"tatitcr Abraham." CIRCULATION OVER 10,000 E. H. RAUCH, Enrrons .3: Pr 131.V:11E11S, THOS. E. COCHRAN, y? LANCAsTEH, PA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, VON. 44 1 - shalt hare no potter/ of my o tell to en force against the win of the prople."—Gr.ANT. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. " MATCH 'EM." NATIONAL TICKET. President: Gen. ITLYSSES S. GRANT, OF THE UNITED STATE~ • Vice President: SCHUYLER COLFAX, OF INDIANA STATE TICKET. Auditor General: Gen. JNO. F. HARTRANFT, OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY Sarrazior General: Gen. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, OF CAMBRIA COUNTY COUNTY TICKET. Congress OLIVER J. DICKEY, City Cmagress (Unexpired Term): OLIVER J. DICKEY, City Associate Judge : JOHN J. LIBHART, Marietta Assembly : DR. J. C. GATCHELL, Martic. CAPT. W. W. HOPKINS, City. JACOB G. PETERS, Conestoga. AARON H. SUMNIY, East Hempfteld District Attorney: GEORGE BRUBAKER, City County Commissioner : JACOB C. KREADY, Manor Prison Inspectors : "HENRY POWNALL, Bart. X. H. SHIRK, West Cocalico Directors of the Poor: 'GEORGE FRY, East Cocalico CONRAD GAST, City. Auditor: GEORGE W. MEHAFFEY, Marietta To CORRESPONDENTS.—We have a large number of communications and ar ticles written expressly for FATHER ABRAHAM, which were unavoidably crowded out from time to time, and laid over. Some of them are very well writ ten ansl deserved a better fate than being deposited in the drawer of deferred mat ter, but with our limited space we could_ not do better. We could only have pub lished all these original productions by crowding out almost everything else. The City of Reading. The greatest and grandest political demonstration ever witnessed in the city of Reading came off last Saturday night. The torch-light procession was a mile and a half long, including a Carpet-Bag Club of about 75 men. The assembled thousands were addressed by Generals Stevens and Kilpatrick, and Mr. Lear, of Bucks county, and Hon. James H. Camp bell. Reading, the great city of Old Berks, will give a decided Republican majority on Tuesday next. The Cops are making desperate efforts to prevent it, but the voice of the patriotic people is against them. VOTE EARLY ";What Have I Done?" Ask yourself, Republican ! " What have I done for my cause and my princi ples ?" " What have I done to secure peace and a government of law ?" "What have I done to carry forward the work for which half a million of men have given their lives ?" Let every Republi can ask himself these questions. And if any one feels that he has not done his whole duty, now is the time to repair the error. BEGIN AT ONCE! Resolve that from this time until the election you will each give at least one hour every day to the highest duty of a citizen. VOTE EARLY I New Advertising Dodge. A lager beer brewer of a neighboring county managed to smuggle into a Re publican paper an assertion that he, the "well-known brewer," had declared for Grant and Colfax, whereupon the "well known lager beer brewer" aforesaid wrote or caused to be written, his indig nant denial, which the copperhead papers were green enough to publish free gratis and for nothing I That is what we con sider a very smart advertising dodge, and dog cheap! Vote Early ! A well organized party will make it a point to vote as early in the day as possi ble. By waiting until a late hour you will only add to the labor of the poll committee, and may, 1)y hanging back, cause them to send for you, and by so doing, neglect some doubt/0 voter, who also needB goin! -, after. We, therefore, en treat you to get your name marked off the poll list early in the morning.— VOTE EARLY! Eam Poll Every Vote! Don't take for granted that we have plenty of voters, witthout bringing your aged, infirm or indifferent neighbor to the polls. We have votes enough to overwhelm the sham Democracy, hut, to make sure of such a victory, we must bring every Republican voter to the polls. VOTE EARLY! Attention, Republicans ! Don't waste your time next Tuesday by any useless controversy with Copper heads, but mind your business—every one of you. Don't discuss anything, but act. If you can think of a single man within the circle of your acquaintance who may be slow or indifferent, go for him in the morning, and be sure to bring him with you. VOTE EARLY! Remember Fort Pillow! Forrest, the butcher of unarmed pris oners at Fort Pillow, is now one of the leading and most intimate personal and and political friends of Horatio Seymour. Should Seymour be elected, this same friend and cold blooded butcher and cow ard would be one of the leading mem bers of the Democratic-copper-rebel ad ministration ! VOTE EARLY ! Remember New York! We all remember how Horatio Sey mour encouraged and urged on the hell ish mob in New York, in July 1863, when they murdered United States draft officers, burned colored school houses and orphan asylums, and hung negro children to lamp posts It is the same Horatio Seymour who now appeals to civilized American citizens for votes It is the same Horatio Seymour who favored the annexation of New York city to the Southern Confederacy ! VOTE E ABLY! Don't Crow Too Soon! Remember, Republicans, that the most infamous frauds will be attempted on Tuesday next by the Copperhead rebels. Thousands of illegal voters have been imported and scattered all over Penn sylvania. Earnest and systematic work will defeat them by an overwhelming majority. Crowing over and bragging about the coming victory is not the way to win it, but work—hard, earnest and constant work will do it. VOTE EARLYI Get Your Teams Ready! Every Republican who has a team should have it employed all next Tues day to bring the aged, sick and infirm Republicans to the poles. Never mind buckwheat, plowing, or cider making or applebutter boiling on that day, but at tend only to the wants of the country. VOTE EARLY! Don't Pair Off! Let no Republicans be foolish enough to pair off with a Copperhead on Tues day next. Their game, in some locali ties, will be for one Copperhead to pair off with several Republicans. Don't trust them, but vote the Republican ticket. Let nothing induce you to neg lect your duty. VOTE EARLY! , Two O'Clock ! Every Republican should have his vote polled not later than two o'clock on next Tuesday afternoon, and then go after his neighbor. Every one should be able to bring at least one voter besides himself to the polls. By voting early and work ing all day every Republican can be brought to the polls, and the rebel Dem ocracy buried in their last ditch. VOTE EARLY! ,_ Vote Early. Let nothing prevent you from devoting the whole of next Tuesday to the service of your country. Begin early in the morning. Your first duty is to poll your own vote, and then to induce your neigh bor to do likewise. VOTE EARLY. Remember, Republicans! That on next Tuesday, immediately after you shall have washed your faces, combed yourselves and swallowed your bread, beef and coffee, your duty is to devote the entire day to the work of bringing voters to the polls. VOTE EARLY! FA_TI-1 I--41R A I 311 Republicans! Don't waste any time next Tuesday. Don't talk about betting, or horse races, or dogs, or fishing, or lager beer, or Heidelberg Brigade, or majorities in Lancaster or Berks, or hats, or boots, or women, or anything that can be discussed just as well ne:t , day. You owe your entire and best effort, from early in the morning until the closing of the polls, to your country! VOTE EARLY! Let every Republican bear in mind that next Tuesday is not the time for wrangling with Copperheads, but only for earnest, persistent work and effort to get Republican tickets into the ballot box. Every moment spent tal/•iny poli tics on next Tuesday is time lost. In a word, Tuesday next is the day for ACTION. VOTE EAil Stand up for Your Rights ! Republicans must make up their minds to have a strong force at every poll on Tuesday next. In sonic districts, Cop perheadS wdi attempt to intimidate your poll committees. But, stand firm. Don't allow yourself to be bullied. Concede every lawful right to our opponents, and at the same time insist upon your own. If assailed by violence, defend yourselves, and stand and act together fearlessly and manfully. VOTE EARLY! If you want to carry the Union for Grant and Colfax, you must carry the State for Hartranft and Campbell. Take care of the 13th of October, and the 3d of November will take care of itself. VOTE EARLY! • Pennsylvania and Ohio! The patriotic people of the whole coun try, and the lovers of Liberty and Equal Rights throughout the world are now anxiously looking to the States of Penn sylvania and Ohio for decided Republican victories. All that is needed to win them is to poll the entire Republican vote. Whether this will or will not be done depends upon the active working men of the party. If every poll commit tee man, and every other Republican will devote his whole time and best effort to the cause, on Tuesday next, the ag gregate Republican majority of these great States will not be less than fifty thousand. VOTE EARLY ! Schuylkill, and Lebanon! The prospects of the triumphant re election of Gen. Cake, the Republican candidate in the Schuylkill and Lebanon District are very encouraging. After making ample allowance for coffee-color ed naturalization frauds, the estimate of our best men is that Cake will carry the district by three to five hundred majority. VOTE EARLY. The Copperhead committee at Reading, after carefully canvassing the city, found, to their amazement, a Republican major ity of sixty, which shows a Republican gain of forty. In their count they have included a number of imported bummers and scalawags on forged naturalization papers, who are, fortunately, known to the Republicans. Reading city is not the only district in Old Berks in which there will be decided Republican gains. VOTE EARLY. Remember the importance of ONE VOTE ! Some years ago a Governor was elected in Massachusetts by a majority of one. A Senator was elected in the Bucks district of this State by one vote ; Charles R. Buckalewi was elected United States Senator by one vote. One vote may de cide the contest on Tuesday next. If so, let every Republican resolve that that one majority shall be for Hartranft and Campbell. VOTE EARLY That the uniform is a badge of disgrace in the South, and that every Union sol dier,from the general sent to execute the laws to the private in the ranks, has been, and continues to be, the object of the in cessant assault and persecution of the rebel leaders. Remember that the Democratic leaders, now full of sympathy for the Southern rebels, never contributed a dollar to the public treasury during the war ; never de nounced the savage treatment of the Union people of the South or the Union prisoners of the North, and never rejoiced over the triumph of our arms. Remember that the Democratic plat form was devised and dictated by a rebel Mind Your Business ! Don't Wrangle! Boys in Blue! Bad Figures ! One Vote. Voters, Remember ! general as a condition of the rebel sup port to the Democratic party. Remember that every rebel who raised his fratricidal hand against the Govern ment is a Democrat. Remember that Horatio Seymore was nominated by a convention entirely con trolled by the officers and politicians who plunged the country into civil war. Remember that Horatio Seymour is as emphatically the loader of the new rebel lion as Robert E. Lee was of the old. Remember that since the nomination of Seymour and Blair, Union men have been assassinated by hundreds in the Southern States. Remember that victory on the 1:1th of October will be Sheridan's victors- of Five Forks, mai.shalling the way to Grant's transcendant triumph on the Appomattox in November. VOTE EARLY. _-0---_ More Rascality A man by the name of De vine at tempted to shoot a Republican, in Phila delphia, last week. Ile was arrested, and no less than TWELVE BLANK CER TIFICATES OF NATURALIZATION SIGN ED BY THE PROTHONOTARY OF PHILADELPHIA, WITH THE SEAL OF THE SUPREME COURT ATTACHED, WERE FOUND IN HIS POSSESSION ! It is by these means the Copperheads expect to carry loyal Phila delphia. Will they succeed? We shall see. VOTE EARLY ! The War in the Smith Let us have Peace ! . Now there is no peace, but actual war in the Southern States, for which the Copperheads of the North are directly responsible. In Geor gia, in Mississippi, in Texas, and in other parts of the South, the rebel not only openly defy the laws of the land as they did 1861, and until they surrendered at Appomattox, but they are at work, daily, butchering unarmed Union men and freedmen indiscriminately. On Monday last, at Opelousas, La., the organized and armed rebels fell upon one hundred negroes, and butchered them in cold blood. A Republican newspaper office was destroyed, and the editor beaten in the 'most brutish manner by these beastly Seymour Democrats ! The only way to secure protection to all American Citizens, in every State, and the blessings of Prosperity and Peace, wherever the flag of our country floats, is to elect Grant and Colfax. Let us have Peace VOTE EARLY. The Prospects Glorious: Never, in the history of the great Re publican party, were the prospects of a glorious victory in Pennsylvania better than now. That the interior counties will do even better than two years ago, when Geary carried the State by over 17,000 majority, we firmly believe. Old Lancaster will roll up at lest 6,000 ma jority, and this figure will not be over balanced by benighted Old Berks. In Philadelphia and in Luzerne, and in sev eral other localities, the most stupendous Copperhead frauds are attempted, but, our friends are duly posted, and prepared to hold them in check. In Allegheny our friends will not give less than 8500 for Hartranft and Campbell; Erie will give 3000 and Tioga 3500 more ; glorious Bradford is good for at least 4000 and Indiana 2200; Lawrence will roll up 2300 and Chester 2500; Little Lebanon, Dauphin, Delaware and Susquehanna will each give 1500, whilst Union, Snyder, Blair, Huntingdon, Somerset, Potter, Warren, Beaver, Butler, Mercer, Craw ford, Venango, Armstrong, McKean and Perry will all come up with more than their usual Republican majorities. One grand united effort on Tuesday next, and the day is ours. VOTE EARLY! In the Market. The Reading Eagle accuses the Repub licans of having bought over the editor of an Irish Democratic paper in New York. This is their old story—whenever a patriotic, freedom loving Democrat quits the foul party, they will have it that he is bought by the Republicans. According to these accusations Demo cratic editors and Democrats generally, must be in the market. We never hear of such a thing as buying up Republicans, for the simple reason, we suppose % that that they are not for sale. Will the Eagle inform us, what is the lowest cash price of a common Democrat just now ? VOTE EARLY. The Fenians. Several Irish newspapers, and many of the Fenians, have recently declared against Seyitiour and Blair, and for Grant and Colfax. Among the reasons for these changes, we suppose the principal one is Frank Blair's Know-Nothing speech some years ago, in which he de clared he would "rather sleep with a nigger than an Irishman." VOTE EARLY! Sff Tour Stamps. The Copperheads favor a repudiation of the national debt, and hope to make votes by their clamor against bond holders. They forget that every poor man who has greenbacks in his pocket, from fifty dollars down to a ten cent stamp is just as much a creditor of the Government as the bonciholder. If they expect to induce poor men to vote away their hard earned greenbacks they will find their mistake on next Tuesday night. VOTE EMILY! "D-woePetti , "' Pytwittid KLUX B E R KS 51'0INTS 13EDFOItD ST. CHERRY HILL FORT PILLOW A ND ERS ()XVI LL E LAKE BRIM STONE STATE OF KENTUCKY THE BLAIR FAMILY LANCASTER CITY POLICE FRB Naturalization frauds.--Itow to Treat Them. We caution all election officers not to receive any votes offered by those who claim to be naturalized citizens by virtue of papers issued by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. They are base frauds and forgeries, and to receive such votes would be outrageous. Election officers should be very careful about naturaliza tion papers generally, and satisfy them selves well that all holders are clearly entitled to naturalization by full five years' residence in this country. In all really doubtful cases, treat the papers as frauds and forgeries, and reject the votes. The Supreme Court papers are all bogus, and every holder ought to be promptly arrested and required to give an account of himself before an impartial majistrate. VOTE EARLY I The Boys in Blue !--Immense De- monstration. , --Fifieen Thou sand Veterans in Line! The demonstration of the Boys in Blue, last Thursday and Friday, in Phil adelphia, was the largest and most en thusiastic of the kind ever witnessed in this country. Over fifteen thousand vet erans marched in line to the music of Liberty and 'Union. We are unable, for want of space, to attempt giving an ac count of the glorious gathering. We can only say that it was much greater and grander than was expected by any one. It proves that our gallant defend ers in the field mean also to protect us against the political organization of butchers, assassins, traitors and perju rers at the ballot-box, on Tuesday next. VOTE EARLY ! 11 hat Sheridan Says. In response to the invitation to be pre sent at the great Soldiers' Convention, in Philadelphia, Phil. Sheridan writes : "Say to the Boys in Blue that it is as es sential to have a political victory this fall as it was to have an Appomattox in 1865, and that every man who loves his country should vote for Grant." Ow torrtsponltente. MANOR, Oct. 1, 1868. EDITORS FATHER ABRAHAM:—The farmers' boys of the north-west corner of Manor township, claim the honor of hav ing erected a splendid Grant and Colfax pole, eighty feet in length, on the road between Brenneman's Hotel and Colum bia, about midway between the former place and the Columbia turnpike, on Wed nesday evening, September 30th. The af fair was hastily gotten up, and was known to but few. There were about twenty-five persons in all, and, although owing, to the limited means at hand, many doubted the capability of so small a number to raise the ponderous weight, the pole went up triumphantly, and about ten o'clock at night three hearty cheers rent the air as the Grant and Colfax flag kissed the skies. The manner in which the affair was con ducted displayed a great unity of purpose, without which they could not have accom plished their work. No speakers being present or engaged, they called upon several of their own number. B. N. Lehman and H. R. Myers, responded with able and eloquent addresses; after the addresses, the boys gave three times three cheers, and retired to their homes satisfied that Grant will be elected. The place where the pole was raised is gener ally called "Bunkum Corner." MArca CHUNK, PA., Sept. 20. DEAR FATHER ABRAHAM :—.I desire to . ,submit a few lines on the political situa tion in this locality. The Republicans here in " Little Carbon" are more thor oughly organized than ever before, and if we do not carry the county in October, we will certainly so reduce the Rebocratic majority as to secure a square victory iu November. As for the Johnny Rebs in this county, their only organization worth talking about is the Young Mens' Seymour and Blair Club. This crowd meets in the " Belfry" of the Court House, and is run by the District Attorney. On last Satur- J. R. M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers