Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, August 21, 1868, Image 1

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care for him who shall have borne the battle, and
------: all, with, firmness in the right, as God gives us for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may
to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work i achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace
we are in ;to bind up the nations wounds; to ,: '.: .. .: among ourselves and with all nations."-4. L.
VOL 1.
E. 11. RAI.TeII
Adjoining W. G. Baker's Drug More and J. Marshal!
Son's S/we Store,
I:lLi!t4 , l unmher of ;i1v(rt! , ‘... 11141.t, Why tukru
'lt tlx• following rates
Fifteen cents per line liar the first hist Ilion, fool
ten tentri per lino for each suL: ,, y.ient 111St.rth..11
Those adverti:-ing for the Cainpaig:l6t . inoutio.
will be charged as b; lows
ONE SQt AiE (Of tt'll hit s)
Til !ZEE Sgt . .% ItE'4
Larger lolvcrtisenr•nts I.y contract
Bi.7s for advolis-in , nts af r the
,fire! in-
AT'l'(fl AT LAW,
'trice : No. riti East King St 'apt , Lancaster, Pa
0 • J. DICKEY,
, FFI , E-SOUTH QUEEN Strto, s , cond how.e
below the "Fountainn In," Lancustr, l'a.
ArroicsEy AT LAW.
cicr —No. 11 NI it' E Sti t,tvostsidL,
north of the Court House. Lancaster, Pa.
Wrier—With J. 11. Livingston, - NORTH DUKE
Street, Lancaster, Pa.
wricti—AVitli I. E. Hiesier, DINE
Street. star the Court 'louse, Lancaster. Pa.
OFFRAL—No.3 SOUTH DUKE Street, Lancaster,
B F. 13 AE R
AvroasEy AT LAW,
OFFICE—No. 19 NORTH DUNE Street, Lancas
ter, Pa.
'A lk i?T i nit \- N N Ey' A'l' LAW,
oFFIcE—No. 5 NORTH_ DUKE Street, Lancas
ter, Pa.
OFFICE—With General .1. W. Fisher, NORTH
DUKE Street, Lancaster, Pa.
OFEIcE—No. Id Noirrit LUKE Street, Laneas
f±r, I'a.
B. A - ,\.1 W AKE ,
. ArnatNEY A'l' LAW,
OFFIcE—No. 4 sorrn guEElk.: Street, Lancas
r. Pa.
caster, Pa.
T .
Orrin—No. 30 NORTH DUKE Street, Lancas
ter, Pa.
ter, Pa.
OFFIcz—No. 28 Nonni DUKE Street, Lancas
ter, Pa.
No. 135 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia
No. 46 North Sixth Street, lteadiug, Pa
No. 604 COURT Street, (opposite the Court House)
Reading, Pa.
No. 28 NORTH SIXTH Street, Reading, Pa
No. Si NORTH SIXTH Street, Read
ing, Pa.
No. 134 SOUTH FIFTH Street, Reading, Pa.
Two thousand one hundred and ninety
two persons were arrested in Baltimore
during the mouth of July, of which num
ber two thousand one hundred and ninety
one were Copperheads, being a Copper
perhead majority of two thousand one
hundred and ninety.
. 4 04 0 0
'fft - istalantons.
Copperhewl Fa•ie dtil for the
•'Tie Defoocl atie party Lace al ways beon
to the !:01(licr. no; e oTile Pap. r.
Lisp it not, ye mongrel trait (4 . 5,
Ye bare been tile soldier's friend
1 - t , the ai.lers and abettors,
All that treason tloth portend.
11711 on the rebels at Fort Sumter
Trampled on our glorious flag,
Copperheads in glowing bumpers
'Fott , ted the Palmetto rag.
Whet; the ta. , ,vs of 1;ttll ltttii battle
PiIG ti each loyal breast with woe,
\Vh,, s , , w a s the pr,,phetio prattle :
I'he Erroll :ill 101, I told yott so."
Whelt tUe `• hero," (.;eorge
flaye,l "eat', paw - to Bobby Lee.
'rite% y, , tl , .4ave Vunr hrigl,t now shillit,'
\Var 1)011101TaCy.
1.1;10(,1t111 . 111 r'o//,h(f/
TI wy i!: tium Aver fol.e.d to fit,:
titc ,, s, what a sill that.
Says poor old ..11.rs. smith, says s i i i.."
