Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, November 06, 1868, Image 1

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    " PAIII2II. AilitrAttlitt
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VOL 1.
office: No. AI; 1:114 Str,et, r,
(- 1 J. 1) 1 K ,
•FrIcE—SOIMI Str, , et, ReCOllll house
below the .• t'oootaion I o," Lanoorl. , ,T, Pa.
T .
Or`FI , E- -No. 11 NIIIIVI 1)1 - 15:1: Strut, NTI . St slite,
northul'tt emu. , IL uar, I,:tnen,tor,
Y. D. 11 A 1: E ,
Arrim.NEy AT VAIV,
Orirtem--Wo!; J. D. Livingston, NORTH DUKE
Street, Lancto.t.
. K EA.I) V ,
• Al"1 . 0117•:EY AT LAW,
OxPteL— 'With I. E. DieKter, N NTH DUKE
Strect, 'tear the Court (louse, I.:then:44T, Pa.
Ittpric&--Nu.3 SOUTH 1)1'11E Street, Lancaster,
OFFICE-NO. 19 DUKE Street, Lancita
ter, Pa.
OrricE—No. 13 NORTH. I/1:h E Siren, Lamas
ter, Pa.
OFFIcr,--With Gen , ral. J. W. Fisher, NORTH
Dm< E Street, Laneaster, Pa.
Orrrcr—No. In NORTH DUKE Street, Laricas
bar, PR.
T 13. AMIV A K '
01'410E—No. 4 SOUTH QUEEN strout, Laucas
tor, Pa.
ercrica—No. 72. SQI.:TH QUEEN Strum, Lan
Orriub—No SO NORTH DUKE Strast, Lancas
ter, Pa.
Opncs—No. f 1 SOUTH QUILEX Street, hanaaa
ter, Pa.
Ovrtos—No. 28 NORTH DUKE Struet, Lancas
te, Pa. .
4 1 - 01 I N 11. SELTZER
No. 135 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia
Office with 0. J. Dickey, histi., Nu. 21 Seuth
Queen street, Innettker,
Office of the late lion. Thaddeus Stevens,
No. 26 South Queen street,
Lancaster, Pa.
No. 46 North Sixth Struet, Nowlin, Pa
No. GO4 COURT Street, (opposite the Court House)
Reading, Pa.
No. 2S NORTH SIXTH Street, Reading, Pa
PUBLIC, No. 27 sowrii. SIXTH 'Meet, Read
ing, Pa.
No. 134 SOUTH FIFTH Street, Reading, Ps.
Gov. Geary has issued a proclamation,
designating Thursday, the 2Gth inst., as
a day of Thanksgiving to Almighty! God
for the manifold blessings which he has
showered upon our prosperous, law
abiding and happy Commonwealth.—
Among the good recommendations of
His Excellency is one that we may re
member with gratitude the country's
brave defenders, and cherish with sym
pathy their widows and orphan children.
The proclamation is well conceived and
worthy the kindly impulses which govern
our distinguished Executive. Let these
wise and beneficient recommendations
be followed in spirit by all the people, to
the end that the Divine Ruler may pro
tect, defend and preserve our good Com
LEI GII COUNTY.-A curious coinci
dence occurred in the vote of Lehigh
county.' The majority for Boyle, this
'tear, is precisely that given for Clymer
in 1866. In 1866 elvmer had 5,781 votes,
Geary 4,159. In 1868 Boyle had 6,305
votes, Ilartranft, 4,731 It will he seen
that each party gained precisely the same
number of votes-574. A similar equality
of gains does not occur in another county
in the State.
A SENSIBLE BET.—A young gentle
man and lady of New Albany, Ind., made
a novel bet on the Presidential election.
If Grant was elected the young man
agrees to marry the lady, and if Seymour
was elected the young lady was to marry
the gentleman. The bet was a good one
for the young lady. "Heads I win, tails
'you lose," and it is besides a legal bet
and the only sensible one of the kind we
igriow of.
