Brief Film Sell well!: io() S(IILIFFI.I.:TOIVN. :•:t.rl. , llWeis lri ..)Itst)Eit Font)Etz ABRAHAM )1U•l —De(/' Sin': Ikt iv 1i hal) ich tier g'slirivva fun weava (ter 13;•v - vv we s t . dem Joe Afuckatliggle :ninth] rw muter un eawirl) shleat!, ).);evva hut mit unserist alt:; umbrella slituch. vs . ar hart der Joe. uii wann iner nlle Itunsiallera is er tau 1 1 (41;1111'ra, l'or er huts ~( ))11 we er halva hut wella (LH irli Illii chill sPt. !it'll for :ill arect l'n (loch kenn nien , t (ler llovvy :tell net ex aetly turileuka das. hit-e i warra. for selvor Lrenahl: e the ILTIVer `.ill \a:11) vier tl, brunt ktunnit mit it slilong ANVel' Vt:17.I;L)t)111`; 11:1 , wain) diar ihinvel nari•ln (loin cL liw(iiiya. fnr (I(iii Joe (icy morva nut t- . llni !:' , ll\vire Lawlmwl: un but all1()1)1 lin'rdarit of Iliivvy (wit in di a. fen 1111 Patti:y.llll (101111 but (11'1* LC.-111Vire 1111 L - 11100 a t -t) cllll V uri. 1111 ,l , )1111 61'1' 1 ill (il'o. l )lM , -., der humni:t 1111 - I'll\\ (lin- iuntr , r ilt•i tin 1 . 1 . (,;5t (1 milli t.l) '1)11`1111eC derlienn). - Donn do nervy ktunitta in iii rLtui,•, tin 11.0 1 .,-,1 elm Ara:: •• i , •11 1.11 . 111 , 111 , u r. •• Will '• tin ztlirad,—rti-lit re-la :i\N :iv.- secht se. Donn aria der Bill ttn awer, ich hin kunana,,d fun .ler Coin nionw,ils dlas 1•1 1 Ali l,ndtlt nemma tuns in der law. tut row nutsht Mit t•itin g'shwire Ltiwhock, tut wann du net mit geasht done inenni ieh evva di hoddy." l)oun is de Bcvvy grawd nous in de mitta slit 00) un hut an valor holtier rhtaud ge numma uu sogt, secht se, 111111 IMW. (101 i is der bnddy." Donn seek der Bill. " Well donn, kunun on--yosht kunim un geh mit." - Awer ich hiu inch net gons ready." seek de Bevvy. - Well (hm, mach (hell ready." secht der Bill. "Wann ich will," secht de Bevvy. I'll wit net mit 7'' froked der Bill. •• \o-sir-ee," secht de 13evvy. Ilona, we g'sawt, nemm ich di bodily." secht der Bill. " tvc g'sawt a , do is der lu)ddy," scout de Bevvy. " Well doun geasht evva yetz nit weer,;' scold der kill. " Suppose aver 'eh dn's net," secht de 1 3evvv. " Well done, konunand ich dick of der Commonwells das du mit muslit," soda der Bill. " Was is don des Conunonwells for a ding ?" seeld de l3evvy. "Eider Commonwells is mieli un der g'shwire un de law un so (linger." " Awer mit so dinger we deer sind gels ich net." secht de Bevvy. ".Aver Llt ktonniand dick , this du mit muslit,•' seek der Bill. "Well donn. go allead. for jolt soar der noeh amohl tins mit so dinger geh MI net," secht de Bevvy. •• Donn nemm ich dci hoddy," sogt der Bill. " l ii 'loch untold sag ieh, doh is der bodily," secht de Bevvy. Awer we sill ich der buddy nemma wane du net mit geasht " Sell is kens fun meiner bisness," secht de Bevvy. Donn sagt der Bill, secht er, "Now Pit, im name of der Commonwells kummand job dith das du now (1011 awpocksbt un helfsht der Bevvy chra bodily nuf 'lemma tsum g'shwire in der law of 'em Commonwells." ich," secht de Bevvy, kimunan , l das dht dci cagily bisness 111111(14A un das der Pit nix mit tsu du hut." " Awer hit bin der officer in der law of der Commonwells," secht der 13111. 1.7 n ich bin de Bevvy Sehwetllebrenner, till sell dort is der Pit Seliwelllebrenner, mei monn," seclit de Bevvv. "rn now' kummand ich noclut mold das du mit Beim buddy mit musk iu der Commonwells em g'shwire Law bock in der law." " Cru nochamonl," sogt de Bo vvy. kummand ich das du un dci Commonwells shtuft eler lisne•:s mind." Donn is der Bill of un noel' der deer, un hut rich fersliwora da,4 er delft sieli au possy comaticas kreoya in der law of em Commonwells, un donn wet er selma eh net der Noddy fun der Ilevvy mit ;,,‘nut. Donn is er oh un leli bah elm Bidder nimmy g'selt. Se sawa yetz das er in de slatolt geht for an lawyer sehna CM , Wel-a wa, (lint! ICII MUS aver salt;.a. meimer das HI draw link da' de demokrata mv watch g,'Atola hen dort in Nei Yorrick. tun das se yclz acli nosh de Bevvy resin.; wylla. day ich net ,out 'Warms net wrcr das midi so hlack guarda delita for an dorn-coat sei. dimn debt ich om end noch for der Greta vota. Ferleicht do ichs anyhow not'h, so tit' 'cm slily, do weaslit. sod nix derfu. i for warm icii du donn son' ich es nemond except der lievvy. PIT SCII WEFT LEH I:ENN Ell _Lit /Ca Bill—Nod*, du. Alose, we kununts rlas de inthlicans der Joe Obert ufgentuntna hen for shrecf, for er is co ehns fun un.4er beshtv denwkrat Dina—Ei des kann ich der 5044 . ;t. Di•r Joe. du wcaslit, dut cvva so an ()mill: ~ z ross,7 un melna 'nor sot el).- I;as du for (10 (lox:: runner br . r..a. (la.: or un sei toely shatileit wu in seiner 10)1101 factory shaffa ach au chance, lien for a livihg t.:•11 awcr, st 4 (0 ;m11;111, VC dt'S ding'? ich llin saro dld; oppas lotz no' do do 'publicans fi l ..i s t a d n a' ( l as shulda hotz,dilt morra solla mit ..2.01,1, ua awer (h I' ••.i-,;ni; . \•et• un uti,er party 10011110 uei for hotzalda mit d, a11:11 !..;:reenl;,,N, ft;i• selly Voull P,Vllllllk. Are,e--1)(0.t lm-ht ri ehr. a\ver. ich 1;111:11 net we. reelina we _edit woTra, fur es IL-ht (Irci Int:lnert "Teenluix un (le , buld i. lint nn Nwont:•ielt IPannert dem:loch mi-ta noch ivver Nwell (1, AV:t O .1 !2:lTenhax. (1 , 11. , 11. 1111 :•1) (la dulnut (I(uni ken lint' cent \\ - ; or t , un (1()1 1 ',runner 11:1 , 4 leit )1)ovt V. It S,) 1 1(11 uri f001111 , 2' 11111-114 , 11 - V, ill icli 61(11:U11 11W... :1111! , )y Slll(‘Hi \Vallll :1 Ch •() 1111 , 111. recht. Awpr \ve laumuts das so c, nut •() eNplahta im IZoadina;cr (1k1 . ? Mose —Why lwratu , o yell delft evra do r 1 atllcit ,hcor all t'ir de 'ialhlican party nei flit macha. till dohn dell Itch der (:rent. uh all .(.11 v laohlidala nei!,yclocla ME w;f , rra. 13111—Ich gill der now ,- , ano . a w:zsicli im sin liah. yusld Bill—fell vote for der Eckert under Joe, un d: , r Mike Walter nn der Dan Shaaber under Tryon nn mil for seller Ifartranft. close—l" n aver Lr,elAlt (loch fodder Sei-moyer? 13111—A r 1 sir-ree. !:;eh yetz all feu l, • nit _dose—Es is der (loch now net arnsht? Bill—Yoh ich bin in arnsht. :Mose—Now Bill—nmsht nix sauga, nu awer sell is yusht exactly my shtyle —ich get mit fors g,ons 'publican ticket. Bill—l n noel' elms ich shreib ach for der FODDER AIIIIMIAM. Mose—tiell geht aver (loch ordlich weit, fbr du weasht, seller MumEtt ictclit iiei yusht we an rater shteef Bawdy—so ordlich radical, du weasht. Bill—Well Wit gel) Mx drum—men geht now yusht so ,Foot de goes sow—der shwautz arslita, geaya de barslita. hose—Was kosht doom der FoDDEI: ult MI AM? Bill—Li yusht an halwer dallier. Du nenunsht sc yusht so gout ach. Nose—Well, Mt "2;eb nix drum—doh is der shtainp, un now shreibsht das er meer so ach shickt, for my alty, de Sal, du weasht, se is itch yctz so halwer ufder 'publican sett, t il l selly tseittmg suit se exactly. rltcttb. N S cONVEIisioN or El,111:1. I'ENNkitAclCEit-111. stirS A NisioN ills rEET ON Stil.iii liEMoritATlc riiST CoNi . 'Eliiirr X I{OADA ) is it the :State iv Icentu,ky.) August 13, Joy to the world ! Elder Pennebacker, with, ever settee the Noo York Conven shun, hez bin a skoffer and a sorehed, is wunA more with the told. There wuz more rejoicin when he come hack than over all within the fold. for he viatz a ven erable lamb wielt hed gone estray. Like the prodiy.:al son, we slit) ed for him the fatted calf. I wuz part iculary pleased with his re turn. lie wuz the kindest uv men, and made the best corn whisky in this seek shun. Ile hed alluz been in the habit ov sendin, now and then, a jug to his Pastor at the Post Otlis, but sense his dissatisfaesinin and eousekent estrange ment, these delekit attenshuns, so grate ful to one in frail health hez bin inter t ed. But this is all over, thank Ileven. Yesterday month' he conic to the oil's, OF' .ISI:LVA.I, !) hearin that wick to i: , uv peece ot.l.'yrins, the \viehl-ettin down, he fell oc.t, nech and \vela. — Parson," ,e(I he, hi:• vein e „eiV lilt with ento , hen, tern, cha-in ~atilt ,1[1i,•;• 11()Wn 111 S nW•e, i'Ver. I \ aml he repented. For...,ive tur ••Eldn''." secl I, U., , )1)111i.l r. di.ntiii. ii air, — he \tit() depart , and comet!' hue]: t)ver that jlf.r, fur the :-.tuliper in tite--is to I 114? then el' he hedn't hicl:ed over :11“ trm•-, yoo, my eon. Ifei•e'.; It till Wich Will (1(1." The Elder then told the how he hod Litt conyertetl, 110 te , (l. (ty:cuminy:l to vote at all. lit! di.l.Ct hyiievy y_ tnoure, co' he pled •,e(l to pay 11l in tfTtiLifiliax, find Ip...dew-fed f he witiz whilst a !weir.; in mitrryin !dui II:11'17," I inalV family, w:ch i, toonu:, h. 11 , didn't bidiyve that either [iv cut Wit/ to) hi' , tekl.. e heleeVe that either II(H) to the HilIC(1. peltl, lied !w(.!' -1o)L ‘lr mil or yoliiilvy. votes a11(1 -ich. d lilt ill 'relines redoi , ,t it ntsnutl sneer. and the In,re itt tile hand:; 111 - ich 1);;I: siol Fori".!'4:llolSicil. 101 V lit'(l hkl 1111!!', their noospapers de :Th;,vutl. and them WiC l .l :11111 . 1011 1 , 1 001 t-valtork , tl to j'ho co , ll' winds. In the Cor ners all iti uz peace. We hed niygcrs on the nlantation (y. before the war, and IVC. the 1 001 ill race. wuz ITh'eVell the lah6l! WWII. en 01114!; a Cal1C:1- 11111 101* tile enjoyment uv life. The entire Corners had nothing to do and plenty to live on, was perpetoolly gath ered in front of Bascom's, pitchin cop pers, rtuthin ,marter races. and ever and anon ceasin their manly amoosments to quad' the tlowin boles wicli lie supplied. AVe mod hear, any time, the cheerful yelp uv the hloodhounds in the swamp heyont the Bun, chasm runaways, and there WU% 110 longer any law agin their shootin itigers ; scarcely a day passed that one or more wuz not killed. My distillery wuz a runnin full blast, the smoke uv the torment ascendin from its chimney forever. Oh, it was gorg,us "And is this to be ?" asked I uv the disembodied spirit to; Bishop Poke, wich wuz showin it to inc. "All this and more," returned he. "Thus will the South regain her lost rites. Thus will the lost coz be restored : Elect ti(+3•mour and 'Blair. and all will be well." "At this pint I awoke," sed the Elder, "feelin how unjust I bed bin--how vilely I had sinned and how fearfully I had de parted. I wuz agoin back on my party on the greenback question ! Wat is greenback to this' Wat is paying a debt in one way or another compared to ' the extacy uv wallopin niggers, chasin Northern men and Navin our instooshens back again ? Wat is a mere greenback idea compared to the luxury tty Kevin the entire Northern Democracy in our hands a! , in, for us to mould ez we will and do with ez we like ? Why, I woodcut give the luxury uv hevin a Noo Yorker on his knees afore me ez uv old, a minit, for all the taxes I will hey to pay for a century. Besides," and he busted out afresh, " if Boreegard can make Seymour pipe Dixie, can't he also by different tingerin make the same instroomeut play Repoo diaten ? I shood say so. We hey em, Parson--we hey em ! Forgive me--for give me!" And we embraced and wept, and took a drink, and wept agiu for joy. Verily my way is now pleasant and my paths is made strate. In the exuberance uv his joy he will keep my basket and nib• stove --Or rather my jug and Ilask—full for a mouth. —Josh 8! LTA x(is says:—" enny ratan will concede that it loox very - coons) ] to see a boy drag a heavy slay up a steep hill for the 1h rtin pleshur ov ridin down ignin. But it appears to me that the , boy iz a sage bi the side ov the yung man hoo works hard all the week, and drinks his stamps up Satt.2rda —"Friend Mallabv„ I. :un pleased that thee has got such a tine mran in thy Church." " said the clergyman, " I thought you were strongly oppos4..d to having, an organ in a church?" " am," said Friend Obadiah ; " but, then, if thee will worship the Lord Avitit ma chinery, I would like thee to have a first rate instrument." —Why should weddings always be cel ebrated in the belfry ?-13ecause it's the proper place for belle-ringing." IMIII PETROL:UM V. NASPN, P. 7.T., (I.Vich is PoAinaster.) !huh a Hi litu 41.) \‘ it ih.rati" Thc , tree t.Ol, till :wo chancoat all. Com, dov, Thea Fratiky I;lair I`lll'o •:tt• 11 . !,4 carict hag lii \\amid pr,pae, coid Fraliv• I r Maine I%l'lll NVOI'SV, Wlllllll diNllll,O Seyllll/111 . in 1\01) C(01 FI:111kV. —Why is a wa , ther-woman the most cruel Person in the maid? 13(.cause she daily wrings men's lmsoms. —Put two persons in the same hed room, one of whom 11:1:4 the toothache and the other is in love, and it will he lound that the person having the tooth ache will go to sleep first. —Don't sneeze too violently! A man in Nevada City sneezed his shoulder out t)l joint a Wet k or two ago. Four men and a surgeon gave it considerable pull ing to !ret it into. place again. —A Western editor (lescrii)es the scene at a popular lecture tlltts: " Three hous vaul ladies were hanuing On the lips &Cone man. — A pretty strong Inaa that' :•pi•akiii , 4,f' (fl ()f• her children \vim \\ . :1,11'. - htercidiired than I.IW rest, slid : '( U I (lid brat, --A maul 11:1(1 a woinall nrrety(l the lit (lit in ( for hint ten afinioni•lied the vr , uu , .; . .. 1 (Phan tf) he care ful lapx a , • lcil tw‘ard, tu:rltectc,l melt hereafter. -A ;vim NV lip 11“ frOhl Ilk ( 0 1'11 hilri!eil. , ; lid 111:It 1' 1 11'1. 1 11 1; 1 1 1 . 1";1 1 ' :. l ' ) - , 1 (1 1 11 :1 :1 1' (:1:'1:'' IVIly tV:I, II in \\ :e• Hill ill till , iirinijnii•: 1„ •r:nl--r won n,cn ;uiv ii :11\1 ti. vvLltt : t() ii ) ittmov,i• I I !1;t1 Mr. pltt L;t,jll ,, urt :•,a)())i lo'',W4)l! , 11%1\ k'lf r ( , 11 , lk",1111')(01 1() 1 11111!1"; " a, I 1,, 11, im\v - ov,r. head, — 011. 1;10 ar , ' 11 , 4 \\ ., l\ ." I.lh. (';ilifnruia imp(q . 1 .1 )11 , J1111('I \7('('11:1 :111(1 :111 EIA1 , 111:1:,11. 10 :1 (1:11'1.: The Vallk( iI(Q Wl-11111 t() 11;1`,•(‘ 1)1()1),1 on 111'; 'Mild , . 11r1 , 1 111 , 1)1,1(.1 up th e chim ticv. t() tiw 1:1(Hi,11111:tn. —A man, in t.t . ettiti , : out (kr k,,,„ om u n ms a few days made tt,le Or the two 1 . 4)W I , ;WI:Th.•I'S to s t ea dy hi mse lf, at which the ladies, took °fictive, and one of them said aloud, A perfcet sava , 2 ;e!" "True, - said a watt . inside, "he belom4s, to the l'aw-nee tribe." —A negro, after !zazing al the Chinese, exclaimed, If (le white fnlks is dark as dat nut; dare, I wonder what's di. color (0) de ni gge Ps ' Ditt•NitEN Englishman said to Jude Led with, of New York, on Wed nesday, of last week: •• Your honor, I'm anobleman in disguise." •'So I perceive," replied the Judgc. - you're dis! , iiised iu liquor, and as drunk as a lord." —" Did you ever have any 'hops' iu Maine ?" asked :t \Vport belle, who was dresin4 . !Or a ball, of a country cousin front the Pine Slate. Oh! yes, lots Pa ha, , , forty aeres of them in one —Cure for Love--flide in a Ouset hall a dozen times and listen to the conversa tion which takes place between a couple who have been married One year, while they think themselves entirely alone. —A ,c . ent !man who inhabits a " haunt ed bons.'" felt ru weak and nervous the other day that he might have been "knocked down a crow-har," be entis.e a friend Nlid to him, " - May your Bha,lote nevyr grow less !•' --A el - ideal wag set , ing on the tomb of a wife whom he knew to be a shrew in life the inseript " I shall rise again." ad ded the xvords, '• but don't let nib• poor husband know of [i3 .v spo i 1 1 1, ' 4i' f. ,1 4 6 ‘ ';' 74 r :4411 4 , '' ' 4 %; il' :\ '': 5 ', ,i\ i t -' i. 1- - It i 4 ~ :',,, t ,s‘ •!N„ . ; "'.,.'41 ,r 11) ilek , ,,i rt iv ..litt.;-:: • • ..' 04.4404% .tvic.. qiim% A FRIEND OF SEYMOUR Aftei. the Vermont _Election. 11