‘VI:14 . 111:'.111K6111.1..
tln ill ti tiu 11'1•11111,
V. if'!ikh, i!:
\Viit v.".• t:(.11114 0
\V,th ( Siwriaan :1,1•1
1 i_.Ljet I. 11.0 W
'rho , I . olllltry'S ( . 1111iiiit'Acl'
We Wel e 1.111•itel
Ki 11111;.! MU' I
They %%ell . IIIPIWI';1 1, 1t .
111 in nl ul,ial r 1,011.5.
!Loy 1;j11.-.1 11‘0,1 ,,
Thon ti,..11-mutalle , i traitor Ines.;
Feil in 1,,v.• v,ith
1)1 , 1111ey Lint—dus , .‘or yes.
Th. , 11: 0 1Z1 L(.111 a r-ii . eat
(.u111• ~iluts.grituts
it nw, ye nbriiuyel
Ye have I.•en thc frit'll(l;
the aiti,r, and ahett4,l . :-,,
Ail that trca:o,n d,,th
I, 111 , w in (•I,,th and
it iln ay the 11.,(rti:,
triv , uv i.:tek ('UI' falleN effiluados,
ThH: (• . 1
II I frie!ifk again.
- •
Ti! i1)1 SI'EI'ENS!
We were barely able last week to an
nounce and briefly refer to the great na
tional bereavement—the death of the
first American statesman, our late dis
tinguished and honored representative,
THADDEUS STEVENS. We almost shrink
from the duty of referring to this sad
event at all, for we must humbly confess
our entire inability to do justice to the
subject, pr give anything like such a
sketch of the glorious career of the Great
Commoner as our readers have a right to
Within a very brief period of time, the
people of Lancaster county have been
called upon to committo earth the remains
of two citizens of leading prominence
during the late civil conflict in this coun
try—JAMES RucifAxxx, Ex-President
of the United States, and THADDEI's
STEVENS, die acknowledged representa
tive leader in the councils of the nation
during the gloomy period of the greatest
and most remarkable rebellion and ter
rific civil war known to the historian.
In charity we pass over Mr. Buchanan's
part of the great drama. It is sufficient
to remark, what is well known to every
school boy in the laud, that these two
most prominent men entertained directly
opposite views, and that each acted his
part according to his views—the one, Mr.
Buchanan, whilst occupying the Presi
dential chair, yielding passive submission
to the pernicious doctrine of State sover
eignty, and denying the right of the na
tion to raise au arm in its own defense ;
the other, Mr. STEVENS, boldly and
squarely accepting the issue forced upon
the country by the slave-holding traitors
of the South and their Copperhead allies
of the North. That he was chiefly instru
mental in securing the most important
acts of Congress for the successful prose
cution of the war, is freely admitted on
all sides. Step by step the people came
up gloriously to the radical and only safe
stand-point of THADDEITS STEVENS, and
the gratifying result is before us—Liberty
and Equality before the law for all men.
For some time, up to Tuesday the 11th
inst., strong hopes were entertained for
his speedy recovery, to enable him to
return once more to mingle with the
people whom he has so long and faith
fully represented in the popular branch
of the National Congress. After the
hour of 4 o'clock on said day, a change
became apparent, the great man com
menced sinking and a speedy end of
earth' became inevitable ; but his active
spirit held out to the last moment and
Ins last hour was one of entire tranquility.
At 5 o'clock Mr. Simon Stevens entered
the room and told him that he had been
to see Mr. Evarts, and that he (Mr. E.)
had told him what would be the purport
of his opinion in the Rollins case, which
was that the resignation could not be ac
cepted. Mr. Stevens responded, appar
ently very much pleased, " I believe - Mr.
Evarts is not only a sound lawyer but a
statesman, who will advise the President
so to administer the laws as to render
unnecessary a meeting of Congress in
September." If he does,' •he continued,
I shall feel prouder than ever that I
urged his (Evart's) confirmation." Then
Mr. Stevens spoke of Mr. Seward and
his position in the Cabinet. Said he,
"He (Seward) has labored very well re
cently in relation to our foreign atliiirs.
His purchase of Alaska was the biggest
thing in his life, and if he could have
purchased Sarnana it would have been
the crowning event of his whole career."
Mr. Simon Stevens again remarked that •
lie had seen General Rosecrans, who had
spoken of Alanson Stevens, who was
killed at Chickamauga. He was the old
man's favorite boy, and, by the way, it
may be remarked that early in the war
Alanson, who had charge of the iron
works, took all the horses of the estab
lishment and tendered them to the Gov
ernor of Pennsylvania for the use of the
Government and then joined the army as
a private, frequently receiving promo
tion, until he became Captain of artillery.
This probably flashed across the old
man's mind, for he smiled at the men
tion of his nephew's name, and replied,
•• Ile was a brave boy. I like Rosecrans.
I hope that Mr. Steward's instructions to
Gen. Rosecrans will be such as will tend
to build up and strengthen that tottering:
sister Republic," meaning Mexico. As
the evening wore on Mr. Stevens drop
ped off into a quiet slumber, from which
he occasionally started, and made sonic
remark, probably on national altars.
One he broke out to Mr. Stevens," Simon, 1
the great questions of the day are recon- i
struction, the finances, and the railway
system of this country.'' he turned
off, and went to sleep. Shortly afterward
he again awoke, and said: `• I believe
Grant will be elected, and that he will
carry out the great Reconstruction laws.''
Mr. S. told him about Morrissey's betting
on Seymour. Ile replied, "I like him
for his pluck." He then conversed with
the Rev. Dr. Emory, Mrs. Smith, his
nephew Thaddeus, and his body-servant,
Lewis West. None of the remarks to
these were specially noticeable, save
ono to his nepliew ; •io whom he said:.
We'll have a nice trip home ; I'll visit
the foundry with you, perhaps,'' mid
then he smiled, as if aware of the impos
sibility of the sm , gestion. Dr. N. Youn!‘,
his physician, called at about 5:311 o'clock
and recommended that no one be al
lowed to disturb him, and that lie must
not be fatigued with talking. He at
the same time pronounced him in a sink
ing condition. Ile constantly ate small
pieces of ice, and appeared to enjoy the
relief allbrded by being fanned. About
nine o'clock two colored clergymen, the
Rev. Mr. Reed, both of the Israel Metho
dist Church, arrived and requested per
mission to see Mr. Stevens and pray with
him. It is a curious coincidence that one
of them stood by the bedside of John
Quincy Adams, and prayed with hint in
his last illness. :Mr. Stevens was asked
whether they should be admitted. He
replied (and these were probably the
last connected words that he uttered) :
Certainly, certainly.'' They entered
the room. He turned on his side, and
I reached his hand to one of them. A
hymn was sung, and a few prayers were
• offered, after which they departed at
ab o ut 8 o'clock. About U o'clock Dr.
Youn: , again called, and had a brief in
terview with his patient. The Doctor
pronounced him dying, and so told him.
Mr. Stevens looked at him, nodded his
head, but made no reply. Dr. Young in
formed the household that his patient
would m all probability die before morn-
Sisters Loretta and Genevieve, of
Providence Hospital, entered the room
at about ii) o'clock. It was now evident
that death was not far distant. Mr.
Stevens became weaker and weaker.
The Sisters of Charity knelt by the bed
and began to pray. Mr. Stevens reached
his hand to (lie of them, and she held it
several minutes. After they had finished
praying. Mr. Stevens took more ice,
and small pieces were put in his mouth
once or twice after that. Thaddeus
Stevens, jr., Simon Stevens, Mr. Smith,
the Sisters of Charity, Mr.:l. Scott Pat
terson, of the Interior Department, and
the servants of the house, were in the
room at the same time. The Sisters of
Charity hind learned through some chan
nel that Mr. Stevens had never been
baptized, and requested his permission
to perform the ceremony. lie said that
he had no objections, amlone of the sisters
took a glass of water, and pouring it on
his head, pronounced the words, "I bap
tize thee, in the name of the Father, and
• of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,
Amen." Mr. Stevens expired precisely
at 12 o'clock, about ten minutes after Ins
baptism. He opened his eves once or
twice, and then closed them forever.
The persons above mentioned' were the
only ones present at the death-scene.
The Sisters of Charity immediately began
to recite the prayers for the dead, which
were soon finished. His death was so
quiet that those in the room, espe. Tally
the women, could not believe till):
was really dad ; bat it was so.
During Wednesday the body was em
balmed, and visited by a number of the
leading men. In the evening a meeting
of citizens of Lancaster comity was held
in one of the rooms of the Capitol, when
appropriate resolutions were adopted.
On the same evening (Wednesday) the
members of the Bar of this city held a
meeting—Hon. A. L. Hayes, President,
and W. W. _Brown and A. S. Slat - maker,
Esc's., Secretaries. Messrs. A. 11. Hood,
Ellmaker, IT. AL North, 0..1. Dickey,
IL B. Swarr, T. E. Franklin. F. S. Pyfer,
I). W. Patterson and R. W. Shenk, Esqs.,
committee appointed for that purpose, re
ported a series of highly appropriate res
olutions and speeches respecting the
private and public character of the illus
trious deceased were made by Messrs.
