"tther „Abraham," CIRCULATION OVER 4000. I E. H. - EDI THOS. B. Cl_W II RAN. LANCASTER, PA FRIDAY, JULY 31, PON. "I mil 011 linty no poi icy Of nilj 011 . 11 lo forte twoi yst the will of the pcoplc."—(l 1: A NT. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. " MATCH 'EM." 1".1 TI OX L TICKET. Gen. 1.7 LYSS ES S. GRANT, OF THE UNITED STATES I Pi'.' ido'n : SCHUYLER el ) Lk' AX, OF INDIANA STATE TICKET. Auditor Griirral: Gem JNO. F. 14ARTIZANI"f, OF MONTGOMERY COL TX Surveyor General: Gen. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, OF CAMBRIA COUNTY TERMS OF FATHER ABRAHAM. Invariably in Advance : 011 L Ipy to one address .50 Clubs of five and upward 4, each .40 With an extra copy for eti•ery Twenty subcribers. Address, RAUCH & COCHRAN, Editors and Publishers, Lancaster, Pa Reading Our Rending branch office is at No. GO6 Court Street, opposite the Court House, where subscriptions will be re ceived for FATHER ABRAHAM. TERMS RED ("CED We have just reduced our terms• of subscription to fifty cents for a single subscriber, and forty cents each for clubs of live and upwards, with an extra copy for every twenty clubs, and send them 4,n CANDID The paper carried about 1)y a didinyvi.,:h eti (!) Duke street lawyer, extinq,,ish cd ex-member of the Legislature, and a twice defeated candidate for Senatorial honors—oflarge pretensions and no brains —asking a gentleman of this county to break his political neck in a tilt against Mr. Stevens, was presented to a worn. out politician of the county a few clays ago. On being asked to sign it, he said: "Certainly, for I never voted for Stevens!" That's the kind of people who are moving in this matter. Let them alone'. Pertinent. "Has Mr. Stevens informed the Ex press and the aspiring Congressmen of Lancaster county that his seat is vacant ?" —asks a correspondent...of the Examiner. Who will answer? That's So! " The people will certainly continue Mr. Stevens in Congress until the message comes for him to go up higher." A true remark by a "Constituent" in the Ex aminer. • It is Mindere(' How that paper asking a prominent citi zen to become a candidate for Congress against Mr. Stevens is getting along. Rather slim, we guess. f7A number of our Republican ex changes, in publishing the Grant and Colfax electoral ticket, contain an error —" Morris Hooper" as the elector for this (9th) district. The correct name is MARIS HOOPES. [l:l\re take the liberty of curtailing the length of the communication of QUERIE S as it was too long for our lim ited space. Besides, we want facts only. Clam" We hope Father Abraham will not get his back up."— York True Dem ocrat. Beaver tipped! But behave yourself. L7FATHER ABRAHAM can now be purchased from almost every respectable news dealer in Eastern Pennsylvania. Now get up your T !IA DD EUS .ST I; I "EN:". The live thousand rcadh•r, of FATHEI AI:nAHA.3I iii Lancastor county have very natural desire to know whethcr the hue and cry thcir - in TH ADDE l'S ••( , 11tativi ITEvEN:4, i• 4 not without :2. (,1I cause. We have not the snare, if we had the inclination, to enter into a discussion of the view, of •• the Great Commoner on the financial situation of the country. IVe can only now repeat, that in Stevens' recent speech, he simply reiter- ated the substance of his letttir about a year ft ,, o. upon the same -.ttl,ject. to JoitN - GyoEu, lisQ., of this city. Ms present assailant-; then not only published, but emphatically endorsed said views and his superior financial sagacity. For the purpose of showing up the un fairness, it' not motives, of those who ven tured upon the ,job of decrying Mr. Stevens. in the hope of ARMg hi , place with one of the well-known greedy ap plicant- fur the position, who are well known in this community as the instiga tors of these attacks upon him, we copy the follow Mg editorial preface, with a letter from Mr. •_%:tevens and editoilal colllllluilt thereoll, as we ihid it in the Expie.,s of last - ;aturdity : LETTER FROM HON. THADDEUS STEVENS fidbiwin g letter was I , ,,,, ivpacr,,m, :t friend in it neiuliboring town. in ri.ply to one he ha,l written hint on the subject which is now the cause of so much comment. It Will 110111AleSS be read ‘`, ith interest : REPnEsENTATIVES,) WASHINI:TON. I). JrLY 166 5 . 5 Dear Sir:.l have not declared fur Seymour and Blair, and never expect to. I have only lieelared a4ainst tbids and Swindlers, Who have fabricated the nioq atrocious falselu.o.is as to my position upon the currency question. When I ant a little stronger I shall give ;I. full history of this matter, which NV ill put the fellows to shame, if they are capable of blushing. I shall take care and protect the tax payers fpun usurers, by making every man pay ami receive just accord hal to his contract. Yours, THADDEUS STEVENS We cannot help expressing the hope that when he acquires the reimisite strength to give the history here promised., Mr. Stevens will find it coitsistent with his views of propriety to avoid the distinguishing, characteristic of the above letter. /''or a person, to us.sPrt that his op prinvni.s. ia an alypinaild aieloolx and Bwimllers, furnishes no evidence either of his own wis dom or the strength of his position. Now we only ask the intelligent reader carefully to compare the letter with that part of the editorial comment which ap pears in italics, and he will have no dif fieulty in convicting the editor, beyond the shadow of a doubt, of wilful and deliberate misreiwmventation .? Mr. Stevens did not assert that his opponents in an argu ment are to , and swindlers," as alleged. He did say: I have only declared against fools and swindlers who hare l'ab pirated the most atrocious falsehoods." Surely the publication of the above let ter and comments, must strike every in telligent reader as a very great editorial blunder on the part of the Express, as the falsity and oaf aimless of the edito rial is clearly proven by the letter itself. But, unless fabrication and misrepre sentation is resorted to, all charges against Mr. Stevens of infidelity to the great Republican party instantly disap pear. His own declaration, in the very speech in question, that he fully " en dorses and holds to the Chicago (Repub lican) platform settles the question, if his hungry assailants are of sufficient im portance to raise a question as to his soundness upon the great issues of the day—Reconstruction, Liberty, l and Finance. In conclusion we lay before our readers the following ten-liner from the Examiner. of last Saturday, which we heartily endorse : DISOUsTINI;.—TO see prOfS'illll; Republi cans engaged in the business of hunting down Thaddeus Stevens. The men who fluttered in the light of his national thine, are now engaged in the dishonorable task of obscuring or putting it out altogether. It is a hopeless task, however, and those engaged in it will in the end discover that all their efforts tended but to la/muff their own wings. Let Us Have Peace. The work of reconstruction is nearly complete. It has already been protract ed beyond reason by factious, frenzied resistance. It is high time that all rights were secured, all fears dispelled, all par ties, disarmed. The country cannot af ford to revive all the feuds and perils of the last four years. We need assurance that we are near the end of our troubles, not about to renew them. There is no public security, there is scarcely any property, other than arms and munitions, that will not be worth more from the glad moment wherein the telegraph an nounces the certain election of Grant and Colfax. Send The»t On. It is understood that the Democratic National Committee are arranging for a brigade of speakers from the South. Let them come by all means. Let them crack their whips over Democratic backs. The party needs bringing up to the advance line taken by Blair, Hampton, Forrest, Vance, Wise and the rest. So let the plantation man come. We hope to see no squirm ing by the weak-kneed, sickly-stomached Democrats hereabouts. mrywaiummwmiurAwyli In every Copperhead estimate of the result of the election next November, Pennsylvania is set down as "sure" for Seymour, and by adding such Republican States as Kansas, Indiana; Wisconsin, Nevada and Ohio, they manage to cypher tip a sufficient number of electors to give success to the '• friend" of the New York negro killers and orphan asylum burners of I sG:I. I;ut no Copperhead estimate we have seen—not even the most extrav agant—pretends to elect their candidates irdhout Pennsylvania. On the other hand. we eon elect Grant and Colfax without Pennsylvania, New York or Ohio, simply by polling our votes in the remainder of the Republican States. But, one word in regard to Pennsylva nia. 11'e claim to know something about the condition of the Republican. party at this time. We have letters and commu nications from the most prominent and active Republicans in all parts of the State. FATIIEIt ABRAHAM is read in fifty-one out of the sixty-seven counties of Pennsylvania, and we feel entirely safe in saying that Pennsylvania will not east her electoral, vote for Seymour ; that it is not at all doubtful, but entirely sure for Grant and Colfax by twenty thousand majority. In Philadelphia, since the District Attorneyship has been satisfac torily arranged, our friends are entirely confident, of victory. The glorious Old Guard—LANCASTER COUNTY—is waking up, and will poll her overwhelming Re publican vote solid for Grant and Colfax. In Perks county the Cops. are cut up into various local factions and cliques, Und it is not believed possible for them to give near as large a majority as they did when Clymer was beaten 17,000 in the State. In Schuylkill, Carbon, Northampton, Lehigh and Montgomery, we have rea son to believe the Copperhead majorities will be materially reduced, and so also in the Southern counties—York, Adams, Cumberland, Fulton and Franklin. In a word, PENNSYLVANIA CONTAINS A RE PUBLICAN MAJORITY OF AT LEAST TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND. The only question is whether our own voters shall or shall not be brought to the polls. We need no new converts, yet all honest Copperheads are invited to wash and comb themselves, and come over into our ranks. All we do need is work—thorough and perfect organization in every ward, borough and township throughout the State. Above all, we must make our best effort to poll our full vote on the second Tuesday in October next, for ILfarrnANFT and CAMPBELL, for Auditor General and Surveyor Gen eral. And now is the time to commence the work of organization everywhere. If it is done, as we doubt not it will be, the good old Keystone State will not give less than twenty thousand majority for Grant and Colfax. SeywOlfr Indicted. Horatio Seymour stands indicted for 1. Inciting to riot., 2. Yielding. to rioters their demands on the Governmont, at the peril of the nation. 3. Threatening the President of the - United States with the disorderly vio lence of " the people," if he proceeded in ellbrts vitally necessary to the salva tion of the Union. Horatio Seymour is confessedly, there fore, a fomenter of sedition, a champion of rioters, a menacer of Government. A fbmenter of sedition, in that he told the turbulent masses of New York that a mob had an equal right with the Gov ernment to proclaim the law of public necessity. A champion of rioters, he espoused their cause, said that they should be sat isfied, and demanded of the Government that the draft should be suspended and stopped at their violent behest. A menacer of Government, in that he warned it of the " temper of the people" if it did not yield to him and his riotous friends. And all this in criminal disregard of the imminent peiil in which his country and its defenders were placed at the time. Will you, then, freemen, lovers of good order, elevate such a man to the position of President ? We guess not. The Daily Columbia Spy is a spicy little sheet, and strikes out in all direc tions—caring for nobody. We clip the following hard hit from its columns : " Whenever you hear a Copperhead Plating about our heavy debt, oppressive taxes and the thieving Radicals, and pitying the poor tax burdened people, tell him at once—that his party made it all, his party kept it increasing, and that Andrew Johnson has given back to the Rebel Democrats of the South more prop erty than would have paid the nation's debt ; and thieving Democrats in the Whiskey Ring and in the offices of the Government, have stolen more money than would pay for the purchase of the West India Islands—should our enterprising Secretary of State turn his at tention that way." _Pen That's So: Re», en? be 563 Whilst the Union soldiers were driving the rebel armies back from the soil of Pennsylvania to the south side of the Potomac, and rapidly following them to their last ditch, in l Seymour's friends in New York city were engaged assassin ating• draft officers, murdering helpless negroes, burning orphan asylums, trying to import small-pox and yellow fever, and cheering lustily for Jeff Davis! In IMit3 these same friends of Mr. Sey mour—the murderers and asylum burn ers—gave their Southern allies, such as Wade Hampton, Forrest, and other no torious rebels, a cordial reception, and entered into an agreement with them to do all in their power to secure, through the ballot-box, what they were unable to accomplish by open warfare in the South, and by murder and arson in the North. Let not the bloody scenes of P.. 463 be for gotten by the defenders of the Republic ! Their Leaders The Seymour and Blair ticket, the Tammany Platform and Blair's letters, are acting like