Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, October 02, 1868, Image 2

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tathcr Abraham."
"I shell have no policy of my men to en
force against the trill of the people."—GßA NT.
Premirle HI:
Gen. IT (;- A NT,
SCIIL''i 1
Auditor General:
Surveyor General:
Congress (Unexpired Term):
Associate Judge :
DR. J. C. GATCHELL, Mantic.
JACOB G. PETERS, Conestoga.
AARON H. SUMNY, East Henn&cid
District Attorney:
County Commissioner:
Prison Inspectors :
H. SHIRR, West Cocalico
Directors of the Poor
GEORGE FRY, East Cocotte()
Auditor :
" FATHER ABRAHAM" will be furnish
ed at the following rates :
One copy for
Five copies in a package to one ad-
Ten copies in a package to one ad
dress $2.00
Fifty copies in a package to one ad
There will be no further reduction of
price during the campaign. Persons
getting up clubs will bear in mind
that, at the above rates, we cannot ad
dress each paper, but only seed them in
packages as may be directed by those
getting up the club.
Col. John W. Forney
Will address meetings in Lancaster
county, as follows :
NEW frOLLAND, Thursday, Oct. Bth,
AIILLEUSVILLE, Friday, Oct. 9th, after-
SAFE HARBOR, Friday, Oct. 9th, even-
PEACH. BOTTOM, Saturday, Oct. 10th,
Republicans on the Southern
Look out for rebel colonization from
Maryland on the 2d Tuesday in October.
A well-organized scheme to colonize in: the
sixteenth district has been detected. Put
The best men on guard; watch with ceaseless
eigilence, lest the enemy surprise you.
Don't forget that rebel skirmishers used to
wear blue uniforms.
To Irishmen.
WinLE the Democratic leaders are
trying out that this is a white man's Gov
and are especially zealous in
exciting the ire of the Irish Catholics
against the black man, the Cincinnati
Telegraph, the leading organ of the
Catholic Church of the West, edited by
the Very Rev. Edward Purcell (formerly
so well known in Lancaster,) and brother
cff the Rt. Rey. Archbishop Purcell, says :
The Catholic Church has always done this
jmade no distinction of color in their parish
schools]. Black and whites study and recite
and eat side by side at the College of the Pro
paganda, Rome. There are now seventeen ne
groes being educated for Priests in one institu
tion in Naples. Last year a negro student car
ried off the highest prize at the Propoganda,
Rome. The same equality prevails in her
churches throughout the world.
Glorious Old Lancaster! Twenty
Thousand Freemen in council!
Acres of Republicans and
Niles of Processions !
Tuesday, the 29th, will long be remem
bered as the day of the greatest political
gathering within the recollection of the
oldest inhabitant. Before nine o'clock
in the morning the city was apparently
full, and a continuous tide of human be
ings pouring in from every direction. The
procession, which we cannot undertake
to describe for want of space, was three
miles in length, and among the distin
guished individuals composing it, was
" Der Pit Schwefflebrenner un de Bevvy,
fun Schliffletown." Bands of music, ban
ners, ladies and fine horses were innu
merable. The principal speakers on the
common, where three large stands were
erected, were Governor Geary, Senator
Patterson of N. H., Hon. Galusha A.
Grow and Gen. Kilpatrick. An immense
meeting was held at Fulton Hall in the
evening, which was addressed by Stock
ett Mathews, Esq., Gen. Kilpatrick and
Gen. Crawford.
It is remarkable that when nothing was
to he saved bid the country, Mr. Seymour
declared that the Government had no
hmccr to ••coerce" rebels, and that when
the rebels began to "coerce" the Govern
ment Mr. Seymour retired to the frontier
of Minnesota.
; . :
The New York Herald says " Seymour
can talk more without saying anything,
and write more without meaning anything
than any other man we know."
There was an enormous conspiracy
against the Government. For two years
it had made bloody war. Its intention
was frankly expressed, its objects plainly
defined. It aimed at a dissolution of the
Union by means of forcible revolution,
and Mr. Seymour, the statesman, was for
The rebels demanded a separation be
cause of what they alleged to have been
a radical and essential incompatibility,
and Mr. Seymour, the statesman, suggest
They boldly and defianly refused to
obey the laws and Mr. Seymour, the
statesman, says " LET'S CONCILIATE."
In the same manner, and upon the
same principle, when the brute mob of
New York, inflamed by him and his par
tisans, were burning houses and murder
ing defenceless persons, the same Mr.
Seymour called them, still reeking with
innocent blood, " My friends ;" and tried
Citizens refused to obey the law, they
resisted it with blood, and Horatio
Seymour says " My friends don't do so ;
please let us know the conditions on
which you will obey." Alas for such
It is now safe to assure our friends abroad
that the Republicans of glorious old Lan
caster county will contribute more than
their full share towards the twenty thou
sand majority for liartranft and Campbell
on the 13th inst. The organization of the
party is nearly, or quite perfect. Our
candidate for Congress, Col. 0. J. Dickey,
is doing a glorious work on the stump.
his speeches are eloquent, logical and
unanswerable ; and where ever be goes
he is pronounced a fit successor to the
lamented Thaddeus Steveos. The nom
ination of Mr. Dickey has secured for the
party a safe and competent leader, and
his election will give us a bold, radical
and faithful representative. But Col.
Dickey is by no means the only effective
campaigner of the Old Guard. Messrs.
Rea, Griest, Fisher, Reinoehl, Amwake,
Billingfelt, Brosius, Rosenmiller and
many others are constantly at work, and
doing good execution. In a word, Lan
caster county will poll her full Repub
lican vote on the 13th instant, and give
more than her usual majority. Let Cops
stand from under.
While the Southern traitors were plot
ting to overthrow and destroy the Govern
ment and Constitution, they looked to the
Democracy of the North Tor encourage
ment, sympathy, and support ; and found
there what they sought. President Bu
chanan told them that they " would be
justified in revolutionary resistance to the
Government and Union." And Ex-
President Pierce encouraged them to pro
ceed, as " the fighting will be within our
own borders, in our own streets."—
Throughout the Rebellion, they found
the same sympathy, encouragement and
support in the same quarter ; and, to
day, these same unrepentant rebels
derive all their hopes and inspirations
for somehow obtaining what Gov. Vance
of North Corolina said they "fought for"
throngh the aid and assistance of the
same party by the election of Seymour
and Blair.
lloratio's Sfiftesnimiship
The Old Guard.
Read and Reflect.
We enjoyed the honor of addressing
the Republicans of Massillon and Canton,
Stark county, Ohio, on Friday and Sat
urday evening last. Owing to the very
unfavorable State of the weather, the
Massillion meeting was not as large
was expected. The meetbig at Can
ton, on Saturday evening, was decid
edly one of the largest and most enthu
siastic local gathering we ever attended.
An unsurpassed Republican glee club
contributed largely to the enthusiasm
which characterized the meeting. Dr. C.
Garber, formerly of this county presided
over the meeting. On the night of the
13th instant, the Buckeye Boys will send
us some thundering election figures—not
less than 25,000 Republican majority in
the State.
Canton is a beautiful and progressive
young city of SOW inhabitants, and the
seat of Sta; k County, located one hun
dredmiles vyst of Pittsburg. The streets
are from IW;•.- to seventy feet wile, and
many fine new buildings, including a
magnificent Court House, are iu course of
erection. The St. Cloud Hotel is one of
the best kept houses in the State. The
two live and well sustained newspapers of
the city—the Reposifiwy and the llopith
hic,to--are doing, good survi;.e for (fruit
and Colfax. The town of :k
also a delightful and thriving town. We
are under many obligations to the Re
publicans of both places for the cordial
manner in which our feeble efforts were
received by them.
Nigger On The Brain!
For the special benefit of our Irish
friends who came from the " Green
Isle" to this country for FREEDOM, and
who show their honesty and consistency
by voting against "LIBERTY to all nations
and to all the inhabitants thereof ," we
copy the following from the Columbia
Spy, where we first saw it published.
We hope they will set it to music, and
sing it. " Limmerick," in the ancient
Borough of York, " over the waters" of
the Susquehanna, is especially called
upon to notice them. The "Irish Lords"
about Lancaster can also profit by read
ing and pondering them :
Nigger! Nigger!! Nigger!!! Nigger!!!!
lle nigger ; ! she nigger!
Big nigger! little nigger!
Old niter! young nigger!
Nigger up nigger down!
Nigger preacher ! nigger clown !
Nigger hence! nigger thence!
There's a nigger on the fence!
Nigger thin! nigger thick!
N igger slim ! nigger slick!
N igger bald ! nigger-wool !
'Gaiust the nigger let us pull!
Still no matter what they think!
Cuss these niggers how they stink!
Up the hill and down the level !
Let us fork each woolly devil!
The big and little Dicks, and the big
and little Paddys, and all the murphys
around here should begin to tune their
pipes, "be jabers !''
A Few Questions Answered!
Who originated the phrase that the
Union must fall, rather than slavery ?
Whose " friends " were the wanton
burners of Orphans' Asylums and the
remorseless murderers of innocent men
and children ?---HoRATio SEYMOUR.
Whose election would tend to restore
the ," Lost Cause ?"—HORATIO SEY
Who said the war was a failure while
Grant was writing " the rebellion is on
its last legs ?"—IIORATIO SEYMOUR.
Of whose name have we had enough
for this generation ?—HORATIO SEY
Who will be our next President?—
The Republicans of Alleghany—their
county committee, editors, speakers and
leading men—all stand pledged to give
for Hartranft and Campbell, on the 13th
instant. This may seem like a big figure—
ten thousand Republican majority in a
single county of the Keystone State, but
we are entirely satisfied that the major
ity will not be less than ten thousand.
Some of the more enthusiastic claim even
from eleven to twelve thousand. Ten
thousand is the safe figure.
Grand Mass Meetings in Berks,
Lebanon and Schuylkill I
The grand mass meeting of the Repub
licans of Berks will take place to-mor
row, Oct. 3, at Reading, and at the same
time also at Lebanon. The great meet
ing of Schuylkill will he held at Potts
ville on the 10th instant.
If the " Sour Kraut Gorillas" of this
city have any inclination to try their
muscle, we advise them to go to the Read
ing meeting.
The Democratic leaders have given up
all hopes of carrying this State fairly,
and are now resorting to fraud. A num
ber of rebels from Maryland have been
imported for the purpose of carrying cer
tain doubtful congressional districts. Be
on the look out for them!
The Buckeye State.
Glorious Alleghany.
Look Out For Them !
Patriotic Gems from the Next
" I care nothing for promotion, so long
as our arms are successful."—Graut to
Sherman, Febnary, 1862.
"If my course is not satisfactory, re
move me at once. Ido not wish in any
way to impede the srfccess of our arms."
—Grant to Haileek, February 6, 1862.
"No theory of my own will ever stand
in the way of my executing in good faith
any order I may receive from those in
authority over me."—Grant to Secretary
Chase, May 29, 1863.
" This is a Republic, where the will of
he people is the law of the land."—
Grant'l Letter to President Jo/meson, Any.
" I shall have no policy of my own to
enforce against the will of the people."
—Grant's Lifter, May 29, 1868.
"Human liberty the only true founda
tion of human government."—Grant's
Letter to Citizens of ilftnyhts.
"Let us have peace."—Grant's Letter,
May 29, 1868.
Our it orresponbente.
( 17. Y( 0 ;1; I'l.,
F.DiTons: I ht , reN‘ith enelose
you the fourth club for FATHER ABRA
HAM, fUld amount for the same.
Politi• al afiirs are very encouraging
here, and we expect a larger Republican
majority in our little township than ever
before. Many honest Democrats are
seeking after truth, and becoming grad
ually indoctrinated in sound Republican
principles. They begin to see the folly
of remaining with a party far behind the
spirit of the times, and they are coming
over under the banner of true civilization.
For this we are indebted chiefly to that pow
erful agency the public press, and your
FATHER ABRAHAM has done its share.
