Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, September 11, 1868, Image 1

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    VOL 1.
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ili . P!ir—No. ssulCl II t,t;tilea,
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Qt• rtvi , Latiwas
W .1011NSON
1:--No. 25 ••,, QC LEN Jucu, Lan
.1 SII F. ,
op t . , :cE__No. 31 N 4 tiall DUKE Simi, Lallea-.
ita., Pa.
A)F r S SOUTH QrE EN Stmt, ba)wa:i
te:., Pa.
trizicE—No. '2 , , NORTH DUI ESlyeul, I.:meat
-ler. Pa.
Arrui:NEV Al' LAW,
No. 137, South Fifth Stret , t, Philadelphia
RE-1D IN 4f,"- .1 D RTISEJP 2'S.
M A l ‘t l y : I Z: ,
No. 1J North Sixth Street, Pa
. R
No. 60,1 C( PIT Street, (oppo.:ito the Court I louse)
Reakliug, Pa.
No. 28 NORTii SIXTH Street, Reading, Pa
PUBLIC, No. 24 NORTH SIXTH Street, Read
ing, Pa.
No. 131 SOUTH. FIFTH Street, Readtsig„ Pa.
llaek when the Confederate
Constitution 'vas framed at Montgomery,
Mr. Seymour said to Judge Charles
Ruggles: "Judge, have you read the
Confederate (lontAcomerv) Constitu
"""? I have; and it is
huller than onr:i (the Federal). Then
Nv 1 y not (0)N - tate all difficulty by simply
,f , 1...)11/.1 ; / that Uonfetieratei Constitu
And. tltis k the man the hollow-heartua
Democracy pre: , ent to tts to save the
Constitution front the care of the men
who fought to maintain it al4ainst the
..I)nt , :otnery Qitarter of treason.
\Vim, the Democratic papers give u s
otne information as to Horatio Soymour's
position On the question of the soldiers'
vote ? Will they publish the vetoe dated
April 24, I*i3, oil an act of the New York
Legislature providing for the taking hi
camp and field of the ballots of the New
York volunteers lIIIIStUred into the ser
vice f the United States?
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f -- ,, • .. ~.-,= “ n'ith, towards /oardS none, w ithh ~
carity jr .-4.„,. ,„„,
i r• . carelbr him who shall hare Lorne /he battle, and
I -- - c-f- - c - ,
all, ;pith lirmness in Me right, as Cod .fri - ir es as . .*.:':4-,;: - •:!.'.2 ,';.,, i'br his ii and his orphan, to do all which may
to see the right, let its strire on to jinish the work ire -.', . ~'', : 4-. achiere and cherish a
. j,est and a lasting peace
..,......• .* - -.,;z. ~..;N:4
we are in; ; to Lind up the ;actionswounds ;to ...t);, -;.,,,,', v ,.„,, ..,,,,, among o/c/vat/es and with, all nctlions. - "—.4. Z.
A k,?:' s'.', • ,''';,,, , w. \
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.yr ~...
Henry A. Wise proclaims that "secession
more alive than ever," and he supports Sey
mour and Blair because they will " assume
military power" thy the overthrow of the r e c o i l _
stringed governments of the. South. Vance
boasted to the people of Rielanond, on Ids way
home from the New York convention, that
the Smith would gain by the election of :Sey
mour and Blair all it fought fir itt the rebel
lion." Admiral SOllllllll'S, NVIIO et ) 1 11111andell the
Alabama when the Nearsage, in the Thee or
Eno plf, sent her to the biltt‘fin of Rio seas, and
who revenge I himself by destroying unarmed
Yankee whalers allor the rebellion had been
sttlmltted, said, in a ratification speech at :,lo
bile: "1 have been a Demo Tat all my litc , be
fine the Ile. wzr, daring the war, and : 3 inc e th e
war. and toughs tit(' net out the ptiitoiplvs(ol'
the Dem. wracy." Pet cy Walk. t tilnlf
Mobilo a55.1111.1:t,..,0 that this is the hist tine.
...eOfsufce Lee temi tm. ; „ ; w or d
k\ C.aSi!ed RAY over ktl.- j
tle2othls, that I hates• 112.,itt thy
01t.1' , ';ol.Lii :.* rtr “tl,O r. aa. lt,vtt.
ocratio parly ha, tal,ea tilt ,rni. r,uiset." lioLei t.
vi•ho \ v o w into the r+`he•liiou for the
to call the roll of hi: slave. , on Bunker
1(11 ,1 cam e out 1(1• the rebellion without the
right to call that toll on his own plantation,
vauntingly proclaimed to tho Detimeravy or
(.eorla, in mass cow, ention at Atlanta, that,
64 .18 the late vaut• was producod by the dcft Weft
I)emtwratio party in 1-11), we shall iteN'er have
peaee till it is itcstorod in I Jll Ile defines
tit, itti,,boi of the party, for ho tufts Or , de
lighted Georgians that •• the grinnin,4
4 i :
1 ' his ECI
1 - Lt ,
111 1111, 111'1I ii
F 1 "rat 'H
We take tlp• extract from a
'Meech delivered faille, on
the 114., lot'
It , livus a laitHul picture
the men who made tip and Inltilligt , (l the
Nev.' York Copperhead (folivetition.
I{cad it.
-There was NV,olc Ilauueton. 41 . south (
let, who on Iva,: c , elven; lon, said to the
s lude l as tttticral "Cttt cattttte
for which titoattotittl .114 - k-ttt I t; 11, ttattlit'tt he in
emit Itut 1:1 mtmt• ypt , f imph . ••
There Was CiiiVerri.r Caro
lina, Wlll/ 101 l mi.] troops tittriug Ilk war, to
"pile hell so full of 'Yankees that their lipt
would slick out of tho windows." Thole w a s
Buckner. of I'ontto who came to Washing
ton at the openiwe. - ,of the war, to procure arms
for his State ;ind a commission 11,1. himself; but
who went hack to Kentucky, butrayed Ills
State awl country, joined the rebel ranks and
was afierartis forced to surrender "11110011-
. ditionally to General Grant. 'lliere was
Preston, also of Kentuchy, who abandoned Lin
Stale, I/Oil:111P' a 101101 (:Vill , lai—aillllllliliSiOlivr
and conspirator in Europe—against his country.
There was Basil Duke, one of John.Nlorgan's
liemenams, iu 16.4 thieving:, rol'hing owl mur
dcions raids through ( tido and Indiana. Their
was 1 - 4:4Awit Du/d, of Virginia, at rein.] Goneral
and volinnissioner, and familiar tsiilt the hor
mrs of Bello Isle and ',Dilly Prison. There .
was Forrest, of Fort Pillow infamy, etnicerning
whose fiendish conduct a Congivssional com
mittee thus repel, -or tun hn,n, Hunt three,
hundred to lime hundred are known to have
been killed at Ft at Pillow. of whom at least
THBEE Iii"NIMED terry ;,,errth red j /1 odd
blood after the pos4:, tens ill yossrt.:4;on of the
1'0,48, and our men bad thrown (Inwli their
arms and to offer N4411/o'l'. " Uf one
hundred and eiOity-two meinhers of the con
ventlim front the tel States, there was not
one Union man of well-known 111141 approved
loyalty. There were more rebel bohtiers 1111111
'soldiers of the Union army—mow members of
Jett Davis' Congress than of the Cot igress of
United States.
, ('.;
Every member of both branches of the ! frilY /he - I ;('PeriViertn refi'l,t; Shoilld
rebel Con:Tess was t 1 Democrat. , 11, - 2',.,./. , ,1r0'.
Every cut-throat and murderer who First. That o f all its milijons Hit t. One
shot down and starved defenceless ()don 1 in: wasa traitor: every wan stood thinly
prisoners of war was a Democrat. by liberty and the Union.
Every man in the North who sympa- , Second. That its civil administration
tiered with traitors mid treason in the of the Government. notwithstanding the
.4 outh (hiring the late civil war was a i exigencies of the war, has saved to the
Democrat. i people, as compared with Demillteratic
17:Very general, colonel, and officer in i l rule, ,•;s4,00n,001) within the last eigh t iln , Confederate army was a Democrat. 1 years, being au averag e ~,c,, , 111,1i4111.111k1.1 a, r
Every person who rejoiced at the as- I year.
sassination of Abraham Lincoln was a i Tldrd. That it has actually paid an can-
Dem( bcrat . ; celled within eight years nearly one thoa-
Every draft-rioter, sneak, and bounty- salt d ~,, T e it . Mote/red n0 w,'„,,.., ti/' ( lo urs o f
jumper way a Democrat. 1 the liabilities incurred by the war; and
Every person who wrote letters to the ; since th e cl o se o f H ie war. w hil e -t en thly
army encouraging soldiers to desert their j reducing the public taxes, it has also re
comrades was a Deminocrat. (leed the public debt fr0m 57.125:1.,-
Every person who was sad when the .427, in I B(i. - b, to sa2,-Ito,:1 0 4,s4:1, in is:us,
Union willies triumphed was a Demo- b e i ng an aggrega t e fm- . t h r ,,, years o f
crat. • :?lit i ono,isoo, or stso,ono,iloo per year.
Every person who assailed tln "law- 1 Fourth. That for the present- year a
ful Money of the country" and the; 1111 - i reduction of taxation to the amount of
tional credit was a Democrat. ' isdi,ntio,ooo has been matl , •, and more 1
Every person engaged in the massacre th an 10,4nn articles of product and man
of Union soldiers :a Fort Pillow was a • ufacture have been withdrawn from the ;
•• 1 I , ei , atisi.d ;11;a ‘....• !..ball 1,,1 - te..ake a
.Democritt. ; tax lists.
imstake if 11 ei Sii,' CIIIII tee 01'1.0:0 the' Oftiiii! Of
Every person wln»turdered an enroll- , Fifth. Unit but for the obstinacy of , • , , , •
it ' •
• i.,eiiiiaiii•it I iciiibrai. aN:2 i'l,il (:leti , i' Grant, is
1 the D111)0 rail in Con ~r e., . :nut of their the ern , to Ell ii. Eo r tv b ;, b,,biir.,„; hi succession
111, ot/icer was a Delwin:bent,.
Every person engaged in the Sons of 1 pliant tool, Andrew .lolin: , ons a reduc- , i„. - 1„ 1 , '
, ( v o w notliii i g bui bb ii, b. i, iory—from the
Liberty consphlicy to murder the Execu- ' lion of interest upon ow imbue debt ..apttii, ~1. Fell, Di:li•isoa. ;,; GranAl G 1111; on
tiveand overthrow the Government was i amountiir , to at least :s-10,1011.0011 per ! I;lack Iceibr. id .iiick7on, id,iimil Vicksbur g ,
a Detnovrat. , annum would have been provided for. ' and, 111. d 11151 Pot loiled i :11 :lie last battles of
Every person in the North who op- , Sixth. That the Republican party, by Chattinioo:,:i. II !'.4 - I'l . lii seynliiii. in 111 . 1' opinion,
posed conferring suffrage on the Union i its candidates and platform. is irrevocably fbbi-ver 5,11,11 n: , c 0.,. III11;1 in y pl: , , , cssini Eastern
soldiers in the held etas a ,I)enwerat. Pledged to eeollontY, to the maintenance Tenne , s' , . 1 1 , . li,e. , ..iiiite,i' ini,Lciiree,l. 4 two
Every person Nrlto encouraged and iof the public faith, tic preseYS'ation ol , .....'..'"' "t. ,•• „'i .i:il ii•niii , s`;. iii .. , i lank and
protected deserters Nva,; a Democrat. , the peace and unity of the Sates, an d ! .I . :ible , : ..ii , l i.,, , is :is , 1111111 V. ileeill the war
Every person who refused to contribute the liberty and prosperity of the people : ll:i s, '''''', l *"; '' II. ; ; I "i I" 4."' Ile Pie Per luau,
to the relief of sick and wounded sol- 1 that :ill its pledges ill thi_b: past have been a '''' , s '''''''' ''' l ' ''''''," '`‘, t ' ) : i lw ti ''' I proper n
luau. t(i itc. iv,'%l 1 , , tieie i'll'i,iiillid. itilie Wilier
filet., WaS a Democnit. redeemed, affording till best guitranty or } . l , i• , "f f
I 11' ! , ,I , l' .I. ..!,' , 0.11111:111, IT-111- , .114 (Mr
Every pen io n who declared that It llllll value iii the future.
arlide-. A, r ,- ..lki ,- , 3:,,, , ,, ho lias N%”11 seven
" would like to see all Democrats unite ' ----.......-10.--4!--
in a bold and open resitanee to all al- " i)ento,;.(ttit." c', ,, iri.4.!,./. -and prisiii:eis. I:. /i:o4 ::tio-it file :Imulril
tempts to keep our a united people"
, Piece.; ii• arra-ry. ;Ind imuniterabit• L i ois an d s
was a _Democrat.
, -k- c " l.l. `'''''P" w i t i ellt , ("ai!l(l'l ' ' t ''' ' al " id ,liiilH ivois oa ;ill these lid Ids. it has or
-1.-, very p erson w h o was in f aN • or 4 , coange till following niemem oof the „„:„„i , i ,.„, ; ,, n ew ihe oc,i;iiii•ibt_;:, :old i want
"two republics and a united South" was j War ' aS " t I( '' '' '' K lliii Liil lit the lifyS l q l l Lin, ;n :: ne,in,iii k1i1...t1. !ll' 1%1:1 orgaiii , .,. ii final
a Dento.:rat. ' pifort of the same _Dimmer:Glr party to , bi,•:,,r,b ~.1,1 Iriii: ii to • ,i,r a
1 noi , s. amt pia an
Every person who was anxious to j insult tiw 'a tie. who fought tebel died /or •• .. :" 4 4 ('', 111 .o -
know whether"the
south had. resources their country. liy Cie . re-toraii. , n of tie ,
enough to keep the 1 Mon army at bay" j immediate ir thors of their ibitii, , riags in
was a Democrat. ' till rebel i i i Yll p,'lls.'l':4(+ 111.,10,tri,1,
liii • T
Every person who denied the authority who read this horrible recital will trim it In Indianapolis. the other evening, at
of the Getter:a Government to enf o r,,, ; a Ild V; illide i titiVO in Onnie - 0 flee' 'it .. .et-I'k' a 1 ) I'1110C1%111(• 10, , , , iing. ,eves[ huh , boys
it:: lit way a DilnelOill'ille cieilid'iViirei, Of 1.11: , e inilile'illhili hill'liil'ilY : llllill'alled roe i V:kit :Wel Colrax. \. burly
Every person who recogniz e d th e re.„i,,•]:,:, ir . rit ,•• i ni1ii , H; , ..;.1 1„• i i , ,• J . . White hits iii Pine. with a revolver in
hellion IN `” /o:%dinlak!, legili and jll-1." tit 1 i ii; i :011 Y,.;tilii!!:l , .l in tr 1: , II 1;1 is 1 / a ll,l , rushed up and wanted to know
was :1 Dlalloll'll.l. ,;iii,: ":\ •pi 1:1: , iN.ar,i. iiia il/inii.:Wil efiiin' "who hallooed." The little fellows were
Every man who shouted '' not anothi , r , P , ' L """ ''''' '!' ' ' l ' l .1
I '' ds l '''''' '''''''''''''' ''' ' 'r
' ill " I ' " in. ' 6 ' l '4 rrighl"'"l'" anal made
twin nor aitother dollar t 9 eztrry on a , I, '"' •.`'"'"'.'"l• " ''-"'" " ' 1 -'•', 1 % , ' , 1"' , " I ‘ , o l- :no reply. The bully finally asked one,
civil NV:ll.' ''' sVlliii a DenlOcrat. hy ~,,,,, \
,',l„ :ii iiiii ',O 1., ii! ' , lt , . ( 4 . l!!" SollleWhal lal* , er tlitit the others, who
Every m i nt who insulted the li m o 1 i . : :!,, . 1. i i' - ! , c -,,111 .‘i." : 7"'"Ii": w'' i . 1 1 :"l' replied that he elusered for t;rant.' The
armie s of the Union by declaring "the 1 r ''''' "'.- :• '',V H ,;'' . .`,` I '''` : H`"''' ll ' . ; , sr .'. l ,'"` - , \\*ldle llov placed his revolver at, the
war a failure" was a Demeerat. th ,.,1 , l i l d .ei • , ,,-,1!,, (,_ ..,.ti ,t 111“4 i'll,,lP) ~ ~ 1
cast, .11111
„. ~ . , ret r eat
1 ni , i, ,,,... H . 0 , ~,,,,, ~,,,„„0,,i,„,,1 „ l ii,„, L ,. .I,la .i. , i.111,,N1, .11111 (1,114(1 nllll to
Every person who invented dangerous ,ctrl • ,• • , , , i ti le shout ; and this lie did. three or four
..,-!: 11.0 ...i ,'i ei.itr'i:il la i - iiiii,e• 41, 4,V. 114 44,4,
C 011111 0 1.14 idS in '.lllll - 1 5t1 " ..3 1 1 1, i , 1t5 , :Mil NOrth- I
I 11 11':Iik' p21.i ,, 1. , '1 . .; N't ;IS ....sk,-1 ~ , , Ily 1,0 did eel d e - ) bobs standing near. The Indian (polls
ern Ciniii.' ',Va.- , a Hottitwrat.
i liver the full ti,wl,l , llteul ~f 1 , !! Iltou , :ttlil, as KlikinX did not ( lat ., ' ShOot• His only
E v(. . t . , , , , per-till wild contrived lleillt 1 ,,,,,,,i,„, ( 1, 1, „,,a,,,,,,,1 throe roAsiini,: Fii,j, 1 reason for not doing, sib, however, was
schemes to introduce the wasting pesti- T hat ii „ w „ 1 „,, d i e , t „ i ii i - pi , biiiii after their his fear of the collseqUeticcs. Murder
fence of yellow feVO' into Northern cities , name,. bb,ere pl a ced ellilii• u,:ls tor exchier j ic, . wan ill I4(;heart. Bravo maill Truly a
was a Democrat. ! ala i r e eh pier z i“ii i ii if elk - one:I In the ediiii-, in , representative Of the Democracy.
NN, itiCh have horn set up in oily inid,t
a, I,isLt
iuru r,lutll In. wist ,, ,t 12aiv, Nv1:0111
Dcm , ,erati- I)trt . , .. La, expre, , dy app)inte.l firr
tLat s«1 , 1 ,1
moon 1)10
iio , l( , 1111 - hl - ; f tVol'lttlr tt. lolal
thtp; Hir!rzictoji/,,,;;1,,.!
r1111! . _ 11
:41 h. C.,t•il•
Wrrf, i?i , tr;;y,
a r :j! di! \ ;i1 d /hi
;o! i 's ;0, ti•!,
!I'll./ 0101 O. Ilr't+t'it:
ii1;0 I way
~,-, th~~ t'~1~'~u;~:~ ul lii<~~
I ~ e 1 II
(,11,1•01 ;1
t!wir thlai
! ~ f ti:;“
i!ttt 1 1 1-01-
.;11:10 II
• Iv , (
c:( - 11,1
I ;1
, " ,•1 t 1,;t4,11 ( , 1
' 11:•.tH.
• It
~~~ ~~.~ f~,...~. n•!,.:~
r '
:Jo) 4 , 1' :11 ..14'0:•;•,f,':!;:'
T 1111(1
VITy 111 , 111 101 . () i rchel L•sovernment v ailaroiHiaut a i),aao _
tylN a Dooocrat.
Et - ory who. art Or 110l11:4 . e(U - u n• n a y Bri c k p c 111 ( .,•( :11,; ( 1 1 1 ,14,
canal at the t•ttilyh,e uC the Covi ,
11 / 1 1w , nt • I
Ih are -
has:olt- dot , ctital the flag of los coontFV h „,/ .
atal tAlok up arms NVOs Deniti
Every per. , ...0n who rold)(41 the s ( ht )0 1 ehar._re of the train. That a numb.
1*(111(1 and 11se11 the ittonev for o.,11 ( . 1 Lf ajohl. of the n),.st rigoruns jlllllpl' , l 11'0111 the trail
iii, oltertlti(ltis W:ts .1)en101'I;it. am; t..k. to the Ivo(ids and swamps, dishelie
E very 1 , 01 .„, o w h o e0 „. aL!. . ( . ( 1 iu Shnlltiuri 11111, ILO statements of the !Avis that they we
' d own. ii,,,,roes 111 th e sireels or lntrnitn , ''" !*"*". ` v ,"Y '' x ' .l 'l. w .g °ll ' thil . ).kin g:, if
110 I'n sch()(ol-hott-(.s NVIIS 11 I)cinocrltt.
s.t.. , .enlent but a pretext Tor eon \ eva ig (1101
fill)( olio rebel prison to ;mother. Imhaid
Every persott 101;) liunte(l up 11(':','00 the E . , , 11)01 . s had 1,0 , 1
in rphan as o vlutit , 4 ivtts , niat a
' La.! a tln it \up, 11 ,, e.
Every ()nicer ill the :truly \yin/ (11 , - t'•,•l',' unable to laraf., 'Wilt::: What
111150,,(1 f(11 . 111SVartnla vms 1,1 11111 •„(1.01(1,01. 111 pi
it lkill(liTat•
that art' t 111'1 !littal
Every - 111 an 1111() deve anteed - Ilion 411 Itl l o-4 1,(• 111.((,10, ,
(1i01 . 5 115 1, 111"11( Ilir01 . 111;fs Via- a 1)0111 - 1 1 ,1 .(;11 1 ,1 11 i11.'.,' pri•oiwrs
oentl. . cf 1 1 ,111.11 V ,l lO 1
.11 11 1';111V ..1,4 1 .0‘; at'
v,l-ce Imt siqp.
,„ v d,„ 11, 14 0 .10 , .t
frig •
cd • • .111
EVl'l' . %* 1:1:111 a ,, crif.(l thin nur •F'"l ;
nitly ft()pct is lit thy 11 J - fq , 14 :i , 110 4, ;;1- 1 . h•
1 )1.1 \\ • I,:tir,
of (tic \Vas a, I)l.upwrat,
1 ' •
turn (h,ri I p.4'
1 . 1 4 1a1 ••
as a I)(aa,cral.
per,ott vdt() coy., pircal roltat
-I,cl i-(a1( . - awl !omit
‘4•a, 1/4•1114,41%1t.
1'; Vt . l'l" 1114'1111 , 4 I 4 , 111
i•ot , i• ;1 , 1
• a',t , l i
WirZ. 'llO 111i1r(ivri.i'‘)1 . (1,1()`.1 1 , 1
a Dialinc,•al.
Ih. !ti a ,•Lir d n ! i- I),
( !'"1111%1N !). I , l ( )Cnt'•.
'; Intr11:)! ./1 ::1:t1
~ t'. ~..
i.o I) 111')!•1';?1.
If) i ~,
I,qt. (
i)ouu rrn;
(ill I iy;tnilt.illwi.
was a Democrat,
1 - •
a I rai
: . "C . V111( qtr.. vt 1 11 , ) ‘dll4lVt'''' ,. 4l ruu
• .I(ev ' , (li'2ll!
1: " 1.1 Nvcro It!t•It ',lt ;W. Ito , -(•
(~,,,, r ;11, M I « (11:((le 111.(tii(110, 11(0 1(
ei , Cot 1(r nit, (•(.1(t; '1( 1 ,1(11( , 1 ,
1(1 :(1,(2 , 4%-• tr.(1 1 1C;(?)/t/in. ,
(. 1 .(n( (ivor (;(itirp:((;(. Mit).
1 }),l:Th
:l lit'
. Walk( I :11.t;
.4Mis • -4'1.--
11',11111111)11 :11!111)11.2ii. ;I( c 411•41.
In , -I,l, i:tilled al
111 di' . ( . 1 , I1V1•111i , 11. lit 110.1
I . :rit 011 :11 , 1,' 11:'11) in till
1)1. ali
;111!%.!_;11'il. W:i!,i( :1 t()
;Hof vhf).•!111,1; ,Tile 1111"
11;11'(11 , : 1;;1(1.:11(1',
J! ) :T/11' . V,"1 harl: forr, t l irt
Ca 1 t C , ll OW
if I!! 'y . \V , I ',V - I I, de
it Vl!
I'ii I i • it In to t pt• in
n('!,•!' that '
d 11;11, , Hr l'y
hld ;tP,
Ilitt Pintlira! , : , 1(1W
IV/t4 1/11;;ktf . (1 i L ai 1:1' L Or.rl iu t Vei
\VC: il•r11 1 ' 1 . (/111 I'llil l ,lh 1 , 1 1 1 10 bitter
,• H , l: 11'.'''11
i3 () 111)::111. 1 1 r S(liftli ( ;•11r(1 ,1 11. of
1::111:')/11 Clix, of
ter ( /1/1)1 1 11ehtS 111 :111
(`:‘ . ll;til ‘ Vl` o f pri,lllierS eVil
( /(illy.Sa.li , hory
liershaw, or Soil: 1 1
who witli ow - o 11311(1 Union
I 4 ,i -
i)risoners, and strove to rival Forrest ;
these and a bast or others, etinally
tiu:;nishecl I . (gr their atruritda.s, assisted at
the birth tIL( Tammany plat rorn t , upon
which they iitzve signified then intention
to risk another trial. wining evervthing
if they win. and Josh - a! nothing Cr they
These are the men who made the 1)4 , 111-
; ocratle plattnim. Two-thirds of them
are pre-eminehtly infamous, and all are
traitors at heart to-day, as they were
1 when they c , xlaetsted every conceivable
device to ovcrthrow the Goy4 , rnment.
Can ['Murk soldiers vote with slich
famous creatures?
01)..L IL I)oo} . 10.1e 7 the recreant Sell
ator front Wiscoin;in, now on the stump
; I: ,ai l i s t Grant. , poke of him as follows,
; as early In , Hie ci.Jitectith of February,
186-4, 1.,..hen the 1Ii!1 creating the grade of
Lieutenant General ',\ . ;n: pending before
(lie Senate:
11 N 1 ' 7 l ,tti
l L' 1
7.fr; )I(erfr Pis'o4-40r•pr
ff km' an Enelre y
(Yr;r‘e! YU.
NO. lb.