Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, September 18, 1868, Image 1

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    VOL 1.
Adjoining W. G. Daker's Drug Store and 1. Marshall
ef Son's Shoe Store,
Office : 11. Tc. 56 East Kiug Street, Lancaster, Pa
OFFICE-SOUTH QUEEN Street, second house
below tho " Peuntatnn In," Lancaster, Pa.
Ovs.tec—No. 11 NORTH . DUKE, Street, west side,
north of the Court House, Lancaster, Pa.
Omer—With J. B. Livingston, NORTH DUKE
Street, Lancaster, Pa.
Orrxica—With I. E. Mester, NORTH DUKE
Street, near tho Court House, Lancaster, Pa.
OrincE—No.3 SOUTH DUKE Street, Lancaster,
_l3 F. BAER,_
OFFICE—NO. 19 NORTH DUKE Street, Lancas
ter, Pa.
Oppicp.—No. 5 NORM DUKE Street, Lancas
ter, Pa.
- 1 - K. RUTTER,
OFFICE—With General J. W. Fisher, NORTH
DUKE Street, Lancaster, P.
OFFICE—NO. 16 NORTH DUKE Street, Lancas
ter, Pa.
OFFica—No. 4 SOUTH QUEEN Street, Lancas
ter, Pa.
Opries—No. 213 SOUTH No. QUEEN Str W eet, Lem
cuter, Pa.
Oman—No. 30 NORTH DUKE Street, Lancas
ter, Pa. •
A liOS H. ItYLIN_,
Orrice—No. 8 SOUTH QUEEN Street Lances
ter, Pa.
Oreloti—lib. IS NOR DVSS A Street, fameier•
ter, Pa.
No. 135 Botta' Fifth fittest, Plilladelphis.
40*A.irrifi? ~E410'0,1-IPrp,e•
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11 ,
4 1 9. 41 1 /410 1 % #ixth 8,101. p Pew .
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MO. ~t
• EN , DOO
No. ES rat litmet, Elbow
IhMi t .‘ J
Sliftlifterit e l etT A t ieUt 'AL
-a: Arvermar AT *, LAW 'AND NOTARY
1. 9 41;1111,4 01.1 10 BM 1144N,Str,esto
v E s . ,
W ft ", 1 19 .5fA! far A W : i f t fr ti ` l " l446ll4 l' RIL
An Ropiamasjose. Ihailmadinser.
Will thiszegitilk. liao
h e le I alaW U fft leet tP bo crsa
two young men ft.om Lancaster county,
of eatinplarycharacter ' 'lutist, . tastes,
harddwarking, ballade's Mat Inoffensive
—who were savdgely an& brirtally mur
dered and.their propert3r appropriatedby
high-toned gentlemen' of Chalices' ity of
Vickshurg, yam nmg enjy,ther, illgotten
gains, Willett's! with , in* o..Altnet•er fhat
chivalroue mkt gentle coautec 11, There
was not , a Man, or court in issippi to
do them justice or Or
.#ke MeNL re
dress. Now, it Pelle xaft. will tate up
this case, or an,Y one to , the hand r ed o of
others concernMg , w in nhe can get ilgi
infounatton and .13Wrgli Olence itt Arty
time, and explain it / 7.P.he:ffill
do something * *ill OA mut the
art Of the Northern people EftrWeilt de
claratory astairtkee 'Wad Viligue school
Wegeneralities, we want none of them.
We are past that stage.
( ' '7ll 4t.
-: ! . . 3
__-, v,
1 1 1 1
" With malice towards none, with charity fir
11, with firmness in the 7.404 as God gives us
to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work
1., we are in; .to bind up the nations wounds; to
11111 k _
" Have you beard the news front Maine 2"
The great northeastern State
Winch opens into Yankee-land
A mighty granite gate.
There Treason hoped to rule,
And there it writhes in pain ;
But they've turned the tide to the other side
Hurrah for the news from Maine!
" Have you heard the news from Maine 2"
'Tis a question old, you know •
They asked it ere the boys were 1.)0rn,.
Some thirty years ago.
It meant that men had heard
Of overwhelming gain ;
And for me and you it still is true :
We have heard the news from Maine !
"Have you heard the news frmn Maine ?
Do you hear the shouts afar 2"
We have gained the second victory
In slavery's second war,
And w e shall hear those shouts
Again, and yet again.
Cheer, voice and hand thro' all the land :
We have heard the news from Maine.
"Have yon heard the nova from Maine ?"
In the Main we're always right,
And what she is she'll still l'emain,
In every coming tight.
Pass, pass the word around !
Awl thunder tout the strain!
We've wen t.t a hound the second round!
Hurrah for the news front Maine!
—The Press.
Grant for _President.
Let the rebels writhe aryl wrangle,
Mod blow and puff away,
Let them quarrel, fight and jangle
Like hungry birds of prey;
But we will have a word or two—
Who dares to say we shan't
The votes of all the Joys in Blue
Will shower down for Grant.
When the rebels proudly flaunted
Their rag above the html,
And bell alone were wanted,
And a hero to command,
Some whispered, "You can whip them,"
Some untamed, No, you cant,".
But our hero marched upon them,
Brave Appomattox Grant
Are brains the one thing fitting
To make a worthy chief?
Tlien look at Grant's outwitting
The 'ibels all, in brief.
Or ask you now for loyalty,
So calm, heroie, great ?
His shines with Nature's royalty,
Alike in camp and State.
Be this our nomination,
In gratitude and pride,
In love and admiration,
A strong, resistless tide.
And we must havea word or two—
Who dares to sit/ we slain% ?
The votes of all the Boys . in Blue,
Will shower down for Grant.
—The Soldiers Friend
Gen. Grant In his Galena Home.
A correspondent of the Chicago Post
enjoyed an interview, last week, with
our great Captain, in the mansion which
his fellow-townsmen bunt and' fintikdied
for him after the close of the 'war. The
house, which is on the east side of the
Galena River, en an* eminence COPUIXI44-
pg a charming view of much of the sur
rounding country, is a very plaint brick
stnictare; not mere costly tine the 'Assn
of any well-to-do Illinois fartner.onOt to
, -
A parlor extends, across e llpnt,
: - 10 and the 'showroom of p Dotal
' T P -htha is II thps cross bait at , •
'dining Venni dotw. • Opposite the i I
door Opens the - library, sixteen • feat
Wilt% )4 1 114 ,• iittefi- UP With', the _
~% i 41003 A - or such ag apartigent., ,,
- el' • w hill'' at right o,*l es with
'.* , Wisieh the &Mince '
-leads to the ' kitchen and closets da the
114 +4 out of this hall eprivigkerAigkit
i //WOW, '' ' ' e 4 sOPa ItAil
which - aid to the . t. , ers gliiive.,
two Cory liaise; With four Ibexes; eve -
sive of pantries and closets, on the Saab
flee r, and 'with :Ave Or llibk , Modest abed
chambers cm, the floor ahoy!, is egg*
not a fgrand establishment for thictieppell
ful General 'Who tivinettenes•the , isbMoii,
and whorls soon to be President of the
United States. Mete the Vanua and
Mrs. 4140000 *lntl het f tilt . .;1 Aew
eighty-one, and too brfiger r. . 1 . .:---t
'dengliter of twelve an a sqi .' ' , , 6
years—are spending the ignition Which
the ,General is giving himself after his
years t of labor. "I stay here % ",said he
" ecause I like my place and my good
neighbors, and because I want quiet. I
did think I would Wand' some time at
the watering-places; but, on second
thought, I came to the conclusion that a
stay at tiaratoga or , ..Lougliirantsh would
be a kind of martyrdom that 1 d ~n ot
care to endtire." And 'here hi e . e
of life is just What a plain man Old
t ire
- make it. Riding or walking ove 1 , , 'We
hills, lounging into the business streets,
chatting at the bank With the cashier and
idlers, dropping into Felt's store to have
a cigar with the proprietor in the count
iftroonvdriving out to the mirlos and
sz ne i th,4l elltabW i shmente; making little
tr it i rd e t tillik o ee h 's l e s urrikmdino o ns tilrhd e b alig usin vitilagh e e m. desll6 o t n h e el o e f
his military family, Gen. Comstock, is a
, r .,_.„..,
member of his household, acting as Sec
retary ; to him most of the labor of the
correspondence is assigned. Knowing
everybody, familiar with everybody, with
not the' remotest suggestion of pride, of
place, of superiority of intellect, the
General makes his way about,`followed
by the kindly greetings and polite atten- .
'gen of his townsmen of all shades of
political belief—a plain, honest, modest,
genuine Democrat, as well as the most
distinguished commander of modern
times. Almost every day visitors make
their way to his place—some excited by
curiosity, others 'impelled by political
considerations ; but their number is few
and their stay usually short. The Gen
eral does.not talk politics, except unwill
ingly, and then so briefly that the most
inveterate bore would soon be discour
aged. Of his election Gen. Grant enter
tains no doubt. " Yes," said he, "if I
thought I could serve my country as well
in my present station as in the Presiden,
tial chair, I should care nothing for an
election. To give up the place as Gen
eral is a sacrifice. It suits me ; I our
grateful that it was given to me ; it is for
life, and I am sure nothing could be more
gratifying to one's ambition. But it
seemed to be necessary for me to run as
the candidate of those who put down the
rebellion, and so I am in the field.•
suppose that no man can do just what
he wants to, and there stop. Being a
candidate, I want to win of course."
Twenty Reasons why Grant Should
Because he has been proven to be a
man of eminent ability, superior judg
ment and unswerving , integrity.
Because his patriotism is of the highest
order, and his services to the country
during the rebellion, entitle him to the
lasting gratitude of the people.
Because in the administration of pub
lic affairs he has exhibited the highest
order of administrative and executive
Because he is a moderate man, with no
disposition to run into extremes or en
courage violent and radical changes of
policy, unless the necessity for such a
course is pressing and. urgent.
Because his honest and unselfish devo
tion to the public good commands the
respect of air men who are not blind and
bigotted partizans.
Because he has a moral courage to un
dertake whatever he' believes to be right,
and the pluck to execute whate i yer he
Because he Is a firm believer m„ gen
uine Democracy, and has a profound re
spect for the will of the people.
Because his admirable management of
the immense and widely scattered forces
at his command during the rebellion,
shows his ability to be commensurate
with the requirements of the Chief Ex
ecutive of a great nation.
Because his superior judgment of men
renders him a peculiarly safe and reliable
depository of the appointing power, one
of the most delicate and important at
tributes of the Executive.
Because his _selection would be a fit
tribute to the many thousand heroes who
gave their lives to their country during
the dark land petiloue l days of the rebel:
Aeceuee It would bring and pre&
parity to our c e untrx, eaelse enr,„na
tion to' e respected at home and abroad.
• Became it Nomad increase confidence
in the , stability of bur Government, and
enhance our, national min in all. pots
of the world, 4 , f •
Begat* It *OWO lit 5 the but rem
-tiant'ef the .siktit .
Because it would-ice feetablish the
doctrine that-slimleyabeten are entitled
to equalogeMesnd pigmies' e l l ig ht s .
1 36 g,it , wsr u lklika.Y.the fast We
ts" ere en ? and, enable the
l atent 4 to **Me i 'up6na career of On*
•pitrito to , lettiehitthaa hitherto' been a
, Because it, would beu 9d rehabs
to t i a l oo te " now
of the 'let ws s are Re
in plotting 1011X11111"re Mort.
ecaiiie , it woultilbreVer disposer& the
doctrine of Repudiation and place , the
seal of nationaiinuelleleillegen on that
atrocious , deottinew t
liectumsnhe , is empport
lh ed !by all true,
earnest U. , i !lAN tei and South,
andop ••. - • by the nat MI enemies who
woad • .it down telitirditkai had they
the power.' , .1 t f.) I
• Because his eke** Would secure pro
tection and repot* to the weary and
t ali
sorely oppressed Uillo men of the South,
who were kardi to, elr;country amid
peril and deatli'duridg war.
And finally, heftiest,' Would ensure
lasting peace and prosperity to the coun
try, prevent all Atm* robe
..ion securing
an economical administration of national
Oars, give permanent repose to our peo
ple, and be a fitting ;end' to the great
struggle of which he was the acknowl
edged and worldeeeeewseed-leader.
THE stump speeelmisthat will tell the
most hereabout* , arert-114MP Tinge and
arms of Union ao )11,we meet on
every hand, the n„ . Lb 'which does
not yet appear ft/A*OW Blair and his
rebel advisers who are clamoring for
another war.
I f.
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care Ar him who shall hare borne the battle, and
for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may
achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace
among ourselves and with all nations."-4. L.
be Elect-ed.
1 ? -
, \
FIBER 18, 1868.
The Republican Party.
Duting six years of severe trial, the
Repul3lieun party vindicated its capacity
and right to govern the country. Its
statesmanship and patriotism are patent,
and are acknowledged by the govern
ments of the Old World, who have re
garded our struggles and heroism with
wonder and admiration. Step by step as
the Rebellion progressed, the Republican
party rose above the noise and smoke of
battle, and taking a broad survey of the
situation, always moved forward with
better results. The opinion, propheti
cally proclaimed by the wise and good
Lincoln, that this government could not
exist half slave and half free, became
the settled conviction of the leading men
of the North, and, yielding to the de
mands of a common, patriotic and humane
impulse s now became a measure of safety
to the imperilled republic. Emancipa
tion by the Government was resolved on.
This beneficient measure tilled the hearts
of the good with courage and satisfaction,
and forever forbade rebellion and disunion
in this country. This achievement of
the Republican party entitles it to the
gratitude and respect of every lover of
freedom. The party that abolished
slavery and made every foot of the land
free, has not lived in vain. This party
was never more vigorous, more sagacious,
purer, less selfish, and more patriotic
than at this moment. It has well earned
the title of the great dominant party of
justice and humanity. It overcame the
greatest rebellion known in history, in
the face of the belief and assertion, on
the part of the whole civilized world,
that said rebellion could not be put down.
It took the chains from four millions of
slaves, and bade them in God's name
stand erect and free ! It re-asserted the
sublime dogma of the declaration of' In
dependence, that all men are created
equal, and it demands that men of all
nations, colors and creeds shall be equal
before the law I Such a party is not for
a day, but for all time..
Pacts to be _Remembered.
_...--.....-....----- ---- It is a fact: let. That the so.w 1 '
How the Soldiers Votc. Democratic party threaten m-
During the war, when the question menced and carried on the , there
arose, " Row shall the soldiers lighting hellion.
in the field be enabled to east - their ; 2. That the leaders of the Democratic
vote:: ?" The ' Reptiblivar . Leeislaturero party were the leaders of, the rebellio
unanimously said, " If there is no pro-
3. THat *the Democratic` patty- cot
vision made for this purpose, let us alter trolled the States in rebellion.
our laws and constitutions so that all who 4. That the Democratic party opposed
fight may vote." And they all did so, every measure of the government to sup
but not one Democratic Legislature agreed. press the rebellion.
New Jersey, Indiana, and Illinois elected 5. That the Democratic party discour-
Democratic Legislatures 111 1862, and aged enlistments into the Union army and
their soldiers did not vote in 1864. Every resisted the draft.
Republican State, controlled by earnest 6. That the Democratic party gave aid
Republicans, granted this first of fran- and comfort to the rebels in arms during
chises to the volunteers. Even Ken- the war.
tacky and Maryland, under their loyal 7. That the Democratic party,refused
administrations, permitted their soldiery to give our brave and triotic soldiers,
to vote. iu the field, .fighting fo r athe life of the
• Let the boys in blue—the comrades of nation, the right to vote.
the dead—remember this. They showed 8. That the Democratic party opposed
their intelligent appreciation of the feel- every measure adopted by Congress to
ings of the respective parties toward restore peace, harmony , and security to
the country. .
them by their vote in 1864, and they will
show it again in 1868. 9. That the Democratic. party, by fore-
We append the result of the soldiers' ing upon the country, without. a cause, a
vote in 1864 in all the States In which long, bloody and expensive War,. created
separate returns were made : vast public debt, and impo sed upon the
States. Lincoln. McClellan. PeoPle untold Narrow and no griev
ous to bear., -,_• ,- - ' - ,
Rhode Island.. , .;,. 657
Maine. 2,892 , 473
671 19: That thi Demoeratic party axe re
New Ilampshire.'... 2,018 248 sponsible fat high taxes, high pikes, de-
Pessisylvanta 26,712 12,849 dement of business, ete., Which ' are
.obio, ... ..... 41,148 9,757 M e Leiraate frOttiottbdi!war. ••• . .
Maryland . moo , 1,32 i .. 11. he Deineenatic. pffty , awl their
Kentucky . 1,194 . 2,823 rebel alders in the SOW totonounce in
lowa 17,810 ': '1,921 ihvor Of a 'Dirtittot to . OVlrthroW civil
Michipui. 4• • ..... : , 9,469 . ' . 2,959 government, and to istablikih 'taste Aid
California.... ..2,900 . 28 , 7 chum legielationisad-
ask the tree
Wliconeht . .... ..... 14,550 8,291 people of the - 1(0U- tee help them to
Power f9r31119 pe9910 . .
- ',' ' , - -,i:-..a. , _ 'L 4' A.. : '"!
The Mrs will light it out on this
lihe 41 summer.
I "Wets.
BVe cludleers the contradiction si
*either of the following assertions, namely:
That Grant and Colfax are the expo
nents of the pirty that has ever been
inn sad true to the country.
That every true patriot In the South,
who atood firm for the Union while in
peril of life and property is a supporter
*V Grant and ColftX.
That every true Unionist of the North,
who never rejoieed.at a rebel victory or
exulted over the defeat of tlke..Union
army, is a supporter of Grantand Colfax.
That every'rebel North and South will
support Seymour and Blair.
That every em4my of the United States
Government will support Seymour and
That every friend of the United States
Government will support Grant and Col
That every Nay! York rioter will sup
port Seymour and iflair.
That every sympathi z er with the re
bellion, North or Southlill swami Ser
moor and. Blair, and that if die priso n
doors could be thrown open pn the day of
election, ninety-nine hundreths of their
inmates would 'rote for Seymour and
Reader, if , ye* are determind to vote
for Seymour and Blair, pepgicate the. two
parties before casting yo 4 vote *ld im
agine the contrast.
Remember that the above assertions
are not and DARE NOT BE contradicted.
f •
• -
E ,
7--- t 1
.-1, 1: - , '
That a Soldier ~.Tltin4
A Northumberland co
writes the following to the
nal. It is full of truth afl&
rusal. Read it
SOLDIERS :—The great ;
opened. The curtain has been
the test is to be made—w
Union men shall rule the haul
whether all the battles that were
blood was lost in vain—whether
throughout the land which Were
dread missive telling them deli
given up his life for his eountrr#
cause which they will Olt*:
whether all the blood and
ifeely shall live as monumen
, .
triumphant—whether, in atter *ge t -
orphans can say with bride my father i .
his country. Coniraties—meri *bo s
the front for .years, it is for you to sayb
ballots whether this shall or shall not ' •
whether the "lost cause" shall triumph. Yourif
is the prize if you will but grasp it. To think
of voting for Seymour for President of t
United States should vanish from your minds
as mist before a summer's sun. Well do Li*
member when we stood before FredericksbUrg t
and things looked very gloomy around us, the
news of Seymotir's elektion as Governor of
New York State reached us. Many, many
were the curses which escaped the lips of the
boys who wore the blue. This same man who
was our foe while we were in the field, as much
as any rebel in grey, is set up before us and we
are asked to bow down andlworship him. Can
we do this ? Methinks I hear the voice of
that brother who, after fighting through
the war until the last battle In which he was
slain, with many others say, " did I fight in
vain, and did I die for naught?" Think of but
the past, and I know you will vote as you
fought. Let us gird on the armour of right
once again, and never give up until we gain the
field, and come off victorious. Let us say to
the rebels North and South, we will rule this
land. Our General was never defeated in the
field arid will not be in November. Our cause
is just and must triumph. Let Grant be our
watchword from this time forward,
Remember: that the , as a
party, systematically, cons islagt , lad
officially opposed conscription to All up
the ranks el' the , army hi hdur of dan
ger—discouraged enftthatinith
aad.49reciated the pulite titadit,
thereby lowering tbea'9,fian,
lastdont, e frOM4M the st toky to day )ogig t.W., , war
d-unt, throtter Ole
by vottler .reraddtiOne .ns,
State Eut titiontd, and, by the deci
from thebench ' 'Over and over * ,
represented treqpperhuad MO!,
When here` velar was hat% over the
Co. Mina& declared it a e. They
- " 1,41 P as " d ebt , Maui*
er onsg,ce. They pronounced
the, soldier to be a rabral Ulcer "on .the
body politic. - Thefrefused in thank him
for hia labors. They growled at theburi
den of the debt incurred to pay andpen-
MOO him.. They pecairpooked his,
regard—asserted that aTter all' he had
not *.done much, and that 'Andersonville
and Libby were not such very:bad places.
Asa candidate for office, they sonsbtenb-
Iy vote aga,hiaLlsho w il. °R against
all aFopriations forshottlips and
ing orphan chit n. wilok ,most
pop ar papers are e whoWstapie is
abuse and ridieu*of , ther adittlei and of
the cause for which •
BOLD suol ‘d. ,remember that j bi
voting fOrSeymour and Blair, they w
be voting to undo all for which they im
perilled their lives
•r, , 1-
, •
\ ~~ <,~'
Boys in Bibssiti