" Pit's" communications are relished by
all. Your readers here who are acquaint
ed with the peculiar dialect in which they
are written, pronounce them the most
perfect productions of the kind that ever
appeared in print, whilst the matter con
tained therein presents perfect pictures
of the Democracy as it is in many locali
ties. B. G.
Sept. 28, 1868. S
FATHER ABRAHAM : A large and en
thusiastic Republican meeting was held
here, at Boyer's Hotel, last Saturday
evening, which was addressed by Gen.
Louis Wagner and Dr. J. 11. Seltzer, of
Philadelphia—the latter speaking in both
English and German languages. Never
in the history of the Republican party
were the prospects so favorable, in this
part of the county, as now. The election
of Gen. Cake, our popular and able Con
gressman, is considered a sure thing.
Indeed, it is an open question whether
Cake or his copperhead opponent will
carry this county. Lebanon, is of course,
good for 1500 majority.
U;rEn LEACOCK, Sept. 2oth, iSr
MESSRS. EDITORS : The cops of this
township undertook to raise a Seymour
pole at Monterey, last Monday, but in
noodling the thing the splice gave way
and broke in two. They resolved to
raise the upper part, but failed by the
next splice breaking also, whereupon
they concluded to adjourn to Graham's,
at Barevilee, to drown their troubles with
copperhead long-range whiskey. Col.
Pyter and Wm. P. Brinton were to ad
dress the meetings, but as the pole
wasn't raised, they had but little to say.
I. E. Mester, Esq., stood the whiskey to
start the performance, and left, taking
for granted that the pole would go up,
but it didn't. The whole affair was the
most ridiculous farce ever witnessed.
fatiler 44,rallant's
THE Democratic party has become a
treasonable faction ; it proposes to elect
a President for the purpose of overthrow
ing the laws, and offers no policy which
does not involve revolution and war.
A vote for Hartranft and Campbell is
a vote for economy, peace and pros
perity; but a vote for Boyle and Ent,
their opponents on the State ticket, is a
vote for Seymour and Blair, and financial
REPUBLICANS, we vote twice for Grant
this fall ; once on the 13th day of October,
and again on the 3d day of November.
THE Republicans of Nothampton and
Lehigh are working like beavers—so are
those of Carbon. These are heavy
Democratic counties; but every Republi
can vote counts as heavily as if it were
thrown in Lancaster or Allegheny.
" IF," as a rebel sheet says, " hell is
peopled with such men as Brownlow,"
how terrible will be the condition of
Democrats in that locality
SEYMOUR is a zealous advocate of the
reduction of our army. Those who did
so much to reduce our army at Anderson
ville, Salisbury, Belle Isle, and in the
battles of the war, will vote for him.
PLANT a school-house at every cross
roads, and you dissolve the Democratic
JAMES T. BRADY, the distinguished
Irish Lawyer of New York, is the latest
accession of note to the Grant and Colfax
ranks. The Sun announces authoritati
vely his withdrawal frome the "Lost
THE New York Herald say New York
city will double the Republican vu - t% of
last year, and that Grant and Griswold
will carry the State in November by a
sweeping majority.
IF it were not for Robert E. Lee's
rebel soldiers Horatio Seymour would not
get a single electoral vote in November.
THE difference—Maine is Republican ;
Mania-a-potu Democratic.
A LETTER from Burlington, Vt., close
as follows : " Business is at a stand still
here. We are all busy burying Demo
crat•. Shall finish in November."
The Democrats of Lancaster had a ke . !:, ,
of powder in readiness for a jubilee over
the Vermont election. They didn't buy
any for Maine.
IN a single club that paraded on Tues
day a week, in Philadelphia, at the Union
League meeting, there marched twenty
five men who voted the Democratic ticket
last tall. Big straw, that.
" VOTE only for such men a.; were
loyal to their country in 1861."—General
FRANK BLAIR has turned poet. lie
lately "threw otr" the following:
"Into the pure and crystal cup
A gill I poured of ancient rye.
And as with this 1 mixed it up
The wt ter smiled—and so dill I
ITE asked an old resident if he saw the
Democratic celebration on Saturday even
ing. Ile replied : " I saw a long proces
sion of Gen. Grant's paroled prisoners—
is that what you referred to ?"—New
Orleans. Republican.
FARMERS REMEMBER—Every vote e fo,
seymour is a vote to Tax your farms. "
TILE Democrats are smu!r,ding rebels
from Maryland into l'eumvivania. It is
nut tlu* Mst tint- the rebels have tried to
capture this 'tate. In this attempt they
will meet with a second GetlySbUr2'.
THE Democratic "whiskey ring" has,
by a just estimate, swindled the t4overn
ment out of :300,000,000. Democratic
" Let us have peace !"
"CAUGHT up in a whilwind "
Democracy of Maine.
GRANT acts, Seymour talks, and Blair
blows and drinks.
Son Democrat, discontented with the
news from Vermont, says that the only
luck the Democrats ever had in that
State was when they carried St. Albans
during the war. That time they came in
from Canada.
Tm Democrats are tricky, hut they
are not well up iu ledgerde-Maine.—
%\ T ILLIAM M. LENT, one of the most
prominent State politicians in California,
has just come out for Grant and Colfax.
State, Ohio. will give fifty thousand Re
publican majority.
JOHN WILLIAMS deliberately shot
himself dead, at Danville, Ky., a few days
ago. Cause—copper on the brain.
SUNSET Cox has taken suddenly ill
since the Maine election, and couldn't
address the unwashed of Lancaster, on
Monday a week. What a pity !
REPUDIATION, Revolution, and Ruin,
will he the consequences of Democratic
success at the polls in November ! Shall
we have them.
SUNSET Cox's sickness was caused by
the bad prospects of his party in Penn
sylvania. Ile wisely abandoned the
canvass to save his credit. Cowan will
do the same thing.
Republicans, the watchword from this
hour at home, in the State. and in the na
tion, is Work ! Work !! Work !!! With
out it we will
WILKEs' SPIRIT says the average bet
ting in the political market is about 1000,.;
to $6OO on Grant, with few takers at that
IN 1863 when Abraham Lincoln was
calling for live hundred thousand men,
Horatio Seymour was making speeches in
behalf of a "conciliatory policy."
IN one of the townships in Wabash
county, Illinois; thirty Democrats recently
called a meeting and all signed a pledge
to vote for Grant and Colfax.
IN lowa they are organizing clubs of
" Grant Girls." "Match 'em."
W. 11. ENGLISH, former Democratic
member of Congress f'rom the Second
district of Indiana, now supports Grant
and Colfax.
WONDER if Seymour had any reference
to the election in Maine when he
said: "I have been caught up by the
swelling tide and myself unable to resist
its pressure."
We have but one motto in this contest,
but one watch word upon our banner—
and it is that "Loyalty shall govern what
loyalty preserved."
THE Pittsburgh Commercial says that a
dozen foreigners were fraudulently na
turalized in that city a few days agro, and
that such frauds are perpetrated daily
throughout Pennsylvania. It is nearly
time the Republicans adopted some effec
tive means to put a stop to it.
TEE New York Herald, which, by the
way, we notice Democratic journals de
nounce as Radical, because it predicts
the election of Grant and Colfax, illus
trates the Democratic method of figuring
the results in Maine as follows :
"The newspaper organ of Messrs Bel
mont and Barlow claims heavy Demo
cratic gains in the Maine election, and
that proportionate gains will give them
the States of Pennsylvania, Ohio, and In
diana by handsome majorities. If a frog
at the bottom of a well jumps up four feet
and falls back six every jump, how many
jumps will bring him out."
On! have you heard the news from
All honest and true,
For Chamberlain ten thousand gain,
For Gram toe true, and Colfax, too,
And with them we'll beat any man man.
Of the Kuklux Klan,
And with thine we'll beat any man.
DR. TOWNSEND P. ABELL , editor of
Our Country, the Democratic paper in
Middletown Ct., and the organ of the
party in Middlesex county, abandons his
old party and will sustain Grant and
Colfax. . . ,
—Vermont and