" fither " e- _D 4 CIRCULATION OVER 4000 ):. 11. \ I'4ll, EDITOIL , l PL ISLISILKIN .ElloS, U. I'O4:IIItAN.S LANCASTER. PA FRIDAY, JULY .51, f shall hare no poliea of my men to en force eytt itt at the Will of the people."—G ILA NT. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. T]ON.I L TICKET. " MATCH 'EM." President: Oen, ULYSSES S. GRANT, OF TILE UNITED STATEB Tire President: SC EIUYLER COLFAX, OF INDIANA S'EtTE TICKET. • _lord 'tor General: Gen. J NO. F. HAIITILA N FT, OF MONTGOMERY COUNTS_ Surveyor Genera!: Gen. JACOI3 M. CAMPBELL, or CAMBRIA COUNTY TERMS OF FATHER ABRAHAM. Invariably in Advance One ropy to tale add i'v Jive copies 'Tea Fifteen Twenty 10.100 Awd 50 eents for e eery additional soinwriber over twenty. 07 - One copy extra to the getter up of a Club of Tiven- (y Or more. Address, RAUCH & COCHRAN, Editors and Publishers, Lancaster, Pa Reading Our Reading branch office is at No. 60f, Court Street, opposite the Court House, where subscriptions will be re ceived for FATTIER ABRAHAM. Republican Prima ey Election. The Republican voters of the several election districts of Lancaster county, are requested to meet at the places where the last primary meetings were held ou Saturday, March 7th, 1868, (except in the district hereinafter named,) on SATURDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1868, and hold their primary elections, subject to the rules adopted by the Union Re publican County Committee, to settle candidates, as follows : ONE person fm. Member of Congress, • .• • ONE person for Associate Jad FOUR persons for Members of Assembly, ONE person for County Commissioner, Two persons ,tOr Prison Inspectors, Two persons Air Directors o f the Poor, ONE person for County Auditor. To be supported by the Republican voters at the ensuing election. Also to elect one from each district to serve on the County Committee. In Manheim township, at the public house of Isaac B. Miller, at Landis Val_ The polls will open at 3 o'clock and close at 7 o'clock, P. M. By order of the County Committee MARTIN S. FltY, Chair man Amos H. MYLIN, Secretaries J. I. HARTma.x, Why does not the County Committee publish the rules regulating the primary elections. =l2=l NOT leS3 til3ll 1201 were pres , hil Sey mour meting on Saturday - Intelligencer. " Twelve hundred lice !" There's a specimen of wholesale LYING for you! For that peculiar talent commend us to " Socky" Smith and Andrew Jackass Steinman. WE have received several anonymous communications on the subject of the ‘" strange reports" we spoke of last week. We cannot notice them. Facts, and not amserlions, will be noticed. Give us the figures and the names in an official form, and theil " stand from under." " OLD 'nun " pitched into Brooks, of New York, in Congress on Saturday, fflad squelched the demagogue. Glorious old Thad! "He still lives " to skin Copperheads and Rebels. " OUR FLAG " is the title of a new campaign paper—for Grant and Colfax— published at the Manheim Sentinel office. " Long may it wave." EIGHT THOUSAND. This week we print EIGHT THOU SAND robes of FATHER being the largest edition of any regular newspaper ever published in Pennsylva nia—outside of the city of Philadelphia. This edition, however, includes two thou sand extra copies ordered by an agent, who will have them for sale at the great national camp-meeting at Mani 'elm. Our regular subscription list is now a lit tle over FIVE THOUSAND, and every mail brings us new lists from all parts of the country. In some localities ' the ladies are active and very successful in getting up clubs, and all give us the flattering assurance that - FATHER ABRA HAM is the best campaigner that ever ap peared in print. We attribute this very ,gratifying suc cess chiefly to the popularity of the prin ciples of the great Republican party and its glorious standard bearers—GßANT and COLFAX. And we flatter our selves that just such a publication as FATTIER ABRAHAM will do more towards arousing the young men of the party to the importance of the issue before us than any other single agency. There fore, not merely for our individual bene fit, but for the good of the great cause, let FATTIER ABRAHAM circulate every where. We are fully prepared for " a hundred thousand more." „IN HONEST ELECTION: EFFORTS OF COPPERHEADS TO PRE- We want an honest election in this State, and unless we mistake the Repub lican feeling in every quarter, our friends intend to have it. We attempted to pre scribe legislative precautions against ille gal and fraudulent voting and to that end enacted recently a fair and impartial scheme of registration, which took away the suffrage from no citizen who is enti tled to it, which conferred the privilege upon no one who does not already enjoy it under pre-existing laws. This measure contemplated an honest election, to be decided by lawful votes and none others. For that precise reason, it was unaccept able to the Copperheads, who find no profit in an honest vote in Pennsylvania. Concocting a flimsy but specious case, they appealed without delay or hesitation to the Supreme Court, soliciting its de cision against the constitutionality (!) of the law. They knew that Court to be swayed by a majority of Judges who are Copperhead partizans, and whose oaths of office were