r i-- , -- s - 7, 0 111 1 4 P1 6.4-4° ') ~. 0 . ros g. .3.40. 4, . __ S. - 11; , • _ , , _,-- VO L 1. y .~rt3lEa ABRA AM " IS Pr I; 'LISA) ED r Eli I" FR I IN ADVANCE. rOtt 111 E CAMPAIGN &, I'OCITIZAN : , ;()UTItE. , .ST (,I;',. J.jl,'. , SING is A ICIIIISE:112:7iT:b4 1! t01... , Aiti.:1 - n!L • p.•! ..)r tr..• Ihri ccnt, psr nt in•:•rt iris Lr• BEE ' lit. 1,1 P 1 (1...1 1,. j()IIN IL (;( - )()1), ‘,l (init...: •,*. , , .J . i) I(. Y. . A*l I'l 71;'; I.:1" AT LA IV, wr . — l . l I 1 7 I 'F. T!".. - St rot , f. , ,•(17:41 Ti•H'y •• T B. Li VI N(;;;T( ));. PJ • .11' LA \V, !WEE Slll4, % , .. I•,t 114/rth 1) . 1) . 1; A K E A 'l"l'e ii;N Ey AT LA W, IIFFICE-11'ill1.1. B. Li 1"111g,i1111. :0)1Cril 1)1 . 1\ B. (' . KI E AI) Y, AvrtIIINENT AT 1,..1W, I. V. Ift.stll., )IZTII DUE] :ittrct. 1u tho Court llonso. Lancast,r, l'a. CIIABLES DENIES, A'l" I'( )1:N Al' LAW, Sti TII 1) K E Street, Lancaster, Pa. 13 • F E. BA , All'n1: NEN" Al' LAW, ovvicE—No. .N1)1:1'11 DUKE Street, Lancas ter, ('a. • ij E ' A ‘ T i‘ T i ( )I; ‘' N iN l. : l" ' Al' LAW, N , ilClll DUNE Street, Lanca,-- t.'r, P:,. J. K. 1U EH, )1: V AT LAW, Orrtuv—With (;en rat .1. ;V. Fisher, DUKE St rcet Lanea,t •r, Pa. vly ;An HEED, TTI PIZ N 1.:1" L,A \V, DI A; 1: St r, Pa. - T • B. AM WAKE, Arn ) 11 NEV AT LAW, ILP OrricE—No. 4 SOLT 11.Q1* EEN Strect, Lanons ter, La. T W. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, • OreicE—No. 35 SOUTH QUEEN Street, Lan caster, I'a. T . PISIIER, AI"I'oRNEN . AT LAW, OFFICE—No. 30 NORTH DUKE Strovt, Lancas ter, Pa. A MOS 11. MYLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE—No. 8 SOUTH QUEEN Street, Lancas ter, Pa. W. W. HOPKINS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE-NO. 28 NORTH DUKE Street, Lancas ter, Pat. JOHN H. SELTZER, ATToRNEY AT LAW, No. 135 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia READING AD FEB TISEM TS. H. MALTZBERGER, ATToItNEY Ai• LAW, No. 46 North Sixth Strcct, Reading, IGEORGE SELTZER, .its.Ey AND couNsELLou AT I.A , No. 684 COU strcut,(opp,,,it,, tho Court House) Exuding, Pa. H ORACE A. YUNI)T, A'l' LAW, No. 28 NORTH. SIXTH Strcet, Hcadiog, Pa pi AT r XAS M. .BANKS Mt )11:\ I:\ A rLAW , AND NOTAItY I'UDLIC, No. 2; NDIZTII SIXTH Strout, Ito:W -hig, PA. DR. WILLIAM HARGREAVES, ECLECTIC I'll VSICAN AND SUIMEON, No. 134 SOUTH FIFTH street, I:calling, Pa. Ex-SENATOR .J. S. C.:IIILILE has just written a strong letter in support of Grant and Colfax. Mr. Carlile is a West Virginia conservative, and has heretofore acted with the Democratic party. But he can't go Seymour and the 131 airs. " malice towards none, vita charily for all, with firmness in /he right„ as God gires rrs t 9 see the ri,qh/,le/ 2rs s/rire on /0 finish /he ieor4 ;re are itt ; to Nita' up the stations wounds; to ICKIEI litEE CENTS I= FINZA MIA EINII 11. 1 .41(/ r; , goiri 'y . 1 11 IIJ .1 •1211 l‘;t`J. a,r fi't 1;1:1 1 1• , .1 \\ :.•• ;u tij l:l : 1,1.; 'kivi 1.3:, Y, - ii 11:i .% (0'11;6; • - 13 H Hsi" ;Hid \VC 4•111' And ;tt ,14)1'd ; tiP)ilgilt if v,c ;knit The following comnu appears iu the Wes,t Wo vo ni_ mend it, the "Boys iu Blue" everywhere : ('oltuADEs:—We c - 4 re again called upon to battle with our common enemy—the enemy of iutln•ovement, the enemy of universal liberty, and the deadly and in veterate enemy of every man that raised his voice or carried a nwshet t.o inn, down the most unholy awl wicked rebellion of this or any other laud. The, discomfited traitors of the South, and their coadjutorn, the Copperheads of the North, are sailing in the piratical bark of treason, the stars and bars fl o ating from the masthead—bottle along by the waves of secession, and lulled to repose by the music of the Bonnie Blue Flag . ' —her decks yet slippery with the life blood of our brothers, while 'round her volition boards we tind such men us Sey mour, Vallandigham, Forrest, .Tolinson, Davis & Co., eulogizing the memory of Wirz and Booth, and regaling themselves in potations of Sandwich Island 111111 and villainous whiskey. Comrades, there is no neutral ground for the soldier in this contest. lie must stand by the men who have carried our victorious banner through seas of blood and triumph ; men who have repudiated treason in the field and at the ballot box, or he must come down on his knees and ask to be forgiven for the great part he has rendered by disowning rebellion, and then having quietly submitted to the voice of Democracy, be handed over and eternally damned by the victorious le gions of Seymour, Davis & Co. The Democracy have never missed an opportunity to stab the loyal soldier in the back—to insult and vilify the patri otic soldier of the Republic,—and yet call themselves our friends. Merciful God! " Save us from our friends !" But we remember by the blood of our fallen comrades—we remember the vic torious shouts that echo front the Atlantic to the Rio Grande for Grant and Colfax, is proof that we remember Democratic treason, and have not forgotten the hero of Donelson,—Uncobditional :...ttrrender Grunt. A BOY IN BLUE. AN old gentletuan in Michigan, who served in the war of 1815, and also in the Mexican war, called a day or two since 141 receive the payment of bounty for two sons 1w had given to the country in the late Nvar, and voluntarily in the presence of two or three persons, made'the state ment that he was nearly eighty years old, had never yet voted nay ticket but the Democratic ; that he had served in two warts, had given two sons in the late war, "but God forbid," said the old man, as the tears came into his eyes, "that what will in all probability lie my last vote should be cast for men who have always opposed the interests that I have fought for, and for which my two only sons were given." BE 11iisrdiancon5. Tho Gpera '11„1,0. t••;0_..10 1 10 Tip. •‘ ;•t .t:. Vri l . ll ll o lll 1 111 1 ;1 .1 1i . il , r111:-111. 1 1 11 1 ' l . 'l 1 1 11' 'l l , 1 1 . hit ll' ll l. l . , 11.1.;j11. o 1 , 1'; 11:1; I', f!. I', =TM is Lr !sift 1)1 , ,t7H_ . In.! liter , nn ono ill il:ti iiit a hi t!io,i (I'.