1100 d, Dickey, Ellmaker, Riley, Reyn
olds, Brown and Judge hays, the Presi
dent of the meeting. Similar meetings
were also held by the City Council, the
School Board, Fire Companies and As
On Thursday evening, pursuant to a
call issued by the Mayor, a citizens' meet
ing assembled at the Court house, which
was organized by selecting His Honor
Mayor Sanderson President, and a num
ber of Vice-Presidents and secretaries.
Various committees were appointed and
speeches made by Major Shenk and W.
A. Wilson, Est's., when the meeting ad
journed until Friday evening:
On Friday evening an adjourned meet
ing of citizens reassembled, when all ar
rangements for the funeral were made
perfect. A meeting of colored citizens—
Rev. James V. Pierce, President—was
also held at the African iml. E. Church,
when appropriate resolutions were adopt
ed, recognizing the deceased as the true
and well-tried friend of their race.
On the same day :t proclamation was
issued by our patriotic Governor, Geary,
formally announcing the death of TAD
DEIrs STEN' Exsto the people of Pennsylva
nia, and directing that all the departments
at the state Capital be closed during the
funeral solemnities on Monday.
A similar prochunation was'also issued
by the Mayor of this city, requesting a
general suspension of business in respect
to the memory of Mr. Stevens.
During Saturday, thousands of citizens
proceeded to the late residence of Mr.
Stevens to see his remains.
Un liesi.lay, the la.st tribal' re
spect for the deceased was offered by
tells of thousands who came pouring into
the city from this county, and in regular
and special trains from Philadelphia,
Reading, liarrisburg, West Chester,
York and other localities. The day was,
indeed, a day of solemnity. Among the
thousands who participated, were strong
delegations of colored people from Phil
adelphia, Reading, Harrisburg, Columbia
and other towns, proving by their pres
ence that they fully appreciate the loss
of their best friend.
The places of business throughout the
city closed at one o'clock, P. M., and re
mained closed during the remainder of
the day. The offices of the Examinee,
the Enquirer,the Express, and of FATHE tt
ABRAHAM, and the Post Office, and sev
eral leading hotels were shrouded in
mourning. Flags were tlying at half
mast, mid nearly all the shutters of
private houses throughout the city were
At 3 o'clock—after some appropriate
and impressive religious services, by Revs.
Kremer, Bigler and Nevin, the proces
sion, under the direction of Col. W. L.
Bear, moved up South Queen to Centre
Square, up East King to Lime, up Lime
to Chestnut, and out Chestnut to the
Shreiner Cemetery. The procession was
formed in the following order
The Municipal Officers ; County Offi
cers; United States Officials ; Medical
Faculty ; Members of the Press ;_ Arent
hers of Collegiate Institutions; Officers
of Public Schools; the Governor and
Heads of Departments ; Benevolent As
sociations ; Judges of Courts of the State ;
Members of the Bar; relatives of de
ceased ; the Union League of Philadel
phia, Reading, Harrisburg, Lebanon,
West Chester, Mechanicsburg and other
places; colored delegations from Phila
delphia, Reading and other towns, and
citizens generally.
The ceremonies at the grave were par
ticularly solemn and appropriate. The
burial service of the Lutheran church
was read by Rev. W. V. tiotwald, and
an eloquent address was delivered by
Rev. Dr. Mombert, of the Episcopal
church, and concluding remarks by Rev.
E. Jr. Gray. Chaplain of the U. S. Senate.
The psalm Rest in Peace •' was sung
by a choir under the direction of Prof.
Glell'er, and the ceremonies closed finally
with the benediction of Rev. C. 11. For
ney, late Chaplain of the Pennsylvania
house of Representatives.
"... t AOII are WV. Ivol must grie w h,," ov„r tlu
. .
Of tltat which once \vas pvat is passf4l away
'WADE Ilotr.rox, who is now one of
the leading men of the Copperhead party,
in a recent speech, said: I want you
all to register an oath not to submit to
any art of Congress disfranchising men
because they have been true to the cause
of the South. against the hireling soldiers
of the Radicals. I want all our people
to vote. and their votes shall be counted,
and if there is a majority of white votes,
we mean to put Sqmour and Blair in the
White llouse, in spite of all the bayonets
that may he brought against us.
Cu ve et e i
Grant's personal habits and tastes are
exceedingly simple. lie despises the
pomp and show of empty parade, and, in
his severe simplicity and manly pride,
he scorns all adventitious aids to popu
trity. He lives plainly himself, and can
not tolerate ostentation or extravagance
in those about him. His mess was never
luxuriously, though always bountifully
furnished with army rations, and such
supplies as could he transported readily
and easily in the limited number of
wagons that he permitted to follow his
headquarters. his appetites are all under
perfect control. He is very abstemious,
and during his entire Western campaign
tie' officers of his staff were forbidden to
bring wines or lititows into camp. He
has been mpresented as one of the most
taciturn of Men, and in otw respect he is
such. He never divulges his thoughts
till they are matured, and never aspires
to speech-making; and even in private
conversation he falls into silence if he
suspects that lie is likely to be reported.
He is the most modest of men, and no
thing annoys bhn more than a loud pa
rade of personal opinions, or personal
vanity; but with intimate friends, either
at howe or around the camp-tire, lie talks
noon all subjects not only fluently and
copiously. but in the most charming and
, rood-natured manner.
His life has been too busy to read his
tory or technical works, but lie has al
ways been a close and careful reader of
the newspapers. He has a retentive
memory, and is deeply interested in all
matters which concern the interests of
humanity, and particularly in his own
country. Upon all such subjects, in fact,
upon all the vital questions of the day,
he thinks carefully and profoundly, and
expresses himself' with great ease and
mood sense. His understanding is of that
incisive character that soon probes a
q u e stion to the. bottom, no matter how
much the politicians or newspapers may
labor to confuse ; while Ids judgment is
so deliberately, honest. and truthful in
its operations that it may be implicitly
relied upon to arrive at a fair and unbi
ased conclusion. his memory is stored
with personal incidents illustrative of
nice and manners in all parts of the
country, showing that he has evidently
been a profimnd student of human nature
throughout human life; his appreciation
of men and character has never been
surpassed. This was well shown in the
reorganization of the army after he be
came Lieutenant General. It is well
known that lie did not fail in a single
instance where a change was made in
putting the right man in the right place.
This was due neither to change law snap
. judgment, but to his habit of careful ob
Ile warms toward a bold, outspoken,
and loyal nature ; full of ardor and zeal
himself. he naturally admires these quali
ties in others. Ile has no patience with
a weak, complaining. and selfish disposi
tion, and cannot endure doulde-dealing
or indirectness of any sort. Straight for
ward and frank himself. he respects these
qualities wherever they are fimnd. In
deed. the most striking peculiarity of his
nature, both as a man and a General,
is a profound and undeviating truthful
ness in all things:. Those %vim have
known him best will beau• a willing testi
mony to the statement that he never told
a falsehood, or made a voluntary misrep
resentation of fact; and will believe us
that it would be almost as impossible for
him to do so as tier the needle to forget
its fidelity to the pole.—.Daila's Life of
Marion county, Texas, is being actively
canvassed by the Democrat:: in their Pe
culiarly effective manner. One letter
from Jell'erson says:
"The Inob of Ku-1 lnxers go the rounds every
night. The morning ,mestion now is. - What
did the Ku-Kluxers has' night They visited
a shale last and killed one negro and
beat another almost to death. The charge
agam,.,t the negriK , s was that they would not
the Loyal League and join the Dem
()oral i‘• 'Mb. The negmes are badly fright
ened. not knowing which of them will Is called
upon next and killed. This mob of the Kn-
Klux is composed chiefly of boys about town.
II is nuderstomi whother are.-
Allotlie:. 1y icr of sulk,equela date says
•• Th e killing g.ics bravely on. - night.
two white ;nest were killed at the saint , place
where be!ao•.s Vile tbo nigh: betbre.
The!•• 1 ••• ::‘• !bat Ihe sotto party Is
doing it ;di. Thoy can 14' ideni 6.11. halt 111051
who know theta are afraid to testify. Every
body knows who :no the guilty party, and yet
u•it Hug is d.,110. They 114-1 that th ere are
many who pass f , r gloat citizens who like to
SO Oit going on. _Many have disehargod from
their employmont, frecdohtn who have de
clined to join the I/clutter:ale club. This has
notch to do with encouraging t h e young drink
ing and reckles men idkmt tOWII to do as they
are doing—killing illy!' every night. They can
Ik 80011 et fay night in uls of eight or ten,
armed to the teeth, on horsehaek. They have
sworn to have certain ones. Thins are terri
lde here at 111. Letting worse. Every one asks hi
ti.t inornitt,‘. •• Who vas killed last night ?"
Ilow many?"
--..- vow
BLAIR kissed a baby out west the other
(lay. The baby has been drunk ever since.
NO. 12.