evidently sworn with men tal, Copperhead reservations. They knew that one of those Judges—three of the five being Copperhead—owed his seat on that bench to precisely those fraud ulent votes which this law would render im possible hereafter. They all knew that the new law validly in force, their party and political success in this State might bid each other a long farewell. What more did they need to know ? .75 3.50 6.50 8.50 The result is before us—the Supreme Court has decided the Registry Law to be unconstitutional, and the Governor has decided not to call an extra session of the Legislature to obviate its objec tions. They further hold the act disfran chising deserters to be similarly invalid. Legally unsound and politically partizan as we believe them, we expected nothing from the tribunal. And we accept the less situation. But we have abundant notice from our opponents, to greater vigilance in the protection of the suffrage. They give us notice that fraud is their game, and we may as well comprehend that they will win by these frauds, if we do not watch them and apply other adequate means of prevention. We are fairly for warned. Shall we not be forearmed ? The New York Herald, which the Lan cayfrr. intelligeneer, York Gazette, &c., re crnily quoted from as "independent"— which has abused the radicals without stint, and is a shrewd observer of the course of the popular current, almost in variably contriving to be on the strong side—came out on Friday for GRANT and Corx.L‹. It says : "The die is cast. The Denlocratk Convention has decided that our next Paesident shall be Grant." It goes on to say that there is nothing in Seymour's record, and nothing in the platform, that will bring a single recruit to the Democratic party. It further adds, that the nomination will give the State of New York to the Republicans by 40,- 000 majority. Enough for Both. General Dix, who was in command at New York during the Irish riots in 1863, when colored orphan asylums were burned and colored children were mur dered by Gov. Sepnour's " friends," noti fied that functionary that he had men enough to take care of the rioters and himself. Gov. Seymour quailed, and then went to coaxing the mob to cease their vandalism and murder. F All VENT IT A Sign. Ell 1 131 'J'Ji Copp(' (1 21"1,2),I ;we.. After hallotting `or three tins is th purlieus of New 1 :ork, the assembly Rebels and Copperhcafls nominated IL ratio Seymour, of Near for Pre sident, and Frank Blair, of Missouri, for Via. President. Mr. Seymou: . is the recognized and prominent exponent of theseditious sen timents that animated the Democratic party during the war, and which arrayed it at all times against the Government in its efforts to put down the rebellion. In this respect he does not differ from Fer nando Wood or Vallandigham. Ile was elected as Governor of New York in ISti2, during the despondency created among the people by - MeClellan's imbe cile conduct of the war, and his admini-- tration throughout was noted for an op position to the national cause, which finally terminated in the disgraceful and murderous draft riots in New York, and was defeated by Fenton in 18154. He rep resents all "the stale issues," and is one of "the stale men" of the Democratic party, whom the National Intelligences declared must be thrown overboard if success in the Presidential contest was to be made possible. The nomination is not a strong one ; not as strong, we think, as would have been that of Mr. Pendleton, had the Convention given to him a hearty and enthusiastic support. The nomination of General F. P. Blair brings only additional weakness to the ticket. A third rate politician and a fourth late soldier, he adds to the ticket not only the general aversion which is felt with singular unanimity by the American people toward all the Blair family, but also imposes on the Demo cratic party, through his nomination, the responsibility of accepting the revolu tionary platform in relation to the recon structed State governments, set forth in the letter he recently published when seeking the Democratic nomination for the Presidency. The only soldiers who will • support him will be those who se cured his nomination, the Ilamptons and Forrests of the Rebel army. The Republicans of the country can have no fault to find with this result. If, under the lead of General Grant upon the platform of the party, they cannot defeat Iforatio Seymour standing upon the platform of disguised treason and open repudiation, which the New York Convention has given .him, then they cannot defeat any one. The doom of the Cops is sealed. The Campaign in Old Bey k On Saturday evening last an immense Republican ratification meeting was held at Fifth and Penn Square, city of Read ing, which was very ably addressed by Maj. A. C. Reinoehl and Gen. J. W. Fisher of this city, and by Capt Storrie, of Philadelphia. Considering the fact that the meeting was called at very short notice—a mere announcement in the Reading Journal of the same morning—it was a most gratifying success. Republicans of Reading are the sub stantial men of the city—the intelligent mechanics and business men, the readers of newspapers and the friends of pro gress and true civilization. The back bone of the party is the many hundreds of true men employed in the extensive shops of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, in the furnaces, roll ing mills and other leading manufactur ing establishments. All that is needed in Reading, to give five hundred major ity for Grant and Colfax, is a thorough organization of the party. Let a business meeting be held at once, and a thorough organization affected. The Copperheads held a meeting at the same time, in front of the Keystone House. It was simply a fizzle. Even the " committee on applause " were un- I able to afford Mester Clymer the least ' encouragement in his superhuman effort to get up some enthusiasm for the Five Points nominees. Old Berks is about to be reconstructed. General Jackson is dead, and everybody reads FATHER ABRAHAM. The Issue. The issue is fairly before the people. On the one hand the Copperheads, of fer NATIONAL DISGRACE ! ANARCHY! CONFUSION AND WAR ! On the other, the Republican party offers to the country : HONOR HAPPINESS 1 PROSPERITY ! PEACE! Choose ye beteewn, them How. THADDEUS STEVENS is preparing to leave for his farm in Adams county and for Bedford Springs as soon as Con gress adjourns. He is in remarkably good health, * considering his late enfeebled condition. • lUlutt C11)11,(1 A New York letter writer says that the notorious robel Gen. Watle Hampton, of tSouth Carolina, and the murderer Forrest, were the great pets of the scallawags and bundlers of the New York Convention. liampton was cheered every time he made his appearance in the street near Tam many hail ; but says the writer, "it would grieve the soul of his fastidious cavalier ancestors to look down on the citizens of the Republic who did the cheering. A steaming mass of perspiring humanity, reeking with the fumes of bad tobacco and cheap whisky, smoking from obscene mouths set in craniums of fearful and wonderful construction ; heads like pony balls in a ten-pin alley, small and round, and black and hard. A stern captain of police, who stood like a tower to resist invasion, curtly remarked that it didn't matter much who they cheered, as having been most of Ikon convicted of infamous crimes, they were thus disfranchised. hut, bless you ! the police myrmidon spoke un thinkingly. He does not begin to know the ' tricks and manners' of the desper ate Democracy. A first-class burglar is one of their finest voters. He'll take chances ; vote early, vote often, and im prove the time consumed in passing from poll to poll by picking Republican pockets, thereby depleting the enemy's exchequer and relaxing his sinews." That is a first-rate description of the model " Democrat," in all our large towns, nit excepting Lancaster and Reading. 11=1 Democratic Pets! Yellow Fever Blackburn, who wanted to introduce the Yellow Fever into our cities during the rebellion. Hon. B. H. Hill, Ga., ex-Senator C. S. John B. Gordon, Ga., Major General C. S. A. S. B. Buckner, Ky., Brigadier General C. S. A. John Morrissy, N. Y., Fighter. Z. B. Vance, N. C., Governor. C. S. E. B. Olds, 0., denizen of Fort Lafay ette. James Chesnut, S. C., Senator C. S. Wade Hampton, General C. S. A. M. L. Bonham, S. C., original °seces sionist and Governor C. S. J. B. Kershaw, S. C., General C. S. A. R. B. Rhett, S. C., original secession- ist. N. B. Forrest, Tenn., Fort Pillow mas- 123611 T. A. Bocock, Va., Congress C. S T. L. Price, Missouri, General C. 8. A. Robert Ould, Va., Exchange Commis sioner C. S. A. And others of the same sort were the especial pets of the Ku-Kluxers, Bund lers, &c.; at New York, and cracked their whips over the Northern dough faces, as they used to do over their ne groes, and with the same effect. Worthy representatives of a rotten and corrupt party Sherman for Grant. Gen. W. T. Sherman, he that com manded the army that marched to the sea, has declared for Grant, and against the rebel ticket nominated at New York. The Cops. are now busy calling him a house-burner, &c. He knows them, and will help to whip the scoundrels at the ballot-box as he did in the field. Hurrah for Sherman ! Poor Chase What a miserable end has this ambi tious renegade reached! Rejected by the traitors of the Copperhead rebel party, and spurned by his former friends, the Republicans! Poor Devil ! He did not even receive the support of Hamp ton, Forrest, Brick Pomeroy and the other great lights of the blackleg New York Convention. Funny—Decidedly The Lancaster Intelligences is very free in calling names. " Empty-pated twad dler " is a favorite phrase with that pa per. That's decidedly rich, when it is remembered that that half lunatic—AN- DßEW JACKSON STEINMAN—is one of the editors. latipr ttigralpim's thips. AT the very hour when Seymour was decrying his country, encouraging rebel sympathizers, and filling the minds of his followers with the passions of malig nity if not treason, that found expression a few days subsequently in fearful and bloody riots—at that very time the hero Grant was receiving the capitulation of the rebel Pemberton at Vicksburg, and the " boys in blue" under Gen. Meade were driving the army of Gen. Lee be fornthe triumphant banners at Gettys burg. Two white rebels, disguised as negroes, went to a lady's house in Baton Rouge parish, La., not long ago, and after rob bing her, made her get supper for them. She put a few grains of strychnine in the coffee and killed them! Good. TurNo the rebellion the Copperheads said you could not pay the public debt; and they discouraged subscription to the Government loan, and said that green backs would finally be good for nothing ; that it would take, a hatful of them to buy a hat. Buchanan did not own a dol lar of Government bonds, though worth nearly half a million! And yet some people call him a patriot !" God save the mark ! NINETY-NINE SOLDIERS out of every one hundred will, in addition to their natural repugnance to Democracy, ex cited by the course of that party toward them in the war, feel that the abuse hurl ed against General Grant by Democratic presses and speakers, while pretending to a decent respect for all soldiers, is really a direct insult to themselves which they will resent in solid columns at the polls in November. Tim administration that was in power when the Rebellion broke out, which could, by prompt and vigorous means, have crushed it out in its infancy, as Jackson crushed out nullification and treason in South Carolina thirty years ago, that administration which looked on with closed eyes and ears, allowing the Rebellion to go on, and doing not one thing to save the Union from destruction, was in all its parts Democratic. THE Copperheas talk about standing by the Declaration of Independence ! Jefferson, the father of their party, was the writer of that instrument. Go into a Democratic Convention and try it ; offer a resolution, "Resolved, That we declare, in the language of Jefferson, that all men are created equal, and that the govern ments derive all their just powers from the consent of the governed," and they will turn you out as disturbers of the peace. THE Copperheads talk about equal and exact justice to all men ! Why, let any man go to a Democratic Convention and try the experiment. Offer a resolu tion : "Resolved, in the language of Jeff erson's Inaugural, that we demand and will stand by to the end, equal and exact justice for all men," and they will hiss you out of the Convention. ANDY, who has been rendered exceed ingly frank by impeachment, declared the other day to a correspondent that he should go with the Copperheads, " be cause," said he, " I can't do any thing else. Iv'e nowhere else to go." There is ONE other place that Andy can go, and if he joins the Democratic party he may consider himself booked for it. They all go there at last. DURING the war the Democrats" predicted evil, and then tried to verify it. They said we could not subjugate the South; and they fought every war policy of the Government intended to subjugate it. They had no rejoicing for our. victories; no sorrows for our verses ; no eulogies for our heroes; no war but with Mr. Lincoln. FIVE years ago, in the month of July, the flag of the country was fired on in New York city an by infuriated and brutal mob—the authority of the country was defied, and its uniform and colors, on the dead body of a Union colonel, drag ged with insult and ribald jeers throuh the streets, and there were loud cheers ,for Horatio Seymour by the fiends who did it. This is the man whom the Copperheads love to honor. TUE Copperheads were violently op posed to greenbacks on their first issue. They denounced them as worthless rags, and even went so far in some cases as to refuse to trade for them. Now they take a greenback for their party sign, and are doing all in their power to prevent a re turn to a specie currency. Shades of hard money Jackson, and mint drop Bul lion, hear it not ! HORATIO SEYMOUR, Copperhead can didate for President of the United States, during the war used these words : " If it is true that slavery must be abolished to save this Union, then the people of the South should be allowed to withdraw themselves from that Government which cannot give them the protection guaran teed by its terms." Fr is estimated by some folks who were in New York, that 800 gold watches changed pockets while the Convention was in session. Of course no one went there to swap watches or give them away, but then there was something that caused a gold repeater to get from his owner's pocket into that of some energetic Cop perhead whose pocket was empty. EVERY man of 1861, that stood up in Congress in the dark Winter when State after State was seceding, and said, "No Coercion !—you cannot coerce a sovereign State—they may talk treason here in the Capitol as much as they please, and draw the sword of rebellion in the face of the Government without hindera,nce"—every one was a Democrat. WUEN Abraham Lincoln put negroes into the army to fight, Jeff. Davis de nounced it. So did the Democrats. When Mr. Lincoln issued the Emancipa tion Proclamation, Jeff. Davis denounc ed it. So did the Democrats. When Jeff. Davis said this was a negro war, the Democrats echoed his words and said : "This is a negro war." THE Cincinnati Chronicle gives Vie fol lowing verbatim report of the speech of President Grant to his Cabinet, March 4, 1869: " Gentlemen, I hope you'll excuse me for one hint preliminary—Do as much as you can, and say as little." WADE HAMPTON, Forrest, Barksdale, Preston, Fairfax, Forsyth, Yerger, and other rebel Democrats are to take the stump against Grant in the free States.