• ‘ • tr,t , i 1!1, \IA :1_ (;•:1,,,•!! :~:. ..;ii ~"~li ,~~ it n''~~ ~I;~'v ..nl: CH` ,s; =I IM=BEEMMI LIE 1 • rl IV V V i( •!,,•101 - I/II I 21j 11'11 vi lii; Mal \V c . ,1 ail takr sltinc oil tbo it t Am. .1 SO(liers. I= 7--i. rj ~,A----- ii 1 LA NCA ST Fi' L . " Y A t, )-I cur,. Uht the t I ;r:ivy gut •-tiott-., ul tits: allii Alf tilt' thP intert'".l.4. the (I,'velopnicitt ()I' the re,o)nr , (.( ()I the eottntr . \ - , the inte...thity of the rition and the ~ i,ttitratities t t f tilierty. ltt 1113 ottt , el of the contest the 1):11't•, that, for four years partilvzp.(l the aunt ()I' itidtt , try, by lottilitt:2; it; vALI) a hurtlon ut v,,ro hundred rniiiiotc , . tick, M the country ill civil )ear, und thcciitened thu (I!:,trtit•tion and Ihe overthrow of Liberty. 11() Lc) I() support, :nut call , upon ik c. topvin•re to (1,-I'end 1140111.11:z in it,. lii,tor\- for ye;tl. , iw 1101( 1011 ", part 4)1 . i• ):)1 11 , I 10 tirdi , : tlW it1(..1111)t ; 1111 . at . 1 0 , 1 t freeduin tilt' mutt lihurty (,1':-Tocoh ttlid brutalized thv lothEic cow•cip 114 ;. 'lt i:ite(•11 : ,, atc , . It 0,-,trach,ed ,-d thu elira...L. ip t (It , chirt. 'human 1 ,ilda.: , ' a rim a42..:iin,t, God and a 11,1'i:ra:11 vioftlion i.f tin _ruin , tin. (Titol war sNLI( r, of Clo TeiTilnrio,, and vort.i . cd tim fn iris ~ Elai.a., uith intirl(•:•e(Hiunio- hocatz-o in prolcrrt,l fro.4l(au to .-iavery. IL of turror. ;111(1 Lando ((in ri..: , idonce 4,1 r 111. a faithful to thn Doci:ii• lion of 1 iulho Mille on more (hail one-lialf of the Lervitoi . v covor(2(1 Ilie ill oC :Icon-1111mi countr . t. Dofent , 'd in its erforts e r lf.Tl a Pnzsiiicnt of ;Ls iippnalud Ln box. In the situgglc it laid a million of brave o'er. :+ l ,l;oukled the nation iu mournin! , , and flooded it with tear. Sticli are the glm,tly testi monials of what the Democracy le , done in rear:: pa-t. ..".s.,ro thanks to that party that to-day we have. a country to love or a Consiaution to revere. It did all in its power to de stroy both. And now it .wain seeks power through discord and civil stril'c. For four roars, during the hi'l2lli, of The halioli;s peril, the only hope of the party for success was in disaster to our arias. !knee it rejoiced at every 1. - nion defeat, and mourned over every Union victory. Its candidate for Vice Presi6nt de clared to the Convention that nominated him, that " we inu4 have a President who will cxecute the will of the people by ‘last arc ustu ptttiuus (y . knots o 4 the lierMistrilefiOit acts. I repeat, this is the real and only question which we shotthl allow to control us. It is idle to talk of bonds, greenbacks, gold and the public credit. I wish to stand before the Con vention upon this issue.'' Thu s was h e nominated, and Wade Hampton, advo cating the ticket before an audience in South Carolina, declares •‘ that the cause for which they fought, and fur which Stonewall Jackson died, will yet be gained in the election of Seymour and Blair." If this party can succeed at the ballot box, the work of reconciliation for four years will be undone, and the priceless sacrifices of four others will have been made in vain. The issue is marked and well defined : Grant, Lolfax and Peace; or, Seymour, Blair and War. Caleb Cushing is out against Seymour —Chief Justice Pearson, of North Caro lina, conservative, is out for Grant.— Maj. Gen. Gordon, of Indiana, a warm friend of Hendricks, is now stumping for Grant.—Gen. Steedman, Democrat, ,re pudiates Seymour.—Hon. Geo. M. W es ton, of Bangor, Maine, heretofore known as "the wheel-horse of Democracy," takes the stump for Grant.—Hon. T. W. (been, a staunch Democrat of Indianapolis, Ind., is on the stump for Grant and Cohax. —Surveyor General Sleeper, of Leaven worth, Kansas, Democrat, ha, waked rip, and goes for Grant.—The Ti Ti meN, the rc,, , itlar Democratic or;P:an of the Eight (lUdianal Diqrict, repudiate , Se y inmir and the Blairs.—The (N: Ouzet/e, the only Deniocratk• (lady in Cliennuig county, has taken down ihcs 11111110 ti of Seymour and Blair, and now supports Grant and Colfax.-1 fon. Thos. N. Stillwell and General J. L. swift, both Johnsonites, have rclurned to the Re publican fold, and are now stumping for Grant and Colfax.—Everybody votes for Grant and reads FATHER AHRAHAM. Let no Republican "take for granted" that the important work of thorough and perfect organization will be attended to without his own individual effort. Let the work be done—not to-morrow, next week, or some other time, but wow. ;Yr, Ifflia i li . ' 'N 111 :~f r... '--l' . .' ( i ;Irc ;I‘,', 1)4,11.4 um, to nullity th t'oci-:tat of tIU ballot- - GALITSHA. A. GROW, Chairman State Central Committee GEO. W. HAM/URLEY,I Secretaries. 4. R. AIcAFEE, -.41•••••••-- The Sinking Ship. ) ,• tt ,.. , 1 ,:,,,.,(,..,..,,,,,, ir ,:.„:01,- i, ~...\ ri...„ , ..„..„.„,,,,.. ~ ••,„: t:,.. „..„,„ ..„ i 0 \!,,,,,-----. ~,„4: EMI EMI care for him ;rho shall hare linpne llr.• Lillie, and j ibr his vitiort , c<•r x l his orphan, /0 ( ,70 ail whie:l. Men, achicre and cherish a jas/ and It yeaet amofiy ompscires ('''d with ('l/ natioiis." ! e t 4 7„:91 I ill . k A 1 0'", .! r - ;Ind I)C111, :1 Er , (1 1 • .‘!:•..\ " =I Y 1 =ME I ..• I • \ : I , / =Mil lir '. .. 1 11 • r.(1.10.1 P.,rlwn•. Hrw1p. , 211,. !It. I ill tu ..\1; El INGIMMIII I 1 , . , I i.;l:i ,•%.•,i ;I' t!o. ,I!,1 71, HIV , !11.1 an :LH,' 1,1 Ml , lPl•iiand 311 !Ili, iov 0,11::4{:1:11 p1,.;!1:•,•,, , ,f(;rai,t iu4.lt , ry tot Hh , Nicati.n : 1164. And —;:e1111";11i01- 111.wili hi, partric/li.• ;111, ~c•• :;!;!. ,1 in in;l:ur(itc~ ti,‘• :),.m",•,,,,•y in th, nlat in,m• Th , I , IIIIWN E. At I . llll'. i•-• all 1;) tilt`. 2 . 1111,1 1 1 1:0 1 , 1:a ., "I ' it in .11 ,, El, j„llro,H.ll+, :I`l , i that • I".lTh a 1'0...J0:, ;nil r,;to A.- l'or 77,- ,;,• rs .o, 11., l ,;;- ! ,•,,, - a•4.fal or,rn,ainons• ~ x o opt pti.a: and of Air. would , -.)ilthhyr, no , , to or 2 ;:oi :1r1(1 p i the ;tgooy of 11111Viglri,•li ii 11111 1;)1 . ClOntl . lllpliti lint What , I ).' their 1,,s Will 1 1 0 giti , l of Hie party .vtlerally. The /lerethi i, nu t i n A() Hutch slmm gl.r. 11r. l'onwroy has groat genius, but Mr. llontiett, it' the pinch comes, can t oach him Ii nc to make a paper so titinlistakttlily I)ehauvratic that i)e(ple Will lalow what it titear,s the first roaditlg.•4 Flakes Galveston Bulletin prints the fol lowing as a specimen of Texan Christi anity PALESTINE, TEx.ts. July, IMS.—Dear Sir:-1 send you herewith a copy of a letter shown me this morning. It is the richest pm seoution 1 have seen lately, King did not ap pear as ordered by his "brother in Christ" (.') ; and on the second Saturday in .June last lie was excluded from this holy band of brothers in the Lord. They even went so far as to send his (King's) wife for his church letter, s,vhini lie refused to surrender it on the order of the'Cintroh. The climax canio lx,t wook, pasmr the church calloi upon him Mr Sit) Lail pv1)1111-041 lrofolo failing from :.:raco ",:.;iOl.l - Set t ti being a "Bla!'li ••uadioal." -accopting office limier 4 minim appoi , :nownt," Sr. ,11.1 . ' or stiolt a mi Yours E. .‘-i •• A.ll coul.ty, Texus. March kiug:—( la last, zt c h a p,, - 1A;;s it , :;:linsi you in our Cluti. , l,. itivou , Nency of The e i ja pz,, , is here copied:— „ ( .1 41r p , Nyother W. 11. King, a. regular ine!til , or awn. chinvit, and our foruwr l lurk. ktving openly avowed him se lf as a ni av i i . Republican and Radical, by accepting of the appo i n tment as County Clerk under the mill ;v tutthority. 11. M. Moi)ns.” The chtirch wants you to be in attendance next meeting. and bring your church letter. The church will not fellowship a Radical. 1 am one of the committee to notify you. Your brother in Christ. i'l , i, F.; ,. . i,. ' - ; H I i ~ , - . 4 'loll , , i ) kvt i ~_ /--- ~-, 4 I.__l 1 t 1 • v,.• t , ' f ' .-,- I - [ P . 4, . 4 , i ~ : ' r . 4. ~ '. ri Ili .ic.. A - r i , i ~ ~., • f . , PI 0 p i ) 1 :1'41 1 Nyd , ) : t P .Q. , a - , 41., _ , ,i . '' , . r il. 1. a/ h 4 INA i . 1 01 , , \ kw i . ~.4 '',V*. . ) i I ,4 ~ . ,„ ‘ . ~ „./... \. -‘. ' , 10 . 4,1 \ ,\ 4‘' .1_ Th , o; '.I ll1':. I', MOO 1 1, x: :1 ;1 , 1..'1 r,ili.n';~ %••••11 .t !,. IBIE MEII =III \ '-!o •,‘ ith MEE= =I i•• - : =I , I 1„ , 11. - ' 11, 1 :11:'i 'HI' 111 =EI 1 .. , 111 I 13 Singular Christianity. fillti ' ,):)1(•Pfly MIA 1... , 1“•1 1) nut arc Ivorkilp2 to Hze tli (,i)v: , rimie;it lvith tt z i 1 onh, -itrp•t:,ell by their eaf2,.er effort: to destroy Itepuhlicans, tine retie l):111,1cracy have rc-;ulved to capture am t,, lmld SO /11(1in:01'01a ni (Iffin:qlll` 11)1t1 to cv, , ry 1) trinii& nylpuisc ; evon - •-•( , n:i• of duty and of Iztatitod6.-11.1 - ve ~ a lvanizud into -0,11,1 . '1111111.1n iviLy 1)y tile frantic cries rc!‘•l aro n'nrhfi-:::".ttnall- ,L; v y vl . l It rotimmthi. Thvy arc . pt.:4l. 'n , sf , nnui , 111,11)P - (•\ 1;t. ri , cruit rol)..1 it pr(pzi.:lntirty may ),, 1111;iini,:too( =ME 1 ,ii 1 rk;:. t!, Div II: i ] i'.t lit =I I; is to iii;._ in I' :N`iii ', las ME ."„.. 111,,,, .;q:o* , HO,. 1,. ,t 1;0'1 //:, IMEIRA / ;;f/ $t ~/ ME ;• , 111' , N , hs.". 1t•,01%,.t,. ir:' , 4.ttlib •1d:. t:.: ne ts , h\ Lin 14 IPA Ell I,; ! ir," ion liy I I Z i t InlJt ,•; 171 br jiit'/ hl' 'lel' /, 1111'10 . 111 , t~•II ill ill it: in till' /(/ 1 .0 .1 , 1 Y 1 , 1 ho 111 . 11.1 * .11it , "i. ill' rillli1111( . 11 and a".i.,t tyl or, v. I) , \\ )I). 1 elll,. to ini pre.,. itrwi 111, of organizing. 'lllO 1;.i• wi,rk in in filo hands of Co , ennui': ;I IP- ii/iu:/ i ' if ; \V thank Mr. lVallace for sn boldly ,-howing hiA plan. We spread it lO tiw Republicans fo . c their carotid .stair', anil we knuw that 1 ;.i,0d will c i> l o, , o f it. Lt .t. our inoLt!) lr, And let us Ii :OAm - ill:lied by these rebel plots. it is a great prize for which they are the field Of hattle. they boldly to the b:allot buX and if they Will now. they \Yin IirOVC Vlore peaci. than in war. ilut how Inu:h y-yeatt.'l* 111-01'101On Work nil c ountry, for ti purified Constitution, for a redeemed race, for the memory of the sacred dead, for the reward of the heroic living. We work for Grant, Ivho saved us our liberties. We work for our national credit, with out which Grant would to-day be an outlaw and Davis enthroned at Washing ton. We work to prevent a new war. We work, therefore, for Peace and Freedom. Republicans, War Democrats, Boys in Blue, begin at once to organize and to canvass, and remember the motto, " Work, Not Words !" Philadelphia Press. THE Republican party cannot deploy tot) carefully. We do not fight the bat tles of this campaign against an open, manly foe, but against a bushwacking enemy, whose weapons are colonization, fraudulent naturalization, duplicate vot ing, and false returns. These agents are sworn to seeresy, and the fate of Casey haic , s, over him who, under a qualm of conscience, reveals their hidden arts. THE REBEL YELL.—The Mobile Re d by John Forsyth, one of the most virulent of rebels, speaking of the rebel ;ell in Tammany Hall, when the electiESit of Seymour was am muneed, says ME "11.2... t!..!! I () r i ng . „ 1 „,,, ot•;t ni,iu in yours past! Nv h,, t!, : d •,,,r1 it, or 'ward of it, v, ill veer for t 2,01 it:' '',,u no‘v ;111,i it I\ ill lii lit re , ;(niai,t Cr , •in !li 1;io ;it ;he LtSt, lleXt ovcnibei., lu arts I,l' till (lonDwrinio it.nds tur..l I,hr oritro:isor,s. ,sot . rio/ by for that ip /I!" Aye, aye, sir! The Union boys are not very much afraid. With Grant they silenced that yell in 18G5, and with Grant they will silence it in 1868. NEW YORK CITY contains 60,000 pro fessional thieves, 60,000 prostitutes, and 60,000 Democratic majority. CLAN." ..VOl ii*OP(i±%, 81121 ~poyt (;t: tlu• I)epcit 11'u.11;:i•t•. ()I the .I)onii ( would if Iv:. 11:01 =lO = 1 ,) , " I. i =I 1!) (;t' e mu ;;;; ; ;;:;.;—; t;; 1,6! ;rowlrlf (i.~,~ “1.; , .;1; npli , s )(HI . I this ~110111.1 NO. 18. MEE =I 11111.htl ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers