Vietntsvlbanis6 eitstb • itr=El Brief Pon, Schweifiebrenner. SOHLIFFLETOWN, dci' lOta METER FODDER ABRAHAM DRUCKER —Deer Sur : De letsht woeh hut de Bevvy so an English shtickly in eier Tseitung geleasa, un se hut niers of deitch ous gelegt, das der a breef kriekt bend fum Ludwig Dengelshtock, on midi direct, no das der elm de Wadi drucka wellet, no well ich elm gor net bekanut bin duts mich doch yets wunnera N'as for a ding das er is—eb er an Seimoyer's moon is, oder eb er for der Grant geht, we ich un de Bevvy. Un well der ferleicht net platz genunk bend in eier Tseitung for uns all tsu accommodata de woch, will ich wins kortz macha des mohl. Forgeshter is der Jake Ifulderbach wielder tsu UUS kUUMUL, under besht Grant mom' is er yetz in Bons Schliflte town. Ich un de Bevvy under Jake hen alles fun dent politick weasa ivver g 'shwetzt, un sin tsu der conclusion kum ma der John Winkeleisa aw noch rivver kreeya. Unser plawn is ehn eilawda mit uns in de kierrich tsu geh om negshta Sundog, un donn ter under .Jake un em Jake si fraw bei uns tsu middog essa, un Bonn, warm tiler om essa sill wella mer awfonga shwetza fun' Seimoyer un fum Grant, un donn sog ich elan aw alles fun weaya we de demokrata mer my watch g'shtola hen dort in .Nei Yorrick we ich of der convention war ; donn soil de Bev vy amohl hinnich ehn, un donn ferluss dish druf, se fetcht elm aw. Mer hen aw yetz ous gemacht das nor: h dem das der Grant amohl geleekt is du ich rouse kumma for Posht Meahter tint Schliftletown, under Jake behawpt ich kann's emtly aw kreeya, un now kumm ich aw rouse derfore. Awernet das mers geht we em alta Seimoyer—rouse kum ma for drous bleiva, aver rouse ktunm tin ins omt nei tsu geh—sell is my shtyle. Anyhow, ich huff tier signed aw my pit tisheu, for ich kanns Emtly so goot be deena des der besht demokrat im shted dle, un warm ich de nawma of de breefa net leasa kann dorm muss evva de Bev y), draw, for se konnsgeh so goot das en nicher onuerer morn. Om Dinshdog duna mer unser beshts doh. De demokratish majority kenna mer anyhow runner bringa ut achtsea, un warm mer der John Winkeleisa aw noch rivver krceya, we ich inshpect das mer duhn, done duna mer als uocli besser. Awer, for sellam Ludwig Dingelshtock platz macha sog ich, no more at present. PIT SCIIIVWFFLEBRENNEIt. Ludwig Dengelslitook on der Pit Sehivefttebrenner. SE MOTE TEDDL Yorrick (0., Uckdover der drei un lsvt 1808. ) LEEVER PIT seh du shreibsht oily woch so a breefly in der }'ODDER ABRAHAM fun weaya politics un deiuer fraw, de Bevvy, un aw fun weaya we de demokrata der dei watch g'shtola hen uf der Nei Yorricker kunvention. Seller breef weaya sellam kupperkup we er der demokratish Selmoyers flatform ousgelegt hut, un we de United States Benner betzahlt wteara setta mit green bags, war yusht abOut first rate, ton der weg we tin's ehm unner de ribba g'shussa husht fun 'weaya we du ehm selly note betzahla wetsht according tsum demokratish flat form wars besht ding des ich for a longy tseit geleasa bah, un lacha .hab ich missa derweaya das ich bauch-wea krickt hab, un donn awer is mers lacha fergonga. Un we ich es der Sus geleasa hab— se, war noch pet feertieh nacht essa --un hut em Jake Suppaleffie, yusht cof fay eishenka wella, un awer se hut sb orriek lachaa missa das ehrit tie coffay kon mit somt eon coffay ous der frond g'falla is un all ivvers weirs dish-duch fer shitt his der hens coffay drivver nunner groluffa is un im Take si shu ni un hut etuu de bout turn knechel gebreed. Hail 0 11 4U:kbY was is awer der Jake uf get sbranptt Awer, genunk fun sellarn for sleamobl. De $ lll hut g's*w.t, ich set Bich frogs eb du denksht doh hivva in Yorrick county lists" keh so gouty shtorys das we drivva wu du woonsht In Sclaßetown, ua le wit orrjg on mer doe 4ep dick sloxeib un der Nog fun ehner dob bi ins. Well, doh war Oct- Morily hut al-fort. Ili , demohriaiNll (14.1;0 geVirt.O. UP idi ur, , N- 4 di`liCh hut thN, ebbas lets is mit uuser pariy an alas un sor kwrls ninny chrlich sin. Awt-r we g'funna hen das der alt Monty so a wacklich warm is, hen se conclude elan a [ljssel ebbas tsu shlecka gcvva. Donn hen de Court House ratta so unner nouner gemacht das er a paar mold of cle , Jury kumma is. A wer sell hut elm net g . satistied, for es war dill , net Mils oat, awer so we er meer meh das amohl g'sawt hut, or is gonga for brincible, tin warm Cr shun awram is, se solla ken norr fun ehm macha. Well, dorm is der rode Bill Enkeidel amohl on elm un hut broweert elm tsu forgelshtera fun weaya de neayer----elm glawa macha das warm der Grant ni kumrnt dorm deata se all unnich de weise nei heira, un unfouga tsu vota. " sogt der Ifordy, "warn se dos betzahla, int missa fechta fors loud, setta se aw vota, provided se vota ehrlich un yeader yusht eh mold, un net drei tut feer mohi we selly demo kratishe Eirishe es macha mit ohm falsity bobbeera dort in Fildelfy, un warns ors heira geht," secht der Moray, "bin ich derfore das yeadas geht according tsu seim obhadit. De fact is, de helft fun der neager doh in Seituoyershteddle, sin of der dentocratish side un in der freindshaft mit de leading demokrata. Elms fun de demokratishe weise trued hut a neager g'heiertom ich hab ken doubt das es eltra net Boot g'shmackt hut we se elm g'numma hut, for sunsht het se's net gedu. Anyhow," secht der Mordy, ich vote for der Grant, un doh wogs now geh we's will. Du hetsht.awer doh si sella 0111 inorya noch der leckshun, for de kronky kupper kep tsu sehna. Se hen geguckt das warn a yeadas fun dim ready g'west wrer sick tsu ferkaufa for an ous gekowtcr claw duwock, un so sin aw alleweil noli net drivver. Now hearts aw das se wella de Sei moyer un Blair foot. ous shpanna. Awer suppose se duna sell, was d'no ? lie fact is, Pit, de soup was se in Nei Yorrick gekocht fien sellamohl we se der di watch g'shtola hen, ruissa se aw yctz fressa, tur de dernokratish party is ous g'shpielt un so dote das de Sowderoncornfederasei. (Warn du sell wart net fershtaysht donn loss de Bevy draw un ders explaina.) LITD IV IC; DE NG LESII TOC P. Airann du migleeti kanusht,donn of de. PreF...ideAtut leekt-hun, MI du di vote ui. Votes bons dicket Vote uft. Vote de goes Vote free moryats. Vote owats. Vote a pair mold tswisha ni. Vote we (le demokrnta vota in Kodorus --bis mer genunk hen L. I). Fan Lodmerhshteddle. LOD W. 1.: It 1 li TE131)1.1 . :, Oil. 24 7 JSIN FODDER ..Akaunn M :--Mer lien horty tseita doh alleweil, abborbich sidder der leckshun, for ich bin elms fun de un glickliche demokrata was de gripes so orrig hen alleweil. Es gookt yetz aw das wann unswer party om tsomma falla wter. Icli cleat net yusht so feel drum geva, un awer de Kotarina, my alty, for se is aw uf der Republican side, lacht mich als so orrig ous, un behawpt das es besht ding das ich do kent wter mich aw river uf de Republican side shot& uu for der Grant tsu vota. De Katarina war shun a Republican we ich se g'hiert hab, un se behaupt der moult lcabt net wu se draya kann.. Now, wanes net wter das de deniokrata mer so an emtly fershprocha hetta doun het ich selwers republican dicket gevote, under weg we's yetz gookt henna Sc viers doch net gcvva, weil ehna alles fer lorra geht, un now hab ich a notion der Katarina ehta rote nemma un grawd roes kumma Tor der Grant, nu watin ich du dorm kumnut aw noel feel mehner. Awer du musht now nix sauga derfti, sunsht duna se mich aw a torn-coat heasa. leh hab im sinn es tsu do so a wennich uf 'em slily NICUOLAS BAUCIITSUVER. _ .boy who followed the tow path as a profession, once visited a pious uncle in the city. At • dinner,' without waiting for ceremony, he attacked the nearest dish. Thereupon the unde in, a deprecatory tone' 'said : ' John, we're ' In the habit of saying ,something before we eat." And John, talking with his mouth full, an,d-haviug i n mind the. usual jokes they have on the canal boat, replied : " Go aheadl you can't turn my'stomach:" —"Henrietta," said a lady to. her new ,crirl, " when there's bad news, particular ly private afflictions, always let the boarders know it before dinner. It may seem strange to you, Henrietta, but such things make a great diflbrence the eating in the course of a year." -A. Bridget applied to the family of : a citizen up. town • yesterday, with her clothes dripping like a water spout. On being interrogated .as ,to her condition, she said sue understood the lady pf the house wanted a wet nurse, and she had come ready for service. H KR ABRAHAM. NIA A Dimotyeratie Protest. Its ruined we are wid taxashm, The likes ov it nivir wuz known; The load that is piled upon us Wttd squash out the heart ov a stone, Yez may talk about fraydum and j u stice, The price of the Union, an' that, But the price that is axed for six Unities Is too high libr a good Dinnnykrat. What's the wurrth ov the Union whin whisky Is taxed wid a shillin' a quart? Can a Government be one of fraydom Whin you've got to payout money for't To he sure, fur ayquil taxayshin Its a Dimmykrat's duty to bawl, But meself thinks its mity unpropur To be Dimmykrats taxite at all. Is the Government wtm of our choosin' ? Don't illekshun returns ausir No ? Is Congress that piles on the taxes, Any more than a Radikal show ? Heil we got our fair share ov ploondher? An' the whole is all that we ax— Thin why shod a Rad&le Congress Upon Dimmykrats levy a tax? "It's the war," is the Radikle ansir, "les the war that brought on the expins That's a fact that i'll not be disputin', But what Radikle dares make praytinse That Dimmykrats wanted the fitin' Fail, the Radikles all of 'em know Whin the South packed their trunks to thravel, We tould thim, "God bless yez, an go." Did Vallandigbiun vote to buy powdher To kill Dimmykrat binds in the South? Did Pendleton spake for coetsion, Or Saymour wid war fill his mouth ? Did they shware that by traitors an' rebels '['be Union shud nivir be shplit, Though it tuk iviry man an' ayche dollar To maintain It ?—Divil a bit ! Whin our Southern hinds got mad in airnist An' blazed away at the flag, Did the Dimmykrat chiefs sate their soords thin Au' rush to defend the mild rag? Did we dluop our picks an' our shovils Au' run to inlisht, iviry man, tin to the Union an' fraydum At gloory ? Divil a man Twos tithe an' marchin' we did Cho,' But not ow the liadikle kind While in front the souljers wnifitin' We wuz . dohe our tnin behind. As flu• inarellin'l Set a dlnalt wheel a turnin An' we'd thravil away double quick, When a Dimmykrat pathrlot wuz dhraftid lle'd for Canady shtrait cut his shtick. inst our Southern Dimmykrat braythrin' 'Twuz Radikle souljers that fought, An they killed Southern Dimmykrat voters Yid Radilde powdber an' shot. 'Twuz Radikles did most the lithe An' fired the ntoney away, But now they put taxes on whisky An' the Dimnaykrats have it to pay. That the wuns what did all the mischief Should pay foet, is sartinly sine; An' if there'd have bin no fitin' There'd have.bin no *Jar expinse So it's titir .111 be Aber thinkin' . . What a good Payce Digunykrat, axes, That the souljera that did all the fide' Themselves shed pay all the taxes. Nigger . 0 .?Nr igger I Nigger !—A 6 ' 'Mite Boy in Blue" Cap . tares Four Africans!. We have before assured our readers that the Democratic hatred of the uegroes was only vented against the male sex. The softer set of the• colored persuasion exercise a most seductive influence ,over our susceptible Democratic friends. Of the million mulattoes down South, every One. of theni can boast a Democratic daddy. .A distinguished . Democratic orator and politician - of this city can be seen almost 'Witty prowling.through the obscure, streets and lanes of our city on the trail' of same colored sister. This is ft well known-fact, as.every polite officer of this city can testify. A few weeks since a new horn colored infant was found floating in the canal feeder near Titus ville, tins county. The mother was arrest ed and.she swore her misfortune on the President of a Democratic Club in that vicinity. One evening last week a negro ball was held in Taylor Hall, attended by the first colored families in this city. Female Africa was there, with pouting lips that opened upon gates of Ivory.— Dusky 'CleoPatras, warranted_ all wool, sailed gracefully through the dizzy waltz, or languished lovingly upon the arms of enamored swains. "White Boys in Blue ' COL. JAMES P. WICKERSHAM, STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF COMMON SCHOOLS. tittteb. BY .DU:siNIS O'FLAIIEBTY were among the spectators. Chief of these was the President of that gallant club. We must be Frank, and tell the whole story. The heart of the Presi dent of the White Boys in Blue" was touched by the charms of these nigger damsels. As a Democrat, he was bound to hate all he niggers, but as a man the colored sister had claims upon his chiv alrous nature. * Just as the City Hall clock was upon the stroke of twelve, unsteady steps were heard descending into the saloon of our excellent friend, Captain Means, under the post-office. Suddenly emerging into the gasli;.,lht was seen the burly form of the President of the " White Boys in Blue," escorting four of the blackest negro wenches that ever darkened a col ored ball room! Up to the bar they came, the " White Boy in Blue" forming the centre, with two wenches for his kit and right wings. It was a splendid sight to the military eye ! "-riven?, worth len years 4)f peaceful life, One glance of their a may !" Keeping step to the music of the band up stairs, they charged the bar. Our colored troops fought bravely. Captain Means brought his Bourbon battery to bear, but the " White Boy in Blue," as sisted by his colored shemale recruits captured it at a single dash ! The con tents of the battery was emptied into tumblers—the White Boy in Blue " touched glasses with the "Black Girls in Wool," and the battle was over. Then came the question of "reconstruc tion" on the paying basis. Ile searched every pocket, but could find but one bill. That was a tailor bill of Jo Rice for an unpaid suit of clothes ! Captain Means kept no slate for dead beats. Here was a dilemma for a brave " White Boy in Blue" to be in! But great men are equal to great emergencies. The President of the club of "White Boys in Blue" turned to the blackest of his escort, and promptly solicited the loan of two dol lars. The money was produced from the pocket of her petticoat, and the whole party returned to the ball room rejoicing. Dear reader, this is no fancy sketch, but an actual fact, as a dozen Democratic spectators can testify if necessary. Let the " White Boys in Blue" take courage. —T r e i tte m , (N. J.) Sentinel. " THE Press" says : The colored peo ple of Washington have erected the first mouument to Thaddeus Stevens in the shape of a handsome school-house. No tribute could have been more appropriate nor more grateful to the venerable states man, who always deemed his labors in behalf of the common-school system of Pennsylvania to be the crown of his fife. A female teacher of Harrisburg threat ens to whip any of her scholars who hur rah for Grant and Colfax. The Lebanon Courier says: "We'll go fifty cents that she's a dipappointod •old maid, op posed to 4 Innott, 7 and ugly at that." t r - ) 1 )1 '. .1% A 14 r .11 ".4? -- PEW WIII:.IPERING;.--.M.MV ELLEN (ttit.ciottsi.A. "Betsy JanP, isn't non coming ofr?" BETSY JANE (petli.lhly)• '• No. you move a little further? vf al are (Teas . my lace flounces." RY E LEN ( inerilly a Wile). " 1 4A1% you think Susan Brown looks dreadful homely?" BE'rsv .JANE. • • WaS there ev—. Ohl there's Charlie ! Isn't lie a perfect Adonis! How el() wish he would look our way !" MARY ELLEN coniling sweetly). A,lO I see him. Ile's looking toward us." BETSY JANE (angrily). "Ile isn't looking at you, so you needn't act like a fool. The minister's going to pray." MARY ELLEN. " Thoso long prayers of his are positively awful, and I sha'n't try to keep awake." BETSY JANE (peeping through her ,fin gers at Charlie). "Go to sleep, dear, I shu'n't disturb you." THE disrespectful fellow who wrote the following is daily expecting an attack of broomsticks : Duplex hoops and painted awes, Patent calves and ti - reign curl, Watertidla and costly lacos, 1741 too plainly what are girls. —A. young woman, meeting a folnier fellow-servant, was asked how she liked her new place. " Very well." " Then you have nothing to complain of?" "Nothing, only master and mistress talk such very bad grammar !" —" Come here, sissy," said a young gentleman to a little girl, to whose sister he was paying his addresses; "you are the sweetest thing on earth." " No, f ain't," she replied. " Sister says you are the sweetest.' The gentleman popped the question the next day. —A dandy wishing to be witty, accost ed an old rag-man as follows : " You take all sorts of rubbish in your cart, don't yqu " Yes—jump in, jump in'" —REYNOLDS, the dramatist, observing the thinness of the house at one of his pieces, said : "I suppose it is owing to the war." No, was the reply owing to the peace." —" So far so good," as the boy said when he had finished the first pot of his mother's jam. —A traveler in Pennsylvania asked the landlord if they had any cases of ,sun stroke in that town. "No, sir," says the landlord, if a man gets drunk here we say he is drunk—and never call it by any other name." --Will asked old ten-per-cent," what he wanted to accumulate so much money for. Says he : "You can't take it with you when you die, and if you could it woidd --A wag leaf a cleTyymau a hor;q3 Whieli ran away and threw him, and then claimed credit for " aid in spreadin. , the gospel." —An exchange says clergymen address congregations of ladies and gentlemen as "brethren" because the brethren em brace the ladies. —A waggish editor says that the streets of one of the Western cities are to be lighted with red headed girls. That will be bad—boo many people will be found hugging the lamp posts. —The latest case of Grecian lend became fully developed in a recent feline quarrel on our back shed. —josh Billings says he has "seen some awful bad throat diseases completely cured in three days by simply jineing temperance society." —Little Daisy's mamma was tryinz• to elain to her the meaning of a smile. "Oh, yes! I know," said the child; "it is the whisper of a laugh." —"How is-coal now ?" inquired a g•en tleman of a son of the Emerald Isle who was dumping a load of coal in Fulton street. " Black as ivver, sir, be jabbers," responded Patrick. —A youth who desired to know how to become rich sent a quarter in answer to an advertisement, and received the fol owing valuable receipt : "Increase your receipts and decrease your expenditures. Work eighteen hours a day, live on hash and oat meal gruel." —A coternporary, lauding a "well known citizen"just elected to office,says, "He is one of the cleverest fellows that ever lifted a hat to a lady, or a hoot to a blackguard."