Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, August 07, 1868, Image 1

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,-..-- " 7f7th malice towards none, with for " ,, •VA \-. ' ',, • - care for him who shall hare borne the battle, and
.:„-.::.-----:--- all, with ji rin ness in the right, as God gives les for his widow and his o2phan, to do all which. may
to see the right, let lls strive on to finish the 7POI'A7 f,, , Ai, 5.,1 . 2 .. ~ achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace
, ki , e , A.,,5•% , ...
we are in; to bind up the nations wounds; to - -, - , fr:iV.::f.',..* among ourselves and with all nalions."-4. Z.
,',- 4*--' „,'•,'.4.47'N:,
VOL 1.
-13 -
E. 1.1. RAUCII
Adjoining IV. G. Baker's Drug Store and J. Marshall
& Son's Shoe Store,
A limited number of nn will be taken
at the following rates
Fifteen cents per line for the first insertion, and
ten cents per linc for each Nnbs,quent insertion
Those all vertising for the Cam liaign of six months
will he charged as follows
Ors SQL - A RI; (of ten lines)
Two so•A
Larger advcrtisctnents by contrauct
Bills for adrertisent<nis cbtic,lsble after A,'frslLi-
i' BC) ES;, I 1 6 1.,
Al' LAW,
Office : N. r. , ; Last t,
fl .1* . DI('K E
. Avr t Ey AT LAS'.
ippici.:—tiMrlll QUEEN Street, soooild boost.
below Ito" `• Emilitailin Laitc:isl,r, Pa.
OP•Fict.:—No. 11 NOUTII. K Street, w,.,1 side,
north or the Court Laucast,•r, Pa.
OPPRT—WitIi IL Livingsivn, NORTH. DUKI.
Street, Larleater,
• ArrollNKl" AT LAW,
OF•Prcr —With 1. E. !Hester, N()RTII DUKF
Street, near the Court House, Lanea.ster, Pa.
OFFicu—No. 3 SOUTH DUKE Street, Lanea.ster,
.I . ll' )Ii.: 4 :EY AT LAW
Orrica—No. 19 NORTIII/CICE Street, &MGM
ter, Pa.
rrouxEy AT LAW,
°Feu:IL—No. 5 NORTH DUKE Street, Lnneas
ter, Pa.
T li. 11 II 9C II ,
OirraE—With General J. Ti. Fisher, NORTH
DUKE Street, Lancaster, Pa.
OFFICE—No. 16 "NORTH DUKE Street, Lancru+-
ter, P.
Oss.ica—No. 4 SOUTH QUEEN Street, Lancas
ter, Pa.
OFrica—No. 25 SOUTH QUEEN Street, Lan
caster, I'a.
OFFICB—NO. 30 NORTH DUKE Strout, Lancas
ter, Pa.
OpncE—No. 8 SOUTH QUEEN Strout, Lanuae
ter, Pa.
Opsncn—No. 28 NoRTR DUKE Street, Lancas
ter, Pa.
No. 135 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia
No. 46 North Sixth Stroot, Reading, Pa.
No. 604 COURT Stroet, (oppoalte the Court Howe)
Reading, Pa.
No. 28 NORTH SIXTH Streot, Roading, Pa.
PUBLIC, No. `..n NORTH SIXTH Street, Road
ing, Pa.
No. 134 SOUTH FIFTH Stroot, Reading, Pa.
A Copperhead named Walker, hailing
from Montgomery county, was last week
arrested in the city of Philadelphia, and
committed by Alderman Eggleton, on a
charge of stealing four dollars and a
watch from Frank MeClusky.
" us liwo• 1 . 0:le 1 - is the chore.; a, , ,emi,lma
rent htinlets that Pe 'mil the ]rim , coirled
And gitel anthem in unison
Floats on till the phtin Iviih mel,hly thrills;
riN , TS that roll to lII' laml of the ,N - est,
And prairies that wake to the hymn of the
IVith freoinen imploring flu. rest,
Swell psalms; of rejoieing Nvhile lwitiling the
- .1.4 A us have Peace !" front the wars wild
• COl.lllll, 6011,
The I rtilltperS ILLLIMS, anti Lilo crash of the
And kr the row Miss like the billows of (wean,
Roll over the land where the Hero has
kneeled ;
Th e smoke of the battle has swept from the
The thunders have ceased, and the bugle's
wild blast ;
The chains have been riven! and loud front on
alio reveille calls to the love of the Past!
"LE r us itAvE PEAcli:" in a holy thanks-
The Hero-voice cries, in the name of the
For the sake of the dead ! for the sake of the
Turn spears into pruning hooks—to plow
shares the sword !
And out of the darkness shall conic forth the
Of Glory - 's bright, sun where the foeman
have trod,
And Freedom shall teach, with a truth all re
Certain Democratic journals have lately
labored hard to induce the belief that our
National expenses are enormous, that
the public debt is being increased instead
of diminished, that taxation is more oner
ous, and that the Republican party, hav
ing a two-thirds majority in both houses,
is responsible therefor. In answer to
certain inquiries of the Hon. Wm. B.
Allison, of lowa, Special Commissioner
Wells has written a letter, containing the
following specification :
I. That the National receipts of rev
enue from all sources, for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1868, were substantially
$406,300,000, and the aggregate expenses
$371,550,225, of which $141,635,551 13
was on account of interest on the Public
Debt (nearly $16,000,000 of this being
due mainly to payments on Account of
accumulated interest on the Compound
Interest Notes, and which will not ap
pear in future interest disbursements),
thus leaving an estimated surplus of re
ceipts over expenditures, for the year ending
June 30, of $34,749,777.
IL Since the war the amount of Taxes
abated or repealed is $167,269,000, and
coincident with this reduction the aggre
gate of the National indebtedness has
been reduced $250,000,000. On this abate
ment the reduction of the interest, calcu
lated at six per ceutum, would be fifteen
millions per annum.
111. T he aggregate expenses of the
War Department from . April 1, 1865, to
June 30, 1868, were $917,117,043 43,
$647,688,000 (or 70 per cent. of the whole)
being used the last nine months of 1865,
in paying off our troops_ and other neces
sary war expenses. The balance, 8269,-
428,987 10, covers a period of thirty
months, and represents disbursements
" Let Us Haire Peace."
[(;(11. %('
ti.v\ ;:. lb , cry 11.1! 1:111-
l fhl• arr . %
the In,
Tk the prapT ef the the i f (2‘,• .1-
`l"lutt r,)11.; front rho 111));t1ti.tin to 1 1 .t.ty.1 la)
Coe sea.
The nal i 4414 ;LOA 4;44;'141e41 111 11ie 101111;0;4 ;11141
1I ll: drill,d t., thn
;t: I ti. 11.ii1
1,,4(...s that propht , c, 'nor
Lave 1 , , lip , , 1•_;li .4 . ilia 1(0")v.
Flea r;:tk itt tI R valo Llto
AVlp) Inciurn their (loprlod
1I lv.
An.i hug i l wiwio zov p tremilany
1111! 11 IDA,' -1 - likilw\ it. - in !i!,'ir
an , 1,..1;11!!„
T 11,2 10 , 1 ,0,1.
11p1 ;wit). I.;tyr-
:\1:;1.r, I - 3
't .1, 11;IVI. ro.tt',.. - 11,0 vV: 1,A17111
I.! 11 , 01 i th,
I.l•i_fht ,di
I t 11,1,:
filif (1:1:•::1;,--,
ill, 1 ,, I NV 11 , 1. 110'1.1..01! ‘ , l
‘lOl 611,1.11.,
All , l Vlllloll'll rt.po l b , lilt'
Copperhead .3fisreiwesentation.
ftn4her elunnwent upon the determina- What .1 Westero Soldier Sorts of
Lion of the war, regular expenses, the ,
nitmey used ill the Indian War, the pay- A correspondent of the Springfield
awns bounties t±:49,:;50,859 \. payment (Mass.) Republican says:
for property destroyed in the military i 1 - esterdav I enjoyed the pleasure of a
service 1:s 11 .1 toJ 010. reimbursement of • lon g conversation with a gentleman who
State claims 1 0.:;:lo,00m,, r i ver and liar- was with General Grant from the dine of
bor improvements, fortifieations, Indians 7 his entering the service in the late war
Freedmen's Bureau. expenses of Recon- till he was ordered East to take vont
structnal, etc. mood as Lieutenant General. My infor-
IV. From April 1. 1N,',:,. to June 30 7 intuit was a member of the I lth Illinois,
ste-;, the expenditures of die Navy De- whi c h came under General Grant's coin
pirtment were <I 1:l.I ;9.1169 and 45 maul late in the fall of 1 Sed. But long
!ter cent of this. or 550.5.17 , 550 rit-t, were before that the General, then brigadier.
disbursed in the nine months succeeding, was a familiar personage to the 11th for
the termination of the war. The bal- its colonel, W. IL L. Wallace. who fell
:ince covers the regular expenses of the at Shiloh, had been a close friend of
N:tvv for thirty July 311 , j Grant's in Mexico. 111(1 the intimacy was
Isfis, as well as the disbursements of I still maintained. The 11th was stationed
prize money and for the settlement of at Bird's Point, Mo., while Grant held
contracts made before the war ended. command at Cairo, directly opposite.
V. No department of the Government \%
hen the 1 1 th, which had been operat
bas been so 11111(.11 2hused by Gov. Sev
mg under Oglesby. Was attached to
inteir'and Democratic orators generally
Grant's command. that officer was about
as the Freedmen's Bureau. Thee' have as unpopular aas lie well could he ; the
never failed to magnify threefold the cost
t.roops were new to the actualities of
of that institution. Mr. Wells shows war, and the slaughter at Belmont made
that since its organization in I down a deep impression on them : they be
tn it expenses were oid j lieved that Grant fotHit that battle en
5.5,61"1",i 40. This disposes of one-half of tirely on his own judgment, and they
the false statements of these 111(11. rf it were unable to see that any advantages
were possible to find out how much of had been derived from it.
this money teas expended In alleviate
SIMI after the Fort
SllffCl'ill;j:S Of witites,the Democrats might oats idailin,d perfect 5110_
lie shamed into stot:iting the other half c e ss n ulle d the tide of opinion in Grant's
of their abuse. favor. and when, three days later.
Fiwilly„ the expenses contingent upon
lionelson surrendered. Inv informant
the acts of Ecy) ,,- says there was not a soldier, in the army
.`` ll havk' "'Ilk" is who had not perfect confidenve in its
;tl=o 1';11 helots I,','', "lt the leader. Shiloh, which font twed a few
henocrat candidate Pres Mont awltrecl;s later. my friend knows no t,i i i i p, of
hi , 11111 t; T/';//lluc. persotusliV. as the presence of six bullets
in his body, SWlVt'llil's of Difileisull, telll
itorarily checked his military career.—
WCOLS later he I'o re L ri-
Hula. n ol was ztssivual to duty ill iftc '
office of the Adjutant General, 3011 A.
Rawline . s• Hero, for several numths, hi!
saw Grant daily. But," said lie, - a
man niledit see hint every day for years,
and still know very little :Wont him. It
was the feeling - among the troops that
they lint kIIOW Grata—could hilt get
their faiUl ill
him was unqualified, notwithstanding."
I asked my informant if he ever saw
any indication of intemperance in the
General. Ile replied that he never saw
him drink, and never saw him when he
seemed to have been drinking. " I asked
Beckwith," said he, - who was telegraph
operator at Grant's headquarters front
the time he was made Brigadier till the
close of the war, about this, who said lie
had seen hint almost every day for four
years, and never saw on him the slight
est sign of intemperance." Rawlings,
my friend, pronounces him the ablest
executive officer in the service ; he used
frequently to dictate dispatches to six
clerks at once, thus beating Napoleon,
whose limit, I believe, was five.
I cannot give you an idea of the earn
estness with which my friend expressed
his confidence in Grant as an officer and
a man—a faith which, he averred, was
',llO St'l(ll'..l'S and sailors
presented nalti'l* 111.1111ili
atill.j illUil - Cl - 11111'alit,-; lit antis.
(who net at Chicaro,j fraternizing with
such unrepentant rebels as Wade Hamp
, ton, and the F o rt, pillow cut-throat, For
rest. begging and cringing for the recog
nition and fellowship of ste'li traitorous
villi:ulsas Brick Pomeroy, V allandigham,
H. Clay Dean f.X., Co. Truly political
ambition makes strange bell-li.dh)ws fOr
SOldit'l'S as well as politicians. We had
hoped better things of General Siwuni,
Franklin, and Ewing, that they would
not be found associating* with or recog
nizing as fellow-soldiers, other than those
who have an honorable record as such,
and not with such old political prostitutes
as Gen. (?) L. D. Campbell, whose
private military record shows him to have
been •` champai , gling" while connected
with the army, rather than campaigning,
and that his whole military career was a
series of •• mild sprees," climaxing ill an
occasional drunk. And such all array of
Generals, Colonels, Majors, and so on
down the roster ! Men whose names
have never appeared upon the United
States Muster Roll, or if they do, were
either dismissed, dropped, or resigned
early in the war.
Soldiers of the Republic, you who have
nobly fought to preserve our national in
stitutions, you who hold an honorable dis
charge from your government, you who
marched, fought and bled with your noble
leaders, Grant, Sherman, Thomas, Sher
idan, Pope, McPherson, Rosecraus, L o -
gan, and a host of others, are you pre
pared to sacrifice your manhood and
abandon your old leaders and your noble
chieftain, Grant, and train under the
leadership of men whose military prefixes
are mere bought brevets, secured at
the hands of a recreant Chief Magistrate,
as the reward for doing his bidding,
The recognition of the claim of the
soldier was scouted and hooted by the
radical copperheads in the New York
Convention, and but for these, General
Hancock could possibly have been nom
inated, after a hard fought contest against
such Democrats as the rebels Forrest,
Buckner, Wade Hampton, Preston, If.
Clay Dean, Vallandighain and Brick
Pomeroy. How different was it at Chicago.
The soldiers asked to have their chieftain
placed first upon the list, and it wm done
—and done unanimously. How was it
at New York ? After five days struggle,
a soldier was made the tail of the Dem
ocratic kite, a man who is wholly desti
tute of character or principle, in short
a politicalrenegade, a soldier Ivlio has
forfeited his claims as such by
his pru,-
tituting everything .. upon the politi c al
altar, stultifying his past record as a rad
ical, anti-slavery Congressman, and a bit
ter foe of secession, all for the naked
compliment of a nomination, without the
shadow of a hope for an election. Alas
how the mighty have fallen.
THE DIFFERENCE.— Last week a
white man in Missouri was arrested and
taken before a magistrate, for marrying
a colored woman ; soon a crowd gathered
around him threatening him with all
kinds of penalties. The Justice asked
him what his politics was, and on receiv
ing the reply that he was a Democrat,
always had been and always would be,
and that he had been a confederate sol
dier, has fought for the negro and - has
bound to have one anyhow, he was dis
charged and permitted to return home
E(rfiew 1111)16%4v
'rho lit tie sii2. : ,l!Los-connecte,i w ith the
Na I.)t i(m ratiGConvonti“n,dubhol
shared by almost every man who had
served ender the General. Ile could tell
me nothing new la• striking al/1)M the
latter—retuarkinr that he was a man so
self-contident and independent that there
was little about him to tell; his d ee d s
speak for hint. But I thought the testi
mony of a New England boy, who
served four years in one of the most
famous Western reiments, celebrating
his twenty-first birthday in an hospital.
with six rebel bullets for company, and
who worked his way up front private to
captain and assistant adjutant general,
might possess some interest for your
What member of the Confederate Con
gress at Richmond when they ran away
hofore the coming of our victorious le
gions on the gray of that memorable
morning of the 7th of April, 1.4;8, when
they leaped the trenches of Richmond
and carried the banner of truth and
triumph amidst the burning, blazing walls
of the doomed city, what one of the Con
federate members of Congress had not
taken, an oath to overturn the Constitu
tion of the United States? What mem
ber of the legislative assemblies of Vir
ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina,
Alabama. Mississippi. Louisiana and
Texas had not also taken an oath in the
name of the Cf Illf(!Aleracv to overturn the
Constitution of the United State ? This
being so, let the American people an
swer, by what right the alders and abet
ters of this rebellion—the Pendletuns,
the Vallandighams the Seymours--can
come before the imerican people and
say that these rebellious States had a
right to representation in Congress?
THE citizens of Leavenworth, through
their mayor, proposed to give Gen.
Grant a public reception, but he declined
in a note in which he says : I fully ap
preciate the compliment conveyed in the
resolution which you forward, and thank
the City Council and citizens for it ; but
while traveling for recreation, and to in
spect a country with which I have so
much to do and have never seen, I would
much prefer avoiding public demonstra
Gen. Gpant Defining ills Position..
Gen. Grant was one day busy with his
military plans, in the inner part of his
tent. His maps, rules and compasses,
were all in use. His mind ranged over
the vast extent of country undtr his con
trol. Mountains were scaled, rivers
forded, swamps bridged, deserts travers
ed, foreste threaded, storms and sun
shine were overcome, and lie was master
of the situation. Ile was just laying out
his plans of a projected battle, intensely
occupied with the marshalling of his
troops, in their best position for victory,
when his ear caught the inquiry, put to
his orderly, in a strong~, foreign accent:
'• Is de *enerawl in?"
Then came the reply, in a firm, decided
tone, which Gen. Grant understood in
•• Yes, sir, the commanding general is
in but he is very Lust', sir."
Could I zee him a vew momentz?"
He ordered use to sav, sir, that he
would be very much occupied for some
" On de advance, eh?" interrupted the
intruder. ~ 1)1'11 he is going down huller
to de cotton regione ?"
" 1 can't say where he is going, sir; I
don't know. You must leave."
Stramecr became more excited, and
his accent more peculiar.
paing vrend. I have one im
portant proposals to make de generawl,
—a proposal. Illilll' yf
•• I can't hear your •proposal.' Step
out. sir "
" sdop, luine youn:r vrond,--s.dop one
Letle oiomethi. you s:tv to generawl
lat I will inako it out , ohjef-; for
rich speculatioa. You under-
stun', eh ?"'
The orderly was about to force the
base interloper out. with an added tvord
of military :ohm mition . when ti en. ( ;rant
came qui c kly forward. Ile had heard the
whole conversation aud comprehended
the entire case in a moment. It was a
covert assault on his nice sense of honor,
and he was determined to punish it on
the spot. Steppher to the open front of
his tent, the general seized the rascally
operator by the collar, mid, lifting hint
several inches from the ground, applied
the toe of Ins boot to line in such a man
ner that he was pitched out headlong,
falling on the muddy ground, at a dis
tance of nearly ten feet. Before the or
derly could recover front his surprise, the
general had quietly retired to his inner
apartment, and the next moment was as
busily engaged with his maps, and plan
of campaign, as if nothing had happened.
Prowl History.
The history of the Republican party is
indeed a proud record. Inheriting a
bankrupt treasury, a dishonored credit,
and a gigantic rebellion from the traitor
ous Administration which preceded their
advent to power in IS6I, the Republicans
heroically and successfully grappled with
and conquered all these obstacles to the
life and progress of the nation. Theyre
plenished the Treasury; they redeemed
our credit ; they subdued the mightiest re
bellion that ever confronted civil power
_rovernments were instituted among
men ; they struck the shackles fr0m4,000,-
ino of human beings, and gave them every
civil rights under the Constitution and laws
And while accomplishing these herculean
tasks, the Republican party administered
the Government so wisely, that prosper
ity has been all' the time abroad in the
laud; great business enterprises have
been undertaken and successfully prose
cuted; factories have been built; the
forest subdued ; farms brought under cul
tivation ; navigable rivers improved;
thousands of miles of railways construct
ed ; the continent spanned by telegraph
wires ; the two oceans well nigh connect
ed by 0 road of iron ; the emigrant pro
tected on the remotest frontier ; terri
tories carved oat of the wilderness do
main ; and new States of promise and
pother added to the National Union.
What other party in the history of this
country ever confronted such difficulties?
But, great as its achievements have been,
its work is not yet finished. Out of the
tierce conflicts of the recent past, con
flicts indeed are still raging ; order and
truinonv, and friendship,
are yet to be evoked; not, indeed, by un
wise concession and timid compromise,
but by that fhui policy which is based on
111 , in, and under the leadership of one
terri!dy in earnest in war, is yet
to-dav the embodiment of peace, the con
servator of public justice, and the hope
of the loyal millions!
Tits; only difference between Pendle
ton and Seymour is. that Pendleton was
plainer in his measuros. They both
ag - ree—they compliment each other:
Seymour supports Pendleton, and Pen
dleton supports Seymour. They both ad
here to the platform adopted under
the dictation—first, of Preston, of Ken
tucky; second by Wade Hampton, of
South Carolina. and last, but not least,
by Forrest, of Fort Pillow.
ion. Reverdy Johnson has declared
recently that the nomination of Seymour
and Blair virtually settles the question
iu favor of Grant and Colfax.
NO. 10.