penttsplbanistb lcixu t). Brief Punt Schivefflebronner. SCIILIFFLETOWN, Sept. 21, 1868 MISDER FODDER ABRAHAM DRUCKER —Deer Sur: Sidder das du my letshter breef in di ivver ous Booty tseitung nei gedu husht, sin de Sehliffietowner demo- krata yusht about so down uf mich das warm ich an hinkle deeb w[er. Se duna mich alleweil yusht corn-coat,un neegur, un onnery meeny nawma shelta, un awer, du magsht mer now glawa odder net, ich geb yetz nix meh drum was se sauga, for es is kens fun ehra bisness eb ich for der Grant vote odder net. Un now, Mister FODDER ABRAHAM, will lob der amohl sauga we kit ousgemacht hab Bidder ich my letshter brief g'shrivva hab. Der very negsht dog noch dein das de Bevvy mich heam genumma hut funs Kitzelderfer's, hen mer des ding amohl dorrich g'shwetZt, uu ich mus sawga das de Bevvy recht hut, un now will ich der alles gevva was se g'sawt hut. "Now Pit," secht se, "now is es boll amohl tseit das du del mind uf machsht was du im sinn husht tsu du—eb du for der Grant odder der Seimoyer vota wit." "Warm du obsolut a demokrat bleiva wit," secht se, "dorm will ich yetz nix meh dergeaya sawga ; des is an freies loud, un du kannsht du we du wit ; clu mogsht nunner ons Kitzelderfer's geh, un korta shpiela, un bensa pitcha, un un sowfa bis du sot bisht ; un du mogsht derma demokrata ehra meeny cerwat shatlit so long du wit, for ich will yetz ken wart melt sawga dergeaya. Awer, mind, Pit, des loud is aw frei for mich so goot das for dish, un ich kann my living macha ohna dick wanns sei inns, un wann du yetz sogsht das du ob solut bei der demokratish seierei bleiva wit, down go ahead, awer donn pock job uf un gob my eagener weg. Wann du awer yetz di mind uf machsht nix inch tsu sowfa, un week bleiva fun derma demokratishe flucher, un shier, un loafers wu alsfort dort ons Kitzelderfer's rumm hucka, donn will ich als wilder morrickt tenda un geld macha, un dorm ivver weil keuua mer uns an eagner platz kawfa." "Now Pit," secht se, "was sogsht ?" Donn hab ich gedenkt, des is doch now ordlich plain deitsh, un doh runs ebbas gedu wierra. Donn hab ich g'sawt, sog ich, "Now Bevvy, du bisht ordlich severe uf mich, un awer well de demokrata meer my watch g'shtola hen dort in Nei Yorrick, we ich uf der Seimoyer's Con vention war, un well se mulch so mean dreeta un blackgaarda yusht well ich nimmy sowf, geb ich der yetz aw my wart derfore das ich vote for der Grant, un now geb ich gor nix drum wters weas," hab ich g'sawt. Du hetsht awer derbei si solla we ich sell g'sawt hab So we de Bevvy gepleased war fergess ich all my dog un des leawes net. Se hut behawpt ich wter der besht monn in Schliffietown.' "tin now," secht se, "Now Pit, weil du yetz all right bisht, will ich der sawga was ich du. Ich hat) yetz about sivva dutzend oyer, un an ordlicher gooter shtock tswivvella un roat-reeva un aw shnitz, un ivver-morya shponn ich widder amohl ei un geh in de shtadt of der mor rickt, un donu kawf ich der a paar neie hussa un aw a neier hoot, un donn, om Sundog geasht mit mer in de kterrich, un om nein un tswansichshta gehna. mer of de gross republican meeting drivva in Lengeshter, yusht so das de leit sehna kenna das du yetz an true blue gentle monn bisht." "Awer Bevvy," hab ich g'sawt, "es is der doch net arnsht das ich in de kterrich geh soil om negshta Sundog "Yoh," Becht se, "es is mer arnsht, for ich bin yetz determined das du an first rater, felner mono sei musht, un wann du sell bisht, donn gebsht nix urn all selly demokratishe .Kitzelderfer's loaf ers." "Well donn," hab ich g'sawt, "ich geh, for du husht recht—selly demokrata sin net yusht humbugga, un awer my watch hen se mer g'shtohla, un sell fer gess ich net so long ich leab." Geshter s aw amohl der maddadishta porra kunima, and hut midi b'sucht. Er is aw an holler 'publican, un er hut tiler ordlich feel g'sawt fun denim sticha, un er hut mich orrig geloabt das ich de demokratish party ferlussa hab, un or hut 'lnch aw fenprecha macha mit der llevvy in de kerrich Belt oin negshta Sundog. Du kannsht aw ousgooka for mich on der gross meeting in Lengesh ter, for ich un de Bevyy gehna in der persession als de delegation fun Schliffle town. PIT SCIIIVEFFLEBREIiNER De Rehrershtettler Fair. REHRERMITEDDLIC, September 19, 1868 On der roushich FODDER ABRAHAM Printer :—Doh der onner clog, we de fair doh war im shteddle, hab ich der John , an raler sounder Barricks County demokrat awgetrutfa. We er mich g,say hut, is er of g'shtept un hut mer de tseit gebutta un amohl hands g'shaked, un doh geb ich der yetz amohl unser g'spreach —ich bin der Joe, du wcasht, un sei nawma is John : John—Well Joe, was denksht fun der leckshun—denksht der Seimoyer kummt nei ? Joe—Nay, ich desk der Grant kummt nei. Ilusht dorm noch net de neuichkeit fun Maine g'hwrt ? John—Well, ich glawb net das der Grant nei kummt, for der Adler sagt das de Republicans deata so feel uf unser side ktunma, under Jim Bechtel under Commissioner Young sawga das de demo krata hetta Maine gew•unna. tin noch elms, Joe, du weasht das der greek for nix war das de neayer frei tsu macha, un sell shtanda de leit net, un de Republi cans hen der greek awg'fonga. Joe—lch hab als gemehnt de rebels hetta der greek awg'fonga we se uf Fort Sumter g'fired hen. John—Doh hen mer ken shreivas der fore ; doh weal ich nix derfu, un ich hab der Adler geleasa yetz shun frertseli yohr, ally woch, un we g'sawt, de Repub licans hen de neayer frei gemacht, un du wiersht sehna das se de weise leit noch Bons uf usa. Un we kummts das der Kungress laws gemacht hut so das de neayer ally Moondog morya on de tresh ery geh kenna uns geld shteala, un fer wass kenna de weise leit des net du ? Der Adler ( - trucker sogt er kennt des proofa in schwartz un weis, un ich hab dei shwoger hearts sawga das etliche yohr tsurick het er sich it neie suit ge kawft for sivva dahler de yord, un donn is er nous noel' Ohio gonga tsu dehn uncle, un dort war an neayer, cher hut kleader getrauya das tsehn dallier de yord gekoslit hen, un sell beweist das de neayer ovva, druf kumma warm se de chance hen. tin noch elms, als an freind, Joe, was deatsht du denka wann du heam kumma deatsht den owat, un es wter an grosser neayer bei cleiuer fraw Joe—Un was deatsht du denka wann du an grosser weiser monu awtreffa deatsht bei deiner fraw ? John—Well sell wver evva doch net gons so orrick, anyhow, du wrersht sehna das de neayer noch gons ovva druf kununa. Joe—Glawbsht du now das fier Ilona neayer frertsich milliona weise of • usa un rula kenna ? John—Well ich weas net ebs so fiel mehner weise leit hut als neayer. Awer mer wells donn nix meh fun sellam sauga. Awer was denksht du fun derma ivver ous hocha doxa ? Joe—We fiel doxa betzahlsht donn du in ma yohr ? John—Ei sivva-un-sechtsich cent ! Aver fore em greek hab ich yusht sivva un-dreisich cent betzahla missa. Joe—Un was is donn dei dog lohn alleweil ? John—Fun a dahler un a halwer his tsu tsway dahler der dog—yusht dem noch we das der terwet is. Joe—Un was husht donn krickt fore em greek ? John—Fun a holwer dahler bis tsu drei ftertle. Joe—Well donn meansht net du kennsht afrorda aw a bissel meh dox be tzahla, now weil dei lohn so fiel mehner is John—Oh wann ich so fiel benner, un geld,un loud het we di dawdy, donn deat ichs gem betzahla. Joe—Well John, du bisht an dog-leh ner, un du dusht del sei meshta, ku halta, un aw hinkle, un du eagensht dei house, un betzahlsht yusht sivva-un-sechtsich cent dox, awer wann du for der Seimoyer shtimmsht, donn geasht nei for all de sacha tsu doxa, for de demokratish plat form sagt das alles property gleich ge doxt sei soil—for der dog-lehner so wohl das for der reich monn. John—lch weas besser we sell. Ich leas der Adler