~,) t .1 iot., prnnsnligutiscl! )7.lcitsrb,. Brief Fuis Schlijiletown. Sc MA ETOW y, July 28, 1888 MISDER FODDER ABRAILOI DnucKER —Deer Sur : Wain ich net fersprocha het eich zu shreiva we es um Reddinger Singerpesht gonga is de letsht Avoch, done debt kb es glawb ich unnerwegs lussa, for es is rater ebbas glappened das net orrig aw!) - enehm war, un ich gab guns weanich ous gilumot derfoo. Awer weil kb es fersprocha bab,shreil) icll ach yetz alles was ich derfoo wells. De lievvy but obsolut hawa welly das ich derheam I)leiva set, for se hot behawpt das waun ich unnich de dentokrata, kunun dort in der stadt, dour gebts widder amohl so an whisky un lager beer stiff. Awer ich kunsider mich an freier annul, un du yusbt exactly we ich will. Rh gab ehra, awer fershprocha das ich nix shtorkes nemma will except wann fell in kumpanv kumm oder by liter selver bin, on sell hut se danu so halwer gisatislied. Well, des ding war goat ; am Mush dog morga bin it'll free abg'slitart on zu fops an der Railroad Melia geloillt, on 0111 hall) elf fariniddags bin ich in der stadt awkumma. Dart war :iwer amohl an crowd ! Ich wchs net WV mid, on awer ich set denka es wahra anyhow about flirt' on neintsich dausand fun (lenna Singerpeslif cc un about fiertsich dausand ointery. so We iclt MI do kWI'IS fun Klapp bOanilt MidlC, Seiko') Vallee. ;iichnitz breeville. Ibilloabarrick, AlThiskyport un Shofebocktawn. We kit amohl de slarase nut' bin dort net welt lam Depo. wu nice rims eck rum dreht, dart bin ich Jinx HEM- ner un am morrickt lions forbid, on 111N - Vt'r fun sella sheana paslita un greeny :linger d i nt' wit flags on so such wit se of g'fixed hen far de Singerpesliter, dart bin lib untold on a dish of g'slitept, on desk ich, doll is es now net der wart das mer mean acta (hit, for ich bin ]summa for mich zu enjoya, un &lin hub hill amohl linf cent wiert grundniss gokauft, ‘. 011 donn nei in a saloon un amohl a wea nich in lager beer utl Limborricker kale invest. Sell lager, lien se g'sawt, debt fun Len)reshter kunona, utt veil es yusht about gout war, hub ich noch ti glaws full genwnma, till donn hub ich 111110111 mei grundniss gessa, un biu noun in der crowd. Awer es wedder war so orrig wahram das ichs net hab shtanda kenna, un dorm bin ich in an onnerer beer sa loon nei. Sell war aver an ivver outs sheaner platz, un picters hen se of henka kat fum General Macklallin, dee Buck =tin, der Brackanritch under Mister Glimer. Ich Lab of course graved g'seh das sell an soundes deiuokratishes house is, tin das es itch gepatronized wterra mus. Un jell hab itch als shun oft ge leasa das diner so hock das sechtsich 'laws lager drinka kann un das es ehm nix dtft, un doim hab ich gedenkt, doh is now amohl an first raty chance nei zu geh for sich sot drinka. Sivva glesser— elms nosh am onner hab ich amohl der hals nunner geh lussa, un awer, some how, des ding hut doch awfonga, a wen nich zu shaffit in MCI% Ich hab awer net ufgevva, un eh glaivs twat cut onner lab ich fersliteckelt. Zuletsht is niers doch ivvel warra, un donn bin kb amohl nous 1 in de luft, un hab midi dort onna g'huckt uf an keller deer. De auga sin mer shwear warra, un ferbettled will ich sei warm ich net eig'slidola bin. Dann hab ich awfong,a amohl zu drawma, un hab gedrawmt ich wr uf *ern weg ivver de Rocky Moun tains for ins Mormon lond, un awer de cars sin so immer un cawich hulperrich geruunt das ich wacker bin warra, un wu denksht das ich war i Du magsht es now glawa oder net, un awer so gewiss das my nawma Pit Schwetilebrenner is, war ich ivver-tswarrich uf ma chub-konich un tsweh kterls mit so bloke uniforms aw hen midi abgelawda dort on. am cck house, dort, was se der lock-up heasa, du weasht. Des ding hut mer gor net g'falla, un warms uf mich awkumma naer, donn watr ich feel leever uf seller keller deer lieya geblivva. Awer, was will nior evva macha, wane mer in so 'a condition is, un in de kluppa fun so krerls kummt, abbordich soddiche we seller wu . se "Dick" g'heasa hen, for er weegt ufs weanigsht tsweh hunnert un fuftsich pima ! Donn hen se midi in so an dun k-che slitooli net gedoo tut de deer isu un \veil ich net yuslit itt er condition war for nb singerpeslit _eh. !tab iclt mich uf a honk ,cleat, un bin hali sound 'T'sliloftt Lis der negsla wer \vie MI wacker bin warra, bah iclt mich amohl in ()MIMI harter ktanpany 'Titania, for besides mich want drei Eirishe un IMF Sengerpeshter dort rum 'Telen'Tit ! Tsweli fun elma hen blithe auga tin elms fun de Sengerpesh ter hut sei hoot ferlora un an qpnerer hut an grosser shlitz fm buckle full seim ruck . gerissa kat, de gong leitg film colter aw bis ous unnersht end. Ich lab aver ous gefunna das se all sooty demokrata sin We ich ach, un sell war anyhow eh con solation. Ivver a while hen se amohl de deer uf g'shlussa,un ehns noch cm onner in an onuery shtub genumma fore so an grosser ding was se der Mare lieasa, dort wu hinnich tun desk g'huckt hut, nit so bahnishder fensly drum rum. Seller dick, wu mich runner gebrocht hut uf em slmb korrich, seller hut donn alles g'sawt fun weaya we ich dort uf der keller deer g'shloftt ]tub, under Mare but decide das ich drei duller un a ftertle line betzahla mus, un weil ich keh geld meh lab kat except a paar tsehn cent stamps, hen se mich widder dort in selly ski) nei g'shpairt bis der negsht morya ! IVie mci tseit uf war, huts evva g'heasa das des Sengerpesht about ous g'shpielt war, nn ich wtir so disgust mit, das ich zu foos ab g'shtart bin under eons dog gelutlit his noel' Schliffletown. We ich derheam awkumma bin, dorm war aver widder amobl der deihenker lobs ! So we de Bevvy mer regular fits gevva hut fergess ieh net so long ich lea]), un se but deelared das se deht der amohl au breef slm•eiva de negslit woch for hi der FODDER Aur,AlL Ich debt net so fief drum gevva wane se yusht net so hurt w:er of de demo kratish party, for ally 1110111 (las es ebbas ebt so das mer a weanich zu liel drinkt, (hm dot seals de party biennia der derweaya. 101 wells boll net was zu du for de Bevvy widder zurrick of de !;out all demaratish seit eoaxa, for ehra influence henna mer nothwendich braucha des shpoat yohr. Pr T SCIIIVEFF ENNER. .':q , rterteb. N S MEE!B=IBI ADJOURNMENT OP TIER CONVENTION-HMV THE NIININATIoNS WERE RECEIVE!) Aq."IIIE CORNERS. POST 0 PEIS. CON PEI MIT X ROADS (Mel' is in the State uv Kentueky,) July 13, 1868. I didn't stay in Noo York till the Conven shen adjourned, for a most 'excellent reason, to wit, viz: my money run out. The Mile- Sian female with whom I wuz forst to board, required payment in advance, and uv coorse under rich an arrangement there wuz noth ing left for me but to succum. The leuth uv my stay redoost itself to a mere matter uv money. I tried the borrowin dodge, and the cheekin dodge, but good Lord! wat coed I do with an entire Convenshen, all Ur 'em more or less tryin to live in the same way? I left and come home while I cood, and before it was everlastingly tool late. When I left I I spozed titer wuz no doubt uv the nominashen ! uv Pendleton. The "young eagle uv the West" bed received 155 votes, and wuz again ! in and Seymour bed declined so often and so ' persistently that goin back on my yoosuel disbeleef in these fellers, Kevin declined a great many offices myself that I wanted, I reely beleeved the cuss wuz in 'earnist, and saw nothin that cood stand between Pendle ton and success. Ez I left the Ohio river, I got out of the reech uv railroads and telegraphs, and I told the people all along that, Pendleton bed bin nominated on the 16th ballot, and that the country wuz ablaze with enthosiasm for him and greenbax, so certain wuz I uv his sucess. On arrivin at the Corners I tbund that in tense anxiety wuz manifested by the citizens thereof. They were all gathered at Bascom's discussin the matter when I hove in site on a mule wick I bed borrored at Secessionville to ride over onto. " Who is it ?" asks Dekin Pogram, ketchin the mule by the bridle. " Who is it, and wat principles hey we got to support this fall?" "Pendleton and greenbax," shouted I. "Pendleton the young eagle uv the west, who is opposed to the bloated aristocratic bondholders, which wood crush us labrin men into the dust. Pendleton, who beleeves that of greenbax is good enutf for us honest loborin men, they are good enuff for the aristocrat, who like the King in the -nursery rhyme, sits 'in his parlor countin his money. Pendle—" " Enutf!" sed Bascom, "emit!. Save that speech, Parson, till we hey our ratificashun. In the meantime, get off and take suthin. So 1 good do I feel over the result, that I am willin to stand treet for the crowd. Come one, come all." hese few remarks of Bascom's wuz hailed with satisfaction. Ez one man the entire j crowd moved into his place, and as one man they all asswaged their thirst. Bascom can move the Corners quicker than any man in it. `'Vat a happy posishen is hizzin. The next it wuz desided to hey a ratifica shen, that the Corners mite contribbit her mite towards swellin the enthoosiasm on the buzzum uv mlch Pendleton wuz to sweep to glory. We met in the open air, in front of Bascom's, and the inpashent crowd called upon me to give an account of my steward ship. I opened by statin that I went to Noo York under pekoolyerly embarrasin circumstances. The whole money power uv the east wuz ar rayed agin us. The aristocratic Belmont, which is the agent uv the Rothschilds, the money-king uv the world, wux determined to hoist onto the Dimocrisy either Chase the 1-4 1 ATF Z I ; _A_ El A AI. ' UNGRATEFUL. . The Democracy, after forcing their " choice" upon poor Horatio, hang a mill-stone around his nech•. HORATIO SOLILOQUIZETH- accursed Abolitionist, or Seymour the pekool yer pet uv Wall street, wicli street is, 1 may sling in here for the benefit iv my hearers, where the money biziniss is mostly done, and where they sleep on Government bowls and spend the heft uv their time a clippie oil the et nil : ions." " What is coopons?" asked Dekin Poram. I explained to the bessid old saint wat er coo polls wuz, and went on. -This Wall street inflooence wood, my brethren, hey corrupted the Dinmerisy. Wall street came into Tammany Dail and wanted to control our act:shell. But we. NVllZelli to be purchist• The more Wall street offered to enslave the Democrisy, the more your representatives, gloryin hi their man hood, spurned their proffered bribes. We I went their determined to emancipate tile yeomanry uv the country front the bondige uv the bloated bondholder—we went Hair pledged to Pendleton, the young eagle uv the Wt.tit—pledged to tender the bloated bond holder, if we pade them anything, greenbacks for his bloated bonds or nothin. went titer determined to allllihilate this yet Seemore and his bloated supporters." "Bah for Pendleton!" sung out the crowd. " Thi.ee groans for Seputtur, the bloated bonholders' agent." Both cheers and groans were given with a will, and I proceeded. "My friends, you nevelt know wat we, the people's defenders, lied to contend with. The bloated bondholders lied money—we lied none. They were determined to fasten the yoke on yoor necks—we were determined to hist it off. They Will determined to hey Sey mour, with all Wall street at his back, fast ened on to you to grind you into dust, but feeliu that et' he should be nominated we cool never support, him, we riz in our mite and manfully compelled em to withdraw this man and give us the people's choice, Geo. 11. Pendleton, the eagle of the—" At this pint Deckin Pogram's son Gamaliel wuz seen puttin down the hill ez fast ez his mule coed git. Joe Bigler midst hint fast and rusht out uv the crowd to intercept him. The boy lied a noospaper in his hand with Josep took from him and rushed to where I wuz standin on the lied uv a barl. "Here's the last Louisville paper," sed Josef), unfolding it. "Steel I reed it ?" "Reed! reed'!" yelled the crowd'. "Giv us the uooze nil the downfall uv the boated bondholders:" " Before I reed," sed Josep, who lied glanced at the headings ttv the telegraft un, "give three more cheers for Pendleton and greenbacks. Hip, flip—" " Rah !" chbered the crowd. " Now-three groans, and let them be good ones, for Seymour and his cussed doctrine wick will grind us into dust under the heels of Belmont, and aid the furrin capitalists by pay in the bonds in gold!" And they groaned ez heartily ez they cheered. " We, ea Democrats," continued Josep, "hey sworn by our alters and our fires, never to support for any °Ms any man who wood pay a debt inkurred by a unconstitooshnel government in a unconstitooshnel war in anything but the debased currency with that unconstitooshnel government ishood." " Never ! never we sware !" " Very good," said Josep, " This paper wich I hold in my band conveys the afflictin intelligence that on the twenty-second ballot Governor lierasho Seymore, ttv New York, wuz nominated, and that Frank Blair wuz nominated tbr Vice President by acclamation. Ez Seymore is opposed bitterly to Pendleton's greenback policy, I spose, uv coarse, the Corners will repoodiate the ackshen uv the convenshin." And with a laff with wuz devilish in the extreme Josef left the stand. The meetin broke up in a row. The Cor ners felt, that they bed been imposed upon and hed I not got out uv the way I might hey been personally injoored. The Deekin, Bascom, Kernal McPelter, Issaker Gavitt, and I met in the Postoths after the excited crowd bed dispersed and consulted. We was in a railer a tite place. Ralyin on the strength Iry our candidate, we bed gone to far in denouncin the others, tho for that matter wat cood we do? The two policies is so cussed opposite, that we can't support the one without denouncin the other. It wuz desided that we support the ticket. We felt it wuz sate. Seymore, if he is electid, can't discriminate between his supporters in the distribooshen uv the Postoftices, and after all that is the real question at ishoo. After givin the subjick a more matoor considerashen, we come to the conclooshen that the credit and standin uv the Government demanded .~,~ ; ~ -a-,.,~. `\ J ~`\ " Sam me from, my friends!" the payment ttv the Nashnel indebtedness in gold, and that anything snort of that wood be tepoodiashin. I wonder" said " that any hones" man —any man \ vho heleeves in maintaining un impaired the credit of the Government, shood think for a moment uv pityin the debt in anything but Wet wnz contemplated— honest, hard gold 1" At a meetin the next cite to ratify St•yIIIMICS nominashen, I said this over agin, and asked cm of any Dinmerat who rennin - 114 Iva the glotious lite Jackson made (Or hard inowiy, wood consent for a moment to multiply a irreedeemahle paper currency? N,i! Let its, ez our glorious standarl li.ntrer Seymour her so boldly pro claimed, let IS pay ottr debts in Dentekratie money—gold—hard, shinm, caller Three chutes for :Stymottr !" And thay cheered ez vigrously ez I ever heered melt cheer. Titer ;tint no trouble hi managin the Dimocrisy. All they want is to hey it settled wat. they :tre to hurrah fr, and then they hurrah for it. Notwithstanding the fn jut e I nuttle the first trite, - ,‘e shell pull the yousual vote, fur '...4.yniore, and possibly more. Yet, the experhnent was a leetle risky. I will never ratify agin till I know wat I ant ratifying and for whom. PETROLEUM V. NASBY, P. M., (Wieh is Postmaster.) The corner grocery not bein very at, tractiv tother afternoon, on account of a scarcity ov change among the regular sit ters, I tho't I would go hum and enjoy the society ov my wife. When I got thare, I found the children playin Ingun Waffler to the life, thru the house. It wuz evident the femail lied of the family wus absent, so sez I, sumwhat vext, " Wares yore muther?" The stern vois ov thare parent cauzed a 1111 in thare sport, and lookers up, thay exclaimed in a korus " She's down in the back yard a play ing Krow K." I notist that the round tops ov the bed posts had been sawed orf, and the han dles rudely torn from a bushel barsket that wuz sized to contain dirty kloes. comprehended the situation ov things in a moment. Two daze before I had re foozed to purchase Mrs. K. a Krow K. outfit, as she stiled it, and now she had improfised one and wuz making a fule ov herself in voo of adjacent nabors. I tho't I wood go down and look on. Thare she wuz, with four or live ov her femal cronies, among hoom wuz an old maid hoom I knu bi the reputashun she enjoied ov being the cheepest nusepaper in the country. However, she didn't kno me. I quietly sot down on conve nient saw buck, and after watching the game intently a fu seconds I remarkt : " Elizy, amt you most to well up in years to be pirootin around in the grass like a thing of sixteen ?" Frivolus woman, she lied on mi old straw hat tied down clost over her eers, and her dress wuz so short that when she stooped one mite have saw her garters from a five story windo. The old maia givo me a eontempuous glans, and arskt in a lo tone, " Mrs. ICringle, who is that depraved looin man sittin on the saw buck ?" - - " He's mi husband," sed Mrs. K., and blusht. Blusht to own her lord " Why, yu don't tell me so," sed this vurgun, o'er hoom not less than 40 stun One of the unterrified taking a free ride to Democratic Headquarters. Krow K. nuns Ltd part. •• Why I w(mdent hav taken him to be vure husk-Ind!" and bow in purty:-:iylish, I sec]: - No. von never tuk anybody to be yure lin,loan, did you? .Ind nobody tuk yn too be biz wife. did he Well, after sertt tinizin all over, I kant say I blame him." she .:1 - piirined under this brillyunt re partee, and T chuckled and made sit, a t'im seekonds in nth - an:ov the saw buck, which caught up to me direckly and sent me to grass. don't kno much about the pints oil Krow K•, hut it is a !raine at tvhiclt many a foolkh young man haz lorst hiz hart a watching the ankles ov a hartless cokay. It is played in the !miss. Which leads me to think it wus invented bi a grass wilder. Our 2Cittlc 41;oitts. The _Mosquito Hunt. Not a sound N% as heard but a terrihle hum, As around the ehamber we hurried, ln search of the mosquito whose trumpet and 01lr deleVtable SlMllberS had worried 'We sought it darkly at detul of night, (tr coverlet carefully turning, By the struggling moonbeam's misty light, t.tal the candle dimly lnu•ning. No useless garments confined our breast, But in simple night-dress and slippers, We Wandered about like spirits distressed, Or the sails of piratical skippers. tiliort and a few were the words we let fall, , 1-'Lest the sound should molest the mosquito, But we steadily gazed on the white-washed wall, And thought bow we had been bit, Oh ! But hall an hour seemed to elapse Ere we met with the wretch that had bit us, And raising our boots, gave some terrible slaps, Amid made the mosquito quietus. ' Quickly mid gladly we tuniedfro4gs - And left him allsmablsedeadapfy; And blew out the wells atilrd.hito *O, Determined to toll the —The View to Distance lent Enchantment, is requested to return it at once to prevent mistakes. elf triMlNWeitt - - We kno w g when she has nothing elso,toAle, she sits and knits her brow. —.An irritable gardener, seeing a boy stealing fruit, swore if he caught him there again, he'd lock him in the ice-house and Ivarm his jacket. lady caught her husband breaking her hoops. Two hours afterwards, the unfortunate man was secu at a drl.l , store purchasing hair restorative. —A inarriare license issued in 'Wash ington was retut•ned with the endorse ment, " She )vouhln't have mu." Poor fellow ! —it no moment of difficulty does a husband, knowing his own utter help lessness, draw so closely to his wife's side for comfort and assistance, as when he wants a button sewed on his shirt col lar. —The following queer epitaph is to be seen at Sparta Diggins, Cal.: In memory - of JOINT Who. met violent Beth near this spot, 18 hundred 40 too. Ile was shot by his own pistil. It was not one of the new kind, but a old fasherned brass bail, of such is the kingdom of heaven —The difference between a sexton and a miller is that one tolls for a living and the other for a death. —A bald man made merry at the ex pense of another man who covered up his partial baldness with a wig, adding, as a clincher, " You see how bald I am and I don't wear a wig." " True," was the retort, " but an empty barn needs no thatch." certain lady had a custom of say ing to a favorite puppy, to make him follow her : " Come along, sir." A would be wag stepped up to her with : " Is it me, 3,adam, you called ?" " Oh, no, sir," said she with great composure, " it was another puppy I spoke to." • —A clergyman, who was sadly annoyed by incessant coughing among his con gregation, paused in his discourse and re marked that "if ladies would wear their bonnets on theirheads, and tie the strings, coughs would not be so prevalent." —Little Bobby.—" I say, ma, is it true that we are made out of oust ?" Ma.— " Yes, my boy ; so we are told." . Bobby. —" Well I'll be hanged if I can believe it; cause if we was, when we sweat wouldn't It be mud P" —A girl who had become tired of sin gle blessedness thus wrote to her intend ed husband: " Dear Bill: Come right off, if you're coming at all ; Edward Kelderman is insistin' that I shall have him, and he hugs and kisses me so con tinually that I can't hold out much lon ger."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers