTIER AilnAnAm, ofliTed above as premium, we will fun ish to the getter up of a club of FIFTY sub)=cribers, at club rates, Sar celebrated steel-engraved portrait of Lion. Thaddeus Stevens, published by Jacob E. Barr, of Lancaster, the price of which is FIVE DoLLAns. For fifteen subscribers in a package to one address, at '1.1.50 each, we will fureish the en grn v in g. 17 Payment must be made in advance, in all cases. Address • RAUCH & COCHRAN, Editors and Publishers, An A pology. We beg our ten thousand subscribers to excuse us for a delay of one day in get ting this weeks' FATHER ABRAHAM to PRESS. Our enlargement. and the loss of one business day this week, which was exclusively devoted to the country, not only by ourselves, but also by the men employed in the Printil ;1, Office, will be, we are sure, sufficient e: planation. ----...1111,...- 41111. TnE Reading Times says that no less than five hundred bats. of all descrip tions, were torn to pieces by the jubilant Republicans of that place in front of the League House on Tuesday night. They were so delighted .and overjoyed at the good news that they took this mode of expressing their enthusiasm. The hat trade is no doubt brisk in our sister city just now. In order to enable us to make more perfect arrangements, and to afford our friends and patrons ample time to renew their subscriptions and make up their clubs no paper will be issued next week. All permanent subscriptions will date from November 20th., on which day, and weekly thereafter FATTIER ABRAMM will appear as a permanent in stitution. Hurry up (your !clubs. Lists should be received at this office on or be fore Wednesday, November 18th. On the 4th of March next, if alive, General Ulysses S. Grant and Schuyler Colfax will be inaugurated President and Vice President of the United States— now not only the greatest Republic, but also the mightiest nation on earth—hav ing been chosen by a popular majority of half a million, even in spite of the most infamous outrages and frauds ever perpetrated In this country. This is the glorious and final triumph of Republicanism—of National Unity, Liberty, Equality and Law. It secures to us the blessings of perpetual peace throughout the land. EVERY MAN—the black and the white man alike—will henceforth enjoy the right to live for himself, for his family, and for his coun try. lle may go where he will , from the St. Lawrence to the Gulf; from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the Rio Grand to the North Pole, with or with out a carpet-bag, as he may elect. The Stars and Stripes will float in triumph over the whole of this country, and, un der it, all will be protected alike. Trea son will be made odious ; assassins and perjurers and lawless villains will be pun ished. The national credit and the na tional honor has been preserved, and it is safe to say that we are about to enter upon better times than the American people ever enjoyed. WE HAVE PEACE ! One of the most gratifying aspects of our great National triumph is the rebuke thereby administered to the base spirit which, while vaunting itself Conserva tive and opposed to disunion, is forever seeking to foment jealousy and ill-feel ing between the East and the West. Few meaner exhibitions of this spirit have been made than those of Horatio Seymour during his recent stumping tour, wherein he managed to swell the majorities for Grant at every point where he held forth. To excite envy at the \Vest of din ninro sample banking capital of the East (as though borrowers and debtors should be bankers instead of creditors and lenders,) was among his most characteristic displays of the arts of an office-seeking demagogue. The vote of the People gives the proper rebuke to this meanness. magnificent majority of Massachuse is almost matched by that of Illinoi4'; lowa is as hearty for Grant as VermoSt ; Pennsylvania and Indiana pull together as they have almost always done ; and the gain of Connecticut in the East is parallelled by that of California in the West. New England is solid for Grant ; so is the region North-West of the Ohio. Blessings on the East and West, one and inseparable 1 "What God hath joined, together let not man put asunder."— Nita) York Tribune. In this hour of exultation, let us in dulge no revengeful spirit. Even the rebel leaders in the recent bloody out rages in the South will see that their reign of terror is over. Invited to sub mission by the magnitude of General Grant's majority, they can have no fur ther temptation to violence. All their eilbrti have proved in vain, and they must now choose between obedience to law and the inevitable resulting penal ties. After the surrender of Lee, on the 9th of April, 1865, they were ready to yield everything to save their lives. An other battle has been fought and another surrender has been compelled; and now, with the recollection of their former ac quiescence and their subsequent ingrati tude, they may perhaps take some coun sel from prudence, in view of the fact that he who forgave so much three years ago will enter upon the administration of the Government on the 4th of March, ISO, with almost imperial power to make good in every one of its meanings his deliberate declaratitn, "Let us have Peace." Lancaster, Pa Semmes swinging around did not pay any more than Andy's in 1866. So far as the returns of the Presidential election have been received ; in every State, county and town where Seymour spoke there is an increased Republican majority. This is true of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and is especially the case in this State, where he spoke in Pittsburg, Harrisburg, Reading and Philadelphia, in every one of which places there is a decided increase for Grant and falling off from Seymour, co spared with the vote at the State election. Particular Notice. The Glorious Finality The East and the West. "Let us have Peace I" Didn't Pay. FATHER ABRAHAM. THE HAPPY' 'FAMILY. Victory and Peace! MIT An COLFAX rwwzwFi-ai GLORIOUS TRIUMPH OF LIBERTY, EQUALITY, JUSTICE, HUMANITY AND LAW ! The Appomattox of 1868 ! TREASON MADE ODIOU S THE REPUBLIC LIVES! Majority Half a Million 25 REPUBLICAN STATES 233 ELECTORS FOR GRANT! 11.011A.T10 NOWI-11P.IZEI THE BLAIRE DEFUNCT ! THE "HEIDELBERG BRIGADE" 11l FULL RETREAT ! THE SAUER KRAUT GOJILLAS BAGGED! BACK SEATS FOR REBELS AND COPPERHEADS! HEMP FOR THE KLU-KLUKERS 1 .i"'" - ~ ' " Nun lassen viler don Leib zur Ruh, Und decken ehn mit Ehrde %IA I" The Reptiollean Pyramid. OHIO lOWA MAINE KANSAS NEVADA INDIANA ILLINOIS GEORGIA ALABAMA MISSOURI MICHIGAN VERMONT WISCONSIN NEBRASKA ARKANSAS MINNESOTA TENNESSEE CALIFORNIA CONNECTICUT RHODE ISLAND WEST VIRGINIA PENNSYLVANIA MASSACHUSETTS NEW HAMPSHIRE NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA RECONSTRUOTION The Democratic Pyramid BLAIR HORATIO NEW YORK DELAWARE LOUISIANA MARYLAND KENTUCKY NEW JERSEY FIVE POINTS FORT PILLOW BERES COUNTY SCHLIFFLETOWN ANDERSONVILLE MACKERELVILLE SOUR KRAUT HILL BEDFORD STREET CONFEDERATE X ROADS THE OLD GUARD! LOOK AT HER! ima xi oararw„ • 7,289!!! How nobly have theople of Lancas ter county again spokenifor Freedom and Humanity I Hu, magnificent October ma jority of 0743 has been increased 5001 Look at the figures: MGy. Oef. 13, Maj. Nov. 3. DISTRICTS. m J a ca cb Ist Ward. 2d Ward . 3d Ward.. 4th Ward sth Ward 6th Ward ith Ward Bth Ward 9th Ward .. 36 .. 35 . • 165 City total. 286 410 300 421 Adamstown .. 42 35 Bart . 6 32 break a rck. 42 28 earn von. 45 65 Clay 195 201 Cocalico East .. 112 123 Cocalico West .. 27 47 Colerain.. • 90 Columbia—let Ward. 55 " 2d Ward.. 80 94 " 3d Ward.. 34 Conestoga 270 275 Conoy. . . 113 128 Drumore . , 20 41 Donegal West 21 23 Donegal E., Maytown 42 43 Springville 39 42 Earl 339 338 Earl East.. 243 260 Earl West. 233 249 Eden 2 1 Elizabeth 76 87 Elizabethtown .. 3 1 Ephrata.. 155 172 Fulton 67 76 Hempfleld West 234 249 Indiantown . 235 240 Lampeter We5t....... 275 278 Lampeter East 340 357 Little Britain ... 59 63 Leacock 187 189 Leacock Upper 149 173 Lancaster twp . 107 110 Manhema twp 183 215 Manheina bor 166 191 Manic 129 136 Marietta. 169 205 Millerstown 232 262. Mount Joy bor 216 209 Mount Joy tp. (upper) 96 106 Miount Joy tp. (lower) 62 70 PEradise 99 105 Penn 113 110 Pequea. ..... . .... 191 208 Petersburg 175 187 Providence 138 150 Rapho (S. S. H.) 122 122 Ritpho (Newtown)... 105 108 Rohrerstown 111 100 Sadshury 111 124 Salisbury . .. . 353 365 Strasburg bor 59 57 Strasburg twp ... 239 237 Warwick... 220 277 Washington Total.. Republican majority 6743 Philadelphia. No city in the United States contribu ted so largely or accomplished so much towards the grand Republican victory just won, as Philadelphia. In spite of the most stupendous and barefaced frauds —surpassed only by those of the demo cratic thieving and prostituting hells of New York, and the wholesale system of violence and murder of New Orleans, the high-toned and ever reliable Repub licans of the great city of American In dependence have succeeded, not only in preventing the triumph of the outrages upon the ballot-boa referred to, but also in contributing several thousand towards the very decided Republican majority of Pennsylvania. 58 45 132 14 24 21 16 116 116 227 244 32 21 X 11.5 lulu •Water Street Danoees Ronne. Wive Pointe t Corlaer'e Hook. itMeaterelville. A simple glance at the returns from the sixth and eighth divisions of she Fourth Ward, Philadelphia, on Tuesday last, is sufficient to show that the same sort of voters in the latter city carried the Mayor and other officers for the De mocracy on the 13th of October last : 7337 594 • 594 THE ELECTORAL VOTE. FOR GRANT AND COLFAX. States. Electors. Popular Maj. MAINE 7 28,000 NEW HAMPSHIRE. .. ..........8,000 MABBACHUSETTS.... .12 75,000 RHODE ISLAND./"... 4 6,000 CONNECTICUT 6 3,400 VERMONT ...... .... 5 31,000 PENNSYLVANIA 26 24,767 WEST VIRGINIA.... ei 8,000 OHIO.. 21 - 35,000 INDIANA. 13 5,000 ILLINOIS 16 50,000 MICHIGAN 8 25,000 WISCONSIN.. . S.. . . ...... 20,000 lOWA S 40,000 NEBRASKA.. 8 ..... . . . .. 4,000 TE.NNassEE.. 10 .. . . ..... 30,000 CALIFORNIA 5 5,1100 NEVADA 3 1,000 MISSOURI.. 11 24),000 RAN - SAS. 3 5,000 NORTH CAROLINA... 9 13,000 MINNESOTA. 4 5,000 gOUTH CAROLINA... 6 10,000 FLORIDA.. 3 [By Leg.] ARKANSAS 5 [ Probably.] ALABAMA. 8 5,000 2G States 214 FOS DEYJNOITII AND ISLAM NEW YORK.. NEW JERSEI I)ELAW ARE. MARYLAND . . KENTUCKY . GEORGIA LOUVRANA OREGON._ 8 States The Vote to ESTIMATED AN!) RE Repabllean Adams 260 Bedford 300 Berks.. . 6000 Bucks 550 !Cambria . 700 'Carbon 700 Centre 360 'Clarion 1000 Clearfield ..... 1050 Clinton. . . 575 Columbia 1700 Cumberland ~. 450 1E1k.... 450 Fayette 700 Fulton 300 Greene 1300 Juniata 300 Lehigh . 1200 Luzerne . 3000 Fycoming.... . 235 Monroe .. 2200 Montgomery.. 800 M0nt0ur....... 800 Northampton.. 3100 Northum'land. 400 1000 (Schuylkill..... 1300 (Sullivan 400 Wayne.. 675 Westmoreland 1200 Wyoming..... 200 York . 2700 Allegheny ....11000 Armstrong.... 600 Beaver. 1025 Blair.. 1000 Bradford.. ... 4000 Butler. 550 Cameron...... '2OO Chester 2800 Crawford 1800 Dauphin ...... 2100 Delaware 1600 Erie...... 3700, Forest... 501 Franklin..... 200. Huntingdon... 1050 Indiana 2600 Jefferson 75 Lancaster .... 7300 Lawrence .... 2125 Lebanon 1549 McKean 200 Mercer. .. 800 Mifflin . 75 Perry 264 Philadelphia.. 2518 Potter. .. 8501 Snyder 6501 Somerset 14501 Susquehanna.. 16501 Tioga 3850 Uni0n......... 8351 Venango 900 Warren 11061 Washington .. 501 -60612 35845 Grant's maj.24767 Five Points of New Thrk--Bax ter Street, Philadelphia. These dens of vice, ignorance and human degradation rolled up immense majorities for Seymour and Blair on Tuesday last. New York city, which contains sixty thousand professional thieves, pick-pockets and burglars, gave about sixty thousand Democratic major ity, the greater part of which was rolled up in the wards embracing the Five Points, Corlaer's Hook, Mackerelvillo and Water Street Dance Houses. As we have not now the figures of the last Tuesday's election for these districts be fore us, we here give those of 1862, when Horatio Seymour was elected Governor by the votes of these out-casts, over Gen. Wadsworth : 3 4 f., k ps 4 4 = .1 .qa 4 41 a 0 1 ..t 74 344 xtv... 2. .... ..23 329 87 366 4 .31 324 .42 322 9 ..38 331 .02 408 XV11.... 9 .22 313 11E1 14...1..126 321 286 16 81 317 17 -.40 316 18. .... -1511 :170 53 570 ...53 370 XIX 2 . 2'26 XX.,... 1 ...47 226 351 8 79 320 XX11... 2 .96 310 12 29 229 ..25 271 „13 195 .. 8 182 .. 7 178 ..17 2511 ..28 231 -28 392 ..33 420 ..18 354 6 7 V1..3 EMU .. .77 354 ...40 363 ...40 373 ...22 316 . .29 284 - . .62 384 ...16 400 tlO X 1.2 Total, 89 Diets, 631 12,644 Seymour's maj. 10,681, or more than his entire majority in the State. SIXTH DIVISION. Hours. Grant. Seymour First 7 82 Second 6 137 Third 5 91 Fourth 4 10 Fifth 1 $3 Sixth 4 74 Seventh 5 29 Eighth 0 31 Ninth..., ' 0 92 Tenth 1 135 Eleventh 0 219 DISIVVII DIVISION. Grant. Seymour , 122 Hour». Find ......... Third Fourth Fifth .. • Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth 102 1201 Comment is unnecessary. 33 [by fraud] 11,000 7 do.] 2,50 U 3 2,500 . 7 45,000 .11 80.000 9[terrorismjlo,ooo - , 6 do.l 30,000 3 [ dubious.] 'en tesylvanta. ORTED MAJOVI Tlycs Democratic 35815 Total. Pledged itself In Fasten the Fetters on the Limbs of the Slave , And to Plant the System on Soil forever It appealed to The Lowest Preju,lices of the Masses against the Negr.), It denied Law to a Man because he was cracy by a Wld'e. It Lost the Confidence of the People, and then sought, By Secret Organizations and wide-spread Rebellion, THE ERECTION OF AN ARISTOCRACY IN During Four years of War, To Vindicate the Majesty of Law atd the Principles of Constitutional Government, IT SYMPATHIZED WITH TREASON, Pronounced the War a Crime and a Failure ; Attempted, by Disorders, Bloodshed and Violence, to Provoke Civil War In the Loyal States, and PLEADED FOR PEACE ON THE BASIS or On the Restoration of Peace, Won by the Heroism and Sacrifices of ur Defs, The Party Appealed to cud th dr e Judgment of the People, aud was - - Congressmen Elected. The result for Congress on Tuesday last, in the States named, was as follows Statee. California Illinois lowa Kansas 3,lassachusetts Michigan Minnesota.. ... Missouri Nevada New Jersey .. Nort h Carolina -Rhode Island .. South Carolina Tennessee .... Wisconsin Kentucky .. Louisiana Maryland Nev York.. . Total -0.31* The I,l•Ason. The election on Tuesday last innsi Fihow the Southern Democratic leaders that. the American people will not have Congress coerciA ; will not have the Reconstruction measures overthrown ; will not have our bonds dishonored ; will not npprove of or bear with the in vasion of the sacred righl of free speech, or the atrocion.; interferance which has been openly inculcated and zealously practised by the Southern Democratic leaders for months past. It ought to teach these bad men prudence. They have exhausted the patience of the peo ple ; they have insulted the laws, and defied right and justice. Let them noTir be quiet ; else exemplary punishment trill overtake them. = Fruits ()I riciory One of the most gratifying incidents of the late National triumph is the adop tion of Impartial Suffrage in the States of lowa and,Minnesota by deciAve majori ties. This was the third trial in Mune sota----The vote for Justice and True Democracy increasing at each repetition. Connecticut, we trust. is about to follow. If their brass were not inc!l-deep, we should shame the slanderers who assert that the Republicans are for Negro Suf frage in the South, but against it at the North. Lancaster f.'auetty ihsjorilits We h've come very decided Republi can districts in Lancaster county.— Among others are the following: Salisbury township, cr; i i,c f , East Laini)etcr Earl township Warwick tolAnship West Lampe:el' Ito\ ti6hip conestoga township tntrior) East QW Oil tip West Ilemptield township West Eat' township Total majority fir Grant in 8 Districts I.‘ to age 0=::= ll'arovick The new Banner Township of the " Old Guard"—having given the largest increased Republican majority since last election,—is glorious Old Warwick. The majority is gain of sixty'. Next to Warwick is Manheirn town ship—a gain of thirty three. An. Ellita ph. IN AIEMORY I THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY Died_ November 3d, 1888 THIS PARTY, Flushed with the long possession of Power, Becoming Corrupt with the Patronage of Otlh Forsook it. , Principles, Breathed the infected atmosphere of Treason, Inscribed "Slavery" as the legend upon its Banners, and =MUM Black, And honored Crime, If Perpetrated in the name :if Demo- THE DESTRUCTION O 1 TUE REPI:BLIC. TILE OVERTILROW• OF DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT, and THE SOUTH, TH which African Slavery should be the Corner-Stone. D 1317 N lON CONDEMNED TO DIE By the Voice of the Loyal Millions through the Ballot-Box. R "P. D 4,4. 0 10 4 I I 18 1 63 49 3);4; ;):.)7 ;3:39 ) 11.1 249 -914 291!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers