- NV EN Sevinour feels the cold wind of the :id of November blowing upon he will exclaim, as he'exclaimed to Lin coln, daring the war--" Stop the draft !" THE New York Herald wonders if Frank Blair may be cured of his low and vicious propensities. We do not believe he can be cured except as folks cure bacon —by hanging. GENERAL CARL SCHURZ says the De mocracy have nominated for President, a man who is hereditatily in danger of losing his wits, mill for Vice President, a man who has already lost his. Win) is foci enough to suppose that Seymour wowld live a year, if he was elected President, when a second South ern Booth could make a worse than John son President ? IN 1864, in Vermont, the Republican majority rt the State (September) election was 22,010. This year, it is 27,000. In Novem)er, 1864, it was 29,000. In No vember, 1868, it will be 35,000. How do you like it ? Tire issue is squarely made up. Shall the 4evoted Unionists of the South be left unprotected and at the mercy of vin dictive, murderous rebels ? Answer at the polls in October and November next. THE other day, says the Lebanon Courier, a number of persons in Lebanon were judging the age of a mule, which was for sale. After examining his teeth he was pronounced to he twenty-two. A witty "son of the sod" standing by ex claimed, "Over age, is he : 0 Then, be s iabers, there is another vote for Seymour. His kind all pull in that harness.". IF you want to make a Democrat mad, just ask him something about MAINE. THE election will take place next Mon day, in Maine. A glorious victory awaits the Democracy.—Brick Pomeroy. Didn't see it, did you? THE Reading Eagle is going to publish the returns from Maine immediately after the next election. Mat. SEYMOUR has recently been trying to tickle the soldiers; but they recollect that in 1863 he vetoed a bill allowing them to vote in the field. lilt IC K." POMEROY, of the La Crosse Democrat, calls General Grant a " dum my." What a disgrace to rebeldom that the "impossibility of whipping the South" was made a possibility and reality through the plans of an ignoramus. Brick, try again. Ye cops, swing your caps and shout for glory ! " CARPET-BAGGERS" is the name ap plied by the twin brethren, cops and rebs, to all northern men going South in search of a residence in that sunny clime. Vallandigham, a returned carpet-bagger, is a Democratic candidate for Congress somewhere out in Ohio. Consistent, very. THE La Crosse Democrat says, " God Mess Horatio Seymour." Brick is be coming very pious. We have no objec tion to the `God bless him,' but we hope Ile will bless the American people more by putting upon the shelf this self-same, indentical Horatio Seymour. Yes, God bless him.'" T is contemplated to erect an inebriate asylum out West for Frank Blair and his drunken followers. BY the way the Democrats work, they seem ready to furnish material for their own November tanning. Bluets: POMEROY is going to make a speech at Heading this, Friday, evening. Look out for your pocket books. TILE La Grosse Democrat of last week says : the campaign in Maine is becoming quite animated. The Democracy have gone to work in earnest, and are confi dent of victory. A few more "such" Democratic victories, "Brick." WHAT THEY MEAN.—Grant and Col fax means peace and prosperity, Seymour and Blair, war and bloodshed. GOOD—The news from Maine. How do you like it, Cops. WE are fighting over again to-day the issues of the war times. Do we appre ciate fully that great fact ? We stand by the graves of our dead soldiers. SOLDIERS ! Horatio Seymour is the candidate of the party which refused you the right to vote at all when you were in the field, and which now determines to make war'on you if you do not vote as the conquered rebels dictate I No one denies that illair r is giving his voice and lungs to the campaign, also his mouth and stomach to the elhampaign. As an indication of hoW intellig,ent mechanics will vote in .this State at the Presidential election, look at the , follow ing vote, taken, on the excursion train from Harrisburg to Lancaster, on Friday last, containing several Councils of Uni ted American Mechanics :—For errant, 540 ; for Seymour, 142. THERE have been portraits or payis, Lee, ITIMIDtoit, Othei likeTebel ieroes borne in Democratic processions since the campaign opened. But no one has yet von red upon a pictnre of Booth. Why *ould the greatest Democratic hero of the 6,ge be thus slighted? THE gTeat secret of sitocm com bined effort. Then at caiceArganfte the forces of GMit and Colfz in ever ward, precinct, vinaga and Wiwi *strict in the CommektWeitlth. ISt IitINS. [l✓ - BE ASSESSED. PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD TIME : A new schedule for the running of passen ger trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad went into effect on Monday, September 14th. The following table shows the time at which the trains leave this city : EASTWARD. WESTWARD. Phila. Express. 4:17 a.m. Erie Mail 2:00 a.m. Fast Line 6.35 0 Phila. Express. 2 " Lam. Train.... 9:05 " Mail 1 1. It Day Express... 2:11 p.m. Fast Line 2:20 p : m. L s Earrisb'g Ac.. 6:16 " Columbia Ac... ;25 , Chichi. Ex 10 : 47 " HarrisbnriAc.. LancsaterTrabl al, Cincinnati Rt.. ::0 REPUBLICAN RALLY AT GoonvILLE. —A large and interesting meeting was held at Goodville, East Earl township, on Thursday afternoon and even'ng of last week ; Officers as follows : President, W. 11. 11. Kinzer; Vice-Presidents, John S. Weaver, J. 11. High, J. Ranek, T. A. Kinzer and S. E. Ranek, of East Earl ; D. Styer, J. S. Hurst, Dr. J. 11. Long, Prof. T. 11. Reifsnyder and J oseph Shertz, of CaernarVon ; Adam Styer and Jacob Blank, of Caernarvon, 13erks county ; Capt. A. Setley, E. G. Groff and C. Mus ser, of East Earl; S. S. High and J. S. Hacker, of Ephrata; Capt L. B. Evans and Dr. Shirk, of Adamstown ; 11. B. Becker, Esq., and J. Beam, of Breck nock ; W. 11. Bunn and Henry Ammon, of Salisbury am) G. W. Owen, of Upper Leacock. Secretaries—W. J. Wallace, Martin Sensing, John Myers, John C. Hertzler, J. S. Musselman, Samuel Hull, Esq., E. D. White, Esq., Elias Clawser, J. C. Stoner, Samuel Weaver, David Bear and 11. Killian. Chief Marshal— Capt. John W. Rogers. Assistants— B. F. Weaver, J. W. Sensing, G. G. nigh, Adam E. Ranck and 11. Witmen. The Fairville, Churchtown and Morgan town Bands accompanied the several delegations. The meeting was addressed by Maj. R. W. Shenk, Gen. J. W. Fisher,Major A. C. Reinoehl, E. H. Rauch and E. C. Reed and James Kenney, of Morgan town. Notwithstanding the unfavorable state of the weather, the meeting was a large one. The ladies were present in force, and East Earl will contribute more than its share toward the 6,500 majority for Hartranft and Campbell on the second Tuesday in October. MEETING OF THE RETURN JUDGES: The Return Judges of the Primary Elec tions, held on Saturday last to nominate a Congressnum to succeed the Iron. Thad deus Stevens, deceased, met in the Or phans Court Room on Monday morning. Walter G. Evans, Esq., was chosen Pres ident, assisted by a number of Secretaries. The Returns all being in, the following is the summing up of ate vote : Whole tuniiher of votes cast 9 2 For 0. J. Dickey (Full Term) 6 -" '' (Unexpired Tenn).....4;,724 For A. Herr Smith (Full Term) 2 :140 (Unexpired Term).....2,267 For A. 11. Hood (Unexpired Term) 94 Dickey's Majority tbr Full Term " OVer both for Irliexpired Term ANOTHER REPUBLICAN RALLY AT LANCASTER : There was a grand rally of the Republicans of this city, at the Court House ,on Wednesday, t/th inst. Speeches were made by Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio, and James A. Briggs, of N. Y. The crowd gathered was immense, and the wildest enthusiasm prevailed. The distinguished speakers were listened to with marked attention. THE COUNTY MASS MEETING : A meet ing of the Republican County Committee was held on Monday, to make arrange ments for the Grand Republican County Convention, on Tuesday, the 29th inst. Col. W. L. Bear, of this city, was selected as Chief Marshal for the occasion. We expect to see an immense turn-out on that day—eclipsing, if possible, that of 1864. READING Pose, No. li), G. A. R., will make a grand railroad excursion to Mauch Chunk on next Saturday (to-morrow). It will be a grand affair. They will be ac companied by a number of leading citizens. The mountain sceneries of the Lehigh coal region are unsurpassed by any in the country. A HORTICULT URAL EXHIBITION, un der the auspices of the Lancaster County Horticultural and Agricultural Society, will be held in the Orphans' Court Room, this city, ou Wednesday, September 23d. A tine display of fruits, &c., may be expected. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS IMO' P. REA, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office with 0. J. Dickey, Esq., No. 21 South Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. pU.IELPQ SALE. On WEDNESDAY, the 23d of SEPTEMBER, 1868, will be sold at Public Sale, on the premises, at ZOOK'S FACTical,Y,Ajl West Earl Township, Lancaster County, the following valuable Real .Estate, tq ; VARM of BD. /Ares Of .land, more or less, adjoining the Cocalico Creek, and lands of Samuel Brown,l4 , etee Mrtmitua, , Johu K, Zook, and others; on which ',erected a TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE 'With a 'Two Story Brick Kitchen attached.; statile SumnierHouse, BANK BARN, Wagon Shed amid Cm iage 11011110 attached ; Ho -St a one and a halt Story FAAME TEN ANT HOUSE% other Outbuildings ; a Well of • good. and neyerNling I water, with pump therein near the ho ime door, and a Rain Wa ter Chiltern, with pomp therein near the kitchen door, aim, a Well with pump in the Barn Yard; and Two Wells o(, ruttish's . muter near the Tenant Benne a Tenet• Bearing Orcliard of Choice Fruit 'Trees, suchns.AppietiPPenni, Peaches, Chet rim, Orem,' oto• . About klve *pro of , tile above tract la Ateavy Timber, and the remainder is good farming land, in a higl state of ettitivatien, about 2000 busheld of put,on thht kltssititoer, Net under, Hpod fences. Persons wishing view_the property before the day of sale, will please call on the subscriber resid ing thereon. Possession and good title will be given on the Ist sing QC..I.Na. next, 1869. Sale to commence at 2 o'clodk in the - afternoon of said day, when terms of pule Milt bateindeirknown by ]se4-3tJ George Geyer, due. JACOB ZOOK. • VOW READY THE 1.1 GRANT AND COLFAX' WOES On Blue Satin—Motto and Portrait, Price, 26' eta. Grant Sleeve Buttons, 50 eta. • Seventy-rive differ ent Style Badges. Medals from 5 cents to 60. Any of the above sent free by mail upon receipt of price. Agentb wanted to attend meetings, supply clubs, &c., Address U. S. BADGE COMPANY au2l-4t. ~ Hanover, Pa. A O. FLINN'S HOUSE FURNISHING STORE, No. 11 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. Ice Cream Freezers Water Coolers, Refriger ators, Tin and Cop ier Ware, Wooden Ware, Britiania Ware, Bird Cages, Step Ladders, Brooms and Brazes, Knives it'd Forks, Tea and Table Spoons, Coffee Mils, dte., , Coal Oil Chandeliers for Ha Lyceums, Coal 011 Lamps, Brackets, &0., Pumps, Hydraulic Rams, Water Pipes, &c. A very flue assortment of HOUSE FURNISH ING GOODS, of all kinds, at A. C. FLINN'S, House Furnishing Store, No. 11 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. FA_TI7I._PIITZ, _AT3IZA_THI NEW ADVERTISEMENTS LANCASTER FILE ANT) AI a nufactory of Files, Rasps and Edge Tools GRANT & COLFAX:I Beautiful Oil Portraits in richly Gilt Oval Frames of the Standard Bearers of the Republican party are now offered to the friends of our cause. The Agent will call personally for orders. Prices low, and sure to suit purchasers. IL SIMMONS. FLAGS, FIREWORKS, dc. 1776. FLAGS! FLAGS! PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN We have now on hunt null have arrange mia,ts with enaniti'ilet Uri r to furnish, at shortoit node,: and cheapest rates, Of all sizes and qualities FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATIONS, EXHIBI TIONS, PROCESSIONS, (AC. All orders in person or mail will receive prompt attention by No. 19 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER JOSEPH ROYER, Wholesale and Retail Confectioner, Dealer in Fruits, Nuts, Toys, Ice Cream, Cakes, &c., wholesale and retail. No. 33 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. J. B. KEVINSKI, PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, SHEET MUSIC. A large stock on hand, and constantly receiving all the latest intlilleations as soon as issued. Music sent by Mail free rf Postage. Sole agent for Steinway & Son's WORLD-RENOWNED PIANOS. Also, agent for Prince St Co.'s ORGANS AND MELODEON'S, No. 3, NORTH PRINCE Street, Lancaster, Pa HATS AND CAPS And manufactured to order, any style and quality. T. H. S. W. CORNER CENTRE SQUARE AND WEST F • SMITH, lIIANDI 7 -4CIURER AND DEALER IN HATS AND CAPS. All kinds of RATS made to order on short notice and at low prices. 113 WEST KING Street, Lancaster, Pa. SHULTZ & BRO., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALIIRS IN HATS. CAPS, STRAW HATS, LADIES' SHADE HATS, SHAKER HOODS, &0., Wholesale and Retail, No, 20 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. READING RAIL ROAD. .SUMMER ARRANGEMkiNT MAY 20th, 1868. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM VU( North and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Al lentniTe, MlMMori,Ephr44", Litizi Lancaster, Colum bia, &c., &c. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York,' as fol lows: at 2.50, L2B and 8.10 A. M.; 12.40 noon, and 2.86 and 9.35 r e Al ., connecting w i th similar trains on the Pe,nrisylVithis Railroad, and arriving at New York at 6.00,10.00 and 11.50 A. M., and 3.50,7.40 and 10.30 P. M. Sleeping ears accompanying the 2.50 A L M. 141:49.315 P. M. train without change Leavellfirtisburg for Reading, PotWvill . e, Tama qua, Minersville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8.10, A. M., and 2.05 and 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and" Principal Way Stations; the 4.10 P. 44.' limiting Connections for Philadelphia and Columbia on ly. ' For Pottsville, Schuylkill kfaven, and Auburn, via Schirylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, leave Harrisburg at 3.55 P. M. Returning: leave New York at WOO A. M., 42,00 ,and 6410 and 8.00 P. M. Sleeping cars iccOmpany the 8.60 A. M. and .5.00 and 8.09 P. M. trains, 'Without change. Way pissurager Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 A, lit., returning from Reading at 6.30 P. M. stop ping at all Stadont ; Pottsville at 1145 A. M. and 2.45 P. M.; Ashland 6.00 A. M. and 12.10 noon, and 2,00 P. M.; Tamaqua at 8.30 A. M., and 1.60 and 8:45 P. M. Leave Pottiville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road at 7.10 A. M. and 12.00 noon. Rending Aecommodatton Trial\ ; Loaves Reuen g at 7.30 A. M., returning from Philadelphia, at 5.18 P. Id. • Pottstown Accommodation Train : Leaves Potts town at 0.45 A. M., returning leaves Philadelphia at 9.30 P. M. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Reading at 7.00 A. M. and 6.15 P. M. for Ephrata, LIM' Lancaster, Columbia, &c. Perkiomen Rail Road Trains leave Perkiomen Junction at 9.00 A. M., and 5.55 P. M. Returning: Leave Skip pack ate.4s A. M., and 1.15 P. M. con necting with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. On Sundays: Leave New York at 8.00 P. 111., Philadelphia 8.00 A. M. and 3.15 P. M., the 8.00 A. M. Train running only to Reading ; Pottsville 8.00 A. M. ;_ Harrisburg 5.25 A. M. and 4.10 and 9.35 P. M., and Reading at 1.10, 2.55 and 7.15 A. M. for Harrisburg, and 7.06 A. M. and 11.40 P. M. for New York and 4.25 P. M. for Philadelphia, Commutation, Mileage Season, School and Ex curaion Tickets, to and Mileage, all points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger. G. A. NICOLLS, Gen. Supt. BEADING, PA., May 20, 1868. EDGE TOOL WORKS, LANCASTER, PA. FOR JULY FOURTH AND FLAGS SILK, BUNTING, MUSLIN, ct 4: EVERY VARIETY CYF FIREWORKS WM= D. S. Sc J. S. BUIISK, Wholesale and Retail Grocers CONFECTIONER K. DEALER IN And Musical Instruments Generally HATS AND CAPS. A FULL STOCK ON lIAND, M:MMEM LANCASTER, PENNA RAILROADS. I" BOOKS d STATIONER F. BARR'S BOOK STORE We invite the attention of School Directors and Teachers to our large stuck of School Books and extensive arrangements with the large Publishing Mouses of Philadelphia, New York and Boston. We pay special attention to the interests of Direct ors and Teachers, and are prepared to supply townships at even better rates than ever before. Directors who contemplate changing Books, will find it greatly to their advantage to call upon us, as our arrangements with publishers enable us to fur nish Books for introduction at the very lowest pub lisher's rates. Our stock of School Stationery is also very largo and well selected, and our facilities for furnishing Globes, Charts and Naps cal not be surpassed. 1868. All the new styles of American, French and English Note and Letter Papers, with Envelopes to match. All Paper and Envelopes purchased from us will be stamped with the initial of ths purchaser, free of charge, if desired. J. E. 13 A RR, au2l-tf S, wj No. lid E. King st., Lancaster. BOOKS & STATIONERY. A COMPLETE STOCK OF SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, LARGE L ASSORTMENT OFT G O OD STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS OF ALL SIZES, BOOSEY'S CHEAP STANDARD MUSIC. Catalogues of the above furnished on application. KURTZ AND MUNAAGILAN'S CELEBRA TED GOLD PENS, ANTHONY'S STEREOSCOPES, AMERICAN AND FOREIGN VIEWS. Liberal deductions to Merchants. OrdersGrespectfully solicited andGprompt ly filled at J. H. SHEAFFEWS, Cheap Cash Book Store, 1.3 No. 32 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. JOHN BAER'S SONS, No. 10 NORTH QUEEN STREET, P 13 BLISHER 8 0 P THE VOLKSTREUND ,IND BEOBAEHTER A German Republican Newspaper. GERMAN AND ENGLISII ALMANACS, TESTAMENTS, HYMN BOOKS, SLO SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, NEV AND CHEAP BOOR. STORE, (Corner of Fulton Buildings,) WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER BIBLES, TESTAMENTS', SCHOOL BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS' BOOKS, Aril a general variety of well selected Stationery, Maps and Fancy Articles in the line of trade. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS Of all kinds. Special attention given. Being Librarian of the Lancaster County Bible Society, I will furnish Sunday Schools with Bibles and Testaments-at cost. Bibles for 50 cents; Testa ments for 10 cents. A variety of new Sewing Machines for sale cheaper than anywhere else. D. S. BARE. BOOK a; JOB PRINTING. RAUCH & COCHRAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING ALL KINDS, From the largest POSTER to the smallest CARD or CIRCULAR executed in the best style and at reasonable prices. Eir^Orders from a distance promptly attended to OFFICE—N. E. ANGLE CENTRE SQUARE. LANCASTER, YENNA. T B. Mc(ASKEY, • tr • SURGEON DENTIST OFFICE-EAST KING ST., OFIR THE FIRST NATIONAL *AMR, All Work Waniukted.l3ll W M. VirMITESPg, D E N T-1 S Oftioe and residence, East Ring :Street, next door to.the Court limas, over Irahnestook's Dry Goods Store, Lancaster, P. Teeth 'Extracted without pain; by the nse of (Nitrous Oxide) Olui. JEWELRY, ct-c. ZAIIM & JACKSON, DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER • AND SILVER-PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND FANCY. GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTICR, Pa.. 1/g" Repairing attended to. H. Z. RHOADS & BRO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE, No. 22 WEST KING STREET, (Next Door Below Cooper's Hotel,) LANCASTER, PA. SCHOOL, DIRECTORS, 'I7EACHERS, PARENTS ITIEI SCHOLARS, TARE NOTICE ALL NEW BOOKS RNCEIVED AS FAST AS ISSUED FROM THE PRESS LA ?MASTER, PA =I JUSTICES' BLANKS ISE .STA TIONERY. ECM DEN - WS-TR Jr LANG' ASTRR, PA. Eli BOOTS A Nil SHOES. 19 MARSHALL & SON'S BOOT AN I) SHOE STORE, CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA CAMPAIGN OF 1868. NOW IS THE TIME FOR VICTORY! We have started the Campaign by laying In a free stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. 25 Cases Ladies' Gaiters. 25 Cases Misses Gaiters. 25 Cases Children's Gaiters. 2.5 ('secs Boys' Shoes. 25 Cases Men's Shoes. 25 Cases Men's and Boys' Boots Give us a call. We offer inducements never be fore offered. Our work is of the best quality. Don' forget the place, N. E. COR. CENTRE SQUARE. COAL. FACER, BRENEAIAN & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I=l COA L , Of the best quality. YARD—COR. WATER ST. & PENNA. R. R Opricz—No. 2 EAST ORANGE ST., LANCASTER, PA H. BAUMGARDNER, DEALER IN COAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, NORTH PRINCE .STREET, NEAR THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD LANCASTER, PA INS URA NCE. THE OLD PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CONEPANY OF PHILADELPHIA ACCUMULATED CAPITAL After Paying Losses to the Amount of $1,120,000 CHARTER PERPETUAL ALL TIM SURPLUS DIVIDED AMONGST THE POLICY I= THE ONLY TRULY MUTUAL COMPANY IN TEE CITY OR STA TE. For further information apply to JOHN J. COCHRAN, Agent, P. 0. Lancaster, Pa LODGE REGALIA. AUCHENBACH & BROTHER, No. 520 PENN STREET, READING, PA., MANUFACTURERS OF REGALIAS, JEWELS AND OTHER LODGE PROPERTIES, For Masons' Blue Lodges, Chapters and Councils; Odd Fellows' Lodges awl Encampments; Good Templars, Temple of Honor and Sons of Temper ance; American Mechanics, American Protestants, Red Men, Burngari, Good Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Brotherhood of the Union, and for all fe male lodges and associations, fitted out at the short est notice. Also, Swords Belts, Hats, Caps, and Regalia Trimmings of all kinds constantly on hand. Orders respectfully solicited, and goods forwarded to all parts of the country. AUCHENBACH & BROTHER, No 520 PENN Street, Reading, Pa. PAINTING. SIGNS, BANNERS, &c JOSEPH I3RIMMER, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, AND MANUFACTCRER OF GLASS TABLETS. CAMPAIGN BANNERS Painted in the latest style and at short notice. Room—Over Baker's Drag Store, CENTRE SQUARE, Lancaster, Pa. SAWING MACHINES. D ON'T READ THIS! SINGER'S SEWING MACELINE Proved itself without a rival in the late test trial in this city with the Howe Machine. We therefore present It to the consideration of an intelligent public as INCOMPARABLY the BEST SE WING MACHINE IN THE WORLD. It is light running—almost noiseless—and adapted to a wider range of work than any other SEWING MACHINE, While it is, at the same time, very simple indeed. A child can, with all ease, learn to use it In a short time. We can assure the public that they will look tO their OWN TE RES T If in want of a SEWING MACHINE, TO SEE, TEST AND TRY THE SINGER, Before deciding to take it or any other Machine. Parties often come to town in search of a Machine, and then listen to the athilce of interested parties, or those who have but a limited knowledie of the Machines in question. BETTER ME THEM_ FOR YOIJBEELVES, FRIE.WDS, And then you will not be deceived W.W. BARDSLEE, Agent, 16: 3 EAST ORANGE STREET, (Two Doors Iron North Queen,) LANCASTER, PA. BANKING. C=3 B AIR & SHENK , BANKERS, NORTREAST ANGLE OF CENTRIC SQUARE, LANCASTER, PENNA FURNISHING GOODS. CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS FOR THE NEWEST STYLES OF COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, SUSPENDERS, WHITE AND FANCY KID GLOVES, STOCKINGS, EMBROIDERED SHIRT FRONTS, SUMMER UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, -AT E. J. ERISMAN'S GENTS FURNISHING STORE, 41% NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. $2,000,000 j