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to see the right, let us strive on to fi nish the work achiers aid cherish a jest and a lasting peace
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' - \ Ten lima of Nonpareil CI
Now Glory to the Lord
Now, Glory to the Lord of Hosts, from whom
all glories are,
And glory to our sovereign nag, of every flag
the star;
Now let there be the merry sound of dancing
and of song,
I Through all our fields and sunny vales the
gladsome note prolong.
And tliott litir land, our own Ildr land, by city,
glen, and waters,
Again let rapture light the eyes of all thy mourn
ing daughters:
As thou went constant in our Ills, be constant
in our joy,
For cold, and stiff, and still are they, who
wrought thy Ivalls annoy.
Hurrah! one glorious charge has turned the
tide of war,
Hurrah! hurrah for Freedom and our all-
conquering star.
Oh, how our hearts were beating, when at the
dawn of day,
WWI) saw the armies of the the drawn out in. l
long array,
With all its new-made citizens, and all its rebel
And Beattregard'sviark infantry, and Formt's
bloody spears.
There rode the cruel Wises, the basest of our
And dark Magruder in the midst, a rapier in
his hand.
And as we looked on them, we thought of
many a flood,
And martyr Lincdtn's noble brow all covered
with his blood;
And we cried unto the Living God, who rules
the fate Of war,
To tight in His own holy name and Grant's
all-conquering star I
Now God be praiged, the day is ours, Frank
Blair has turned his rein,
And Seymour cries fur quarter, and all his
hosts are slain ;
Their ranks are breaking like thin clouds be
fore a Biscay gale,
The field is heaped with broken chains, and
flags, and cloven mail ;
And then we thought on vengeance, and all
along our van,
Remember dark "Fort Pillow" was passed
from man to man;
But now spoke out illustrious Grant, "No
good man Is my foe;
Down! down, with avey7 rebel clApf, but let
the people go!"
O! was there ever such a knight, in friendship
or in war,
As he who led our gallant boys, and nestle the
clustered star?
Our God bath crushed the tyrant, our God
hath raised theslave ;
And marred the counsels of the vile and the
plottings of the knave ;
Then glory to his Holy Name from whom all
glories are ;
And glory to our sovereign flag, and Grant's
victorious star!
" Old Arm Chair."
[From Mn.s Lizzie A. Cveheut.]
Lines enggested by flue Chair in which Gen
eral Grant eat when he signed the stipu—
lation or treaty with General Lee at
.Appomattox Cour! House, T'a. ' April 9,
1865. for the surrender of the Arne of
Northern Virginia.
I prize it, I prize it, and who would dare
To chide me for prizing that"' Old Arm Chair ?"
'Tis linked with the mem'ries of days gone by,
When warfare loomed up in the Southern sky ;
But that which now makes It of more renown,
When the Flag went up and the Sword went
And the foe and freemen were gathered there—
The Conqueror sat in that "Old Arm Chair."
I carefully guard it. I deem it sent
As a true memento of time well spent ;
When the guardian hero of gallant men
Bade warfare cease by the stroke of the pen,
And the shouts of freemen were echoed o'er
From the coats of Spain to the Southern shore;
And the bells pealed forth such a glad'ning
To waken the spirit of Peace again.
I try to protect it, in every way;
I think of the brave men who fought that day ;
Ere that old arm chair held its sacred trust,
How many heroes were laid in the dust;
'Mid the fierce carnage of battle and strife,
They gallantly struggled for home and life ;
Their homes were protected, but life was lost,
Thus was victtry won at a fearful cost.
I shall ever remember the weight of care
That was much relieved by that "Old Arm
When anxious hearts, overburdened with grief,
Were Granted a peace that anon brought relief;
For the safe return of an absent friend,
With hopes and fears do our prayers e'er blond;
I read well the answer to all my prayers,
Now my loved one site in that "Old Arm
[Written for FATUBit A SR All Alf
Past, Present and Future.
Our progress during the last forty years
as been so wonderful and rapid as to.
appear almost fabulous to the men of the
present generation. Probably .no other
period of equal time in the worlds history,
has produced so many changes as the
one under consideration.
My object is to go back about forty
years, and refer to the then existing
habits, usages and peculiarities of the
people ; their ideas, style of living, prac
tice of economy , and genuine, old-fashion
ed patriotism, tad draw a fair comparison
of the past with the present as I go along
from one particular point or subject to
the other, and thus demonstrate that
more astonishing *haws kayo tabus
place than is generally supposed. ;lad n
more rapid progress made than ever
before by any people on the fare if the
globe. Whether we have, in CV01 , 7 re
spect, improved ourselves, or moved in
the right direction, will be for each one
to judge for himself.
Party years ago, Pittsburg ' was the
principal city in the far off West. Dry ,
goods and other products of the Ilayst
were transported from Philadelphia to
Pittsburg in Conestogit tennis, with tour,
' five and six horses, and by the mine
means, the produce of the great tit=s
eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvanitk--
was brought to the East. About two
weeks' time was required to make the
trip either way. Thousands of these
Conestoga wagons were constantly , on
the turnpike road, presenting seems, at
some of the points along the r.ute,
similar to those witnessed in our armies
during the late war. Each wagon was
well covered and goods protected by can
vass, and the drivers were constantly
provided with teamsters' rations of broad, ;
butter and plain whiskey, valued at ten
cents a quart. They also carried ample
supplies for their horses—oats, hay and
corn. The most valuable real i.st ate
along a turnpike was the tavern stand,
with ample accommodations for these
teamsters, and notwithstanding the fact
that each one carried his own horse feed
along on the wagon, the tavern keepers
realized good profits on six cents for
lodging, twelve and a half cents each for
supper and breakfast, and the sale of a
quart of whisky at ten cents or a "levy"
cents) with generally, the sale of a
few three cent " jiggers" at the bar. A
total bill of fifty cents--for supper, lodg
ing, breakfast and a few drinks, was all
that a money-making landlord could look
for or expect.
Traveling, forty years ago, was a
matter of time and expense. INV in-
stance, a Philadelphia merchant, or his
agent, having business at Pittsburg, re
quiring his personal attention, usually
spent days and weeks in making his
preparations for his long and eventful
journey. All middle aged men of to-day
will remember the old stage lines—the
only means of fast traveling then. How
much time was needed to make the trip
between Philadelphia and Pittsburg, I
ern unable now to state, but venture to ,
say that it was fully one wech— , robably
longer. I dial:let)! feeneinber •e. • -
running between Lancaster' and
delphia—leaving the *former city at 4
o'cloek in the morning, and by several,
'changes of horses along the -routek
what was called swift driVing,. the- I .tter
city was reached late in the evening,
Some time before the construction of
the Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad
I —now the Pennsylvania Railroad—l re
'member a conversation between., my
father and one of his 'neighbors who was
in -1111 i habit of spending many of his
winter evenings at Our house. The eon,-
vertation refered to was on the subject
of the then contemplated Railroad, the
nature of which my father endeavored to
explain---its probable cost, the manner
of laving the rails, the kind of rails and
how they were spiked down on blocks of
sandstone, instead of cross ties, as now
in use ; the grading through hills and
valleys; the peculiar construction of car
wheels, so as to keep them on the track,
and other matters in relation to the Rail-•
road. Our old-fashioned neighbor seemed
to comprehend it all, but he could not quite
see into the possibility of running these
Railroad cars by steam or any other than
horse or mule power. Even admitting
that a machine might be put in motion
by steam power, he could not believe
that any one of sound mind, who had the
least regard for life or limb, would ven
ture within fifty yards of such a concern,
rushing at the fearful speed of fifteen
miles an hour. After fully discussing the
subject of Railroading, our neighbor was
very unfavorably impressed in regard to
it. He came to the conclusion that, as
the Almighty gave us the Earth to walk
upon, any such attempt to improve upon
His plan, and the means with which Se
had provided us to move from one point
to another, was doubting His wisdom and
goodness, and therefore extremely sinful.
He also concluded that this Itailroad
scheme, if successful. would ruin every
hdtel, every saddle, harness or wagon
maker, and every stage and team driver
in the land, and render horseflesh almost
Notwithstanding these and many other
very serious protests against the Railroad,
it was constructed, and we all know the
result. A Conestoga wagon, drawn by
four, five or six horses, and loaded with
goods and produce, would now be almost
as great a curiosity as a railroad was then.
Instead of traveling at the rate of six or
seven miles an hour, we now make from
eighteen to forty miles. If we have
business in Pittsburg to-morrow, or to
night, or at Chicago or St. Louis to
morrow night, or next day, all we have
to do is, go. We simply procure a through
ticket, enter a Railroad car and take a
seat. On the train moves—we don't
know how fast, or what cities and towns
we pass along the route, nor do we care.
At bed time we take off our boots, lay
down in a comfortable bed, go to sleep,
and sleep soundly ; in the morning we
wake up, wash face, comb hair, brush up
and slip on a newly polished pair of boots,
whilst . the conductor changes the• very
comfortable bed upon which, we slept into
two double spring seats, with a velvet
card tabje between them, upon Which
we may, if so inclined, enjoy a game of
chess. or " old sledge," whilst the . iron
horse continues his way with 11, lade
moving village, consisting of ten long
sus, sestaining Ass hundred men, wens*
and children. at the rate of thirty miles
an boar, over mountains, across valleys
and rivers, without a single incident cal
culated to disturb or alarm the most timid
individual. And althon"li every import
ant town fu the State is now a Railroad
station, the great system is apparently
yet in its infancy. Very soon the iron
horse, with itslong train of human freight,
will wind its way up and over the Rocky
Moutitains, all the way across this im
mense continent to the great Pacific, and
the trip will be attended with much less
adventure or fatigue than a journey to
Pittsburg forty 3 ! 'ears ago.
Whilst on this particular subject, I will
state what is, perhaps, not generally
known, that Pennsylvania boasts of the
first Railroad in the United States. t re
fer to tile ,gravitation road from Summit.
Bill to Mauch Chunk, in Carbon county,
a distance of nine miles. It was con
structed in the year 12.7, just forty-one
years ago. There ;was, however, a road
constructed in 1826,'at or near Quincy,
Mass., I believe, one half a mile in
length, and used to carry stone from a
quarry, but as it was a mere temporayr
concern, with wooden rails, and very im
perfect, it hardly amounted to the dig
nity of a Railroad. The Mauch Chunk
awl Summit Hill road referred to is still
in use, daily carrying thousands of tons
of anthracite coal from the mines of the
Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company,
Ifoni Panther Creek Valley to their
canal at Mauch Chunk.
About forty years ago, Presidential
and Gubernatorial elections were prob
ably as exciting as they are now, but
the manner of conducting them was quite
different. Candidates, as a general rule,
were put before the people earlier in the
season, and the work of canvassing con
tinued for longer periods of time, though
in this respect the difference is compari
tively unimportant. In the year 1835,
there were three candidates for Governor
before the people of Pennsylvania, yiz
George Wolf and Henry A. Muhlenberg,
Democrats, and Joseph Ritner, Anti-
Masonic, who was also voted for by as
much of the Whig party as then existed.
The Anti-Masons, believing the objects
and, doings of the very ancient order of
Free Masons to be inconsistent with Re
publican government, were politically
organized for the avowed purpose of ex
posing the secrets and punishing the sup
posed crimes committed by the members
oY , said inter. _Although . the Anti-
Masons did not - quite accomplish the
work of demoliohing - the order, they did
succeed in cicalas Joseph Ritner Gov
ernor of Pennsylvania. For a number
of days after the election, the leading
and most .active men of the several
political parties were hanging round
their respective head-quarters, to re
ceive, talk over, cypher up and bet; on
the latest returns. The result in Lan
caster count, was first known about
nine or ten o'clock on the day after the
election, and during the latter part o f.the
same day the returns came in from
Berke, York, Chester, Lebanon and
Dauphin tounties. On the following
day news came: St hand from more re
mote parts, @d oh as Montgomery, Lehigh,
Cumberland and other counties. Ritner
was ahead, and gaining as county after
county was heard from. The best in
formed Democrats, one after the other,
conceded his election. still, as a large
number of counties were yet to be heard
from, many continued to express some
hope for Wolf's election, for if the North
ern tier, commonly known as the " Wild
Cat" counties, would come in so-and-so,
they thought their candidate would yet
win. Finally, about the end of a week
or ten days, the result was known beyond
the shadow of a doubt. Ritner was
chosen Governor by a plurality of 26,000,
The Anti-Masonic Whig party considered
the victory as one of immense import
ance, and a popular political song—the
first one that I remember—was then pub
lished and sung some of the most en
thusiastic Anti-Masonic vocalists. I re
member two linos of this patriotic pro
duction :
" Der Joseph Ritner is (ler monn,
Der unser Slitaat, regieren kann."
A President and Vice-President has
just been chosen by the people, not of
Pennsylvania, but of the whole United
States. The polls closed at 7 o'clock on
the evening of the 3d day of November.
That Lancaster county gave 7300, major
ity for General Grant, and Old .Berks
6000, majority forgeymour, was known in
the Phifadelphia Press office before 10
o'clock on the .same evening, and about
the same hour and minute in every im
portant town throughout the entire coun
try, from the St. Lawrence to the Gulf
of Mexico, and from the Atlantic to the
Pacific ! And before these mere local
results were properlannounced, we
were almost overwhelmned with news
and figures / not merely from Alleghany,
Philadelplua, Lehigh, Blair, Erie, Ly
coming, York and Bradford, but also
from New Orleans, New York, Boston,
Buffalo, Dayton, Baltimere, San Fran
cisco, °lnaba, Charleston, Nashville, and
all the Jerseys piled up on top. Afewf
minutes later, a supplementary flash o
lightning regularly announced the tri
umphant election of Grant and Colfax,
and their friends and admirers celebrated
their brilliant victory during the same
night by the ringing of bells, -firing of
guns, whilst procession after procession
was shouting and singing about " Old
John Brown's body Wes mouldering in
the grave," whilst' his soul is. marching
on !" On the following day, the Demo
crats received their Salt River passes,
and as honorable men, those who were
silly enoUgh to bet their stamps on Sey
mour, authorized the stake-holders to
lsand them ever is the vistas. And on
the same morning, after the election worship. It isonly in the Chureites of
day, the following cable dispatches ap- the common people, where it is 'in order
peared on the bulletin hoards of the news for the congregation to sing the praise
offices of London, Liverpool, Paris, St. and glory of God with a will. And the
Petersburg, Berlin and other cities of j preaching in some leading Churches to-day
the old World: is very Dual' like the singing, and the
Pol 1, A DELPHI A, N0v.3,1, 10 o'olook, I'. m, "love of a preacher" who can best avoid
Th e e t e ,li on f ur p r ,,,id ent an d vi,,, p n , si. .. true, Christianity, and white-wash over
dent to-day reimited in favor of “rant mid Col- and present ingenious apologies for the
f ax . th,, Radical can did a t es , b y a t ar , ma j or i ty. , most fearful vices of society, is the man
seytnour has only five or six shite..—Grott the, who now commands the hihest salary.
' remaindor. ' and figures as the most popular preacher.
Bow long a period of time would have Glittering
,g generalities, and not the
been required to gather the same amount spirit of Jesus ('twist, s the style of
of news forty years ago. each one inav P re l ichili g . •
imagine for himself. (7'o be Ciu( I ituol.)
I believe there was no daily nowspaper
published in this country forty years ago. I: EJECTED—. 4 ND WIlY?
It was then customary, in the most intel-
ligent and civilized towns and villages, TO THE LEADERS OF THE bENOCRATIC
for two. three or more neighbors to club PARTY.
together, and each subscribe for one Your rejection by the people is de
newspaper, and in regular order they , cided and emphatic. Why? •
were handed round, and read by each You encouraged the South to initiate
one belonging to the club. The best : secession.
printing presS then in USC was capable 1:01.1 pronounced coercion equally revo
of working about three hundred per lutionary with secession.
hour. A publisher having a large circu- , You assailed the first call for troops as
lation, say two thousand, was obliged to unconstitutional.
EIO to press at an early hour on the day You refused to vote either mon or
befOre publication, so as to enable the ! money to carry on the war.
pressman to work oft the edition in time You bade the Southern States depart
tor the mails. Printing machines now in in peace.
use, wont' from one thousand to twenty- ' You declared that if slavery must be
five thousand papers per hour. containing destroyed to gain the Union, thou the
all the news, up to midnight, before pub- Union should perish.
licatton, from St. Louis, London, San You declared your preference for the
Francisco, Berlin, New Orleans, St. rebel Constitution, as against your own.
Petersburg and Constantinople. When it became apparent that to pro-
About forty years ago, the only free claim universal liberty would weaken the
schools known in our state were those al- enemy and reward the true friends of the
fording education to children whose par- Union, you nevertheless opposed it.
rents were too poor to pay for tutition. , You stoutly contended that the rebel-
These were known as the pauper children, lion would never be suppressed, and tri
and few only were willing to have their umphantly quoted every reverse to our
names appear on the poor or pauper list, arms as demonstrating it.
and many children were kept out of You ursed the abandonment of the
school on that account, and thus a con- i war, and the resort to negotiation for
siderable number of good citizens of the best attainable terms.
that day were deprived of education In our gloomiest days, and when no
altogether. The public mind to-day political campaign was pending, you
favors a system of general and liberal sought to inflame the passions of the
education,' at the expense of the state people against the only government we
embraceing almost every branch. The had or could have. •
doctrine that the state owes, and must You assailed President LincOn as
afford to all het children an edueation, is despot and afterwards murdereilehim.
well sustained by the people who for- lou denounced the governgtt as re
medy, in many localities, and by large volutionary.
majorities, pronounced •against: the free The Boys in Sipe were t" a by you
schools, under the atrackfpa,p4t. popular Lincoln hlrollnivit.and dogs.
deism-ion thet education la an evil, caleu- You. opposed Allowing ttie: men who
lated to leamen to such critaet as for- were periling their lives for Apt country,
genies and counterfeting. The change of the enjoyment oflase electi franchise.
public opinion during the last thirty years, You opposed filling up our armies by
in regard to common schools is most draft.
gratifying, and quite equals our progress You incited riotous and bloody resist
in almost every other respect. ante to the laws of the land.
Forty years ago the professors of You pronounced the war a failure, and
Christianity generally attended their called for its abandonment.
churches to worship God with humiliation, I You urged the South to reject the most
and in truth. Our fathers of the rural magnanimous terms ever offered to con
districts used to wear plain, but very quered rebels.. •
substantial clothing, and in the summer You passed laws imposing on freemen
semen it w ,
,iii, perfect order for them the most galling and unjust discrimina
te go to ehureh in their shirt sleeves. tions, in the halls of justice, on the tielp
To see a. Yuan' attending church in his of labor and the resorts of trade.
shirt sleeves, was generally considered f You would not allow a man equal jus
prima facia evidence that his wife is au I tice before the law, because servile blood
excellent woman for having his linen in flowed in his veins.
a proper condition—tit to be seen in You " tired the Sot kern heart" anew
meeting on Sunday. Many of the aga i nst the loyal North:
mothers and sisters, even of the present You conferred the highest honors on the
generation, were proud to Wear calico fiercest and most brutal rebel Generals.
dresses, costing a levy" a yard as their You falsely assailed the hero to whose
best " sunday go to meeting"tigs, and in energy, sagacity, bravery and skill we
many localities linsey-woolaey petticoats owe the existence of our country, as a
and short-gowns were the order of the " brutal butcher," a "miserable drunk
day in and out of meeting, at home and ard," a "contemptible liar," a misco
abroad, at the washtub, at the spinning genationist" and "scoundrel."
wheel and at the wedding party. Their The man most warmly welcomed by
straw bonnets were of sufficient dimen- you", in National Convention—Napoleon •
sions to shield and' protect their pretty ' "Butcher" Forrest—dishonored a flag of
faces from the scorching sun in August truce, and shot down his begging victims
or the chilly equinoxial storm in Sept- iu cold blood.
ember. In a word, comfort, protection The pavements la New Orleans are
and becoming, neatness, with simplicity, stained with the blood of the white and
was the aim of all sensible people in the black victims of your hellish malignity.
make up of their garments on Sunday, as You have rejected every principle the
well as on any other day of the week. Democratic party formerly cherished.
To-day, real Christians doubtless go to You proposed to trample in the dust,
church for the same purpose for which by revolutionary means, the laws of Con
our fathers and mothers went—to worship gress.
God. But, a very large number—perhaps Riot, rapine and revolution are the
a majority of professing christhine—mere- weapons with which you propose to over
ly go to church for the purpose of seeing throw all opposition to your will.
the latest fashions; to show off to the You trampled on the ballot box in
best advantage ; to study the run of MO, and for five years thereafter, and
stocks, and mature plans for sharp finan- you threatened to do it again.
cial practice upon some intended victim The war was your war, begun by you,
to be operated on the next day, or ensu- conducted by you, prolonged by you.—
ine• week, whilst "our excellent preach- Thousands of homes in our land were
erg' attends to and runs the religious part desolated by you. Hundreds of thou
of the ceremony. Men wear - hundred sands of graves were dug by you. Atilic
dollar suits of clothes, with gold watches Hon, desolation and death followed in
and gold chains, and have their pocket your train. Debt and taxation are the
books well lined with greenbacks. And fruits of your treason.
the ladies wear the most extravagant Youboastedthatyourtriumphwouldbe
dresses, and their "lovely" bonnets re- the triumph of the "lost cause.'•
duced to the size of oyster shells, at pricest Fort Pillow, New Orleans, Camille,
raised to almost any figure that may be Opelousas—these are your victories.
denied necessary to give the article res- f You proposed an irredeemable paper
pectability. currency.
Much might here be said about Church i You proposed to tax " every species of
ceremonies and, formalities of the present I property" the poor man owns.
day, to show a wonderful change, if not You court or crush the colored man,
improvement, during the last forty yea rs. just as he accepts or dccliues your offered
I remember well when each worshipper i political alliance:
participated in the actual singing of I You turned into the streets, to starve
hymns, with true Christian enthusiasm, and die, every colored man who will not
such as " Praise God from whom all vote a rebel ticket.
blessings flow," or, " Nun danket alle
Gott, mit Haertzen "Mund und Mende."
When the occupant of the pulpit rose
and said : " Let us sing" the entire
congregation did sing, and lie or she who
didn't, was considered no better than a
heathen, or a mere pretender. Now, the
announcement, "Let us sing," in most of
our Churches, means, " now open your
hymn books and listen, to our fancy
music by the choir." In other words,
Church music has become a mere popular
system of concerts--pieces executed to
suit the stage as well as the keine of
Reconstruction has been delayed by
you. You would have no reorganization
that did not place the old lash in your
hands, and enable the masters to wreak
vengeance on their late slaves.
The future you world give us is a
future of terror. ' Civil war, business
prostration and oppressive taxation are
all you offer us. The past warns us of
you. The grave holds up its hands
against you. The future implores to be
saved from you.
The people heed the supplication, and
kenos you are rojaetog.—libasty Journal.
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