Father Abraham. (Reading, Pa.) 1864-1873, July 03, 1868, Image 4

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    ' ' • . ~.„• :tom;
. iworylr, shying 30, 0 180.
'= lititiMilinNlMlNlND bnu OMR
- 114Vrilato4tifiAtilbitili‘g • ialeyrein
r!,:go potogativoi, Ili frOlidittqwn e in
r 08 down uf plickvinecweaya eras das
ietiiiiitAAt Man,.. un wenn es net
1,.,, *Wilk 14". 41 APAS, auitiW4reeta
/I .49 1 0 .94,01 * I ;IE7 ,g* , 1 1#414 - tin of
tit=:t", nig 4enktitrigille principles ,
; li, WI: ibm'asi WI helm.]
; I **:/t 44* ; IftW-',...tal Ott w 4, WI
4‘4 .4 t ri tt.ta4makAlf, , 1 110 1 01, -stir 'thr
0 , .inaalseilisap...tft I!" /167,1, de
,04 *A ao, Wwer [(farad 4 te Intb 2
OW eiiii side, WI Pet MI siblaillAle :1 '
susPectirlritnau!.ftinetAill 1 1 p,
un ben 111.faddikitter Wet WORA De
w face isydel k !'lielkiy kw= - leNletheftich
r '191141 kit fir nu
A se Vit. tiell 'feriittWea4Wvorpit tr tins
~ y esseeide ori iheeeleAtunsrt 4enn dut ae t
• ;dei linaasiniek'alliLitetzi nailer:4er sei
,:t1014) 4*i ; 4 61 1 ,14942.1 W. ', ten - now,
' "fnnket, ',2o,l,i'fk, 0 f e r W i t SS is
's 4 141 161 1 11141 f tit Illry4 ' loges demo
77krikJeViArerra te: 'inidill Ari Verso an
l *P4(
4 ,...1640 0 14.74 S i r Jo 4 1 011 1 1 6 1tt am
~, - - itt wittphtmt`it f t tip apt elti lea
, .., - e , iditi'lii des.iliposti yinkr it ,er in?
1 'sf Wait' iolif;iii nit. ';iii,atfe iilevvy
' 'Po bust Itisidit Ts tivt,lf *Alltafta* nei
, , geholorp, ' d,:ii,. , e lirit Vicha so
• imam ebseie;del weiver lieka listen das
`Aiiii,.*ilreneio .Inee ea an sesidigon das
ich q i ch &Lo_chigt 31o1Jnon. 4013,40 . e •
- wain tesch'4loP rOtrii, Windbigler uni 6"
....,weg ..is; en awer for sei,lenr , hks kelt
‘g'efolilt;fbr ich Icahn der sauga doiCianich
,lOW degl ui taw ht we`ii#l3,evvy der
Init plenty denunk on eland., for se is nu€
rAke nine ,teoli koch,fultionindreilich yohr
44. ' , magi -teweli butud.ttAin sivva-
Vellinttgl Ink 41 !t i ol i irt‘fiAMd l ea sure *
Wet! ~, 1 001 dr le,", ff r t el?* d t tn, 4
ut delMornwas Nett . mdistrorriviv Ind
gbleet gt 4 . 14 4g. 0 rat btipasolhouse
Igliremt , _ _ *.
_OI4OA APAct,ic• !Alk y ova
ons NtiaaidenPars imertellesee ,. .en ,dort
- .:lue ea istiellaie'llarnediataittii ;principles
AtiPignikw . oolp *aft ANingang hut
er.uns,anwhLeTplainedlitrookain dem
okratishi biseibior wide Mormon re
t,.}. ens •141i.n, .. I •nk in, e.;,-. ~te.... das
fie ltgl i lOW td -Brigham
young ufnemnut for 13reside,a 1 an seller
ck .Pummerey for der wele President.
Der Brig .. • . • • .ut alleweil se
tin,* beat drei!hennert
kinner, mono a demokrati, nu
fkow sect der Pima, Wln4bigler, Omer
awl. so lel ant fbr dA fitirty set unner
shtitzt sei, ustitoch so ehner is net my.
finna in der gons United States, un
fis i hrittui set indr elin arneinituf. ,
Mer hen Aclumser demokratishe meal
ety yets shun so hewer in gong. i An
ietititao4,l4). 404004 )40444,4Yann
er se joined, un - *ler ken {iv , NMI des
Mormon.ibriluql)3l4, tat a weanich sup orta
un a kleh shtickly in de constitution nei
du derweaga, tor idli'ititte, &Adler =
das des ding g'fblitsuar - 1 yusht derheahm
deerrafpez .ems nix , dgrfoo sauga, sunsht
is der deifel loam luquat de webeleit.
Ich hi% aver a notion' dits wane mer es
so fixa debt dam an ye,ady fraw ach so
;fief manner heiraleunt das se wet, donn
mai de menshty` fun ehna g'satisfied.
°Utk awer seller plin shaft sei dog un des
lettwas not, for npw, suppose my Berry,
for instance,lelit noch about a dutzend
menner heirs besides Mich, un suppose a
dehl fun ehna wtrralweeskrty schwextzy
Immer un easvteb net 1 Awer ich desk
hardly dude BerTy yea tg welt, in •
Mormon brincible net geh deat 4* se an
neayer heirs debt. 'lchwills anyhow net
De ferdethenkerty maddadishta de hen
doh so a Sundog shool, un ally Sundog
dehtia se els a dehi ftm unser beshty
drnoltikia ehra kinner nel coaxa, un
ebbas flute. gedoo wierra dergeaya, oder
de ytn3gy'hoainaask. kreaya of d/n wag
ach nod* ilia donna publican britteiples
- to , -4140 Jiter.„.aa ru i soM der party fiel
drum* 74r*, .Awer my bob
.ttier am fail ,Iverrp, iekinus shtoppa
for de5 t .401,13; iteAtare at present,
Prr Samornianuterza.
Brief fun Sinsinnatty.
Cwr 24 elim loony, 1643. 5
Pr:Ersto AIMAIIAM :—Mier hen a rale
sooty tin reshbectably kumpany doh in
Sinsinnatty was mer de demokratishe
Pen dlebam eshkort heasa. Ye ader monn
fun uns but 'an uniform, un ich will dcr
amohl explaina, we das se gemacht sin :
I Im p2rshta platz weara mer ken ruck, un
awer yusht an dick huddle woll hem,
bloh un groh shtreafich; eh beh fun de
hussa is groh uns onner blob, un an
I ,
• grossy greenback ivver der sitz gebobt,
un wanns neireagert done shteckts fesht,
un awer warms reagert donn kann ick net
sauga we long das es goot Aut. Mer
gehna.. all noch Nei yorrick om 4ta
Jqlynn hen net jut sin beam ze geh?Wl
iter rendLeham geViosainatti is for
%resident. Ours ,§piht . timailLdentik, Nei
Yorricker das mer kumma• in shtrong
fdree, un exoeA aer - Clihse , dittrely fun
track nunney hula. ,
Se hpti an report doh geraised das se
hetta sinn Pullet./ sent charga for an
digit Itlulkey in Nei 'Yorriek. We.hi
sell? Is es vtotri 'lralllll3 is donn far
richt ich 'untlet- 'eshkort geht zu nix.
IFensk ,du,konnOtt dont. loss-_t}ngwhisa
we's is fun weaya 'dein iihisko.l.4.ny
how,lautrah Mr Peatilierliui.'
T i o latAit.Vritrit Ai f itinek
41 1 44 k4oo# *Pe j WWWWTriklipld, thatlk
W — a4 - 7.llginsat
-but &fa Andsicial, pallet - could till what.
they Were.' In stirtoraffileillzo, I
thought the were e ih- •
graMe ria ion rs, which
temerves of thased. dads into his.
flat as sow asVands4 4 o l ii i see, to help'
s tkim pito Ihe g D erotic tickets •
And", be*kilo •or sio ' niver 'know
anybetter pres ent her:Eakin&
whin my eyes olened i pil ef t -a sun
den, to the true nature bt, MI I;
414 offikW.WC •
Yousoe,in.. this '
W-e Mix &nary, where
every mim lute alit own potatoes.,
ateept the Dutch, who beg eno* in the
I s , er to live them in ligeflftough
fh 'orbiter, if would niver do for au
not to earn his mate and liquor,
and so, you see, as that mild snooth
lookingjintleman they Call the lhayor,
had ti to . lls for . p zi yin ' work,
On'the iittooplA ;. .ught I'd r it in a
hayfieldeinaoWr. d so I did.
Faith, you never saw the grass tossed
Are. Bat,:
w hat do you
kink e _ ne (X the infer
nal varmint* MI BUNS akatrick
drove clue ouX of Ireland. Faith, you
may think 'NW I !duped as the divilish
tot* dropplid ben tkartbrk unithe top
uv me head._ The way I screeched
murther, Vapid liaver opened the ears of
alt. the slpepy , coustahles in Lancaster. -
Odh, butl rft the boys tould me it
was doled. I wiat book with some coax
ing, and axed what they called it.
"As*" Asap the old& man, "de
schlong fit eirsiopperkoP. 4' "
" Copperkoo,2 says I , may the divit
fly away withibesoftbs breed trrithem,"
says , ,
" Amen;“ sty' hd • " but do jh know
Omar:* haloes), to tlicoopporhe run
itely aarkba
" aith says I," and if I fist shun
me how it
.is s bnd I'll lave the tribe in a
says lie, "stiriAt you a
midst . •
_ `!Fa4h, Itata OEN" Sari/ ;
vryglisia fettow,lon't you
know thatr iihrkogh the war, 'glen our
sons and our brothers were ea with
asfititi POO iCa'LVII lips as we as
Yo "
cletoterrsersoierd the
war, and stayinrat home di their best
to bite th eta& of our brave soldiers,
Nit iirkez 411114" diWSler Womad have
gnu hog it been ab
I saw it as quick aa okry QPNoll could
,Op i dotra er. z I.V.Anitiolf, (for
y: Soo just Ilotybie ould
see his Isfttedk ,thinced Ins)
if that sis the sort of chaps I have act!.
• 0 ag 1,5717 T.7i ir. 7 eedom
all over .%! 4. I • i r k e whites in Ire—
land u well as- tbar nsorkin the
South ; Holy F athher, it's not 7,TM to &-
that, Whatever the. his Kraut Gorrillas
ma_ yWO about it. I'm off, as the Divil
sail& When the'hdly water touched his
fingers. Igo for Grant and liberty, every
where the world over.
Lincoln's Grave. '
4 1.
A gentleman who has .recently visited
the tomb of the martyr President gives
the following ateonnt of it:
"But the meet interading item I have I' 4:
s tto e Ihtaech iu 8 ri.! Old is nt• 14.8 '
UMW, the moos Preeident of the United
States. The cemetery is about a mile and a
half from the city, loeated upon a broken piece
of land which seems to be naturally adapted for
the purpose, being a group of beautiful knolls,
very tastefully ornamented with walks, shrub
bery, and everpeen trees, which, together with
tha t roktodcent monuments and tombstones,
has an impressive effect. Beside the path-ways
little OA of elear,told, spring water leap music
adown the steep ilopw and flow awa •
through a beautiful valley into a pi;
stream in the distance. The tomb of Abraham
Lincoln is sitnated-upon the brow of a beauti
ful knoll, and is awry Inupble, though not to
say common, structure, being walled op in
front with plain red brick, marble-lined top, with
a marble Urn on each side, and the door closed
with a marble slab, across the top of which is
cut the immortal name—‘ , Lincoln."
tlArr_l-l'EVt Al 3 RA.ni_Ltk_Ni.
raat's PlOquent Gratitude.
The magnificeurorder of General frrant
to his troops, after,their great triumphs at
LookoutZfountain and Missionary Ridge,
is perhaps the mosteloquent of all his mil
itaryt writings, We. repiini it, not only
that Ike may not be forgotten, but that
the loyal people of the South may under
stand how they will be cared for when he
is elected to the rresidency, in despite
of the efforts xf ilia same traitors who
haVe been restored by Andrew Johnson
to rights which they have shamefully
abused :
TP 0 1 8 9 1 1 E °21 1 PI,
December 10, 1863.
The General commanding takes this oppor
tunity of „returning his sincere than 4 and
congratulations to the brave armierli the
Cumberland, the Ohio, the Tennessee, and
their comrades from the l'otoinac.,..fotibe re
cent splendid and decisive successes fabieved
over the _enemy. In a short time you have :
recovereit-trom him the eontrol of the Ten►
nessee river from- Bridgeport to Knoxville.
You dislodged Sink from his great stronghold
up0n:4140404.• Mountain,. drove him froth
Chattatuxot velky l wrested. from his deter
`aatt___.. Mae- Pulses/don it Missionary
IC al &Wi th heavy hoes hini his 4 , 6-
peated ' -upOOKuaktville, forcing him
to raise-ti .e„,- Off therfl.. (PUN him at
pitinti v -utkeriV.ranted a nal (ascentlitid, be—
yond the Hl* dr the State.: • By your noble
Heroism and •dedOrmlned courage, you have
Mad% effeettua - &hated the pea* of SNP
enemy ferigainkeppesseadon.af the States of
Kentucky and Peunemee.
•!:, Tot MA sittwidtAositions from which no
rebeSfgassolgeVant drive or dislodge you.
For din &Ws the Wie#4l ,- comirtanding thanks
V.* COV~Ptiritidiriatialjy. The loyal
people OW thank and bless
you. srsiesrsjiap. .1.44/ itrayees for your suc
cess etydtaelAy '144 t/lion are with'
you daily. "Thih:ittith in po as will not be ht
Their i lirsoill not b. blasted. Their
t 104:W1444e lutswered.
talfi r goi k o Adir of strife ; and
with the inchwikk. revery and unflinching.
