Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, September 04, 1868, Image 4

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    Ormisotbanisch Deitsch.
-Brief I iinl Weill ebl'enner.
ScHLIFFLETow N 7 :-'.eptelniFer 1 , I,'6S
- . .
MISDEIZ FODDER ABRAHAM : Peer my \lista so omit feel um de party. My
Sir: Saltier ich mei letshter breef in der mind is anyhow math net L , ;ontz ufge-
FODDER AttnAlLor nei twin hal), huts : niacit eh icli for der Sei-Moyer odder for
widder amohl an fuss ',f.evvA d" 11 i" Grant vota du.
Schlitlietown, un doh is nix shuld draw 1 irr SCIIW EFT LEMIEN NEE
daS sell bee - ye' aid wu ieh for de Ilevvy 1 . .....
genununa hab de letsht woch, un weil a
dehl leit mich si, halwer Llama derf()re,
will ich explaina we's war.
&n gonsy w - ocli nix tsu drinka except
yusht kalt wasser, for an ;;outer true
blue demokrat ich brill-111' dawtly ' ELEC rios IN KENTl'tif—TllLt;Lk , int'S DENit ,
NA, , ity • A
nn my gross tlawily wahra avh tlemokrat a
—is ordlich tuff, 1111 in all meim Fis, Oszt , ErmiT X it(iAlis,
is in the State ur Kemuvhy,),
hill) ich net so g'sufferd for a paar droonks Au g le.felL isf;s,
das ich hab sidder ich sell aid g'numma Ef the American Eagle is in the habit
hab. Om drilta dog hab ich !tort Pro- uv screemin at Democrat victories, she
kin now test her capacity to the fullest
weert der Bevvv ehra consent tsu krecya
for yusht eh shmaller, 1111 awe!. denksht Tiye election in Kentucky resulted
se bets erlawl)t ? No ; ..ir..r eo , for wane more gloriouser than ever we lied antici
se amold elicit mind uno:(cht. done is ps pated. Eighty thousand majority is a
net derwo.rt alasr sat. big thing, and we knowd it, but we felt
des din ,, -Ida I
, that the eye of the Demoerisy was onto
War :
us, and we did our level best. We
dog mumniilo•_!,lo r ci„l, wantid to inspire the Dimoerisy nv the
hut de Ilevvr h 1,( : to set em au example, in fact,
howla lint khols hueka
,„ would awaken in em emulashun.
11* election at the Corners wuz the
negslit dog hocka kenn!.
_some a- the others in the State, so in
agreed war, nu yttsht ep ich (f ry, w 7, itin tiru history uv this WIIII I ant
bin Seat se, "now Pit, heck hell writ in the history uv all.
\\ e hed held a series uv meetings,all
doh onna nu 11(.111111 ;un ohl a cuply coffity.
wick, with the exception uv Elder Pen
for es dot der : ;out, ' sepia se. 11:11 mu ,
, • mbacker's obstinacy. wuz harmonious
confessa. au gooter shmaller war mer and effective. Governor Sevmore's let
ontlich del lee ver „'west, un aver weil ter wuz a great help to us. I lied been
cle B ev ry d oe h sn , :oot , 2,'lnelmt hut, ' afraid that he mite say suthin in it wish
wood bother us, but when I got it, I ex
w:u• ich es ;igreed,un hab donn ash tstv:iv
• claimed halleloogv ! hedn't sed
cuplin gedrunka, ich 11111; sauga, ('" thing ! lle hedn't tetdied any nv the
but tide]) irons Boot feels macha. Well i questions at ishoo, and consekently
dolor bin ich «mold nous un oils hock- couldn't give no offense to nobody. Bas
com took it, and swore that he wuz sat
isfied hocka, tin donn we ich sheer nurtich
from readin it, in connection with
war. is es hoff.dearly utgonga, un dort the Cooper Institoot speech, he was in
war der Joe .Muckatliggle, tut er graved favor uv payin the bonds in gold, while
bel in der le)tf un linekt sich dort onna Pennibacker wuz quite as well satisfied
of de drop fun der hinncra porch, In from readin it, in con necks lion with the
platform and Pendleton's speeches, that
`sagt : lie wuz in favor uv payin the bonds in
'Well, Pit, bisht bissy ?'' greenbax. They got to dispootin over
••so a wennich, — hab ich it, and referred the matter to me. Ind-
-Now Pit '' soda d er j,,,, , `will kit i tatin Seymore, I never sed a wool about
bonds and
,greenbax, but went orl into a
lies amohl eppas froga," Sicht er, - tin ', most eloquent denunsiashun uv Joodas
sell is, cps wohr is das du nix melt Iskariot. Its always safe to abooze
nemmsht, un das du filch influensa lusht,
bei deiner fraw, un das du jut shin husht
"but 1" sed they in korus, "does he
for der Grant tsu vont ?" i
' perpose to pay the bonds in gold or
Donn hab MI chin alles explained we's ' greenbax ?"
war mit nicer under Ilevyy, we kb sell 1 Smiling benignantly on to em, ez Sev
beevel aid genumma hab yusht for 0, i more did at the convenshun, I replied in
woch, un das ich kunsider das ich es acct words : "My friends—for you are
I my friends,—let us confine ourselves to
sets halta muss his de woch Otis is. Donn livin ishoos. Let me ask yoo ez patriots,
hut er g'sawt das uf den weg set ken , and men who hey the best interests uv
demokrat sei freiheit ufgevva, un so ge ., : the country at heart, do you want yoor
' N niggers ?"
wins das wann ich mid dauffhters to marry
i uf den weg rula i -
"ever !" sed they, strikin tables,
hiss bei meiner fraw, for eh work dour ' "never," and they rushed out in the
debt ich rich ivver a well golfs ufgevva. , street, hollerin, " 'Rah for Seymore."
Er hut acs explained we der John Leed- , Sich porshens uv the letter, however,
ez fitted our case, I red to cm. That
singer, wu acs als an gooter demokrat '
paragraff into which lie bewails the eon
war, obgedreht is fun der gout alt party, 1 dishun uv men like us at the Corners,
tin das er ach influenced is warm bei i which he styles the intelligence uv the
seiner fraw, his er gons ob is, un zuletsht , South, Kernel McPelter and I read to
is er noch gor an shtraweller warm, tin every one at the Corners, we bein all
wich kin read ; and the paragrafi in
uf course itch an 'publican ! "Un now," which he denounces the men who assert
secht der Joe, "so gehts exactly mit deer that Union men ain't permitted to live
wann du net goot fiat gebsbt." in peace in the South, I read the first
Donn hab ich g'sawt, sag ich, "yah un time to twenty or thirty uv our people
wich had jest returned !Tina raid onto
awer, was will men awer 'etz du ? Ich the settlement uv Abolitionists over on
bin fesht for a gonsy woch, tin de Ilevvy the Pike Run. Young Issaker Gavitt
is so ivver ous clever derweaya. Now, , was so affectid that he shed tears, wipin
'sog amohl, hab ich g'sawt, we kann ich his eyes with a handkercher he took
doh drivver kumma ?" front the body of a Younyuu man wich
he bed jest shot in the presence uv his
"Ei, ordlich bandy," secht der Joe, . family, wick refoozed to leave the settle- ;
"liumm yusht mit meet—lass tins grawd ment.
nivver ons Kitzelderfer's, uu donu wella
'mer shun a weg liana for alles recht
iiacha. Ich slitand de expenses," hut er
g'sawt. "l'n now, hiss dci's net noch
sauga das du of gebsht tsu deicer fraw,
for de Bevvy is anyhow yusht
We er sell g'sawt hut, Bonn—immer
un eawich ! Sell fergess ich net so long
ich leab, under Joe ach net—l'll be
bound das er net dut. De Bevvy, fer
shtay, de war yusht inwendich Munich
der deer, un hut ally wart glitert was der
Joe g'sawt hut, on uf eh mold is de deer
uf gonga un my Bevvy rouse, un ep der
Joe ufshtay hut kenna, hut se ehn on de
holv gegrabb'd mit diner hond,un mit
der onner hut se amohl awfonga operata
of ehn mit so ma alter umbrella shtock !
Bang bang ! bang ! is evva druf g'hockt
warra bei der Bevvy, un yusht "Kitzel
derfer," "demokrata," un "widder ons
-:trC,t. — hut -- titt ;1 1 . , \\ iddc
pit hitt k 1 •r
1-nin :11:a dellt(-111.(•r. t'll 'tort
Pict t , ll ( 1 ,11. for hut
1: , ' 1 V , 1 in fuv(,r runt (1o1:11 het ich
(vva 'loch fly t •l ! ,,n ( l fun tier
"s vvy. tni tier we: v,u•s is 11111 (le
1 3ev y ~( .I)raticlu. for (I,r Joe
hut ahout sn feel chance ••, , 111:11111a. (las a
inuslikitter in Ina "'Witter shiorrain.
Donn hut se glut tsulutslit
tin tif course er is of tin AO), 1111 art et er
huts (srtllivlt se'verely
iitiaS hui !qq111)111. Under trek. we er u;e
yohniert hut, is niers forektunina das er
or(llich severely lifeuse(l AV:II% Sc 111'11
yeiz, Itch report (las cr de Ilevvy will
reshta lussa for Salts tin l'attry in der
' law. IVranit el' yell riot, done gebts rupps,
for soineholv Bidder (las de dentoki . ata
, nicer iny thatch hen dart of der
Neu Yorricl:er Convention, we se der
Sei-111(iyer ufgenunnua hen. geb
The clecshun went oft' magnificently.
Never did I see, in all my experience,
which hez bia very great, sich exten
t sive preparations made. Bascom's bar
wuz made free. Deekin Pograni, Kurnel
Mel'elter and myself, one tiv wick holds
a government otlis, and the other two
expects to, lied a hail uv new elecshun
' whisky purchist, wick Elder Penniback
! er, notwithstanding his disaffecshun, fur
nisht at cost, wick wuz 22 cents per gal
-1 ion, ez no tax hez ever been pule in
this districk.
I opened the polls, usin for the pur
pus a hat, and votiu conuncust lively. I
put in two, Bascom slipt in three under
different names, and the other faithful
ones voted ez many times ez they thot
nessary. About 10 o'clock Pollock came
up to vote, at which I wuz surprized.
When I say surprised I mean it. The
very presence uv the man at sich a time
and place wuz startlin, and it hed a ter
rible effeck on the populis. "Nat !"
sed 'maker Gavitt, indignantly, "shel a
Illinoy Ablishnist—a man not born in
101111 hoily lies a-moillilerite_t• in the t.travo
.lulusl;r::x•;n':1(:(ly it-iiteillilerint2; iu the ;
1(11111 Bri)lVit's himly it-mouldering . hi the t...ritve
lii, !
(;I,,vv, halle—hallolu,ialt ! halle—halletujalt !
:hwy.. halle—hallelujah ! sin , r , Ina n hilt , : rnt !
!roilo to he ;1 soldier in the army of the Lord!
11 ( .•, to lie a Hddier iu the army of the Lord!
ft•ls ;1 the army or the tort'
sottis inarchile_t• on !
j(11111 11'1)1V11"S hilitpSitili is Stri11111('11111/4/11 his hark!
John Brown's kiiitp•itcl: is strappi.(ltilinti his hack
kiiiipsack i.s i-41•Iiiived tipiiit his bitil:!
liis sutirs marching; (In .
poi lamb , : will meet him op tho Ivav;
Ills lot lambs will inept him oil ay ;
pet 1:11111/S kill Meet blill (01 the IV:IV ;
Tlicy Ut)
The:,' will Davk to a tree
hilt lii .Teti' Davk to a. trce !
Tlwy \yin hail: , Jpll . Davis to a c.(•
thcv march ;111a1.2,!
Now. tl u •(
Now. flirt ,
Now, dire
Kentucky—a man who holas views so
totally dill'erent front ours, persoom to
vole at these ere polls ? Never"
And Issaker, bilin over with ra! , e,
went for him, iu with he wuz assisted by
the entire balance of the Corners. The
wretched man paid a heavy penalty fin.
Ins insolence. Ile wuz carried oil by
some sympathisin niggers, a were wreck
uv Ins former self.
A little later the "Yoonyun men," as
they called themselves, upon Pike Run,
come down to vote. But Issaker and
McPelter reasoned with 'em. Kernel.
McPelter's remarks wuz pertickerly im
pressive. They asserted that ez Ameri
can citizens they lied a right to vote,
and shoot% do so at all hazards. The
Kernel in reply stated to cm that the
Corners wuz a thin for their liberties--
that no matter what their abstract: rites
mite be, the Corners cood not permit
herself to be contaminated with Ablishm
votes. "Shood you attempt it," sell he
impressly, "the blood uv the Corners
I will be up, and I won't be answerable
for the consekenees. Beware !"
They passed forerd, when from among
otn• people a single shot wuz heard, and
the head one iw em, a preacher, fell
writhin in the dust.
I pitied the poor wretch, but wat kin
we do ? Why will the come about us,
irritatin our people with their incenjary
votes ? That man lied a family. Wat
reason will he give them, when lie's car
ried home ded, for his untimely deeeese ?
It's ever thus. The Ablishnists will
never let us alone. And yet I spore
hireliu and subsidized press in the North,
hi face of the provocashen we received,
will accuse us uv murderin this man !
Our ambishen wuz to hey the vote
clean Dimekratic. But it wuz not so.
At about 1 P. M., Joe Bigler, who hed
heerd uv the doins, come to the polls.
Issaker and McPelter wuz a gom to per
vent him from votin, but the villain
drawd a revolver the niinit they lookt at
him, and they partid, makin a lane for
him to the hat.
"Does any one challenge my vote ?"
sed he, cockin his weepon. "In' so, let
em speck."
But no one interfered, and I took it.
When we countid out there wuz barely
one Ablishin ballot in the hat. It wuz
Bigler's. But we were neer enta yoo
nanimus, and we perpose to keep so.
The process is simple,' It consists mere
ly in shootin all who differ with us.
'thus we hey peece at home.
Our politikle prospecks are mixed.
The reduckshen uy the tax on whisky
inclined many uy our voters toward Re
publikinism, but I headed this orf by
swearing that the Democrisv wuz pledged
to take it orf altogether. The Northern
papers assertin that Blare's letter don't
mean revolushen is hurtin us some, but
that is more than balanced by the ease
with wick we organize. Yesterday
an entire regiment in the Confedrit ser
vis organized as a Seymore and Blare
Club—retaiuin their officers ez doorin
the war, and yoosin the identikle rolls,
Hags and sich. It aids us wonderful.
(WWI is Postmaster.)
NEWARK, O. has erected a large tan
nery. Its roof is computed large enough
to dry all the Democratic skins of the
roiNing I.lieers t
rnm•hcv it,r the Union
e rotc-ilej cheer , Ow the Unioa
we are marching ,m!
l'he lie:Jtorole i'littform Iletineed
The I )evatur (lozettereports i he follow
h, rsa iuu that (went et! betweva a
prominent Democrat and au Irishman of
that city. For convenience it designates
the parties as Jack atal Pat :
Jack—flow (10 you like the Democratic
platfm ?
Pat—l can't understand it ; would ye
he after explaining it to me--all about
the hood question?
Jack--011, yes, with pleasure. You
see the rich men own all the bonds anti
the poor men haVV to pay for the bonds.
that in your platform?
Jack—Yes f. and now the, Democratic
part . V proposes to pay off the bonds with
greenhacks, and thus every man will be
treated equally.
Pat—The devil ye say ! is that the way ?
Jack—Not in so many words, but that
is what it means. Aud now, Pat, 1 want
you to do all you can for our party :
bring all the boys out to all the meetings,
Pat--Ifould on, Jack will 3 - er paying
the bonds dr in greenbacks make the
Boor man as rich as the bondholder?
Jack--Not exactly ; the bondholder
will have his money in greenbacks, where
we can tax them.
Pat—Then there will be all greenbacks,
and money will be plenty, and we'll git
Would for our greenbacks, if we elect Say
Jack—No, not exactly ; there is not
gold enough in the country.
Pat—Thin we are not to have gould at
all. How in the divil are ye going to pay
on' the greenbacks?
JackL-A part of it will be paid oft' by
taxation, the money we take from the
people for revenue and stamps, &c., and
as the greenbacks Fet worn by constant
handling we will print new ones.
Pat—Hould on--an idea strikes one.
If the Government debt is all in green
backs, and thim in circulation, how many
cords of 'em will it take to buy a cord of
Jack—l cannot say exactly what they
would he worth--that will regulate itself.
But, by the by, I'at, could you pay me
that little note you owe me Y It was due
yesterday, and I need the money very
Pat—Vis, I know the note is due, and
I'll pay ye according to the Dimmecratie
Jack— what do ji 01l 'newt?
Pat—l inane I'll give you a fresh note
for the one ye have.
Jack—There's nothing about giving
fresh notes in the Democratic platform.
Pat—Yis, ye said we'd pay the bond
off in greenbacks, and both of them are
promises to pay of the same Government.
Ye's give one promise to pay fin• another
one, and I'll give you a fresh promise to
pay for the one ye have now. The note
you have now says ten per cent. interest,
and no time set for its payment.
Jack—But this is an individual matter,
and the other is a Government matter.
You honestly owe me, and promised to
pay me yesterday. Your proposition is
to cheat me out of my money.
Pat—An' its cheatin' ye out of your
money is it? An' haven't I as good
right to chate ye as the Government has
to chate the widies and orphans whose
money is all in the Government bonds?
I'll pay ye on the Dimmecratic platform.
to 'ea el ',cc.
Our kittle
(Slyjc.l.s I);lft.rept Poiitts
c i it
%. !h.'
such ( , 1' lair
tilich iiiL~fliir:
citytt , , shill tcHli tun; :-,itch
`' 1 "11 a 'OIOIIV ~f !qi, • 11(101H01'
Sitril a Iti! \\ aj , t, a lII\ of a lipt::
a 1.111.10.!...11,•11 an air f,lL,r,ico,
SII , IIP, liu li curl f a \iqiutil
1- Sill: .~.\\C
Blip. 11laldy 1)1'1 , 1V. SEICII a 111(.(i.. , 1 intat
Such a s‘No,l, IA inning S
neck. SitCh ;t net.l:-tie ; such
Suelt all air 11l at ease, such a muilel ut nraer ;
Such a fern', wu•lr ;t figure, such :1 bedtitifitl
`'llell a gent of the species
.1s SoliEnom w
Such a s‘l ell 411' a chap, sue]; ;t gay flawitiug
Such brains, but 111 P littir—noNvisdont to sill ;
Such near-siglilvd eye-glasses, astriflo such a
Such an earno! 7 t It `S 1111' la ! . ..1 . ,•,1 of
Such mutton!, such ge,turt--;, so vulgar an(l
SU('h a 10111111011 S pouc.; snipe, such a mincing
paap. prwlo
4iat , or i= tho
mruDENT QUESTIONS.—To ask a law
yer if he ever told a lie.
To ask a doctor how Many persons he
has killed.
To ask a netro if he is black.
To ask a young lady whether she Nvoula
like a beau.
To ask a minister to take somelhin2. to
To ask a subscriber if' he paid the prin
To) ask an editor the name ofany of his;
To ask a merchant if lie ltas ever cheat
ed a customer.
To ask a man to lend pm his pocket
—A Darkev \vas examined in a 'Wash
ington court, recently, to prove the iden
ity of a white man : Did you se e th e
inan?" asked the attorney. Yes, sah,
"Dunno, 1)ou you say that you
saw the man and can say whether he \vas
while or Yes, sah, seed him,
I seed him." "I'Vos lie a while man?"
but (lure's so 11lally whit) , fellers callin'
derselfs ni!. , ers around here I can't tell
one from toiler!'"
--Tlw height or
from ow rain in an umbrella shop
AV 41111(1 thiS mid he tritltrait
ft woman" A perfect hlank---like a sheet.
of paper—not even
--A young man having buried three
wives, a ladv asked hint how lw happen
ed to be so lucky. " 7.lfadam," he replied,
" I know they could not live without
contradiction, so I let all of them have
their own way."
--AN Old woman observed a sailor going
by, and supposin , it to be her son, cried
out to him : '• Hilly, where is my cow
gone ?" " (lone to the devil for what I
know." •• Well, as you are !roing that
way," said the woman,'• I wish you
would let down the bars."
--A clergyman said to the boys on the
gallery : Don't make so much noise, or
you will waken your parents below."
—" I rise, sir, for information," said a
new member of the legislature. I am
glad to hear it," said a bystander, "for
no man wants it more."
—A man named Porter being drunk
was asked : - What have you been about?"
" Only turning a little Gin into Porter,"
said he.
—An excellent cure for dyspepsia is
this :—Give a hungry dog a piece of meat
and chase him till he drops it.
—A. stranger visiting Stanford, Conn.,
says that if some of the mosquitoes there
were only painted with the right colors
he should mistake them for canary birds,
they are so sizable and musical.
—To make a rich jam—crowd twenty
fashionable dressed young ladies into an
—Why is matrimony like a besieged
city? because those that are in want to
get out, and those who are out want to
get in.
—A single file"
[By our spot I tl .Artist.]
. ... .. .
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Frank trying another "Night Cap."
4' 0149.