Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, October 02, 1868, Image 1

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" 76th malice towards none, with charity for
all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us
'-' x
care for him who shall have borne the battle, and
. ,4- *
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for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may
to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work achieve and cherish a just and a tasting peace
we are in; to bind up the nations wounds; to ,r among ourselves and with all nations."—.7l...L.
VOL 1.
-II 't -
Ginpig IV. G. Baker's Drug Store and J. Marshall
.S'on's Shoe Store,
Office: No. rot East King Street, Lancaster, Pa
1 .-1 • Arrn IBN EN" AT LAW.
4 IFFicE—SOUTII QULEN Strcrt, SpCl Old haus(
below the •• I'ount:olw 1n,.. Lancaster. Pa.
A ri"ri .EN EY AT LAW
)FFIcE—No.IIN( Ir UNE Street, NV,,Z `Ade,
1101111 of the Court I.;,livi;ster..r:l.
Livnti.;Nt.m, NOILIII 1)1.:E1
, lIN Ey AT LAW.
)rFicE—Witli I. E. fii• I:K1
St t, uc:u• the Court Ilounr, L> u u•a,tcr. Pa.
k Ayr , )itN t•I v AT LAW,
or . ricE—No. 3 S JL Tn KEStreet, Lanc:Mer,
B F. ];,IE It.
4 , FFicE—No. at.TII DUKE St rvet, Lanca4
A"I"I'i)E.NEY Al' LAW,
tiFFICE—NO. 5 7.s.:oliTit DUKE, Strort, Laucar , -
If'r. Pa.
K . It - 1; TTER,
. A'FfultNEY AT LAW,
"FFICE-With Gen,' al .1. W. li,her, NORTH
E Start, Llowastcr, Pa.
lIFFICE-NO. Di NORTH DUKE Strc.t, Lancas
ter. Pa.
J. I • ATT. }lt NEY LAW,
IFFICE—No. 4 SOUTH QUEEN Street, Lancas
ter, Pa.
ir . FicE—No. 25 SOUTH QU EEN Strect, Lan
caster, l'a.
orricE_No. 30 IcultT I. I>UK E Street, Lithea: ,
ter, Pa.
E—NO. 8 SO trii QUEEN Street, Lancas-
. 11.0131ir I
i ,
N 'O '
OFFICE—No. 28 NORTH DUKE Street, Lancas
ter, Pa.
No. 135 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia
Office with O. .1. Dickey, Esq., No. 21 South
Queen street, Lancaster, Pa.
office of the late Pon. Thaddeus Stevens,
No. 26 South Queen street,
Lancaster, Pa
- -
No. 46 North Sixth Street, Reading, Pa
No. 604 COURT Street, (opposite the Court House)
Reading, Pa.
No. 2$ NORTH SIXTH Street, Reading, Pa
PUBLIC, No. 27 soitrii SIXTH Street, Read
ing, Pa.
No. 134 SOUTH FINTII Street, Reading, Pa.
TILE pro-rebel papers are consoling
themselves with the idea that Vermont
and Maine will go 'Democratic' in twenty
five or thirty-years, if it 'keeps on.' This is
hardly probable, as the number of school
houses and churches are increasing rather
than diminishing.
IT is a mistake to suppose that the
Democracy has adopted the Grecian
bend. Its present peculiar position
should, in reality, be attributed to the fact
that it is trying to recover the wind which
was knocked out of it by the terrible
Before, Ditriliff, Since.
Though thou that art betrayed do feel the
treason sharply, yet the traitor stands in worse
case Of WW. -Si, (Ili . 041) eare.
THAfTou.—One who, in the breach of trust,
delivers his trust to its enemy. One who be
trays his trust.—Wcbsfer.
When S(Httlirons in their cherished hate,
11-hdved On separation,
Arid claimed that every Federal State
Was, in itself; a nation,
Where storm! Ibwatio Seymour'
Anil Mien they caused wide-spread alarms,
By their assumed transeendanee,
And madly sought, by forcii of arms,
Co ,tin their independence,
What said Ibwatio Seymour?
And when ()hi ithe," the l'rositlent,
711‘ , st kitttlly apprise them,
II t ilia not at owe repent,
s'arely \vouble - aa.stise them.
What did llorati , ) Seymour?
And when tt len , .4tlt the war holt,an,
And patriots feared ;tt..11 trembled,
Whi,lt was the party—who the man,
Thot in that hour di, , ..emhied
\Va. , it Ihrr.tt:o Seymour
Anti Nyliftit Nrw 5' I!1: I l itleous 111;1 ,1,
Ilv molt N. '
Wilt) wat, ;t tip!' trit:•4 iwtntved,
W 1,4) . , \ 4 111)111.titI S,,V11),1111.?
lil.l \yip!, thion:2,lo)Rt t1o• li~,ut'ul strife
(nu. ;;,)‘s in v,ort,
W1,(1 much
NN'a, it 11, wit' i.) S...inrqtr
( v(af , Its intrixy.
Witii was it -.11.11‘011 lid(' t 1111‘.0
Ot moll a liberal ?
dust ask lloratto
And whet: itt eiOtteen, siyity-tour,
So many •• were elwatod,
.fly being tlw war Was nits.,
tilat per wore iletkttell,
What said I foratio Soym‘mr ?
Alai Cleve. Wlllll t ;rani, till' PIO
Vh() Setalltal that it was so,
And mourned his friends condition?
l'icast‘ a.k Ilora!io ties inonr.
And since the ••rac;" were forced to yield—
Their ol ‘Nailltro. ended
Siuee they ‘s wit contoleretl in the field,
IN - ho haN - . , their cause berrientled?
Just :tsl: II i' n t'o Scylla-au%
'it'd while the Congress guards with care
The iidere..ds of the nation ;
Who seek to force a second war,
I halking legislation
Again ask Blair and Seymour.
When rebel hands are stretched across
The grav es of fil!edom's martyrs,
In hi ;pi s to reineily their loss
By ballots, force or charters,
W here stand both Blair and Seymour?
'Mien Northern ' , /ttiis' and Southern rebs -
Arc in affiliation,
As Nvaip awl woof in weavers's webs,
Who irnil the close relation 2
Jett' Davis, Blair and Seymour.
LEE, August, I [ Utica //Pratt/.
Gen. Dix for Grant.
We call attention to the following let
ter from Gen. Dix, our Minister to
France. The General is a Democrat—
not a Copperhead rebel. lie is the same
man who was Secretary of War under
Buchanan, after the traitor Floyd had re
signed, and delivered the celebrated or
der : If any man attempts to take down
the American flay, SHOOT HIM ON THE
SPOT," much to the disgust of the North
ern dough-faces and rebels, and who
wrote to Seymour, when Governor of the
State of New York, during the bloody
and incendiary riots of July, 1863, in the
city of New York, "that he had men
enough to take care of the rioters, and
you (Seymour) too." lie was on the
wrong track for awhile, and presided at
the celebrated "Bread and Butter" Con
vention in Philadelphia, in August, 1866,
has since been a supporter of Johnson's
policy, and was sent as minister to France
last winter by that Great Criminal. But
read the following :
PAms, Sept. 4,186 S.—My Div). Sir—lt was
toy hope that my distance from home would
have saved me from all participation iii the
political excitement prevailing there. But 1
notice in one of the newspapers that I am
heart and hand with Mr. Seymour. lam not
aware of anything in the present or in the past
winch could righttidly subject me to such an
I have been acquainted with Mr. Seymour
more than a quarter of a century. He is an
amiable gentleman, of unexceptionable private
character, and respectable talents. But you
know as well as I that he has not a single qual
ification for the successful execution of the high
official tnist to which he has been nominated,
and he is especially deffcient in that firmness of
purpose which in critical emergencies is the
only safeguard againt public disorder and ca
lamity. He has been twice at different times
Governor of the State of New York, and he
has in neither case Lad the talent or the tact to
keep the Denineratie party of the State to-
his election at this juncture, when stemilneAt
of purpose, decision and soli-control are so
much needed, as use of the greatest calamities
that could Wall the country. Moreover, he
has been put in nomination by a Convention
which has openly declared the purpose of those
it represents to pay the greater part. of the pub
lic debt, contracted to preserve the Union, in
depreciated paper.
Such a measure would, in my judgment, be
a palpable violation of the publie flail, pledged
under (ileum:ft:awes which should have been
binding on all honorable men. Mr. Seymour
has made public spoteelnis to show that it is our
duty to pay the debt in specie. In accepting
his nomination to the Presidency lie adoers the
declaration that it ought to be paid in paper.
I know nothing so humiliating in the history
of American polities as this toegiverste ion. It
was, perhaps, not unfit that Mr. Seymour,
after presiding in loqf4 over t h e Chieaeo Con
vention, which declared the tear a fliilure,
should preside over the Convention of ItsG.s , in
Mill it proposition to discredit .the debt con
tracted to v.irry on the war was received with
-tremendous cheering," and that he should be
the chosen instrument to execute this act of
national turpitude.
I do not believe that the wishes or opinions
of the great body of the I)emocratie party are
fairly eXPIVSSCiI in these proceedings. Tlwy
lace nothing in common whit the statesman
like crew of policy and the high sense of na
tional holler which guided the pally when
Martin Van Buren, - William L. - ..Niare, Silas
Wright, Lev, is Cass and Stephen A. Looteltis
weee among its
J c bat ow , <iii iii ul .riot/ fruit the. ruuntry
u nrir-r r.ri.niinq eircum. , l,t;wr,. uttrl Ate js
G, tie roi ()ii his decision ef
china: .1., good sins:.. nunhu ititiou awl iliSilltCC
c4(.(l patriotism, 4 bellrlYe the South will have
a far better hope of regitining the position in
the Union to which it is entitled, tha.t nutlet.
it Illitit whose pOlit lea! carver 11i1S been in
nothing 'note conspucionsly marked than in an
utter infirmity of purpose.
luilepindently of all these considerations, 1.
should be greatly surprised if the people of the
United States were to elect as their Chief Mag
ist ran' a man who was making, at the Academy
of Music, on the 4th of July, 1503, a swech de
ficient in all the characteristics of an elevated
love of country, at the very holt'. when General
I:rant was carry iirho victorious arms of the
Union into Viekshurg, and when thousands of
etu Elliot!' countrymen wen , .pottring out their
blood on the plains of Gettysburg, iti detiinse of
their homes and the government. which Mr.
Seymour was doing till in his power to embar
rass moil discredit.
I ain quite willing that you should show thi,
letter to :tny friend who may tal:e an interest
in nth opinion in regard to the coining election,
and 18111 p:oticularly (10,irous o f retuoying the
impression, if it exists, tlmt 1 amt iu lhvor of
Mr. Seymour. Or tilt' rt•hutliutiol of any portion
of the public debt.
I au:, dear sir , ver:,, , truly y o ur s ,
'Iwo; A. 1)1x.
An Eloquent mal Forcible Appeal.
We publish the concluding sentences
from the great speech of Senator Morton,
of Indiana, delivered in Philadelphia, on
Thursday evening, last week Let every
one read and act upon it :
Let me appeal to the soldier, the L'iMm sol
dier, to stand by his great leader—to stand by
the party that rejoiced in his victories, a n al
wept over his defeats; that fed a n d clothed him
during the war; that nursed him when sick
and wolinded ; that will love and honor Lin
while living, and mourn over him when dead.
Let t h e appeal to the laboring imui to stand by
the party that would make labor honorable,
and give to it its just rewards ; that would
place the burden of taxation upon the rich and
upon capital, and make smooth and easy the
path that leads flout labor to wealth. Let me
appeal to the banker, the merchant, the manu
facturer, the man (it' capital, to stand by the
party that will give repose to the country and
stability to business everywhere ; that will im
prove the currency, that will maintain the
public faith, and protect every man in the
enjoyment of his property. Let me appeal
to the selfishness of those who love neither their
country nor their kind, but are wholly devoted
to their own interests, to stand by the party that
will prote.t alike labor and property, and that
will defend the rights of every man before the
law. Let me appeal to that great class that
love liberty, truth, Justice, and humanity to
stand by the party that alwlished slavery ; that
will secure to every man the enjoyment of life,
liberty and property ; that preserved the Repub
lic ; that would now bind up the bleeding
wounds of the nation ; that would lift up the
weak and lowly, and restore the blessings of
peace to all the land. When the fierce tempest
has twisted and crushed the forest, and the
swollen rivers have risen over their banks and
carried wreck and ruin through all the valleys,
the rain suddenly ceases, the winds are hashed,
the clouds break away, and the sun shines
forth in all his splendor, drying np the tears rf
nature and making the land bri g ht an d h appy.
So when the storm of war ltas passed, when
the sword has been beaten into the plough
share and the voice of angry faction is hushed,
the smut of peace will shine forth, making the
hearts of all men to rejoice, and causing hap
piness, prosperity, progress, and power to
spring up like thrifty plants in a virgin soil."
Sherman, of Ohio, was in the House. he
served on a committee with Thaddeus
Stevens, and the latter, on several occa
sions, asked him to frank some letters for
him. Upon an inquiry why Mr. S. did
not frank them himself, it appeared that
he was enclosing small sums of money to
various poor people, but did not wish to
be known to them as their benefactor.
Such was the quiet - benevolence of the
Democratic Alphabet.
A—Andersonville, a place where the
Democratic rebels starved 12,000
Union prisoners to death.
B—Bull Run. the name of a battle where
the Democratic rebels defeated the
Union soldiers; the anniversary of
this battle is always a source of joy
to the Democrats.
Beauregard, a good Democrat, who
wrote to the rebel Democratic Secre
tary of War at Richmond, in 1862,
that it was time to hoist the black
flag and kill the Union prisoners
by the garrote.
C—Canada, an English province, from
where raids were made into the
United States by Democratic rebels.
Chambersburg ; a town in Pennsylva
nia, which was nearly burned down
by Democratic rebels tinder Mc-
D—Jeff Davis, the head of the Democratic
Fort Donelson, where I'. S. Grant
made his first speech to the Demo
crats who were in possession of that
E—Emissaries were sent during the re
bellion by the Democrats to France
and Englood to persuade those gov-
Nlinients to help destroy our Repuh
Early, Juba], a re hel Democratic
general, who was rather roughly
handled by a Union !veneral named
Phil Sheridan.
F—Forrest. the butcher of Union prison
ers at Fort Pillow, is a good Demo
crat, and was a delegate at the Dem
ocratic Convention, New York.
G —Guerillas—Democratic partisans—
who hung Union prisoners &rine• the
war. outraged the wives of the same,
and burned their dwellings.
ll—Hunger, which Union soldiers, as
prisoners of war, were made to sutliT
by Democratic rebels.
I—lndians, employed by the Democrats
at Pea Ridge to scalp the Union
J—Johnson, the renegade ; a good Demo
crat; the author of the New Orleans
massacre, in 1866, when Union own
were murdered by Democratic rebels.
K—Kuklux is the name by which the
Democratic murdering bands are
known. Many thousand Union men
have already been murdered by these
L—Abraham Lincoln, murdered by that
good Democrat, J. Wilkes Booth,
becan?4e he was true to the Union.
M—Murderers were the Democrats in
New York who struck down inoffen
sive people, burned down orphan
asylums, and were addressed by the
Democratic candidate for the Presi
dency as "my friends."
N—Nigger ! to nigger :1! is one of
the Democratic arguments against
the party of the Union.
o—Organization and arming for a new
rebellion is now preached by the
leaders of the Democratic party.
P—Payne, one of the conspirators, and a
good Democrat.
Q—Quantrell, a good Democrat, and
who, during the war, hung hundreds
of Union soldiers, and murdered de
fenceless old men, women and chil
dren ; destroyed nearly the whole of
the town of Lawrence, in Kansas.
11—Rebellion against liberty and human
ity was the battle cry of the Demo
crats in 18C4, and is so again in 1868.
S—Semmes, a Democratic pirate, who
burned many merchant vessels during
the rebellion.
T—Taxes! Taxes!! Taxes!!! is one of
the great words used by the Demo
crats, but they never say that these
taxes were made by the Democratic
U—Union is only hated by Democrats,
and they were the only ones who en
deavored to destroy it.
V--Vicksburg is the place where General
Grant made his second speech to a
Democratic mass meeting.
AV—Wirt is the name of a celebrated
Democrat, who was the executioner
of thousands of Union soldiers.
X—The substitute for a signature used
by the majority of Democrats (who
burn down negro school-houses) to
make a mark, because they cannot
write their names.
Y—Yancey ; the name of a Democrat
who was a rebel Democratic commis
sioner in France.
Z—Zeal was displayed by the Democratic
rebels in hunting down Union men
with bloodhouiuls.
-T~.~ --
Seymoar's Statesmauship.
THE Oneida (N. Y.) Di vat eh has found
out why Seymour is a statesman: Be
cause he is a war man in time of
peace, and a peace man in time of war.
In peace he is invincible, in war he is
invisible. Ile never had anything to do
with national affairs, but to oppose the
draft and to denounce the Union soldiers
as "invaders and Lincoln hirelings."
A Speech From Colfax:
Our noble candidate for Vice-President
visited the Union League in New York,
on Thursday evening. lie made a short
and brilliant address, from which we ex
tract the concluding noble words:
GENTLEMEN—I say to you, and I feel that, I
am invading no confidence in doing so, that I
have it, front the lips of our chief. that, when
elected President—for I feel that it has been
decreed that he will be President [applause], no
matter what his administration limy produce
above all things else—we shall have the s:rong,
:um of the Executive, representing the will and
majesty of a mighty people, declaring and in
suring to every citizen, black or white, rich or
poor, be lie humble or exalted, the satbguard of
the nation, and protecting him from every
wrong with the shield of our national strength.
[Great applause.] Ile will use American
power for the protection of the American peo
ple—to protect the American citizen in the
savannahs of the South, as well as the prairies
of the \Vest, whether lie stands by the Atlantic
that surges along the Eastern coasts, or by the
Atlantic that surrounds the foreign countries of
Europe, so that he may tbel, as to American
citizenship, like l'aul felt even amid his ()lie'
lilies, that none may lay finger upon him, for he
was a Roman citizen. [great applause.] Then
we shall have no more Mil'. 110 more dishonor,
110 1111110 liiIFI'II . IICOS I/01{1'0111110 All111.1111Strati1)11
:11111 /110 reprt'SVlltiltiVl'S of the country. Every
Itteller in the land will he protecteli—tlluierhis
own vine a3lll 0 \VII rig -tree, With no traitor
I , l' 4'lll'llly to molest or make him afraid—the
national honor a ill be defended., the national
faith ohseried, the laws of the land will be
1till! from these swiftly-coming days of
peace, our Austerity, blessed by our labors, and
rich tl it h all that we have sacrificed, will realize
the most magnificent future that ever opened to
a people, and a destiny l'CliPSing in its grandeur,
its happiness, its public poisperity and private
virtues, ;di that we find written in the records
et the pas!. It treat applanse.l
1 Sh ort Democratic Catechism.
Who fired the first gun of the rebellion ?
11rho have always favored a dissolution
of the Union?
Who were the leaders of the rebellion ?
Who controlled the States in rebellion ?
What party opposed every measure of
the Government to suppress the rebel
lion ?
The Democratic party.
Who caused the immense debt of our
Who have always declared the war a
failure ?
Who are now butchering Union men
in Texas by the hundre,ds?
Who are the leaders of the Ku Klux
Klan ?
Who went to New York a few years
ago with their carpet-bags tilled with
combustible material, and attempted to
destroy that city by fire?
Who callee Union soldiers hirelings,
dogs and lawless cut-throats?
Who say that if Seymour and Blair are
elected they will win what the South was
fighting for?
!'he Height of Impudence
It is the height of impudence for Wade
Hampton, or any other paroled rebel, to
tell the people of the United States upon
what terms they can have peace.
It is the height of impudence for either
branch of the Copperhead party to com
plain of a national debt created and im
posed upon the country by one portion of
them taking up arms to destroy the
Union, and the other portion encouraging
them in the effort.
It is the height of impudence for the
Copperhead leaders, South and North, to
prate against disfranchisement of a few
individuals on account of treason, when
their avowed purpose is to disfranchise
four millions of people mr account olcom
It is the height of impudence for
George 11. Pendleton to oiler to pay the
national debt in
,greenbacks after predict
inn., as lie did in 1562, that the entire issue
()I' 1. sited States notes would become
worthless in the hands of the holders.
It is the height of impudence for the
Copperhead party to take the sacred
1111111 C of law and Constitution on their
lips, after resolving in their National
Convention that the acts of Congress,
passed in the manner prescribed by the
Constitution, are "void."
It is the height of impudence for the
Copperhead party to present any claims
upon the confidence, or even the fore
bearance, of loyal men, after expending
half of their strength during the space of
four years in an attempt to destroy the
Union, and the other half in an attempt
to prevent anybody else from saving it.
Is there an Irishman who does not
know that the free labor of this land is
the redemption of his own land ? The
Irishman who votes the Democratic ticket
is voting that it is a curse to have free
NO. 18.