, lop.ol*Arlasfitee mein** which have char
nok t i legiNloititintjpilive that
enemy` can Wit est' ou, lutaVtat no de
, 11 . 00eskeek fil l y ;eatr-check your
• .(*mast
0 0 4. 411/41gr:
. ..7trge? Denrberatie rule in the
• -befoul the war, acmes like the
following Welt 111111111EiAlDr4grp
te,,t z kum, hgTe you, whipped Mo ll y as I.
" Yes, father)!
" Did you gut down the rations of the
Add baguiia
" 'father:" '
' 1 " Teu dellirer lassie's young one to
thattrader who bought it yes ay
I t' • •
" Did • qirn's 'back with salt lot
" "Die a er."
t it z og that nigger that had -
spelling • g ,- -
" Yea„-Attbeau
" What wag done up to the creek yes
terday with Att. psalm-singing abo
timid 1,110 Was caught dealing out
_papas aiggesja" -;
"•We gliv bft fbrtythllf, and Ole his:
on watt."
"Why didn't you Juvag.blin ? But
Come in t we muit s have prayer.'
Tht olOy la. -tionae thhim &yin
Sol! "
institutidn" Co vote the Dimmicrati ,
.. •
. SL
thirre ei eta Divot art de.
.641 dirt,
Maah to ha beauty', Wet,
Drairdthe rich bikmokkfai.
Hef.a league rearward.
o Ftillf a peek, half a peck, half a slbek, fully—
Ithhtte and Woolly, •
Right into die 7 liquid sir—
Rose up the rAe of WO,
Prom other heads mintiered. -
~. - Nagy astni.Ole eXt
Rode the brave bonnet
Rode, through it'wonderea.
(lariat° the right -of.*
curie to the lo[
ma* -
Curl, that wtb
re plundered, •
Whtltlkkegh the Fguitout t . " O, net"
Uur. &Althea yap Itivesquamktred 1"
rade'. not to =lie reply,
" but still
it C , 1
- 4s crsifvs
-4 boasting ytowwppgg fellow -having
'ita without twriUUon a party dining
at a restaurant, and induig. as usual
ju, bis motion,nne of the party said to
" You have told us enough of what
yen can do; now tell us something you
can't do." " .1 0 aith,". said he, " that's
easy enough; I cdn't pay my share of
the bill."
—An editor out West says he would
as soon try to get to sea on ashingle, make
a ladder of fog, chase a streak of light
ning through a crab-apple orchard, swim
h- el first u.N5,...0r set Lake
• '- .7aTto stop
lovers getting Worried when they Mkt
it - into their heads to - so.
—Mamma, why does papa tall the
evening paper an:man ?" " Became
papa wants to go to Congress, my dear,
and he can't go without 'facing the
.music.' " " What is facing the music,
mamma?" Giving 'Sanwa to the organ
grinder, my child."
—A modest young
trge t w h o was a
*on liceturir
• • - ••_•-• 'shi, it is
said,sprang out of herberth and j umped
overboard, on hearing the captain, durUg
a storm, order the mate to haul demi the
—Reader, did you ever enjoy the ecstatic
bliss of courting V You didn't ! then you
had better get a little gal-an-try.
ite hiii a
I l t Ike ! they 07--
' s ' t he 1411044.4"
* *--
, 4
—lf yon are artleverolon'a; love two
girls\ et - 0n0w... Lowe taagood thing, but
its ie *Whetter , tin warm weather—i
Won't do to ha atttoamch on hand al
--rr ot k4s.'nirseitti itblinfrigout a wonderfni
ga /ISM* A.a c tlig
ow of a house whi lie
said, "it f or* 'step thief' so na
that every - Mil heertt, I always stop tfi.
—An Irish recruit was asked by 4,
C e re r Pli ‘ eTt i lv s eC i f t i en c ,or lit ten t f o e state;
I am not szactly mare which."
• ...
, . .
, 111114
• . •
• • ":
*ll2 ZUNKaattn
Good news for the Clops. I
f FROM THE " 4 IN 1."3
w '
, 1 it
1. iia. ;4 1,. ! , f ‘ , 7 A i , .i o . It -tux Ilur.rah for • Gce . . 7 :xei Grard : With
2. They . n.r.y , :etp Juekton, or:; of Lee they, tttlttettreatitt,'While we
_ ::[~Y
' 3
',l (
—A baarwo
Later- - Not so' goat
)3, T
4,2 ;'.4.2 .131
t: 70,110.4
,A the
Notif!olliolst at a