thintsufbanisr4 pritso. Brief flint weifiebrenner. SCIILIFFLETOWN, ITCkdoVer der 14ta, MISTER FODDER ABRAHAM" DXUCKER ---Dear Sur—Pets bin kit awes amohl happy ! Uri de Beyvy, de is so gepleased gekitzeld das se yusht exactly geoid das wann se grawd frei rous Ifollyloojer kreisha wet. Under Sam Dinkop under Joe Muckafliggle un de onnery kupperkep w•u als dort ons Kitzelderfcrs ruin kucka un nine-shtrike whiskey saufa, selly gooka yusht grawd das wan a yeadas fun ehna, dorrich an ulht rohr g'shluppt wter. Ii et es is aw keh %runner, for so we nicer, des is, kit nu de lievvy nu de onnery Re publicans se ainohl gebutta hen geskder, fergessa se limner on cawicli net. ti course, we jell amohl de Republicans gejoined halt, tin we jell tin de lievvy awfonga hen tsu leckshuncera for der tirant, ben do kierls shun seh henna das der got up is mit 'yin Sohnoyer. De fact is, 101 l halts g'wist das ich un de Bev vy. tut my influence tsu fiel is for so. Hui letslita Dutinernislidog lexat bin irk tin de Bevvy ub g'slitart un sin nivver noch Adainslownshieddle id' de meeting, don WU der Misdor Kernel Forney un der FODDER. ABRAHAM. uu seller gishwire Billingfield dnrt seily slipoectia hen. We ich broposed halt for tsu geh war de Bevvy om butter dreah a, un well se aw om bocka war, tin but nosh de wesh Brous henka ghat, but se g'nlehnt se kola net gell, un awer we der butter flertich war donn hut se conclude chn net wesha un solsa his der negsht dog, un well es so feel kupperkep lint doh im shteddle, un weil se flier my watch g'shtola hen we ich of ehra Sei moyer's Convention war, but se aw all de wesh rei g'nununa, un done hab ich amohi der shim - lel eig'shponnt, un de Bevvy hut sick of gedressed un oh siu !nen Weil es awer a wennich gegookt hut for reaya hut de Bevvy ehra wocha bonnet aw gedu. Awer, cheemany fires was hen awer de leit hurrah'd we se tins sehna lien geh We iner noch Reamstownshteddle lantana sin done sin nier grawd forna nous Munich 'em band wauga g'fahrttun der FOINAIR (de Bevvy behawpt er is der shensbt moan in Lengeshter county) is grawd hinna noth knintna mit sell= ltoyer ivu seller siltation halt dort ut' em Railroad. Well, des ding war gout, we later noch Adatustownshteddle hut - tuna sin hen iner grawd ousg'shponnt un sin tsufoos in der possession mei un aniohl dortich's shted dle gemarch'd, tin down of de meeting NVU se de shpeecha giniacht hen. Seller Kurile]. Forney fun Fildelfy huts ehna awer tunoldgevva , un so we Cr g'shpeecled hut iergess h2h un de lievvy initner un eawich net. Doh in Shlitlk)town sin awei. de Kitzelderfer's nine slurike whiskey dem okrata down uf mich Iveil ich geshter amohl a bully goots 'publican dieket nei ovate hab, un awer Hi bin yetz inde pendent un du we MI will, for de llevvy hacked mich uf we a monn. Der alt Joe Windmiller hut awer Dort broweert mich widder tsuriuk uf chra side kreeya, un awer er huts net Bons kumma kenna. thti Fridog numtnidog is er tsu liter kum ma we ich om grumbeera ous macha war . iu der hit dort kinnich 'cut shtall, un holds mich der deihenker wan er net a whiskey buttle ous cm sock hut nil hawa ivella das ich amohl elms ob petza set, awer ich hab chin g'sawt das all de leit iu Schliftletown kenna mich net macha my aid brecha, abbordich wain tie Bey vy uf liuf mile negsht is. Well dune sin mer so a wennich in a wrangle nikununa, un doh gel) kit der exactly we mersg'hat hen mitnonner. "Du wtersht loch now net geaya de Boot alt demokratish party geh" seeht er, "tin aver es kummt mer fore das du ob bisht. tin now," secht er, "du wairsht dock nix geaya der demokratish Platform !lawn." Well, now," sog ich, " sell fershtay ich net. All das ich wehs is das de Bev vy all right is, un das eier party's leit mer my watch g'shtola, hen we ich of der Seimoyer's Convention war." Yah awer now Pit," Becht er, "du weasht, de reiche left eageua all de bend er, an de onuy miss* se betsahla, awer MIR I.l3eaCl. • • - THE DEMOCRATIC SOUTH AS IT WAS: 1 THE REPUBLICAN SOUTH AS IT IS BARBARITY, SLAVERY AND DEATH ! LIFE, LIBERTY AND HAPPINESS dies deznokratish dicket vota, un donn kunana de doxa runner, for rner lien in' sin se ob tsu tsabla mit greenbacks." "Un is sell ye,tz de melmung fnm demokratish tiatform ?" "IVell, ynh," secht "es is." "Un is es de rnelniung das weer done all reich Nyterra we de \VII de bender lien?" " Well," seeht der Joe, "sell will MI net yusht sauga, un aver of seller wcg wterd doch de shuld betzahlt." " Cn sog now amobl," hab ich g'sawt, hen se donn greenbacks genunk for all de bender 01) tsu easha ?'' Ei nay," seeht er, " aver se missa eyva noch incliner macha, un sell is net hurt t,ll du, for bobbeer geduldich, du Nveasht, uns drucka kosht net feel." " Donn." sop, - left," of course, wwrils geld orrig plenty." " Exactly" secht er, "geld plenty—dart husht recht—for sell gehna vier nei." '• En denksht tner krceya down aw gold for unser greenbacks'?" "Nell nay, uf course net, for du weasht, so feel gold huts alleweil net." " Donn" sog lien er im sine de shuld betzahla mit bubbler wu ow end net feel wlert is well es so feel hut das de leit net wissa was mit tsu do, on of den wog kennta moor aw an ordlicher howfa soninda." Exactly so," secht der Joe—"ich sch shun das du's fershtaysht." " Awcr'' sag ich "ferleicht mist ich a pund greenbacks im ruck sock hawa ally mold das ich a pund tsugar kawfy wet im shtore." " Oh ich deck dock net das es so feel 'lemma debt," secht er. " Sell debt rich so fun selver regulata. Awer now, Pit," secht er, " ferleicht debts dich suta mer selly kleh note oh tsu tsahla wu du mer shuldich bisht, for de fact is, ich branch's geld." " Uf course," lab ich g'sawt, "ich bin reddy tiers tsu betzabla, according tsum demokratish flat form." "tin was meansht by sell= ?" Ei walla dinner de note gebsht (101111 geb ich der an ornery, un of seller weg wierslit betzablt, for sell is der weg we do mer der demokratish tlatforun explain ed humid." " Vith awer es is nix im datform fun weaya der note wit do iner shuldieh bisht." " Awer sell mock ineer now nix ous," hob ich g'sawt, " for wann do a deinokrat bisht (loon inusht ow shtny of demokrot ishe brinciples." " Do bisht iner (loch de note sholdich, un woun du au ehrlicher moon bisht (loon betsohlslit nier se ow. According tsu deicer broposition wit inich Brous be sheisa " bs is yusht so liar das ich dick be treeg Os das de deinokrata mich betrecya ons mina greenbacks, odder meim noch ber semi bond." No sir, "hal) id' I,l'sawt," du muslit net denka das MI so denim bin das ich civil net fershtay. Anyhow, selly note husk fun leer kriekt we ich g'sutlit war un we user korta g'shpeeld hen dort ous Kitzelderfers, un veil se shun ivver sex yohr alt is, tin veils ken ehrliehe shuld is, betzahl ich se anyhow net. A wer ich will eompromisa mit der, "sag ich ;" de note is dreisicli dahler, un ich bin willens der an order gevva of eier party leit wu titer my watch g'slitola hen, nu sell maeht tins eawa." I)er Joe is donn of un oh, un we er tsu der lut 11011 S is ivvers folder hut er o'saut ieli wter an ferdeivelter torn-coat un net besser das a shtrawellerun a meen er Frei shoot moms, un we er fort war bin ich nei ins hous un hab der Bevvy alles g'sawt, un se hut mer exactly recht gevva. Iforra fir Grant! PIT SCIIIVICFILEBRENVER. kununt all recht ivver a while. Forram yohr war's 22 demokratish un des yohr yusht 20. Dern noe.h gehts noch about elf yohr bis mer se beeta kends. P. S. ~`ArTIIEII, A. 13 11 AIA A_ IVI. A Betheettyshltn CollSarlan the tittygttr. A quesfion ax, Misthur Saymore, t )v a mat thor that's bothered me quite; II disht ress.-s me mind in the mornin' Aml qtlties me dltramin' at night. eo o rse shapin" aceordim T" the Ithumekrat plait, But its bothered I am Friel the question— is the uaygur a baste or a man? Shure, lso't it 1 Mninykrat doethrine The ilavgur's a two-fatted haste, We.l wool like a sltape, an' a pairfttme ;,slititig to payptd tayste ; A lip like a shlice uv sthale liver, Au' a Mt thin is !atilt on a plan That ti lid shim. an Afrikin monkey, lint divil ;t hit ov a man. .111' hasn't it, demonstratid Ile van Myer have hrains in his skull, For lusted ov hair on the outside The 1111.1.2,tir has nothing but wool. An' as dliirtt tot' Hack are his faytures As the soot I;ittle or pan; So a luste of some sort is a naygur; lie niver was meant for a man. lint here,, is the punle That bothers me night an' day; Whin the South. in the days of her gloorv, . Was under Dimmykrat shway; The uttygar was held in subjecslam On the ould Patriarkal plan; lie was counted up wid the cattle, An' not set down as a man. But now it, is Dimmykrat, practice, South ov Mason an' Dixon' line, To tlu•ate a wooly-head naygtu• Like a giutleman shupertine. Ile is asked to Dimmyknn maytins : If he wants to snake he can; An' the spache ov the baste is phrintid The saute as the spaclte a man. By the side of a black dirty naygttr, A White Dimmykrat sits down to ate: They tip off their whiskey in friendship, And the Dinnnykrat offers to thrate. To Saytnore an' Blair they kape dhrinkin Togither as long as they can; On the fittre thin they lie down togither— The baste by the side of the man. Its puzzled I ant beyant sphakin; Diva wan ov me knows where I shtand, Or can till when I mate with a naygur, To tip him me tihst or me band. Ph go mad wid this same botherashun; I've stood it so long as I can; What is the new Itimmykrat doethrine— Is the naygnr a haste or a titan? AN ENPLEANANTNENN AI"FRE CORNERS—ROW THE EITIZENs OP TriAT QUIET I.OOALITy WERE COM r ELLE!) TO TA NE Er AIIMS IN THEIR DEFENCE— MR. NANNY'S AcCoNINT op THE A NNAIR. POST OFFIS, COSFEDItIT X ROADS, wich is in the State uv Kentucky,) September 28, 1868. For fear that colored statements of the late unhappy ailitir with occurred at this place, may be sent North to the prejoodis uv the Democracy, I hereby make a calm and truthful statement uv it. I will 'wells my account by statin that the citizens uv the Corners have allus desired to live on amicable terms with the colored men, feellu that their interests are more or less idenlikle. To show how completely we hey con keyed our prejoodisses and how much we desire peace, I will state that for a month ther hey bin only two Diggers hung, and then under circumstances uv grate provocation. One of em made a face at Issaker Gavitt, and tother refused to give Kernel Punt credit for a load of watermelons, claimin that the Kernel already owed him, and that there wuz no law for a nigger to collect debts uv white men. tly coone we can't stand insilence from em. The late unpleasantnis originated in this wise. The Radikels uv this county lied given out that they intended to hold a politikel meetin at this place on the 20th instant. I knew that ef they did it, blood would flow, for I knowd the tem per and feelings uv our peaceable citi zens. To avoid bloodshed, I sent word to em not to come—not to hold the meetiti—that ef they did, I cood not be hold responsible, and ther blood wood be on ther own heads. Partikelerly I warned em not to come armed, for our citizens wont stand that anyhow. We kin never permit men who differ from us to carry arms, es in case wee hev dis poots with em, they mite be dangerous. My well meant endeavors wuz frootlis, and Issaker Gavitt thot he'd try. On the mornin uv the day, Issaker rode out to find of they were bound to come in, also whether they wuz armed. He re turned reportin uv em comin, and every man uv em armed to the teeth. At 10 A. M. the procession entered the town headed by moosic and the nashnel flag. Ez it passed Bascom's, Issaker Gavitt, who bed a double-barreled shot gun in 4- cltrtett. in" In N"NIS Wrr,AhrEirrr NASBY his hand, happened accidentally to let the hammer fall onto the nipple, when it went otl: Unfortunately it wuz pinted in the direcslmu of the procession, and a nigger fell from his horse with the top uv his head blowed orf. To increase the disor der a small rock, playfully throwed by Kernel Punt at about the same time, struck another one on the head, and several other rocks from others in and about Bascom's knocked several more uv em down. lied the Diggers passed on quietly all wood hey been well, but they didn't. Eager to quarrel, and full uv insolence, and reely seekin pretext to embroil us, the procession stopped in wild confushin, many nv em takin to the woods to create the impression that they lied bin attackt. The dooplicity of the nigger character is beyond finding out! We wuz surprised at their breakin up so suddenly, and for ,a miuit we didn't know what to do. Ez the pereession stopt in front uv Bascom's our citizens conjectured their design wuz to attack the groscry, which is reely the citadel uv