El ASTER N NOMINATIONS. NATION_.I_I - , TICKET. .to . I iiro k Oen. IT NT, OF THE UNITED STATEs Vice President: SCHUYLER COLFAX, OF INDIANA STATE TICKET. Auditor Genereti: Gen. eI NO. F. HARTRA N FT, OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY Surveyor General : Gen. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, OF CAMBRIA COUNTY COUNTY TICKET. Congress 01,IVE1t J. DICKEY, City Congress (Unexpired Term). OLIVER J. DICKEY, City As.i.oriate Judge .10111 , Z 4. LIBMART, Marietta A SSl37llbl y DR. J. C. GATCHELI, )lartic. CAPT. W. W. HOPKINS, City. JACOB G. PETERS, Conest,,ga. AARON 11. SUMMY, East, Ilunkptiel4l District Attorney: GEORGE BRUBAKER, City County Con on iss inner: JACOB C. KREADY, Manor Prison Inspectors : HENRY I'OWNALL, Bait. SHIRK, West Cocalico Directors of Ow Poor GEORGE FRY, East Cocalico 'ONRAD GAST, City. Audih , r; ,E W. MEIIAFFE V, Marietta IitINOTHER REDUCTION OF TERMS. GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS! After September 11th, " FATHER ABRAriAm." will be furnished at the fol lowing rates : One copy for Five copies in a package to one ad dress Ten copies in a package to one ad dress $2.00 Fifty copies in a package to one ad dress .. $B.OO There will be no further reduction of price during the campaign. Therefore Clubs and individuals who desire to serve the good cause by placing the best and cheapest campaign paper into the hands of the people, should at once forward their orders. We ought to circulate at least twenty-five thousand copies every Week before the first of October. Per sons getting up clubs will bear in mind that, at the above rates, we cannot ad dress each paper, but only send them in packages as may be directed by those getting up the club. A GRAND COUNTY MASS MEETING Of the friends of Grant, Colfax, and the whole Republican State and County Ticket will I* held at .LANCASTER, TILTFADAY, pIEPTESIBER 29, 11.499.. The meeting will be addressed by gen. itiLpima i the Famous Cavalry Leader, Gen. JOS. 1. HAWLEY, of Connecticut, Hon. LEWIS HARKER, of lake, And others, to be announced hereafter To Our Subscribers. We receive letters almost daily com plaining of failures of subscribers in re ceiving their papers. •We assure one and all that with very few exceptions irregularity is not our fault. We are very particular in writing the names and in counting the number in each package. Therefore, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, the fault is with those who handle tl e p tpers after they are mailed. Ita• Col. John W. Forney will address the people of Lancaster County, do the issues of the day, as follows : New Holland, October 8, in the afternoon. Millersville, 9, in the afternoon. Safe Harbor, " 9, in the evening. tPeaehbottom, Yorkeo.lo, In the afternoon. Altrithani." 01i OVER 9000 EDITORS & PUBLISIIISRS, BEI EMMI TEMBER IS, IS6B. policy of my oven to en ill the people.”—GßANT. CH 'EM." ME THE OLD GUARD. The prospects of an overwhelming hill jority in glorious old Lancaster County were never more flattering than now. The nominations being made, and all local questions out of the way, at least for the present, the ensuing three weeks will be devoted to earnest, constant and persistent effort, to bring the entire Re publican strength of this great county to the polls. In this good work, and to this end, every Republican seems disposed to do something. We can give seven thou sand majority. The only question is, whether the vote willbe broughtout. That our majority will reach six thousand live hundred, we firmly believe. That a full vote will give us seven thousand, we are certain. Republicans of Old Lancaster ! What say you—shall seven thousand be your lowest figure? . If you say yes, then, de pend upon it, seven thousand it will be. To do this, all must work with a will. Let every doubtful voter be seen, spoken to, encouraged and supplied with docu ments. Swell the numerous mass meet ings throughout the county. Invite our demoeFatic friends to attend them, and give them good seats up in front. Block your townships ; make correct returns to the member of the county committee for the district. See to it that every man is assessed at least ten clays before the elec tion. If you know of a single stranger in your district, find out his politics and his antecedents. If satisfied that he is all right, see to his assessment. If he is doubtful or against us, be sure to satisfy yourselves that he is a legal voter, and not an imported Ku-Kluxer, or one with a coffee-colored naturalization paper. In a word, do all you can do—every one of you; and, our word for it, the result in Lancaster County will be more glorious than ever before. Remember, SE VEN THOUSAND! !.. - JBE ASSESSED -moo y-. A Delegate at the 11 - 'eaag Place. On the day of the Berks County Demo cratic County Convention, an individual from one of the upper districts, supposed to have been a delegate, called at the, Reading high School building, knocked at the door, and asked one of the teach er : Ish des doh der platz wu se de demo kratish Convention haltar Is this the place where they are holding the Demo cratic Convention?] Teacher—" Nay, doh macha mer yungy Republicans." ]No, here we make young Republikcans.l Del.—" Was—we duhnat der se dorm macha ?" [ What—how do you make them ?] Ei des is an shoo]." [ This is a school.] D.--" Doch keh Soondogs shool?" [Not a Sunday School ?] T.—" Nay, des is an Frei Shool." [No, this is a free school.] D.—" So-so—doh is des yetz elms fun denim frei shoola ; mit so an platz will ich nix tsu du hawa, for ich bin a demokrat." [ So-so—this, then, is one of these free schools. At such a place I want nothing to do, for I am a Democrat.] B E ASSESSED A Sockdologer. As we have frequently referred to the wonderful and gratifying success of FATHER ABRAHAM, we feel called upon also to lay before our readers the follow ing "sockdologer," which we received through the post-office last Saturday: " You said in your sheet that you were free from all fictions or rings, and under that un derstanding I raised a club of twenty, hoping you would - be as good as your word ; so I told the subscribers that Father Abraham was free from all faction, and now my subscribers de mand their money. They say that I told them an untruth, that your sheet is the worst Ring weekly paper in Lancaster ; so hereafter, when you want clubs raised, please get your Ring brothers at it, as I Will lie after you no more. No Fox.t.owtm or 'lnto& The writer of the above is cordially in vited to call at the office of. FATHER ABRAHAM, prove the allegation and get his money back, as we do not want the name of a single unhappy Republican on our subscription list. LI:7BE ASSESSED. The United American. Mechanics. The State parade of the Order of United American Mechanics' last Friday in this city was decidedly the grandest scene of the kind ever witnessed in Penn sylvania—the late Masonic demonstration in Philadelphia, perhaps, only excepted. Over four thousand members of the order, clothed in their beautiful regalia of red, white and blue, were in line, and the entire .line of procession, including the numerous wagons containg the Print ing Presses, Boat Builders, Brickmakers, Carriagemakers, Foundries, Blacksmith shops and other trades, was fully two miles in length. lii'Arr TIT:, ?, According to present indications, Berks county will tall considerably be low her usual Democratic majority. We do not believe that it can possibly reach six thousand—sonic of our best in formed men put the figure down as low as live thousand. In the city of Reading we are thoroughly organized, and a de cided Republican majority may be looked for. An immense meeting was held there last Saturday eveuim,•, on which occasion Col. John W. Forney made one of his most brilliant and powerful speeches. Among the pleasing incidents was the reading of a dispatch from Lancaster city by Col. Forney, announcing 1,028 majority in Lancaster for Dickey as the successor of Thaddeus Stevens, which was received with three hearty cheers by the assembled thousands. Voter, if on the day of the October electioA, any man asks you why you sup port John F. Hartranft, tell him because Hartranft was willing, in the hour of his country's danger, to abandon the mis chievous dogmas of his old political faith, that he might the' better M the vin dication of the Constitution and the Laws, in the effort to sustain the national au thority. And if any man ask of the same voter why he supports John M. Camp bell, answer because he was willing to do battle in defense of his political principles. 11E ASSESSED. - .1w -a— Cot. 0. J. Dickey. IVe heartily congratulate the fifteen thousand Republicans of Lancaster county, and also the friends of Liberty throughout the country, upon the triumph ant nomination of 001. 0. J. Dickey, of this city, as the successor of the late THADDEUS STEVENS. That he will fol low in the footsteps of his great prede cessor, and in every respect prove faith ful to the good cause, cannot be doubted for a moment. Probably no county in the State is more thoroughly organized than glorious little Lebanon. Grant and Colfax clubs are formed in Cornwall, Myerstown, Annville, Lebanon and other Districts, and among the officers and Executive Committees of these cubs, we recognize the best and most active working men of the party. Put Lebanon down good for 1500 majority on the side of Liberty and the Union. A New Grtint Gent Ii _Bedford We have before us the Bedford county Press of the 9th instant, hitherto a neu tral paper, which has just raised to its mast-head the names of GRANT anti COLFAX, backed up by a strong and well written leader, from which we extract the following : "Like Washington, at the inception of our Government, Grant ought to have been elected without any opposition, eveept the suppressed hatred of the rebels. Believing this, we are no longer neutral in the war which the leaders of the Democratic party, in combination with Wade Hampton, Basil Duke, N. B. Forrest and the unrepentant rebels have inaugurated and are waging with weapons of falsehood and slander against this great and good man, to whom otu• country owes so much. CBE ASSESSED The Republicans appear determined to carry even the obstinate little Copper head State of Delo4ere, and the recent glorious Republican Victory in the city. of Wilmington is a strong and cheering indication of success throughout the State at the coming election. General A. T. A. Torbert, of Milford, a gallant cavalry officer under Sheridan, is the Republican candidate for Congress. Are you assessed ? If you are not able to answer this question, take the first leisure moment you have and visit the assessor of your ward, and see .that you are properly on the list, and your name spelt correctly. Then be sure you have paid a State. or county tax within two years. Grand Mass Meetings Will be held as follow: At Reading on October 3d, at Pottsville October lgth, and at Lancaster on Tuesday, the 29th of the present month. Some of the ablest speakers in the country will address these meetings. From every State of the Great West we have the most encouraging assurances of overwhelming victories. Maryland and Kentucky are the only two States that may be regarded sure for "der Sei moyer." The Campaign in Ohio Mr. E. 11. Rauch, of FATHER ARRA HAm,wiII address the people of Massillon, Ohio, on Friday evening, Sept. 25th, and of Canton, on Saturday evening, the 26th. Ohl Verks The Peri son. Lebanon Cottatty. Little Delaware. Attention, Voters! The Great West. GLORY ! GLORY ! GLORY ! GLORY!! GLORY !! GLORY!! , -..----may-__. of„ - --- z - 0.-_-_---..------ --I - L , r - ----_. , --------,... ..--, 4.-- -- -- L-- - -- ----!' VIZENEMY ROUTE----- , —7=-%-- ,-- . ,----- -"--, MAINE!!! MA INE ! !! MAINE!!! MAINE ! ! MAINE ! ! MAINE ! 22,000: 22,000 22,0002: 22,000:2: 22,000 222 22,000 OVERWHELMING REPUBLICAN VICTORY! TOTAL ROUT OF THE ENEMY ! JERUSALEM AND CONsTANTINOPLE! ATLANTIC CABLE AND PACIFIC BAIL LOAD! EARTHQUAKES AND AU ItoEA BOREALIS! 01l nonAno Where, Oh! Where are your "Friends ?'7 Echo answers, "Where !" " They have planyed Ate iII ft Sea (if Troubles!" Old John Brown's soul hi Marching On The Spirit of Old Thad Stevens lilt's in the Hearts of the People We are coming Father Abraham Coming, coining, coming, With Ten Thousand gain, Away deown in Maine SHOUT, BOYS, SHOUT! Say what you please ! Elephants, Kan garoos, Ku-Kluxers and uneducated pigs Gorillas, Monkeys, Mules and Sehnoyer brickpomeroyvalandighamblairhiestercly- merandyjohnsonconcederatecrossroadsno- wherenixcurnrouse ! Maine heard from. Republican ma jority over '20,000 ! Last year 11,000. Republican gain 0,000 ! Democratic gain (over the left) 9,000 ! Big thing ! Where?s Blair? NEXT IN ORDER Pennsylvania, Republican, - - - 25,000 Ohio, Republican, - - - - - 25,000 Indiana, Republican, - - - 25,000 Hats Off! Down in Front! Every body Reads FATTIER ABRAHAM! AtOrsTA, Me., Sept. 14' 'The election of to-day closed the most exciting and most energetic campaign ever witnessed in Maine. The vote is larger by some thousands than ever be fore thrown. We have carried every Congressional district, the , closest by 2,500 majority. • We have carried every county; regain ., ing the three that 'were carried by,tbe Democrats last year. We have el,ec,ted BVERY Senator and seven-eighths of the House of Representatives, and have rolled up a popular majority for Gtovern9r Chamberlain of 22,0001 Our nutierity last year was 11,000, and our average majority for the past twelve years"•has been 13,600. our great triutnph of 1860, we bad 16,000, and,iu 1804 we had 18,000. Our victory of to-day is by farthe most brilliant that was ever won by the Re -1111141014 party in Maine, and it, has been achieved over the most persistent and maddened efforts of the Democracy. MAINE WILL THROW 30,000 MA JORITY FOR GRANTAND COLFAX IN NOVEMBER. JANES G. BLAINE, Chairman lieptibliean Committee of Maine. LATER! 23,3601 The papers -of - Wednesday announce the majority in Maine to be TWENTY THREE THOUSAND THREE HUN DRED AND SIXTY ! Glory Hallelujah! (The Latest.] COLORADO AND NEW MEXICO Have also gone Republican by increased majorities! The Pole Raising at Chnrchtown-- Dying Groans of the Copperheads. After the raising of the Republican Pole and Grant and Colfax Flag at Churchtown, the Cops became alarmed and resolved to hoist one themselves in honor of the butcher Forrest, the pirate Semmes and the guerilla Moseby, and thus afford the fierce Democracy a chance to "rally once again." Thery is hut one Democratic Hotel in Chorellown, but the proprietor, to his creditffie it said, was ashamed to disgrace his premises with the pole or the meet ing. After much difficulty, a spot to plant the pole was found—in the corner of a grave-yard, emblematic of the pass age, " Let the dead bury the dead." After the raising, on Saturday evening, the 27th ult, the motley crowd of men and boys attempted to give three cheers, but couldn't raise wind enough to do it. Next a Dutch Pill Pedler and Cow Doctor from Pennytown proceeded to address the assembled Democracy. After a powerful but unsuccessful effort to say something. he concluded to quit. Next appeared a degenerate son of a noble sire, who graduated at Reamstown, long ago, and now Intik from the "Kilcleer be,vond Safe Harbor. lie said something about hanging Seymour and Blair high up on the Pole, and then subsided. Another speaker didn't happen to be present, whereupon the meeting ad journed for liquor. The Cops of Churchtown must not get discouraged. Let them remember that they are not struggling alone in the up hill work before them. The sour-krout guerillas of Lancaster ; the aristocracy of the Five Points, the Heidelberg Brigade of Old Berks ; the rioters of the coal regions ; the Sons of Liberty in the Egypt of ; the Wurz Guards of Alabama; the Ku-Kluxers of Tennes see, and the boarders of Cherry Hill are with them. K. CO MESSRS. RAUCH & COCHRAN :—I heart ily congratulate you upon your success ill publishing FATHER ABRAHAM, the Re publican campaign paper of the country. It is doing a glorious work in this section of our State. Its popularity is recog nized everywhere, and well deserved. Even a number of Democrats read it carefully, especially our country Ger mans, who arc always anxious to hear from their friend Schwelliebrenner. The people here are thoroughly aroused and organized. The meeting at Allen town, an, account of which appeared already, was a grand atlitir, and did us much good. You can depend upon it that Lehigh Valley will greatly reduce the hitherto large waloritY of the sham Democracy. We have an excellent local ticket, with our popular friend and neigh bor, :Major D. D. Jones, of this place as one of the nominees for the Legislature. Such nominations must call out our en tire strength. Our accounts from Car bon and 'Northampton are also encour aging, indicating decided gains. S. atber Nbralptin's Oipti •,, REPUBLICANS at the polls and Grant in the field crowded the rebel Democrats into their "last ditch" four years ago. That is precisely what we propose to do again, now that they have made a fresh stand. IVILKEs' Spirit reports that no one has accepted the $5,000 bet offered by that paper that Gaant win be elected, and now otters to make the odds three to two in Grant's favor. DON PrATT, of Ohio, was right when he said the Democratic party was like a blind horse in ,a bark.inill, who goes round and round—round and round—perfectly indifferent whether he grinds tan bark or brimston,,so he gets his oats. To You—Are you assessed? -;WooLo.net thienation bailie:pretty fix bj,the election of, Seymour. anfi Blair ? The one ceniing 'from an insane asylum, and the other from , an "inebriates' home." WHEN the RepUblican party came into power in *B6l, they found a rebellion on their hands which the Democratic party had been this years - threiatehing organizing: To Sqve` the 'GOvernthent against the attack of these iniquitous men cost a quarter of a million of lives and 83,000,000,000, With. this blood and this debt charged to thetn,they nbW ask to be trusted'yrto power. Wha.t freeman does not revolt at the thought? IF this is a " whiterrlttPa goyemnept" ,why are the Southern Democrats colldet ing the colored voters' into their clubs?* ORGANIZE a Grant and Colfax club in evory, to:owl:whip, Let'the moil work, be pushed forward at once. Trim Western Republicans are circula- PriitiEßTert Its 'cam paign do6unients. , • , Four arrests have beten made in Titus ville,. Penn.,. of men accused of complicity in the Benniughoff robbery. AU are Cop. perheads. RP MBIEBER that one vote for Hartranft and Campbell in October is worth two for Grant and -Colfax in November. If we carry the first election, the second grand and final victory is sure to follow. Tim Democrats are makinngg a lively campaign of it in the South. They shoot two mggers now every day. WE begin to, understand why it is that the Democracy devote so much of their attention to General Butler. Grant said in one of his' reports that Butler was "bottled up," and the Democracy will " go for " anything that is " bottled up." Ex-Cowcrou William B. Thomas, of Philadelphia, recently claimed for Sey mour, last weekmade a speech for Grant. Our Kortespottbence. Lehigh County. ST..vriNcar.c, (-().. September
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