net for nix, under Adler sagt das sell der Chicago flatform is, un net der demokratish flatform. We der John sell g'sawt hut, donn is de bugle gonga for de horse race, un unser g'sprtech war om end. JOE. FI_A_TITEIZ A I3B_A_II_A_NI. Sidder der Maine leckshun, is der alt Isaac doh ous em kop. Sei freind in sista druf das er in a 'sylum rims, un das se ehm a straight-jacket aw du missa— so ehns wu se fun hinna bei tsu k'neppa. Anyhow eppas mus gedu wterra for elm. Er behaupt das der FODDER ABRAHAM unconstitutional is, un er deckt sich nachts tsu mit em Readinger Adler, un butzt sei naas mit cm La Gross Demo krat ! JAKE SIINICKLEFRITZ. The following " worthy epistle" "to Mr. Teddy M'Ginniss, Eshquire, Kildow rv, - County Cork, Ireland, from his cousin, Dinnis OTlallerty," appears in the Cleve land (0.) Herald of a late date : TO MIL TEDDY MOINNISS, 1:S11(21'111E, NI DOWRY, COUNTY CORK, Int:LAND, ruom nts COUSIN, nusucts o'FLAntnrrY— Dear Teddy : Me pin in my hand I am takin' To write yea this bit of a sehrawl, An' hophe in health it will find yea, As, plaze C;od, it's leaving us all; An,Ted, I'll be afther low yea loin' this bright summer day ? How are the pigs, an' the chiller', And the rest of yea over the say, Teddy me bye? It's meseif wud be happy to see yez Put your good looking phiz thru' the dare; It's meself that wud throt out the whisliky Till yez sldape like a king on the flure. I'd gives yez me bed but for Judy, Whose faylins I'm afraid it would hurt, But we'd empty the bottle together, An' together we'd shape hi the dirt, Teddy me bye. Shure, Ted, it's an illigint counthry ; There is praties an' whisky galore, An' mighty good pig for the 'atin', An' money to buy it, ashtore. An' for clothes, bedad I've a breeches Wid river a patch or a hole, Au' to mass Judy goes wid a bonnet An' a feather as black as a tole, Teddy me bye. An' election times, Teddy, me darlint! 'Twud make your eyes stick out a fut To see how the greenbacks are flyin', An' how quick in our pockets they're put. Shure what is the use of a ballot 3 If to sell it yez always refuse? The way is to pocket the money, —An' then vote just as yez choose, Teddy me bye. An' that brings me round to the story That I'm scratchiu' this letther to say : Election times comin' an', Teddy, It's wanted yez are right away ; For Dimmykrats are not so plenty But we want all the boys over, shure, To shwing the shillaly„ dhrink whishky, An' shove in the votes for Saymore, Teddy me bye. Niver mind about risidince, Teddy, Shure yer risidince is undher yer hat— Divil a one have yez got in Kildowry— Lave me all such mailers as that. Shure me sister's son, Paddy Mulloney, Has a friend in New York who will shwear That yez worked by his side an' dug cellars In Amerriky many a year, Teddy me bye. He'll fix up yer papers so nately That yez think yes Amerrikhi born; In a good shute of clothes ye'll be sthrtittin', Instead of yer brayches all torn. When up to the polls ye are marchin', Shure the naygurs will all bold their whislit, If some blaygard axes impident - questions, Just tip him a shmell of yer fisht, Teddy me bye. Och, Teddy, now don't yez be shaving; Hang yer furnity on to yer shtick, An' shtep out for Cork an' take passage For Amerriky sudden and quick, For the counthry will go to the divil Under naygur an' radikile shway, Unless saved by the votes and shillalys Ov the byes fresh from over the say, Teddy me bye. t h s\ 'OLO GEN. HECTOR TYNDALE, of Philadelphia, REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR Fltit POttStOien. POTTSTOWN, Sept. 21, 1868 4tlettea. O'Flaherty. Ther're 'aitin us up wid their taxes, An, slitamps an' the divil knows what, (Though burin' the dlaity on whishky, Nivel. a tax out of me they have got.) They've given us green rags for money, (It's a lisht full). wish that I had,) An' we're shtarving on bate an' corn whishky, Which is mighty good slitarving, bedad, Teddy me bye. But that's not the worst of it, Teddy, The naygur's a citizen now, Can vote like a Dimmykrat white nmn, An' shtick up for his rights in a row. So pervarted is public opinion Tisn't sate to crack open his An' the hair on a Dinnnykria's cranium Is no better than Atiikm wool, Teddy me bye. In the mornin' when laving the shanty Judy serhrames out, "Dinnis, don,t go! Some murtherin' thatb of a naygur Will be killin' thee Dimas, I know, An' then comin' down to the shanty An marryin' ice right out of hand!"— That a naygur shottlii marry me Judy, Is more, beam!, than I'll shtand, Teddy me bye. But we'll soon give the scoundlirels a drubbin', Vanalldi:4l;aln . s 110 AV to the fore, Thail. Stevens has gone to blue blazes, Ana beilail we've a hind iu Saymore. So pack up your dlauls hi a hurry, .l•;ot tbrgettin' to sphit hi your tisht, An' lay hould on your blackthorn shillalay, An' well soon give the naygurs a twisht, Teddy me bye. OTLAIIERTY. .mss NaSbt/ in Trouble. From the Toledo Blade.] Our readers will be pained to learn that our venerable and highly esteemed cor respondent, Rev. Petroleum V. Nasby, is in trouble. We were becoming alarmed at his pro longed silence, and were on the point of telegraphing to his "friend Horasho See more" for some information concerning oim, when, just as we were going to press, we received the following tele graphic dispatch in the Parson's familiar hand : Edditter Toledo Blade: I am in a frite ful stait uv trubble and tribulashun. Wile in the peaceful pursoot of organizin See more and Blare clubs among the degradid cullered poplashun of Tennessee ; wile I wuz thus a actin the benevolent role uv mishnerry, accordin to the instruckshins uv the Nashnel Dimmicatic Committy, I wuz suddenly sot upon by a full regiment ov Brownioze raddicle cusses uv all cul lers, who completely surrounded me,lade vilent hands onto my venerable person, bruzed and battered me in a feerful man ner, and then, wuss than all, compelled me to taik the oath uv allejance with the ojus American flag a wavin over my ven erable hed. This wuz more than I cub bare, and I swuned away, and the retches left me fur ded, a lyin onto a public hyway. I wuz pickt up by a cupple uv niggers and tuk to there mizzable cabbin, ware I now ly. Telegraf immejitly to A. Johnson to call out the army and the navy. The rites of a free born Amerikin sitizen (wich is me) hey been fritefully outraged, and his person (wich is mine) hez bin i feerfully bruzed. Tell him too shoo his proclamashun to wunst, callin out three hundred thousand men to vindicate the rites uv the aforesaid citizen. For the saik uv effeck they mite be instruckted to sing ez they cum ? i 4 We are coining, Andy Johnson, Three hundred thousand strong." Ez soon ez I am able to travel (wich I hope under the stimulatiu inflooence uv this mountain air and these nicffrers' whisky will be in a very few days) T will repare to wunst to headquarters to take command uv a cupple brigaids. Tell Johnson to hey cupple comission ez a Major Gineral reddy made out, so ther shall be no delay in gitten the force into the field. PETROLEUM V. NASBY, P. M., (With is Postmaster.) P. S. (wick is Postrcript)--Send me about twenty-one dollars to pay my ex penses to Washington. I can't horror nothin uv these degraded niggers. Ile return you the amount with interest es soon ez I get my Major General's corn ishun. P. V. N., P. M. Our kittic Yaks. —Affected yo n> lady, seated in a rock ims, chair, reading the Bild-, exclaimed : Alother, here is a grammatical error in the Bible!" Mother, lowering her spec tacles and approaching the reader in a verb• scrutinizing attitude, says : •` Kill it! kill it! It is the very thing that has been eating the leaves and book-marks!" —A Wisconsin paper publishes an ap peal by a young lady for a situation as teacher, in which she says : I was eddi cated in one of our leading female semi naries & have my certitikates, and so feel it my duty to teach somewheres, and if you can assist me, please rite and let me no, and ile get redly at (meet." —There is an anecdote told somewhere of a dispute in which a boisterous ill-bred fellow called his adversary " no gentle man." "I suppose you think yourself one," was the reply. "Certainly I do," answered the bully. Then," said ie other, " I'm not offended that you don't think me one." —Never be so rude as to say to a man, "There is the door;" but say, " elevate your golgotha to the summit of your per icranium, but allow me to present to your occular demonstration that scientific piece of mechanism which constitutes the egress portion of this apartment." —A physician stopped at the shop of a country apothecary and inquired for a pharmacopwa. " Sir," said the apothe cary, "I know of no such farmer living about these parts." —A disconsolate fellow up-town, who lost his wife recently, exclaimed weeping to a sympathizing friend : " Well, I've lost gloves, lost umbrellas, yes, even cows and horses, but I never, never had anything to cut me like this." —A boarder looked very discontentedly at a beef steak, and the landlady, having observed him, said : " Don't the steak suit you! " Yes," said the boarder, "it's good enough, what there is of it, and there's enough of it, such as it is." —The ladies who wish to assume the position given the form by the " Grecian Bend" are informed that the eating of a few green apples, an ear of corn and a cucumber, will have the desired affect. —A decent looking Irishman, stopping at a hotel to warm himself, inquired of the landlord, " - What was the news?" Landlord, disposed to run a rig upon Paddy, replied : "They say that the devil is dead !" "And sure," quoth Pat, "that's news indade." Shortly after, Pat stalks up to the bar and depositing sonic coppers resumed his seat. The landlord, always ready for a cus tomer, asked him what he would have. "Och, sure, sir," said Pat, "it's the custom in my own country, when a chap like you loses his daddy, to give him a few coppers to help pay for the wake." Landlord stood treat all around. —"Yaw," said Mr. Spreitzelwiggle, who lowered his glass from his face long enough to tell the story, " I dicks I knows vat vas der matters mit der Ilendleton's, so as dat he was not nominated. Tem Sey mour fellers vas too Tani many for Shorge Yaw." —Artemis Ward has been heard from through Planchette. Ile says: I'm tryin to figger uu how I could give away twenty-five thousand dollars at my Beth, when, according to reports sence, I didn't hey but five." —" Sambo, why am dat nigger down dar in the hole of de boat like a chicken in de egg ?" " I gives um up." Ans.— " Because he couldn't get out, if it wasn't for de hatch." —Why is a thief like a certain household utensil? Because he is a base-un (basin.) —What man is in advance of his time? Ans.—One who has been knocked into the middle of next week. —A clergyman after marrying a couple made a prayer over them, concluding : " Forgive them, Lord, they know not what they do 1" —A remarkable sign for a confectionery shop : " Eye scream for sail hear." —How to make the " stamps" your heel down, —A lady remarked to her boy. Never put off till to-morrow, what you can do to-day. The urchin replied, "Den Mom let's eat dat 'ar watermelon." It was eaten. —When an acquaintance says, " How are you?" and rushes by you without waiting for a reply, I wouldn't if I was in your place, follow him more than a mile to tell him I was well. —lf you wish to fatten a thin baby, throw it out of the window and it will come down plump. —" I am laying for you," as the old hen said to the chap who was hunting for her nest. -put