GLORY! GLORY!! GLORY!!! OLD PENNSYLVANIA FOREVER ! 12,000 REPUBLICAN MAJORITY' A Republican Legislature and United States Senator LANCASTER COUNTY 6,800! OLD ALLEGHANY 9,000! OHIO REPUBLICAN BY 25,000 ! INDIANA REPUBLICAN 12,030! NEBRASKA REPUBLICAN 2,000! THE FREE NORTH REPUBLICAN ALL OVER We are Coming Father Abraham, Five Hundred Thousand More! The result of the elections in Pennsyl vania, Ohio, Indiana and Nebraska are glorious ! All doubt as to the election of Grant and Colfax by the largest major ity ever given for President, has been re moved. The rural districts of the State have gloriously overwhelmed and crushed out the stupendous rebel colonization and naturalization frauds, and the blessings of Liberty,Union, Equality, Law and Peace have been secured for generations to come ! Surely this is glory enough for one day' The returns from Lancaster county, up to noon, on Wednesday—the time of going to press—are as follows : DISTRICTS Ist Ward 2nd Ward 3rd Ward 4th 'Ward sth Ward 6th \Vara 7th Ward Bth Ward 9th Ward City total. Adamstown Bart Breeknock.. Carnarvon Clay Cocalico East. Cocalleo West Coleraine Columbia. - ISt Ward if 2d Ward I f 111 if 3d Ward Conestoga Conoy Drumore Donegal West. Donegal East (Maytown) 43 1 " (Springville) ... 39 Earl 342 Earl East •244 Earl West 233 Eden Elizabeth Elizabethtown. Ephrata Fulton Hemplield West Indiantown Lampeter West Lampeter East Little Britain Leacock Leacock Upper Lancaster twp Manheim twp Manheinr bor Martin Marietta Millerstown Mount Joy bor Mount Joy twp (upper) Mount Joy twp (lower) Paradise Penn Pequea Petersburg Providence Rapho (S. S. H.)... (Newtown) Rohrerstown Sadsbury Salisbury Strasburg bor.. Strasburg twp Warwick .... Washington Total IT will be seen from the above that two districts in the county (Carnarvon and Cole rain) remain to be heard from. Allowing them to go as they did in 186'7, the Republican majority will be 6,793, and it is not likely to be less. As far as heard from, up to noon on Wednesday, the result of the election is as follows. couNTIEff. itEri - n. MAO. DEM. MA.I A Armstrong„ 1 ivavf.,r ...... Bedford Berks ia;ur Butter...... Cambria C;orbon Chester Clithlwriama Dauphin... Erie Era old in... Po Iton Green num ington Inca b r DENIM LebH non 1., 111,11 LN 11/111i11}, Mi Uhl „, Monroe Montgomery 11 - on )111' Northam titOn Schuylkill =XI M= I=IE=HIM •nnngo IA tyne.. Y0rk..... The counties to hear from, including Bradford ancj. Tioga, will give at least six thousand additional Republican nm jority. As reports from Philadelphia are conflicting, we omit it altogether. The glorious Buckeye State rolls up thirty thousand Republican majority. Vallandigham, Pendleton, and the whole crew of rebels and traitors gone to the— South, where the weather is very hot ! As in Pennsylvania, the most despe rate efforts were made by the Copper heads to carry Indiana. Thousands of confederate democratic soldiers were col onized from Kentucky and voted, but, thanks to the patriotic people of Indi ana, the State is saved by about 12,001) majority. That the entire Republican ticket was triumphantly elected—the Mayor, Com missioner, District Attorney and all-is almost a fixed fact, and we take for granted that after a fair investigation by the court, the offices will be awarded to thase justly entitled. Majority Having gained three members in the Lycoming district, the next House of Representatives will probably stand 60 Republicans and 40 Democrats, and the Senate 18 Republicans and 15 Demo crats. Thus the election of a United States Senator, in place of Buckalew, (dem) is assured. Also the re-election of Gen. Irwin as State Treasurer, and the passage of a Police Commissioners' bill for Philadelphia, in case of failure to secure the office of Mayor for Gen. Tyn dale, who was fairly elected by a major ity of the citizens of Philadelphia. 