To destroy lice on cattle, camphor dissolved in spirits is an effective agent. —Exrhange. There must be some mistake about this. We know a Democrat in this town who has tried the "effective agent" re peatedly—taking it inward, of course, and he is just as lousy as ever. A 13EnIcs COUNTY Life Insurance agent, a few days ago induced a Copper head to take out a policy on his life, by making him believe the hog cholera had broken out in a neighboring district. A Copperhead paper says, that in order to secure Seymour's election they must get out every Copperhead voter. Can't do it, for some of them are in for a num ber of years. THERE is a hiatus in Grant's history, say the Copperheads. That may be, but it is nothing compared with the hiatus he made in the Copperhead party at Vicks burg, in 1863, and at Appomattox, in 1865. THE Richmond Examiner asserts that Governor Wise was never a secession ist." Next we shall hear that Jeff Davis was always devoted to the Union, and that Andersonville was a delightful place to spend the summer. " WHAT uniform do you suppose I wear? Do you think I have began to wear gray ?" said one of General Han cock's staff officers, when asked if he would vote the Copperhead ticket. Many a soldier will repeat the question. IN 1860 the Southern tire-eaters threat ened secession if they failed. They now threaten revolution if they succeed. Wit° boasted that they would not vote a man nor a dollar to put down the rebel lion ? The Copperhead party. ME Boston Post is made anxious by the question of a religious paper at Chicago, " Can a Democrat be saved?" It is a difficult problem indeed: but if a Democrat will eschew the sins of his leaders, and neither drink like Blair nor lie like Seymour, there may be some hope for him. PIRATE SEMMES predicts a new rebel lion, and Wade Hampton continues mak ing rebel speeches in favor of Seymour and the Blain. Let 'em go ahead. We are ready, twice five hundred thousand more, if needed. READING POST, No. 16 G. A. R. will make a grand Rail Road excursion to Mauch Chunk, via Allentown, on the 19th of September next. FRANK BLAIR passed through Law rence, Kansas, recently, but after a very short conversation with him, the local committee deemed it inexpedient to call him out for a speech. Frank was ously drunk I WHAT is the difference between the Democratic candidates for President and Vice-President ? The one is a "bloated bondholder," and the other is a bloated whiskey holder. FIVE Democrats of Heading joined the Union League of that city last week., " THE Wirtz RANGERS" is the title of a Seymour and Blair organization down in Kentucky—named after the notorious Andersonville Wutz, who starved thou sands of Union soldiers to death. lIoN. T. W. Green, a prominent In dianapolis Democrat, repudiates the Blairs and is out publicly , for Grant and Colfax. FATHER ABRAHAM has now a larger circulation than any other campaign pa per in the country, and new subscribers are rushing in upon us more rapidly than ever. BECAUSE we are the descendents of the rebels of the revolution, the Columbia Herald (Copperhead) boastingly claims fellowship with the late rebels of the South! SECRETARY SEWARD has gene home to Washington. Who cares? fetal pms. THADDEUS STENENS' WILL.—The will of the late Hon. Thaddeus Stevens was admitted to probate yesterday. It is in the handwriting of the deceased, and reads as follows: Last Will and Testament of Thaddeus Stevens, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I give all my estate, real and personal, to my trustees and executors, hereinafter named, and their heirs, on condition nevertheless that they will dispose of it as hereinafter directed by the payment of the several sums mention ed. They will reduce such of the property as they deem proper to cash, and put the nett proceeds at interest by investing the same in government securities at not less than six per cent. per annum. I direct them to pay to the town of Peacham, State of Vermont, one thou sand dollars, the interest whereof at six per cent. to be applied in aid of the Juvenile library association, watch was formed at the Caledo nia County Academy, if the same is still in existence, and continue to