Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, August 21, 1868, Image 2

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tather Abraham."
"I shall have no policy of my men to en
force at /Ist the wilt of the prople."—GßANT.
Pr-i 7,,
Gen. i'[.Y`i~l•.-: GRANT,
nee Premideni:
.luditor General:
Aen•r'yor General:
A xstociate Judge
JOHN J. LIBHAItT, Marietta
DU. A. C. GATCHELL. Martio.
JACOB O. PETERS. Conestoga.
AARON H. SVMMY, East lietuptleld
Dix triet Attorney
County Commiss:ion , r :
Prison Inspectors :
M. H. SHIRK, West Cocalico
Directors of the Poor
GEORGE FRY, East Coealico
unintor: w. mEitAFFEv, Marietta
Invariably in Advance :
One copy to one address
Clubs of five and upwards, each
With an extra copy for every twenty subscribers
Editors and Publishers,
Lancaster, Pa
We have just reduced our terms of
subscription to fifty cents for a single
subscriber, and forty cents each for clubs
of five and upwards, with an extra copy
for every twenty. Now get up your
clubs, and send them on.
Philadelphia—T. R. Callender, 3d and Walnut
Streets ; Riley and Sargeant, Pennsylvania R. It.
Depot; D. B. Ream, 114 Albion Street; L W. Rich
ards, N. E. Sub. P O.
Reading—Strickland & Bros, Penn Street, below
Harrisburg—Samuel Sleg, Third Street; Mont
gomery & Eager, Market Street; Levi H. Funk,
Penna. Round House.
York—Harry Adams, George Street ; Hiram
Young, Main Street.
Bethlehem—Edward Miller.
Easton—George Finley.
Aitentown—Jos. W. Gross.
Pottstown—Jos. W. walch.
Pine Grove—Gee. F. Kurtz.
Hancock, Md—H. Strausbach.
Mauch Chunck—Capt. John Shields.
Schuylkill Haven—Wm. Daubert.
Brookville—R. S. Hunt.
Canton, Ohio--,Dr. C. Garber.
Shiremanstown--Stelgelman & Pretz.
Martinsburg—H. C. Nicodemus.
Waynesboro—E. W. Washabaugh.
Hazleton—F. J. Rice.
Sterling, 111.—D. B. Rock.
Osceola, Clearfield Co.—P. J. Woleslegol.
Pottsville—O. B. Snyder.
Baltimore, Md.—G. B. Rathfon, N. C. R. R.
Somerset, Pa.—Wm. B. Frease.
Great Bend—B. H. Warner.
Bernsitto—C. E. Reillsnyder.
Catasauqua—F. F. Vogenitz.
Columbia—Wm. U. Hess.
Lancaster City and vicinity—S. Baker Young.
ir7THE Copperheads deny that the
negro Williams was a regular delegate to
their New York National Convention.
We were assured by one of the most
prominent colored men of the country,
whilst here attending Stevens' funeral,
on Monday, who is well acquainted with
Williams, that he was regularly elected
a delegate from his district in Tennessee,
and that they cannot deny it. Their ob
ject in conferring this " honor" upon him
is to secure colored votes in Tennessee,
and their object in going back on him
here in the North is, of course, easily un.
derstood. Williams, it is needless to say,
is a mere vagabond and disgrace to his
Soldiers, Remember!
Let every Union soldier remember,
when asked to vote for Seymour and the
Blairs, that whilst they were at the front
fighting the rebels, the Copperheads of
Pennsylvania did all in their power to
rob them of the sacred right of suffrage.
When these Copperhead leaders talk
about negro suffrage as outrageous, just
remind them of the effort they made in
186-1 to defeat the Amendment to the
Pennsylvania State Constitution, assur
ing the right of citizen soldiers to vote.
At the Constitutional Amendment elec
tion referred to, every Republican voted
for the right of the soldiers, and every
vote against the amendment was cast by
the Copperheads. In Berks county they
rolled up the regular Democratic major
ity against the soldiers, and to-clay every
mother's son of them insists upon the
right of every rebel, every traitor, every
perjurer, every bounty jumper to vote!
How many Union soldiers will vote for
Seymour ? " Nix wtert !"
The Price of Presbyterian Elders.
About the year 1852, Thaddeus Stevens,
then representing this county in Congress,
had a conversation with a member from
one of the Southern . States, who was, of
course, a slave-holder, during which the
latter endeavored to demonstrate that
negroes of the South were better cared
for and more civilized and christianized
than those enjoying freedom at the North.
Whilst Mr. Stevens listened very respect
fully and attentively to what he said, the
Southern gentleman remarked that one
of his own slaves was a Presbyterian
Elder, and worshipped at the same altar
with himself. " Indeed !" said Mr.
Stevens, "is that a fact—your own slave,
did you say ?" " What I say is strictly
true," the gentleman replied. Well,
well," Mr. Stevens answered, " I must
admit, that is quite commendable. But, if
you' please, tell me what is the average
price of Presbyterian Elders down your
way ?"
The Cotilstit Ticket.
Candor compels us to say that we would
have been better satisfied if the voters at
the primary elections on Saturday would
have re-nominated Major Reinoehl and
Capt. Godshalk, simply, because, as we
firmly believe, they have been honest
and faithful representatives during the
last session of our State Legislature, and
well deserved a second term, according to
the recognized usages of the party, to say
nothing of the honorable scars which
these men carrier home from the battle
fields. But, as the ticket is nominated
according to the forms prescribed, we
will not refer to the means which were
employed to bring about this strange and
unexpected result ! For the country's
sake, we entreat every Republican to go
to work and roll up at least seven thousand
majority for tiartranft and Campbell in
October next.
The Union at; it Was:
Schuyler Colfax, in a speech made
among his constituents in 1864, when a
candidate for re-election, said :
But they say " we are for the Union as it
was." I, too, am for the Union as it was, and
the reason I denounce that speech of Alexander
Long, and the reason I oppose the recognition
of the Confederacy is because I will not con
sent that a single star shall be plucked from the
azure blue of our national banner. They are
to be there, and every star to represent a
State. If you want any of those stars plucked
out, and your flag trampled under foot, you
should select some other man for Representa
tive, for I never, no, never shall consent to it.
But if these men mean by the Union as it was
the hanging of men in Texas for daring to vote
for the President of their choice, then I am not
in favor of the Union as it was. If they mean
the right to mob and murder men from the
North because they believe in the Declaration
of Independence, then I am not in favor of the
Union as it was. If they mean by it the right
to commit all manner of outrages on peaceable
law-abiding citizens from the North because they
happen to hold different views from them, then
I am not in favor vf the Union as it was.
True to their Friend.
All who have heretofore entertained
doubts as to the colored people's capacity
for the responsible duties of full citizen
ship had their doubts removed on Monday,
when thousands of them proved by their
presence and excellent deportment that
they know how to appreciate the nation's
affliction, and the loss of their best friend
in the death of TIIADDELTS STEVENS.
They took their appropriate place in the
line, and commanded that respect which
is due to ALL MEN.
GRANT & COLFAX.—We have re
ceived from the publisher, our friend
Wm. B. Hall, a copy of his campaign
work, entitled : "The lives of Grant and
Colfax." It contains the Republican
Platform, the Amended Constitution, the
Tenure of Office Bill and Campaign
Music in four parts. We take pleasnre
in recommending this work to the notice
of Republican Campaign Clubs through
out the State. Single copy, 25 cents.
For sale by news agents everywhere.
American News Company, General
Agents, New York city.
The Successor of Mr. Nereus.
The general impression among the leading
Republieans here is that 0. J. Diekey, a dis
tinguished member (f the ham (4' this city, will
succeed ill
,gaining the nomination fi it Congress.
'chose men who were run hy his especial frienas
tin county oftives last week, carried the comity
over all the opposition.—Currespondent of 1/ a
Philadelphia (Wirer.
Newspaper correspondents, when they
go abroad to gather news and facts, should
always he careful not to be made tools of
by designing politicians and tricksters.
The latter part of the above, stating that
"those men who were run by his ( Mr.
Dickey's) especial friends for county
offices carried the county over all opposi
tion," as is well known here, is uncalled
for and untrue. We know that Col. D.
was an open and outspoken friend of
Capt. Godshalk and Major Beinoehl, and
in favor of their renomination as candi
dates for the Legislature.
EXPLANATORY.—CoI. 0. J. Dickey author
izes us to say that the statement maile in the
Lancaster correspondence of the Philadelphia
Inquirer, of Tuesday, that he was responsible
for not allowing the escort of colored men who
accompanied the remains of ..Nlr. :Stevens from
Washington, to remain in this city and partici
pate in the fimeral ceremonies, is a base 'Use
hood. The intimation that he did this to con
ciliate Copperheads and Conservati yes is equally
false. The sentiments of Mr. Dickey. in regard
to the rights of colored men, are too well known
in this community to need any endorsement at
Our hands. Fair play is a jewel in politics as
well as morals, and no respectable citizen is
ever injured in the estimation of his fellow
citizens by falsehood or abuse, however ele
gantly sugar-coated.—Lancoster Examiner and
Herald. -
We concur in what is said in the above
article. We add in addition, to show how
the reporter of the inquirer misrepre
sented facts, that Col. Dickey was not
chairman of the committee of arrange
ments, as he asserted. That position
was efficiently filled by S. H. Reynolds,
Esq., of this city, the Democratic nominee
for Congress in 1866, against Mr. Stevens.
He discharged the duties of the position
with honor to himself, and to the entire
satisfaction of the friends of the lamented
dead. The reference to Col. Dickey, by
the Inquirer, we brand as a tissue of
falsehoods from beginning to end. The
escort of colored Zouaves had filled their
mission when they delivered the remains
at the late residence of the deceased on
Friday evening. Agreeably to their own
arrangements, and under the direction of
the officer of the Senate, who had charge
of the escort up to the time of its arrival
in Lancaster, they left on Saturday
morning for their homes.
How Seymour Supported the
At the Democratic ratification meeting
held at Frankfort, Kentucky, one of the
speakers—Captain Ed. Marshall—passed
the following eulogy on Mr. Seymour :
Ile was enthusiastic in support of Seymour,
and gave his reason therein. He said Sey
mour was nominated as a War Democrat for
the reason that no other one could win. Ile was
called a war Democrat, but he had never firer
any aid or support to the Gorernmitut in t he
prosecution of' the war when it could be avoid
ed. In 186;), when the rebel troops were in
Pennsylvania, and the, Government called on
Seymour, who was then Governor of New
York, to furnish troops to cape! them, he an
swered in the same manner, if not the same
language, as the Governor of Kentucky in 1861,
viz that he would not send them. He did
send them, however, for the reason that he
could not do otherwise.
From all parts of the country we con
tinue to receive the most fattering assu
rances of a determination on the part of
the Republicans to carry our banner to
glorious victory in October next. All
that is needed is work—thorough and
efficient organization in every election
district—to give at least twenty thousand
majority for Hartranft and Campbell.
On Wednesday of last week the Re
publicans of Berks county held their reg
ular annual county meeting. It was de
cidedly the largest and most enthusiastic
gathering of the kind ever held in Old
Berks by either party, and entirely
eclipsed the Copperhead pow-wow held
there on the day before. Precisely at
1 o'clock, the appointed time for organ
izing the meeting, a large delegation of
mechanics from the machine shops, mills
and foundries of the city came marching
in, followed by a delegation of boatmen,
principally from the First Ward of the
The meeting was called to order by J.
Knabb, Esq., and organized by the selec
tion of that staunch Republican, Capt. G.
W. DURELL (the old " Durell Battery")
President ; George K. Whitney Isaac
Womelsdorf, H. S. Eckert, E. Shomo,
Dr. T. Yardley Brown, J. B. Shaeffer, F.
P. Heller, and a number of other live
Republicans as Vice-Presidents, and
Harrison Maltzberger, Esq., Secretary,
and Wm. M. Baird, Esq., chairman of a
committee of thirteen on resolutions.
Well written resolutions, expressing
sound Reppblican principles and mea
sures were adopted. The platform and
nominees of the Chicago Convention
wore fully endorsed; Hon. Simon Cam
eron complimented for his party fidelity
the soldiers complimented and recognized
as the successful defenders of our nation.
The campaign.
Old Berke
ality ; thanking Gov. Geary for his able
State administration, and strongly recom
mending him for re-election, and re-ap
pointing J. Knabb, Esq., editor of the
Journal, Chairman of the Republican
County Committee. The resolution ex
pressing the sense of the meeting on the
death of THADDEUS STEVENS Is as fol
lows, which was separately adopted by a
silent rising vote :
/ipso/yea, That in the death of MAD - Dr:us
STEVEN our party lia.s lost its earliest, most
zealous anti ablest champion ; the nation its
greatest defender; liberty its purest and best
guardian ; the slave his henefactitr ; and right
against wrong, freedom against oppression,
truth against falsehood, everywhere and in
every clime, their ablest advocate.
The meeting was ably addressed by
John S. Richards and J. I. Jacobs, Esqs.,
and the enthusiasm was greater than on
any former similar occasion. Mr. E. 11.
Rauch, of FATTIER ABRAHAM, being
called to the floor, referred to the glori
ous career of THADDEUS STEVENS, and
to some of his prominent and noble
traits of character as a statesman and
The Copperheads even were forced to
admit that this meeting greatly out num
bered theirs on the day before, hut coy.-
tend that if it hadn't "been for the dirty
shirt foundry and machine shop men,"
theirs would have been thelar,gest , and we
think so too. That's just what was the
matter. The working men in their work
ing clothes and rolled up sieves did it,.
and they will frequently be seen and
heard during the campaign, and after'
they shall have discharged their duty at
the ballot box in October next, the great
city of Reading will be found to contain
a decided and telling majority for Hart
ranft and Campbell, and Old Berks
county a greatly reduced vote for Cop
perhead stupidity and prejudice.
In k;orrespontitnce.
The Republican Invincibles of
It is well known throughout the coun
try that as an influential and efficient
working campaign organization, the RE
are NUMBER ONE, and their re-organiza
tion for the present campaign, and the
prominent position they occupy in the
grand line of battle for the great cause
of Nationality, Liberty and civilization,
will exert a powerful influence throughout
the country. The natural tendency of
all active Republicans is to organize as
the INVINCIBLES are organized, and to
light the great fight as the TN - VINCE; LES
are fighting
The highest compliment we have yet
received for our feeble effort to work up
Republican enthusiasm, is from this same
organization, and at the risk of being
pronounced selfish, we lay the followin, ,
proceedings before the twenty thousand
Philarielph'a, Aug. 17. .li3z3.
Messrs. Rauch Cochran, Editors of
FATHER ABRAllAM—lientlemen : The
special committee of fifty, which was ap
pointed to represent the REPUBLICAN
INVINCIBLES in the funeral obsequies of
HON. THADDEUS STEVENS, have directed
me to forward to you the following reso
lutions passed this day, viz :
Resolved, That we hail with pleasure
the revival, with all its original spirit, of
FATHER ABRAHAM, which did such sig
nal service for the Republican party in
'64, and shall expect to see as much ben
efit derived from it in '6B.
Resolved, That we congratulate Messrs.
Rauch Sc Cochran upon bein g able to
present to the public, a lively, first-class
Republican campaign paper, free from
the vileness and filth of its would be Dem
ocratic rivals, yet replete with humor
and sound doctrine.
Resolved, That we tender out thanks
to the Editors for their courtesies extend
ed during the committees' sojourn in Lan
caster, and for the copies of FATHER
ABRAHAM sent to the Reading Room of
the Republican Invincibles.
Very Respectfully,
LANCASTER, N. H., Aug., 11, 1868.
FATHER ABRAHAM : It will undoubt
edly be gratifying to you to know that
among the northern hills of the " Old
Granite State," you are known and read
of many men. In fact, we rather like
your strong and manly utterances. We
prefer men who take a decided stand and
never quail, even though the ship may
reel and the billows roar.
Yes, we of Lancaster, N. H., send
greeting to you of Lancaster, Penn., and
bid you Godspeed in the earnest work
of opposing, rebels and traitors, both
North and South. We ask you still to
be firm for the right, and next November
shall see the efforts of the honest yeoman
ry of this country crowned with success.
The " whelming tide" of fileyrnour's
enthusiasm has not yet reached the hill
sides of New Hampshire, and what is
worse for him, it never will, Brick
Pomeroy's prediction of 1500 majority to
the contrary notwithstanding. We
know our own State better than outsiders,
and tell you for a truth, that we shall
carry it for Grant and Colfax by a major
it.y very much increased over that of last
Now we are looking to you for a glori
ous example of triumph in the fall elec
tion. See that your opponents are not
too liberal with their coffee. They need
watching at every post. Their only hope,
if now they have any at all, is in perpe
trating gross frauds upon honest men.
Much interest is attached to your State
election. Let there be a uniting of the
good yet once more against the bad, the
honest against the dishonest, the loyal
and patriotic against those who would
willingly destroy the best hopes of all
christendom could they thereby gain
place and power, and there shall be
another victory more potent for human
ity, civilization and progress than any
already gone before.
Let us work, and work in earnest.
Our enemies are desperate, and we must
be determined—determined, over all fac
tions, cliques and fusions, to win an abid
ing victory, a lasting peace to the weary
longing millions of our land. Shall it be
done? BRADLEY.
lat4tr brallam's
THE following mixture iA recommended
to the Democracy as good for the BLARES:
Water, one table-spoon full ; oil of vitriol,
a half pint ; red pepper, half pound ;
spirits of turpentine a half pint; whiskey,
two quarts ; ginger, one tea-spoonful ; gin,
one quart ; alcohol, three pints ; brown
sugar, one tea-spoon full; lager beer, one
pint; Zingari batters, one pint; esssence
of peppermint, one ounze, and a sufficient
quantity of whiskey to suit the taste.
Dose : Onegill every ten minutes until
THE Democratic papers have tried
all sorts of means to ruin Grant's reputa
tion, and now they are trying to make
'Wepple believe that he took breakfast
ith Frank Blair the other day at Leaven
FRANK . BLAIR'S best hold would he to
hold his tongue.
THE difference between Grant and Blair
is the difference between mum and rum.
Blair was awfully inebriated day before
Gov. SEYMOUR says he has been
"caught up by the whirling tide." That's
what was the matter with Early when
Sheridan was after him, and sent him
whirling through Winchester.
TANNING copper-skins is ,(Yetting to be
quite a popular kind of employment.
IF 1 State had to rim Horatio Seymour
5 times to elect him Governor 2 times,
how many times will 37 States have to
run him to elect him President (or Gov
ernor of them) 1 time ?
WHEN Wade Hampton left Columbia
at the approach of Sherman's army, he
announced that he was " bound to Texas
or hell." He didn't go to Texas, but to
the Democratic party. Hasn't he kept
his word?
AT a Copperhead meeting recently
held in Indianapolis to ratify the nomi
nation of Seymour and Blair, the White
Boys were out in force, and after the
meeting, partuded the streets hurrahing
for Jeff. Davis and Stonewall Jackson•
THOSE men who murdered our sons,
our brothers, our relatives and our friends
—all will vote for Seymour and Blair at
the coming election in November.
A TEUTON perpetrates the following
epitaph on
SITI EF Y00;•;T1( E sitasm.
Veu I [inks vat now I is,
And vat I itied to vas,
I tinks I trowed myself away
Mitout sufficient cause.
THE most discouraging rumor now go
ing the rounds is that Andy Johnson and
Bill Seward are about to come out for
Grant and Colfax.
TIIE Campaign is conducted vigorously
by the Republicans of New Jersey.
Camden and Salem counties are being
thoroughly organized.
Mn. PARTON asks : "will the coming
man drink wine?" That depends on the
coming man's politics. If lie is a good
Copperhead he will prefer whiskey.
A COPPERHEAD undertook to take the
vote in a railroad car out west, the other
day, and received one vote for the Blairs
and Seymour. Very naturally they fra
ternized, and at the end of the route the
Cop. was missing and his friend was
minus his pocket-book.
MICHAEL DOYLE, one of Seymour's
most active and enthusiastic friends, was
arrested at Patterson, N. J., some time
ago, for burglary. He was caught in the
THE Dubuque Times says that the West
ern Copperheads console themselves with
the reflection, that while Pendleton could
not be nominated, Blair or Seymour can
not be elected.
As two poor women were gathering
blackberries in a clearing belonging to
one Rhodes, of West Hempfleld, this
county, he set his savage dog upon them
Rhoads is a rank Copperhead.
Ex-GOVERNOR Wise made another
speech down in Virginia, in which he
said: The Democratic platform states
what is not true, in saying secession is
dead. It is not dead, but with the pres
ent good prospect of a victory for Sey
mour and Blair, it is more alive than
ever. All we need is to get possession
of the Government once more, and then
there will be no difficulty in disposing of
the blacks and the white radicals of the
Copperhead—" What are you kicking
my dog for ?"
Young America—'
of fleas."
Cop.—" Fleas, the devil I Why that dog
sleeps with me."
Young Ame.—" Yes, confound you,
that's how he gets 'em."
WHO are Seymour's friends ? The
men who were rebels and traitors four
years ago, and the men who murdered
negro children and burned orphan asy
lums in New York.
"Because he is full
Ax old criminal was asked recently by
a member of the Young Men's Christian
Association, what was the first step that
led him to ruin, and he answered : " The
first step was voting the Democratic
ticket. When I had done that the devil
had such a grip on me that I could not
shake him off."