a June sun on the Copper head family. We will not submit says one. We will resist to the last, says another. Revolution will be the conse quence if Grant is elected, adds a third. We will win all we lost in the rebellion, shouts a fourth. " And so on, till the dry bones of the Confederacy are fairly alive again. The leaders of the party to-day are the rebel Generals Forrest, Hamp ton, Vance, Preston, with Vallaudigham, Brick Pomeroy, and others like them. Too Ticklish. Some people are alarmed for fear that our noticing the little paccadillos of sonic men who have been honored by the people of Lancaster county, in the matter of mileage, pay never earned, &c., will hurt the party. We don't believe that doctrine ; and anyhow, in the opinion of these same people, FATIIER ABRAHAM don't amount to much. Re member, that it is not well to deTise the day of small things," and that "Tall oaks from little acorns grow." The Way to Fix It. If you want to write a very dignified article—smooth and slick—write an edi torial. If you want to pitch in and not be known, why just write a couple of Com munications," and sign one of them "Soldipr." See Lancudter Inquirer of Saturday. P. S.—ls there anybody about that con cern who wants to wear Old Thad's " old clothes? Who will answer? - Who Asks More? " I Nliall take rare ami protect ihe from 11MlierN. by mak i H y eeery iirmi pay and ref:Pi:VC jll4 acrMi'di,oy to his COOfart."— 'I'ILILUICS 7TEVENNS. What kind of a " man and patriot'' is he who asks more than that? "THE County Cianmissioners have given thy Vigilant Fire Company - of Columbia, $l6, and an equal slim to the Columbia Fire Com- Company - of that borough.- We clip the above from the Lancaster Inquirer of Saturday. We expect, of course, an equal swn will be demanded and received by all the companies in the county. But probably the gallant fire men of Columbia are to render some con sideration for the amount. Call any can didate for nomination tell who they promised to support in return for the above sum ? "ME. THADDEUS STEAn - ENS denounces all who (litrer with him on the financial question as fools."—State Guard. " Mr. Stevens" does no such thing, and none but a " fool" would say so. If you have " fabricated the most atrocious falsehoods as to my (his) position upon the currency question," then he says, you are "fools and swindlers"—aud you are ! So much for the State Guard, et al. ur korrtspottbenct. Stevens and His Friends. To "FATHER ABRAHAM"—Dear Dad : You mind your man, Salmon P. Chase, that you pampered till you made an ene my of him, which is often the kind of gratitude met in this nice world of ours. Well, after trying as you know, in 1864 to defeat you, and get himself made President, he has lately, not only helped to clear Andy Johnson at the Impeach ment, but turned Copperhead in a second attempt to get to be President ; but even that party would not swallow him, and he is now the most despised big man in the universe. We have just had the beginning of a small game of the same kind in this coun ty. Your old friend, Thad Stevens, against the bitterest opposition of the Copperheads and pardoned re bels, and of the conservative Republicans who gave yourself so much trouble, has been all along manfully trying to finish your work. You know how all through the darkest tunes of the rebellion, he kept you well supplied with money to carry on the government and the war, how he kept up the credit of the nation, and how he pro vided full revenue to pay your interest and part of the principal of the money borrowed to pay the soldiers and put down the rebels. As Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, lie did all this: and you and the rest of us then felt that no general in the field did more for the country than he did in Cou- MEM But it seems that the Old Commoner lives too low , for some of his friends. They want his place. They cannot wait, so they have tried to raise a fuss, be cause, in his strong plain way, he said the other dav in Congress, that lie would rather vote 'for Seymour and Blair, (the Copperhead candidates for President and Vice-President) than oppress the tax payers of the country by now paying oil the lice-twenty bonds in t old when gold is 1-13, and the bonds do not sell for gold. Of course, this is inconsistency, and repudiation and breach of prom ise ; and those modest, impatient gentle men, who cannot wait any longer for the old man's shoes, (which, in my opinion, they are not worthy to kiss), have got up quite a muss in the newspapers, and talk about dropping him as their candidate for Congress ! Let them try it. We have got a new invention called the Crawford system, by which the nom inees for the dilKTent otlices are selected by a majority of the votes in township meetings, instead of by delegates in county conventions. This honest system is a perfect safeguard for faithful public servants, and has already proved ti terror to rogues. I only hope these would-be Congressmen, and their friends may give us a chance, under this system,• of testing the matter by running one or all of them as candidates, and such a set of whipped ingrates you never heard of, as will be shown up. I am also told some men in Congress, one more than common bitter against our old friend for his refusal, now pay gold for the five-twenties, though he and most sensible men believe that before twenty years resumption of specie pay ments will take place ; that then these and all the rest of the debt will be paid in gold. I noticed that a member by the name of Ross was very forward when the debate on the question took place, and was keen to get the gold. I suppose he is of the same.family as the Kansas Ross, who sold himself to Johnson at the Impeach ment, and saved honest Andy. Probably in that transaction some of the bonds were received in payment, and he now wants to get a rise on them for the head of his clan. But he and all such traitors must look some centuries back for the right head of the family. It is true the price then paid was in specie, but it was in silver, and only thirty pieces at that. What adds to the l'un and exposes the baseness of this move of the suceessionists ( who would become secessionists, like Chase, if' it would help them) is the fact that our old friend•avowed the same sen timents about a year ago in a published letter to John Gyger, one of our bank men, who has as much interest in the question as all of them put together. No one made objection then, or dreamed of inconsistency or breach of faith. It is only now when the election for Congress approaches, that they have found out the enormity of the matter. I'll write again. ONE OF THE 300,000 MORE. EmTons : The subject of mileage," introduced by tiadsbury" in your paper of last week, induced me to look into the charges made by our County Commissioners tinder that bead, and Lind the following: Thos. C. Collins. for 140 days services at V per lar • $420.00 For 5015 miles at 10 cts per untie, 501.50 T. B. Shaman. foz 170 service?. at 03 per day .:5510.00 For 449; at 10 cts. per mi1e.........449.00 S. Slohom. l w 182 days serviees at iF 3 per day,5456.00 Fin 6i4;33 mike at 10 Ms per mile, 03.30 The Act of Assembly, approved April 1, 1864, pampli. laws 1864, page 204, enacts : " That the Commissioners of Lancaster County shall have for their services the sum of $3 per day for each and every day that they and each of them may be officially engaged, and in addition thereto, shall be allowed mileage at the rate of ten cents per mile for each and every mile that they may travel in the discharge of their official duties." Now it looks to me as if these charges for " mileage" were "befty." It maybe all right, but I " don't see it." QUERIE. MARION, SMYTH CO., VA., / July 24, 1868. EDITORS FATTIER ABRAHAM : Thinking; that a few lines from a "boy in blue " for your very spicy and inter esting little sheet, from this benighted section of Rebeldom, might be interesting to some of your readers, I will dot down some of the doings of the rebel wretches of South-Western Virginia, who are en couraged in their crimes by the audacity of their northern allies, the Copperheads. They are doing all in their power to defeat the Constitution which was framed by the Richmond Convention some months ago. By threats to assassinate they hope to intimidate the colored men to vote with them, but they find that de cidedly an up-hill job. The election will be held on the 13th, 14th and 15th of August and, notwithstanding all their efforts, I predict that the Constitution will be adopted by au overwhelming ma jority. On a public road, in an adjoining coun ty, they have a gallows erected with the inscription nailed upon it : " Death to all niggers who vote for the Constitu tion." Similar threats are made in var ious . parts of the State. But the great body of Union men cannot be frightened by these threats. I am confident that if the Northern soldiers who toddle to vote Democratic, would come here and see how the rebels respect their parole, and how they treat Union men, they would , 21.50 =I CM=