pay the sameso long as the same continues in active operati oft. I give and bequeath to the trustees or title holders of the graveyard in which my mother and brother Manson are buried, in the town of reacham, Vermont, live hundred dollars, to be put at interest perpetually, and the in terest to be paid annually to the Sexton on con dition that he keep the graves in good order, and plant roses and other cheerful flowers at each of the four corners of said graves, every Spring. If either of the said legacies should lapse, the same to go to the support( Ithe Bap tist Church or meeting nearest to Danville Centre, my native town in Vermont. I direct one hundred dollars to be put at compound interest, and the aggregate amount to be paid to Thaddeus Stevens Brown, son of John E. Brown, of Philadelphia, at age. I give two thousand dollars to my nephew. Dr. Thaddeus M. Stevens, of Indianapolis. I give to his sister, Mrs. Eauffman_, one thou sand dollars. I give to George F. Stevens. son of Simon Stevens, one thousand dollars, to be put at interest and paid to him by his father when he arrives at age. I give to Mrs. Lydia Smith, my housekeeper, five hundred dollars a year during her natural life, to be paid semi-annually; or at her option, she may receive five thousand dollars. She may make her election, and then release all further claims on my estate. Mrs. Smith has some furniture of her own, used in common with mine, some bought with her own money. as well as others which it would be difficult to distinguish. Now, she must be trusted on honor to take such as she claims, without fur ther proof. I give to my nephew. Captain Thaddeus Stevens, now at Caledonia, my gold watch. I give to my nephew, Captain Thaddeus Ste vens, eight hundred dollars a year, to be paid half yearly. If by reason of sickness he need more, at the discretion of the trustees. None of the legacies, except the annuities. will be paid for three years, during which time the house I now live in, and furniture and books, will remain as they are, except the miscalls neous books, which may be sold at any time. Mrs. Smith may occupy the house the first year, and if Thaddeus, sou of Morrill, prefers to keep house to boarding, he may keep house there with her, or with any one else. during the three years or any part thereof. If at the end of three years, Thaddeus Stevens prefers some other mode of living, then the trustees shall dispOse of said property as they may deem best. While it is occupied by my nephew, he shall be charged with t Mee hundred dol lars a year rent for it. The property occupied by Mr. Effinger. after adding two feet of the lot In width to the other lot, may be sold. As five thousand dollars have been offered for it, it should not go for less. The Furnace and all other real estate may be rented or sold. The Furnace must not be worked longer than to consume the stock on hand. If at the end of any five years, Thadde us, nephew, shall have shown that he has to tally abstained from all intoxicating ainks through that time, the trustees may convey to him one-fourth of the whole property, If at the end of the next successive five years, he shall show that he has totally abstained from all intoxicating drinks, they may convey to him one-fourth, being one half of the proper ty. If at the end of another consecutive five years lie shall show that he hits abstained from all intoxicating drinks, they may con vey the whole to him, in fee simple. If he shall get married before the house I live in is sold, he shall receive the same, and occupy It with out sale. If the life estate of my nephew, or rather the annuity of said Capt. Thaddeus Stevens, of Vermont, should expire before he has ena bled himself to become entitled to the corpus or fee simple of my estate, then I dispose of whatever may remain as follows: If the ag gregate sum shall then amount to fifty thou sand dollars, without which no further dispo sition can be made, I give It all to my trustees to erect, establish and endow a house of refuge for the relief of the homeless and indigent orphans. Those shall be deemed orphans who have lost either parent. I devise twenty thou sad dollars to be expended in erecting suitable buildings, the residue to be secured in gov ernment securities, bearing not leas than six per cent. interest. I wb.h the building to be erected in the city of Lancaster, south of King street, provided sufficient ground, not less than two acres, shall be donaad therefor. If not, then at the west side of said street, on same conditions. If sufficient ground is not, gratuitously offered, then I iirect. it to be built at Columbia. The orphans who can not be boa nd out, may remain in the institution until the age of fifteen years, and longer, if infirm, at the discretion of the trustees. They shall all be carefully educated in the various branches of an English education, and in all industrious trades and pursuits. This must be left to the discretion of the authorities. No preference shall be shown on account of race or color in the admission or treatment. Neither poor Germans, Irish or Mohomedans, nor any of tiers on account of their race or their religion or their pal cuts must be excluded. All the in mates shall be educated in the sauce classes and manner without regard to color. They shall be fed at the same table. The dormato ries to he under the direction of the author ties. Tile trustees shall provide an act of in corporation at some convenient time. This I declare to be my last will and testament. and name us my executors and trustees, Anthony E. Roberts, 0. J. Dickey, and Edward Mt: VI/el - - son, this thirteenth day of July, Signed. TnAnnEus STEVENS. Witnessed in the presence of Edward li.i;ey and Christopher Dice. The Codicil to the wili is as follows I, Thaddeus Stevens, of L•tn-aster, malt f. and declare this a oalleil to toy last will and tes tament: Item—l bought John Shertz' property •tt. Sheriff's sale, much below its value. I only want my own. All except t !nye hundred dol lars, the proceeds of it, and the interest, I di reet shall be returned to the estate. Item-11 within live years after toy death the Baptist brethren should build a Louse of public worship In the City of Lancaster, for the purpose of worshipping a coNllng to their creed, I direct one thousand dollars to b- paid towards its cost I du this out of respect for the memory of my mother, to whoin I owe what little of prosperity I bail, and which, small as it is, I desire emphatically to ac knowledge. item—if my nephew, Major Thaddeus Ste vens should get inarrltel beibre my decease he will he at liberty to take possession ()rand hold in fee, the house in which t now dwell, with the furriture there-of; and I in that event, re move all the restrictions which I place upon the devise of that property in the body of my will. I hereby exclude the corner property, now occupied by Ettinger, from this provision. Item— n eight years after my decease, if my estate shall have sufficiently accumulated to do it without embarrassment, I direct one thousand dollars to be paid to the Pennsylva nia College at Gettysburg, for the use of Stevens' Hall. I hereby request 0. J. Dickey, Esq., to act as executor to this codicil. In witness whereat I have hereunto set my baud and seal, this eleventh day of Novem ber, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven. Tijinugus STEVENS. THE PRIMARY ELECTIONS.—The Re publican nominations for this county were made on Saturday last by the fol lowing vote : Congress—Thaddeus Stevens 4,654 Associate Judge—John J. Libbart 7, 328 Representatives—James Barber. 325 James Collins 888 Capt. Geo. H. Ettla 934 Dr. J. C. Gatchell 4,053 Capt. A. Godshalk • • • 3 .'690 Dr. E. B. Herr i >156 Capt. W. W. Hopkins 4 ,852 B. H. Lehman 333 Jacob G. Peters 4 ,328 MaJ. A. C. Relnoehl 3 ,342 Capt. W. D. Reitzel 902 Aaron H. Sammy 4,792 District Attorney—J. B. Amwako 2,495 Capt. Benj. F. Bear 797 George Brubaker 4,280 County Commissioner—John Armstrong.... 1,031 Jacob Eby ....... ..... 464 • Ephraim (kW, 110 Jacob Greenawalt... 636 J. Hoffman Hershey.. 157 Jacob C. Kready 4,177 Samuel E. Leid 99 Prison Inspectors—Henry Pownall 5,629 H. A. Roberts 3,042 M. H. Shirk 6,579 Directors of Poor—George Fry . 4,458 Conrad Gast 6,978 Leonard Pickle 2,201 Samuel Wolf 2,155 Auditor—George W. Mahaffey 4,040 Henry Miller 2,325 Jacob S. Witmer 679 It will be seen that the entire ticket previously nominated by what is called the Ring, as published by a correspondent in last week's FATHER ABRAHAM, is nominated. THE REPUBLICANS OF EAST EARL are up and doing. A large and very en thusiastic meeting was held at the house of Samuel Cox, in Goodville, on Thurs day evening of last week, on which occa sion. two poles were raised, and the stars and stripes flung to the breeze, bearing the honored names of our candidates, Grant and Colfax. W. H. H. Kinzer, Esq., made an able and telling speech, and the meeting adjourned with cheers for our standard bearers. East Earl will do nobly in October and November next. Kt-KLuxERs..---A number of the un washed and uncombed of this city, under the lead of the brave (1) " Signor" of the 2d Ward, have banded themselves to gether as Ku-Kluxers or " Bich like." Chickens, roost high Republicans, pre pare for the worst. Look out for the skull and cross bones. Gm. CARL SCHURZ will address the citizens of Lancaster county on Wednes day evening next, August 26th instant, at the Court House He will speak, also in German, at Reading, on Thursday, the 27th instant. FATHER W ADVERTISEMENTS NOW READY THE GRANT AND COLFAX BADGES On Blue Satin—Motto and Portrait, Price, 25 ets. Grant Sleeve Buttons, 50 cts. Seventy-Five ditler ent Style Badges. Medals from 5 cents to 50. Any of the above sent free by mail upon receipt of prier. Agents wanted to attend meetings, supply clubs, Address U. S. BADGE COMPANY, att2l-4t. Hanover, Pa. Westward the Star of Empire takes it. Way." WESTERN LAND AGENCY, ESTABLISHED IN 1855. Land in Illinois, lowa, Missouri, Kansas, Ne braska, Minnesota and Wisconsin, bought and sold. 60,000 Acres of Timber and Prairie Farming Land for sale, from Two to Fifteen Dollars per Acre. Money invested on first mortgages secured on im proved farms at ten to twelve per cent. interest, being the legal rates, clear of expenses. The sub scriber will shortly visit the West to make such loans personally. DAVID G. SWAItTZ. It. No. 73 North Duke street. p BLIC SALE. On SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER Gth, 1868, will be sold by public vendue in the Borough of Adams town, the following property, late the estate of Jacob Von Nelda, deceased, to wit : FIVE LOTS OF GROUND, situated in said Borough, each being 33 feet front, and 330 feet deep. The improvements on one of said lots consist ing of a ONE AND A HALF STORY STONE DWELLING HOUSE, with Basement, Summer House, Stable and other buildings. Sale to commence at 6 o'clock, P. M., and terms made known by DANIEL S. VON NEIDA, td Executor. R EPUBLICANS! READ THE Shot off Monthly—.only Twenty-Five Cents per year. Specimen copies Five Cents. Address “TliF, POPGUN'," Laporte, Pa. LANCASTER FILE AND 'Manufactory of Files, Rasps and Edge Tools A C. FLINN'S HOUSE FURNISHING STORE, No. 11 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Refriger ators, Tin and Copper Ware, Wooden Ware, Britlania Ware, Bird Cages. Step Ladders, Brooms and Brushes, Knives and Forks, Tea and Table Spoons, Cotli.'e . Mills, sc., Coal Oil Chandeliers for Halls, Lyceums, 6te., Coal Oil Lamps, Brackets, &c., Pumps, Hydraulic Rains, Water Pipes, Ye. A very tine assortment of HOUSE FURNISH ING GOODS, of all kinds, at A. C. FLINN'S, House Furnishing Storti, No 11 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. GRANT & COLFAX ! Beautiful oil Portraits in richly Gilt ()cal Frames of the Standard Usurers of the Itepuhlican party are now of f ered to the frknthi of our calls,. The Agent will call personally for orders Prices low, and sure to atilt purchasers. H. SIMMONS SEWING MACHINES. D ON'T READ THIS! SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE Proved itself without a rival in the late test trial in this city with the Howe Machine. We therefore present it to the consideration of an intelligent public as INCOMPA RA BLY the BEST SEWING MACHINE IN THE WORLD It is light running—almost noiseless--and adapted to a wider range of work than any other While. it is, at the same time, very simple indeed. A child can, with all ease, learn to use it in a short time. We can more the public that they will look to their If In want of a SEWING 3IACIIINE, TO SEE, TEST AND TRY THE SINGED, Before deciding to take it or any other Machine. Parties often conic to town in search of a Machine, and then listen to the advice of interested parties, or those who have but a limited knowledge of the Machines in question. BETTER SEE THEM FOR YOURSELVES, FRIENDS, And then you will not be deceived. W. W. BEARDSLEE, Agent, No. 3 EAST ORANGE STREET, (Two Doors from North Queen,) LANCASTER, PA. THE VERY HIGHEST PRIZE, THE IMPERIAL CROSS OF THE LEGION OF HONOR, Was Awarded to the Representative of the GROVER Sr. BAKER SEWING MACHINES At the Universal Exhibition, Paris, 1867, Thus attesting their great superiority over all other Sewing Machines. For sale by GEO. SPURRIER, No. 19 NORTH QUEEN St., Lancaster. DAVID BAIR B AIR & SHENK , NORTHEAST ANGLE OF CENTRE SQUARE, THE OLD PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ACCUMULATILD CAPITAL After Paying Lows to tho Amount of $1,120,000 ALL THIS SORPLUS.DIVIDND AMONGST THE POLIO!' HOLD'S/A EVERY TIFAF. TILT ONLY TRULY MUTUAL obNPANY IN THE CITY OR 82.472. For further information apply to JOHN J. 00CHI4N, Agent, P. 0. Lancaster, Pa. "POPGUN." EDGE TOOL WORKS, LANCASTER, PA SEWING MACHINE, OWN INTEREST, BANKING. =! BANKERS, LANCASTER, PENNA INSURANCE. OP PHILADELPHIA CHARTER PERPETUAL FLAGS, FIRE WORKS, Ir. 1776. FLAGS! FOR JULY I'RESIDEIcTIAL CAMPAIGN We have now on hand and have made arrange ments with manufacturers to furnish, at shortest notice and cheapest rates, Of all sizes and qualities SILK, BUNTING, MUSLIN, (In) FIREWORKS FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATIONS, EXHIBI TIONS, PROCESSIONS, (tc. All orders in person or mail will receive prompt attention by D. S. & J. S. BURSK, Wholesak and Retail Grocers No. 19 EAST ICING ST., LANCASTER PURNISHLVG GOODS. CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS FOR TUE NEWEST STYLES OF COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVE DUTTONS, SUSPENDER'S, WHITE AND FANCY KIL GLOVES, STOCKINGS, EMBROIDERED SHIRT FRONTS, SUMMER UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, -AT- E. J. ERISMAN'S GENT'S FURNISHING STORE, 41S NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. ifU L INSTRUMENTS. B. KEVINSKI, Mil PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, And Muslcai Instruments Generally. SHEET MUSIC. A large stock on hand, and constantly receiving all the latest publications as soon as issued. Music sent by Mail free of Postage. Sole agent for Steinway & Son's WORLD-ItIiNOWNED PIANOS Also, a;:a•nt for Prince & ORGANS AND MELODEONS, No. 3. NORTH PRINCE Street, lathea.,ter, Pa. HATS AND CARS. HATS AND CAPS A FULL STOCK ON HAND, And manufactured to order, any style and quality. T. 1: . TORli, S. W. CORNER CENTRE SQUARE AND WEST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PENN A F. SMITH, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN HATS AND CAPS. All kinds of HATS made to order on short notice and at low prices. SHULTZ & BRO., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN HATS, CAPS, STRAW HATS, LADIES' SHADE HATS, SHAKER HOODS, &C., Wholesale and Retail, No. 20 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa LODGE REGALIA. AUCHENBACH & BROTHER, No. 520 PENN STREET, READING, PA., MANUFACTURERS OP REGALIAS, JEWELS AND OTHER LODGE PROPERTIES, For Masons' Blue Lodges, Chapters and Councils Odd Fellows' Lodges and Encampments; Good Templars, Temple of Honor and Sons of Temper ance ; American Mechanics, American Protestants, Red Men Hurugari Good Fellows, Knights of Pythias,Brotherhood of the Union, and for all fe male lodges and associations, fitted out at the short est notice. Also, Swords, Belts, Hats, Caps, and Regalia Trimmings of all kinds constantly on hand. Orders respectfully solicited, and goods forwarded to all parts of the country. AUCHENBACH & BROTHER, No 520 PENN Street, Reading, Pa. ABRAM SCHEETZ, NEW STORE PLAIN AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CUR. NORTH QUEEN & ORANGE STREETS, LANCASTER, PA. SIGNS, BANNERS, &c JOSEPH MUMMER, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, AND IdAIiIIIPACTIIR&R Olt GLASS TABLETS. CAMPAIGN BANNERS Painted in the latest style and at short notice. Roots—Over Baker's Drug Store, CENTRE SQUARE, Lancaster, Pa. 50,000,000 CONFECTIONERY. JOSEPH ROYER, Wholesale and Retail Confectioner, Dealer In Fruita, Nuts, Toys, Ice Cream, Cakes, dm., wholesale and retail. No. 33 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. " t i t TIAkFLAGS! F 0 ITis T H DM FLAGS =I EIrMM DEALER IN Itj WEST KING Street, Lancaster, Pa DRY GOODS, &c. I= CLOTHING (I NOTIONS, SUITS MADE TO ORDER PAINTING. BOOKS ,e STATIONERY. 1868. BARR'S BOOK STORE We invite the attention of School Directors and Teachers to our large stock of School Books and extensive arrangements with the large Publishing Houses of Philadelphia, New York and Boston. We pay special attention to the interests of Direct ors and Teachers, and are prepared to supply townships at even better rates than ever before. Directors who contemplate changing Books, will find it greatly to their advantage to call upon us, as our arrangements with publishers enable us to fur nish Books for introduction at the very lowest pub lisher's rates. Our stock of School Stationery is also very large and well selected, and our facilities for furnishing Globes, Charts and Maps can not be surpassed. All the new styles of American, French and English Note and Letter Papers, with Envelopes to match. All Paper and Envelopes purchased from us will be stamped with the initial of the purchaser, free of charge, if desired. J. E. 13ARR, au2l-tt'Sc wl No. 29 E. King at., Lancaster. F BOOKS & STATIONERY. A COMPLETE STOCK OF SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OFT G O OD STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS OF ALL SIZES, BOOSEVS CHEAP STANDARD MUSIC Catalogues or the above furnished on application. Kuwrz AND SIONAAGIIAN'S CELEBRA TED GOLD PENS, ANTHONY'S STEREOSCOPES, AMERICAN AND FOREIGN VIEWS Liberal deductions to Merchants. OrdersGrespeetfully solicited andGprompt ly tilled at Cheap Cash Beek Store, 0 kJ No. 32 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. JOHN BAER'S SONS, No. 10 NORTH QUEEZsT STREET, =I THE VOLKEFREUND AND BEOBACHTER A German ltepublican Newspaper GERMAN AND ENGLISH ALMANACS, TESTAMENTS, HYMN BOOKS, &a SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, NEW AND CHEAP BOOK STORE', (Cornor of Fulton Buildings,) WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER BIBLES, TEST.I3IENTS, SCHOOL BOOKS,' 31ISCELLJNEOU5 BOOKS, And a general variety of well selected Stationery, Maps and Fancy Articles in the line of trade. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS Of all kinds. Special attention given. Being Librarian of the Lancaster County Bible Society, I will furnish Sunday Schools with Bibles and Testaments at cost. Bibles for 30 cents; Testa ments for 10 cents. A variety of new Sewing Machines for sale cheaper than anywhere else. D. S. BARE. BOOK J) JOB PRINTING. RAIJCH S COCHRAN, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING ALL KINDS, From the largest POSTER to the smallest CARD or CIRCULAR executed in the best style and at reasonable prices. Mar Orders from a distance promptly attended to. OFFICE—N. E. ANGLE CENTRE SQUARE. LANCASTER, PENNA. B. INICCASKE J • UROEON OFFICE-EAST KING ST., OVER THE FIRST NATIONAL BANE, Sir All Work Warranted.loll VAI. M. WHITESIDE, I' DENTIST, Office and residence, East King Street next door to the Court House, over Fahnestock's Dry Goc Store, Lancaster, Pa. Teeth Extracted without pain, by the use of (Nitrous Oxide) Gas. JEWELRY, &v. ZAHM & JACKSON, DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED JVARS, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 16 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. tar Repairing aLtunded to. Z. RHOADS & BRO., H WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DIALIDUI IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELET AND SILVER WARE, No. 22 WEST KING STREET, (Next Door Below Cooper's Hotel,) LANCASTER, PA. SCHOOL DIRECTORS TEACHERS, PARENTS IeMI SCHOLARS, TAKE NOTIC} ALL NEW BOOKS' It EC Ely E I) AS FAST AS ISSUED FROM THE PRESS H. SHEAFFER'S, LANCASTER, PA., EC Or.=Ell9 JUSTICES' BLANKS ..S'T.l 77 ONF: R Y. MEE DENTISTRY. J.) E \ " FIST LANCAS2'ER, PA