50 38 35 165 14 20 117 , ) , )3 33 288 12 OS The great Pennsylvania battle of Get tysburg has been fought and won I Next in order will be our grand final victory of Appomattox on the 3d of November. All we have to do is to march on and keep our colors flying. Grant leads the way 270 113 . 20 • 21 MATCH 'Em—Among the fancy Repub lican majorities in Lancaster County are the following : Earl, 342; East Earl, 244; West Earl, 233; Total in the Earl family, 819! Also East Lampeter, 340; West Lampeter, 276; West Hempfield, 232; Indiantown,2 34; Millerstown, 233; Mount Joy bor. 205; West Lampeter, 276; Salisbury, 355 ; Conestoga, 270 ; Strasburg, 240 and Warwick 224—Total in 13 districts 3428! 155 ...... 67 232 234 276 346 .. 59 .. 185 . 148 . 108 184 166 . 130 . 167 233 .. 205 . 96 . 62 . 101 . 113 . 191 178 . 137 .. 122 . 105 • 106 112 355 59 240 224 LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN—LOA strayed or stolen, October 13, 1868, from the 4th ward, Lancaster city, a feeble minded and somewhat notorious old female answering to the name of " Demo cracy." One cent Reward and no ques tions asked. Information left at the In telligencer office will be thankfully re ceived. BAD INVESTMENT—The stamps re quired to colonize Pennsylvania with Jonny Rebs on Tuesday was a very bad investment. Wasn't it Mr. Wallace? OLD Pennsylvania will roll up at least forty thousand majority for Grant. Ohio 75,000 and the rest of the country about six hundred thousand more. LANCASTER AHEAD of Old Berks about 5001 Thats a sock-dolaur, isn't it, Mr. Ertnantrout ? LANCASTER COUNTY good for 7500 majority for Grant and Colfax, on the 3d of November. TILE STATE. Republivan :ITajority OHIO: lidD A N,l Philadelphia A Republican Legislature. Now fog• Appomattox FATHER ABRAHAM. THE Radicals give up Pennsylvania. The only question now seems to be how large the Democratic majority will be. As goes the Keystone State so goes the Union— York Gazette, Oct. 13. D3liS. TIIE prospect that the Democracy will carry Pennsylvania by a handsome maj ority on Tuesday next,we believe to be a settled fact. Our opponants concede it. —Lanca.qer IntelligenPer, Oct. 1 2. 18GS. WEDNESDAY', sun will burst upon the Dedlocratic army triumphantly marchher to the White House over the com pletely routed forces of tic R a dl el d,_ _Address of the Berks C o ma y o f ". 7. 18;')K THE CwiiNo VICTOR v—The ~f coming victory gilds the 1 411111 pr,, o f the Democratic hosts. To-morrow will 'Wit ness the utter defeat of arlicali:m in Pennsylvania. Their columns .tre reeling back in dismay before the honest y oo _ marry of the Keystone St t e —La m. , Hier Intelligencer, Oct. 12. ImX 275 5,76() 590 9.50 3on 6,510 !ma 1 il I 6800 IBM Ell EMI 300 3100 HOCHGELOBTER FODDER Ann ADAM: Ich bin alleweil om travella, for tsu sehna we's on onnery pletz bier gent. Ich bin dorrich Intercourse, Srmdersbm•„ uu vetz in dent sheana shteddle doh, en ich inns sauna das de felt sich iveralluf de Repub lican side drelia. Ich war aw als au demokrat, un awer wann du mer yetz a gonsy neie suit sheuka deatsht, kentsht mich nimmy demokratish rota macha sidder ich geleasa hab we der Pit Schwa liebrenner sich improoft hut sidder das er an Republican is, for yetz is er besser aw g'seh, un er leabt besser for sich sol ver un si fomelia, des is, de Berry. tin mind was ich der sog, es hen sich noch ordlich feel gedreht sidder das der Pit so tip-top goot rons kumma is. Ich hab yusht noch paar demokrata a w! ,, etruiln in man travvella, un selly dung net wissa was tsu sauna. De fiict is, mer halt nix fum Seimoyer, awer yusht Grant un Coifax. Doh in Strasburg sin awer a paar de noch net Bons reconstruct sin, awer se kumma aw noch rum fore der negsht leckshun, for se hen gor nix men bill saug,a. JOHN BRILLATRAWGER. 34.110 25,125 25,325 MEETINGS IN THE CGIINTY.-011T lim ited space prevents us from noticing, at length, the large and enthusiastic Repub lican meetings held last week at Adams town, New Hollod, Safe Harbor, Mil lersville, Columbia, Man'heirn, and other places. The gallant voters of the "Old Guard" turned out in great numbers. Col. John W. Forney spoke at Adams fown , New Holland, Millersville and Safe Harbor. Gen. A. F. Stevens, of New Hampshire, and Maj. Pangborn, of New Jersey, addressed the people of Colum bia. Republican meeting at Reamstown on Saturday Oct. 2.4 th, also at NetThvill (we believe) on the same day. At Fairville on to-morrow (Saturday) evening. ADAMSTOW N.—Among the various local Republican organizations through out the county, the tanners of Adams town, in red flannel shitts and caps, are among the most efficient. Nearly one hundred strong, and under command of that active and staunch Republican, Capt. Evans, and with the substantial encouragement afforded them by Senator Billingsfelt, and other patriotic citizens, this club has added very largely to the great Republican enthusiasm in the Northern part of the county. NEW FIRM The undersigned having entered into partnership under the name of Herr & Rife, for the purpose of carrying on the Real Estste, Collection, Survey ing, Conveyancing and Insurance business in all its various branches, respectfully solicit a contin uance of the favors heretofore extended to the senior member and hope by strict attention to business to merit a further share of patronage from the public. THEO. W. HERR, JEREMIAH RIFE. Haying closed out my Grocery Business and en tered into arrangements with Theodore W. Herr, as above stated, I respectfully solicit my friends and the public to extend their patronage to the new firm. JEREMIAH - RIFE. LANCASTER . FILE AND EDGE TOOL WORKS, LANCASTER, PA. ltannfeetery of Rilas, Reaps and Edge Tools. A C. FLINN'S No. 11 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Refriger ators, Tin and Copper Ware, Wooden Ware, Britiania Ware, Bird Cages, Step Ladders, Brooms and Brushes, Knives and Forks, Tea and Table Spoons, Coffee Mills, &c., Coal Oil Chandelier% for Halls, Lyceums, &c., Coal Oil Lamps Brackets, &c., Pumps, Hydraulic Rams, Water Pipes, &e. A very tine assortment of HOUSE FURNISH ING GOODS, of all kinds, at A. C. FLINN'S, House Furnishing Store, No. 11 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. HATS AND CAPS A FULL STOCK ON HAND, And manufactured to order, ally style and quality. T. ic. 'ro Kt., S. W. CORNER CENTRE SQUARE AND WEST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PENNA. F SMITH, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN HATS AND CAPS. An kinds of HATS made to order on short notice and at low prices. 11X WEST KING Street, Lancaster, Pa. Refreshing Extracts. I=E==Ml Air r rrr spenbete. it e STEASIII - lifi, Ott. 161,11 7 ISIIS focal Atoms. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HOUSE FURNISHING STORE, HATS AND CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES. MetRSIIALL & SON'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, cENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA CAMPAIGN OF ls NOW IS TILE TIME FOR VICTORY! \V", hav,•staytt.(llla! Campa;;Til I.v lacing in a frrbh t , wk rd 110))1W .1 .VD (';iscs )Ictrs mol Boot Give its a call. We .lir indnreatenni net ,01,•,..d. 4 ow. wwl: 4.4 441 tn, tr,o, quality. )Pon' forg: 1 the plac,, N. E. 4: , (21..NTRE sQUAILE. CO I L. =ii!ii==alll PZMEII:IM!MriMMRI I= C 0 A L Of the best quality. YARD-COR. WATER ST. & PENNA. R. R Orncr.--No. 2 EAST ORANUE ST., LA NCA S TER, PA H. BAUMGARDNER, DEALER. IN COAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, NORTH PRINCE STREET == LANCASTER, PA INS UR ANC E. THE OLD PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA ACC UMUL AT ED C A PIT AL After Paying Loss. , s to tit.. Amount of s:f 1,120,000 CH_ RTEIi PERPETUAL Ir.==M I= THE O..Y.LY TRULY MUTUAL COMPANY THE CITY Old ST-ITE. For fort - In a. infoonatn.n apply to JOHN J. COCHRAN, Agent, P. 0. Lancnatc.r, Pa LODGE REGALIA. AUCHENBACII & BROTHER, No. 520 PENN STREET, READING, PA., MANUFACTURERS OF REGALIAS, JEWELS AND OTHER LODGE PROPERTIES, For Masons' Blue Lodges, Chapters and Councils; Odd Fellows' Lodges and Encampments; Good Temptars, Temple of Honor and Stars of Temper ance; American Mechanics, American Protestants, Red Men, Horugari, Good Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Brotherhood of the Union, and for all fe male lodges and associations, fitted out at the short est notice. Also, Swords, Belts, Hats, Caps, and Regalia Trimmings of all kinds constantly on hand. nders respectfully solicited, and goods forwarded to all parts of the country. AUCHENBA CH t BItOTIIER, No 620 PENN Street, Reading, Pa. PAINTING. MMEIiiM JOSEPH BRIMMER, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, AND MANUFACTURER. OF GLASS TABL•ETS. CAMPAIGN BANNERS Painted in the latest style and at short notice. Room—Over Baker's Drug Stare, CENTRE SQUARE, Lancaster, Pa. SEWING MACHINES. DON'T READ THIS! SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE Proved itself without a rival in the late test trial in this city with the Howe Machine. We therefore present it to the consideration of an intelligent public as INCOMPARABLY the BEST SE WINO MACHINE IN THE WORLD It is light running—almost noiseless—and adapted to a wider range of work than any other SEWING MACHINE, While it is, at the same time, very simple indeed. A child call, with all case, learn to use it in a short time. We can assure the public that they will look to their OWN INTEREST, If in want of a SEWING MACHINE, TO SEE, TEST AND TRY THE SINGER, Before deciding to take it or any other Machine. Parties often come to town in searcher a Machine, and then listen to the advice of interested parties, or those who have but a limited knowledge of the Machines in question. BETTER SEE THEM_ FOR YOURSELVES, FRIENDS, And then you will not be deceived. W. W. BEARDSLEE, Agent, No. 3 EAST ORANGE STREET, (Two Doors from North Queen,) LANCASTER, PA. BANKING. DAVID BAIR. R. W. BBRNII BAIR & SHENK, BANKERS, NORTHEAST ANGLE OF CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PENNA) FURNISHING GOODS. CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS FOE, THE NEWEST STYLES OF COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, SUSPENDERS, WHITE AND FANCY KID GLOVES, STOCKINGS, EMBROIDERED SHIRT FRONTS, SUMMER UNDERSHIRTS AND DRA IVERS, -AT E. J. ERISMAN'S 1 GENT'S F URNISHING STORE, 41% NORTH QUEEN STREET LANCASTER, PA. BOOKS & STATIONERY. BURR'S BOOK STORE We incite th attontion of School Directors and T,actiflt: to our hirge stook of School Books and oxP•nsive arrangements th.. largo Publishing Houses of Philailolphiti, :Now )(or': and Boston. W, pay spocnil .•nlion to th int , ri sts of I)irect- Or, T,SII , iS, :11:1i arc proparcd to supply tewth:hip, tlt i'V.`7l both r tab., than rvor Ikninto. Dir..cp,rs who contomplato changing Books, will hind it greatly to !heir advantagc to call upon us. as out .orrang:•inonts wiib publisliors onablo us to fur nish Books for har,itiuction at Or. s, Ey lowod nab hsher's rates. Our stock of School Station:ry is usury largo and w.• 11 our tacilitioai or furnishing filet's, Churns and _Maps run not be surpass:al. All the w ncw styles of American, French and English Note and Letter Papers, with Envelopes to match. All Paper and Envelopos purchased from us will be stamped with (h.! initial of the purchaser, free of charge, if desired. J. E. BARR, au2l-tf L wJ No. 2.9 E. King st., Lancaster. F BOOKS & STATIONERY. Fj SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, A LARGEL ASSORTMENT OF LGOOD STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS OF ALL SIZES, ROOSEY'S CHEAP STANDARD MUSIC Catalogues of the above furnished on application KURTZ AND 7MONAAUITAN'S CELEBRA TED GOLD PENS, $1,(mo,o00 ANTHONY'S STEREOSCOPES, AMERICAN A`;D FOREIGN VIEWS deauttions to Merdisiots. Ord, rsG retivectfully solicited andGprompt ly filled at Cheap Cash Book Store, Q . S N 0.32 North Qnsen Street, Lancaster, Pa. I JOHN BAER'S SONS, No. 10 NORTH QUEEN STREET, THE VOLKSFREUND AND BEOBACHTER A German Republican Newspaper GERMAN AND ENGLISH ALMANACS, TESTAMENTS, HYMN BOOKS, &o SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, NEW AND CHEAP BOOK STORE, (Corner of Fulton Builtlings,) WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, SCHOOL BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, And a general variety of well selected Stationery, Maps and Fancy Articles in the line of trade. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS Of all kinds. Special attention given. Being Librarian or the Lancaster County Bible Society, I will furnish Sunday Schools with Bibles and Testaments at cost. Bibles for 50 cents; Testa ments fur 10 cents. A variety of new Sewing Machines for sale cheaper than anywhere else. D. S. BARE. BOOK & JOB PRINTING. RAUCH COCHRAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING From the largest POSTER to the smallest CARD o • CIRCULAR executed in the best style and at reasonable prices. Mr Orders , rom a distance promptly attended to OFFICE—N. E. ANGLE CENTRE SQUARE. LANCASTER, PENNA. J. B. McGASIcEY, _ _ SURGEON DENTIST OFFICE-EAST KING ST., OVER TR/I FIRST NATIONA.I. SANE, sir All Work Warranted. 114 W . M. WHITESIDE, DENTIST, Office and residence, East King Street, next doer to the Court House, over Fahnestock's Dry Goods Store, Lancaster, Pa. Teeth Extracted without pain, by the use ot (Nitrous Oxide) Gas. ZAHM & JACKSON, DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. 460 - Repairing attended to. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY A ILED SILVER WARE, No. 22 WEST KING STREET, (Nast Door Below Cooper's Hotel,) LANCASTER, PA. SCHOOL DIRECTORS, TEACialltS, PARENTS KEE SCIti)LARS, TAKE N4)TICI, ALL SEW BOOKS RECEIVED AS FAST AS ISSUED FROM THE PRESS A COMPLETE STOCK OF J. H. SHEAFFER'S, LANCASTER, PA., =I =I JUSTICES' BLANKS TM STATIO.VER P. !MIMI ALL KINDS, DENTISTRY. LANCASTER, PA JEIVELRY, &c.