Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, October 30, 1868, Image 2
"atiterA,,braltaitt," CIRCULATION OVER 10,000 • E. H. RAUCH, Elwrons & PritusnEus, THOS. B. COCHRAN, LANCASTER, PA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1868. "I shall have no policy of Wu own to en force againeethe will of the people."--GuANT. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. " MATCH 'EM." NATIO:1 - .1 T (CIVET. rr,o,btelo: Gen. ULYSSES S. GRANT, OF TILE UNITED STATES Vice President SOHUYLER CO I.VAX, OF INDIANA -- Republican State Electoral Ticket. G. MORRISON COATES, THOMAS M. MARSHALL. WILLIAM H. BARNES, WILLIAM J. POLLOCK, RICHARD WILDEY, GEORGE W. HILL, WATSON P. MAGILL, JOHN 11. BRINGHURST, FRANK C. HOOTON, ISAAC ECKERT, MARIS HOOPES, DAVID M. RANK, WILLIAM DAVIS, WINTHROP W. KETCHAM, SAMUEL KNORR, BENJAMIN F. WAGONSELLER CHARLES H. MULLEN, GEORGE W. ELDER, JOHN STEWART, JACOB GRAFIUS, JAMES SILL, HENRY C. JOHNSON, JOHN K. EWING, WILLIAM FREW, ALEXANDER W. CRAWFORD. JAMES S. RUTAN. - To the Patrons of Father Abraham. Encouraged by a large number of our Republican friends in various parts of the country, 'we have concluded to continue the publication of FATHER ABRAHAM as a permanent institution. It will be considerably enlarged and otherwise im proved ; it will continue to be an illus trated newspaper; the very popular and amusing productions of "Pur SCHWEE FLEBRENNER" will also continue, and we feel safe in assuring the public that his forthcoming series of letters will be quite as interesting as those of the past. The price of subscription will not be in creased—only $1.50 a year for a single subscriber, with a liberal reward • for clubs. We also mean to continue our excellent illustrations. In a word, it Will be our aim to make FATHER ABRAHAM the most popular and original. as well as the cheapest weekly paper in the country. At the close of the present, campaign we will discontinue the paper in all cases, unless renewed and paid for in advance. Those who desire the paper, therefore, will forward their renewed subscriptions before the close of the campaign. As we will not prepare ourselves with back num bers, but only print as many as may be needed to supply regular subscribers from time to time. In order to secure the per fect file, from the first number of the new and enlarged series, persons should for ward their subscriptions at once. The enlargement of the paper will also enable us to accommodate our business friends who desire the benefit of our ex tensive circulation as an advertising me dium. No advertisements of question able character will be inserted for any consideration. The terms of subscription are as fol lows: 1 copy, one year, 5 copies, (each natnc. addres , tsio 10 copies, • 6g 4. 15 copies, 64 20 copies, 44 And $l.lO for each additional sub scriber, with an extra copy to getter up of club, and, also, one for every addi tional twenty. For clubs, in packages, without address mg each name, our rates are as follows : b copies, (to one address,) 10 copies, " if Ito copies, " 4t 20 copies, " 44 And $l.OO for each additional subscriber with extra copy to getter up of the club. .11M. - "Pit Schwegieorenner." The entire series of the popular cam paign letters of " Pit Schweffiebrenner," from the first issue of FATHER ABRA HAM to the one in the present number, will be published in pamphlet form, neatly executed, which will enable us to supply the entire demand, whatever it ma y be. The price of the pamphlet will be ff:o cents, retail. Each new subscriber to FATHER ABRAHAM. paying $1.50 for the year, will receive a copy of " Pit's' pioduetions gratis. HURRAH FOR YANKEE DOODLE! --------'-- --. ----- ~-2- , , -, .- -----__.--7----:: , ~-; F IRST CUN ------ 4--Iv .:-..,_ ,_-- WEST VIRGINIA IN LINE! REP(' BLICIAN MAJOR IT I A REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR ! Er.i'll;l,i('AN CNITED ST.k'J'ES THREE REPUBLICAN CONCH: ESSM EN! A REPUBLICAN STATE sENATE! A NEPUBIACAN HOUSE! REPUBLICAN ALL OVER! Hail Columbia Happy Land! Old John Brown's Body, &e., The election in West Virginia, held last week, resulted in a splendid Repub- limn victory. The majority in twenty seven counties heard from, casting four fifths of the votes of the State is 4,267. The remaining counties are more likely to increase than decrease this majority The congressional delegation is unani mously Republican. It also secures the election of a radical United States Senator in place of the imbecile Johnsonite Van IV inkle. Trying to "Play Possum !" The latest dodge of the Democratic leaders is to let on they have given up the tight ; that it is all over ; that Grant's election is a fixed fact, and that they will make no further effort to carry the State, but will vote merely to keep their party together, whilst the fact is that they are secretly at worle, all over the State, doing their very foulest to increase their vote, and by making Republicans believe they have given up the tight, they hope to create a feeling of indifference in the Re publican vote. Don't let the play of "Possum" deceive a single Republican. Let every man be brought to the polls en Tuesday next. Don't Leave Home ! 'Whatever you do, make your presence at borne on TUESDAY NEXT, Novem ber 3d, and your vote for GRANT and COLFAX a MORAL CERTAINTY ! Leave nothing to chance. Don't go away, hoping to return in time ! Don't leave home at all, if you have the faintest doubt on this point Make every other consideration yield to the importance of this REMEMBER, the Cops are desperate, and though they profess to give up the contest, they are secretly working in the hope that they will catch us napping VOTE ALL ! I.ro 7.() 18.00 18.00 22.00 How it Can Be Done! There are two thousand three hundred and twenty' election districts in Pennsylva nia (2320), including two hundred and sev enty-five (275) in the city of Philmielphia. A change of three votes in these districts will give us six thousand nine hundred and sixty (6,960) more ballots for Grant. Republicans, see to it It is easily done, if you will only work individually and collectively. $ 6.50 12.00 10.50 20.00 VOTE EARLY! " Push Things 1" Republicans of Pennsylvania, remem ber that the great, final battle is to be fought and won on ngxt Tuesday I Do your duty now, and until the evening of said day I Don't let up for a moment. Keep cool, but be firm and persistent in your efforts. Vote early, and bring out the last man. IN' a?te no time. Keep moving and " push things," and an " un conditional surrender" of the enemy will be your reward I FA IT 01'11 4,500! SENAT( )1? VOTE EARLY' paz, ABEti-v Seven Thousand! Men of the Old Guard ! Remem ber that we are pledged to give not less than seven thousand majority for Grant and Colfax on Tuesday next. About live votes increase in each dis trict over the vote of the 13th inst., will do it, and sonic sixty votes to spare. But Lancaster County can, do even better. 'We can give, and if every Republican will exert himself, we will give 7,500 ma jority, and thus not only wipe out be nighted old Berks, but have a thousand to spare. VOTE EARLY ! .irs-.0..- --- A Full Vote ! We want EVERY VOTE—A FULL VOTE! Keep a sharp look out and see that every Republican votes. Do not take it for granted that this or that man will vote, but see that his vote is in the box! • VOTE EARLY, and ALL VOTE! EL ECTION—TuEso AY, Nov totnEn 2d instant. VOTE EARLY ! _.O.- 4•11.• Don't Forget ! The Presidential election takes place on the . 04 Tuesday of November (the 3d day of the month), not on the second Tuesday, as erroneously supposed by some. Let none forget the day. VOTE EARLY. ~A ~- VOTE EA RLY ! -•-•-•-,•••••.- AIM. Examine Your Ticket ! • Republicans should be sure to look at their ticket before voting on Tuesday next. Compare it with the ticket at the head Of FATHER ABRAHAM. See that no name is omitted, and that no new ones arc added. Beware of spurious tickets ! VOTE EARLY —.... ..ow Aii.--.—.— Watch ! The Columbia Spy says that " Carpet Bagger" Bob Crane and Know Nothing North arc offering high bids to reduce the Republican majority in Columbia next Tuesday. Watch them, Cohnn- Mans. The " Carpet Bagger" from I Florida (Greyback George) and from the wild cat mountains (Tupman Smith) are trying the same game in Lancaster, but they are ' spotted." WATCH. 'Ku! ----. VOTE EARLY ! Seg r flya hist the " Whirling Tide:" Seymour, having nothing to lose by the operation, and for the purpose of con vincing the people that he is a candidate, is now trying to reverse the whirling tide" of public opinion, by making a trip to the West and speaking to his friends along the route. His first impor , taut stopping place was DUNKIRK where he was received by a delegation of his friends, preceded by a drum and fife. He was accompanied to the plat form of the hind car, where he was in troduced to the crowd, who gave him three cheers. No speech. AT WESTFIELD, he again appeared on the platform of the car, and was much admired by those who came to see him. AT ERIE, he made a speech and told the people that there are sixty thousand office hold ers in Pennsylvania. " I am wearied with my exertion," he said, and then concluded his remarks. AT ASHTABTJLA he was met by a young man who stepped up, shook him by the hand and said " Mr. Seymour, I'am a young man, but: I have a vote for you, sir, and although this is Ben Wade's place, you have some friends here." Very encouraging. AT ANOTHER PLACE, a son of the Emerald Isle said, when shaking halals : " Governor Seymour, I'an► a poor man, but I'll do as much for you as any man in the State." The effect was powerful ! AT NORTHEAST, Lieut. Governor Patterson, met him on the train and conversed with him for some time. AT PAINESVILLE, several ladies appeared in the crowd and sent a request to Governor Seymour, to appear on the platform so that they could see him when the train passed. When last heard from Governor Seymour, was still going Westward hunting up his friends. A.M. The Sick Man, Democracy! A wicked old sinner, who in his youth ful days figured very prominently as a' liberal minded and public-spirited man, but fell into habits of dissipation some years ago, and became a very vicious and notorious character, and dreaded and dis liked by all friends of civilization and progress, is about breathing his last. He has been sick, very sick, for a long time; but a few months ago his friends and admirers—among whom are the Roughs, Scallawags, Blacklegs and Bum mers of Bedford street, Five Points and similar localities entertained strong hopes of his speedy recovery. But the chilly blasts on the 13th instant experi enced in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and as far West as Nebraska, gave the old " cuss" a relapse, and he is now not only in a sinking condition, but the death rattle in his throat is distinctly heard. In vain his friends are running and fuss ing round and about his prostrate carcass to save his wretched life. some are going for this doctor and some for that. The regular Physician says he is "a goner ;" the Herb Doctor has given up all hope ; the Cow Doctor says burnt brandy won't save him, and the Pow-wow Witch Doctor is now attending the case, but he even has but poor hope for the patient. All is confusion about the household, and all know and feel that death is inevit able. He may linger along until the 3d of November, but no longer. Let him die ! If he is ready for the change from life to a thing of the past, so much the better. if he isn't prepared to die, it is not likely that he ever will be, should even his life be spared, because such a crowd as the one now surrounding and nursing him is too hard for any one in it to think of repentance. Therefore let the old sinner die, for die he must! Col. john W. Forney. Probably no man in the country—cer tainly no one in Pennsylvania—has con tributed more, by safe and profitable counsel, by speech and with the power of the pen, to win the grand, final victory for the right which is already secured, than Col. J. W. Forney. lie is unquestion ably one of the most effective working men alive, and the great campaign about drawing to a close will long be remem bered as one in which Col. Forney per formed a most conspicuous part. When he resigned his Secretaryship of the United States Senate, immediately after the fail ure to convict Andrew Johnson of his high crimes and misdemeanors, through the treachery of several Republican Sen ators ; when wrong temporarily triumphed over right in the acquittal of that most malicious and dangerous traitor, Col. Forney voluntarily left his high and re sponsible official position to go into the light with a will, and in he went. With out his many words of good cheer uttered from the stump before the assembled thousands, or placed before hundreds of thousands by means of printing ink, through the columns of the Press, we miljht have been beaten even in Penn sylvania, and Liberty's most dangerous enemy might now be on the eve of a vic tory! To assure a triumph, such as we have secured, just such a competent, trustworthy and earnest man as John W. Forney was needed among the Re publican Journalists of Pennsylvania, to lead and point the way through this most desperate struggle to a glorious and final triumph of Liberty and Equal Rights. Appropriate. Three years ago General Grant wrote this letter to General Lee : ' , Amt. 7, 1866. " GENERAL : The results of last week must convince you of the hopelessness of further re sistance on the part of the Army of Northern. Virginia in this struggle. I feel that it is so, and regard it as my duty to shift from myself the responsibility of any further effusion of blood by asking of you the surrender of that portion of the Confederate States army known as the " army of Northern Virginia." U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant General. GENERAL It. E. LEE. Somebody copies this letter, substitut ing the Democratic party for the South ern army, and addresses it to Governor Seymour. It hits exactly. Johnson's Greeting to Seymour. A. J. sent a letter to Horatio Seymour, saying that he must not spare his enemies when he goes out West, and hoped he would •'speak with an inspired tongue." Whether A J. also sent him a bottle of whiskey, to get up the inspiration, does not appear in the correspondence. The probability is, however, that A. J. needs all he has for his owti use, and that H. S. will have to look out for some other inspiring agency. p7A well-written communication of " A Republican Now," is too long for our columns at present. As it will not spoil by keeping, we will endeavor to give it a place at some future time. The reasons given for the faitli that is in him are well put by our correspondent, and cannot fail to strike an intelligent reader very forcibly. !rim Another Blast from Old Berks. A correspondent of the Heading Eagle s ays if Grant is elected he will not only put the niggers into the schools, but als into the beds of the Berks county Dem ocrats ! The same correspondent says Grant and Butler intend to compel the Bemocratic farmers to divide their farms with the negroes ! To save their farms, and to prevent niggers from sleeping in their beds, the Berks county Democracy will roll up six thousand majority for Seymour on Tues day next. G. T. T. That means Going to Texas ! It is rumored that Socky Smith of the Lancas ter Intelligencer, will take his carpet bag to Texas shortly. Ile will make an ad mirable Ku-K/uxer! I=l @ur korrtsponbtnce. Letter front Turk. YORK, PA. Oct. 28th IEq6N DEAR FATHER ABRAHAM:-" Old Mother Democracy" still lives, but is in "a mighty bad way." She has an awful tongue to show to a Doctor. .Her mind wanders continually after good candi dates. I have suggested the man in the moon and Robinson Crusoe. The former would have a lunar influence on weak minded Copperheads, Locofocos, and the latter could use his man Friday as a " repeater." When " Old Mother" had that "spell" on the 13th inst., Doctors llartranft and Campbell gave her too many " blue" pills. Should she be no better by Nov. 3rd, it is proposed to consult Doctors Grant and Colfax. As Doctor Grant is such a great " blue" pill man, and as there is hardly a doubt that he will be " called in," I think we might as well get all things ready for a " wake" a la Tim Finnegan. It will be unnecessary, however, to get one of those patent coffins, for when the old lady " pegs out" it will be "f9r good." I am saving the " last rose of summer" to lay on the coffin. Uncle Blizzerfizzle thinks a dead pole-cat would be more emblematical than even the rose of York. ',myself, do not believe that Old Mother Goose, if yet alive, with all her wisdom, could save " Old other Demo cracy"—and would not if she could. The Earth quakes, but Grant and Colfax do not. Old York county is wide awake and expecting Lancaster to "go it alone" for 7,000. So mote it be. ],;itlet Ittam's ips. REP LIB LI cANs, do not relax your ener gies because you were victorious on the 13th. Let every man put his shoul der to the wheel and aid in making the majority for Grant and Colfax unprece dented. GOLD goes down as the loyal cause goes up. It is gradually declining under the news of Republican success. litmosucANs, keep up your organiza tions. The enemy are in full retreat. The battle of Five Forks has been fought "Push them !" "Push them 1" VOTE EARLY! JOHN W. BENNET, one the Sachems of Tammany, New York, has left the foul party, and declares for Grant and Colfax. :TIE Bridgeport Farmer says: "The Radicals are roosting lower." That will do, as the Democracy has gone up higher than a kite. THE Democrats of Kentucky are vary ing the canvass by burning Gen. Grant in effigy, which is decidedly less open to objection than the burning of school houses and the unlucky " little niggers" unable to make their escape. Grant can stand it, but the little fellows can't. TILE bogus naturalization business was not confined to Pennsylvania. In Ohio it was carried on extensively in different parts of the State, and the Democrats had the benefit of it. Arrests are being made, with a prospect of inflicting pun ishment on the guilty parties. VOTE EARLY ! ANOTHER star has been: added to the Grant column by . the Republicans of West Virginia. The election which was held last week was sharply contested by both parties, but the Republicans have triwnphed by about the same ma jority as that of 18 7 66. when it was 6,044. THE New York World, the day before eleeti n, said : " The Republicans, not withstanding:, all their vaporing and bluster, have no hope of carrying Penn syalvanta." THE Detroit Tribune says the Copper heads in that vicinity have never looked so despondent since the news of Lee's surrender as they did on hearing the re turns of the recent elections. SEYMOUR is again addressing "his friends." In 1863 he apologized for New York rioters; now he extenuates the crimes of Hampton, Forrest, Semmes, and rebels generally. TB): difference—Grant quietly smokes his cigar, and leaves the stump for Sey mour and Blair. BRICK POMEROY, according to the latest sanitary bulletins, is sick. And what greatly aggravates the matter is, that his friends and admirers are mostly all iu the same state of health. GOVERNOR SEYMOUR began his speech at Rochester the other day with this rare bit of honesty : " Fellow-citizens, I am astonished at this demonstratioh." The surprise was doubtless mutual. The im mense crowd present marvelled to see the dead coming to life, and Seymour marveuedi much at his whereabouts. Yours truly. F. J. G