44 tit t e Abraham." CIRCULATION OVER 5000 E. H. RAUCH, =OS. B. COCHRAN, EITITOIIB Si; PI:BLit:011MR, LANCASTER, PA FRIDAY, AILTGFIUST 2S, IS6S. "I shall have no policy of my oven to *Pk fordoe (against the will of the people."—G ft AIN T. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. " MATCH 'EM." 0 s is ~. Opt . 1 , V.l f ri 'I i ~j .17,--:= iI rl I t')''' ''' I q L '''' • 44 -- -. ...--1:-....._ = 4. !Sig NATIONAL TICKET. PreaideNt : Gen. ULYSSES S. GRANT, OF THE UNITED STATES Floe President: SCHUYLER COLFAX, OF INDIANA STATE TICKET. Aad!kw General: Gee. JNO. F. HARTRANFT, OF MONTOO3IRRY COUNT.] Surveyor 6 eaeral : Gen. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, OP CAMBRIA COUNTY COUNTY TICKET. Associate Judge : JOHN J. LuiliAßT, Marietta Ammbly : DR. J. C. GATCHELL. CAPT. W. W. HOPKINS, City. JACOB 0. PRTERS, Conestoga. AARON H. SUMMT, East liemptield Dietrict attorney: GEOROE MO:BAKER, City C&unly C'ommissioner JACOB C. KREADY, Mario] Prison Inspectors: HENRY POWNALL, Bart. M. 11. SHIRK, Wrnt Cocalira Directors of the P•ot GEORGE FRY, East Cocalico ./N.I.IAD GAST, City. Auditor: GEORGE W. MEHAFFEV, Marietta CONGRESS.—We are authorized to announce 0. J. DICKEY, EMI., of Lancaster, as; a candidate for Oongress, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the primary election on Saturday, ScP tember 12th, 18(38. TERMS FATHER ABRAHAM. Livapiably Advance : One copy to one address Clubs of five and apward,i, each With an extra copy fur every twenty subscribyrs Address, RAIJCII & COCHRAN, Editors and Publishers, Lancaster, Pa TERMS _RED UCED We have just reduced our• terms of subscription to tifty cents for a single subscriber, and forty cents each for clubs of five and upwards, with an extra copy for every twenty. Now get up your clubs, aid send them on CoHgressionat lio»tinations At a meeting of the Republican County Comittee, held in the Orphams' Court Room, this city, on Monday last, it was ordered that the Primary Election for the selection of candidates for Congress will be held on Saturday, September 12. Remember, Tax-Pa yea That you are required to pay over a hundred millions of dollars interest on the enormous public debt which was created by THE DEMOCRATIC REBELLION AND WAR AGAINST THE UNION But for the Democratic party who inaugurated the war, five hundred thousand lives and four thousand millions of dollars would have been saved F The Democracy and Mrs. suratt. One of the best replies we have noticed in the canvass is that of the lion. John A. Bingham, of Ohio, who, while speak ing at a Republican meeting in Bangor, Maine, was insulted by a Copperhead, who cried out, " How about Mrs. Sur ma?" Mr. Bingham instantly responded: How about her? Co and consult tin re cords of the court that tried and convicted her. Go and ask General Hancock, who issued the order for her execution in spite of a writ of habeas corpus which had been served upon him ; and, ifyou are still unsatisfied, go and ask that apostate President, Andrew Johnson, why he refused a pardon after a petition had been ent him signed by every member but one of he court who tried her, and drawn up in the handwriting of the man you seek to insult. ,g, We notice with pleasure that SAMUEL SMALL, Esq., has been nominated for Congress by the Republicans of the York, Cumberland and Perry District, in this State. A better nomination could not be made. Mr. Small is the junior member of the well-known mercantile and manufacturing firm of P. A. & S. Small, of York. Mr. Small has never been a politician, but is a Republican of the very highest character. He never sought office, and is a gentleman of the strictest integrity and of extraordinary business qualifica tions. We hope the people of that District will elect him to Congress, though the Copperhead majority is large. There is no comparison to be drawn between him and Dick Haldman, a drunken and debauched rebel, and it would be disgraceful to the people of that District were they to prefer MIM- I , man to the public-spirited, valuable citi men, SAltu EL SMALL. li'epresentittire Men. Whatever may he thought or said of Hon. John Morrissey, the notorious pugil ist and professional gambler of New York, as a Congressman, we contend that he is just as much a representative man as Thaddeus Stevens was when in the enjoyment of perfect health and un impaired intellect. Whilst the latter represented an intelligent and enlighten ed people, the former carried with him into the House of Congress the views. ideas and principles of quite a different kind of constituency. To represent gamblers, thieves, pick-pockets, shoulder hitters, Sabbath-breakers, ne! , ro baby killers and burners of orphans' asylums, John Morrissey is just the right kind of a man, and the fact that he is the chosen representative of this class of our fellow citizens of New York, proves, after all, that Republican representative govern ment is a success. Stevens never could have represented such a constituency, but Morrissey does. The Democracy also deserve credit for nominating their best and most per fect representative man for President. As their ranks contain nineteen twen tieths of all the kind of material which constitutes the mass of the Hon. John Morrissey's constituency, and all the rebels, traitors, perjurers, thieves, spies, murderers of Fort Pillow and Anderson vine, burners of churches and school houses, assassins and barbarians lately in open rebellion against the national authority, they could not have nominated a more perfect representative man than Horatio Seymour, who, whilst our armies were struggling and bleeding and starv ing for the nation's life, was heading a ferocious and brutish mob in the rear, and instigated the murder of United States' draft officers, helpless negro ehil dren and the burning of asylums for des titute orphans! The efforts which Hor atio Seymour made against the nation, and for the slave-holders' Confederacy ; his open and defiant attempt to stop the draft for men to reinforce our armies by sending his Adjutant General to Wash ington for that purpose, afforded great satisfaction and encouragement to the enemy then in the field, and gave him strong hope of ultimate success. Horatio Seymour, by his persistent and frequent effort to aid, strengthen and encourage the rebellion, and by his well-known op position to every war measure of the ad ministration and his positive refusal to raise men and means for the national de fence, except when compelled to fall in with the loyal States in so-doing, enti tles him to the full confidence of every rebel and traitor in the laud. We must say that we rather admire the zeal with which the butcher of Fort Pillow, and the barbarians of Andersouville and the en tire Southern Confederacy are supporting their most perfect and reliable represen tative man—Horatio Sc ymour. But, the loyal, intelligent free and civ ilized friends and defenders of the Union have also a true representative man as their candidate GENERAL ULYSSES IS. GRANT. 1.10 will be elected by an overwhelming majority next 4ovember, simply because the rebels and traitors— the leading clement of the Democratic party—are, thank God, in a hopeless minority. A ,Strong Caildidatt Seyntoi(l'' 8 SpeeCh to His " Friends." On the 4th of July, 180, Horatio Sey mour made a speech to his friends," the thieves, shoulder-hitters, pick-pockets, murderers of negro children, orphans' home burners and Conservative Demo cratic Copperheads generally, in Which he uttered the following words of encour agement : tt Remember that the bloody alai treasonable and revolutionary doctrine of public necessity can be proclaimed by a mon tt.i well as by a government. * ` I assure you, my fel low-citizens, that I am here to show you a test of my friendship. I wish to inform you that I have sent my Adjutant General to Washington to comer with the authorities there, auto to have this draft suspended and stopped." FATHER _A 1311 A_HA_Nf. Who shall it be ? The Republicans of Lancaster county will decide this ques tion by a popular vote on Saturday, the 12th day of September next. Thousands and tens of thousands of Republicans throughout the country feel a deep inter est in this question. They are anxious to know whether the Republicans of this great county really appreciate the higlk honor which they have enjoyed for years in having the first statesman of the age as their representative, or whether it was merely a matter of "dumb luck," and because they couldn't help it? The only way to entitle us to full credit for having had STEVENS as our actual choice, on account of his giant in tellect and undoubted patriotism, is to nominate ear man—not a mere au tomaton, or man of straw, but a radical, bold, intelligent and living representa tive man ; one who will endeavor to fol low in the footsteps of his illustrious predecessor; one who is not put forward by any mere office-seeker's clique, ring or faction, but a gentleman who is in every respect fit to represent Lancaster county in the popular branch of the na tional council—of whom no Republican constituent need be ashamed. We have a higher and nobler object in the elec tion of a successor to THADDEUS STEVENS than merely a member to attend to office-seeker's jobs, and hang round the departments at Washington, grabbing spoils and linanciering among petty fa favorites, contracts and whiskey rings. Let the people carefully and deliberately select such a man as their next represen tative, and our word for it, the Repub licans of the country will pronounce him a fit successor to the Great Commoner, and hold the Republican people of the "Old Guard" in higher esteem than ever. Keep it before the people that the rebels and Copperheads are responsible for all the oppressive taxes under which the people are now groaning. The im mense national debt was created during the bloody work of putting down the DEMOCRATIC REBELLION AGAINST LIB ERTY AND - UNION. And yet the Cop perhead orators and editors have the au dacity to say we Republicans are respon sible for the enormous national debt and high taxes ! Let the unanswerable truth be con stantly paraded before the people that the DEMOCRATIC WAR AGAINST THE UNION, THE CONSTITUTION AND THE GLORIOUS OLD FLAG OF OUR COUNTRY, COST A HALF MILLION OF LIVES ANI) FOUR THOUSAND MILLION OF DOLLARS! had they yielded to the laws of the land and adhered to the good old way of de ciding our political issues by an expres sion of the popular will at the ballot-box, there would have been no secession, no war, no national debt, and no taxes to pay! And every arm raised against the Union was the arm of a Democrat; every traitor and official perjurer was a Demo ' crat ; the butcher at Fort Pillow is to-day one of the most loud-mouthed, leading Seymour and Blair Democrats ; Wirz, Wilkes Booth, Blackburn, Quantrell, and the murderers of negro children and burners of orphans' asylums were all Democrats• The debt was created to put down these Democrats, restore the Union and teach traitors and rebels for all future time that an intelligent and free people can and will preserve and successfully defend their nationality- Yes, the taxes created by the Demo cratic traitors and cut-throats are enor mous. But the people are able to pay them, and save the country against this wicked Democracy in future. Gen. Hartranft, Auditor General of Pennsylvania 'and candidate for re-elec tion, in a letter dated August oth, gives the following statement of the public debt on Nov. 30, 1800, and August 5, 1808: Total State debt Nov. 30,1860, 8.:37,969,847 50 Total State debt August, 5, 1868, 33,651,637 47 Reduction of the debt in 4 yea'5,.,.... 4, 315,210 03 Of this latter amount the interest is stopped on 5851,641 13, and the amount redeemable on presentation, the funds being on hand for its payment. The tax on real and personal estate has been reduced as follows : The net amount ch ar7ed to the coun ties ;ninually from 18U:: to 1565 was 51,657,314 33 The next amount chargeable to 1111! comities annually for IHA, 1867 and 343.222 19 1668 unual reduction, Extraordinary expenses to a large amount for military services, claims, &c., have also been paid during these years. Not for many years have the finances o f the State been in so hopeful a condition. It is the rule among all good business men that when they have an agent, who like Generalliartrauft, watches carefully over their interests, they retain his servi ces. So it will be in General Hartranft's MEI Our Next Congressman. Copperheads and Taxes. A Proud Record. That the Democratic leaders Encouraged the war of rebellion; Afforded traitors while in arms against the Government, aid and comfort; Communicated through spies in Washing ton city important information to the rebel leaders ; Aroused opposition to rocruiting troops in the North; Refused to vote supplies to Union troops perilling their lives .for the defence of the Government: Opposed to enfranchisement of Union eoldiers Denied all aid to the of men who were in the army• Denounced the payment of bounties to volunteers ; Depreciated the national currency to de stroy the national credit and thereby bank— rupt the creditors of the country; By which gold has been kept at its ficti tious price, and every consumer in the land has been overtaxed. The charges we make now cannot be refuted by the Copperheads. They may deny but cannot disprove them. Let our friends along the whole line push these facts into the faces of their opponents, who will then be compelled to defend themselves, but unquestionably fall be neath the power of Republican truth. "Still they Comet" Under this caption, the Reading Eagle triumphantly announces the coming over into the blaring ranks of Seymour Democracy, Ex-Governor W. F. John son, and pronounces him "another con vert." Now, that is simply funny. Gov. Johnson, always was a Democrat. About twenty years ago he saw a favorable opportunity to turn Whig, and ride into office through the popularity of General Taylor, by holding on to his coat-tail. He afterwards turned Know-Nothing, but unable to make another office by that dodge, he bolted in 1856, and offered him self for sale, but wasn't sold for want of bidders. After considerable bumming round, he finally joined the Johnson Bread and Butter Brigade. He is now, and for several years has been, in full fellowship with that poor, miserable, seedy and much despised gang of defunct politicans. All he now travels for is a constant supply of bad whiskey, and as long as he gets that his Democracy will never again lie questioned. The Truth of Kistory We deity that Thaddeus Stevens was the founder ‘,l' the Gant in School System. Gov ernor Wolf of Pennsylvania, a Democrat, was the figuider.—Reading That GOVERNOR WOLF, as the Execu tive of the State, did heartily co-operate with STEVENS and other friends of the system is fully admitted, and all Repub licans honor the name of WOLF for it. But how about the Democracy of Old Berks ? At that time liberty poles were erected, containing the characteristic mottoes of " Gegen die Frei-Schulen and fuer fette Ochsen" (against Free Schools and for fat oxen). The opposi tion to GOVERNOR WOLF was so strong and bitter in Berks county that he was entirely repudiated by his own party, and a third candidate (Muhlenberg) supported, which opposition resulted in the election of RITNER for Governor by an over whelming plurality. That is the way they served WOLF for being a co-operator with THADDEUS STEVENS in founding our greatest political blessing—the Com mon School System of Pennsylvania. Dare the Eagle deny it ? "Seymour tar►►l the Constitution." This is the Copperhead rallying cry during the present campaign. Now we admit that Mr. Seymour is an open and out-spoken friend of " the Constitution," but, if we are to believe his own declara tion which he made to Judge Ruggles, of New York, in 1861, he is for the Confed erate constitution, so-called, which was made and framed by the traitors, rebels and perjurers of the South, at Mont gomery, Alabama, at the commencement of the war. If he has since declared for the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, framed for us. by WASHINGTON, FRANKLIN, MADISON, lIA - snuroN and others, let us know when ? We deny that he is for the Con stitution of the United States as it is, but we do assert, and dare the Copperheads to deny it, that he is still for the defunct Constitution of the Southern Confederacy! This gentleman has been renominated for Congress in the dose and doubtful district ofSehuylk ill and Lebanon—doubt ful only because coffee-colored naturaliza tion papers are freely used in a number of the districts of Schuylkill county. If they do not poll over live hundred of these fraudulent votes, Ceti. Cake will be triumphantly re-elected. A thorough and perfect organization is all that is necessary to carry the district by a handsome majority. :;i1,314.0t 1 2 14 Remember• mr:s I== ===lllll lion. 11. L. Cake. More Recruits Coming! Edgar Hill, one of the leading members of the Washington county (N. Y.) bar, heretofore a leading Democrat, is out in favor of Grant and Colfax. Dr. Schutz, of New York, a leading Democratic German, has declared for Grant and Colfax, taken the stump, and is doing a good work among his German fellow-citizens. The Germans in Indiana are turning over in large numbers, for GRANT and - CoLsex. Judge Lindsay, the Democratic nomi nee for elector, VIII district of lowa, is now stumping for Grant and Colfax. Hon. Dennis McCarthy, and General David S. Wilson, both prominent Dem ocrats of lowa, have taken the stump for Grant and Colfax. Major General Gordon, of Indiana, one of the leading Democrats of the State, and strong in support of the party until after the New York Copperhead Con vention, is now openly for Grant and Colfax. Collector Smythe, of New York, is against Seymour and the Blairs, and out for Grant and Colfax. General Steedman, who would have supported Hancock, or McClellan, or Hendricks, is strongly against Seymour. General L. D. Campbell, Democrat, is sick of his party and supports Grant and Colfax. The Maryland Conservatives who have heretofore supported Swann, just held a meeting and resolved to support Grant and Colfax. Caleb Cushing,, leading Democrat of Massachusetts, looks upon Seymour with contempt Mr. Evarts and Mr. McCullough, of Johnson's Cabinet, have now declared for Grant and Colfax. These are more than mere straws— they are among the first and most influ ential leaders of the Democratic party. They know that their old rotton ship is sinking, and have wisely concluded to place themselves into the ranks of the great and progressive Republican party. Thousands and tens of thousands will follow them to glorious and final victory next November. Thaddeus Sterenh" "Baptism." The Universe, a Catholic paper pub lished in Philadelphia, has the audacity to claim that the GREAT COMMONER "died the son of Pius IX," because he "gave his consent" to be baptised by Sister Loretta, at her instance and re quest, a few moments before he breathed his last. The following item in MR. STEVEX@' last will and testament, which was exe cuted in November, 1867, when he was of sound mind and memory, constitutes his true and only record on the subject of religion, and clearly proves that his preference and deliberate conviction was in favor of the BAPTIST CHURCH : " If within live-years after my death, the Baptist brethren should build a house of wor ship in the city of Lancaster, thr the purpose of worshipping according to their creed, I direct one thousand dollars to be paid toward its cost. Ido this out of respect for the memory of my mother, to whom I owe what little of prosperity 1 had, and which, small as it is, I desire emphatically to acknowledge." It is well known here among Mr. Stevens' late neighbors and most intimate personal friends, that he recognized no creed as his own ; that he was the most lib eral giver to all churches; when funds were needed for meeting houses, parsonage, Sunday schools, books, organs or church furniture, Stevens was always among the most liberal contributors. But he con fided in, and honored and intensely loved his good and pious BAPTIST MOTHER, and " out of respect for her memory" he deliberately recognized, in the most em phatic manner, both by his declaration and liberal bequest, his preference for the Baptist Church. The claim set up by the Universe, therefore, that he " died the son of Pius IX," because he "consented" to the Romish ceremony referred to whilst he was actually dying, is simply absurd. _mmilio-../0. Seymour in 1861. On the first day of February, 1861, Horatio Seymour made a speech in Twed dle Ilall, New York, in which he openly expressed himself on the side of seces sionists of the South. Among other de clarations he made the following; " It would be an act of naidnesN and folly to enter upon this contest, to underrate the South, and tints sullied ourselves to the disgrace of de feat in an inglorious warfare. EVEN SUCCESS FUL COHINION BY TUE NORTE!. IS WITITE AS REVOLUTIONARY AS succEssFut, SECESSION BY THE SOUTIL" Neither Gov. Wise, nor Floyd, nor Jeff Davis ever uttered more barefaced and emphatic secession doctrine than this. And yet men who poured out their blood on Southern battle-tields in defence of the glorious old flag are asked to vote for this same traitor for the highest office in the gift of the American people !