Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, August 14, 1868, Image 2
"tather ;Abraltain." CIRCULATION Off' ER 6500 RAUCH, 14:mToas L PUBLISIIEILS, THOS. 13 . cocIIRAN, LANCASTER, PA FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, ISGS. "I shall hare no policy of my own to en force against the will of the people."—GßANT. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. " MATCH 'EM." — .el, V •A 75 ' Ig. ki o.e aN, • . a k I v..,iv, ' ..h.,,, i I- ' I :,:-W - . .. , - -- -z - - - - - -1 , ,. ----;-,- - • k ..., ---sq . 1 `4, , - • I - zi i ..": 1 / 4 1....7 •'',' '.!.' NAT ,T021'..1 L TICKET. rpesid , Ht: Gen. ULYSSES S. GRANT, OF TILE UNITED STATES Tice President: SCHUYLER COLFAX, OF INDIANA STATE TICKET. Auditor General: (fen. J NO. F. HAUTUANFT OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY Surveyor General: Gen. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, OF CAMBRIA COUNTY TERMS OF FATHER ABRAHAM. Invariably in Advance : ono copy to one address • .50 Clubs of live and upwards, each .40 With an extra copy for every twenty subscribers. Address, RAUCII & COCHRAN, Editors and Publishers, Lancaster, Pa Reading. Our Reading branch office is at No. 606 Court Street, opposite the Court House, where subscriptions will be re ceived for FATTIER ABRAHAM. TERMS REDUCED! We have just reduced our terms of subscription to fifty cents for a single subscriber, and forty cents each for clubs of five and upwards, with an extra cop) for every twenty. Now get up your clubs, and send them on. CII l t d l ll fl tes The following gentlemen are promi nent candidates for office at the primary elections on the 15th instant : .For Congress-I'IIAI )I)Et7 s STEVENS. 'For Itnpre.Selltat IVCS—CA PT. A. COI /SHALE, MA.!. A. C. lIEiNoEur., JAcon G. PETELs. CAPT. W. 1). RE' TZ El.. For Conan is4ioi wers—Joi ARMSTRONG, JAcon C. KBEADY For District Attorney-4;EOIME Bnt•BAKEI:, BENJAMIN F. BAEn. JACOB B A3IWE“. DEATH OF HON. THADDEUS STEVEIITS To the Republican Voters of Lancaster Conn y. The sudden death of Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, our beloved and distinguished I Representative in Congress, which sad event took place at Washington on Tues day, the 11th inst., at 12 o'clock midnight, devolves upon the Republican party the painful duty of nominating his successor in the XLlst Congress, and also a person to fill his unexpired term of the present session. This sad event, occurring on the eve of the Republican Primary Meetings, renders it impracticable, even if it would be considered proper, to make arrange- ments for a new nomination at this time. The undersigned, therefore, after consul tation with members of the County Com mittee and other friends, would suggest that, as a fitting tribute of respect to the memory of our most able and distinguish ed Champion of Freedom and JustiCe, the 'unanimous vote of the party be cast for the name of THADDEUS STEVENS at the ensuing primary meetings. At the same time the members of the new County Committee will be chosen, who Will be empowered to make the necessary arrangements for a special election to nominate. a candidate to fill the vacancy caused by his death. M hRTIN S. FRY, Chm'n Rep. County Com STE LESS IS DEAD! Millions of freedom-loving people throughout the land are mourning the death of the Great Commoner and ever relialde champion of Liberty and Ilti manity—THADDErs STEVENS I Like Moses of old, he has spent forty years of his eventful and glorious life in leading a persecuted race through the dreary wilderness of oppression and slavery, and very near the end of the journey, and after many trials and extraordinary endurance and self sacrifice, he was per mitted to see, in the evening of his life, in the little distance beyond, the future land of real freedom and equal rights for all men. The messenger of death called him hence at twelve o'clock on Tuesday night, August 11th, and he departed, as he lived, the noble, fearless and most de voted friend of all mankind. An en lightened and patriotic people have the consolation to believe and feel, on this day of sadness and mourning, that his soul now enjoys the rich reward of a blissful immortality near the Throne of Almighty God ! 'flee Primary LYcr•tious. The primary elections throughout the county of Lancaster, to-morrow, (Satin.- ' day)pre of vital importance,and the honest 1 and patriotic Republican people owe it to themselves to secure the nomination of their best and truest men. We have noth ing to say against any individual whose name appears on the list of candidates ; each one may be competent and worthy for all we know. But, we do say, on be half of the many who are not represent ed in conclaves of Thugs and Rings, that the nominations should be fairly made, and the popular will respected. Let every interest be represented in the pri mary election boards. Let evey one who would assure honesty and fairness be present and see that the votes are hon estly counted in each district, and the re turns correctly made. We have reason to fear that the secret tactics of the oath bound organization of office seekers and political jobbers which is known to ex ist in our midst, contemplate fraud in voting and counting, if necessary to se cure plunder—the only object of their combination. Let every Republican en deavor to make himself familiar with the rules adopted for the regulation of these elections, and see to it that the rights of the minority as well as the majority in each district are respected. All we in sist upon is that honesty and fairness, which was intended to be secured when the Crawford County System" was ad opted; that the Republican people, and not the secret ring managers shall rule the party. As to the individual candidates, we de sire to say as little as possible. We do hold that the two gallant soldiers, Capt. Godshalk and Major Reinoeld are en titled to a renomination, according to the established usages of the party, because they have been good and faithful public servants. The public record of each is clear. They did represent their consti tuents honestly, and according to the best of their ability and judgment, which fact no one pretends to deny. But be cause they could not be used for corrupt purposes, the chiefs and managers whose tactics are adopted in secrecy, are doing all in their power to defeat them. A communication appears in another column, which is from what we believe to be a reliable and- responsible source, giving the names of the ticket selected and agreed upon by the secret combina tion referred to. Our Mount Joy corres pondent goes far to corroborate what " Fifth Ward" says, and our own obser vation leads us to the same conclusion that the individuals named compose the ticket as alleged. In saying this we do I not denounce as unworthy all who are thus named, and we lay these communi cations before our readers for what they are worth. As independent Republican journalists, claiming the confidence of the REPUBLICAN PEOPLE we cannot do less. We desire to bring out the entire Republi can strength in October and November, to the tune of SEVEN THOUSAND BIAJORITY for our State and national tickets, and to do this we insist upon a fair and honest ex pression of the popular will, and the se lection of true men as our local candi dates. In view of the fact that these chiefs and managers have' secretly united upon a ticket of their own, and mean to steal enough of honest votes to put it through on Saturday, we might be tempted to counsel a union or effort to concentrate against them, but we could not do so without apparant unfairness toward a number of good. and worthy candidates. We therefore leave the matter where it properly belongs—with the honest and intelligent Republican voters of the coun ty, confident that they will discharge every duty in a manner becoming a pa triotic and intelligent party. 1 1 1V17 141.-_]l - Z A We believe we have the very best means of knowing how the great Repub lican cause is moving along in Pennsyl vania. We daily receive letters from all sections of the State, written by the most active, influential and intelligent men of the party, mid all testify, in the most un qualified manner, as to the deep-seated de termination of the people to finish up tho great work of national reconstruction ac cording to the Republican Congressional programme. We might present at least one hundred extracts from letters recent ly received, and each one assuring us that in his particular locality the party is in a better condition than ever before ; that not a single Republican can be found who is not openly and heartily for Grant, Colfax, Hartranft and Campbell, whilst many honest Democrats do not hesi tate to declare their determination to vote the same way. The Copperhead leaders depend en tirely upon the game of brag, with which they hope to secure the " floating vote," but we feel very safe in assuring our friends that there is not now the slightest cause of doubt as to the result in this glori ous old Keystone State. All we have to do is to ORGANIZE, so as to poll our entire vote. We have a clear and unquestion able majority of at least twenty-live thou sand, and nothing but gross negligence can possibly defeat us. Our accounts from the Copperhead counties, such as Berks, Lehigh, North ampton, Carbon, Schuylkill, York, Bed ford, Fulton, Lycoming, Clinton, Colum bia, Northumberland, Sullivan, Mont gomery and Bucks are particularly en couraging. Indeed, we cannot imagine how the prospects of a grand Republican victory in October and November could be better than they appear to us at this time. We repeat that our means of knowing are the very best, not excepting even the efficient Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee. We never did, and never will, knowingly deceive the people—certainly not those of our own political faith, and fully appreciating the importance for our own sakes, of being found reliable and truthful, we do not hesitate to pronounce Pennsylvania en tirely safe—sure to elect I-lartranft and Campbell by a large majority in October next, and Grant and Colfax in Novem ber by sweeping vote. Yet we entreat our friends everywhere to attend to all min ute details of thorough organization, and thus guard against the bare possibility of disaster. Leaving the Foul Party Gen. J. Bowman Sweitzer, always a Democrat of Alleghany county, and a gallant soldier in the war, declares for Grant and Colfax. Hon. T. W. Green, a long tried Dem ocrat of Indianapolis, Ind., is on . the stump for Grant and Colfax. Surveyor General Sleeper, of Leaven worth, Kansas, a Democrat has quit the Copperheads. lion. Daniel Killen, a prominent Dem ocrant of Wyandotte, Kansas, has gone and done likewise. P. 11. Silbey, of Calfornia, a member of the Democrat State committee, has written a scathing letter against the Cops., and is for Grant and Colfax. John Belfroy, who published a Demo crat paper at Minneapolis, Minnesota, can't go Seymour and Blair, and is now publishing a Grant and Colfax paper in Meeker county, in that State. The Elmira Gazette, the only Copper head daily in Chemung County, New York, has come out.for Grant and Colfax, declaring Horatio Seymour can not and should not be elected President. The Elmira Advertiser says it is understood that no attempt will be made to establish another Democratic paper in that city. John Fehr, Jr., of the firm of Fehr & Myer, proprietors of the extensive Au lenbach Hall restaurant, city of Reading —heretofore an active and influential Democrat—is out openly and above board for Grant and Colfax. The Republicans of Bethlehem ; Pa., have just formed a Grant and Colfax Club. Among the signers of the Consti tution are several gentlemen, heretofore claimed as Democrats. They can't go the Main. So we go ! IN order to meet the mails on Thurs day evening, and lay FATIIEI3, ABRAHAM before our readers on Friday, we are compelled to go to press Wednesday noon. We are therefore without an ac count of the circumstances attending the death of Hon. Thaddeus Stevens. BY a very provoking mistake, a small number of our edition of July were packed and mailed to a club of sub scribers in this county, last week. Of course, we promptly forwarded the right papers, as soon as the mistake was made known to us. ,I 3 lAM. Stare Fiyhting Crippled Soldiers When Captain Godshalk was shot down on the battle-Held and bravely sub mitted to the loss of a limb—almost life itself—in the defense of our homes and the liberties we enjoy, the cry was heard everywhere : honor to our brave de fenders—they shall never be forgotten." Yet now we witness a most disgraceful attempt on the part of a ring of bold, cor rupt and desperate men, banded together in secrecy—men who, during the war kept themselves far in the rear, play ing the part of bounty brokers and speculators—to defeat this same Captain Godshalk and his equally brave com rade in arms, Major Reinoehl ! And why? Simply because they have been honest and faithful Representatives of the people ;—because they were not en gaged pilfering and treasury robbing, committing mileage frauds, and selling their votes in the Legislative lobby to the highest bidders. To this patriotic party or clique, or ring, or call it what you will, belongs the honor of trying to crush a one-legged soldier ! Shame ! Carbon C'o►tnty. Our friends in Carbon are " up and doing." They have nominated the fol lowing excellent ticket: Congress—Daniel Kalbfus ; Assembly —Capt. J. D. Laciar; District Attorney— Col. J. D. Bertolette ; Commissioner— Capt. James Thomas ; Coroner—Lieut. John Brelsf ,rd ; Auditor—Lieut. Thomas Mussel man. With such an efibrt as the fire-tried Republicans of little Carbon are able to make, this ticket will be triumphantly elected, except Congress and Legislature, as the district of the former consists of Carbon, Wayne, Pike, Monroe and Northampton, and the latter of Carbon and Monroe, which also contains too much dead weight of bad copper even for such a popular nominee as Capt. Laciar, editor of the Mauch Chunk Gazette. A Ip►ecimen. Toombs, of Georgia, who doubtless yet expects to call the roll of his slaves in Boston, at any rate have a place in Sey mour's Cabinet, in a late speech declared that he—Seymour—" had been true to the South—true in peace and true in war." As for Frank Blair, he spoke in terms of beautiful moderation, thus : The lteennstrnetimi acts are mill and will, and shall not stand • • The grinning skeletons which have been set im in mu midst as legislators shall be ousted by Frank whom our party has expressly appointed .for that purpose. All these things shall he swept away from the bosun of the country." The Lanca4ter indorses these sentiments as sound Democratic doctrine, and thinks them, like their au thor, eminently suited to the times. • •fl. UP BO Y 8 AND AT THEM; NOW IS THE TIME TO GO TO WORK THE ISSUE IS JOINED ! THE BATTLE 18 DRAWING ON Close up the ranks and get ready for the conflict ! Grant is at the head, and will unfailingly lead us to VicTonr. VICTORY REQUIRES WORK! NOW IS THE TIME TO BEGIN! WE this week owe the thousands of FATHER ABRAHAM'S readers abroad an apology for occupying so much of our space with local political matter. The county ticket will be nominated to-mor row, and by next week we will be in reg ular line of battle against the common enemy. Our battery will in future com mand the entire field. ONE THOUSAND MORE! Since our last issue we have received a . fraction over ONE THOUSAND new sub scribers. We must and will have ten thousand before the close of the present month. WE welcome the new Daily a live and spicy Republican paper just started at Williamsport, Pa., by E. W. Capron, Esq.—six cents per weeks, $3.50 a year. ...... eur korrtspenttence. MOUNT JOY, August 8, 1868 EDITORS OF FATHER ABRAHAM : I think you are fairly entitled to the thanks of every honest Republican for the prompt and very efficient manner in which you have exposed the corrupt transac tions of several politicians in whom we have heretofore confided. Mr. Arm strong's mileage draft at Harrisburg, which seems to be clearly proved against him, settles his case. But, according to the reports here, he is very strongly in favor of a certain candidate for the Leg islature—Mr. Stmny. Why ? Has Mr. Armstrong an axe to grind, and is Mr. Sunnily to turn the grind stone? Or, does he want him to cover up his moccasin tracks at Harrisburg? We would like to know, for we want no more Armstrong's to represent us in the Legislature. B. MESSRS. rAucII ANT) COCIIR AN : The Republicans of the 01(1 Guard want to know how to vote on Saturday in order to avoid the candidates secretly nomin ated in the sand stone county building at the head of East King street. I have the very best authority for saying that they have agreed upon the following ticket : Assembly-1V . W. Hopkins, J. G. Peters. Karon 11. Sunnily and Dr. J. G. Gatchell. District Attorney—George Brubaker. County Commissioner—J. (2. Krcady. Prison Inspectors—Henry Pownall and M. 11. Shirk. • Directors of the Poor—George Fry and Conrad Gast. Auditor—George :Whatley. The leading oath-bound Thugs in each township and district will all endeavor to concentrate the vote upon these candi dates. I have nothing to say against any particular individual secrectly nominated on this Thug ticket, but I do protest against the conspiracy which exists, not to promote the Republican cause, or to relieve the tax payers, but to secure for themselves position and power. .4ralant's cps. WHEN Blair, in 18G0, during the cam paign in Indiana, branded the Copper heads as a "vile, miserable party," and abused Douglas so fiercely, Dan. Voor hees called Blair the "prince of black guards." Blair in return branded Voor hees as a "hell-hound." Now the "hell hound" supports the "prince of black guards." A nice couple, truly. SUPPORTERS of G rant—S he rma n , She ri dan, Thomas, Meade, Farragut, and eight out of ten other loyal officers and men who fought under the Stars and Stripes during the Rebellion. Supporters of Seymour 13eauregard, Forrest, Ilamp ton, Semmes, Toombs and nine-tenths of the rebels who fought under the Stars and Bars. This fact needs no comment. THE Clearfield Raftsmen's Journal says that ex-Governor Bigler is not danger ously ill," as reported, but " that he was quite sick on his way from the Demo cratic Convention, the nominations have ing turned his stomach." Senunes, the pirate and murderer, says: " I have been a Democrat all my life—before the war, during the war, and since the war. It was a Democratic war, and we fought it from beginning to end on Democratic principles." J. JACKALL, proprietor of a lager beer saloon and Democratic Headquarters in the lower part of the city of Philadelphia, was arrested on Tuesday of last week, for beating his wife and keeping a dis orderly establishment. Jackal! is a Dem ocrat. IN Virginia the Democrats have one Lafayette Washington, a negro and Virginian, stumping the State against the new - Constitution. lie is regarded with great favor by the Democra( l 7y, and is fully recognized as a "man and a brother." TnE Chairman of the Copperhead State Central Committee admitted to a friend that it is barely possible to carry Pennsylvania for Seymour. LET every 'Union man remember that the rebellion against the national au thority commenced during Buchanan's administration, and that he persistently refused to raise an arm in defense of the old flag THE Lancaster Intelligences don't find room for half the speeches that are made for Seymour and Blair. Even 'Tamp ton's speech it has not _printed, while the speeches of Toombs, Semmes, Vance & Co. are entirely ignored. TuE Mobile Tribune says : "If we are successful in electing SEYMOUR and BLAIR, we shall regain all we have lost during the war, and we are.safe in saying we shall again be masters of the political situation." AN ardent Copperhead sheet published in Texas tells us to go to It—. Thank you 1 'We never did attend a Copper head pow-wow and we are too old to be gin it. WHAT have the Blair's in common with the Copperhead party ?—La Crosse Democrat. Answer—A taste for bad whiskey. Wny are the nominees of the New York Copperhead Convention the most popular ever made ? Because they please all the Republicans and nearly half the Copperheads. AT a raising in Porter township, Hunt ingdon county, Pa., a vote was taken on the Presidential election. The vote stood: Grant and Colfax, 75; opposed, 'B. THE La Crosse Democrat has the largest circulation of any Copperhead sheet in the country, because all foul " birds of a feather flock together." In 186'3 the New York Herald, speak ing of Seymour, said : He can talk more without saying anything, and write more without meaning anything, than any other man now living. HEN de leit im sin widder an fersuffener Schweinbeltz 'leckta for Vice-President ? Wann so wella, donn lus se yusht for der Blair vota, for er kaun der Andy John son beeta saufa all hollow. A Copperhead orator remarked the other day that " nothing can be well done that is done in a hurry." How about catching fleas, Mr. Cop? THE trouble with Seymour is not that he called the murdering, cowardly draft mob his friends, but that they were his friends. THE Albany Argus says it wants " a return to the rule of old-tashioned Cop perheadism." That's what Hampton, Cobb, Semmes, and the other rebels want. PENNSYLVANIA was invaded by the rebels July 1, 1863; New York, July 3, 1868. OIL and whiskey—Seymour and Blair FIFTH WARD