Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, September 25, 1868, Image 2

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    atitcr A,braltaut."
a I shall knee no policy of my own to en
force against the will of the people."—GßANT.
Gen. T,71. - Y ESA li.AN'l_',
S CHUN LEA', ck,i;;•Ax,
Auditor General:
Surveyor General:
Congress (Unexpired Term)
Associate Judye :
DR. J. C. GATCHELL, Martic.
JACOB G. PETERS, Conestoga.
AARON 11. SLIMLY, East Hernptleld
District Attorney
County Commissioner:
Prison Inspectors :
M. H. SHIRK, West Cocalico
Directors of the Poor
GEORGE FRY, East Cocatico
After September 11th, "FATHER
ABRAHAM" will he furnished at the fol-
lowing rates
One copy for
Five copies in a package to one ad-
Teti copies in a package to oue ad
dress $2.00
Fifty copies in a package to one ad
dress $B.OO
There will be no further reduction of
price during the campaign. Therefore
Clubs and individuals who desire to serve
the good cause by placing the best and
cheapest campaign paper into the hands
of the people, should at once forward
their orders. We ought to circulate at
least twenty-five thousand copies every
week before the first of October. Per
sons getting up clubs will bear in mind
that, at the above rates, we cannot ad
dress each paper, but only send them in
packages as may be directed by those
getting up the club.
Of the friends of Grant, Colfax, and the
whole Republican State and County Ticket
will be held at
The meeting will be addressed by
Gen. KILPATRICK, the Famous Cavalry Leader,
Gen. JOS. R. HAWLEY, of Connecticut,
Hon. LEWIS BARKER, of Maine,
And others
The New Rebellion
The rebel leaders, with Frank Blair at
their head, propose to inaugurate a new
rebellion if the election should be close.
They will run tickets in three States not
yet re-admitted, and insist upon counting
the votes of their candidates ; but, as
these are the only States they will get,
with the exception, perhaps, of "
Maryland," and "the dark and bloody
ground," we need give ourselves no con
cern about the matter. Grant and Colfax
will take care of the new rebellion, and
speedily reduce all discordant elements
to peace. Then will follow confidence,
security, stability, enterprise, good-will,
happiness, iu perpetuity.•
31(trk the Cwiteast
Jeff Davis supports Seymour and Blair.
GOV. Brow•nlow supports Grant and
The butcher Forrest supports Seymour
and Blair.
Gen. Meade supports Grant and Colfax.
Wade Hampton supports Seymour and
Gen. Kilpatrick - supports Grant and
Gen. E. E. Lee supports Seymour and
Geu. " Tecumseh" Sherman supports
Grant and Colfax.
Moseby, the Virginia guerilla, sup
ports Seymour and Blair.
Gen. Phil. Sheridan supports Grant and
Gen. Joe Johnson supports Seymour
and Blair.
Gen. "Pap" Thomas supports Grant
and Colfax.
Gen. Beauregard supports Seymour
and Blair.
Gen. John A. Logan supports Grant
and Colfax.
Gen. Howell Cobb, the Treasury thief,
supports Seymour and Blair.
Gen. Burnside supports Grant and Col
Gen. Robert Toombs supports Seymour
and Blair.
Gen. Joe Hooker supports Grant and
The Pirate Semmes supports Seymour
and Blair.
Admiral Farragut supports Grant and
Every officer and priate in the rebel
army supports Seymour and Blair.
Almost every officer and private who
fought the rebels during the war sup
ports Grant and Colfax.
Every deserter from the Union army,
and every bounty jumper, supports Sey
mour and Blair.
Ninety-nine out of a hundred " Boys
in Blue," who stuck to the colors until
honorably discharged, support Grant
and Colfax.
Eery sympathizer with treason and
traitors, in the North, supports Seymour
and Blair.
Every loyal man, who supported the
Union cause in the dark days of the
rebellion, supports Grant and Colfax.
The supporters of Seymour and
Blair are principally to be found in such
places as the Five Points of New York,
Bedford street, Philada, and the purlieus
of the large cities. •
All the shoulder-hitters and butlers—
the whiskey swillers and house-robbers,
chicken-thieves and midnight assassins
are to be found in the ranks of Seymour
and Blair.
The burners of orphan asylums, pick
pockets and Ku-Klux highway robbers
and murderers are to a man for Seymour
and Blair.
All law-abiding citizens, and the moral
and religious portion of the community—
the supporters and advocates of common
schools, sunday-schools, and every insti
tution which has for its object the ameli
oration and elevation of mankind, are,
almost to a man, for Grant and Colfax.
VOTERS, choose your political associates !
The Soldiers and Sailors National
The gathering of the Soldiers and
Sailors at the Mass Convention to be
held in Philadelphia on the Ist and 2,d
of October, promises to exceed in num
bers anything of the kind ever assembled
in Pennsylvania. Delegations from New
York, Ohio and other States have already
notified the committee of arrangements
of their intention to be present, while
other States, not yet heard from, will also
be largely represented. For the benefit
of organizations from abroad, the follow
ing orders have been issued by the Penn
sylvania Soldiers' and Sailors' State Cen
tral Committee :
1. All Soldiers and Sailors in organized
bodies, or by squads of not less than three, and
their wives and families, will be carried to Phila-
Oel pliia from all points along the Pennsylvania
C,:ntral met Pliiladelphia and Erie Railroads
and their branches, at two cents per mile, and
The tickets will be issued at the different
Ilailmad Stations along the line on September
29 and ;;O, and October 1, and will be good to
return on October 3, 4 and 5.
2. This arrangement is most liberal, and the
officers of the road have the thanks of the Com
3. Rates of other roads—East, West and
South—will be published in future orders.
4. Officers of Clubs will please confer with
Ticket Agents as to the probable number who
will take passage at each Station.
By order of the Committee.
A. L. Erssw., See'y.
The N. I. Herald, which has been
trying for some time to make itself be
lieve that there is some chance for Sey
mour and Blair, throws up the spunge :
" All the facts before us, and all the signs
of the times," it says, "indicate an over
whelming triumph to Grant and Colfax."
This was before the Maine election.
17-LL •
Gives it U))!
“United AlfieriCan .131(elailiCS.”
The regular annual session of the Na
tional Council was held in the city of
Wilmington on Tuesday last. The re
ports of the officers show a rapid increase
of the Order, particularly so in Pennsyl
vania. and New Jersey. The officers
elected and installed for the ensuing year
are as follows:
National Councillor—John Perkins, of
N. V. Councillor—James N. Caleley,
of Pennsylvania.
N. Secretary—A. S. Redstreake, of
N. Treasurer—John Walker, of Dela
N. Marshal—E. T. James, of New Jer
N. Protector—Frameis F. Walker, of
Doorkeeper--W .C. Hasson, of Mary
A committee was appointed to prepare
a new ritual. and report at the next ses
sion, as foll , v. : Messrs. Rauch, Read
streake and aieley, of Pennsylvania,
Sparks, of Now Jersey, and Holden, of
Maryland. The next session be held
in the city of Philadelphia, in Septem
ber, 1869.
“ Congdwtleltory Ad 11 •res.”
'Hon. Win. A. Wallace, Chairman cf
the Democratic State Committee, has
just issued an address,congratulating the
Democracy of Pennsylvania upon the re
sult of the Maine election. (*doused,
it is substantially as follows :
" The sturdy Democracy of Maine (alt hough
overwhelmed by the superior power of num
bers) have covered themselves with glory.
"In the very citadel of Radicalism they have
demonstrated that you are upon the eve of a
magnificent victory (taking fin• granted that we
will fare much better in other States than we
did in Maine).
"In IS6O, Radicalism received in Maine
69,037 votes. In 1805, only 75,002, which is
an increase of only eight per cent., and not
near as bad for us as if it were from ten to
twenty per cent.
"If the Radicals increase only eight per cent.
in Pennsylvania, their total will, be this year,
331,000 votes. This can easily be overcome
by the Democracy if they only poll a sufficient
number of votes.
The hope of the Republic is in the Democra
tic party.
" Maine not only proves that you can again
bring triumph to the principles you love, but
also that you will do so, unless prevented by the
merer power of overwhelming numbers.
" Let us arouse to renewed eneregy and
effort, and do as the sturdy Democracy of Maine
did—the best we can under the circumstances."
By order of the Democratic State Committee.
Signed by the Chairman.
Forney's Opinion of Sehiveifiebren-
The Philadelphia Press of Monday
contains one of "Pit Schweffiebrenner's"
letters, with translation, with editorial
comments, in which he says :
"The East has thrown its patois in to the books
of James Russell Lowell, under the signature of
'Hosea Bigelow,' and no one regrets their
perusal. The Southwestern form of speech
and method of argument has been incorporated
into-side splitting letters by 'Petroleum V.
ashy,' and these have done a deal of genuine
good. The Pennsylvania Dutch is a language
familiarly susceptible of a similar use. Mr
Rauch, one of the editors of FATuEn Anna,
HAM, a spirited campaign sheet, published in
Lancaster, conceived the idea of rounding this
language, or rather this compound of German
and English into effective and popular canvass
ing logic. His success has been complete, and
the letters of " Pit Schwefflebrenner, from
Scblifiletown," have created a sensation, if not
as wide spread, as intense as those from the
Confederate Cross Roads, wich is in the Stait
of Kentucky. The translation we• append is
merely to give the substance of the original.
It conveys no idea of the peculiar German
version' which consists more in the manner of
saying ittban in what is said."
The Negroes Protest
The following touching sentence occurs
in the appeal made by the twenty-five
negro members expelled by force from
their seats in the Georgia Legislature.
The miserable, cowardly " Democrats"
refused to place the unanswerable protest
on the minutes of the House :
"Awl, if we are to be massacred because we
refuse to vote the Democratic ticket; if we are
to be murdered in cold blood because we will
not sell our manhood, then let it come—we can
die but once ; and if; as you state, thirty mil
lions of white men are going to fall upon four
millions because they are black, and will not
vote for Horatio Seymour and F. P. Blair, for
President and Vice President of the United
States, both of whom have declared that the
negroes have no right to vote, then we are pre
pa eel to die, but not to be killed."
We should like to see an attempt by
the "Democratic" rebels of the Georgia
Legislature or elsewhere to answer this
Another Immense De»toertie Gain
The Democracy just made another
gain of eight thousand, on Monday a
week, in Maine. For the benefit of those
who are unable to see it, we will explain
how they did it, thusly : Had the Repub
lican majority been 28,000, it is supposed
they would consider it a Republican gain
of about 17,000 on last year's majority of
11,000, and therefore a Republican gain.
But it so happens that the majority isn't
28,000, as it might have been, but only 20,-
000, or 9000 Republican gain, which is
8,000 less than if the majority were 28,-
000. This cannot be denied. Therefore
as the Republican gain is only 9,000, in
stead of 17,000, it will be seen at a glance
that the Democrats actually gained 8,000
because the Republican majority is only
20,000, and not 28,000. Clear as mudl
" Fightiny Dick Coulter."
The Democrats claim Gen. Richard
Coulter, of Westmoreland county, as a
new convert from Radicalism to Democ
racy. We happen to know Gen. Coulter
personally and politically. That he is
one of the bravest of the brave as a sol
dier, is true. That he ever was a radical
Republican is not true. He is now, and
for years has been, a conservative and
bosom friend of Ex-Senator Cowan. The
Lancaster Intelligence,' a few, clays ago
published a speech made in Westmore
land county by General Coulter, iu which
he defines his position as follows :
" In former years, and in days gone by, I
opposed the doctrine of universal sulli•ago and
indiscriminate voting. I claimed for the Ame
rican born. who understood our language and
the principles of our institutims, the exclusive
right to choose our own rulers and the sole ex
ercise of the inestimable right of sutti<age. It
was then argued that the tbreigners should not
be allowed to vote—that they had not the
qualifications to do so—that it was the source
of fraud, rendering our elections but a three,
and our politicians corrupt. IWu tried to
prove thiN, aad 1101 r, I o n , not L y any ,„e"0.4
prepared to take back all I then ~ a bl kith re
gard to the ignorant
Will the Intelligencer have the kindness
to inform us whether this is or is not
sound Democracy?
GOi'S Midi on Tf•in-
Brick Pomeroy claims to be a strict
temperance man, and of excellent moral
character. He makes it his boast, pub
licly, that lie won't even employ a man
who drinks whiskey or uses tobacco.
But when he came to Reading, on Friday
last, he was told by the committee that,
owing to his temperance principles, many
of the best Democrats of Old Berks were
down on him, and that it was necessary
for him to do something to convince them
that he can and will drink. Brick con
tended, for a while, that being a temper
ance man does not at all interfere with
his Democracy. But, finally, he yielded,
" for the good of the cause," and com
promised by agreeing to take a glass of
whiskey under medical advice, where
upon a Democratic doctor was sent for,
who counseled him "always to take a
drink of whiskey before and after speak
ing, so as to invigorate and protect his
throat." After receiving this prescrip
tion the crowd stepped up to the bar of
Mishler's Hotel and took a "snifter" all
around, to the great admiration of the
genuine Democrats who witnessed the
scene, and satisfied themselves as to
Brick's orthodoxy on the whiskey ques
Hard on florotio
The following lines were taken from the licitly
of a dead Union Soldier, who was killed in one
of the battles, soon after Seymour and his
"friends" attemptel Ito get up a rebellii ci in New
York, by murdering draft otheers and burniug.
colored orphans' assylums and school Irises:
Oh, may that rebel Seymour fl o at,
In open sea, in open
In Irelands cold without a coat,
Without a compass, sail or oar,
A million miles away from shore,
Where mighty waves like mountains roar;
May sharks devour him, stem and stern,
A whale engulf him down in turn,
And the devil get the whole concern;
Oh, may the cursed traitor dwell
Beyond the sound of meeting bell,
And gnash his teeth and groan and sigh,
And mid his roars and frantic cries,
Oh! make the finest ashes rise.
And blow them in his bloodshot eyes—
In burning brimstone may he be
Where little rascals dance in glee,.
Then lock the door and lose the key.
Are rou Assessed?
SECOND, is the last day on which it can be
New Milltown Alive!
Nmw 311mirowx, September 15, 1868.
This evening the citizens of New Mill
town and vicinity assembled and organ
ized a Grant and Colfax meeting by elect
ing the following officers to serve during
the meeting : President—Wm. B. Fen
ninger ; Vice Presidents—Jonas Eaby, J.
B. Nilson, Amos Norton and Samuel
Bowman. The meeting was ably ad
dressed by Messrs. J. R. Buckwalter and
Peter Hershey.
4ether sbrallant's Ofps.
DURING the war the rebel General
Jeff Thompson, after being released from
the North, returned to tie South, and
visiting the pen at Andersonville, ex
pressed his horror at the sights there to
be witnessed. He went to Jeff Davis and
said : " For God's sake, let the Union
prisoners be better treated." Davis said:
We can kill them that way better than
in battle." Let the Democrats deny this,
and we can put Jeff Thompson on the
stand as a living witness.
GENERAL, then Colonel, R. E. Lee,
captured John Brown in 1859, for having
rebelled against the State of Virginia.
John Brown was hung. General Grant
captured this same General R. E. Lee in
1865, for having rebelled and fought
against the laws of the whole United
States. General Lee is now telling us
what is the proper way to rule the coun
ary. Impudent, very.
FOR SALE-A $5OO bet that Seymour
will be the next President.
VER - mox - r started the ball, as in the
days of Harrison. Maine has given the
ball another turn, and like that memor
able campaign, the ball will continue to
roll and increase in size at every turn.
The re-Maines of the Democracy will be
buried in November. The Republicans,
under General Grant, will attend the
funeral in a body. The election returns
this year seem to be mainly in favor of
the Repnblicans.
A MEMBER of the Philadelphia county
bar, recently from Delaware, anxious to
get some statistics which would act as a
restorative to the Democratic party, so
enfeebled by the official returns of Ver
mont and Maine, just ascertained that of
the eight persons confined in the Quarter
Sesssions dock, charred with crime, seven
were "friends" of Seymour, and only one
was for Grant, and he a colored man.
I)—Death to liberty.
E—Euenn• to co;aury.
M—Misery to loyalists.
o—Optional treason.
C—Crazy politicians.
—Rebels at heart.
A— Anarchy and ruin.
C—Cunning and cowardice.
I—Fears for power.
AmoNG the names of Democrats who
have been chosen to officer the !.:e.ymiour
and Blair torchlight procession in New
York city are those of several known
thieves, of which fact proof is said to be
ready in the District Attorney's offica.
LET us call things by their right names.
Let us call Democracy Secessionism. As
for Seymour, is there not some hidden
thunder in the stores of heaven, red with
the wrath of justice, to crush the man
who would owe the gratification of his
ambition to his country's ruin?
TIIE rebel Democratic are just begin
ing to admit that Horatio was right when
he said, "My friends have plunged me
into a sea of trouble." And when they
conic to fish him out on the day after the
election they will realize that he has
sunk " deeper than plummet ever sound
So sure are the young folks of prosper
ous times in view of the election of Grant
and Colfax, that quite a number of wed
dings are on the tapis, to come oil before
the Presidential election. Besides "every
body and his wife" are for Grant and
To the Democracy charge that the Re
publican party are in favor of high taxes,
let the truthful reply be ever ready that,
within the year, a reduction of taxation
to the amount of t',7,000,u00 hp been
made, and more than 10,0ou arTicles of
product and manufacture have been with
drawn from the tax lists.
THE Republican party, by its can
didntes and platform, is irrevocably
pledged to economy, to the maintain
ance of the public faith, the pres
ervation of the peace and unity of
the States, and the liberty and prosperity
of the people ; all its pledges in the past
have been redeemed, thus affording the
best guarantee to their value in the future.
There was a grand torchlightproces
sion on Friday night of all the Tanner
clubs of Chicago. It was an imposing
display. There were 7,000 men in line.
There were 15 or 20 bands and a large
number of flags and transparencies. Ro
man candles were burned in the proces
sion. The streets were crowded with
WE are informed by one who has just
visited the Auburn, .New York, State
Prison, that there are 942 convicts there,
and that of the number but 32 are Repub
licans—the remainder, 910, being Demo
IVJIEN Frank Blair proposes to resist
the accession of a Republican candidate
to the Presidency, by violent means, he
probably forgets that a majority of his
supporters are under parole not to bear
arms against General Grant.
AN old soldier, who lost his arm, says:
" I am waiting to see if the people of the
country are going to elect Horatio Sey
mour, and if they do I will swear that I
lost my arm in a threshing machine, not
in defense of my country."
IT is worthy of note that New Jersey,
Indiana and Illinois chose Democratic
Legislatures in 1862 ; so their soldiers
were not allowed to vote for President
in 1864. Nearly every Republican State,
with Kentucky and Maryland, then ruled
by earnest Unionists, enabled their sol
diers to vote in the field.
" BRICK POMEROY," the model artist
side-show of the Democratic circus, gave
a public exhibition at Reading, on last
Friday evening. During the exhibition
" Brick" spoke a long piece, but as he
didn't oiler to sell soap or magic oil, a
number of the unwashed openly de
nounced him as a humbug.
"WILL you walk into my parlor ?" said
the spider to the fly. The Democracy
are extremely anxious just now to secure
the friendship of colored voters, and no
thing is hinted about a "White man's
party." The fly walked into the spider's
parlor, and was seen no more. The col
ored voters will be careful not to enter
Democratic parlors.
GENERAL ROSECRANS says that when
he went to White Sulphur Springs he did
so " with his heart in his hands." It is
pretty evident, from his addressing Gen
eral Lee as a representative man for pa
triotism and loyalty, that his heart cer
tainly was not "in the right place."
MECHANICS—Every vote for Seymour
& Blair is a vote to tax your homes..