w,crralnted to inake a p o werful democratic intpre . --ion at a lotv2er rate2:v than ,tity Avlll-.l;ey ever lit•rylofory 11 , v(1 or knov,.ll in „\,lt Bar rick, coinity.' • Clark evilently mler1:111114 the native dentociacv of Old 'l‘o ( (1( . 111MT:11k ( . 1111111'itt'll), hi' de all l 1 ,, hest ell()FIS and to arrest the demoralization of the party on :1(1'41111a lAt . the Bi(tres, hi has made all the necessary arrativ . vinviits :it the lvar of the Sett/AT 11 ou , ts. The doors of 1110 11:111 will he thrown open for " ladies — :it 7 o'clock, and all democratic Clerrzymen lie admitted as dead- CIL\ EDITOI;S FATHER ABIZA HAM —G ents: Enclosed find list of sub scribers. Your lively little campaig•ner has found friends up among the moun tains of Franklin, and they show their appreciation by forwarding me tins list ;:tt - hscribers to send you. I think we have the hest or , anized Club and the row he,/ reading room for the Boys in Blue" in the State. AVe have a Drum Corps, Glee Club, and the services of a .Brass l:land when necessary, and a large Cabinet Organ in our rooms; and will make good use of them in the struggle for Grant, Colfax and Victory. Am sorry that inv old friend. Alajm. A. C. Iteinolit was not renominated, for lw is a Rad" in whom there is no guile. Yours, &c., .J. A. S. YORK, PA., Ara. 25, Is6s DEAR FATHER A nuAttAm : Last night the unterrilied held a grand kiyi in (*entre :•square. your correspondent advanced toward the stand until his sense of smell said: " thus far and no farther." lle had proceeded to Within twenty yards of the main body when the halt was ordered. The Blare it (1w speaker conid not 1w heard for the blare of those nearest. ("ante `• kiss the quick on my handker chief would have made an advance I oler ahle, lint then I only had two hands, and would have had to have kept one on Inn currency and the other upon my watch von know how they in' for green -1 tacks). _Distance lent enchantment—not only to the view. lite crowd in attendance was surpris ht'Jy small. Charitable nirht covered \‘ith her mantle much sin that mi, , ht have Iteen washed :oval. Several ell'orts to cheer were made, but too many had heen to see Bascom, and those who could cheer. evidently like Seymour, had weak constitutions. The Square kill necd deodorizin!r and disinfecting—if it is not done, you nuts hoar of us Navin,* t(u rattle disease here Yours for Grant, G. =I iirathrr Abraham's ir hips. S'EttAws.—.k. vote taken in the !far ri-latr, Accommodation tr:tin. between ilarrishur. , and Middletown, on :-; ;l turday, 29th tilt., resulted as follows: Grant. 41 Sevmour, 19. On the train from New York to A Ikany, July :lit, the vote stood —Grant, :;44; Seymour, ilti. .Übangi - to Utica, .July :H-1;1%1111,241; Seymour, Mica to Syracuse, Att , mst —Grant. 141 ; Scvmottr, :t2. Syracuse to Auburn, _August 1—Gr:1111, 99: Seymaur.l4. Au lanai to Geneva, August 3—Grant, SoVIII4/111', 111. (ielleVa in Clifton, flutist 4—Gra»l, 7:1; Seymou, It;. Cavtrro to Itbaca, por steamboat on Caytt , a (;rant, 42; Seymour, 27. FRET) DOrti LASS said at the Equal Rights Convention, a few years ago, the only luxury lie enjoyed was a whole seat in a car. Eveii that luxury he did not have now. The other night he was rid inr muffled tip in his blanket, when some body asked him for half a seat. Ile stuck out his head and replied, "I'm a ni,Lrger." •• 1 don't care who the d-1 you are. I want a seat." The people are conquer ing their prejudices. WIT .N Pendleton was about midway in his Augusta harangue, last week, a granger, with a countenance expressing ~e nuine disgust, accosted a well known Republican, and inquired the way to a neighboring town. The desired infor mation was given, when the stranger added, by way of adieu : " I have always been a - Democrat, but this speech cured me. I believe I'd better mind my busi ness instead of listening to that critter any longer." WHERE is James S. Kelly, a witness in the Robinson vs. Shugart contested elec tion case, who was spirited away from the officer in charge by " active" Demo crats, and has never been heard of since? His Irish relatives fear he may have been dealt with as was the murdered .Tohn Casey. Will Wallace's Copper head State Committee give them any in formation ? A DEmocuATic crowd, consisting of John O'Shea, Mrs. Mary O'Shea, Pat rick Burns, Michael O'Hara, John Grace, Pat Moore, and several bottles of whis key, enjoyed a free fight among them selves, in Larkin street below Lombard, Philadelphia, last Saturday night, which vomited in the death of the first named— John O'Shea. ACCORDING to our deliberate judg ment, the Democratic majority in Berks county will not exceed live thousand this year, which will be a Republican , rain of nearly twelve hundred on the vote of 1866 when Gen. Geary was elected Governor by over 17,000. A WESTERN paper says Frank Blair is going to turn temperance lecturer, after the next election. This is a mis take. • We are authorized to state that a leading temperance lecturer only en gaged Frank to travel with him as a " frightful example." TIIE Democrats, says a correspondent, are dying out in Wisconsin. Seymour isn't near strong enough a stimulent to keep the old topers up. fruits nt •• I)+u rntic rolo II heriire a in tine In (we 111111111'rd cow rie , ed. In a debt of 11.!1111).1.1 . 1i. SOME j()111 . 11:1.1 , :111:1“11 illl pOrtallCO to the fact that itanity halo:l -it:try in Horatio Heythour's r and brother havinv; died maniac suicides. Not hire , rtrllllC,e about d a ft. ..entlemen. Nearly all the Demo e r:cis herealmuts are crazy a , h(dbn2:s. rmtis paper calls the lamented Mr. Lincoln the Ht. Paul of Ante; ie. I: means that the paw man ‘A Idle lip ili_ had a viper on his hands.— 11 - eria. Yes. one of the Blair lamily—but he shook him off.— Tribune. TIIE Titusville .T.,inin . q r 41,1. a Democratic campaiim paper, run under the auspices of the. Democratic Club of that place, has just ceased issue without paying its compositors. There is honor among Ilde ves, but not among 1)0110crats. WILY do not the Copperhead papers at the North publish the opinions and sen timents of their brethren at the South? Are they afraid to let their readers peruse the revolutionary utterances of Toombs, Semmes, Hampton, Forrest and other rebels ? s Tina,, shouhl he the ,neatest, vigi lance along the whole line, — said Grant to Ord, when vietory was about to norch upon our banners at Vicksburv. if \le would conquer rebellion ;it the 1011. in November next, we must join the Grant and ('()lfax forces, and do our share of picket duty. FtIANK: 131.. mt spoke to the 1 1 (1)11 of Omaha, week before last, thu-dy : Fel'r cit'zens! 'f I've don' anythin' to d'r,;- plocze yer, I say ferr citfzens (hie) just lets go up to the b-b-bar an' it '1 1)u tilt right." CHAIILES KELLY, an intense down ! tOwn denawrat, was arrested and held under bail by Alderman Tittermary. Philadelphia, on a charge of stealing a basket full of onions. THE Philadelphia Ledger has the largest circulation of any neutral paper in the United states. On Tuesday of last week, it published a very strom 2 ; and ! unanswerable leader in favor , :f Grant and Colfax. KEEP it before the people that Sey , mour's dalliance with the New I'(..k riot ! ors cost the Government not less than $50,000.010. Tint affords a felicitioas answer to his Excellency's inquiry as to where the money !rfies. Ax Albany plaster of Paris :artist has made a bust of St , yllll ,214, , up his own " busts," and tin Ja.ople v iii "bust . " them both in November. 1r -)Iilton, Pa., on the cvenin of August f.uth, a icadher Copp:The:al, named Joshua Jones, snot and killed his wife while walkinl with her in Centre street. Tin] 11',// , / tLc "hot \\Tall - RT." After November lie:a the lroph/ 1111(1 its i•ehel craft 11111 he a much butter place. AT a special election hold at (iractim, New York., the IZeptilllicans carried the clay by lifty-six inaj(wio-. NumitEtt of threshino . machines said to be 2.25,00 l I, Seymour and his party will think there are that many millions in November next. TItERE is smiled:llm: strange about this," as Blair Whell asked if he would have a gas., of water. A disease annnig hogs has appear e d iu White county, _lndiana. The Copper heads are dying off rapidly. 11's empidemie of fleas has been Now York State—confined principal ly to the Copperheads. LowELL :Hid a Boston boot-black are going to shine" for the ;tale cham pionship and 3n cash.—Li Crosse Dem ocrat. Wonder if they can beat the •• shine oil Frank Blair's nose? THE :Schenectady Erenin t i Slap ruts the Democratic nomineess at the head of its column, and directly underneath says : The Road to Ruin." THE stump Seymour never takes : The stump of a wounded soldier. OLD BERKS IN THE FIELD.—The Re publican delegate convention of Berks county assembled at Reading last Satur day. Win. M. Baird, Esq., was elected President, and Michael Walters, See r etary. The following ticket was nomi nated : Congress, Henry S. Eckert ; Re presentatives, Michael Walters, Edward 13. Evan and Peter L. Hain ; District At torney, J. Warren Tryon ; Sheriff, .Jos. Obert; Commissioner, Daniel Shaaber ; Director, Peter Übil ; Auditor, Henry Brownmiller. Mr. Eckert, the nominee for Congress, is an extensive manufac turer of iron—one of the proprietors of the " Henry Clay" works of Reading. He is a gentleman of excellent business qualifications, public spirited, radical, and in every respect a true representa tive man. The candidates for the Legis lature are all gentlemen of more than ordinary ability. 