the town. In Bascom's is all the licker we hey ; in Bascom's our innocent revels is held; and Bascom's we will defend to the last ! What wuz we to do ? Unarmed and helplis, we were onprepared for this. But heaven smiled onto us, and gave us the means to defend ourselves. The rifles, revolvers and shot guns be longin to the principle families uv the Corners and the surroundin country happened to be in Bascom's, stackt up behind his bar, and providenshelly they ni wuz all loadid and rapt. In a nth's time they wuz distributid, and afore the mob cood organize to make the attack a well directed volley wuz poured into em. This dismayed em, and the entire mass uv em, sich ez wuzn't killed, fled to the woods. Two uv the blood-thirsty wretches wuz shot at the edge of McPel ter's woods by the Captain and Elder Pennibacker, who feared that they wuz goin in there to reorganize anti return to complete their dreadful work. Elder Pennibacker killed one inhuman villain with an axe, which had bin wounded in the leg and wuy, found in a corner uv his fence tryin to stop the flow uv the blood. All that day a posse uv citizens were en gaged in quellen the fears uv the com munity by huntin down these dangerous incenjaries with dorgs and killin uv em, for ez they exceeded us in numbers we reely trembled for the safety uv our wives and children. After a terrible day, the agitated town wuz restored to its wontal peece, and the citizens slept ez yoosual. The casu altes on our side is not so large ez mite hey been expected, when we con sider the fearful purpose uv the barba rians who assaled us. Deekin Pogram wuz seriously injoored by a rock which Issaker Gavitt histed strate up in his un thinkin excitement, and poor Kernel MePelter's shot-gun bust the second time he fired it, takin orf his thumb. These injoories sustained by our citizens may he charged directly to the infernal niggers who would provoke our peacefly inclined people. But they suffered for it. Eleven uv them wuz killed, and some thirty or forty wuz wounded. The latter hey been all cared for. They wuz taken to the -County Infirmary for treat ment—the expensas being charged up to em ez a lien upon their property,wich will, of course, be sold to defray it. Old citizens do not boast uv wat they hey done. They feel it wuz an unpleas ant dooty they bed to perform, but they hed to do it. Corrupt and reckless men hey bin leadiu the colored people astray, and they bed to defend themselves. Hed they only taken my advice, and not at tempted to hold their meetin, this wood not hey happened. lied they not hey come into the Corners with moosic and a Naslinel flag a Ilyin, they wood not hey been killed. And even then, bed they gone on quietly after the lust one wuz shot, and the others wuz knockt down with stuns, I doubt whether any thing more would hey bin dun. They shoodn't hey held meetins. We kin never endoor a meeting uv niggers, and we never will. Knowin this, why will they persist in holden of em? The citizens uv the Corners agree unanimously (except Joe Bigler and Pol lock) that all the blame must rest upon the Diggers. I don't believe in appeels to arms, but wat kin we do when we are so driven ? PETROLEUM V. NABBY, P. M., (Wish is Postmaster.) P. S.—The President ineedn't send solgers down to protect us, at least so long ez Grant his in command. Bed we General Itosel or Hancock in command, with Seymour ez President, it wood be different. Ez it is we shell hey to per tect ourselves. lEle#3. V 6- 'ut ,ioitts. Shoppi t# rt. shind Iwitinti 'rho flay Fll nc'er t; She thought thy nuts Than any Sh'll ; 1 NVItt(110(111(.1.1)13Yfill The silk ;mil toss ; The clerk looked 411111.1 . Itne;lsy, Ana nodded at the boss. -Show me some velvet ribbon, Barege and satin lurk," She said, "I want to purchase'.. -Then gave the goods a jerk. The clerk was obedience. lle traveled "on his shape ;" At length, with hesitation, She bunttLt a yard of tape. —Young Lady of Eight Summers.— " Say, Georgie, when you are a great big lady and get married, what will you do, eh 4 ?" GEonmE—"Oh, I expect I'll get a sewing circle, and go to the water-cure, and have lots of jewelry. What will von d o, Sissy ?” "Oh, me ! I'll have a nice young man, with beautiful whiskers come to see me ; and my husband, you know, he'll get mad, and I'll cry and go to Chicago, and sue for a divorce, and it will be in all the papers, and the reporters will say that I'm a pale and spiritual looking lady, and my husband is a brute ; that'l be so nice." —"Three and sixpence per gal l" ex claimed Mrs. Partington, looking over the price-current. " Why, bless me, what Is the world coming to, when the gals are valued at only thrce-and-sixpence ?" —Why is a lawyer like a sawyer?— Because whichever way he moves, down must come the dust. —" Well, Bridget, if I engage you I shall want you to stay at home whenever I shall wish to go out." " Well, Illa%llll, I have no objections, providin' you do the same \Olen I wish to go out." —" Can I take either side and g e t to the depot ?" inquired a stranger. " Yes, sir; or the middle of the street either," was the cool reply. —This is the Connecticut let for bed-bugs :—Shake them an down into the middle of the sheet, and put some ice anion! , them. Pretty soon you will see the little fellows getting upon their hind legs and beginning, to thrash themselves to keep warm. After that you need not be afraid of their biting, but may go to bed and sleep secure front their attacks for the rest of the night. T is unwise to worry about what cannot be helped, and foolish to worry about what eon he helped. Therefore worry not at all. —An exchange su[ , gests that flrtv! , ists are indictable for selling blisters under the law against inflammatory plavards. —Rufus Choate used to say that the three most troublesome clients he had were, a young lady that wanted to get married, a married woman that wanted a divorce, and an old maid that didn't know what she wanted. A dignified gentleman in going into church found his seat occupied by a stranger. Highly indignant thereat, be wrote upon a card, " This is my seat, sir !" and tossed it to the stranger. The latter wrote in reply, " It's a very good seat; what rent do you pay ?" The indignant owner apologized. —A Mrs. Boots, of New York, has left her husband, Mr. Boots, and started for Barts unknown. We presume this pair of oots are rights and lefts. We cannot say, however, that Mrs. Boots was right : but there is no mistake that Mr. Boots is left. —When Marshal Narireaz, a blood thirsty Spaniard, was on his death-bed, he was advised by his confessor, to for give all his enemies. have none,' re plied the marshal, I had them all shot long ago.' --An old miser, who was notorious for self-denial, was one day asked why he was so thin. "I do not know," said the miser, " I have tried various means for getting fatter, but without success.— “llave you tried any victuals I)” inquired the friend. --" Larry," said a coquettish young lady to her cousin, permaturely bald, " why is your head like heaven ?" 'Don't know, I'm sure," replied the swell, "un less it has a shining crown." "Good, but not correct. Because there is no more dying or parting done there !" --What strange creatures girls are ! Offer one of them good wages to work for you, and ten chances to one if the old woman can spare any of her girls ; but just propose matrimony, and see if they don't jump at the chance of working a whole lifetime for their victuals and clothes. --A physician advertised that at the request of his friends he had removed near the church-yard, and trusted that his removeal would accommodate many of his patients. —Out in lowa there is said to be an organization of females who call them selves Grant girls, and have for a motto "match us." —Tailors may not be a very terrible set of human beings; but we have seen many a man who, although vain of his courage, couldn't look his tailor in the face. —Men are like bugles; the more brass they contain the more noise they make, and the further you can hear them. —" Too big for his business," as the lady said to the sweep, who stuck in the chimney. —The individual who attempted to raise colts from horse.ehestnuts went hi to the market the other day, and inquired for a mock turtle to make " mock turtle soup" of. —A Western editor, having published a long leader on "Hogs," a rival paper in the same silage upbraids him for obtruding his family matters ou the public. •