lennoplbintistil Brief Pam Schwefflebrenner. SCELIFFLETOWN, Sept. 15, VAS. MISDER FODDER ABRAHAM DRUCKER —Deer Sur : Yetz awer duns unser Schliffletown shtedler awfonga ufreerish wcerra fun weaya meer. Ich hab fer gessa der tsu mentions das sellamohls we ich sell beevel aid g'numma hab nix tsu drinka, un aw funs Kitzelderfer's week bleiva for eh woch, weil de Bevvy es itnmy shtanda will, das we de woch bus war hut se mich noch amohl shweara macha for a gonser moonat. Yetz-is es shun drei wocha das ich nix meh ge numma hab, un gons week gehlivva bin funs Kitzelderfer's, un wann ich draw denk we feel lumnert mold das se mich als gedreat heu dort, un we se chin als de demokratishe party sacha dort explains, un we uft ich als sivva uf g'shpeelt hab for de drinks, donn mus ich sauga das es ordlich hort geat dort week tsu bleiva. Forgeshter we ich dort ferbei bin uf der onner side hab ich das de krerls much gewatchd hen, un das seller long behnich lawyer fun der shtadt dort war, un dorm hab ich gedenkt, now doh goats —ich geh yeti nivver un run widder amohl my chance for eh dreet—yush diner, du weasht, for so a wennich shod nemond nix. Ich bin don aw grawd oh, un awer we ich so about in der middle, shtrose war, will ich yeti aw de krenk kreya wann net de Bevvy grawd dort urns eck rum kumma is, un donn, kausht denka, war der Pit Schwefflebrenner amohi in er fix. Ich awer nivver, ivver de shtrose, un shtell mich dort onna wedder der sign poshta un hab gedu das wann ich nix fun der Bevvy g'seh het. Ich hab grawd a calculation gemacht das ich so du wet das wann ich gor net lin sin het nei ins house tsu geh, un sell dcht de Bevvy ferleicht satisfya, un donn, wann se ferbei is, donn kennt ich du we ich wet. Well, des ding war goot, donn is amiahl der Sam Dinkop uf g'shtept un sagt, " Well Pit, we machts als ?" "Well, so-so," hab ich g'sawt. " Now Pit," secht er, " se hen a report doh im shteddle das du aw lan sin husht nivvertsu geh uf de 'publican side, un das du dich entirely rula lusht bei deiner fraw." Sell hut mich so halwer falsh gemacht, un uf course, ich habs ferleagent. Donn is seller long-behnich lawyer rous un grawd uf mich tsu un sogt, " How-di-du, Mr. Schwefflebrenner," un hut mer de hond gevva. Er hut mer ach g'sawt das er em Joe Muckafiliggle sei lawyer is un das er kumma is for tau sehna eb mer net sell Salts un Pattry bisness mit der Bevvy settle kennt. Er hut so gedu das wann ' ich de umkoshta betzahl uns demokratish dicket vote du der Joe willens weer des ding tsu droppa. Donn hut er mer ex plained we de sacha sin, un das es my duty is widder uf de demokratish side tau vote; das den weg deat widder allea rechtgeh. Er hut rich belumpt das mer set sich net rule luso bei seiner fraw, un des de weirr, nix Ausa fun donna Bache, un das ee keno fun ohm bisnesa is we an mom - vote odder we oft er els drinkt. Donn lab kb elan nay wart gevva das ich my eagner morn bin nu mich gor net nannies Tut bei der' Navvy, un' donn aecht er, " Well dotal' Pit, hiss uns amohl nei geh ins house un ehns nemtna,,, for uf sellerweg kannsht uns satisfya das du noch an gooter deinokrat WON, An an independenter monn," un yusht we er sell g'sawt hut donti ich ehner im ciewd hearit sauga, " Now loot out' -dort kummt de Dewy Sehweftlebrenner un idh gook rumm, un sure enough dortWitr de Bevvy, un se yusht uf un sagt, "Kamm - Pit 1" " Was wit I"' hab ich g'sawt. " Ei ich will der ebbas sauga," secht se. Dotin secht der lawyer, "Now Missus Schwenk breimer, du musht der Pit geh luasa, for ich hab bisness mit ohm." " Un ich hab ach hiltless mit em Pit," Becht se, " un now, Pit, du geaaht mit meer." " Well," hab ich g'sawt, " ich kumm ivver a while." " Nix wart," secht se, " du geasht grawd alleweil mit meer,"' secht se. Donn kreisht ehner ous em crowd, " Now Pit, wann du a monn bisht, donn watt clicit net rula bei deiner fraw." De Bony bat ewer drat insist den ich mit man, un we lob g'seh hab das se net ufgevva will, donn hab ich gedu das wann ich se so a wennich ous 'em weg coaxa wet, un ich bin miter bis uf de miner side 'em Kitzelderfer sei-shtall, un donn hab ich proposed das se heam geh set, un das fell in a hall) stund oder so aw kumma will. Se hilt awer net agreed, un ich hab ufgevva missy grad dort for ally leit, un we met. mitnonner de shtrose nuf sin, donn hen se mer noch gerufa un mich so insult das ich grawd my mind ufgemacht hab cias ich nix ineh mit ehra tsu du hawa will so long ich leab. We mer beam kumma sin hut de I3evvy mer awer widder amohl an lecture gevva, un ich mus sauga, se hut about recht. Ich bin ach froh das ich mit ehra beam bin, for wanns net for se g'west *Ter donn glawb ich so gwiss das ich leab hetta do demokrata mich macha my aid brecha, un donn weer widder amehl der deifel lons doh in Schliffletown. Un wann ich draw denk we my eagny demokratishe party's leit mer my watch g'shtola hen dort in Nei Yorrick we ich uf der Convention war, donn feel ich sheer gor das wann ich om end noch uf de 'publican ehra side vota set, un wann ich sell du donn nemm my wart derfore das de Bevvy de besht fraw gebt in der United States. Ich hab ehra anyhow yetz fershprocha in ehner woch tsu decida was ich du will derweaya. PIT SCHWEFFLEBRENNER. cited. Josh. Billings' Answers to Cor respondents. "Barnacle "—I kant tell ye exactly when the " Gettysburg Asylum Gift Lot tery" will draw, but probably, like other pick-pockets, the next good chance they get. " Buouner.—When I here a man brag ging about hiz ancestors, it aiwas makes me feel bad—for the ancestors. " Billy."—Beuty iz like molassis, very good ointment, but sickish for stiddy diet. " Benzine."—Men who have a great deal to do with horses, seem to demor alize faster than the flosses do. Bosses are like dice and kards, although they are virtous enough themselves, how natural it is to gambol with them. 'Tosses love the society of man, and being susceptible uv grate deceit, they will learn a man to cheat and lie before he knows it. I know lots folks who are real plus, and who are honest enufl'to work up into united estate assessors, and such good moral chunks left over, but when they come to tork hors, they want as much looken after as a case of dipthery. " Bronk." Club -houses are usually asylums for hen-pecked husbands and vagrant bachelors. I hay been told that certain muskular femails have gone into the club-house bizness lately in New York city, and that they hay had one settin at Mr. Delmonicoze alreddy, which ended ami kably. This speaks volumes too the futer growth and usefulness ov the order, but the grate joke of the thing iz, that awl their proceedings is to be kept dark. I hay alwuz - been a friend to down trodden women, and have bin in favor ov their voting from my infancy, but if they kant vote, I say let them club. ' One rule of this club is a golden one, "no man shall be present on pain of Deth." If they stick to this rule, they are sounder on the gander than I sup posed they wuz. "Brickdicat."---I never have used enny ov "doctor Emanuel's liver-consoling and kindney-encouraging pills l "and therefore kant tell you how influential they am, but of you are looking after a pill as mild as a pet lamb, and az serehing az a fine tooth comb, buy " Doctor Ringbon's silent perambulators, 27 in a box; sold by all respectful druggers." Theze pills don't,.phool round, but at tend striktly tew bizziness, and are ez good in the dead ov night az an alarm clock. " Biscuit."—ln reply to youre ques tions, I would hurredly state that the Wad iz &meet& animal, or can be made so, by coaxing him into• a barrel, and shut ting up the bung-hole. They stand in the same relashun tek a frog that a Dutelunan dun ; to a live null tee, they aint sudden gaited az the frog. They lead a very retired and pen sive life during the da,y, behind stun walls, but When twilight begins tew dress for the night,then the toads and toadsess es begin to reconnoiter round. They are sed tew he stricktly virtuous, but this incessauthinuming round nights, and keepin hid alrday, haz caused Ale to suspicion the toad. If toads han liv upon what they eat, they would be just the thing tew stock a boarding school with, for one fly and a couple of bugs iz all the meat they want fers.fortnibe. Toads are very lengthy to liv—l should think about 400 years. f have often thought I would 'buy one, and keep him till he died, Jig to git at their age. '"Bresstrax."---Speaking ov kits, mi opiayun is, and will continue to be, that the old-fashioned, kaftka.coulered kata iz thp best breed for a man ov moderate means, who haint got but little munny to put into kats. They propugate the most intensely, and lay around the stove more regular than the Maltese, or the brindle kind. The yeller kat is a fair kat, but they ain't reliable ; they are apt tew stay out late nights and once in a while git on a bad bust. Black kats have a way of gitting on the top ov the wood-house when other folks have gone tew bed, and singing dewets till their voices spile, and their tails swell till it seems az tho they must split. If I waz you, Beeswax, I wouldn't go into the kat biziness until the phinances ov the country , gits more calm, for if there comes a big smash up, kats will be the that thing to dip. FATHER A_BRAI3-A:M. tiectgb. COL. 0. J. DICKEY, of Lancaster, Pa. REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR CONGRESS, AS THE SUCCESSOR OF HON. THADDEUS STEVENS, DECEASED. Hans Von Spiegel's 4th of 'hag Oration. VELLOW ZITIZENS:-VOt for me meets here to-day, hey? Vot you say? Is it yusht a leedle bic-nic for noddings, or is it another tam horse race ? I dells you vot for. We meets to-day to zelebrate der Vourth of Yuly, which, by reading your Almanaces you vill see goomes on the third day Yuly this year. In some goon tries it goomes on the fmnfe day, which is the reason they don't zelebrate all der vile. Der Vourth mit Yuly pese a krate fel ler. He governs der whole American goutinent. His right hand sits tywa on Maine, unt his left hand stands upon California. He scratches his head mit de forest of Alaska, unt fioaks his corns in der Kulf of Mexican Moostang Linament Long time leedle wile ago, de Vourth of Yuly was yoost a leedle poy. He lasted from a Hampurg shtemer at Phil adelphia in seventeen hoonert unt seven trzex, unt he has peen a pooty poy ever since. Der Vourth of Yuly is a Pig Ding, and he has ton pig clings for gis goontry. lle prings hot wedder mit schnapping track ers, but also prings her bie-nie mit cler lager peer. So long as he govens the whole I , oontry, so long as he brodects der native porn zitizen of foreign pirth. Now let us all johin in singing der Sthar spangled mit der Panner. Oh! ray, don't you see Alit ter tawn's early light, Vas so proudly we hailed in ter twilight's last gleaming ; Who's proud stripes ant Fright stars Mit her perilous night On the ramparts we vatehed Vas so callantly streaming (all de vile.) lint der rockets red glare, Der pooms pursting in de air, Oh ! mine Cot, it give phroof That our vlag it bees there. Unt der star-spangled mit der panner In driumph shall wave O'er der landt mit der vree Unt der home von der brave. Now then port, three cheers for der Vourth of Y2uly, un den Booms der bully lager peer. Proposals Wanted. A racy correspondent of an American cotemporary extends an invitation to the fair sex to send in proposals, giving the following specifications : The undersigned, feeling the need of *eine one to Mad fault with end grumble at when business goes wrong ; and being lonely, with no one to hate him, and hav ing arrived at the proper age, has there fore determined to "come out I" Sealed propomls will be received until twelve o'clock, P. M.., on tile;ilst ofDe cember 1868. Applicants must pessese'beauty, or its etpdvalent in currency. Skie must not chew gum„ Nor frequent sewing arc*. Nor go around bogging tor charitable purposes. Nor trade off, my clothes tti vouider s ing Italians for flower vases. Nor borrow money frail" my ) *tr' pockets while I sleep. She must believe in sudden 'Macaw of chills, and make sdinwOOttif ftkr Mar , effect upon the nervous system. ,. .1. When her "old bear" °Onkel heMti &An "a few friends" rather effectionee, she must not take advantagel of him state id wheedle himinto tripiCteluKtininiptices. And above all, she must not on such occasions, put ipecac inte• the tiii she prescribes for his "poor load," A lady possessing the foregoing quail- I t fications, positive awl ne ative can hear of something to her advau e .by address ing the undersigned enclos a stamp. All proposals must be accompanied with satisfactory evidence of the ability of the applicant to support a husband in the style to which he has been accustomed. Read it, Soldiers The rebels have got Robert Ould, rebel Commissioner of exchange of Prisoners, to write a letter denouncing Grant's course on that subject. Before he con sented to mix in that controversy, he should have seen that this extract from a letter he wrote glorifying his manage ment of this subject, had been destroyed : I , The arrangement nave made Works in our favor. We getsid of a set of m= wretches, and receive some of the best material lever saw." The contrast. The ordinary expenses of the Govern ment for the last three years has been $298,840,371, or a little over $92,000,000 a years. The expenses of the last fiscal year under the Democratic adu►inistrativn of James Bu chanan amounted to. ... $76,841,000 Equal to a currency equivalent st the average of 140 for gold, the rate at which our expen ditures slould be taken if our currency expenses be re duced to gold, to $107,577,400 It therefore appears that the expenses of the Government under the direction of a Republican Congress, hampered by a hostile Executive, have been at the rate of $15,500,000 less per annum than the expenses under the last year of Demo cratic rule. Thanks to Republican extravagance. To the Formers. The real estate in Pennsylvania in 1860 was, according to the census, valued at $1,416,501,818. All this large amount of property, under statute passed by a Republican Legislature, is exempted from State taxation, and the United States at present lays no laud tax. The Democracy, in the fourth section of their platform, call for equal taxation on all forms of property. This includes farms, mountain lots, town lots, homesteads, and mortgages and judgments secured by real estate. Farmers of Pennsylvania, read and ponder well that plank : " Fourth. Equal taxation of every species of property according to its real value, including Government bonds and other securities." Information Wanted. The victims of rebel cruelty at Ander sonville and. Belle Isle want to know how their old keepers are going to vote in the coming election. They remember hear ing, from their Stockades and prison-pens, the humane and benevolent men who stood guard over them, rend the air with cheers at the election of Seymour as Gov ernor of New York in 1862 ; and they are curious to know if these men .are es 14nd in his praise now as then, and whether, now that they have the opportunity, they will vote for him for President. Can General Rosecrans ar his friends 14e, and Beauregard, and others of that answer? The Rebel iljerneerserl. During the war the conduct of the so- Denioo44 towards the soldiers in the field was really estrageow. In those 74wlau. by them pc victories of the et' of Oe Vraitei were uniformly dis parged; their hardships and sufferings liamghe4,at,thek *iteticul and loyal en thuilasnisianded;lthe cause pronounced . hopeless and weit'thieffe', 144 their fate foretold.tole'ratin And Wilily. On the other hand, rebel triumphs , were exagge rated, their successes magnified, thei cave cheered .and Alessed. For the Union soldier ware their contempt and obloquy; for the , rebel, encouragement, and smiles. Wisteh Them. - Information lup been received in Wao - city that extensive arrangements rengag Dade by the Democra* 'State 1 OoMmittee of Pennsylvani a to colonize doubtful districts in. this ,ilitz4e at the October.election with Marylanders. The latter State does not hold an tion in October,and this will leave Maly land Copperhea ds and rebels free to help their friends in Pennsylvania. This is the rebel Democratic game, and our friends everywhere Oroughout the State must be on the alert. All attempts at illegal voting should he:followed by the prompt arrest of Itit! , perpetrator, and his punishment to the pm,, ' e* of the law. Wile is the Democratic party like Adam? Because, like Adam, after they had sinned ind been driven out of the garden of never-failing 'fruit, and com pelled to labor for their brea d in place of living upon the earnings of others, they sigh, labor and swear to return again to the good old days of indolence and plenty. (itr Xittle Itihts. —Judy says a Belgraviau mamma, who has succeeded in getting her own seven daughters " well oft' her hands," has determined to extend to others the benefit of her "system." She is going to open a " class" for the instruction of young ladies in the art of husband catch ing. It is to he called the " school of design." —" What can a man do," asked a green 'un, " when a•sheriff is coining up to him with a writ in his hand " Apply the remedy!" said another. " Apply the remedy? What remedy ?'' "Heel-ing remedy." —Why is a lawyer like a hzy man in the morning ? Because he lie; first on one side, and then turns over ard lies on the other. —A sub-editor announces that the edi tor of the paper is unwell, and piously adds : All good-paying subscribers are requested to make mention of hin in their prayers. The other class need not do it, as the prayer of the wicked avail eth nothing, according to.good authority." —A lady teacher was announcing to her pupils the holiday on the 22d of Febru ary, and asked them why the birthday of Washington should be celebrated more than hers. A little fellow exclaimed, with great vivacity, " Because he never told a lie." —A chap from the country stopped at one of the Baltimore hotels, and sat down to dinner. Upon the bill of fare being presented to him by the waiter, he re marked that he " didn't care 'bout readin' now—he'd wait till after dinner." —Quilp, who has heretofore been a Universalist, now believes there are two things destined to be eternally lost—his umbrella and the man who stole it. —Prentice thinks if a young lady has a thousand acres of laud, the young men are apt to think that there is sufficient around for attachment. —A wag on hearing that a man had given up chimney sweeping, expressed surprise as he thought that business sooted him. —We suppose everybody has heard of the Irishman who said: " The most elo quent feature of a dog's face was his tail." —A man advertises for a " competent person to undertake the sale of a new medicine," and adds that " it will be pro fitable to the undertaker." —" Did your wife have an income last year?" asked an internal revenue officer of a citizen of Carlinsville, 111. " Yes, she had twins—both girls." The officer concluded that it was a pretty liberal income. —A housemaid who was sent to call a gentleman to dinner, found him engaged in using a tooth-brush. " Is he coming?" said the lady, as the servant returned. "Yes, ma'am, directly," was the reply; " he's jist sharpening his teeth." —" My son, would you suppose that the Lord's prayer could be engraved on a space no larger than the area of a nickel cent?" " Well, yes, father; if a cent is as large m everybody's eye as it is in yours, I think there would be no difficulty in putting it on about four times." —A rock ahead—what a young husband foresees when a cradle is brought home. —Why is a learned man like scarlet? Because he is deep read. —The young lady who gives herself away loses her self-possession. —An Irishman remarked of a lady who had been very kind to him," Bedad, she's a perfect jintleman." —A youth declared that his sister is so tender-hearted that she can't be induced to strike a light. —What gentleman tan, with any sense of propriety, ask afar woman to lean on his arm? --A. young , Missour4,n, eulogising his girl's bemity, said: VU be dogged if she ain't as putty twit red wagon —lt late , been ascertained that some ladies, use gaintlis ail fisidlere do rosin-- to aid them,m , drawmg a bean. " .Ify 'motion Of a wffe at , forty,” 'said Jerroldi t't is, that a man sheukt be able Ito change her, like a. bankno t e; for Alto tiventiea." ` The minister who besuliod ylf preachiPg without notes don't .4184 t 0.130 uuderstoed as referring to greenbacks. [By our special .&Olt.?