Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, September 11, 1868, Image 2

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    "fatitcr Ativallatvi "
11. 1:11:
"1 slot?l infer no pone?, Of Mg/ men to en
force rt.:joins! the will of the pooptc
NA T 1 (,),V.l 1"1 1';
(4-(•11. I'l
1 - NI Ei) srATI
Flee J'.•rxiel,sil:
t ° '.iTl•: 'l'l(4 El'.
Auditor 4"enerul :
Gen. .J NO. F. 1 - IA1Z:f1: A NFT,
Surveyor Geueral:
101:N.1. 1.11111 A ICI', .)! a vie( ta
4'. l;ATI111,1,1„
(' AJ"I'. \V. W. tit tItKINS, City.
AC4III G. It ETEI3S, Conestoga.
AARON SUAI)I1", Fast 11o:331'11(13i
Distri , /
COll 0:1 ( qiI11, 0• 1 • •
I Ike lli ('. KIiEA 1)V, \tutu
HEN EN 134 nart.
NI. W,14
Dir,cfor, the
GE4 )ItGE FRY, E,wst. Cm'alieo
t4)N11A1) GAST, Cily.
61 , .()1;(;i.: W. 7,1 VII l';'EY, Ala,i:•tta
11 011 ChWILIS
.1)e K.ilppt'rke silt int Peuvvel
fun weaya Ohio. Accordin tsu der -Bar
ricks County Boevel—der ...I , lb3r—::&ht
Ohio all hollow for der Seiinoyer, un awer
senor Pendleton woont Ohio—seller
orrig• shmart moon vtu se of ehra dicket
hen du welly on der Nei Ynrricker Con-
Vent scthllllollls we de dennikrata dens
l'it ;:;chweillebrenner sei watch !,,Cslitola
hen—under Pendleton kann exactly
sauga we's in Ohio luer geht. Er but
doL fergonga fersprocha noch Illinois tso
geh un shpt echa tnachn for der Seitnoyer 7
awer yetz geld er net, for er hot de
— EVERYBODY BEADS hend foil in Ohio. _Doh der (rimer do: ,
hut cr an dispatch noch Iliinois g'schickt
FATHER ABRAHAM." un sell explained we's oils , rookt in Ohio.
Doh is der dispatch, ivversetzt of deitsh:
sINs1:•:N Onto. St , pl. 1, IH:N
art• alith , Pt ]zt•ti t 4, atitimitleo
of 1.:111.•nsi;•1., a 1,11111111 iit' IL
vt to tile 111•4'i,i1,11 o f tlu• 1:,1,111,1jea
cuter, tit lii primacy ciooti“ri uu '7 . ,atttr,til:, •
( 111 i,II ~.
CIINI:IIE , S.—'IVt . :11'0 aut 1,1 r a 1 , 1 :1111:1,1!Ilk
A. llEizi: I';.t/.. ul 1.:1.111 :ISt: l' y, :IS a Call
k lidate I i Congio W.ll.,Het to tlit. ( I . , ei,ion (.1' th
It 0111110i1 . :111 I,l'llrll . : It file Prfinial C 1 , 1 .1 ,ii Sat
.r 12tH.
l'oNt;al,:= , .—Utirxpire Toriii—Wt• Itro anchor
17.1 . 11 (I/ A LEX .INDEit 11.
Lan castor clty. i n a c:iitliioiato 1411 . lite tine , .
piretl torni ill 0,11;41,, tlf I 1011. Tiridikit,
(ieccas •il, ,t1164.et io full, of rally
1),01 1., 00ht 'oft I un i mu,
1 nil 1,1• (;rani. \ 11,11 i
11. it I.:P.111111;1 rl uta. her (1.. I•
111):111I not i i , hdinina. nu :v,Ol.
(lima\ I,•!; mu, :4,)(frisi no' }'u-lit
\ll'l' p'lllll/011itql.
F.I.TII • EIt •
` , h) 4.;1,-
Alt1;.111.111 " 1 , 1 . nrni , 11,41 at the rot- •-:%-lilit'f•h• l'E
lowilv.% rat,—
1;1;!<A'1' Ps: DUCE:WENTS 1.1,1"1;S!
AT( (.'e
litill% Copy 1( )i.
Five ill ;1 141.1 . 1i1 - 0,1,1' to 01le all-
Tyn (I,pit•s in a pack - n!ze. 11)
Fifty copic: , in i • (. 111. 0,1
'nevi. will lw 11,) 0,
price (Itirin2; tho
and N‘ it() 11(`,,irk•
the good cause by placing the best antl
cheape , t campaign paper into the hands
of the people, should at once forward
their orders. We oturlit to circulate at
twt•nty-tivo thousand copies vvc,ry
week I.t.':ore the first of October. Per-
son, ting up clubs will bear in mind
that, ;it the aimve ratez-z, WC cannot ad-
dre,, palwr, but I>nly send tlicin in
packa , ,, , , as may 1),. directed 1)y tliwc
getting up the club
~.- 4881. -41101,••--.-
C)=Vor want of room '.V(' arc compelled
to omit several well written communica
tions from friends in various parts of the
State. We can only say that all is well,
and that Pennsylvania will tight it out
on this line, and that we shall have
another Gettysburg victory on the second
Tuesday in October next.
If we aro not _neatly inistakon iu the Ohio i= •• sure for So:, mourand Blair,"
I,l t o Iz o p ii hii,• ;lll ,.. o f says the INtiw York "Ohio '
Lancaster county will. nn Saturila \- next. 1 1 " 11 '- . :s ll> I>innotiratic column." says
nominate. 1, l 1 tat..te c o t, O. J. 1 the — Ohio will roll up :in immense
fir majority for Soymour alld p,tair," says
I'lult Le (An ()Illy Lc 1)\ - harc- P"Ill"roYi " gelit sure
faced trattil , in countily the votes, Ivy I :lilt dentokratish,"
1111:11V !Marti :.. ? ;alust this, ! must sonny
let ovtiry hottc-t llciittlilican tie in t ill :timid Ohio. Pendleton lives in
g . round. in every district where lb Ohio.;111(1111 i isupposed to know all
- Tlitc , s" mar have 111 election officers, z(1"11 it. lie, too, proliatil - . thought
and kin a sharp cre upon thcin all the I 411 i() lv"111(1 Le safe for Seymour, and
time. , made arratc.toments 13 stump Illinois.
In ailvoratiiiv 111:. Domination of
Dickey, it is our principal oljoct lo
dt•fcat and LI I up Ow 1)01(1, doCllllt
and selfish (Tr:wiz:llion of -TinEr,
or..tnization, : , .veret and s\vurn. v.ot of
the masses, or for the purpu: , e of pro
mutim.,. the Itepub;Lilo can.e, 1101 only
of leaders, and to sycurc 6flicos, contr.n.l
and fat
,jull fur them-Hve.-H. We con
tend for a Mir and open 11 , 111 for ('‘ - cry
ill omity who
..00h a nomination in intury. ICithoui
compeilod to wort. him, :f 1011
cinfthes of 111 c Ili,ard cf Ti 111.4
N.! `.!!
1 A N'l',
ca-L fur DicLoy. 0.1 i
cloarly tyn 11111 l
anti Jlr. candifißti.•
We feel perfectly safe in as-uric utr
ninny Po-publican reader:: in other Htates
that Pennsylvania will roll up a splendid
majority for Hartranft and Campb!...ll on
the second 'Tuesday in October nest.
According; to present indicatime.. we will
beat them at least twenty thousand. This
will settle the question as to the Presi
dency beyond all doubt, ;tad as all the
wind will he taken out of the Copperhead
sails by that time, tirant's majority in
November will pro!)ably reach fifty thou
sand, mid as much more as may be ne
cessary to "rake down" all the wild and
extravagant bus which may be made by
the '• sporting" Republicans.
Qui' reasons for saying that l'ennsylva- ;
nia is safe lickuntl ilouht are simply be
cause Pennsylvania is a Republican Slate
because the ooil work of thoroir:ll or-
ganizatiun guile 4 ou everywhere ; 1)e
-cause every vote will he polled, and lie
cause hones( Deruocrals aro over
iu iilluost every ili , triet. throic.4hout
, •t-to
The Republican majority in old -V-er
mont--t he star t hat neversets"---instead
of being reduced to as the Copper
head papers confidently predicted it
wild he, is im.rea.ied to :',0001!
Looking over the returns by towns, we
1(1 Cie Lilev. in: ("pot I%ien- :
The Ci»; ; ;;re:4,sirwtii Colotr,q
We')Pious Ohl I',"ni;sy!twir;ei
f - ermoht:
t l Ilttt‘
11 111,,111ii
\1 Ili lii lit
\'i ,:,,
The Ilelntldiyan of Lanva,t,r via
110111 a grand, old
in on Tuesday the •_!ntli, insi.
will be a gathering . of ilu people. Ti wy
will come in Conestoga wagons, in ina;•-
ket wagons, on light wagms, on hor se _
hack, in foot and by rail. Everybody is
going to come. The ladies will all be
here, and a large number besides. Let
them come—men, women and little
Due notice will be given, and orders
of the day made out. In the mean time
let our friends begin to get ready.
Whirrs 11 - rony isi ()hit,
PAO, oil the lst fi,rwardmi
rollowi)ig tele:.gitto to the .I),.ionerttey ul
It :
\Ti. 1,^1, 5•
61111'. ciP'JCIIII(,II of DIIi
em,;; , , , , ill (Mil, r4,,iiij!4, Till
.ipp,,i'.lllllo , lls I!) llliuui I fo,ii• tho
Th; p_s i,"1"•
D.-;iioPeifey Selio(ds
The Pea , lin Err o , ltie•A that the
(native G - ermans or county (Nei.
orpo,ed the emnn-100
thv N111,,r iacw a,
or th , . I );.Ir..)clatio 111)01'1V
1,1 i' 0 (1 11t.1,101-
11( 111(1 1)01110-
) vounty, vi ii
the mottoes (11 "(;,;,,,,, dU Frei
und ()ek-en" Froc
:z11(1 fur fat (Oxon).
and will the L"i' l le deny that District
township, in that comity, held out and
refused to aecept the system until last
p.m'. when the State appropriaiion waft
ac, epted, and the Democratic School
I 11
rectors finally agreed to open schools
fl , r the period of four months in each
year? The Democratic county superin
tendent, Mr. Ermantrout, wont deny it.
---- ai.
Old Dauphin I
The Republicans of :\liddlet4lwn had a
glorious rally on Saturday evening last.
over Which H. J. Meiley. Esq., presided,
and speeches were made by C. Lewis,
Esq., Cornelius IValburn, Esq., Maj.
Rohrer and D. J. ll,)yuton, Esq. The
most interesting part of the proceedings
was ne:trly one hundred Democrats who
had assembled at the Demo( ratio Head
guars. and as the (rant and Colfax pro
cession was pasesim.2: by they all stepped
out from the flail party and Into the Re
, pnblican ranks. They were ,rested with
heariv cheers.
rh i ifif 11;4 term -tow:
Ist ..1. - 'l%tnk Elia k co:1st:11111y makin , .. , ;
a `•swilw — Lim ,, , , 11 by drinking bad
NviliAy, Seymour goi ,. • in fur ‘vaternicl
ol:,:. u! het . d wa , — friend.:"
prk , :wntt'd him a inplon lvrii!, - liin:2; sixty
pounds. ;•; ~y inotti• ;It onco wcnt :It it and
gulped it down. 'Ph(' re:•4111. Was colic.
gripos, and seVere I.lllplOa , allilll` , S Of ilk
interim departnn•nt.
_ _
lier!wod rwle:l Telt iieS:;eC.
We have before us a. liter from the
son Of tiovernor Brownlow. of Tennes
see, nssurimv us that that State is sure for
(h and Colfax by at least ~ : ixty
ued majority, and probably more. That
will do to wipe out Kentucky—the only
State besides Maryland that is sure for
Fniturix(t Johuny T.,)giin is in E.,rypt,
skinning Coppt.rlivads. St illtilOrn Illin
ois is turnifty - out immense audiences to
bear him
Our 0 orrtspotOcurr.
Lu Old ITheirment.
following petition WaS circulated early in
the year Ist', I, in Lancaster, when the
rebels Ayer( leaving their seats in Con
,.ress, and weal(-kneed people were try
to coax them to behave themselves.
It was signed by 1:50 chizens„ and pre
sented to Con , ..;:ress by oar late llyprosen-
; among . ()filers, A. llEult
ESQ. Tlie (Illestiun 11(r.',' to be alls-xer(-(1
NV he t11(.1 he °Ugh t receive the VW. eti
of litTllblit'allS fur Cu:; re. the
time,; require MEN, and not superannuated
politicians; ill that body. Bead it, and
then vote for A. IfEint tiMITH, if von
To flit .110,,,,r,e1,1 , /l, 11.,'
4:1/:11,PI. p'it:; , .s of lb(' 'Hifi
411,,1 (iti"b.:is of 1.4t1i4 ,1-.lcr
1't.:11!;1., 4,.p(-11;111 y 11;a1 ,
101• 10 1 - 4111! , ii1i"" 11.10 cre,tl erfirls I,:tdo
lni.; tittolu a li 1 1 ,n0ra141, ,
I; , i,‘\ - 11 tp:
Wit'T 1 , 111 Similar
tilt , ir ditty to petition caria.stly
;e4a11,,1 a 'measure inv"lves, ;Is they he
\ 11 "ve,1110 humili , thal 01 the NUI junal GoVVIII
- :HO a sitl;ittission to the tlentands or
Al Mt, volsilioll. ' filly regard all et impro
miscs (if the hind proposed as most injurious in
their effeets, ;Intl as only tending to make
treason frequent Ity making it successful.
Professing, as they 110, an entire willingness to
fulfill till their own Constitutional obligations,
they insist that all the compromise the times
demand, and all that a wise statesmanship can
yield, consists in a strict maintenance over the
whole country of the provisions of the laws and
of the Constitution. CITIZEN.
\\ k
1. Wo d nn4 \van+, this ciqulty r, _
sonted in failed
o ht , lwani wow, Cle
issuos, lwfi+it‘ 111:' pa,t
six year,. .1 11 1 ;11 1 ln., i'llll`l . l . VIIIIVI .
11111'111,.. 11101 , 1 1 yt•111 . . 4 Will 1114 Sall-....\ - 1111'
11 1 1/11 1 /114 . 1 - 111 , ( 41 . Ih.' 1 . .111111V 111 ,1 •4.-
V( . l . 'l-1 112111 Vt.l 1,41 ( . 411111', t 1) 1 " . . 1. e 1 11 . 1' tin
re - 4111; Or
2. AVe do no: want ailan in
who will make Iho or entm
try secondary to that or the Tlorzs—
" and at whose il(stanl Ino
worth- soldiers were slatcJuerell in the
late nominatitci contest.
What we do want a (101:1 to suc
ceetl Hon. Thaddeus ~!wens.
known to the people of this county as
holdiioz, more nearly thrsa unv other. our
late representative's tiesS On d IYOI.
issues. with ability and fearlossnes , to
advocate them and to carry them out.
4. We do want a thin, hold. and ahlo
advocate of llepublican prinuiplcs 000
('on reps from this county. :oat 1101
04111(1. or i(11,11:-.40VCCW.
YVPreSentit EiVe. At NVflni ). Ilickcy.
.1 , ,11()%\" 11,1 1, re .i1) . 11`,. , 4P1 a!II
1.( . 111_111. - I i)11H11 , 11'd ) 11- !•,
1 . 1 .0 111 our the il ilt.
NCI , all:1011111 , 4i 111 ll ti( 11. C:111
on the (If ~.,, p t(1111)(
that "C:11 . 1
turi,tv wuiltd 1)- hero. - We ei;:).
II) have a sinez little 1110 , A : rug—fa ly Hiat
:111,1 itat. (P . rif)ci;.
tilTiVi 11.
( . “11"1'.'""i1.1' 1, nulif
the ` , (111;11'0 tail II:Milli tel 11
111'0 , S 1111111 all
1)(1 . 1)l'(' the tittle ()V ( . 1.1111
1I(111 , 0 (NVlll`l'e teen. Still11"1. IN:0 4 II)
ill (;l'1111:1.11) 11.11. , full, and thatt
salis were 1111.11,11. ailalittance.
\"alley trill!' text hriarAt
(I,mvit a t )mit 5.1 a t;ritia 111(1 CelfaN
cante extra irain fill! I ~ot) intwe
of the satile stripe. l'ri)lvils treat the
coluitry. the illecilanie , frniii their slaele-i,
1111(1 every ho(ly anti - their P iye, etaite.
I'l,e 1.;,/1s I;itte ti/i. Tinnier- weris
(111 t .
'.11“1 4t 1 11 1111
marchhe , t1r , 1112,11 the ••treeti•••,
c‘anpit . tely jamming . - the t . •;.111:11 . 1. • ' :111,1
llttniiitial street. ~1t to I 5: , 11
. I)eliple Crete ill tar Gnu'( 1 1,,,,-e,
lilalll,l Lirea!est 1.1 tiornian
• hand and drain iirtrell-.1 to
the Square 11 11 11 1 huir
,),:rat ciatiel ale si ',(1111
a very
clail (in i . e.
1 - Well 1111 w ';•"' A
tl(.lnocritt on •• the I 1 , :1111 ... reinni . k(ql ioa
Sevinoyer" irnu .
ditna nix. 11,1 .iii orgai,keil
ivers ^ons county! Wil I;iontlia tl li4t ,
114)11 till Iner ?" :11 iller. id• Chi
cago, then addre,,,,ln^ the
Gen. 4,v40i1d i t through at the
Court I lokke. : peal;ing nil tin'
STllll'e NV:I, )m.',l lilt, rrnpied by ft (Ile
gallon nt :)1! 1 " with
1 illy :1j I:.) , kkkk 1.0
meeting at ti Court House adjourned,
when (ion. addressed the
oelv thing to be riyret
i ttql was, that two or 1111'0() Moro ) ) ) ,)) (1s
1111(1 111)1 1 )C('Il ereeted . (41 11 - 0(11W:41,1N*
()V( ) 11111).1' 1111' 41 0 111(41'M hall their ineetin ,
It was it ht!
k 110 1 .1: OW'S tut t a •• cooked hat."
no (lonic n - watil have had that •• clfee.
littun't it been for the fact that the
, bettliles" wouldn't come. 'filt• filet
was. the 111 teri'llied had heard front
"ttway drown Lit,t, is Varuivount ." told
front :may " in
t ave then' the Fever and inlagurs. The
i•estilt that a majority of the till
! terrified were ill their holes drinkitn! . cat -
nip tea and Nylii-k.4y to drive away the
" blue divik." 1 1,1.1 d hills had been sent
out all uvcr the coaiitv. charl e y ,s,lartz's
; tee wagon ail giver the city,
litrge 1)4‘,-tetk on it, calling on the
faithful to collie Io the reseue. lint it
NV:1) - ; lift The
.I( 1 1111111n1 fever
Was 1(11) 11111c11 1 ., )1' (11(111. JI)1111V (rliVrllo,
1 110 ~3111 11 the small hare)
couldn't rally the crestfallen party. But •
1 to he candid. .lonnv is a big (air) gull
and no luiaake. 11111 I am anticipating.
the day, the bread and butter
hrigade erected a i-huld with It ~ : //4/.o!/
t,t 1 , 14. 1.1 aecident,-. C,41. (tool.
glut wa' -11 i'r, • • the
llnnel :' lii ilitrod ,101 4 1, Y
Joni,v stepped forward. tuck
a drink ('11:1141.4\ - ', 1 , 0 NV:link'''. • 10 ° 1 /Y
lakes till his )%1N 2 :).1 :111(1 (1)011) , 111))) 1 1 ) 2 1 11 Y
t ltu (1 i't IFi J .1111:1!), to 1111
cro‘vil. Ile spoilt:, his - pace" to the "Ilaml
listed," anti informod them 110‘v We were
drifting on toward anarchy llow the
11;o1 been 1411 1) -
I'res: , ell (luritr , the late .` little 111110e1s
toltv.Q awl" Wit I \vitt nut
Ilict soalch un vial . roaders.
.i-,onny A VaS labolin,..r 'under a 1
lit of' slue tlivils or Varniootrot ft: el..
fr( , 111 011:1111 i( Or Cliarler s ice
water that he drank.' ;tunny's roman
nose never .showed to a Better idvantage ,
and all weft merrily as an--Irkll wale.
The whole thi n ., was a 6 . e /ea/phalli/ affair.
Wlien Jonhy dot through with his pace,
C° l - Uood, the chairman, proposed three
cheers for 'Mister 013p.m., which were
given aln suekimy clove. Somebody then
proposed three cieers and a tiger Ar—
t.:rant and Col fax ! Jehosophat, what
an explosion 1 It seemed as if the en
tire audience would have burst their
lungs. Such cheers were never heard at
a Democratic meeting before! So ended
the great democratic meeting, and all is
quiet along the Lehigh once more.
Yours truly, YARMEOUNT.
11 AT 'Si
>y r,
;11. 2 k, now yft , ht
1111,i , r k.:•rls
( . (it uttA : Ytwo•
viv \v, " Quu,tl4o)."
flq . lll in \ - 4)111.
Itro nin(otecil-1
rt.;l,lcr, Ftepublicins (d' titr
HMV , ` , Y:'l/1 to fully ar1,;1 , (.41
1110 (11'1'2.1T , AN/11111 w 111(/ l'l'Sllll
:1111/11;11. 1111' ni1.1!2;., ;111(1 111.Spitl'
Illy ; Ii•II V P, V (IC (;(`lrr;y*:-, • ;till. I
L l\ 0,, (11/Ul4, 11'11111'r ;1 '2.1)1001 1.1.11:011,111
IV - 0
are -lad
H't. that F %THE!: AItIZAIIAMIM, takksll
-4) (114:H1,1;1 , 1:111(1 111;1iter. ;Ind
flllllll pro 01 . C.(' getioral appri,vll
With Ivh;ch 1 - 4ou• rt111, , .0 noel. you Will
et,c1r, , 1 , 11 I,:iyil('ut fol• an allliitiunull
club 1 izlltl.l.l] , 11 1 ).:cribers. to
11) . (2uarryville.
,cull to furwltril you ta.t ut;(0,11(
cluh, I Yottr.- ytfully.
ather ,;'"tbrab:tat'r, ()51115.
(,Et);; , ])At St , \ - fluotr and I;lair
( 'llr
pcnt or. (
(.112:- 2 :(11 n ith larceny ot• a , a f t
01 . (1,)11111,2 : fi.Lin ,•,,i,,red man ;It seventh
;111,1 s"; 01., NV;I. ,
Thi. - (Ii(111 . 1 want 111,
',••( 1 , 11 ., J11101d
111,111 (',. di,,)
()i v. - 1)() 1( llv
vt• - cv 111.11 Vuviiwnt
E t 1 C‘,llper-
Ilea(1 ••!let'l : radical , are
(.11•1'1" 1:v/Vc 11P Care y 1111
(I tir. I Ith th,
Piellowtaev Iktve 1)11t hipe nI over
coillitp, the I:ephlican nlaitir
ity. If they can (:nly rodu , e the 1;:oli(al
veto. it gill I)einocroic trihillp'l.
:ill till , ()(141- . , ill that : , eetion t,r the Unii)l l
ill (ivht is 1,,
Lt paid ill .2,l'ctlilW,Ck , , Coppel*-
heart , : Will 1.1)
1it.1,1 :1111 , 01111s
111t'll' doWli to :Omni
ttn t ., •111 , (01 tilt Il,ll:u
THEy iv t \ , a ('‘,1)1111.11,•ad in Nt.'.v
1 - 1,1•1: I%lin oiror, 10 hot flint 11 , tan
- -/n drink. out and nut ra , Fi. ; 1111;
:- , i14,n111 11 ,, trim 1 ‘‘ . 111(.1; lye (iHn't
i) liovc) in v.lll 1 (• 10 1111 label
thy , — Nvii•keilt.-; , . twin — nliv(•.
wii.\ •,111.. or tin , fulirtewl
d"ihr; which di,.
I,lxo , tho
lit 11 a din,/
u f it \\
ii hit( Ctli'
(h•lkt I.lll' IJClll 4 )(Tatic
;1.2:1i11,1 tho 111141 1),11:111ro \Va.
I) •.chi Ull4l
C1:0 t , a 1 ' Ilf)1/•-;;!1(I1ik . 1)111/litIlli12:111! in Vet
-111i,1;;. r,a(lprs that Scviatir
\\ ill he ch.,•:: ovenvholinL4
(1 , 1. iritz. Int lit 1:;i•rt Ive • : 4 in
(lonl‘.2'.()n2:a i d lvt
wopli ?••
iI at —;it
" tin limy ~ 2111 vi) i L :lel, 11,.t
[I) :tell net
Ti ii; SW1111(1'11 ltenlocracy did not send
sh..le In al viati to the New Ye l l ;
clinvontif,i. Every delegate Prone the
Z15t..c4 . 51(,111 , t. Is :my f urt h er
vvident.e of of th e p art v
wanted? Itid it need t Comae rata
platfurin to tell us that the party adt-o
calcd the I,,st cause and sailed under the
stars and hats, l+ hen every delegate ii
the ',ray?
AT a recont C'opporhead proocssi o n
in ,liaise. soldior who darhig lli w ;lr
enlisted. roceived a largo 'homily and do
serted, bore it R't', which r,-ad,
.6 w e vo t e n' we fought."
A coitt:Eq , uNDENT of the Chiva, , ,:o
I'o4' writes from Toledo, lowa
nmv e (dl' swimmin g ly in ceniral lowa.
It is nearly all ,on one side—tip
ticket of Grant. and Colfax - . Tatien.'
cliths :Ind the tanning husines l ir e a ll hi lt ,
, v(). Ding may I huh: princip/ r , st an d, f or
the lots be hnislied iu No,vvinh er .
lowa Will rah , e her former large lleptill
liean majorities to 511,100 this jail.
lx 77orkville„ New York, 11 l o adi ng
('opperliezul, on - ..Efroclay, l'atrik k
who will pri,ll
-- li
Nv . l)eli alki,.l - ed y ,tal)-
le.(1 L& r :•-erh,ti.,l\- Ile Was
locked up.
F.k , T FizIEND,--Frank and the
Those who 'Wed the nation with
11'i(JIM'S and Orphan,. HOW SOOk to rule
the liehu>>lic lid clocting Seymour to the
THE cmaci:tted stn viyors of the Libby
anti Arnlersom Me prisons are asked by
the Demoerdis to vote vritlt the wretches
%vim scourged and s 'tart cd them.
The rebels f0r. 2 ,0t one plank in their
platform. IN hich shoohl read thus : No
di!=tinttion between the loyal soldier who
for! ht fior hi.; country and the rebels
who took up arms t o de N tp4 11.
"wicked:'st man" in Lancaster
is a sneakin Pharasaical being; \years IN 0.
12 hoots, keeps another hog, whips his
wife, takes the La ('fosse Democrat and
Llowaster encei;
wears a, very dirty
shirt and a Seymour badge.
"Let us see if successful coercion by
the North is less revolutionary than suc
cessful secession by the South."—Hora
tio Seymour.
THE Democratic majority in Mon
tana Was 500 less a t the late election.