'Mr. Tryon is a sound, rising lawyer and good political worker. Mr. Obert, candidate - for Sheriff, is the well known proprietor of the extensive "Union Iron Works'' of Reading ; he is a German by birth, and heretofore a strong democrat, and induced to step into the Republican ranks immediately after the nomination of Seymour and Blair, he being un filling to be instru mental in creating another rebellion and war. Mr. Shaaber, candidate for Com missioner, is also a leading manufacturer of iron, and an excellent man. With such a ticket, the Republicans of Old Berks will do better this campaign than ever before. Major George M. Lauman, W. M. Sands, Capt. W. G. Moore and Dr. C. Kitchan were elected delegates to the next State Convention. DLitl ~rllls. THE - (11.1) Gr.\ I:I) " BEl'i - “Lii AN NALLY IN 1..\ N- I A , TI:I:!—LAnIEN - E ft'', 'Dr\ I'vkliilP , 1:1-4 I 1 )Ull4'l'lllr Nt and IL a. A. I.:. r.de('ltft,• would deliver :alre-scs on the i-suc , involved in the campai.m. called forth the loyal 11)11 , s , s teat 1111.vtin-% The nrriv;ll (d . the (11 , thp2:tti-11(.(1 speakers, in vimipzwy tv iilt .lu(liti)r Okalta'al Trca•lll . (a• I rut ut. and other's. rras the 1 . 1.1 . all ( al)- plal/s(% rising t o th e i r feet gull elitaTilPj 111,14. The applause aiial.tal, 1.). Dit•kev callctl the uteetiti to ( 1 111)1 . , ()II hi' In(111011 Lichtlersoh. Esq.. svas called on to preside. (=en. Schurz was then intro duced. and by his forcihie and logical reasonin_ hold the attention of the larre audience for all hour and a half. .11 - e was frequently \ - ocilerously apphiuded. lie \vas hillowed by Col. McClure, who de livered an able and eloquent address. The meeting, \vas a brilliant success, and has infused rcilesved spirit in the Itepub !leans of the I)einocratic of Lan caster." She will he heard front with a , rood account in Vet_oher and ...\-oveinher. :NIEETING .4 IN - rll E CouvrY : nwt ti n tzs iu tins county aro an- nounced The lounitville i,rant and Colfax Club will hold a myelin:2, to-morrow evenim , . speakers have heen un!q - e2.141. The IVarwirk Grant and Colfax Club will meet at Roth , ville to-morrow (Sat urday) evening. and not Saturday, the 12th inst.. a- erroneously - published. Ahle speakers are expected to be present. 'i'o-ntt,rrow I`VOllll a Republica meet hor will be held at the public house of Jacob Inimel, on the Ilarrisburr, lake, under the ittspices of the llemptield Grant and Colfax Club. M. ltn)sitts, Rutter. Esqs., and other speakers will be present. IZEADIN - G.—A very larre and enthu siastie Republican mass meeting and flag raising tool; place :it the foot of Penn s tr ee t, ll e adin i f. on Friday evenim:: last, over which 6eor,L , ,t.Soltzur, Esip. Pres ident of the P. L. L. No. 2, presided. Speeches wore made 1))- E. 11. Rauch and 11011..1. Iholtinan. M Saturday eveninr, 11. S. Eckert, candidate fur Congre!.s, and the 4 d her re , ident nnminees at Reading. were cninplimented with a serenade by the celebrated Band. The Repub licans of lleadinu; are it - oh:KING, and that means a decided Republican majority in the cite. E II" .1 D ER T 1 SEMEN TS I=llllll 1)71 \VI.:]/NI:,I).‘Y UI • Ildii,1111,! :1111•Ibil• Jti / /; )4 . 14 - ,i/j•J'••••• i,llll. ME 4.1 1'...0r K. Zoo :tug T \VI) ...T1)1:.1 . i;1:14 . N \\ .' , 1; s,1;11 .1 Two S!ory ~ r I N : 4 ,1i .1i :1;.0 C.111.1;1,4,•11(11i,• ;ttiaHlt ; . ❑ it 116 :t ) 1 1.: TE:\ li4 !pi Oh q W.. 11 i•l' gl.llll ;111.1 i• •• I.llltip OP' 11 , 1—• 1 E:tift \Va ,•i• 111.1 , i,t war ,11.• a \\", 1 .4 in ti, "F‘\ uttitttiLo,z, ,atcr alai tltt• Tt•ltaltt 1" ,-, tring t trrila , . 11 (A' •t F.,•;1,•1it About 1 . 1 \t• At'll•-• Or COO ahoy, hat I. hi.avv is is a siab• iif rrtilicatiun, :1110Ilt 2 0 101 IrII,IICIS lime putt t 011 t Lis Ur vi. Ny prOperty 1)01'01, the Olt Or n!ll:•. kill rail .01 Slll,,Criloor ink (lJrn'nu. 1",•••••,^ioll nr.rl gurrl tint. will lu giN 1,1 oit tlic itri W . April l`Otl. Sale to CollilitOileo in the arti•riiiiiin I[o 40 . ,t1t . o'ill ill' 111:1110 k1.1,V,11 1 , 1•1-:;11 I;cyi'r. Art , . .1.14'()1;.7,1)(11C, MMOIN (iIIANT AND C'OLFAXIIAI)GES (on Dine Satin—?lulu, l'ortrait, Prive, 2.i ets. ;rant sleeve Buttons, rio eta. Seventy-Five tlilicr rut SI I. Badges. Medals ft'ont .5 cents to 50. Any of the above sent Ur., be tnnil n1.111'1,1'114 Or 1,111 . 1, .Agents waited to attend in, tings, supply clubs, Se., A,itlrrss U. S. /Ai NN, au2l-41. 11:1111,Cr, MMIM Un SATCRDAY, SEPTEMBER I;th, B-A;s, be sold by public. vemlm. in thr Borough filnowing property, late the e.tate of daeob Viill Nollla, IIVIY:1,1•11, In wit: FIVE LOTS uF tiltol."N 1/, situated in said Borough, each being 33 feet front, and 330 feet deep. The improvements On one of ' , llia lots consist ing of a 4 NE AND A HALE STolity STONE lINVELIANt; 1144 USE, with Basement, Summer House, Stable and other buildings. Sale to confluence at o'clock, AL, and terms made known by 14\:s:1EL S. VON NEI DA, td Executor. LANCASTER FILE AND EDGE TOOL WORKS, LA:s:CASTER, PA. Manufactory of ltasm, anai j T,,ols Al. FLINN'S HOUSE FURNISHING STORE No. 11 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Refriger ators, Tin and Coppur Ware, Wooden Ware, Brit iania Ware. Bird Cages, Step Ladders, Thmmis and - Brushes, Knives and Forks, Tea and Table Spoons. Cot The Mills, &c., Coal Oil Chantloners for hulls, Lyceums, &c., Coal Oil Lamps. Brackets, &e., Pumps, Hydraulic Rains, Water Pipes, &e. A very fine assortment of HOUSE: FURNISH ING GOODS, of :ill Mods, at A. C. FLINN'S, llouse Furnishing Store, No II North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. GRANT COLFAX ! Ileautiful Uil Portraits in richly ijilt Oval Frain e!i of the Standard Hearers of the Itepubliean party arc now offered to the friends of our eau The Agent will call personally for orders. Prices low, and sure to suit purchasers. H. SIMMONS JOSEPH ROYER, Wholesale and Retail Confectioner, Dealer in Fruits, Nuts, Toys, Ice Cream, Cakes, &c., wholesale and retail. No. 33 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. =Ea MEM ni'i;:i !-i zAIIM & JACKSON, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, H. Z. RIIOADS c% 13R0., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. DEALURR IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY .11*90KS d Sl'-1710,VER F. BOON STORI F~'fl~ a ~~. Irl G7:l'7~ ~i;~~ p.kuEN'rs ES S('lf LA R~ 'l'.l 1:1; Ni Yr/ ( W•• it.. lII.' 1111,11111,11 Of Se1111.)1 1 1 11•1 , 11/1'. ;11111 Tea,2l,,•rs to tyai. Lugo und eXTo'll.llt' a1111;!..•111 ,- '111. 01111 111 • 1111•Jk.' l'lll/11.111114 11',11.1 . . 411 P1111a1.1•1j.111111, Nt'll ath•Ntion N. Ihr iiiriiri•sts of tiri•ct -1,1•S alltl . 1 . .•11011t•I•., anti art' 1/1•411,11 • 011 10 .111/14 1 " ,,11 . 111 1 , : 11 ' • V''ll rat,, than Dir,ut.a . s wh” cmlt ltooks. will find it griatt iy to 11l If call upon us, as our arrangiuu-nts uatli t•11111/1l• 11. 111 nll'- 111.11 for intrialitiition at di • %cry 11111,.t 1 1 1113- 11.111 . C. Our stock school ~tlttiuu.•rc i. also vtiry larGc unit vii.ll anil our facilitiiis for furnishing Glob'', Charts 11111 Maps can ton be ALL NEW lo woks ItECEI .15 FAST AS I.5sC la 1 , 10)M THE Ali filo styks of A inr•rican, Fr,zwli and Vote ami I.ott,r srith Envelope:: to match. Ad Pap,,r and Env ~lopes purelias,d from us svill Lr sianip, , 4l with Ow initial of the parcliasor, of charg if dr-strol. .1. E. 1;.1.1:1:, aki2l-t1 w '.1:4 E. King at. I.anelistor. F ];OURS STATIONERY. F 1 COMPLETE STOCK OF SCIIDDI, AND MISCELLANEDI'S DDOKs, FAMILY AND POCI:ET BIBLES, A LA 1:1:Pt A SSORTMEN F OFLGOW) STATIONER 111,ANK IMMO; OF ALI, SIZES, 1141().41:1 - S CHEAP STANDARD :NIT:SIC Catalogue of Up, alana! on application KULTZ AND . ..`.ION-VAtillAN'S CELEI.II{A- TED Gi)LD 1N"111(rNy5 sTEREt )sci WES, ENICAN AND FuNEWN VIEWS Lihcral i 4 tit, to Al t.rclututs. 01.41,1.,Grespuctfully andGproinpt• IN lined nt J. 11. SIIEAFFEWS, Cheap Cash ts,ook store, No. 32. North Queen Street. Lancaster, Pa. JOHN BAEWS SONS, No. in :s;or...rit QUEEN STREET, IMI13:11iFILIIIE , Z3 =9 THE VOLKSFREUND BEWLICIITER (;, , rman Republican New,papor GERMAN AND ENGLISH ALMANACS, TESTA '.%1 ENTS , 1" :\ N BVVIiS, MEM= 51'110 , 91, 1100 K S, BOOKS, d USTI CES• -c T.l 770.VE R 'EW AND CHEAP BOOK STORE', o',Jrncr of Fulton \VEST KING STREET, LANi.:ASTER EIBLES, Ti'.T.l .11EN TS, ,Y(1,1001 BOOKS, .1I 'EL LA .N" EIJI'S 800 K And a general variety or well seliieted Stationery, Alitus :mil Fancy Articles in the line trade. SUNDAY - SUllt nil, Books I,li . alt Sperial attention given. 80-iteg Librarian of the Lancaster County Bible Soei , tn, , 1 trill furnish Smoky SChIAIIA with liitlftS TeSt3lll,lltA 5) rents; Testa mem P) cents, A variety of new St!NNing 'Machines rot' ,ale cheaper than anywhere els... 1). 5. BARE. _BOOR .0 .1013 PRINTING. RAUCH & C'OCIIRAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS PLAIN AND FA YU 1" PRINTING =MI ALL KINJOS, Front t hi' largest Pt I)'l'Elt to the smallest CAItI) or UM( 1. - LAU executed in the best style and at l'ear+olla ble prices. ll.7"Ordors from n distance promptl3- attended to OFFICE-A. E. ANGLE. CENTRE SQUARE LANCASTER, PENNA DENTISTRY. T B. McCASKEY, SURGEON DENTIST OFFICE-EAST JUNG ST., OVEK THE FIRST 'NATIONAL DANK, LANCASTER, PA All Work Warranted. "N7ill AAT . M. WHITESIDE, I) EN 'l'l,T oilier and resided,, East King Street, hox t door to the Court Houso, over rahnestoek's Dry Goods Store, Laneastor, Pa. Tooth Extracted Without pain, by the use of (Nitrous Oxide) has. JE IF, (fr. I) E.ALERStx WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER IND SIL VER - PEATED WA RE No. 15 NORTII QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA I.U"' Repairing attended to AND SILVER WARE, No. 22 WEST KING STREET, (Next Boor Below Cooper's Hotel,) LANCASTER, PA. AIM:SHALL SON'S 1 j. NTI:E sQl".11;1•:, STER, PA N(PW IS THE 7'1:11E Fl VICTURY! AV,. !give :..tart,l the 4 'anipaign by hiyiug in a 2 . 1'0E41 StOdi uC Gk . , iv. , a 1.111. otivr li.:ver be fore otf,rt.,l. (our Nvorli is or ti host quality. Don' forgvt the plac... N. CUE. CENTRE SQUARE. BIZ ENE:qAN & CO., COA L , of the 1 n quality. YAnn—COR. WATER ST. S.: PENNA. R. R OFFtcli—No. 2 EAST ORANGE ST., H. BAUMGARDNER, COAL OF EVEIIY I=l THE OLD PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY oF PHILADELPHIA. AcimmtrlATED CAPITA I 5 . 2,000,000 After Paying bosses to the Amount of 51,120,000. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ALL TILE NI - I:PLUS DIVIDED AmoNOsT TILE POLICY EVERT YEA E. THE ONLY TRULY MI - TU.I L EI)MPANY IN THE CITY OR STATE. For further information apply to JOHN J. COCHRAN, Agent, P. 0. Lancaster, Pa. l'I"\ •,, A ITHENBACH & BROTHER, No. ii2o PENN STREET, READING, TA., 211,1 NCPACFCREIZS REGALIAS, JEWELS AND OTHER LODGE PROPERTIES, For :\llOOllS' Inm , Lodges. Chapters and Councils; Odd Fellows' Lodges and Encampments; Good Templars, Tempi. , of honor and Sons ot"remper ;lnce ; American :NI cell:toles, American Protestants, Red Men, Iluritgari, Gum! Fellows, Knights of Pythias. Brotherhood of the Union, and for all fe male lodges and associations, titled out ;it the short est nutiee. A WI, Swords, hilts, Hats, Caps, and Regalia Or all kinds com4antly uu Laud. Irrters rt•spectrolly solicited, and goods forwarded to all parts ot . the country. A 1:(71/ EN ('lt BIZOTHEIZ, No NO PENN Street, Reading, Pa. (1' ,S, A 33 lAM SCIIEETZ, PLAIN AND FANCY DRY Gomm, Colt.E.Tll QUEEN & )I;.:‘,Ni.;E STREETS, SIGNS, BANNERS, fiC JOSEF!' IifaMMER, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, AND MANUFACTURER OF GLASS TABLETS. C.1.1/P.l lON BANNERS Painted in the latest style aml at short notice. B. ii —4 er ko q's Drug Starr, CENTRE SQUARE, Lancaster, Pa. II 1 r Li EJILYI. DON'T READ THIS! siN(;Elcs SEWING Provv.l :1 rival in tlio lato lost trial in tills rizy itli ih. lh Nl.• NV , Zir• ration of an intelligent public its tNCOMPA !IL r the I = I 3 M a 1 = a INI=tiMirZWETM7III It is light running—almost noiseless—and adapted to a wider range of work than any other While it is, at the same time, very simple indeed. A chill can, with all case, learn to use it in a short time. We can assure the public that they will look to th,ir 0 it JrN If in want Of a SEWING MACHINE, TO SEE, TEST AND TRY THE SINGER, Before deciding to take , it 4)r anv other Machine. Parties often come to town in seal'ell of a Machine, and then listen to the advice of interested parties, or those who have but a limited knowledge of the Machines iii question. BETTER SEE THEM FOR YOURSELVES, ENDS, And then you will not In deceived. W. W. BEARD SLEE, Agent, No. 3 EAST SRANGE STREET, (Two Doors from North Queen,) LANCASTER, PA. =1 BAIR & SIIENK, NORTHEAST ANGLE OF CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PENNA HULTZ & BRO., 3 ANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, STRAW HATS, LADIES' SHADE HATS, SHAKER HOODS, &0., Wholesale and Retail, No. 20 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. BOOTS ..1 ND SHOES. i',l)()T AND Sil()E STMZE, C,1.111'.11G.V HP' BoOTS .1 XI) ,c/FOES ('as.. ;.Ait...vs. . 11 i... '2.1 I 'os4 s I;;iitors. Cas,s Shows. BOWS CO,l L. WHoLESALE AND RETAIL = L f .1" C.l TER, P.l DEALEIt NORTH PRINCE STREET, NCA STER, PA INI URA NUE. LODGE REGALI.I. Dill' GO ()DS, NEW STORE EMEMEME CLOTHLvo d NO 71021-8, LANcAsTER, SUITS .11:11)E TO 01111E17 P.l /X T/NG. MACHINE SEWING MACHINE, INTEREST, L'.l I'li ING. =DI BANKERS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers